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#!/usr/bin/env python
# SWANK client for Slimv
# swank.py: SWANK client code for slimv.vim plugin
# Version: 0.9.14
# Last Change: 22 Aug 2021
# Maintainer: Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
# License: This file is placed in the public domain.
# No warranty, express or implied.
# *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk! *** ***
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import socket
import time
import select
import string
import sys
import re
input_port = 4005
output_port = 4006
lenbytes = 6 # Message length is encoded in this number of bytes
maxmessages = 50 # Maximum number of messages to receive in one listening session
recv_timeout = 0.001 # socket recv timeout in seconds
listen_retries = 10 # number of retries if no response in swank_listen()
sock = None # Swank socket object
id = 0 # Message id
debug = False
log = False # Set this to True in order to enable logging
logfile = 'swank.log' # Logfile name in case logging is on
pid = '0' # Process id
current_thread = '0'
use_unicode = True # Use unicode message length counting
debug_active = False # Swank debugger is active
debug_activated = False # Swank debugger was activated
read_string = None # Thread and tag in Swank read string mode
empty_last_line = True # Swank output ended with a new line
prompt = 'SLIMV' # Command prompt
package = 'COMMON-LISP-USER' # Current package
actions = dict() # Swank actions (like ':write-string'), by message id
indent_info = dict() # Data of :indentation-update
frame_locals = dict() # Map frame variable names to their index
inspect_lines = 0 # Number of lines in the Inspector (excluding help text)
inspect_newline = True # Start a new line in the Inspector (for multi-part objects)
inspect_package = '' # Package used for the current Inspector
swank_version = '' # Swank version string in format YYYY-MM-DD
swank_param = '' # Additional parameter for the swank listener
# Basic utility functions
def logprint(text):
if log:
f = open(logfile, "a")
f.write(text + '\n')
def logtime(text):
if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
logprint(text + ' ' + str(time.perf_counter()))
logprint(text + ' ' + str(time.clock()))
# Simple Lisp s-expression parser
# Possible error codes
PARSERR_NOSTARTBRACE = -1 # s-expression does not start with a '('
PARSERR_NOCLOSEBRACE = -2 # s-expression does not end with a '('
PARSERR_NOCLOSESTRING = -3 # string is not closed with double quote
PARSERR_MISSINGLITERAL = -4 # literal is missing after the escape character
PARSERR_EMPTY = -5 # s-expression is empty
def parse_comment( sexpr ):
"""Parses a ';' Lisp comment till the end of line, returns comment length
pos = sexpr.find( '\n' )
if pos >= 0:
return pos + 1
return len( sexpr )
def parse_keyword( sexpr ):
"""Parses a Lisp keyword, returns keyword length
for pos in range( len( sexpr ) ):
if sexpr[pos] in string.whitespace + ')]':
return pos
return pos
def parse_sub_sexpr( sexpr, opening, closing ):
"""Parses a Lisp sub -expression, returns parsed string length
and a Python list built from the s-expression,
expression can be a Clojure style list surrounded by braces
result = []
l = len( sexpr )
for pos in range( l ):
# Find first opening '(' or '['
if sexpr[pos] == opening:
if not sexpr[pos] in string.whitespace:
# S-expression does not start with '(' or '['
# Empty s-expression
return [PARSERR_EMPTY, result]
pos = pos + 1
quote_cnt = 0
while pos < l:
literal = 0
if sexpr[pos] == '\\':
literal = 1
pos = pos + 1
if pos == l:
if not literal and sexpr[pos] == '"':
# We toggle a string
quote_cnt = 1 - quote_cnt
if quote_cnt == 1:
quote_pos = pos
result = result + [sexpr[quote_pos:pos+1]]
elif quote_cnt == 0:
# We are not in a string
if not literal and sexpr[pos] == '(':
# Parse sub expression
[slen, subresult] = parse_sub_sexpr( sexpr[pos:], '(', ')' )
if slen < 0:
# Sub expression parsing error
return [slen, result]
result = result + [subresult]
pos = pos + slen - 1
elif not literal and sexpr[pos] == '[':
# Parse sub expression
[slen, subresult] = parse_sub_sexpr( sexpr[pos:], '[', ']' )
if slen < 0:
# Sub expression parsing error
return [slen, result]
result = result + [subresult]
pos = pos + slen - 1
elif not literal and sexpr[pos] == closing:
# End of this sub expression
return [pos + 1, result]
elif not literal and sexpr[pos] != closing and sexpr[pos] in ')]':
# Wrong closing brace/bracket
elif not literal and sexpr[pos] == ';':
# Skip coment
pos = pos + parse_comment( sexpr[pos:] ) - 1
elif not literal and sexpr[pos] in "#'`@~,^":
# Skip prefix characters
while pos+1 < l and sexpr[pos+1] not in string.whitespace + '([':
pos = pos + 1
elif not sexpr[pos] in string.whitespace + '\\':
# Parse keyword but ignore dot in dotted notation (a . b)
klen = parse_keyword( sexpr[pos:] )
if klen > 1 or sexpr[pos] != '.':
result = result + [sexpr[pos:pos+klen]]
pos = pos + klen - 1
pos = pos + 1
if quote_cnt != 0:
# Last string is not closed
# Closing ')' or ']' not found
def parse_sexpr( sexpr ):
"""Parses a Lisp s-expression, returns parsed string length
and a Python list built from the s-expression
return parse_sub_sexpr( sexpr, '(', ')' )
# Swank server interface
class swank_action:
def __init__ (self, id, name, data):
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.data = data
self.result = ''
self.pending = True
def get_prompt():
global prompt
if prompt.rstrip()[-1] == '>':
return prompt + ' '
return prompt + '> '
def unquote(s):
if len(s) < 2:
return s
if s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"':
slist = []
esc = False
for c in s[1:-1]:
if not esc and c == '\\':
esc = True
elif esc and c == 'n':
esc = False
esc = False
return "".join(slist)
return s
def requote(s):
t = s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
t = t.replace('"', '\\"')
return '"' + t + '"'
def new_line(new_text):
global empty_last_line
if new_text != '':
if new_text[-1] != '\n':
return '\n'
elif not empty_last_line:
return '\n'
return ''
def make_keys(lst):
keys = {}
for i in range(len(lst)):
if i < len(lst)-1 and lst[i][0] == ':':
keys[lst[i]] = unquote( lst[i+1] )
return keys
def parse_plist(lst, keyword):
for i in range(0, len(lst), 2):
if keyword == lst[i]:
return unquote(lst[i+1])
return ''
def parse_filepos(fname, loc):
lnum = 1
cnum = 1
pos = loc
f = open(fname, "r")
return [0, 0]
for line in f:
if pos < len(line):
cnum = pos
pos = pos - len(line)
lnum = lnum + 1
return [lnum, cnum]
def format_filename(fname):
fname = vim.eval('fnamemodify(' + fname + ', ":~:.")')
if fname.find(' ') >= 0:
fname = '"' + fname + '"'
return fname
def parse_location(lst):
fname = ''
line = ''
pos = ''
if lst[0] == ':location':
if type(lst[1]) == str:
return unquote(lst[1])
for l in lst[1:]:
if l[0] == ':file':
fname = l[1]
if l[0] == ':line':
line = l[1]
if l[0] == ':position':
pos = l[1]
if fname == '':
fname = 'Unknown file'
if line != '':
return 'in ' + format_filename(fname) + ' line ' + line
if pos != '':
[lnum, cnum] = parse_filepos(unquote(fname), int(pos))
if lnum > 0:
return 'in ' + format_filename(fname) + ' line ' + str(lnum)
return 'in ' + format_filename(fname) + ' byte ' + pos
return 'no source line information'
def unicode_len(text):
if use_unicode:
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
return len(str(text))
return len(unicode(text, "utf-8"))
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
return len(text.encode('utf-8'))
return len(text)
def swank_send(text):
global sock
l = "%06x" % unicode_len(text)
t = l + text
if debug:
print( 'Sending:', t)
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
except socket.error:
vim.command("let s:swank_result='Socket error when sending to SWANK server.\n'")
def swank_recv_len(timeout):
global sock
rec = ''
ready = select.select([sock], [], [], timeout)
if ready[0]:
l = lenbytes
data = sock.recv(l)
except socket.error:
vim.command("let s:swank_result='Socket error when receiving from SWANK server.\n'")
return rec
while data and len(rec) < lenbytes:
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
rec = rec + data.decode('utf-8')
rec = rec + data
l = l - len(data)
if l > 0:
data = sock.recv(l)
except socket.error:
vim.command("let s:swank_result='Socket error when receiving from SWANK server.\n'")
return rec
return rec
def swank_recv(msglen, timeout):
global sock
if msglen > 0:
ready = select.select([sock], [], [], timeout)
if ready[0]:
rec = ''
while True:
# Each codepoint has at least 1 byte; so we start with the
# number of bytes, and read more if needed.
needed = msglen - unicode_len(rec)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# Add single bytes until we've got valid UTF-8 again
needed = max(msglen - len(rec), 1)
if needed == 0:
return rec
data = sock.recv(needed)
except socket.error:
vim.command("let s:swank_result='Socket error when receiving from SWANK server.\n'")
return rec
if len(data) == 0:
vim.command("let s:swank_result='Socket error when receiving from SWANK server.\n'")
return rec
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
rec = rec + data.decode('utf-8')
rec = rec + data
rec = ''
def swank_parse_inspect_content(pcont):
Parse the swank inspector content
global inspect_lines
global inspect_newline
if type(pcont[0]) != list:
vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
buf = vim.current.buffer
help_lines = int( vim.eval('exists("b:help_shown") ? len(b:help) : 1') )
pos = help_lines + inspect_lines
buf[pos:] = []
istate = pcont[1]
start = pcont[2]
end = pcont[3]
lst = []
for el in pcont[0]:
newline = False
if type(el) == list:
if el[0] == ':action':
text = '{<' + unquote(el[2]) + '> ' + unquote(el[1]) + ' <>}'
text = '{[' + unquote(el[2]) + '] ' + unquote(el[1]) + ' []}'
text = unquote(el)
if text == "\n":
newline = True
lines = "".join(lst).split("\n")
if inspect_newline or pos > len(buf):
buf[pos-1] = buf[pos-1] + lines[0]
inspect_lines = len(buf) - help_lines
inspect_newline = newline
if int(istate) > int(end):
# Swank returns end+1000 if there are more entries to request
buf.append(['', "[--more--]", "[--all---]"])
inspect_path = vim.eval('s:inspect_path')
if len(inspect_path) > 1:
buf.append(['', '[<<] Return to ' + ' -> '.join(inspect_path[:-1])])
buf.append(['', '[<<] Exit Inspector'])
if int(istate) > int(end):
# There are more entries to request
# Save current range for the next request
vim.command("let b:range_start=" + start)
vim.command("let b:range_end=" + end)
vim.command("let b:inspect_more=" + end)
# No ore entries left
vim.command("let b:inspect_more=0")
vim.command('call SlimvEndUpdate()')
def swank_parse_inspect(struct):
Parse the swank inspector output
global inspect_lines
global inspect_newline
vim.command('call SlimvBeginUpdate()')
vim.command('call SlimvOpenInspectBuffer()')
vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
buf = vim.current.buffer
title = parse_plist(struct, ':title')
vim.command('let b:inspect_title="' + title + '"')
buf[:] = ['Inspecting ' + title, '--------------------', '']
vim.command('normal! 3G0')
vim.command('call SlimvHelp(2)')
pcont = parse_plist(struct, ':content')
inspect_lines = 3
inspect_newline = True
vim.command('call SlimvSetInspectPos("' + title + '")')
def swank_parse_debug(struct):
Parse the SLDB output
vim.command('call SlimvBeginUpdate()')
vim.command('call SlimvOpenSldbBuffer()')
vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
buf = vim.current.buffer
[thread, level, condition, restarts, frames, conts] = struct[1:7]
buf[:] = [l for l in (unquote(condition[0]) + "\n" + unquote(condition[1])).splitlines()]
buf.append(['', 'Restarts:'])
for i in range( len(restarts) ):
r0 = unquote( restarts[i][0] )
r1 = unquote( restarts[i][1] )
r1 = r1.replace("\n", " ")
buf.append([str(i).rjust(3) + ': [' + r0 + '] ' + r1])
buf.append(['', 'Backtrace:'])
for f in frames:
frame = str(f[0])
ftext = unquote( f[1] )
ftext = ftext.replace('\n', '')
ftext = ftext.replace('\\\\n', '')
buf.append([frame.rjust(3) + ': ' + ftext])
vim.command('call SlimvEndUpdate()')
vim.command("call search('^Restarts:', 'w')")
# This text will be printed into the REPL buffer
return unquote(condition[0]) + "\n" + unquote(condition[1]) + "\n"
def swank_parse_xref(struct):
Parse the swank xref output
buf = ''
for e in struct:
buf = buf + unquote(e[0]) + ' - ' + parse_location(e[1]) + '\n'
return buf
def swank_parse_compile(struct):
Parse compiler output
buf = ''
warnings = struct[1]
time = struct[3]
filename = ''
if len(struct) > 5:
filename = struct[5]
if filename == '' or filename[0] != '"':
filename = '"' + filename + '"'
vim.command('let s:compiled_file=' + filename + '')
vim.command("let qflist = []")
if type(warnings) == list:
buf = '\n' + str(len(warnings)) + ' compiler notes:\n\n'
for w in warnings:
msg = parse_plist(w, ':message')
severity = parse_plist(w, ':severity')
if severity[0] == ':':
severity = severity[1:]
location = parse_plist(w, ':location')
if location[0] == ':error':
# "no error location available"
buf = buf + ' ' + unquote(location[1]) + '\n'
buf = buf + ' ' + severity + ': ' + msg + '\n\n'
fname = unquote(location[1][1])
pos = location[2][1]
if location[3] != 'nil':
snippet = unquote(location[3][1]).replace('\r', '')
buf = buf + snippet + '\n'
buf = buf + fname + ':' + pos + '\n'
buf = buf + ' ' + severity + ': ' + msg + '\n\n'
if location[2][0] == ':line':
lnum = pos
cnum = 1
[lnum, cnum] = parse_filepos(fname, int(pos))
msg = msg.replace("'", "' . \"'\" . '")
qfentry = "{'filename':'"+fname+"','lnum':'"+str(lnum)+"','col':'"+str(cnum)+"','text':'"+msg+"'}"
vim.command("call add(qflist, " + qfentry + ")")
buf = '\nCompilation finished. (No warnings) [' + time + ' secs]\n\n'
vim.command("call setqflist(qflist)")
return buf
def swank_parse_list_threads(tl):
vim.command('call SlimvBeginUpdate()')
vim.command('call SlimvOpenThreadsBuffer()')
vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
buf = vim.current.buffer
buf[:] = ['Threads in pid '+pid, '--------------------']
vim.command('call SlimvHelp(2)')
buf.append(['', 'Idx ID Status Name Priority', \
'---- ---- -------------------- -------------------- ---------'])
vim.command('normal! G0')
lst = tl[1]
headers = lst.pop(0)
idx = 0
for t in lst:
priority = ''
if len(t) > 3:
priority = unquote(t[3])
buf.append(["%3d: %3d %-22s %-22s %s" % (idx, int(t[0]), unquote(t[2]), unquote(t[1]), priority)])
idx = idx + 1
vim.command('normal! j')
vim.command('call SlimvEndUpdate()')
def swank_parse_frame_call(struct, action):
Parse frame call output
vim.command('call SlimvGotoFrame(' + action.data + ')')
vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
buf = vim.current.buffer
win = vim.current.window
line = win.cursor[0]
if type(struct) == list:
buf[line:line] = [struct[1][1]]
buf[line:line] = ['No frame call information']
vim.command('call SlimvEndUpdate()')
def swank_parse_frame_source(struct, action):
Parse frame source output
http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.slime.devel/9961 ;-(
'Well, let's say a missing feature: source locations are currently not available for code loaded as source.'
vim.command('call SlimvGotoFrame(' + action.data + ')')
vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
buf = vim.current.buffer
win = vim.current.window
line = win.cursor[0]
if type(struct) == list and len(struct) == 4:
if struct[1] == 'nil':
[lnum, cnum] = [int(struct[2][1]), 1]
fname = 'Unknown file'
[lnum, cnum] = parse_filepos(unquote(struct[1][1]), int(struct[2][1]))
fname = format_filename(struct[1][1])
if lnum > 0:
s = ' in ' + fname + ' line ' + str(lnum)
s = ' in ' + fname + ' byte ' + struct[2][1]
slines = s.splitlines()
if len(slines) > 2:
# Make a fold (closed) if there are too many lines
slines[ 0] = slines[ 0] + '{{{'
slines[-1] = slines[-1] + '}}}'
buf[line:line] = slines
vim.command(str(line+1) + 'foldclose')
buf[line:line] = slines
buf[line:line] = [' No source line information']
vim.command('call SlimvEndUpdate()')
def swank_parse_locals(struct, action):
Parse frame locals output
frame_num = action.data
vim.command('call SlimvGotoFrame(' + frame_num + ')')
vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
buf = vim.current.buffer
win = vim.current.window
line = win.cursor[0]
if type(struct) == list:
lines = ' Locals:'
num = 0
for f in struct:
name = parse_plist(f, ':name')
id = parse_plist(f, ':id')
value = parse_plist(f, ':value')
lines = lines + '\n ' + name + ' = ' + value
# Remember variable index in frame
frame_locals[str(frame_num) + " " + name] = num
num = num + 1
lines = ' No locals'
buf[line:line] = lines.split("\n")
vim.command('call SlimvEndUpdate()')
def swank_listen():
global output_port
global use_unicode
global debug_active
global debug_activated
global read_string
global empty_last_line
global current_thread
global prompt
global package
global pid
global swank_version
global swank_param
retval = ''
msgcount = 0
#logtime('[- Listen--]')
timeout = recv_timeout
while msgcount < maxmessages:
rec = swank_recv_len(timeout)
if rec == '':
timeout = 0.0
msgcount = msgcount + 1
if debug:
print('swank_recv_len received', rec)
msglen = int(rec, 16)
if debug:
print('Received length:', msglen)
if msglen > 0:
# length already received so it must be followed by data
# use a higher timeout
rec = swank_recv(msglen, 1.0)
if vim.eval('exists("g:slimv_strip_ansi") && g:slimv_strip_ansi') != '0':
# strip ANSI escape sequences from output string
pattern = re.compile( r'(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -\/]*[@-~]' )
rec = pattern.sub( '', rec )
[s, r] = parse_sexpr( rec )
if debug:
print('Parsed:', r)
if len(r) > 0:
r_id = r[-1]
message = r[0].lower()
if debug:
print('Message:', message)
if message == ':open-dedicated-output-stream':
output_port = int( r[1].lower(), 10 )
if debug:
print(':open-dedicated-output-stream result:', output_port)
elif message == ':presentation-start':
retval = retval + new_line(retval)
elif message == ':write-string':
# REPL has new output to display
if len(r) > 2 and r[2] == ':repl-result':
retval = retval + new_line(retval)
retval = retval + unquote(r[1])
add_prompt = True
for k,a in actions.items():
if a.pending and a.name.find('eval') >= 0:
add_prompt = False
if add_prompt:
retval = retval + new_line(retval) + get_prompt()
elif message == ':read-string':
# REPL requests entering a string
read_string = r[1:3]
vim.command('let s:read_string_mode=1')
elif message == ':read-from-minibuffer':
# REPL requests entering a string in the command line
read_string = r[1:3]
vim.command('let s:read_string_mode=1')
vim.command("let s:input_prompt='%s'" % unquote(r[3]).replace("'", "''"))
elif message == ':indentation-update':
for el in r[1]:
indent_info[ unquote(el[0]) ] = el[1]
elif message == ':new-package':
package = unquote( r[1] )
prompt = unquote( r[2] )
elif message == ':return':
read_string = None
vim.command('let s:read_string_mode=0')
if len(r) > 1:
result = r[1][0].lower()
result = ""
if type(r_id) == str and r_id in actions:
action = actions[r_id]
action.pending = False
action = None
if log:
for k,a in sorted(actions.items()):
if a.pending:
pending = 'pending '
pending = 'finished'
logprint("%s: %s %s %s" % (k, str(pending), a.name, a.result))
if result == ':ok':
params = r[1][1]
logprint('params: ' + str(params))
if params == []:
params = 'nil'
if type(params) == str:
element = params.lower()
to_ignore = [':frame-call', ':quit-inspector', ':kill-thread', ':debug-thread']
to_nodisp = [':describe-symbol']
to_prompt = [':undefine-function', ':swank-macroexpand-1', ':swank-macroexpand-all', ':disassemble-form', \
':load-file', ':toggle-profile-fdefinition', ':profile-by-substring', ':swank-toggle-trace', 'sldb-break']
if action and action.name in to_ignore:
# Just ignore the output for this message
elif element == 'nil' and action and action.name == ':inspector-pop':
# Quit inspector
vim.command('call SlimvQuitInspect(0)')
elif element != 'nil' and action and action.name in to_nodisp:
# Do not display output, just store it in actions
action.result = unquote(params)
retval = retval + new_line(retval)
if element != 'nil':
retval = retval + unquote(params)
if action:
action.result = retval
vim.command("let s:swank_ok_result='%s'" % retval.replace("'", "''").replace("\0", "^@"))
if element == 'nil' or (action and action.name in to_prompt):
# No more output from REPL, write new prompt
retval = retval + new_line(retval) + get_prompt()
elif type(params) == list and params:
element = ''
if type(params[0]) == str:
element = params[0].lower()
if element == ':present':
# No more output from REPL, write new prompt
retval = retval + new_line(retval) + unquote(params[1][0][0]) + '\n' + get_prompt()
elif element == ':values':
retval = retval + new_line(retval)
if type(params[1]) == list:
retval = retval + unquote(params[1][0]) + '\n'
retval = retval + unquote(params[1]) + '\n' + get_prompt()
elif element == ':suppress-output':
elif element == ':pid':
conn_info = make_keys(params)
pid = conn_info[':pid']
swank_version = conn_info.get(':version', 'nil')
if len(swank_version) == 8:
# Convert version to YYYY-MM-DD format
swank_version = swank_version[0:4] + '-' + swank_version[4:6] + '-' + swank_version[6:8]
imp = make_keys( conn_info[':lisp-implementation'] )
pkg = make_keys( conn_info[':package'] )
package = pkg[':name']
prompt = pkg[':prompt']
vim.command('let s:swank_version="' + swank_version + '"')
if len(swank_version) < 8 or swank_version >= '2011-11-08':
# Recent swank servers count bytes instead of unicode characters
use_unicode = False
vim.command('let s:lisp_version="' + imp[':version'] + '"')
retval = retval + new_line(retval)
retval = retval + imp[':type'] + ' ' + imp[':version'] + ' Port: ' + str(input_port) + ' Pid: ' + pid + '\n; SWANK ' + swank_version
retval = retval + '\n' + get_prompt()
logprint(' Package:' + package + ' Prompt:' + prompt)
elif element == ':name':
keys = make_keys(params)
retval = retval + new_line(retval)
retval = retval + ' ' + keys[':name'] + ' = ' + keys[':value'] + '\n'
elif element == ':title':
elif element == ':compilation-result':
retval = retval + new_line(retval) + swank_parse_compile(params) + get_prompt()
if action.name == ':simple-completions':
if type(params[0]) == list and len(params[0]) > 0 and type(params[0][0]) == str and params[0][0] != 'nil':
compl = "\n".join(params[0])
retval = retval + compl.replace('"', '')
elif action.name == ':fuzzy-completions':
if type(params[0]) == list and type(params[0][0]) == list:
compl = "\n".join(map(lambda x: x[0], params[0]))
retval = retval + compl.replace('"', '')
elif action.name == ':find-definitions-for-emacs':
tags_file = vim.eval("g:slimv_tags_file")
maxwidth = int(vim.eval("&columns")) - 16
temp = open(tags_file, 'w')
myitems = [[elem[1][1][1], elem[1][2][1], elem[1][3][1], elem[0]]
for elem in params
if type(elem) == list and type(elem[1]) == list and elem[1][0] == ':location']
for i in myitems:
temp.write(i[0].replace('"', ''))
cmd = ":go %s" % i[1]
if i[2][0] == '"':
# swank provided a code snippet too
cmd = cmd + ' " ' + ' '.join(unquote(i[2]).split())
elif i[3][0] == '"':
# no code snippet, print location name
cmd = cmd + ' " ' + ' '.join(unquote(i[3]).split())
temp.write("\t%s\n" % cmd[:maxwidth])
retval = swank_param
elif action.name == ':list-threads':
elif action.name == ':xref':
retval = retval + '\n' + swank_parse_xref(r[1][1])
retval = retval + new_line(retval) + get_prompt()
elif action.name == ':set-package':
package = unquote(params[0])
prompt = unquote(params[1])
retval = retval + '\n' + get_prompt()
elif action.name == ':untrace-all':
retval = retval + '\nUntracing:'
for f in params:
retval = retval + '\n' + ' ' + f
retval = retval + '\n' + get_prompt()
elif action.name == ':frame-call':
swank_parse_frame_call(params, action)
elif action.name == ':frame-source-location':
swank_parse_frame_source(params, action)
elif action.name == ':frame-locals-and-catch-tags':
swank_parse_locals(params[0], action)
elif action.name == ':profiled-functions':
retval = retval + '\n' + 'Profiled functions:\n'
for f in params:
retval = retval + ' ' + f + '\n'
retval = retval + get_prompt()
elif action.name == ':inspector-range':
if action:
action.result = retval
elif result == ':abort':
debug_active = False
vim.command('let s:sldb_level=-1')
if len(r[1]) > 1:
retval = retval + '; Evaluation aborted on ' + unquote(r[1][1]).replace('\n', '\n;') + '\n' + get_prompt()
retval = retval + '; Evaluation aborted\n' + get_prompt()
elif message == ':inspect':
elif message == ':debug':
retval = retval + swank_parse_debug(r)
elif message == ':debug-activate':
debug_active = True
debug_activated = True
current_thread = r[1]
sldb_level = r[2]
vim.command('let s:sldb_level=' + sldb_level)
elif message == ':debug-return':
debug_active = False
vim.command('let s:sldb_level=-1')
retval = retval + '; Quit to level ' + r[2] + '\n' + get_prompt()
elif message == ':ping':
[thread, tag] = r[1:3]
swank_send('(:emacs-pong ' + thread + ' ' + tag + ')')
if retval != '':
empty_last_line = (retval[-1] == '\n')
return retval
def swank_rex(action, cmd, package, thread, data=''):
Send an :emacs-rex command to SWANK
global id
id = id + 1
key = str(id)
actions[key] = swank_action(key, action, data)
form = '(:emacs-rex ' + cmd + ' ' + package + ' ' + thread + ' ' + str(id) + ')\n'
def get_package():
Package set by slimv.vim or nil
pkg = vim.eval("s:swank_package")
if pkg == '':
return 'nil'
return requote(pkg)
def get_swank_package():
Package set by slimv.vim or current swank package
pkg = vim.eval("s:swank_package")
if pkg == '':
return requote(package)
return requote(pkg)
def get_indent_info(name):
indent = ''
if name in indent_info:
indent = indent_info[name]
vc = ":let s:indent='" + indent + "'"
# Various SWANK messages
def swank_connection_info():
global log
debug_activated = False
secret_file = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.slime-secret'
if os.path.exists(secret_file):
# If the user has a .slime-secret file then the connection must start by sending the password
with open(secret_file) as f:
secret = f.readline().rstrip('\n')
log = False
if vim.eval('exists("g:swank_log") && g:swank_log') != '0':
log = True
swank_rex(':connection-info', '(swank:connection-info)', 'nil', 't')
def swank_create_repl():
global swank_version
if len(swank_version) < 8 or swank_version >= '2014-10-01':
swank_rex(':create-repl', '(swank-repl:create-repl nil)', get_swank_package(), 't')
swank_rex(':create-repl', '(swank:create-repl nil)', get_swank_package(), 't')
def swank_eval(exp):
if len(swank_version) < 8 or swank_version >= '2014-10-01':
cmd = '(swank-repl:listener-eval ' + requote(exp) + ')'
cmd = '(swank:listener-eval ' + requote(exp) + ')'
swank_rex(':listener-eval', cmd, get_swank_package(), ':repl-thread')
def swank_eval_in_frame(exp, n):
pkg = get_swank_package()
if len(swank_version) < 8 or swank_version >= '2011-11-21':
cmd = '(swank:eval-string-in-frame ' + requote(exp) + ' ' + str(n) + ' ' + pkg + ')'
cmd = '(swank:eval-string-in-frame ' + requote(exp) + ' ' + str(n) + ')'
swank_rex(':eval-string-in-frame', cmd, pkg, current_thread, str(n))
def swank_pprint_eval(exp):
cmd = '(swank:pprint-eval ' + requote(exp) + ')'
swank_rex(':pprint-eval', cmd, get_swank_package(), ':repl-thread')
def swank_interrupt():
swank_send('(:emacs-interrupt :repl-thread)')
def swank_invoke_restart(level, restart):
cmd = '(swank:invoke-nth-restart-for-emacs ' + level + ' ' + restart + ')'
swank_rex(':invoke-nth-restart-for-emacs', cmd, 'nil', current_thread, restart)
def swank_throw_toplevel():
swank_rex(':throw-to-toplevel', '(swank:throw-to-toplevel)', 'nil', current_thread)
def swank_invoke_abort():
swank_rex(':sldb-abort', '(swank:sldb-abort)', 'nil', current_thread)
def swank_invoke_continue():
swank_rex(':sldb-continue', '(swank:sldb-continue)', 'nil', current_thread)
def swank_step_into(frame):
cmd = '(swank:sldb-step ' + frame + ')'
swank_rex(':sldb-step', cmd, 'nil', current_thread)
def swank_step_next(frame):
cmd = '(swank:sldb-next ' + frame + ')'
swank_rex(':sldb-next', cmd, 'nil', current_thread)
def swank_step_out(frame):
cmd = '(swank:sldb-out ' + frame + ')'
swank_rex(':sldb-out', cmd, 'nil', current_thread)
def swank_require(contrib):
cmd = "(swank:swank-require '" + contrib + ')'
swank_rex(':swank-require', cmd, 'nil', 't')
def swank_frame_call(frame):
cmd = '(swank-backend:frame-call ' + frame + ')'
swank_rex(':frame-call', cmd, 'nil', current_thread, frame)
def swank_frame_source_loc(frame):
cmd = '(swank:frame-source-location ' + frame + ')'
swank_rex(':frame-source-location', cmd, 'nil', current_thread, frame)
def swank_frame_locals(frame):
cmd = '(swank:frame-locals-and-catch-tags ' + frame + ')'
swank_rex(':frame-locals-and-catch-tags', cmd, 'nil', current_thread, frame)
def swank_restart_frame(frame):
cmd = '(swank-backend:restart-frame ' + frame + ')'
swank_rex(':restart-frame', cmd, 'nil', current_thread, frame)
def swank_set_package(pkg):
cmd = '(swank:set-package "' + pkg + '")'
swank_rex(':set-package', cmd, get_package(), ':repl-thread')
def swank_describe_symbol(fn):
cmd = '(swank:describe-symbol "' + fn + '")'
swank_rex(':describe-symbol', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_describe_function(fn):
cmd = '(swank:describe-function "' + fn + '")'
swank_rex(':describe-function', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_op_arglist(op):
pkg = get_swank_package()
cmd = '(swank:operator-arglist "' + op + '" ' + pkg + ')'
swank_rex(':operator-arglist', cmd, pkg, 't')
def swank_completions(symbol):
cmd = '(swank:simple-completions "' + symbol + '" ' + get_swank_package() + ')'
swank_rex(':simple-completions', cmd, 'nil', 't')
def swank_fuzzy_completions(symbol):
cmd = '(swank:fuzzy-completions "' + symbol + '" ' + get_swank_package() + ' :limit 2000 :time-limit-in-msec 2000)'
swank_rex(':fuzzy-completions', cmd, 'nil', 't')
def swank_undefine_function(fn):
cmd = '(swank:undefine-function "' + fn + '")'
swank_rex(':undefine-function', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_return_string(s):
global read_string
swank_send('(:emacs-return-string ' + read_string[0] + ' ' + read_string[1] + ' ' + requote(s) + ')')
read_string = None
vim.command('let s:read_string_mode=0')
def swank_return(s):
global read_string
if s != '':
swank_send('(:emacs-return ' + read_string[0] + ' ' + read_string[1] + ' "' + s + '")')
read_string = None
vim.command('let s:read_string_mode=0')
def swank_inspect(symbol):
global inspect_package
cmd = '(swank:init-inspector "' + symbol + '")'
inspect_package = get_swank_package()
swank_rex(':init-inspector', cmd, inspect_package, 't')
def swank_inspect_nth_part(n):
cmd = '(swank:inspect-nth-part ' + str(n) + ')'
swank_rex(':inspect-nth-part', cmd, get_swank_package(), 't', str(n))
def swank_inspector_nth_action(n):
cmd = '(swank:inspector-call-nth-action ' + str(n) + ')'
swank_rex(':inspector-call-nth-action', cmd, 'nil', 't', str(n))
def swank_inspector_pop():
# Remove the last entry from the inspect path
vim.command('let s:inspect_path = s:inspect_path[:-2]')
swank_rex(':inspector-pop', '(swank:inspector-pop)', 'nil', 't')
def swank_inspect_in_frame(symbol, n):
key = str(n) + " " + symbol
if key in frame_locals:
cmd = '(swank:inspect-frame-var ' + str(n) + " " + str(frame_locals[key]) + ')'
cmd = '(swank:inspect-in-frame "' + symbol + '" ' + str(n) + ')'
swank_rex(':inspect-in-frame', cmd, get_swank_package(), current_thread, str(n))
def swank_inspector_range():
start = int(vim.eval("b:range_start"))
end = int(vim.eval("b:range_end"))
cmd = '(swank:inspector-range ' + str(end) + " " + str(end+(end-start)) + ')'
swank_rex(':inspector-range', cmd, inspect_package, 't')
def swank_quit_inspector():
global inspect_package
swank_rex(':quit-inspector', '(swank:quit-inspector)', 'nil', 't')
inspect_package = ''
def swank_break_on_exception(flag):
if flag:
swank_rex(':break-on-exception', '(swank:break-on-exception "true")', 'nil', current_thread)
swank_rex(':break-on-exception', '(swank:break-on-exception "false")', 'nil', current_thread)
def swank_set_break(symbol):
cmd = '(swank:sldb-break "' + symbol + '")'
swank_rex(':sldb-break', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_toggle_trace(symbol):
cmd = '(swank:swank-toggle-trace "' + symbol + '")'
swank_rex(':swank-toggle-trace', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_untrace_all():
swank_rex(':untrace-all', '(swank:untrace-all)', 'nil', 't')
def swank_macroexpand(formvar):
form = vim.eval(formvar)
cmd = '(swank:swank-macroexpand-1 ' + requote(form) + ')'
swank_rex(':swank-macroexpand-1', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_macroexpand_all(formvar):
form = vim.eval(formvar)
cmd = '(swank:swank-macroexpand-all ' + requote(form) + ')'
swank_rex(':swank-macroexpand-all', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_disassemble(symbol):
cmd = '(swank:disassemble-form "' + "'" + symbol + '")'
swank_rex(':disassemble-form', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_xref(fn, type):
cmd = "(swank:xref '" + type + " '" + '"' + fn + '")'
swank_rex(':xref', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_compile_string(formvar):
form = vim.eval(formvar)
filename = vim.eval("substitute( expand('%:p'), '\\', '/', 'g' )")
line = vim.eval("line('.')")
pos = vim.eval("line2byte(line('.'))")
if vim.eval("&fileformat") == 'dos':
# Remove 0x0D, keep 0x0A characters
pos = str(int(pos) - int(line) + 1)
cmd = '(swank:compile-string-for-emacs ' + requote(form) + ' nil ' + "'((:position " + str(pos) + ") (:line " + str(line) + " 1)) " + requote(filename) + ' nil)'
swank_rex(':compile-string-for-emacs', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_compile_file(name):
if vim.eval("exists('g:slimv_fasl_directory')") != '0':
fasl_directory = vim.eval('g:slimv_fasl_directory')
if not fasl_directory.endswith('/'):
fasl_directory += '/'
fasl_directory_arg = ' :fasl-directory ' + requote(fasl_directory)
fasl_directory_arg = ''
cmd = '(swank:compile-file-for-emacs ' + requote(name) + ' t' + fasl_directory_arg + ')'
swank_rex(':compile-file-for-emacs', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_load_file(name):
cmd = '(swank:load-file ' + requote(name) + ')'
swank_rex(':load-file', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_toggle_profile(symbol):
cmd = '(swank:toggle-profile-fdefinition "' + symbol + '")'
swank_rex(':toggle-profile-fdefinition', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_profile_substring(s, package):
if package == '':
p = 'nil'
p = requote(package)
cmd = '(swank:profile-by-substring ' + requote(s) + ' ' + p + ')'
swank_rex(':profile-by-substring', cmd, get_package(), 't')
def swank_unprofile_all():
swank_rex(':unprofile-all', '(swank:unprofile-all)', 'nil', 't')
def swank_profiled_functions():
swank_rex(':profiled-functions', '(swank:profiled-functions)', 'nil', 't')
def swank_profile_report():
swank_rex(':profile-report', '(swank:profile-report)', 'nil', 't')
def swank_profile_reset():
swank_rex(':profile-reset', '(swank:profile-reset)', 'nil', 't')
def swank_list_threads():
cmd = '(swank:list-threads)'
swank_rex(':list-threads', cmd, get_swank_package(), 't')
def swank_kill_thread(index):
cmd = '(swank:kill-nth-thread ' + str(index) + ')'
swank_rex(':kill-thread', cmd, get_swank_package(), 't', str(index))
def swank_find_definitions_for_emacs(str):
global swank_param
swank_param = str
cmd = '(swank:find-definitions-for-emacs "' + str + '")'
swank_rex(':find-definitions-for-emacs', cmd, get_package(), ':repl-thread')
def swank_debug_thread(index):
cmd = '(swank:debug-nth-thread ' + str(index) + ')'
swank_rex(':debug-thread', cmd, get_swank_package(), 't', str(index))
def swank_quit_lisp():
swank_rex(':quit-lisp', '(swank:quit-lisp)', 'nil', 't')
# Generic SWANK connection handling
def swank_connect(host, port, resultvar):
Create socket to swank server and request connection info
global sock
global input_port
if not sock:
input_port = port
swank_server = (host, input_port)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
vim.command('let ' + resultvar + '=""')
return sock
except socket.error:
vim.command('let ' + resultvar + '="SWANK server is not running."')
sock = None
return sock
vim.command('let ' + resultvar + '=""')
def swank_disconnect():
Disconnect from swank server
global sock
# Try to close socket but don't care if doesn't succeed
sock = None
vim.command('let s:swank_connected = 0')
vim.command("let s:swank_result='Connection to SWANK server is closed.\n'")
def swank_input(formvar):
global empty_last_line
empty_last_line = True
form = vim.eval(formvar)
if read_string:
# We are in :read-string mode, pass string entered to REPL
elif form[0] == '[':
if form[1] == '-':
elif form[0] == '<':
# Normal s-expression evaluation
def actions_pending():
count = 0
for k,a in sorted(actions.items()):
if a.pending:
count = count + 1
vc = ":let s:swank_actions_pending=" + str(count)
return count
def append_repl(text, varname_given):
Append text at the end of the REPL buffer
Does not bring REPL buffer into focus if loaded but not displayed in any window
repl_buf = int(vim.eval("s:repl_buf"))
if repl_buf < 0 or int(vim.eval("buflisted(%d) && bufloaded(%d)" % (repl_buf, repl_buf))) == 0:
# No REPL buffer exists
vim.command('call SlimvBeginUpdate()')
vim.command('call SlimvOpenReplBuffer()')
vim.command('call SlimvRestoreFocus(0)')
repl_buf = int(vim.eval("s:repl_buf"))
for buf in vim.buffers:
if buf.number == repl_buf:
if repl_buf > 0 and buf.number == repl_buf:
if varname_given:
lines = vim.eval(text).split("\n")
lines = text.split("\n")
if lines[0] != '':
# Concatenate first line to the last line of the buffer
nlines = len(buf)
buf[nlines-1] = buf[nlines-1] + lines[0]
if len(lines) > 1:
# Append all subsequent lines
# Keep only the last g:slimv_repl_max_len lines
repl_max_len = int(vim.eval("g:slimv_repl_max_len"))
repl_prompt_line = int(vim.eval("getbufvar(%d, 'repl_prompt_line')" % repl_buf))
lastline = len(buf)
prompt_offset = lastline - repl_prompt_line
if repl_max_len > 0 and lastline > repl_max_len:
form = "\n".join(buf[0:(lastline-repl_max_len)])
ending = vim.eval("substitute(s:CloseForm('%s'), '\\n', '', 'g')" % form.replace("'", "''"))
# Delete extra lines
buf[0:(lastline - repl_max_len)] = []
if ending.find(')') >= 0 or ending.find(']') >= 0 or ending.find(']') >= 0:
# Reverse the ending and replace matched characters with their pairs
start = ending[::-1]
start = start.replace(')', '(').replace(']', '[').replace('}', '{').replace("\n", '')
# Re-balance the beginning of the buffer
buf[0:0] = [start + " .... ; output shortened"]
vim.command("call setbufvar(%d, 'repl_prompt_line', %d)" % (repl_buf, len(buf) - prompt_offset))
# Move cursor at the end of REPL buffer in case it was originally after the prompt
vim.command('call SlimvReplSetCursorPos(0)')
def swank_output(echo):
global sock
global debug_active
global debug_activated
if not sock:
return "SWANK server is not connected."
count = 0
#logtime('[- Output--]')
debug_activated = False
result = swank_listen()
pending = actions_pending()
while sock and result == '' and pending > 0 and count < listen_retries:
result = swank_listen()
pending = actions_pending()
count = count + 1
if echo and result != '':
# Append SWANK output to REPL buffer
append_repl(result, 0)
if debug_activated and debug_active:
# Debugger was activated in this run
vim.command('call SlimvOpenSldbBuffer()')
vim.command('call SlimvEndUpdate()')
vim.command("call search('^Restarts:', 'w')")
def swank_response(name):
for k,a in sorted(actions.items()):
if not a.pending and (name == '' or name == a.name):
vc = ":let s:swank_action='" + a.name + "'"
vim.command("let s:swank_result='%s'" % a.result.replace("'", "''"))
vc = ":let s:swank_action=''"
vc = ":let s:swank_result=''"