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1537 lines
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Common Lisp
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;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; outline-regexp: ";;;;;*"; -*-
;;; swank-abcl.lisp --- Armedbear CL specific code for SLIME.
;;; Adapted from swank-acl.lisp, Andras Simon, 2004
;;; New work by Alan Ruttenberg, 2016-7
;;; This code has been placed in the Public Domain. All warranties
;;; are disclaimed.
(defpackage swank/abcl
(:use cl swank/backend)
(:import-from :java
#:jcall #:jstatic
#:jnew-array #:jarray-length #:jarray-ref #:jnew-array-from-array
#:jclass #:jnew #:java-object
;; be conservative and add any import java functions only for later lisps
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'jfield-name 'java) #:jfield-name
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'jinstance-of-p 'java) #:jinstance-of-p
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'jclass-superclass 'java) #:jclass-superclass
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'jclass-interfaces 'java) #:jclass-interfaces
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'java-exception 'java) #:java-exception
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'jobject-class 'java) #:jobject-class
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'jclass-name 'java) #:jclass-name
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'java-object-p 'java) #:java-object-p))
(in-package swank/abcl)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require :collect) ;just so that it doesn't spoil the flying letters
(require :pprint)
(require :gray-streams)
(require :abcl-contrib)
;;; Probe and load ABCL-INTROSPECT pushing to *FEATURES* on success
;;; allowing us to conditionalize usage via `#+abcl-introspect` forms.
(when (ignore-errors (and
(fboundp '(setf sys::function-plist))
(require :abcl-introspect)
(find "ABCL-INTROSPECT" *modules* :test
(pushnew :abcl-introspect *features*)))
(defimplementation gray-package-name ()
;; FIXME: switch to shared Gray stream implementation when the
;; architecture for booting streams allows us to replace the Java-side
;; implementation of a Slime{Input,Output}Stream.java classes are
;; subsumed <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/373>.
(defimplementation make-output-stream (write-string)
(ext:make-slime-output-stream write-string))
(defimplementation make-input-stream (read-string)
(ext:make-slime-input-stream read-string
(make-synonym-stream '*standard-output*))))
;;; Since Swank may also be run in a server not running under Emacs
;;; and potentially with other REPLs, we export a functional toggle
;;; for the user to call after loading these definitions.
(defun enable-cl-inspect-in-emacs ()
(swank::wrap 'cl:inspect :use-slime :replace 'swank::inspect-in-emacs))
;; ??? repair bare print object so inspector titles show java class
(defun %print-unreadable-object-java-too (object stream type identity body)
(setf stream (sys::out-synonym-of stream))
(when *print-readably*
(error 'print-not-readable :object object))
(format stream "#<")
(when type
(if (java-object-p object)
;; Special handling for java objects
(if (jinstance-of-p object "java.lang.Class")
(write-string "jclass " stream)
(format stream "~a" (jclass-name object)))
(format stream "~a" (jclass-name (jobject-class object))))
;; usual handling
(format stream "~S" (type-of object)))
(format stream " "))
(when body
(funcall body))
(when identity
(when (or body (not type))
(format stream " "))
(format stream "{~X}" (sys::identity-hash-code object)))
(format stream ">")
;;; TODO: move such invocations out of toplevel?
(eval-when (:load-toplevel)
(unless (get 'sys::%print-unreadable-object 'swank/backend::slime-wrap)
(wrap 'sys::%print-unreadable-object :more-informative :replace '%print-unreadable-object-java-too)))
(defimplementation call-with-compilation-hooks (function)
(funcall function))
;;;; MOP
;;dummies and definition
(defclass standard-slot-definition ()())
(defun slot-definition-documentation (slot)
(declare (ignore slot))
(documentation slot 't))
(defun slot-definition-type (slot)
(declare (ignore slot))
(defun class-prototype (class)
(declare (ignore class))
(defun generic-function-declarations (gf)
(declare (ignore gf))
(defun specializer-direct-methods (spec)
(mop:class-direct-methods spec))
(defun slot-definition-name (slot)
(mop:slot-definition-name slot))
(defun class-slots (class)
(mop:class-slots class))
(defun method-generic-function (method)
(mop:method-generic-function method))
(defun method-function (method)
(mop:method-function method))
(defun slot-boundp-using-class (class object slotdef)
(declare (ignore class))
(system::slot-boundp object (slot-definition-name slotdef)))
(defun slot-value-using-class (class object slotdef)
(declare (ignore class))
(system::slot-value object (slot-definition-name slotdef)))
(defun (setf slot-value-using-class) (new class object slotdef )
(declare (ignore class))
(mop::%set-slot-value object (slot-definition-name slotdef) new))
'( ;; classes
standard-slot-definition ;;dummy
'compute-applicable-methods-using-classes 'mop)
;; standard-class readers
class-prototype ;;dummy
;; eql-specializer accessors
;; generic function readers
generic-function-declarations ;;dummy
;; method readers
;; slot readers
slot-definition-documentation ;;dummy
slot-definition-type ;;dummy
'slot-makunbound-using-class 'mop)
;;;; TCP Server
(defimplementation preferred-communication-style ()
(defimplementation create-socket (host port &key backlog)
(ext:make-server-socket port))
(defimplementation local-port (socket)
(jcall (jmethod "java.net.ServerSocket" "getLocalPort") socket))
(defimplementation close-socket (socket)
(ext:server-socket-close socket))
(defimplementation accept-connection (socket
&key external-format buffering timeout)
(declare (ignore buffering timeout))
(ext:get-socket-stream (ext:socket-accept socket)
:element-type (if external-format
'(unsigned-byte 8))
:external-format (or external-format :default)))
;;;; UTF8
;; faster please!
(defimplementation string-to-utf8 (s)
(java:jmethod "java.lang.String" "getBytes" "java.lang.String")
(defimplementation utf8-to-string (u)
(java:jconstructor "org.armedbear.lisp.SimpleString"
(java:jnew (java:jconstructor "java.lang.String" "[B" "java.lang.String")
(octets-to-jbytes u)
(defun octets-to-jbytes (octets)
(declare (type octets (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))))
(let* ((len (length octets))
(bytes (java:jnew-array "byte" len)))
(loop for byte across octets
for i from 0
do (java:jstatic (java:jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Array" "setByte"
"java.lang.Object" "int" "byte")
bytes i byte))
(defun jbytes-to-octets (jbytes)
(let* ((len (java:jarray-length jbytes))
(octets (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(loop for i from 0 below len
for jbyte = (java:jarray-ref jbytes i)
do (setf (aref octets i) jbyte))
;;;; External formats
(defvar *external-format-to-coding-system*
'((:iso-8859-1 "latin-1" "iso-latin-1" "iso-8859-1")
((:iso-8859-1 :eol-style :lf)
"latin-1-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix" "iso-8859-1-unix")
(:utf-8 "utf-8")
((:utf-8 :eol-style :lf) "utf-8-unix")
(:euc-jp "euc-jp")
((:euc-jp :eol-style :lf) "euc-jp-unix")
(:us-ascii "us-ascii")
((:us-ascii :eol-style :lf) "us-ascii-unix")))
(defimplementation find-external-format (coding-system)
(car (rassoc-if (lambda (x)
(member coding-system x :test #'equal))
;;;; Unix signals
(defimplementation getpid ()
(if (fboundp 'ext::get-pid)
(ext::get-pid) ;;; Introduced with abcl-1.5.0
(let* ((runtime
(java:jstatic "getRuntime" "java.lang.Runtime"))
"java.lang.String" #("sh" "-c" "echo $PPID")))
;; Complicated because java.lang.Runtime.exec() is
;; overloaded on a non-primitive type (array of
;; java.lang.String), so we have to use the actual
;; parameter instance to get java.lang.Class
(java:jmethod "java.lang.Runtime" "exec"
(java:jmethod "java.lang.Object" "getClass")
(java:jcall runtime-exec-jmethod runtime command))
(java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.lang.Process" "getInputStream")
(java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.lang.Process" "waitFor")
(loop :with b :do
(setq b
(java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.io.InputStream" "read")
:until (member b '(-1 #x0a)) ; Either EOF or LF
:collecting (code-char b) :into result
:finally (return
(parse-integer (coerce result 'string)))))
(t () 0))))
(defimplementation lisp-implementation-type-name ()
(defimplementation set-default-directory (directory)
(let ((dir (sys::probe-directory directory)))
(when dir (setf *default-pathname-defaults* dir))
(namestring dir)))
;;;; Misc
(defimplementation arglist (fun)
(cond ((symbolp fun)
(multiple-value-bind (arglist present)
(sys::arglist fun)
(when (and (not present)
(fboundp fun)
(typep (symbol-function fun)
(setq arglist
(mop::generic-function-lambda-list (symbol-function fun))
(if present arglist :not-available)))
(t :not-available)))
(defimplementation function-name (function)
(if (fboundp 'sys::any-function-name)
;; abcl-1.5.0
(sys::any-function-name function)
;; pre abcl-1.5.0
(nth-value 2 (function-lambda-expression function))))
(defimplementation macroexpand-all (form &optional env)
(ext:macroexpand-all form env))
(defimplementation collect-macro-forms (form &optional env)
;; Currently detects only normal macros, not compiler macros.
(declare (ignore env))
(with-collected-macro-forms (macro-forms)
(handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
(compile nil `(lambda () ,(macroexpand-all form env)))))
(values macro-forms nil)))
(defimplementation describe-symbol-for-emacs (symbol)
(let ((result '()))
(flet ((doc (kind &optional (sym symbol))
(or (documentation sym kind) :not-documented))
(maybe-push (property value)
(when value
(setf result (list* property value result)))))
:variable (when (boundp symbol)
(doc 'variable)))
(when (fboundp symbol)
(cond ((macro-function symbol) :macro)
((special-operator-p symbol) :special-operator)
((typep (fdefinition symbol) 'generic-function)
(t :function))
(doc 'function)))
:class (if (find-class symbol nil)
(doc 'class)))
(defimplementation describe-definition (symbol namespace)
(ecase namespace
((:variable :macro)
(describe symbol))
((:function :generic-function)
(describe (symbol-function symbol)))
(describe (find-class symbol)))))
(defimplementation describe-definition (symbol namespace)
(ecase namespace
(describe symbol))
((:function :generic-function)
(describe (symbol-function symbol)))
(describe (find-class symbol)))))
;;;; Debugger
;; Copied from swank-sbcl.lisp.
(defvar sys::*caught-frames*)
;; Notice that *INVOKE-DEBUGGER-HOOK* is tried before *DEBUGGER-HOOK*,
;; so we have to make sure that the latter gets run when it was
;; established locally by a user (i.e. changed meanwhile.)
(defun make-invoke-debugger-hook (hook)
(lambda (condition old-hook)
(prog1 (let (#+abcl-introspect
(sys::*caught-frames* nil))
;; the next might be the right thing for earlier lisps but I don't know
;;; XXX probably doesn't work in absence of ABCL-INTROSPECT on abcl-1.4 and earlier
(let (#+abcl-introspect
(if (fboundp 'sys::new-backtrace)
(sys::new-backtrace condition)
(if *debugger-hook*
(funcall *debugger-hook* condition old-hook)
(funcall hook condition old-hook)))))))
(defimplementation call-with-debugger-hook (hook fun)
(let ((*debugger-hook* hook)
(sys::*invoke-debugger-hook* (make-invoke-debugger-hook hook)))
(funcall fun)))
(defimplementation install-debugger-globally (function)
(setq *debugger-hook* function)
(setq sys::*invoke-debugger-hook* (make-invoke-debugger-hook function)))
(defvar *sldb-topframe*)
(defimplementation call-with-debugging-environment (debugger-loop-fn)
(let* ((magic-token (intern "SWANK-DEBUGGER-HOOK" 'swank))
(second (member magic-token
#+abcl-introspect sys::*saved-backtrace*
#-abcl-introspect (sys:backtrace)
:key (lambda (frame)
(first (sys:frame-to-list frame)))))
(car sys::*saved-backtrace*)))
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol *debug-condition* 'ext)
(ext::*debug-condition* swank::*swank-debugger-condition*))
(funcall debugger-loop-fn)))
(defun backtrace (start end)
"A backtrace without initial SWANK frames."
(let ((backtrace
#+abcl-introspect sys::*saved-backtrace*
#-abcl-introspect (sys:backtrace)))
(subseq (or (member *sldb-topframe* backtrace) backtrace) start end)))
(defun nth-frame (index)
(nth index (backtrace 0 nil)))
(defimplementation compute-backtrace (start end)
(let ((end (or end most-positive-fixnum)))
(backtrace start end)))
;; Don't count on JSS being loaded, but if it is then there's some more stuff we can do
+#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'invoke-restargs 'jss)
(defun jss-p ()
(and (member "JSS" *modules* :test 'string=) (intern "INVOKE-RESTARGS" "JSS")))
+#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'invoke-restargs 'jss)
(defun matches-jss-call (form)
(flet ((gensymp (s) (and (symbolp s) (null (symbol-package s))))
(invokep (s) (and (symbolp s) (eq s (jss-p)))))
(let ((method
(((LAMBDA ((#'gensymp a) &REST (#'gensymp b))
((#'invokep fun) (#'stringp c) (#'gensymp d) (#'gensymp e) . args)) . args) '=> c)
(other nil))))
(defimplementation print-frame (frame stream)
(write-string (sys:frame-to-string frame)
;; Use princ cs write-string for lisp frames as it respects (print-object (function t))
;; Rewrite jss expansions to their unexpanded state
;; Show java exception frames up to where a java exception happened with a "!"
;; Check if a java class corresponds to a lisp function and tell us if to
(defvar *debugger-package* (find-package 'cl-user))
(defimplementation print-frame (frame stream)
;; make clear which functions aren't Common Lisp. Otherwise uses
;; default package, which is invisible
(let ((*package* (or *debugger-package* *package*)))
(if (typep frame 'sys::lisp-stack-frame)
(if (not (jss-p))
(princ (system:frame-to-list frame) stream)
;; rewrite jss forms as they would be written
(let ((form (system:frame-to-list frame)))
(if (eq (car form) (jss-p))
(format stream "(#~s ~{~s~^~})" (second form) (list* (third form) (fourth form)))
(loop initially (write-char #\( stream)
for (el . rest) on form
for method = (swank/abcl::matches-jss-call el)
(cond (method
(format stream "(#~s ~{~s~^~})" method (cdr el)))
(prin1 el stream)))
(unless (null rest) (write-char #\space stream))
finally (write-char #\) stream)))))
(let ((classname (getf (sys:frame-to-list frame) :class)))
(if (and (fboundp 'sys::javaframe)
(member (sys::javaframe frame) sys::*caught-frames* :test 'equal))
(write-string "! " stream))
(write-string (sys:frame-to-string frame) stream)
(if (and classname (sys::java-class-lisp-function classname))
(format stream " = ~a" (sys::java-class-lisp-function classname)))))))
;;; FIXME can't seem to use FLET forms with DEFIMPLEMENTATION --ME 20150403
(defun nth-frame-list (index)
(jcall "toLispList" (nth-frame index)))
(defun match-lambda (operator values)
(jvm::parse-lambda-list (ext:arglist operator)))
(defimplementation frame-locals (index)
(let ((frame (nth-frame index)))
;; FIXME introspect locals in SYS::JAVA-STACK-FRAME
(when (typep frame 'sys::lisp-stack-frame)
:for id :upfrom 0
:with frame = (nth-frame-list index)
:with operator = (first frame)
:with values = (rest frame)
:with arglist = (if (and operator (consp values) (not (null values)))
(handler-case (match-lambda operator values)
(jvm::lambda-list-mismatch (e) (declare(ignore e))
:for value :in values
:collecting (list
:name (if (not (keywordp arglist))
(first (nth id arglist))
(format nil "arg~A" id))
:id id
:value value)))))
(defimplementation frame-var-value (index id)
(elt (rest (jcall "toLispList" (nth-frame index))) id))
(defimplementation disassemble-frame (index)
(sys::disassemble (frame-function (nth-frame index))))
(defun frame-function (frame)
(let ((list (sys::frame-to-list frame)))
((keywordp (car list))
(find (getf list :method)
(jcall "getDeclaredMethods" (jclass (getf list :class)))
:key (lambda(e)(jcall "getName" e)) :test 'equal))
(t (car list) ))))
(defimplementation frame-source-location (index)
(let ((frame (nth-frame index)))
(or (source-location (nth-frame index))
`(:error ,(format nil "No source for frame: ~a" frame)))))
;;;; Compiler hooks
(defvar *buffer-name* nil)
(defvar *buffer-start-position*)
(defvar *buffer-string*)
(defvar *compile-filename*)
(defvar *abcl-signaled-conditions*)
(defun handle-compiler-warning (condition)
(let ((loc (when (and jvm::*compile-file-pathname*
(cons jvm::*compile-file-pathname* system::*source-position*))))
;; filter condition signaled more than once.
(unless (member condition *abcl-signaled-conditions*)
(push condition *abcl-signaled-conditions*)
(signal 'compiler-condition
:original-condition condition
:severity :warning
:message (format nil "~A" condition)
:location (cond (*buffer-name*
(list :buffer *buffer-name*)
(list :offset *buffer-start-position* 0)))
(destructuring-bind (file . pos) loc
(list :file (namestring (truename file)))
(list :position (1+ pos)))))
(list :file (namestring *compile-filename*))
(list :position 1))))))))
(defimplementation swank-compile-file (input-file output-file
load-p external-format
&key policy)
(declare (ignore external-format policy))
(let ((jvm::*resignal-compiler-warnings* t)
(*abcl-signaled-conditions* nil))
(handler-bind ((warning #'handle-compiler-warning))
(let ((*buffer-name* nil)
(*compile-filename* input-file))
(multiple-value-bind (fn warn fail)
(compile-file input-file :output-file output-file)
(values fn warn
(and fn load-p
(not (load fn)))))))))
(defimplementation swank-compile-string (string &key buffer position filename
line column policy)
(declare (ignore filename line column policy))
(let ((jvm::*resignal-compiler-warnings* t)
(*abcl-signaled-conditions* nil))
(handler-bind ((warning #'handle-compiler-warning))
(let ((*buffer-name* buffer)
(*buffer-start-position* position)
(*buffer-string* string)
(sys::*source* (make-pathname :device "emacs-buffer" :name buffer))
(sys::*source-position* position))
(funcall (compile nil (read-from-string
(format nil "(~S () ~A)" 'lambda string))))
;; source location and users of it
(defgeneric source-location (object))
;; try to find some kind of source for internals
(defun implementation-source-location (arg)
(let ((function (cond ((functionp arg)
((and (symbolp arg) (fboundp arg))
(or (symbol-function arg) (macro-function arg))))))
(when (typep function 'generic-function)
(setf function (mop::funcallable-instance-function function)))
;; functions are execute methods of class
(when (or (functionp function) (special-operator-p arg))
(let ((fclass (jcall "getClass" function)))
(let ((classname (jcall "getName" fclass)))
(destructuring-bind (class local)
(if (find #\$ classname)
(split-string classname "\\$")
(list classname (jcall "replaceFirst" classname "([^.]*\\.)*" "")))
(unless (member local '("MacroObject" "CompiledClosure" "Closure") :test 'equal)
;; look for java source
(let* ((partial-path (substitute #\/ #\. class))
(java-path (concatenate 'string partial-path ".java"))
(found-in-source-path (find-file-in-path java-path *source-path*)))
;; snippet for finding the internal class within the file
(if found-in-source-path
`((:primitive ,local)
(:location ,found-in-source-path
(:line 0)
(:snippet ,(format nil "class ~a" local))))
;; if not, look for the class file, and hope that
;; emacs is configured to disassemble class entries
;; in jars.
;; Alan uses jdc.el
;; <https://github.com/m0smith/dotfiles/blob/master/.emacs.d/site-lisp/jdc.el>
;; with jad <https://github.com/moparisthebest/jad>
;; Also (setq sys::*disassembler* "jad -a -p")
(let ((class-in-source-path
(find-file-in-path (concatenate 'string partial-path ".class") *source-path*)))
;; no snippet, since internal class is in its own file
(when class-in-source-path
`(:primitive (:location ,class-in-source-path (:line 0) nil)))))))))))))
(defun get-declared-field (class fieldname)
(find fieldname (jcall "getDeclaredFields" class) :key 'jfield-name :test 'equal))
(defun symbol-defined-in-java (symbol)
(loop with internal-name1 = (jcall "replaceAll" (jcall "replaceAll" (string symbol) "\\*" "") "-" "_")
with internal-name2 = (jcall "replaceAll" (jcall "replaceAll" (string symbol) "\\*" "_") "-" "_")
for class in
(load-time-value (mapcar
(or (get-declared-field class internal-name1)
(get-declared-field class internal-name2))))
(defun maybe-implementation-variable (s)
(let ((field (symbol-defined-in-java s)))
(and field
(let ((class (jcall "getName" (jcall "getDeclaringClass" field))))
(let* ((partial-path (substitute #\/ #\. class))
(java-path (concatenate 'string partial-path ".java"))
(found-in-source-path (find-file-in-path java-path *source-path*)))
(when found-in-source-path
`(symbol (:location ,found-in-source-path (:line 0)
(:snippet ,(format nil "~s" (string s)))))))))))
(defun if-we-have-to-choose-one-choose-the-function (sources)
(or (loop for spec in sources
for (dspec) = spec
when (and (consp dspec) (eq (car dspec) :function))
when (and (consp dspec) (member (car dspec) '(:swank-implementation :function)))
do (return-from if-we-have-to-choose-one-choose-the-function spec))
(car sources)))
(defmethod source-location ((symbol symbol))
(or #+abcl-introspect
(let ((maybe (if-we-have-to-choose-one-choose-the-function (get symbol 'sys::source))))
(and maybe (second (slime-location-from-source-annotation symbol maybe))))
;; This below should be obsolete - it uses the old sys:%source
;; leave it here for now just in case
(and (pathnamep (ext:source-pathname symbol))
(let ((pos (ext:source-file-position symbol))
(path (namestring (ext:source-pathname symbol))))
; boot.lisp gets recorded wrong
(when (equal path "boot.lisp")
(setq path (second (find-file-in-path "org/armedbear/lisp/boot.lisp" *source-path*))))
(cond ((ext:pathname-jar-p path)
;; strip off "jar:file:" = 9 characters
(:zip ,@(split-string (subseq path (length "jar:file:")) "!/"))
;; pos never seems right. Use function name.
(:function-name ,(string symbol))
(:align t)))
((equal (pathname-device (ext:source-pathname symbol)) "emacs-buffer")
;; conspire with swank-compile-string to keep the buffer
;; name in a pathname whose device is "emacs-buffer".
(:buffer ,(pathname-name (ext:source-pathname symbol)))
(:function-name ,(string symbol))
(:align t)))
(:file ,path)
,(if pos
(list :position (1+ pos))
(list :function-name (string symbol)))
(:align t))))))
(second (implementation-source-location symbol))))
(defmethod source-location ((frame sys::java-stack-frame))
(destructuring-bind (&key class method file line) (sys:frame-to-list frame)
(declare (ignore method))
(let ((file (or (find-file-in-path file *source-path*)
(let ((f (format nil "~{~a/~}~a"
(butlast (split-string class "\\."))
(find-file-in-path f *source-path*)))))
(and file
`(:location ,file (:line ,line) ())))))
(defmethod source-location ((frame sys::lisp-stack-frame))
(destructuring-bind (operator &rest args) (sys:frame-to-list frame)
(declare (ignore args))
(etypecase operator
(function (source-location operator))
(list nil)
(symbol (source-location operator)))))
(defmethod source-location ((fun function))
(if #+abcl-introspect
(sys::local-function-p fun)
(source-location (sys::local-function-owner fun))
(let ((name (function-name fun)))
(and name (source-location name)))))
(defmethod source-location ((method method))
(let ((found
(find `(:method ,@(sys::method-spec-list method))
(get (function-name method) 'sys::source)
:key 'car :test 'equalp)))
(and found (second (slime-location-from-source-annotation (function-name method) found))))
(let ((name (function-name fun)))
(and name (source-location name))))
(defun system-property (name)
(jstatic "getProperty" "java.lang.System" name))
(defun pathname-parent (pathname)
(make-pathname :directory (butlast (pathname-directory pathname))))
(defun pathname-absolute-p (pathname)
(eq (car (pathname-directory pathname)) ':absolute))
(defun split-string (string regexp)
(jcall (jmethod "java.lang.String" "split" "java.lang.String")
string regexp)
(defun path-separator ()
(jfield "java.io.File" "pathSeparator"))
(defun search-path-property (prop-name)
(let ((string (system-property prop-name)))
(and string
(remove nil
(mapcar #'truename
(split-string string (path-separator)))))))
(defun jdk-source-path ()
(let* ((jre-home (truename (system-property "java.home")))
(src-zip (merge-pathnames "src.zip" (pathname-parent jre-home)))
(truename (probe-file src-zip)))
(and truename (list truename))))
(defun class-path ()
(append (search-path-property "java.class.path")
(search-path-property "sun.boot.class.path")))
(defvar *source-path*
(remove nil
(append (search-path-property "user.dir")
;; include lib jar files. contrib has lisp code. Would be good to build abcl.jar with source code as well
(list (sys::find-system-jar)
;; you should tell slime where the abcl sources are. In .swank.lisp I have:
;; (push (probe-file "/Users/alanr/repos/abcl/src/") *SOURCE-PATH*)
"List of directories to search for source files.")
(defun zipfile-contains-p (zipfile-name entry-name)
(let ((zipfile (jnew (jconstructor "java.util.zip.ZipFile"
(jmethod "java.util.zip.ZipFile" "getEntry" "java.lang.String")
zipfile entry-name)))
;; Try to find FILENAME in PATH. If found, return a file spec as
;; needed by Emacs. We also look in zip files.
(defun find-file-in-path (filename path)
(labels ((try (dir)
(cond ((not (pathname-type dir))
(let ((f (probe-file (merge-pathnames filename dir))))
(and f `(:file ,(namestring f)))))
((member (pathname-type dir) '("zip" "jar") :test 'equal)
(try-zip dir))
(t (error "strange path element: ~s" path))))
(try-zip (zip)
(let* ((zipfile-name (namestring (truename zip))))
(and (zipfile-contains-p zipfile-name filename)
,zipfile-name ,filename)))))
(cond ((pathname-absolute-p filename) (probe-file filename))
(loop for dir in path
if (try dir) return it)))))
(defparameter *definition-types*
'(:variable defvar
:constant defconstant
:type deftype
:symbol-macro define-symbol-macro
:macro defmacro
:compiler-macro define-compiler-macro
:function defun
:generic-function defgeneric
:method defmethod
:setf-expander define-setf-expander
:structure defstruct
:condition define-condition
:class defclass
:method-combination define-method-combination
:package defpackage
:transform :deftransform
:optimizer :defoptimizer
:vop :define-vop
:source-transform :define-source-transform
:ir1-convert :def-ir1-translator
:declaration declaim
:alien-type :define-alien-type)
"Map SB-INTROSPECT definition type names to Slime-friendly forms")
(defun definition-specifier (type)
"Return a pretty specifier for NAME representing a definition of type TYPE."
(or (if (and (consp type) (getf *definition-types* (car type)))
`(,(getf *definition-types* (car type)) ,(second type) ,@(third type) ,@(cdddr type))
(getf *definition-types* type))
(defun stringify-method-specs (type)
"return a (:method ..) location for slime"
(let ((*print-case* :downcase))
(flet ((p (a) (princ-to-string a)))
(destructuring-bind (name qualifiers specializers) (cdr type)
`(,(car type) ,(p name) ,(mapcar #'p specializers) ,@(mapcar #'p qualifiers))))))
;; for abcl source, check if it is still there, and if not, look in abcl jar instead
(defun maybe-redirect-to-jar (path)
(setq path (namestring path))
(if (probe-file path)
(if (search "/org/armedbear/lisp" path :test 'string=)
(let ((jarpath (format nil "jar:file:~a!~a" (namestring (sys::find-system-jar))
(subseq path (search "/org/armedbear/lisp" path)))))
(if (probe-file jarpath)
(defimplementation find-definitions (symbol)
(ext:resolve symbol)
(let ((srcloc (source-location symbol)))
(and srcloc `((,symbol ,srcloc)))))
(defimplementation find-definitions (symbol)
(when (stringp symbol)
;; allow a string to be passed. If it is package prefixed, remove the prefix
(setq symbol (intern (string-upcase
(subseq symbol (1+ (or (position #\: symbol :from-end t) -1))))
(let ((sources nil)
(implementation-variables nil)
(implementation-functions nil))
(loop for package in (list-all-packages)
for sym = (find-symbol (string symbol) package)
when (and sym (equal (symbol-package sym) package))
(when (sys::autoloadp symbol)
(sys::resolve symbol))
(let ((source (or (get sym 'ext::source) (get sym 'sys::source)))
(i-var (maybe-implementation-variable sym))
(i-fun (implementation-source-location sym)))
(when source
(setq sources (append sources (or (get sym 'ext::source) (get sym 'sys::source)))))
(when i-var
(push i-var implementation-variables))
(when i-fun
(push i-fun implementation-functions))))
(setq sources (remove-duplicates sources :test 'equalp))
(append (remove-duplicates implementation-functions :test 'equalp)
(mapcar (lambda(s) (slime-location-from-source-annotation symbol s)) sources)
(remove-duplicates implementation-variables :test 'equalp))))
(defun slime-location-from-source-annotation (sym it)
(destructuring-bind (what path pos) it
(let* ((isfunction
;; all of these are (defxxx forms, which is what :function locations look for in slime
(and (consp what) (member (car what)
'(:function :generic-function :macro :class :compiler-macro
:type :constant :variable :package :structure :condition))))
(ismethod (and (consp what) (eq (car what) :method)))
(<position> (cond (isfunction (list :function-name (princ-to-string (second what))))
(ismethod (stringify-method-specs what))
(t (list :position (1+ (or pos 0))))))
(path2 (if (eq path :top-level)
;; this is bogus - figure out some way to guess which is the repl associated with :toplevel
;; or get rid of this
(maybe-redirect-to-jar path))))
(when (atom what)
(setq what (list what sym)))
(list (definition-specifier what)
(if (ext:pathname-jar-p path2)
(:zip ,@(split-string (subseq path2 (length "jar:file:")) "!/"))
;; pos never seems right. Use function name.
(:align t))
;; conspire with swank-compile-string to keep the
;; buffer name in a pathname whose device is
;; "emacs-buffer".
(if (eql 0 (search "emacs-buffer:" path2))
(:buffer ,(subseq path2 (load-time-value (length "emacs-buffer:"))))
(:align t))
(:file ,path2)
(:align t))))))))
(defimplementation list-callers (thing)
(loop for caller in (sys::callers thing)
when (typep caller 'method)
append (let ((name (mop:generic-function-name
(mop:method-generic-function caller))))
(mapcar (lambda(s) (slime-location-from-source-annotation thing s))
(remove `(:method ,@(sys::method-spec-list caller))
(if (consp name) (second name) name)
:key 'car :test-not 'equalp)))
when (symbolp caller)
append (mapcar (lambda(s) (slime-location-from-source-annotation caller s))
(get caller 'sys::source))))
;;;; Inspecting
;;; BEGIN FIXME move into generalized Swank infrastructure, or add to contrib mechanism
;; this is only for hyperspec request in an inspector window
;; TODO have slime-hyperspec-lookup respect this variable too
(defvar *slime-inspector-hyperspec-in-browser* t
"If t then invoking hyperspec within the inspector browses the hyperspec in an emacs buffer, otherwise respecting the value of browse-url-browser-function")
(defun hyperspec-do (name)
(let ((form `(let ((browse-url-browser-function
,(if *slime-inspector-hyperspec-in-browser*
'(lambda(a v) (eww a))
(slime-hyperdoc-lookup ,name))))
(swank::eval-in-emacs form t)))
;;; END FIXME move into generalized Swank infrastructure, or add to contrib mechanism
;;; Although by convention toString() is supposed to be a
;;; non-computationally expensive operation this isn't always the
;;; case, so make its computation a user interaction.
(defparameter *to-string-hashtable* (make-hash-table :weakness :key))
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o t))
(let* ((type (type-of o))
(class (ignore-errors (find-class type)))
(jclass (and (typep class 'sys::built-in-class)
(jcall "getClass" o))))
(let ((parts (sys:inspected-parts o)))
`((:label "Type: ") (:value ,(or class type)) (:Newline)
,@(if jclass
`((:label "Java type: ") (:value ,jclass) (:newline)))
,@(if parts
(loop :for (label . value) :in parts
:appending (list
(list :label (string-capitalize label))
": "
(list :value value (princ-to-string value)) '(:newline)))
(list '(:label "No inspectable parts, dumping output of CL:DESCRIBE:")
(with-output-to-string (desc) (describe o desc))))))))
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((string string))
'(:label "Value: ") `(:value ,string ,(concatenate 'string "\"" string "\"")) '(:newline)
#+abcl-introspect ;; ??? This doesn't appear depend on ABCL-INTROSPECT. Why disable?
`(:action "[Edit in emacs buffer]" ,(lambda() (swank::ed-in-emacs `(:string ,string))))
(if (ignore-errors (jclass string))
`(:line "Names java class" ,(jclass string))
(if (and (jss-p)
(stringp (funcall (intern "LOOKUP-CLASS-NAME" :jss) string :return-ambiguous t :muffle-warning t)))
(:label "Abbreviates java class: ")
,(let ((it (funcall (intern "LOOKUP-CLASS-NAME" :jss) string :return-ambiguous t :muffle-warning t)))
`(:value ,(jclass it)))
(if (ignore-errors (find-package (string-upcase string)))
`(:line "Names package" ,(find-package (string-upcase string)))
(let ((symbols (loop for p in (list-all-packages)
for found = (find-symbol (string-upcase string))
when (and found (eq (symbol-package found) p)
(or (fboundp found)
(boundp found)
(symbol-plist found)
(ignore-errors (find-class found))))
collect found)))
(if symbols
`(:multiple (:label "Names symbols: ")
,@(loop for s in symbols
(Let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
`(:value ,s ,(prin1-to-string s))) collect " ") (:newline))
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'java-exception 'java)
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o java:java-exception))
(append (call-next-method)
(list '(:newline) '(:label "Stack trace")
(let ((w (jnew "java.io.StringWriter")))
(jcall "printStackTrace" (java:java-exception-cause o) (jnew "java.io.PrintWriter" w))
(jcall "toString" w)))))
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((slot mop::slot-definition))
`("Name: "
(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-name slot))
"Documentation:" (:newline)
,@(when (slot-definition-documentation slot)
`((:value ,(slot-definition-documentation slot)) (:newline)))
"Initialization:" (:newline)
(:label " Args: ") (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) (:newline)
(:label " Form: ") ,(if (mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot)
`(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
"#<unspecified>") (:newline)
(:label " Function: ")
(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((f function))
`(,@(when (function-name f)
`((:label "Name: ")
,(princ-to-string (sys::any-function-name f)) (:newline)))
,@(multiple-value-bind (args present) (sys::arglist f)
(when present
`((:label "Argument list: ")
,(princ-to-string args)
,@(when (documentation f t)
`("Documentation:" (:newline)
,(documentation f t) (:newline)))
,@(when (function-lambda-expression f)
`((:label "Lambda expression:")
(:newline) ,(princ-to-string
(function-lambda-expression f)) (:newline)))
(:label "Function java class: ") (:value ,(jcall "getClass" f)) (:newline)
,@(when (jcall "isInstance" (java::jclass "org.armedbear.lisp.CompiledClosure") f)
`((:label "Closed over: ")
for el in (sys::compiled-closure-context f)
collect `(:value ,el)
collect " ")
,@(when (sys::get-loaded-from f)
(list `(:label "Defined in: ")
`(:value ,(sys::get-loaded-from f) ,(namestring (sys::get-loaded-from f)))
;; I think this should work in older lisps too -- alanr
,@(let ((fields (jcall "getDeclaredFields" (jcall "getClass" f))))
(when (plusp (length fields))
(list* '(:label "Internal fields: ") '(:newline)
(loop for field across fields
do (jcall "setAccessible" field t) ;;; not a great idea esp. wrt. Java9
(let ((value (jcall "get" field f)))
(list " "
`(:label ,(jcall "getName" field))
": "
`(:value ,value ,(princ-to-string value))
,@(when (and (function-name f) (symbolp (function-name f))
(eq (symbol-package (function-name f)) (find-package :cl)))
(list '(:newline) (list :action "Lookup in hyperspec"
(lambda () (hyperspec-do (symbol-name (function-name f))))
:refreshp nil)
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o java:java-object))
(if (jinstance-of-p o (jclass "java.lang.Class"))
(emacs-inspect-java-class o)
(emacs-inspect-java-object o)))
(defvar *slime-tostring-on-demand* nil
"Set to t if you don't want to automatically show toString() for java objects and instead have inspector action to compute")
(defun static-field? (field)
;; (plusp (logand #"reflect.Modifier.STATIC" (jcall "getModifiers" field)))
;; ugly replace with answer to avoid using jss
(plusp (logand 8 (jcall "getModifiers" field))))
(defun inspector-java-object-fields (object)
for super = (java::jobject-class object) then (jclass-superclass super)
while super
;;; NOTE: In the next line, if I write #'(lambda.... then I
;;; get an error compiling "Attempt to throw to the
;;; nonexistent tag DUPLICATABLE-CODE-P.". WTF
for fields
= (sort (jcall "getDeclaredFields" super) 'string-lessp :key (lambda(x) (jcall "getName" x)))
for fromline
= nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super ,(jcall "getName" super)) '(:newline))
when (and (plusp (length fields)) fromline)
append fromline
(loop for this across fields
for value = (jcall "get" (progn (jcall "setAccessible" this t) this) object)
for line = `(" " (:label ,(jcall "getName" this)) ": " (:value ,value) (:newline))
if (static-field? this)
append line into statics
else append line into members
finally (return (append
(if members `((:label "Member fields: ") (:newline) ,@members))
(if statics `((:label "Static fields: ") (:newline) ,@statics)))))))
(defun emacs-inspect-java-object (object)
(let ((to-string (lambda ()
(setf (gethash object *to-string-hashtable*)
(jcall "toString" object))
(t (e)
(setf (gethash object *to-string-hashtable*)
(format nil
"Could not invoke toString(): ~A"
(intended-class (cdr (assoc "intendedClass" (sys::inspected-parts object)
:test 'equal))))
`((:label "Class: ")
(:value ,(jcall "getClass" object) ,(jcall "getName" (jcall "getClass" object) )) (:newline)
,@(if (and intended-class (not (equal intended-class (jcall "getName" (jcall "getClass" object)))))
`((:label "Intended Class: ")
(:value ,(jclass intended-class) ,intended-class) (:newline)))
,@(if (or (gethash object *to-string-hashtable*) (not *slime-tostring-on-demand*))
(label-value-line "toString()" (funcall to-string))
`((:action "[compute toString()]" ,to-string) (:newline)))
,@(inspector-java-object-fields object))))
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((slot mop::slot-definition))
`("Name: "
(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-name slot))
"Documentation:" (:newline)
,@(when (slot-definition-documentation slot)
`((:value ,(slot-definition-documentation slot)) (:newline)))
(:label "Initialization:") (:newline)
(:label " Args: ") (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) (:newline)
(:label " Form: ")
,(if (mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot)
`(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
"#<unspecified>") (:newline)
" Function: "
(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
(defun inspector-java-fields (class)
for super
= class then (jclass-superclass super)
while super
for fields
= (jcall "getDeclaredFields" super)
for fromline
= nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super ,(jcall "getName" super)) '(:newline))
when (and (plusp (length fields)) fromline)
append fromline
(loop for this across fields
for pre = (subseq (jcall "toString" this)
(1+ (position #\. (jcall "toString" this) :from-end t)))
collect " "
collect (list :value this pre)
collect (list :value this (jcall "getName" this) )
collect '(:newline))))
(defun inspector-java-methods (class)
for super
= class then (jclass-superclass super)
while super
for methods
= (jcall "getDeclaredMethods" super)
for fromline
= nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super ,(jcall "getName" super)) '(:newline))
when (and (plusp (length methods)) fromline)
append fromline
(loop for this across methods
for desc = (jcall "toString" this)
for paren = (position #\( desc)
for dot = (position #\. (subseq desc 0 paren) :from-end t)
for pre = (subseq desc 0 dot)
for name = (subseq desc dot paren)
for after = (subseq desc paren)
collect " "
collect (list :value this pre)
collect (list :value this name)
collect (list :value this after)
collect '(:newline))))
(defun emacs-inspect-java-class (class)
(let ((has-superclasses (jclass-superclass class))
(has-interfaces (plusp (length (jclass-interfaces class))))
(fields (inspector-java-fields class))
(path (jcall "replaceFirst"
(jcall "replaceFirst"
(jcall "toString" (jcall "getResource"
(concatenate 'string
"/" (substitute #\/ #\. (jcall "getName" class))
"jar:file:" "") "!.*" "")))
`((:label ,(format nil "Java Class: ~a" (jcall "getName" class) ))
,@(when path (list `(:label ,"Loaded from: ")
`(:value ,path)
" "
`(:action "[open in emacs buffer]" ,(lambda() (swank::ed-in-emacs `( ,path)))) '(:newline)))
,@(if has-superclasses
(list* '(:label "Superclasses: ") (butlast (loop for super = (jclass-superclass class) then (jclass-superclass super)
while super collect (list :value super (jcall "getName" super)) collect ", "))))
,@(if has-interfaces
(list* '(:newline) '(:label "Implements Interfaces: ")
(butlast (loop for i across (jclass-interfaces class) collect (list :value i (jcall "getName" i)) collect ", "))))
(:newline) (:label "Methods:") (:newline)
,@(inspector-java-methods class)
,@(if fields
'(:newline) '(:label "Fields:") '(:newline)
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((object sys::structure-object))
`((:label "Type: ") (:value ,(type-of object)) (:newline)
(:label "Class: ") (:value ,(class-of object)) (:newline)
,@(inspector-structure-slot-names-and-values object)))
(defun inspector-structure-slot-names-and-values (structure)
(let ((structure-def (get (type-of structure) 'system::structure-definition)))
(if structure-def
`((:label "Slots: ") (:newline)
,@(loop for slotdef in (sys::dd-slots structure-def)
for name = (sys::dsd-name slotdef)
for reader = (sys::dsd-reader slotdef)
for value = (eval `(,reader ,structure))
`(" " (:label ,(string-downcase (string name))) ": " (:value ,value) (:newline))))
`("No slots available for inspection."))))
(defmethod emacs-inspect ((object sys::structure-class))
(let* ((name (jss::get-java-field object "name" t))
(def (get name 'system::structure-definition)))
`((:label "Class: ") (:value ,object) (:newline)
(:label "Raw defstruct definition: ") (:value ,def ,(let ((*print-array* nil)) (prin1-to-string def))) (:newline)
,@(parts-for-structure-def name)
;; copy-paste from swank fancy inspector
,@(when (swank-mop:specializer-direct-methods object)
`((:label "It is used as a direct specializer in the following methods:")
for method in (specializer-direct-methods object)
for method-spec = (swank::method-for-inspect-value method)
collect " "
collect `(:value ,method ,(string-downcase (string (car method-spec))))
collect `(:value ,method ,(format nil " (~{~a~^ ~})" (cdr method-spec)))
append (let ((method method))
`(" " (:action "[remove]"
,(lambda () (remove-method (swank-mop::method-generic-function method) method)))))
collect '(:newline)
if (documentation method t)
collect " Documentation: " and
collect (swank::abbrev-doc (documentation method t)) and
collect '(:newline)))))))
(defun parts-for-structure-def-slot (def)
`((:label ,(string-downcase (sys::dsd-name def))) " reader: " (:value ,(sys::dsd-reader def) ,(string-downcase (string (sys::dsdreader def))))
", index: " (:value ,(sys::dsd-index def))
,@(if (sys::dsd-initform def)
`(", initform: " (:value ,(sys::dsd-initform def))))
,@(if (sys::dsd-read-only def)
'(", Read only"))))
(defun parts-for-structure-def (name)
(let ((structure-def (get name 'system::structure-definition )))
(loop for accessor in '(dd-name dd-conc-name dd-default-constructor dd-constructors dd-copier dd-include dd-type
dd-named dd-initial-offset dd-predicate dd-print-function dd-print-object
for key = (intern (subseq (string accessor) 3) 'keyword)
for fsym = (find-symbol (string accessor) 'system)
for value = (eval `(,fsym ,structure-def))
append `((:label ,(string-capitalize (string key))) ": " (:value ,value) (:newline)))
(let* ((direct (sys::dd-direct-slots structure-def) )
(all (sys::dd-slots structure-def))
(inherited (set-difference all direct)))
`((:label "Direct slots: ") (:newline)
,@(loop for slotdef in direct
append `(" " ,@(parts-for-structure-def-slot slotdef)
,@(if inherited
(append '((:label "Inherited slots: ") (:newline))
(loop for slotdef in inherited
append `(" " (:label ,(string-downcase (string (sys::dsd-name slotdef))))
(:value ,slotdef "slot definition")
;;;; Multithreading
(defimplementation spawn (fn &key name)
(threads:make-thread (lambda () (funcall fn)) :name name))
(defvar *thread-plists* (make-hash-table) ; should be a weak table
"A hashtable mapping threads to a plist.")
(defvar *thread-id-counter* 0)
(defimplementation thread-id (thread)
(threads:synchronized-on *thread-plists*
(or (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id)
(setf (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id)
(incf *thread-id-counter*)))))
(defimplementation find-thread (id)
(find id (all-threads)
:key (lambda (thread)
(getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id))))
(defimplementation thread-name (thread)
(threads:thread-name thread))
(defimplementation thread-status (thread)
(format nil "Thread is ~:[dead~;alive~]" (threads:thread-alive-p thread)))
(defimplementation make-lock (&key name)
(declare (ignore name))
(defimplementation call-with-lock-held (lock function)
(threads:with-thread-lock (lock) (funcall function)))
(defimplementation current-thread ()
(defimplementation all-threads ()
(copy-list (threads:mapcar-threads #'identity)))
(defimplementation thread-alive-p (thread)
(member thread (all-threads)))
(defimplementation interrupt-thread (thread fn)
(threads:interrupt-thread thread fn))
(defimplementation kill-thread (thread)
(threads:destroy-thread thread))
(defstruct mailbox
(queue '()))
(defun mailbox (thread)
"Return THREAD's mailbox."
(threads:synchronized-on *thread-plists*
(or (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'mailbox)
(setf (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'mailbox)
(defimplementation send (thread message)
(let ((mbox (mailbox thread)))
(threads:synchronized-on mbox
(setf (mailbox-queue mbox)
(nconc (mailbox-queue mbox) (list message)))
(threads:object-notify-all mbox))))
(defimplementation receive-if (test &optional timeout)
(let* ((mbox (mailbox (current-thread))))
(assert (or (not timeout) (eq timeout t)))
(threads:synchronized-on mbox
(let* ((q (mailbox-queue mbox))
(tail (member-if test q)))
(when tail
(setf (mailbox-queue mbox) (nconc (ldiff q tail) (cdr tail)))
(return (car tail)))
(when (eq timeout t) (return (values nil t)))
(threads:object-wait mbox 0.3))))))
(defimplementation quit-lisp ()
;; FIXME probably should be promoted to other lisps but I don't want to mess with them
(defvar *inspector-print-case* *print-case*)
(defimplementation call-with-syntax-hooks (fn)
(let ((*print-case* *inspector-print-case*))
(funcall fn)))
#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'package-local-nicknames 'ext)
(defimplementation package-local-nicknames (package)
(ext:package-local-nicknames package))
;; all the defimplentations aren't compiled. Compile them. Set their
;; function name to be the same as the implementation name so
;; meta-. works.
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
(loop for s in swank-backend::*interface-functions*
for impl = (get s 'swank-backend::implementation)
do (when (and impl (not (compiled-function-p impl)))
(let ((name (gensym)))
(compile name impl)
(let ((compiled (symbol-function name)))
(system::%set-lambda-name compiled (second (sys::lambda-name impl)))
(setf (get s 'swank-backend::implementation) compiled))))))