2017-09-02 18:43:18 +08:00
if !exists("g:mako_detect_lang_from_ext")
let g:mako_detect_lang_from_ext = 1
if g:mako_detect_lang_from_ext
au BufNewFile *.*.mako execute "do BufNewFile filetypedetect " . expand("<afile>:r") | let b:mako_outer_lang = &filetype
" it's important to get this before any of the normal BufRead autocmds execute
" for this file, otherwise a mako tag at the start of the file can cause the
" filetype to be set to mason
au BufReadPre *.*.mako execute "do BufRead filetypedetect " . expand("<afile>:r") | let b:mako_outer_lang = &filetype
2012-08-17 11:41:25 +08:00
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.mako set filetype=mako