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# Vim-CMake
Vim-CMake is a plugin for building CMake projects inside of Vim/Neovim, with a
nice visual feedback.
* Visual experience, shows CMake output in a console-like window
* Slick management of build configurations
* Autocompletion for build targets and build configurations
* Quickfix list population after each build
* Airline/statusline status information, including current build configuration
* Plug-and-play, but configurable
* Written in Vimscript
* Vim with `+terminal`, or Neovim >= 0.5
* Under Windows, only Neovim is supported at the moment
## Installation
Use a package manager like [vim-plug][vim-plug]:
Plug 'cdelledonne/vim-cmake'
or Vim's native package manager:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plug/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/plug/start
git clone https://github.com/cdelledonne/vim-cmake.git
## Usage
Run `:CMakeGenerate` from the top-level CMake source directory to generate a
build system for the project. Then, run `:CMakeBuild` to build the project.
The built files will end up in the binary directory ([out-of-source
build][oos]). To switch between build configurations, run `:CMakeSwitch
With Vim-CMake, you can easily manage build configurations (Debug, Release,
etc.), build specific targets and control build options, and fix errors using
Vim's quickfix feature. For a detailed explanation of commands, mappings and
functionalities run `:help cmake`. A quick overview follows.
### Commands and `<Plug>` mappings
| Command | `<Plug>` mapping | Description |
| `:CMakeGenerate[!]` | `(CMakeGenerate)` | Generate build system |
| `:CMakeClean` | `(CMakeClean)` | Remove build system and build files |
| `:CMakeBuild[!] [target]` | `(CMakeBuild)` | Build a project |
| `:CMakeInstall` | `(CMakeInstall)` | Install build output |
| `:CMakeSwitch <config>` | `(CMakeSwitch)` | Switch to another build configuration |
| `:CMakeOpen` | `(CMakeOpen)` | Open CMake console window |
| `:CMakeClose` | `(CMakeClose)` | Close CMake console window |
| `:CMakeStop` | `(CMakeStop)` | Stop running command |
### Additional `<Plug>` mappings
| `<Plug>` mapping | Behaves as |
| `(CMakeBuildTarget)` | `(CMakeBuild)`, but leaves cursor in the command line |
### Key mappings in the CMake console window
| Key mapping | Description |
| `cg` | Run `:CMakeGenerate` |
| `cb` | Run `:CMakeBuild` |
| `ci` | Run `:CMakeInstall` |
| `cq` | Close CMake console window |
| `<C-C>` | Stop running command |
### Events
Vim-CMake provides a set of custom events to trigger further actions.
Run `:help cmake` for an extensive documentation of all configuration options and examples
| Event | Description |
| `User CMakeBuildSucceeded` | Triggered after a successful `:CMakeBuild`|
| `User CMakeBuildFailed` | Triggered after a failed `:CMakeBuild` |
### Quickfix list
After each build (e.g. run with `:CMakeBuild`), Vim-CMake populates a quickfix
list to speedup the edit-compile-run cycle, similarly to when running `:make` in
Vim/Neovim. Upon an unsuccessful build, just use the standard quickfix commands
to open the list of errors (e.g. `:copen`) and jump between errors (e.g.
`:cfirst`, `:cnext`).
## Configuration
Vim-CMake has sensible defaults. Again, run `:help cmake` for an extensive
documentation of all the configuration options. A list of default values
| Options | Default |
| `g:cmake_command` | `'cmake'` |
| `g:cmake_default_config` | `'Debug'` |
| `g:cmake_build_dir_location` | `'.'` |
| `g:cmake_generate_options` | `[]` |
| `g:cmake_build_options` | `[]` |
| `g:cmake_native_build_options` | `[]` |
| `g:cmake_console_size` | `15` |
| `g:cmake_console_position` | `'botright'` |
| `g:cmake_console_echo_cmd` | `1` |
| `g:cmake_jump` | `0` |
| `g:cmake_jump_on_completion` | `0` |
| `g:cmake_jump_on_error` | `1` |
| `g:cmake_link_compile_commands` | `0` |
| `g:cmake_root_markers` | `['.git', '.svn']` |
| `g:cmake_log_file` | `''` |
## Contributing
Feedback and feature requests are appreciated. Bug reports and pull requests
are very welcome. Check the [Contributing Guidelines][contributing] for how to
write a feature request, post an issue or submit a pull request.
## Related projects
* [vhdirk/vim-cmake][vim-cmake]
* [ilyachur/cmake4vim][cmake4vim]
* [jalcine/cmake.vim][cmake.vim]
* [sigidagi/vim-cmake-project][vim-cmake-project]
* [LucHermitte/vim-build-tools-wrapper][LucHermitte/vim-build-tools-wrapper]
* [kassio/neoterm][neoterm]
## License
Vim-CMake is licensed under the [MIT license][license]. Copyright (c)
2020&ndash;2022 Carlo Delle Donne.
[screencast]: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24732205/88468329-18aad100-cee2-11ea-94f4-f2ac59a2e6b9.gif
[vim-cmake]: https://github.com/vhdirk/vim-cmake
[cmake4vim]: https://github.com/ilyachur/cmake4vim
[cmake.vim]: https://github.com/jalcine/cmake.vim
[vim-cmake-project]: https://github.com/sigidagi/vim-cmake-project
[LucHermitte/vim-build-tools-wrapper]: https://github.com/LucHermitte/vim-build-tools-wrapper
[neoterm]: https://github.com/kassio/neoterm
[vim-plug]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
[oos]: https://cprieto.com/posts/2016/10/cmake-out-of-source-build.html
[contributing]: ./CONTRIBUTING.md
[license]: ./LICENSE