2018-12-17 19:28:27 +08:00
" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
2016-07-03 19:53:59 +08:00
let s:current_file = expand("<sfile>")
2016-12-27 22:46:49 +08:00
function! go#template#create() abort
2018-06-14 18:31:12 +08:00
let l:go_template_use_pkg = go#config#TemplateUsePkg()
2016-07-03 19:53:59 +08:00
let l:root_dir = fnamemodify(s:current_file, ':h:h:h')
let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd '
let dir = getcwd()
2018-02-04 19:35:08 +08:00
let l:package_name = -1
2016-07-03 19:53:59 +08:00
2018-02-04 19:35:08 +08:00
if isdirectory(expand('%:p:h'))
execute cd . fnameescape(expand('%:p:h'))
let l:package_name = go#tool#PackageName()
2016-07-03 19:53:59 +08:00
" if we can't figure out any package name(no Go files or non Go package
2016-12-27 22:46:49 +08:00
" files) from the directory create the template or use the cwd
" as the name
if l:package_name == -1 && l:go_template_use_pkg != 1
2017-07-06 20:57:35 +08:00
let l:filename = fnamemodify(expand("%"), ':t')
if l:filename =~ "_test.go$"
2018-06-14 18:31:12 +08:00
let l:template_file = go#config#TemplateTestFile()
2017-07-06 20:57:35 +08:00
2018-06-14 18:31:12 +08:00
let l:template_file = go#config#TemplateFile()
2017-07-06 20:57:35 +08:00
2016-07-03 19:53:59 +08:00
let l:template_path = go#util#Join(l:root_dir, "templates", l:template_file)
2018-03-31 22:56:26 +08:00
silent exe 'keepalt 0r ' . fnameescape(l:template_path)
2016-12-27 22:46:49 +08:00
elseif l:package_name == -1 && l:go_template_use_pkg == 1
" cwd is now the dir of the package
let l:path = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t')
let l:content = printf("package %s", l:path)
call append(0, l:content)
2016-08-02 20:48:32 +08:00
2016-07-03 19:53:59 +08:00
let l:content = printf("package %s", l:package_name)
call append(0, l:content)
2017-07-06 20:57:35 +08:00
$delete _
2016-07-03 19:53:59 +08:00
execute cd . fnameescape(dir)
2016-12-27 22:46:49 +08:00
function! go#template#ToggleAutoCreate() abort
2018-06-14 18:31:12 +08:00
if go#config#TemplateAutocreate()
call go#config#SetTemplateAutocreate(0)
2016-08-02 20:48:32 +08:00
call go#util#EchoProgress("auto template create disabled")
2018-06-14 18:31:12 +08:00
call go#config#SetTemplateAutocreate(1)
2016-08-02 20:48:32 +08:00
call go#util#EchoProgress("auto template create enabled")
2018-12-17 19:28:27 +08:00
" restore Vi compatibility settings
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
2016-07-03 19:53:59 +08:00
" vim: sw=2 ts=2 et