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;;;; swank-clojure.clj --- Swank server for Clojure
;;; Copyright (C) 2008 Jeffrey Chu
;;; This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
;;; License as distributed with Emacs (press C-h C-c to view it).
;;; See README file for more information about installation
(ns swank.swank
(:use [swank.core]
[swank.core connection server]
[swank.util.concurrent thread]
[swank.util.net sockets]
[clojure.main :only [repl]])
(:require [swank.commands]
[swank.commands basic indent completion
contrib inspector])
(:import [java.lang System]
[java.io File])
(defn ignore-protocol-version [version]
(reset! protocol-version version))
(defn- connection-serve [conn]
(let [control
(thread-set-name "Swank Control Thread")
(control-loop conn)
(catch Exception e
;; fail silently
(close-socket! (conn :socket)))
(thread-set-name "Read Loop Thread")
(read-loop conn control)
(catch Exception e
;; This could be put somewhere better
(.println System/err "exception in read loop")
(.printStackTrace e)
(.interrupt control)
(dosync (alter connections (partial remove #{conn}))))))]
(ref-set (conn :control-thread) control)
(ref-set (conn :read-thread) read))))
(defn start-server
"Start the server and write the listen port number to
PORT-FILE. This is the entry point for Emacs."
[port-file & opts]
(let [opts (apply hash-map opts)]
(setup-server (get opts :port 0)
(fn announce-port [port]
(announce-port-to-file port-file port)
(simple-announce port))
(def #^{:private true} encodings-map
{"UTF-8" "utf-8-unix"
(defn- get-system-encoding []
(when-let [enc-name (.name (java.nio.charset.Charset/defaultCharset))]
(encodings-map enc-name)))
(defn start-repl
"Start the server wrapped in a repl. Use this to embed swank in your code."
([port & opts]
(let [stop (atom false)
opts (merge {:port (Integer. port)
:encoding (or (System/getProperty "swank.encoding")
(apply hash-map opts))]
(repl :read (fn [rprompt rexit]
(if @stop rexit
(do (reset! stop true)
`(start-server (-> "java.io.tmpdir"
(File. "slime-port.txt")
~@(apply concat opts)))))
:need-prompt (constantly false))))
([] (start-repl 4005)))
(def -main start-repl)