diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/astro/eslint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/astro/eslint.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fb51ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/astro/eslint.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+" Author: Hyuksang Kwon <gwonhyuksang@gmail.com>
+" Description: eslint for astro files
+call ale#linter#Define('astro', {
+\   'name': 'eslint',
+\   'output_stream': 'both',
+\   'executable': function('ale#handlers#eslint#GetExecutable'),
+\   'cwd': function('ale#handlers#eslint#GetCwd'),
+\   'command': function('ale#handlers#eslint#GetCommand'),
+\   'callback': 'ale#handlers#eslint#HandleJSON',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/cmake/cmake_lint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/cmake/cmake_lint.vim
index 3c44c92f..5942e08d 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/cmake/cmake_lint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/cmake/cmake_lint.vim
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function! ale_linters#cmake#cmake_lint#Command(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#cmake#cmake_lint#Executable(a:buffer)
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cmake_cmake_lint_options')
-    return ale#Escape(l:executable) . ' ' . l:options . ' %t'
+    return ale#Escape(l:executable) . ' ' . l:options . ' %s'
 function! ale_linters#cmake#cmake_lint#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/css/stylelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/css/stylelint.vim
index e508f392..ceb42461 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/css/stylelint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/css/stylelint.vim
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ endfunction
 call ale#linter#Define('css', {
 \   'name': 'stylelint',
+\   'output_stream': 'both',
 \   'executable': {b -> ale#path#FindExecutable(b, 'css_stylelint', [
 \       'node_modules/.bin/stylelint',
 \   ])},
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/dart/analysis_server.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/dart/analysis_server.vim
index a6870da9..12a5d590 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/dart/analysis_server.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/dart/analysis_server.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 " Author: Nelson Yeung <nelsyeung@gmail.com>
 " Description: Check Dart files with dart analysis server LSP
+call ale#Set('dart_analysis_server_enable_language_server', 1)
 call ale#Set('dart_analysis_server_executable', 'dart')
 function! ale_linters#dart#analysis_server#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort
@@ -12,12 +13,19 @@ function! ale_linters#dart#analysis_server#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort
 function! ale_linters#dart#analysis_server#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+    let l:language_server = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'dart_analysis_server_enable_language_server')
     let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'dart_analysis_server_executable')
     let l:dart = resolve(exepath(l:executable))
-    return '%e '
+    let l:output = '%e '
     \   . fnamemodify(l:dart, ':h') . '/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot'
     \   . ' --lsp'
+    " Enable new language-server command
+    if l:language_server == 1
+        let l:output = '%e language-server --protocol=lsp'
+    endif
+    return l:output
 call ale#linter#Define('dart', {
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/elm/ls.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/elm/ls.vim
index 38a5b234..111f3ac2 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/elm/ls.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/elm/ls.vim
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function! ale_linters#elm#ls#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort
     return !empty(l:elm_json) ? fnamemodify(l:elm_json, ':p:h') : ''
-function! ale_linters#elm#ls#GetOptions(buffer) abort
+function! ale_linters#elm#ls#GetInitializationOptions(buffer) abort
     return {
     \   'elmPath': ale#Var(a:buffer, 'elm_ls_elm_path'),
     \   'elmFormatPath': ale#Var(a:buffer, 'elm_ls_elm_format_path'),
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ call ale#linter#Define('elm', {
 \   'command': '%e --stdio',
 \   'project_root': function('ale_linters#elm#ls#GetProjectRoot'),
 \   'language': 'elm',
-\   'initialization_options': function('elm_ls#GetOptions')
+\   'initialization_options': function('ale_linters#elm#ls#GetInitializationOptions')
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/elvis.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/elvis.vim
index 0fb85c07..321a6c72 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/elvis.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/elvis.vim
@@ -26,9 +26,27 @@ function! s:AbbreviateMessage(text) abort
 function! s:GetCommand(buffer) abort
-    let l:file = ale#Escape(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':.'))
+    let l:cwd = s:GetCwd(a:buffer)
-    return '%e rock --output-format=parsable ' . l:file
+    let l:file = !empty(l:cwd)
+    \   ? expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')[len(l:cwd) + 1:]
+    \   : expand('#' . a:buffer . ':.')
+    return '%e rock --output-format=parsable ' . ale#Escape(l:file)
+function! s:GetCwd(buffer) abort
+    let l:markers = ['elvis.config', 'rebar.lock', 'erlang.mk']
+    for l:path in ale#path#Upwards(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h'))
+        for l:marker in l:markers
+            if filereadable(l:path . '/' . l:marker)
+                return l:path
+            endif
+        endfor
+    endfor
+    return ''
 call ale#linter#Define('erlang', {
@@ -36,5 +54,6 @@ call ale#linter#Define('erlang', {
 \   'callback': 'ale_linters#erlang#elvis#Handle',
 \   'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'erlang_elvis_executable')},
 \   'command': function('s:GetCommand'),
+\   'cwd': function('s:GetCwd'),
 \   'lint_file': 1,
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/erlang_ls.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/erlang_ls.vim
index b747e454..0f070459 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/erlang_ls.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/erlang_ls.vim
@@ -21,7 +21,14 @@ function! s:GetCommand(buffer) abort
 function! s:FindProjectRoot(buffer) abort
-    let l:markers = ['_build/', 'erlang_ls.config', 'rebar.lock']
+    let l:markers = [
+    \   '_checkouts/',
+    \   '_build/',
+    \   'deps/',
+    \   'erlang_ls.config',
+    \   'rebar.lock',
+    \   'erlang.mk',
+    \]
     " This is a way to find Erlang/OTP root (the one that is managed
     " by kerl or asdf).  Useful if :ALEGoToDefinition takes us there.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/syntaxerl.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/syntaxerl.vim
index 5d555a8d..bd984fef 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/syntaxerl.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/erlang/syntaxerl.vim
@@ -3,29 +3,13 @@
 call ale#Set('erlang_syntaxerl_executable', 'syntaxerl')
-function! ale_linters#erlang#syntaxerl#RunHelpCommand(buffer) abort
-    let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'erlang_syntaxerl_executable')
-    return ale#command#Run(
-    \   a:buffer,
-    \   ale#Escape(l:executable) . ' -h',
-    \   function('ale_linters#erlang#syntaxerl#GetCommand'),
-    \)
-function! ale_linters#erlang#syntaxerl#GetCommand(buffer, output, meta) abort
-    let l:use_b_option = match(a:output, '\C\V-b, --base\>') > -1
-    return '%e' . (l:use_b_option ? ' -b %s %t' : ' %t')
 function! ale_linters#erlang#syntaxerl#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
     let l:pattern = '\v\C:(\d+):( warning:)? (.+)'
     let l:loclist = []
     for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(a:lines, l:pattern)
         call add(l:loclist, {
-        \   'lnum': l:match[1] + 0,
+        \   'lnum': str2nr(l:match[1]),
         \   'text': l:match[3],
         \   'type': empty(l:match[2]) ? 'E' : 'W',
@@ -34,9 +18,27 @@ function! ale_linters#erlang#syntaxerl#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
     return l:loclist
+function! s:GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'erlang_syntaxerl_executable')
+function! s:GetCommand(buffer) abort
+    let l:Callback = function('s:GetCommandFromHelpOutput')
+    return ale#command#Run(a:buffer, '%e -h', l:Callback, {
+    \   'executable': s:GetExecutable(a:buffer),
+    \})
+function! s:GetCommandFromHelpOutput(buffer, output, metadata) abort
+    let l:has_b_option = match(a:output, '\V\C-b, --base\>') > -1
+    return l:has_b_option ? '%e -b %s %t' : '%e %t'
 call ale#linter#Define('erlang', {
 \   'name': 'syntaxerl',
-\   'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'erlang_syntaxerl_executable')},
-\   'command': {b -> ale_linters#erlang#syntaxerl#RunHelpCommand(b)},
 \   'callback': 'ale_linters#erlang#syntaxerl#Handle',
+\   'executable': function('s:GetExecutable'),
+\   'command': function('s:GetCommand'),
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/glimmer/embertemplatelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/glimmer/embertemplatelint.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10b54bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/glimmer/embertemplatelint.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+" Author: Sam Saffron <sam.saffron@gmail.com>
+" Description: Ember-template-lint for checking GJS (Glimmer JS) files
+scriptencoding utf-8
+call ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#DefineLinter('glimmer')
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/go/golangci_lint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/go/golangci_lint.vim
index 78087b5e..a3643370 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/go/golangci_lint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/go/golangci_lint.vim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 call ale#Set('go_golangci_lint_options', '')
 call ale#Set('go_golangci_lint_executable', 'golangci-lint')
-call ale#Set('go_golangci_lint_package', 0)
+call ale#Set('go_golangci_lint_package', 1)
 function! ale_linters#go#golangci_lint#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:filename = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':t')
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/handlebars/embertemplatelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/handlebars/embertemplatelint.vim
index 14fa3b2e..62b5db03 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/handlebars/embertemplatelint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/handlebars/embertemplatelint.vim
@@ -1,62 +1,6 @@
 " Author: Adrian Zalewski <aazalewski@hotmail.com>
 " Description: Ember-template-lint for checking Handlebars files
-call ale#Set('handlebars_embertemplatelint_executable', 'ember-template-lint')
-call ale#Set('handlebars_embertemplatelint_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
+scriptencoding utf-8
-function! ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
-    return ale#path#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'handlebars_embertemplatelint', [
-    \   'node_modules/.bin/ember-template-lint',
-    \])
-function! ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
-    if ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [4, 0, 0])
-        " --json was removed in favor of --format=json in ember-template-lint@4.0.0
-        return '%e --format=json --filename %s'
-    endif
-    return '%e --json --filename %s'
-function! ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#GetCommandWithVersionCheck(buffer) abort
-    return ale#semver#RunWithVersionCheck(
-    \   a:buffer,
-    \   ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#GetExecutable(a:buffer),
-    \   '%e --version',
-    \   function('ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#GetCommand'),
-    \)
-function! ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
-    let l:output = []
-    let l:json = ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(a:lines, {})
-    for l:error in get(values(l:json), 0, [])
-        if has_key(l:error, 'fatal')
-            call add(l:output, {
-            \   'lnum': get(l:error, 'line', 1),
-            \   'col': get(l:error, 'column', 1),
-            \   'text': l:error.message,
-            \   'type': l:error.severity == 1 ? 'W' : 'E',
-            \})
-        else
-            call add(l:output, {
-            \   'lnum': l:error.line,
-            \   'col': l:error.column,
-            \   'text': l:error.rule . ': ' . l:error.message,
-            \   'type': l:error.severity == 1 ? 'W' : 'E',
-            \})
-        endif
-    endfor
-    return l:output
-call ale#linter#Define('handlebars', {
-\   'name': 'embertemplatelint',
-\   'aliases': ['ember-template-lint'],
-\   'executable': function('ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#GetExecutable'),
-\   'command': function('ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#GetCommandWithVersionCheck'),
-\   'callback': 'ale_linters#handlebars#embertemplatelint#Handle',
+call ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#DefineLinter('handlebars')
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/html/stylelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/html/stylelint.vim
index 6b7aba40..c191c468 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/html/stylelint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/html/stylelint.vim
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ endfunction
 call ale#linter#Define('html', {
 \   'name': 'stylelint',
+\   'output_stream': 'both',
 \   'executable': function('ale_linters#html#stylelint#GetExecutable'),
 \   'command': function('ale_linters#html#stylelint#GetCommand'),
 \   'callback': 'ale#handlers#css#HandleStyleLintFormat',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/hurl/hurlfmt.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/hurl/hurlfmt.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa4252da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/hurl/hurlfmt.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+" Description: Hurl linter using hurlfmt --check.
+" https://hurl.dev/
+call ale#Set('hurl_hurlfmt_executable', 'hurlfmt')
+function! ale_linters#hurl#hurlfmt#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+    return '%e'
+    \   . ' --check --no-color '
+function! ale_linters#hurl#hurlfmt#HandleOutput(buffer, lines) abort
+    " Matches patterns:
+    "
+    " error: Parsing space
+    " --> test.hurl:11:48
+    " |
+    " 8   | header "Content-Type"= "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+    " |                      ^ expecting a space
+    " |
+    "
+    " error: Parsing URL
+    " --> test.hurl:11:48
+    " |
+    " 11  | PUT https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/{post_id}}
+    " |                                                ^ illegal character <{>
+    " |
+    "
+    " Note: hurlfmt seems to report always the first error only so we assume
+    " there is only one error to make parsing easier.
+    let l:output = []
+    if empty(a:lines)
+        return l:output
+    endif
+    let l:pattern = '\v(error|warning): (.+) --\> (.+):(\d+):(\d+) .+ \^ (.+) |'
+    let l:lines = join(a:lines, ' ')
+    for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(l:lines, l:pattern)
+        call add(l:output, {
+        \ 'bufnr': a:buffer,
+        \ 'lnum': match[4] + 0,
+        \ 'col': match[5] + 0,
+        \ 'end_col': match[5] + 0,
+        \ 'text': match[2] . ' : ' . match[6],
+        \ 'type': (match[1] is# 'error') ? 'E' : 'W'
+        \})
+    endfor
+    return l:output
+function! ale_linters#hurl#hurlfmt#GetType(severity) abort
+    if a:severity is? 'convention'
+    \|| a:severity is? 'warning'
+    \|| a:severity is? 'refactor'
+        return 'W'
+    endif
+    return 'E'
+call ale#linter#Define('hurl', {
+\   'name': 'hurlfmt',
+\   'output_stream': 'stderr',
+\   'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'hurl_hurlfmt_executable')},
+\   'command': function('ale_linters#hurl#hurlfmt#GetCommand'),
+\   'callback': 'ale_linters#hurl#hurlfmt#HandleOutput',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/javascript/biome.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/javascript/biome.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17714de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/javascript/biome.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+" Author: Filip Gospodinov <f@gospodinov.ch>
+" Description: biome for JavaScript files
+call ale#linter#Define('javascript', {
+\   'name': 'biome',
+\   'lsp': 'stdio',
+\   'language': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetLanguage'),
+\   'executable': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetExecutable'),
+\   'command': '%e lsp-proxy',
+\   'project_root': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetProjectRoot'),
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/json/biome.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/json/biome.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..086ee44a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/json/biome.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+" Description: biome for json files
+call ale#linter#Define('json', {
+\   'name': 'biome',
+\   'lsp': 'stdio',
+\   'language': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetLanguage'),
+\   'executable': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetExecutable'),
+\   'command': '%e lsp-proxy',
+\   'project_root': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetProjectRoot'),
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/jsonc/biome.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/jsonc/biome.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a691093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/jsonc/biome.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+" Description: biome for jsonc files
+call ale#linter#Define('jsonc', {
+\   'name': 'biome',
+\   'lsp': 'stdio',
+\   'language': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetLanguage'),
+\   'executable': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetExecutable'),
+\   'command': '%e lsp-proxy',
+\   'project_root': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetProjectRoot'),
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/less/stylelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/less/stylelint.vim
index 83f784c4..9430fe9b 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/less/stylelint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/less/stylelint.vim
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ endfunction
 call ale#linter#Define('less', {
 \   'name': 'stylelint',
+\   'output_stream': 'both',
 \   'executable': {b -> ale#path#FindExecutable(b, 'less_stylelint', [
 \       'node_modules/.bin/stylelint',
 \   ])},
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/odin/ols.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/odin/ols.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..242dea0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/odin/ols.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+" Author: Benjamin Block <https://github.com/benjamindblock>
+" Description: A language server for Odin.
+function! ale_linters#odin#ols#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort
+    return fnamemodify('', ':h')
+call ale#Set('odin_ols_executable', 'ols')
+call ale#Set('odin_ols_config', {})
+call ale#linter#Define('odin', {
+\   'name': 'ols',
+\   'lsp': 'stdio',
+\   'language': 'odin',
+\   'lsp_config': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'odin_ols_config')},
+\   'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'odin_ols_executable')},
+\   'command': '%e',
+\   'project_root': function('ale_linters#odin#ols#GetProjectRoot'),
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/php/phpstan.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/php/phpstan.vim
index b0d2a8d3..a0942530 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/php/phpstan.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/php/phpstan.vim
@@ -57,12 +57,14 @@ function! ale_linters#php#phpstan#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
         return l:output
-    for l:err in l:res.files[expand('#' . a:buffer .':p')].messages
-        call add(l:output, {
-        \   'lnum': l:err.line,
-        \   'text': l:err.message,
-        \   'type': 'E',
-        \})
+    for l:key in keys(l:res.files)
+        for l:err in l:res.files[l:key].messages
+            call add(l:output, {
+            \   'lnum': l:err.line,
+            \   'text': l:err.message,
+            \   'type': 'E',
+            \})
+        endfor
     return l:output
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/bandit.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/bandit.vim
index 9cfca7c0..ba48c3a8 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/bandit.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/bandit.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_bandit_use_config', 1)
 call ale#Set('python_bandit_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_bandit_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_bandit_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_bandit_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#bandit#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (
@@ -23,6 +24,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#bandit#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_bandit_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_bandit', ['bandit'])
@@ -39,7 +45,7 @@ function! ale_linters#python#bandit#GetCommand(buffer) abort
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run bandit'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/flake8.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/flake8.vim
index 9950614a..12dca84a 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/flake8.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/flake8.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_flake8_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0
 call ale#Set('python_flake8_change_directory', 'project')
 call ale#Set('python_flake8_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_flake8_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_flake8_auto_uv', 0)
 function! s:UsingModule(buffer) abort
     return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_flake8_options') =~# ' *-m flake8'
@@ -23,6 +24,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#flake8#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_flake8_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     if !s:UsingModule(a:buffer)
         return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_flake8', ['flake8'])
@@ -68,7 +74,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#flake8#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#flake8#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run flake8'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/flakehell.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/flakehell.vim
index ffe87e29..9ff0f18f 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/flakehell.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/flakehell.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_flakehell_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables'
 call ale#Set('python_flakehell_change_directory', 'project')
 call ale#Set('python_flakehell_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_flakehell_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_flakehell_auto_uv', 0)
 function! s:UsingModule(buffer) abort
     return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_flakehell_executable') is? 'python'
@@ -23,6 +24,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#flakehell#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_flakehell_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     if !s:UsingModule(a:buffer)
         return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_flakehell', ['flakehell'])
@@ -68,7 +74,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#flakehell#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#flakehell#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    if (l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$')
+    if (l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$')
         let l:exec_args = ' run flakehell'
     elseif (l:executable is? 'python')
         let l:exec_args = ' -m flakehell'
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/jedils.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/jedils.vim
index e82abd1b..46b2896b 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/jedils.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/jedils.vim
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 call ale#Set('python_jedils_executable', 'jedi-language-server')
 call ale#Set('python_jedils_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_jedils_auto_pipenv', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_jedils_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_jedils_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#jedils#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_jedils_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -11,12 +13,22 @@ function! ale_linters#python#jedils#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'pipenv'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_poetry') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_jedils_auto_poetry'))
+    \ && ale#python#PoetryPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'poetry'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_jedils_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_jedils', ['jedi-language-server'])
 function! ale_linters#python#jedils#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#jedils#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run jedi-language-server'
     \   : ''
     let l:env_string = ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/mypy.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/mypy.vim
index 9d469a1a..586a4381 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/mypy.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/mypy.vim
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_mypy_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_mypy_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_mypy_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_mypy_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_mypy_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#mypy#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_mypy_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -20,6 +21,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#mypy#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_mypy_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_mypy', ['mypy'])
@@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#mypy#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#mypy#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run mypy'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/prospector.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/prospector.vim
index 3623bda0..c40f25c5 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/prospector.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/prospector.vim
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 call ale#Set('python_prospector_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_prospector_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_prospector_auto_uv', 0)
 let g:ale_python_prospector_executable =
 \   get(g:, 'ale_python_prospector_executable', 'prospector')
@@ -23,13 +24,18 @@ function! ale_linters#python#prospector#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_prospector_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_prospector', ['prospector'])
 function! ale_linters#python#prospector#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#prospector#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run prospector'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pycln.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pycln.vim
index 917a9757..774c6b04 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pycln.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pycln.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pycln_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pycln_change_directory', 1)
 call ale#Set('python_pycln_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pycln_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pycln_auto_uv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pycln_config_file', '')
 function! ale_linters#python#pycln#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
@@ -20,6 +21,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pycln#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pycln_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pycln', ['pycln'])
@@ -36,7 +42,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#pycln#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pycln#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pycln'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pycodestyle.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pycodestyle.vim
index 3fb94d69..bd3584b8 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pycodestyle.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pycodestyle.vim
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pycodestyle_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_pycodestyle_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_pycodestyle_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pycodestyle_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pycodestyle_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#pycodestyle#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pycodestyle_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -18,13 +19,18 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pycodestyle#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pycodestyle_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pycodestyle', ['pycodestyle'])
 function! ale_linters#python#pycodestyle#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pycodestyle#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pycodestyle'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pydocstyle.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pydocstyle.vim
index ef0d818c..b012dd43 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pydocstyle.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pydocstyle.vim
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pydocstyle_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_pydocstyle_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_pydocstyle_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pydocstyle_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pydocstyle_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#pydocstyle#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pydocstyle_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -18,12 +19,17 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pydocstyle#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pydocstyle_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pydocstyle', ['pydocstyle'])
 function! ale_linters#python#pydocstyle#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pydocstyle#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pydocstyle'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyflakes.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyflakes.vim
index 2567c533..fc0a3fa7 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyflakes.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyflakes.vim
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pyflakes_executable', 'pyflakes')
 call ale#Set('python_pyflakes_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_pyflakes_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pyflakes_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pyflakes_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#pyflakes#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pyflakes_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -17,13 +18,18 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pyflakes#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pyflakes_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pyflakes', ['pyflakes'])
 function! ale_linters#python#pyflakes#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pyflakes#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pyflakes'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylama.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylama.vim
index 14f8071a..6555b409 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylama.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylama.vim
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pylama_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_pylama_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_pylama_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pylama_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pylama_auto_uv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pylama_change_directory', 1)
 function! ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
@@ -19,12 +20,17 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pylama_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pylama', ['pylama'])
 function! ale_linters#python#pylama#RunWithVersionCheck(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pylama'
     \   : ''
@@ -53,7 +59,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#pylama#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pylama'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylint.vim
index 2ce5376f..90aa5f1c 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylint.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pylint_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0
 call ale#Set('python_pylint_change_directory', 1)
 call ale#Set('python_pylint_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pylint_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pylint_auto_uv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pylint_use_msg_id', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#pylint#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
@@ -20,6 +21,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pylint#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pylint_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pylint', ['pylint'])
@@ -38,7 +44,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#pylint#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pylint#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pylint'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylsp.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylsp.vim
index a1c31018..d3db6e82 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylsp.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pylsp.vim
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pylsp_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_pylsp_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_pylsp_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pylsp_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pylsp_auto_uv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pylsp_config', {})
 function! ale_linters#python#pylsp#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
@@ -19,6 +20,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pylsp#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pylsp_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pylsp', ['pylsp'])
@@ -37,7 +43,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#pylsp#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pylsp#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pylsp'
     \   : ''
     let l:env_string = ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyre.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyre.vim
index 5e5786f9..177f1cb5 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyre.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyre.vim
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pyre_executable', 'pyre')
 call ale#Set('python_pyre_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_pyre_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pyre_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pyre_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#pyre#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pyre_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -17,12 +18,17 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pyre#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pyre_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pyre', ['pyre'])
 function! ale_linters#python#pyre#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pyre#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = (l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$' ? ' run pyre' : '') . ' persistent'
+    let l:exec_args = (l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$' ? ' run pyre' : '') . ' persistent'
     return ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyright.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyright.vim
index e41f7f14..993ed075 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyright.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/pyright.vim
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pyright_executable', 'pyright-langserver')
 call ale#Set('python_pyright_config', {})
 call ale#Set('python_pyright_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pyright_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pyright_auto_uv', 0)
 " Force the cwd of the server to be the same as the project root to
 " fix issues with treating local files matching first or third party library
@@ -59,12 +60,17 @@ function! ale_linters#python#pyright#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pyright_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pyright', ['pyright-langserver'])
 function! ale_linters#python#pyright#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pyright#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pyright-langserver'
     \   : ''
     let l:env_string = ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/refurb.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/refurb.vim
index 1ae77b77..7f92948a 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/refurb.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/refurb.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_refurb_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0
 call ale#Set('python_refurb_change_directory', 1)
 call ale#Set('python_refurb_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_refurb_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_refurb_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#refurb#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_refurb_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -19,6 +20,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#refurb#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_refurb_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_refurb', ['refurb'])
@@ -35,7 +41,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#refurb#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#refurb#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run refurb'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/ruff.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/ruff.vim
index c4f8ad1b..25ae2d91 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/ruff.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/ruff.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_ruff_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_change_directory', 1)
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_ruff_auto_uv', 0)
 call ale#fix#registry#Add('ruff',
 \   'ale#fixers#ruff#Fix',
@@ -25,6 +26,11 @@ function! ale_linters#python#ruff#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_ruff_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_ruff', ['ruff'])
@@ -41,13 +47,18 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#ruff#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#ruff#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run ruff'
     \   : ''
-    " NOTE: ruff version `0.0.69` supports liniting input from stdin
+    " NOTE: ruff 0.3.0 deprecates `ruff <path>` in favor of `ruff check <path>`
+    let l:exec_args = l:exec_args
+    \   . (ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [0, 3, 0]) ? ' check' : '')
+    " NOTE: ruff version `0.0.69` supports linting input from stdin
     " NOTE: ruff version `0.1.0` deprecates `--format text`
     return ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args . ' -q'
+    \   . ' --no-fix'
     \   . ale#Pad(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_ruff_options'))
     \   . (ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [0, 1, 0]) ? ' --output-format json-lines' : ' --format json-lines')
     \   . (ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [0, 0, 69]) ? ' --stdin-filename %s -' : ' %s')
@@ -56,17 +67,25 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#ruff#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
     let l:output = []
+    " Read all lines of ruff output and parse use all the valid JSONL lines.
     for l:line in a:lines
-        let l:item = json_decode(l:line)
-        call add(l:output, {
-        \   'lnum': l:item.location.row,
-        \   'col': l:item.location.column,
-        \   'end_lnum': l:item.end_location.row,
-        \   'end_col': l:item.end_location.column - 1,
-        \   'code': l:item.code,
-        \   'text': l:item.message,
-        \   'type': l:item.code =~? '\vE\d+' ? 'E' : 'W',
-        \})
+        try
+            let l:item = json_decode(l:line)
+        catch
+            let l:item = v:null
+        endtry
+        if !empty(l:item)
+            call add(l:output, {
+            \   'lnum': l:item.location.row,
+            \   'col': l:item.location.column,
+            \   'end_lnum': l:item.end_location.row,
+            \   'end_col': l:item.end_location.column - 1,
+            \   'code': l:item.code,
+            \   'text': l:item.message,
+            \   'type': l:item.code =~? '\vE\d+' ? 'E' : 'W',
+            \})
+        endif
     return l:output
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/unimport.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/unimport.vim
index 71fd80f0..06dbc436 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/unimport.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/unimport.vim
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_unimport_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_unimport_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_unimport_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_unimport_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_unimport_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale_linters#python#unimport#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_unimport_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -17,12 +18,17 @@ function! ale_linters#python#unimport#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_unimport_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_unimport', ['unimport'])
 function! ale_linters#python#unimport#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#unimport#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run unimport'
     \   : ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/vulture.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/vulture.vim
index a7ba1860..2ac05e43 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/vulture.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/python/vulture.vim
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ call ale#Set('python_vulture_executable', 'vulture')
 call ale#Set('python_vulture_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_vulture_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_vulture_change_directory', 1)
+call ale#Set('python_vulture_auto_pipenv', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_vulture_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_vulture_auto_uv', 0)
 " The directory to change to before running vulture
 function! s:GetDir(buffer) abort
@@ -16,6 +19,21 @@ function! s:GetDir(buffer) abort
 function! ale_linters#python#vulture#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_vulture_auto_pipenv'))
+    \ && ale#python#PipenvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'pipenv'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_poetry') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_vulture_auto_poetry'))
+    \ && ale#python#PoetryPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'poetry'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_vulture_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_vulture', ['vulture'])
@@ -29,7 +47,7 @@ endfunction
 function! ale_linters#python#vulture#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#python#vulture#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run vulture'
     \   : ''
     let l:lint_dest = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_vulture_change_directory')
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/ruby/steep.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/ruby/steep.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fd52620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/ruby/steep.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+call ale#Set('ruby_steep_executable', 'steep')
+call ale#Set('ruby_steep_options', '')
+" Find the nearest dir containing a Steepfile
+function! ale_linters#ruby#steep#FindRoot(buffer) abort
+    for l:name in ['Steepfile']
+        let l:dir = fnamemodify(
+        \   ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, l:name),
+        \   ':h'
+        \)
+        if l:dir isnot# '.' && isdirectory(l:dir)
+            return l:dir
+        endif
+    endfor
+    return ''
+" Rename path relative to root
+function! ale_linters#ruby#steep#RelativeToRoot(buffer, path) abort
+    let l:separator = has('win32') ? '\' : '/'
+    let l:steep_root = ale_linters#ruby#steep#FindRoot(a:buffer)
+    " path isn't under root
+    if l:steep_root is# ''
+        return ''
+    endif
+    let l:steep_root_prefix = l:steep_root . l:separator
+    " win32 path separators get interpreted by substitute, escape them
+    if has('win32')
+        let l:steep_root_pat = substitute(l:steep_root_prefix, '\\', '\\\\', 'g')
+    else
+        let l:steep_root_pat = l:steep_root_prefix
+    endif
+    return substitute(a:path, l:steep_root_pat, '', '')
+function! ale_linters#ruby#steep#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+    let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'ruby_steep_executable')
+    " steep check needs to apply some config from the file path so:
+    " - steep check can't use stdin (no path)
+    " - steep check can't use %t (path outside of project)
+    " => we can only use %s
+    " somehow :ALEInfo shows that ALE still appends '< %t' to the command
+    " => luckily steep check ignores stdin
+    " somehow steep has a problem with absolute path to file but a path
+    " relative to Steepfile directory works:
+    " see https://github.com/soutaro/steep/pull/975
+    " => change to Steepfile directory and remove leading path
+    let l:buffer_filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':p')
+    let l:buffer_filename = fnameescape(l:buffer_filename)
+    let l:relative = ale_linters#ruby#steep#RelativeToRoot(a:buffer, l:buffer_filename)
+    " if file is not under steep root, steep can't type check
+    if l:relative is# ''
+        " don't execute
+        return ''
+    endif
+    return ale#ruby#EscapeExecutable(l:executable, 'steep')
+    \   . ' check '
+    \   . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'ruby_steep_options')
+    \   . ' ' . fnameescape(l:relative)
+function! ale_linters#ruby#steep#GetType(severity) abort
+    if a:severity is? 'information'
+    \|| a:severity is? 'hint'
+        return 'I'
+    endif
+    if a:severity is? 'warning'
+        return 'W'
+    endif
+    return 'E'
+" Handle output from steep
+function! ale_linters#ruby#steep#HandleOutput(buffer, lines) abort
+    let l:output = []
+    let l:in = 0
+    let l:item = {}
+    for l:line in a:lines
+        " Look for first line of a message block
+        " If not in-message (l:in == 0) that's expected
+        " If in-message (l:in > 0) that's less expected but let's recover
+        let l:match = matchlist(l:line, '^\([^:]*\):\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\): \[\([^]]*\)\] \(.*\)')
+        if len(l:match) > 0
+            " Something is lingering: recover by pushing what is there
+            if len(l:item) > 0
+                call add(l:output, l:item)
+                let l:item = {}
+            endif
+            let l:filename = l:match[1]
+            " Steep's reported column is offset by 1 (zero-indexed?)
+            let l:item = {
+            \   'lnum': l:match[2] + 0,
+            \   'col': l:match[3] + 1,
+            \   'type': ale_linters#ruby#steep#GetType(l:match[4]),
+            \   'text': l:match[5],
+            \}
+            " Done with this line, mark being in-message and go on with next line
+            let l:in = 1
+            continue
+        endif
+        " We're past the first line of a message block
+        if l:in > 0
+            " Look for code in subsequent lines of the message block
+            if l:line =~# '^│ Diagnostic ID:'
+                let l:match = matchlist(l:line, '^│ Diagnostic ID: \(.*\)')
+                if len(l:match) > 0
+                    let l:item.code = l:match[1]
+                endif
+                " Done with the line
+                continue
+            endif
+            " Look for last line of the message block
+            if l:line =~# '^└'
+                " Done with the line, mark looking for underline and go on with the next line
+                let l:in = 2
+                continue
+            endif
+            " Look for underline right after last line
+            if l:in == 2
+                let l:match = matchlist(l:line, '\([~][~]*\)')
+                if len(l:match) > 0
+                    let l:item.end_col = l:item['col'] + len(l:match[1]) - 1
+                endif
+                call add(l:output, l:item)
+                " Done with the line, mark looking for first line and go on with the next line
+                let l:in = 0
+                let l:item = {}
+                continue
+            endif
+        endif
+    endfor
+    return l:output
+call ale#linter#Define('ruby', {
+\   'name': 'steep',
+\   'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'ruby_steep_executable')},
+\   'language': 'ruby',
+\   'command': function('ale_linters#ruby#steep#GetCommand'),
+\   'project_root': function('ale_linters#ruby#steep#FindRoot'),
+\   'callback': 'ale_linters#ruby#steep#HandleOutput',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sass/stylelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sass/stylelint.vim
index 22abef9b..651d7fd5 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sass/stylelint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sass/stylelint.vim
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ call ale#Set('sass_stylelint_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables',
 call ale#linter#Define('sass', {
 \   'name': 'stylelint',
+\   'output_stream': 'both',
 \   'executable': {b -> ale#path#FindExecutable(b, 'sass_stylelint', [
 \       'node_modules/.bin/stylelint',
 \   ])},
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/scss/stylelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/scss/stylelint.vim
index fea4ea8f..4f82a98a 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/scss/stylelint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/scss/stylelint.vim
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ endfunction
 call ale#linter#Define('scss', {
 \   'name': 'stylelint',
+\   'output_stream': 'both',
 \   'executable': {b -> ale#path#FindExecutable(b, 'scss_stylelint', [
 \       'node_modules/.bin/stylelint',
 \   ])},
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sql/sqlfluff.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sql/sqlfluff.vim
index 0ec062bd..4381e1ab 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sql/sqlfluff.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sql/sqlfluff.vim
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function! ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Executable(buffer) abort
     return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'sql_sqlfluff_executable')
-function! ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Command(buffer) abort
+function! ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Command(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Executable(a:buffer)
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'sql_sqlfluff_options')
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function! ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Command(buffer) abort
     return l:cmd
-function! ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
+function! ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Handle(buffer, version, lines) abort
     let l:output = []
     let l:json_lines = ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(a:lines, [])
@@ -50,16 +50,31 @@ function! ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
         return l:output
-    for l:violation in get(l:json, 'violations', [])
-        call add(l:output, {
-        \   'filename': l:json.filepath,
-        \   'lnum': l:violation.line_no,
-        \   'col': l:violation.line_pos,
-        \   'text': l:violation.description,
-        \   'code': l:violation.code,
-        \   'type': 'W',
-        \})
-    endfor
+    if ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [3, 0, 0])
+        for l:violation in get(l:json, 'violations', [])
+            call add(l:output, {
+            \   'filename': l:json.filepath,
+            \   'lnum': l:violation.start_line_no,
+            \   'end_lnum': l:violation.end_line_no,
+            \   'col': l:violation.start_line_pos,
+            \   'end_col': l:violation.end_line_pos,
+            \   'text': l:violation.description,
+            \   'code': l:violation.code,
+            \   'type': 'W',
+            \})
+        endfor
+    else
+        for l:violation in get(l:json, 'violations', [])
+            call add(l:output, {
+            \   'filename': l:json.filepath,
+            \   'lnum': l:violation.line_no,
+            \   'col': l:violation.line_pos,
+            \   'text': l:violation.description,
+            \   'code': l:violation.code,
+            \   'type': 'W',
+            \})
+        endfor
+    endif
     return l:output
@@ -67,6 +82,19 @@ endfunction
 call ale#linter#Define('sql', {
 \   'name': 'sqlfluff',
 \   'executable': function('ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Executable'),
-\   'command': function('ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Command'),
-\   'callback': 'ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Handle',
+\   'command': {buffer -> ale#semver#RunWithVersionCheck(
+\       buffer,
+\       ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Executable(buffer),
+\       '%e --version',
+\       function('ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Command'),
+\   )},
+\   'callback': {buffer, lines -> ale#semver#RunWithVersionCheck(
+\       buffer,
+\       ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Executable(buffer),
+\       '%e --version',
+\       {buffer, version -> ale_linters#sql#sqlfluff#Handle(
+\           buffer,
+\           l:version,
+\           lines)},
+\   )},
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/stylus/stylelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/stylus/stylelint.vim
index b60e38ed..652e15d2 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/stylus/stylelint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/stylus/stylelint.vim
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ endfunction
 call ale#linter#Define('stylus', {
 \   'name': 'stylelint',
+\   'output_stream': 'both',
 \   'executable': {b -> ale#path#FindExecutable(b, 'stylus_stylelint', [
 \       'node_modules/.bin/stylelint',
 \   ])},
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sugarss/stylelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sugarss/stylelint.vim
index 879ff0ca..a12191b8 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sugarss/stylelint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/sugarss/stylelint.vim
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ endfunction
 call ale#linter#Define('sugarss', {
 \   'name': 'stylelint',
+\   'output_stream': 'both',
 \   'executable': {b -> ale#path#FindExecutable(b, 'sugarss_stylelint', [
 \       'node_modules/.bin/stylelint',
 \   ])},
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/tex/chktex.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/tex/chktex.vim
index 160baf0d..9e7be587 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/tex/chktex.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/tex/chktex.vim
@@ -1,29 +1,34 @@
 " Author: Andrew Balmos - <andrew@balmos.org>
 " Description: chktex for LaTeX files
-let g:ale_tex_chktex_executable =
-\   get(g:, 'ale_tex_chktex_executable', 'chktex')
+call ale#Set('tex_chktex_executable', 'chktex')
+call ale#Set('tex_chktex_options', '-I')
-let g:ale_tex_chktex_options =
-\   get(g:, 'ale_tex_chktex_options', '-I')
+function! ale_linters#tex#chktex#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'tex_chktex_executable')
-function! ale_linters#tex#chktex#GetCommand(buffer) abort
-    " Check for optional .chktexrc
-    let l:chktex_config = ale#path#FindNearestFile(
-    \   a:buffer,
-    \   '.chktexrc')
+function! ale_linters#tex#chktex#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
+    let l:options = ''
-    let l:command = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'tex_chktex_executable')
     " Avoid bug when used without -p (last warning has gibberish for a filename)
-    let l:command .= ' -v0 -p stdin -q'
+    let l:options .= ' -v0 -p stdin -q'
-    if !empty(l:chktex_config)
-        let l:command .= ' -l ' . ale#Escape(l:chktex_config)
+    " Avoid bug of reporting wrong column when using tabs (issue #723)
+    if ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [1, 7, 7])
+        let l:options .= ' -S TabSize=1'
-    let l:command .= ' ' . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'tex_chktex_options')
+    " Check for optional .chktexrc
+    let l:chktex_config = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, '.chktexrc')
-    return l:command
+    if !empty(l:chktex_config)
+        let l:options .= ' -l ' . ale#Escape(l:chktex_config)
+    endif
+    let l:options .= ' ' . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'tex_chktex_options')
+    return '%e' . l:options
 function! ale_linters#tex#chktex#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
@@ -48,7 +53,12 @@ endfunction
 call ale#linter#Define('tex', {
 \   'name': 'chktex',
-\   'executable': 'chktex',
-\   'command': function('ale_linters#tex#chktex#GetCommand'),
+\   'executable': function('ale_linters#tex#chktex#GetExecutable'),
+\   'command': {buffer -> ale#semver#RunWithVersionCheck(
+\       buffer,
+\       ale_linters#tex#chktex#GetExecutable(buffer),
+\       '%e --version',
+\       function('ale_linters#tex#chktex#GetCommand'),
+\   )},
 \   'callback': 'ale_linters#tex#chktex#Handle'
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/typescript/biome.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/typescript/biome.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1730da51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/typescript/biome.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+" Author: Filip Gospodinov <f@gospodinov.ch>
+" Description: biome for TypeScript files
+call ale#linter#Define('typescript', {
+\   'name': 'biome',
+\   'lsp': 'stdio',
+\   'language': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetLanguage'),
+\   'executable': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetExecutable'),
+\   'command': '%e lsp-proxy',
+\   'project_root': function('ale#handlers#biome#GetProjectRoot'),
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/verilog/slang.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/verilog/slang.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40299a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/verilog/slang.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+" Author: Alvin Rolling <alvinrolling@gmail.com>
+" Description: slang for verilog files
+" Set this option to change Slang lint options
+if !exists('g:ale_verilog_slang_options')
+    let g:ale_verilog_slang_options = ''
+" --lint-only
+function! ale_linters#verilog#slang#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+    return 'slang -Weverything '
+    \   . '-I%s:h '
+    \   . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'verilog_slang_options') .' '
+    \   . '%t'
+function! s:RemoveUnicodeQuotes(text) abort
+    let l:text = a:text
+    let l:text = substitute(l:text, '[`´‘’]', '''', 'g')
+    let l:text = substitute(l:text, '[“”]', '"', 'g')
+    return l:text
+function! ale_linters#verilog#slang#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
+    let l:pattern = '\v^([a-zA-Z]?:?[^:]+):(\d+)?:?(\d+)?:? ([^:]+): (.+)$'
+    let l:output = []
+    for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(a:lines, l:pattern)
+        let l:item = {
+        \   'lnum': str2nr(l:match[2]),
+        \   'type': (l:match[4] is# 'error') ? 'E' : 'W',
+        \   'text': s:RemoveUnicodeQuotes(l:match[5]),
+        \}
+        if !empty(l:match[3])
+            let l:item.col = str2nr(l:match[3])
+        endif
+        call add(l:output, l:item)
+    endfor
+    return l:output
+call ale#linter#Define('verilog', {
+\   'name': 'slang',
+\   'output_stream': 'stderr',
+\   'executable': 'slang',
+\   'command': function('ale_linters#verilog#slang#GetCommand'),
+\   'callback': 'ale_linters#verilog#slang#Handle',
+\   'read_buffer': 0,
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/yaml/actionlint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/yaml/actionlint.vim
index 75fe3162..5afe6d48 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/yaml/actionlint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/ale_linters/yaml/actionlint.vim
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ call ale#Set('yaml_actionlint_executable', 'actionlint')
 call ale#Set('yaml_actionlint_options', '')
 function! ale_linters#yaml#actionlint#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+    " Only execute actionlint on YAML files in /.github/ paths.
+    if expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p') !~# '\v[/\\]\.github[/\\]'
+        return ''
+    endif
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'yaml_actionlint_options')
     if l:options !~# '-no-color'
@@ -15,21 +20,33 @@ function! ale_linters#yaml#actionlint#GetCommand(buffer) abort
         let l:options .= ale#Pad('-oneline')
-    return '%e' . ale#Pad(l:options)
+    return '%e' . ale#Pad(l:options) . ' - '
 function! ale_linters#yaml#actionlint#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
     " Matches patterns line the following:
     ".github/workflows/main.yml:19:0: could not parse as YAML: yaml: line 19: mapping values are not allowed in this context [yaml-syntax]
-    let l:pattern = '\v^.*:(\d+):(\d+): (.+) \[(.+)\]$'
+    let l:pattern = '\v^.{-}:(\d+):(\d+): (.+) \[(.+)\]$'
     let l:output = []
     for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(a:lines, l:pattern)
+        let l:code = l:match[4]
+        let l:text = l:match[3]
+        " Handle sub-linter errors like the following:
+        "validate.yml:19:9: shellcheck reported issue in this script: SC2086:info:1:15: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting [shellcheck]
+        if l:code is# 'shellcheck'
+            let l:shellcheck_match = matchlist(l:text, '\v^.+: (SC\d{4}):.+:\d+:\d+: (.+)$')
+            let l:text = l:shellcheck_match[2]
+            let l:code = 'shellcheck ' . l:shellcheck_match[1]
+        endif
         let l:item = {
         \   'lnum': l:match[1] + 0,
         \   'col': l:match[2] + 0,
-        \   'text': l:match[3],
-        \   'code': l:match[4],
+        \   'text': l:text,
+        \   'code': l:code,
         \   'type': 'E',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/definition.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/definition.vim
index 251bdcc5..210ee038 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/definition.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/definition.vim
@@ -35,22 +35,94 @@ function! ale#definition#UpdateTagStack() abort
+function! ale#definition#FormatTSServerResponse(response_item, options) abort
+    if get(a:options, 'open_in') is# 'quickfix'
+        return {
+        \ 'filename': a:response_item.file,
+        \ 'lnum': a:response_item.start.line,
+        \ 'col': a:response_item.start.offset,
+        \}
+    else
+        return {
+        \ 'filename': a:response_item.file,
+        \ 'line': a:response_item.start.line,
+        \ 'column': a:response_item.start.offset,
+        \}
+    endif
 function! ale#definition#HandleTSServerResponse(conn_id, response) abort
     if has_key(a:response, 'request_seq')
     \&& has_key(s:go_to_definition_map, a:response.request_seq)
         let l:options = remove(s:go_to_definition_map, a:response.request_seq)
         if get(a:response, 'success', v:false) is v:true && !empty(a:response.body)
-            let l:filename = a:response.body[0].file
-            let l:line = a:response.body[0].start.line
-            let l:column = a:response.body[0].start.offset
+            let l:item_list = []
-            call ale#definition#UpdateTagStack()
-            call ale#util#Open(l:filename, l:line, l:column, l:options)
+            for l:response_item in a:response.body
+                call add(
+                \ l:item_list,
+                \ ale#definition#FormatTSServerResponse(l:response_item, l:options)
+                \)
+            endfor
+            if empty(l:item_list)
+                call ale#util#Execute('echom ''No definitions found''')
+            elseif len(l:item_list) == 1
+                let l:filename = l:item_list[0].filename
+                if get(l:options, 'open_in') is# 'quickfix'
+                    let l:line = l:item_list[0].lnum
+                    let l:column = l:item_list[0].col
+                else
+                    let l:line = l:item_list[0].line
+                    let l:column = l:item_list[0].column
+                endif
+                call ale#definition#UpdateTagStack()
+                call ale#util#Open(l:filename, l:line, l:column, l:options)
+            else
+                if get(l:options, 'open_in') is# 'quickfix'
+                    call setqflist([], 'r')
+                    call setqflist(l:item_list, 'a')
+                    call ale#util#Execute('cc 1')
+                else
+                    call ale#definition#UpdateTagStack()
+                    call ale#preview#ShowSelection(l:item_list, l:options)
+                endif
+            endif
+function! ale#definition#FormatLSPResponse(response_item, options) abort
+    if has_key(a:response_item, 'targetUri')
+        " LocationLink items use targetUri
+        let l:uri = a:response_item.targetUri
+        let l:line = a:response_item.targetRange.start.line + 1
+        let l:column = a:response_item.targetRange.start.character + 1
+    else
+        " LocationLink items use uri
+        let l:uri = a:response_item.uri
+        let l:line = a:response_item.range.start.line + 1
+        let l:column = a:response_item.range.start.character + 1
+    endif
+    if get(a:options, 'open_in') is# 'quickfix'
+        return {
+        \ 'filename': ale#util#ToResource(l:uri),
+        \ 'lnum': l:line,
+        \ 'col': l:column,
+        \}
+    else
+        return {
+        \ 'filename': ale#util#ToResource(l:uri),
+        \ 'line': l:line,
+        \ 'column': l:column,
+        \}
+    endif
 function! ale#definition#HandleLSPResponse(conn_id, response) abort
     if has_key(a:response, 'id')
     \&& has_key(s:go_to_definition_map, a:response.id)
@@ -65,21 +137,29 @@ function! ale#definition#HandleLSPResponse(conn_id, response) abort
             let l:result = []
-        for l:item in l:result
-            if has_key(l:item, 'targetUri')
-                " LocationLink items use targetUri
-                let l:uri = l:item.targetUri
-                let l:line = l:item.targetRange.start.line + 1
-                let l:column = l:item.targetRange.start.character + 1
-            else
-                " LocationLink items use uri
-                let l:uri = l:item.uri
-                let l:line = l:item.range.start.line + 1
-                let l:column = l:item.range.start.character + 1
-            endif
+        let l:item_list = []
+        for l:response_item in l:result
+            call add(l:item_list,
+            \ ale#definition#FormatLSPResponse(l:response_item, l:options)
+            \)
+        endfor
+        if empty(l:item_list)
+            call ale#util#Execute('echom ''No definitions found''')
+        elseif len(l:item_list) == 1
             call ale#definition#UpdateTagStack()
+            let l:uri = ale#util#ToURI(l:item_list[0].filename)
+            if get(l:options, 'open_in') is# 'quickfix'
+                let l:line = l:item_list[0].lnum
+                let l:column = l:item_list[0].col
+            else
+                let l:line = l:item_list[0].line
+                let l:column = l:item_list[0].column
+            endif
             let l:uri_handler = ale#uri#GetURIHandler(l:uri)
             if l:uri_handler is# v:null
@@ -88,9 +168,16 @@ function! ale#definition#HandleLSPResponse(conn_id, response) abort
                 call l:uri_handler.OpenURILink(l:uri, l:line, l:column, l:options, a:conn_id)
-            break
-        endfor
+        else
+            if get(l:options, 'open_in') is# 'quickfix'
+                call setqflist([], 'r')
+                call setqflist(l:item_list, 'a')
+                call ale#util#Execute('cc 1')
+            else
+                call ale#definition#UpdateTagStack()
+                call ale#preview#ShowSelection(l:item_list, l:options)
+            endif
+        endif
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
index 050cc6c7..661fa1e1 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ let s:default_registry = {
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['bib'],
 \       'description': 'Format bib files using bibclean.',
 \   },
+\   'biome': {
+\       'function': 'ale#fixers#biome#Fix',
+\       'suggested_filetypes': ['javascript', 'typescript', 'json', 'jsonc'],
+\       'description': 'Fix JavaScript and TypeScript using biome.',
+\   },
 \   'black': {
 \       'function': 'ale#fixers#black#Fix',
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['python'],
@@ -98,6 +103,11 @@ let s:default_registry = {
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['javascript', 'css', 'html'],
 \       'description': 'Apply fecs format to a file.',
 \   },
+\   'hurlfmt': {
+\       'function': 'ale#fixers#hurlfmt#Fix',
+\       'suggested_filetypes': ['hurl'],
+\       'description': 'Fix hurl files with hurlfmt.',
+\   },
 \   'tidy': {
 \       'function': 'ale#fixers#tidy#Fix',
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['html'],
@@ -127,7 +137,7 @@ let s:default_registry = {
 \   },
 \   'eslint': {
 \       'function': 'ale#fixers#eslint#Fix',
-\       'suggested_filetypes': ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+\       'suggested_filetypes': ['javascript', 'typescript', 'astro'],
 \       'description': 'Apply eslint --fix to a file.',
 \   },
 \   'mix_format': {
@@ -142,7 +152,7 @@ let s:default_registry = {
 \   },
 \   'prettier': {
 \       'function': 'ale#fixers#prettier#Fix',
-\       'suggested_filetypes': ['javascript', 'typescript', 'css', 'less', 'scss', 'json', 'json5', 'graphql', 'markdown', 'vue', 'svelte', 'html', 'yaml', 'openapi', 'ruby'],
+\       'suggested_filetypes': ['javascript', 'typescript', 'css', 'less', 'scss', 'json', 'json5', 'graphql', 'markdown', 'vue', 'svelte', 'html', 'yaml', 'openapi', 'ruby', 'astro'],
 \       'description': 'Apply prettier to a file.',
 \   },
 \   'prettier_eslint': {
@@ -291,6 +301,11 @@ let s:default_registry = {
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['solidity'],
 \       'description': 'Fix Solidity files with forge fmt.',
 \   },
+\   'gleam_format': {
+\       'function': 'ale#fixers#gleam_format#Fix',
+\       'suggested_filetypes': ['gleam'],
+\       'description': 'Fix Gleam files with gleam format.',
+\   },
 \   'gofmt': {
 \       'function': 'ale#fixers#gofmt#Fix',
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['go'],
@@ -546,6 +561,11 @@ let s:default_registry = {
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['html', 'htmldjango'],
 \       'description': 'Fix HTML files with html-beautify from js-beautify.',
 \   },
+\   'htmlbeautifier': {
+\       'function': 'ale#fixers#htmlbeautifier#Fix',
+\       'suggested_filetypes': ['eruby'],
+\       'description': 'Fix ERB files with htmlbeautifier gem.',
+\   },
 \   'lua-format': {
 \       'function': 'ale#fixers#lua_format#Fix',
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['lua'],
@@ -641,6 +661,11 @@ let s:default_registry = {
 \       'suggested_filetypes': ['nickel'],
 \       'description': 'Fix nickel files with nickel format',
 \   },
+\   'rubyfmt': {
+\       'function': 'ale#fixers#rubyfmt#Fix',
+\       'suggested_filetypes': ['ruby'],
+\       'description': 'A formatter for Ruby source code',
+\   },
 " Reset the function registry to the default entries.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autoflake.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autoflake.vim
index e2ad6536..c2530051 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autoflake.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autoflake.vim
@@ -4,22 +4,40 @@
 call ale#Set('python_autoflake_executable', 'autoflake')
 call ale#Set('python_autoflake_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_autoflake_options', '')
+call ale#Set('python_autoflake_auto_pipenv', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_autoflake_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_autoflake_auto_uv', 0)
+function! ale#fixers#autoflake#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autoflake_auto_pipenv'))
+    \ && ale#python#PipenvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'pipenv'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_poetry') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autoflake_auto_poetry'))
+    \ && ale#python#PoetryPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'poetry'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autoflake_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
+    return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_autoflake', ['autoflake'])
 function! ale#fixers#autoflake#Fix(buffer) abort
-    let l:executable = ale#python#FindExecutable(
-    \   a:buffer,
-    \   'python_autoflake',
-    \   ['autoflake'],
-    \)
+    let l:executable = ale#fixers#autoflake#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    if !executable(l:executable)
-        return 0
-    endif
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
+    \   ? ' run autoflake'
+    \   : ''
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autoflake_options')
     return {
-    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable)
+    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args
     \       . (!empty(l:options) ? ' ' . l:options : '')
     \       . ' --in-place '
     \       . ' %t',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autoimport.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autoimport.vim
index 700d36b5..686da124 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autoimport.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autoimport.vim
@@ -4,23 +4,41 @@
 call ale#Set('python_autoimport_executable', 'autoimport')
 call ale#Set('python_autoimport_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_autoimport_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
+call ale#Set('python_autoimport_auto_pipenv', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_autoimport_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_autoimport_auto_uv', 0)
+function! ale#fixers#autoimport#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autoimport_auto_pipenv'))
+    \ && ale#python#PipenvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'pipenv'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_poetry') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autoimport_auto_poetry'))
+    \ && ale#python#PoetryPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'poetry'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autoimport_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
+    return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_autoimport', ['autoimport'])
 function! ale#fixers#autoimport#Fix(buffer) abort
+    let l:executable = ale#fixers#autoimport#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
+    \   ? ' run autoimport'
+    \   : ''
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autoimport_options')
-    let l:executable = ale#python#FindExecutable(
-    \   a:buffer,
-    \   'python_autoimport',
-    \   ['autoimport'],
-    \)
-    if !executable(l:executable)
-        return 0
-    endif
     return {
     \   'cwd': '%s:h',
-    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable)
+    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args
     \       . (!empty(l:options) ? ' ' . l:options : '')
     \       . ' -',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autopep8.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autopep8.vim
index 5798d827..6b5adfce 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autopep8.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/autopep8.vim
@@ -4,22 +4,40 @@
 call ale#Set('python_autopep8_executable', 'autopep8')
 call ale#Set('python_autopep8_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_autopep8_options', '')
+call ale#Set('python_autopep8_auto_pipenv', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_autopep8_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_autopep8_auto_uv', 0)
+function! ale#fixers#autopep8#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autopep8_auto_pipenv'))
+    \ && ale#python#PipenvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'pipenv'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_poetry') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autopep8_auto_poetry'))
+    \ && ale#python#PoetryPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'poetry'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autopep8_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
+    return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_autopep8', ['autopep8'])
 function! ale#fixers#autopep8#Fix(buffer) abort
-    let l:executable = ale#python#FindExecutable(
-    \   a:buffer,
-    \   'python_autopep8',
-    \   ['autopep8'],
-    \)
+    let l:executable = ale#fixers#autopep8#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    if !executable(l:executable)
-        return 0
-    endif
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
+    \   ? ' run autopep8'
+    \   : ''
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_autopep8_options')
     return {
-    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable)
+    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args
     \       . (!empty(l:options) ? ' ' . l:options : '')
     \       . ' -',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/biome.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/biome.vim
index 3a45fa3e..63c0fdbc 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/biome.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/biome.vim
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
-" Author: Akiomi Kamakura <akiomik@gmail.com>
-" Description: Fixing files with biome (ex.rome).
 function! ale#fixers#biome#Fix(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#handlers#biome#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'javascript_biome_options')
-    let l:node = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'javascript_biome_node_executable')
+    let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'biome_options')
+    let l:apply = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'biome_fixer_apply_unsafe') ? '--apply-unsafe' : '--apply'
     return {
-    \   'command': (has('win32') ? (ale#Escape(l:node) . ' ') : '')
-    \       . ale#Escape(l:executable)
-    \       . ' check --apply'
-    \       . ale#Pad(l:options)
-    \       . ' %t',
     \   'read_temporary_file': 1,
+    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . ' check ' . l:apply
+    \       . (!empty(l:options) ? ' ' . l:options : '')
+    \       . ' %t'
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/black.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/black.vim
index 4a88c5cd..4fe239ff 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/black.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/black.vim
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_black_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_black_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_black_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_black_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_black_auto_uv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_black_change_directory', 1)
 function! ale#fixers#black#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
@@ -19,6 +20,11 @@ function! ale#fixers#black#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_black_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_black', ['black'])
@@ -26,7 +32,7 @@ function! ale#fixers#black#Fix(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#black#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
     let l:cmd = [ale#Escape(l:executable)]
-    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
         call extend(l:cmd, ['run', 'black'])
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/htmlbeautifier.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/htmlbeautifier.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..756d4a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/htmlbeautifier.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+" Author: Arash Mousavi <arash-m>
+" Description: Support for HTML Beautifier https://github.com/threedaymonk/htmlbeautifier
+call ale#Set('eruby_htmlbeautifier_executable', 'htmlbeautifier')
+function! ale#fixers#htmlbeautifier#Fix(buffer) abort
+    let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'eruby_htmlbeautifier_executable')
+    return {
+    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . ' %t',
+    \   'read_temporary_file': 1,
+    \}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/hurlfmt.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/hurlfmt.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc19fa83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/hurlfmt.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+call ale#Set('hurl_hurlfmt_executable', 'hurlfmt')
+function! ale#fixers#hurlfmt#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+    let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'hurl_hurlfmt_executable')
+    return ale#Escape(l:executable)
+    \   . ' --out hurl'
+function! ale#fixers#hurlfmt#Fix(buffer) abort
+    return {
+    \   'command': ale#fixers#hurlfmt#GetCommand(a:buffer)
+    \}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/isort.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/isort.vim
index 6eb6a67c..c4eef3cc 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/isort.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/isort.vim
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_isort_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_isort_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_isort_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_isort_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_isort_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale#fixers#isort#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_isort_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -18,6 +19,11 @@ function! ale#fixers#isort#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_isort_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_isort', ['isort'])
@@ -25,7 +31,7 @@ function! ale#fixers#isort#GetCmd(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#isort#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
     let l:cmd = [ale#Escape(l:executable)]
-    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
         call extend(l:cmd, ['run', 'isort'])
@@ -36,7 +42,7 @@ function! ale#fixers#isort#FixForVersion(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#isort#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
     let l:cmd = [ale#Escape(l:executable)]
-    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
         call extend(l:cmd, ['run', 'isort'])
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/php_cs_fixer.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/php_cs_fixer.vim
index c8f9c7b0..96c6445c 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/php_cs_fixer.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/php_cs_fixer.vim
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 call ale#Set('php_cs_fixer_executable', 'php-cs-fixer')
 call ale#Set('php_cs_fixer_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('php_cs_fixer_options', '')
+call ale#Set('php_cs_fixer_fix_options', '')
 function! ale#fixers#php_cs_fixer#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     return ale#path#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'php_cs_fixer', [
@@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ function! ale#fixers#php_cs_fixer#Fix(buffer) abort
     return {
     \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable)
     \       . ' ' . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'php_cs_fixer_options')
-    \       . ' fix %t',
+    \       . ' fix ' . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'php_cs_fixer_fix_options')
+    \       . ' %t',
     \   'read_temporary_file': 1,
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/prettier.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/prettier.vim
index 8a67e2ff..c9210e63 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/prettier.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/prettier.vim
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ function! ale#fixers#prettier#ApplyFixForVersion(buffer, version) abort
         \    'openapi': 'yaml',
         \    'html': 'html',
         \    'ruby': 'ruby',
+        \    'astro': 'astro',
         for l:filetype in l:filetypes
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/pycln.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/pycln.vim
index 1f61d083..4ee2373d 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/pycln.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/pycln.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pycln_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pycln_change_directory', 1)
 call ale#Set('python_pycln_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pycln_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pycln_auto_uv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pycln_config_file', '')
 function! ale#fixers#pycln#GetCwd(buffer) abort
@@ -31,12 +32,17 @@ function! ale#fixers#pycln#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pycln_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pycln', ['pycln'])
 function! ale#fixers#pycln#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#pycln#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run pycln'
     \   : ''
@@ -47,7 +53,7 @@ function! ale#fixers#pycln#FixForVersion(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#pycln#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
     let l:cmd = [ale#Escape(l:executable)]
-    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
         call extend(l:cmd, ['run', 'pycln'])
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/pyflyby.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/pyflyby.vim
index 81c0f05e..f6f289e3 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/pyflyby.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/pyflyby.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_pyflyby_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables',
 call ale#Set('python_pyflyby_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_pyflyby_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_pyflyby_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_pyflyby_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale#fixers#pyflyby#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
     if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pyflyby_auto_pipenv'))
@@ -19,6 +20,11 @@ function! ale#fixers#pyflyby#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pyflyby_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pyflyby', ['tidy-imports'])
@@ -27,7 +33,7 @@ function! ale#fixers#pyflyby#Fix(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#pyflyby#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
     let l:cmd = [ale#Escape(l:executable)]
-    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
         call extend(l:cmd, ['run', 'tidy-imports'])
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/reorder_python_imports.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/reorder_python_imports.vim
index 42a0a6e2..3cc76a9f 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/reorder_python_imports.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/reorder_python_imports.vim
@@ -4,22 +4,40 @@
 call ale#Set('python_reorder_python_imports_executable', 'reorder-python-imports')
 call ale#Set('python_reorder_python_imports_options', '')
 call ale#Set('python_reorder_python_imports_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
+call ale#Set('python_reorder_python_imports_auto_pipenv', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_reorder_python_imports_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_reorder_python_imports_auto_uv', 0)
+function! ale#fixers#reorder_python_imports#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_reorder_python_imports_auto_pipenv'))
+    \ && ale#python#PipenvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'pipenv'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_poetry') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_reorder_python_imports_auto_poetry'))
+    \ && ale#python#PoetryPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'poetry'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_reorder_python_imports_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
+    return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_reorder_python_imports', ['reorder-python-imports'])
 function! ale#fixers#reorder_python_imports#Fix(buffer) abort
-    let l:executable = ale#python#FindExecutable(
-    \   a:buffer,
-    \   'python_reorder_python_imports',
-    \   ['reorder-python-imports'],
-    \)
+    let l:executable = ale#fixers#reorder_python_imports#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    if !executable(l:executable)
-        return 0
-    endif
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
+    \   ? ' run reorder-python-imports'
+    \   : ''
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_reorder_python_imports_options')
     return {
-    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable)
+    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args
     \       . (!empty(l:options) ? ' ' . l:options : '') . ' -',
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/ruff.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/ruff.vim
index 56bcf3df..c2bea3e3 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/ruff.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/ruff.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_ruff_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_change_directory', 1)
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_ruff_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale#fixers#ruff#GetCwd(buffer) abort
     if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_ruff_change_directory')
@@ -30,12 +31,17 @@ function! ale#fixers#ruff#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_ruff_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_ruff', ['ruff'])
 function! ale#fixers#ruff#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#ruff#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run ruff'
     \   : ''
@@ -46,10 +52,15 @@ function! ale#fixers#ruff#FixForVersion(buffer, version) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#ruff#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
     let l:cmd = [ale#Escape(l:executable)]
-    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
         call extend(l:cmd, ['run', 'ruff'])
+    " NOTE: ruff 0.5.0 removes `ruff <path>` in favor of `ruff check <path>`
+    if ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [0, 5, 0])
+        call extend(l:cmd, ['check'])
+    endif
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_ruff_options')
     if !empty(l:options)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/ruff_format.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/ruff_format.vim
index 86858745..e852dd24 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/ruff_format.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/ruff_format.vim
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ call ale#Set('python_ruff_format_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executable
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_format_change_directory', 1)
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_format_auto_pipenv', 0)
 call ale#Set('python_ruff_format_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_ruff_format_auto_uv', 0)
 function! ale#fixers#ruff_format#GetCwd(buffer) abort
     if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_ruff_format_change_directory')
@@ -30,12 +31,17 @@ function! ale#fixers#ruff_format#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
         return 'poetry'
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_ruff_format_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
     return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_ruff_format', ['ruff'])
 function! ale#fixers#ruff_format#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#ruff_format#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
     \   ? ' run ruff'
     \   : ''
@@ -46,7 +52,7 @@ function! ale#fixers#ruff_format#Fix(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#fixers#ruff_format#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
     let l:cmd = [ale#Escape(l:executable)]
-    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry$'
+    if l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
         call extend(l:cmd, ['run', 'ruff'])
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/yapf.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/yapf.vim
index f04bb1f9..22822a6e 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/yapf.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/fixers/yapf.vim
@@ -3,17 +3,35 @@
 call ale#Set('python_yapf_executable', 'yapf')
 call ale#Set('python_yapf_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
+call ale#Set('python_yapf_auto_pipenv', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_yapf_auto_poetry', 0)
+call ale#Set('python_yapf_auto_uv', 0)
+function! ale#fixers#yapf#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_yapf_auto_pipenv'))
+    \ && ale#python#PipenvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'pipenv'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_poetry') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_yapf_auto_poetry'))
+    \ && ale#python#PoetryPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'poetry'
+    endif
+    if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_yapf_auto_uv'))
+    \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer)
+        return 'uv'
+    endif
+    return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_yapf', ['yapf'])
 function! ale#fixers#yapf#Fix(buffer) abort
-    let l:executable = ale#python#FindExecutable(
-    \   a:buffer,
-    \   'python_yapf',
-    \   ['yapf'],
-    \)
+    let l:executable = ale#fixers#yapf#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
-    if !executable(l:executable)
-        return 0
-    endif
+    let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$'
+    \   ? ' run yapf'
+    \   : ''
     let l:config = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, '.style.yapf')
     let l:config_options = !empty(l:config)
@@ -21,6 +39,6 @@ function! ale#fixers#yapf#Fix(buffer) abort
     \   : ''
     return {
-    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:config_options,
+    \   'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args . l:config_options,
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/biome.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/biome.vim
index 8d75e3bc..b22c1c46 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/biome.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/biome.vim
@@ -1,14 +1,58 @@
-" Author: Akiomi Kamakura <akiomik@gmail.com>
-" Description: Functions for working with biome, for fixing files.
+" Author: Filip Gospodinov <f@gospodinov.ch>
+" Description: Functions for working with biome, for checking or fixing files.
-call ale#Set('javascript_biome_node_executable', 'node.exe')
-call ale#Set('javascript_biome_executable', 'biome')
-call ale#Set('javascript_biome_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
-call ale#Set('javascript_biome_options', '')
+call ale#Set('biome_executable', 'biome')
+call ale#Set('biome_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
+call ale#Set('biome_options', '')
+call ale#Set('biome_fixer_apply_unsafe', 0)
+call ale#Set('biome_lsp_project_root', '')
 function! ale#handlers#biome#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
-    return ale#path#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'javascript_biome', [
+    return ale#path#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'biome', [
+    \   'node_modules/@biomejs/cli-linux-x64/biome',
+    \   'node_modules/@biomejs/cli-linux-arm64/biome',
+    \   'node_modules/@biomejs/cli-win32-x64/biome.exe',
+    \   'node_modules/@biomejs/cli-win32-arm64/biome.exe',
+    \   'node_modules/@biomejs/cli-darwin-x64/biome',
+    \   'node_modules/@biomejs/cli-darwin-arm64/biome',
     \   'node_modules/.bin/biome',
-    \   'node_modules/@biomejs/biome/bin/biome',
+function! ale#handlers#biome#GetLanguage(buffer) abort
+    return getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
+function! ale#handlers#biome#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort
+    let l:project_root = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'biome_lsp_project_root')
+    if !empty(l:project_root)
+        return l:project_root
+    endif
+    let l:possible_project_roots = [
+    \   'biome.json',
+    \   'biome.jsonc',
+    \   'package.json',
+    \   '.git',
+    \   bufname(a:buffer),
+    \]
+    for l:possible_root in l:possible_project_roots
+        let l:project_root = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, l:possible_root)
+        if empty(l:project_root)
+            let l:project_root = ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, l:possible_root)
+        endif
+        if !empty(l:project_root)
+            " dir:p expands to /full/path/to/dir/ whereas
+            " file:p expands to /full/path/to/file (no trailing slash)
+            " Appending '/' ensures that :h:h removes the path's last segment
+            " regardless of whether it is a directory or not.
+            return fnamemodify(l:project_root . '/', ':p:h:h')
+        endif
+    endfor
+    return ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/cspell.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/cspell.vim
index 6137bdeb..a59002bb 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/cspell.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/cspell.vim
@@ -11,12 +11,31 @@ function! ale#handlers#cspell#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+function! ale#handlers#cspell#GetLanguageId(buffer) abort
+    let l:filetype = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
+    if l:filetype is# 'tex'
+        " Vim's tex corresponds to latex language-id in cspell
+        return 'latex'
+    elseif l:filetype is# 'plaintex'
+        " Vim's plaintex corresponds to tex language-id in cspell
+        return 'tex'
+    else
+        " Fallback to filetype for everything else.
+        return l:filetype
+    endif
 function! ale#handlers#cspell#GetCommand(buffer) abort
     let l:executable = ale#handlers#cspell#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
     let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cspell_options')
+    let l:language_id = ale#handlers#cspell#GetLanguageId(a:buffer)
+    let l:language_id_option = empty(l:language_id) ? '' : '--language-id="' . l:language_id . '"'
     return ale#node#Executable(a:buffer, l:executable)
     \   . ' lint --no-color --no-progress --no-summary'
+    \   . ale#Pad(l:language_id_option)
     \   . ale#Pad(l:options)
     \   . ' -- stdin'
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/embertemplatelint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/embertemplatelint.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2e83400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/embertemplatelint.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Author: Adrian Zalewski <aazalewski@hotmail.com>
+" Description: Ember-template-lint for checking Handlebars files
+function! ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+    return ale#path#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'handlebars_embertemplatelint', [
+    \   'node_modules/.bin/ember-template-lint',
+    \])
+function! ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
+    if ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [4, 0, 0])
+        " --json was removed in favor of --format=json in ember-template-lint@4.0.0
+        return '%e --format=json --filename %s'
+    endif
+    return '%e --json --filename %s'
+function! ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#GetCommandWithVersionCheck(buffer) abort
+    return ale#semver#RunWithVersionCheck(
+    \   a:buffer,
+    \   ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#GetExecutable(a:buffer),
+    \   '%e --version',
+    \   function('ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#GetCommand'),
+    \)
+function! ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
+    let l:output = []
+    let l:json = ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(a:lines, {})
+    for l:error in get(values(l:json), 0, [])
+        if has_key(l:error, 'fatal')
+            call add(l:output, {
+            \   'lnum': get(l:error, 'line', 1),
+            \   'col': get(l:error, 'column', 1),
+            \   'text': l:error.message,
+            \   'type': l:error.severity == 1 ? 'W' : 'E',
+            \})
+        else
+            call add(l:output, {
+            \   'lnum': l:error.line,
+            \   'col': l:error.column,
+            \   'text': l:error.rule . ': ' . l:error.message,
+            \   'type': l:error.severity == 1 ? 'W' : 'E',
+            \})
+        endif
+    endfor
+    return l:output
+function! ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#DefineLinter(filetype) abort
+    call ale#Set('handlebars_embertemplatelint_executable', 'ember-template-lint')
+    call ale#Set('handlebars_embertemplatelint_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
+    call ale#linter#Define(a:filetype, {
+    \   'name': 'embertemplatelint',
+    \   'aliases': ['ember-template-lint'],
+    \   'executable': function('ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#GetExecutable'),
+    \   'command': function('ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#GetCommandWithVersionCheck'),
+    \   'callback': 'ale#handlers#embertemplatelint#Handle',
+    \})
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/eslint.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/eslint.vim
index 374460bc..eea06f51 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/eslint.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/eslint.vim
@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@ call ale#Set('javascript_eslint_suppress_missing_config', 0)
 function! ale#handlers#eslint#FindConfig(buffer) abort
     for l:path in ale#path#Upwards(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h'))
         for l:basename in [
+        \   'eslint.config.js',
+        \   'eslint.config.mjs',
+        \   'eslint.config.cjs',
         \   '.eslintrc.js',
+        \   '.eslintrc.cjs',
         \   '.eslintrc.yaml',
         \   '.eslintrc.yml',
         \   '.eslintrc.json',
@@ -41,31 +45,7 @@ endfunction
 " Given a buffer, return an appropriate working directory for ESLint.
 function! ale#handlers#eslint#GetCwd(buffer) abort
-    " ESLint 6 loads plugins/configs/parsers from the project root
-    " By default, the project root is simply the CWD of the running process.
-    " https://github.com/eslint/rfcs/blob/master/designs/2018-simplified-package-loading/README.md
-    " https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale/issues/2787
-    "
-    " If eslint is installed in a directory which contains the buffer, assume
-    " it is the ESLint project root.  Otherwise, use nearest node_modules.
-    " Note: If node_modules not present yet, can't load local deps anyway.
-    let l:executable = ale#path#FindNearestExecutable(a:buffer, s:executables)
-    if !empty(l:executable)
-        let l:modules_index = strridx(l:executable, 'node_modules')
-        let l:modules_root = l:modules_index > -1 ? l:executable[0:l:modules_index - 2] : ''
-        let l:sdks_index = strridx(l:executable, ale#path#Simplify('.yarn/sdks'))
-        let l:sdks_root = l:sdks_index > -1 ? l:executable[0:l:sdks_index - 2] : ''
-    else
-        let l:modules_dir = ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, 'node_modules')
-        let l:modules_root = !empty(l:modules_dir) ? fnamemodify(l:modules_dir, ':h:h') : ''
-        let l:sdks_dir = ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, ale#path#Simplify('.yarn/sdks'))
-        let l:sdks_root = !empty(l:sdks_dir) ? fnamemodify(l:sdks_dir, ':h:h:h') : ''
-    endif
-    return strlen(l:modules_root) > strlen(l:sdks_root) ? l:modules_root : l:sdks_root
+    return ale#path#Dirname(ale#handlers#eslint#FindConfig(a:buffer))
 function! ale#handlers#eslint#GetCommand(buffer) abort
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/shellcheck.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/shellcheck.vim
index fd540e8e..002c4651 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/shellcheck.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/handlers/shellcheck.vim
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
     let l:exclude_option = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'sh_shellcheck_exclusions')
     let l:dialect = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'sh_shellcheck_dialect')
     let l:external_option = ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [0, 4, 0]) ? ' -x' : ''
+    let l:format = ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [0, 7, 0]) ? 'json1' : 'gcc'
     if l:dialect is# 'auto'
         let l:dialect = ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(a:buffer)
@@ -59,10 +60,69 @@ function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort
     \   . (!empty(l:options) ? ' ' . l:options : '')
     \   . (!empty(l:exclude_option) ? ' -e ' . l:exclude_option : '')
     \   . l:external_option
-    \   . ' -f gcc -'
+    \   . ' -f ' . l:format . ' -'
-function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
+function! s:HandleShellcheckJSON(buffer, lines) abort
+    try
+        let l:errors = json_decode(a:lines[0])
+    catch
+        return []
+    endtry
+    if !has_key(l:errors, 'comments')
+        return []
+    endif
+    let l:output = []
+    for l:error in l:errors['comments']
+        if l:error['level'] is# 'error'
+            let l:type = 'E'
+        elseif l:error['level'] is# 'info'
+            let l:type = 'I'
+        elseif l:error['level'] is# 'style'
+            let l:type = 'I'
+        else
+            let l:type = 'W'
+        endif
+        let l:item = {
+        \   'lnum': l:error['line'],
+        \   'type': l:type,
+        \   'text': l:error['message'],
+        \   'code': 'SC' . l:error['code'],
+        \   'detail': l:error['message'] . "\n\nFor more information:\n  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC" . l:error['code'],
+        \}
+        if has_key(l:error, 'column')
+            let l:item.col = l:error['column']
+        endif
+        if has_key(l:error, 'endColumn')
+            let l:item.end_col = l:error['endColumn'] - 1
+        endif
+        if has_key(l:error, 'endLine')
+            let l:item.end_lnum = l:error['endLine']
+        endif
+        " If the filename is something like <stdin>, <nofile> or -, then
+        " this is an error for the file we checked.
+        if has_key(l:error, 'file')
+            if l:error['file'] isnot# '-' && l:error['file'][0] isnot# '<'
+                let l:item['filename'] = l:error['file']
+            endif
+        endif
+        call add(l:output, l:item)
+    endfor
+    return l:output
+function! s:HandleShellcheckGCC(buffer, lines) abort
     let l:pattern = '\v^([a-zA-Z]?:?[^:]+):(\d+):(\d+)?:? ([^:]+): (.+) \[([^\]]+)\]$'
     let l:output = []
@@ -80,6 +140,7 @@ function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
         \   'type': l:type,
         \   'text': l:match[5],
         \   'code': l:match[6],
+        \   'detail': l:match[5] . "\n\nFor more information:\n  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/" . l:match[6],
         if !empty(l:match[3])
@@ -98,6 +159,12 @@ function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
     return l:output
+function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#Handle(buffer, version, lines) abort
+    return ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [0, 7, 0])
+    \   ? s:HandleShellcheckJSON(a:buffer, a:lines)
+    \   : s:HandleShellcheckGCC(a:buffer, a:lines)
 function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#DefineLinter(filetype) abort
     " This global variable can be set with a string of comma-separated error
     " codes to exclude from shellcheck. For example:
@@ -118,6 +185,14 @@ function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#DefineLinter(filetype) abort
     \       '%e --version',
     \       function('ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetCommand'),
     \   )},
-    \   'callback': 'ale#handlers#shellcheck#Handle',
+    \   'callback': {buffer, lines -> ale#semver#RunWithVersionCheck(
+    \       buffer,
+    \       ale#Var(buffer, 'sh_shellcheck_executable'),
+    \       '%e --version',
+    \       {buffer, version -> ale#handlers#shellcheck#Handle(
+    \           buffer,
+    \           l:version,
+    \           lines)},
+    \   )},
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/hover.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/hover.vim
index 1202e08e..a42766eb 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/hover.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/hover.vim
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ function! ale#hover#ParseLSPResult(contents) abort
             for l:line in split(l:item, "\n")
                 if l:fence_language is v:null
                     " Look for the start of a code fence. (```python, etc.)
-                    let l:match = matchlist(l:line, '^``` *\([^ ]\+\) *$')
+                    let l:match = matchlist(l:line, '^``` *\([^ ]\+\)\? *$')
                     if !empty(l:match)
-                        let l:fence_language = l:match[1]
+                        let l:fence_language = len(l:match) > 1 ? l:match[1] : 'text'
                         if !empty(l:marked_list)
                             call add(l:fence_lines, '')
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/linter.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/linter.vim
index 20104fbc..618557d7 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/linter.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/linter.vim
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ let s:default_ale_linter_aliases = {
 " NOTE: Update the g:ale_linters documentation when modifying this.
 let s:default_ale_linters = {
 \   'apkbuild': ['apkbuild_lint', 'secfixes_check'],
+\   'astro': ['eslint'],
 \   'csh': ['shell'],
 \   'elixir': ['credo', 'dialyxir', 'dogma'],
 \   'go': ['gofmt', 'golangci-lint', 'gopls', 'govet'],
@@ -47,9 +48,9 @@ let s:default_ale_linters = {
 \   'hack': ['hack'],
 \   'help': [],
 \   'inko': ['inko'],
-\   'json': ['jsonlint', 'spectral', 'vscodejson'],
+\   'json': ['biome', 'jsonlint', 'spectral', 'vscodejson'],
 \   'json5': [],
-\   'jsonc': [],
+\   'jsonc': ['biome'],
 \   'perl': ['perlcritic'],
 \   'perl6': [],
 \   'python': ['flake8', 'mypy', 'pylint', 'pyright', 'ruff'],
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ let s:default_ale_linters = {
 \   'vue': ['eslint', 'vls'],
 \   'zsh': ['shell'],
 \   'v': ['v'],
-\   'yaml': ['spectral', 'yaml-language-server', 'yamllint'],
+\   'yaml': ['actionlint', 'spectral', 'yaml-language-server', 'yamllint'],
 " Testing/debugging helper to unload all linters.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/python.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/python.vim
index 2c7e0049..9eb198fb 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/python.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/python.vim
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 call ale#Set('python_auto_pipenv', '0')
 call ale#Set('python_auto_poetry', '0')
+call ale#Set('python_auto_uv', '0')
 let s:sep = has('win32') ? '\' : '/'
 " bin is used for Unix virtualenv directories, and Scripts is for Windows.
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ function! ale#python#FindProjectRootIni(buffer) abort
         \|| filereadable(l:path . '/poetry.lock')
         \|| filereadable(l:path . '/pyproject.toml')
         \|| filereadable(l:path . '/.tool-versions')
+        \|| filereadable(l:path . '/uv.lock')
             return l:path
@@ -192,3 +194,8 @@ endfunction
 function! ale#python#PoetryPresent(buffer) abort
     return findfile('poetry.lock', expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h') . ';') isnot# ''
+" Detects whether a poetry environment is present.
+function! ale#python#UvPresent(buffer) abort
+    return findfile('uv.lock', expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h') . ';') isnot# ''
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/sign.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/sign.vim
index 15517bf8..e78ce468 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/sign.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/autoload/ale/sign.vim
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ endfunction
 function! s:GroupCmd() abort
     if s:supports_sign_groups
-        return ' group=ale '
+        return ' group=ale_signs '
         return ' '
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ endfunction
 function! ale#sign#ParsePattern() abort
     if s:supports_sign_groups
         " Matches output like :
-        " line=4  id=1  group=ale  name=ALEErrorSign
-        " строка=1  id=1000001  группа=ale  имя=ALEErrorSign
-        " 行=1  識別子=1000001  グループ=ale  名前=ALEWarningSign
-        " línea=12 id=1000001 grupo=ale  nombre=ALEWarningSign
-        " riga=1 id=1000001  gruppo=ale   nome=ALEWarningSign
-        " Zeile=235  id=1000001 Gruppe=ale  Name=ALEErrorSign
-        let l:pattern = '\v^.*\=(\d+).*\=(\d+).*\=ale>.*\=(ALE[a-zA-Z]+Sign)'
+        " line=4  id=1  group=ale_signs  name=ALEErrorSign
+        " строка=1  id=1000001  группа=ale_signs  имя=ALEErrorSign
+        " 行=1  識別子=1000001  グループ=ale_signs  名前=ALEWarningSign
+        " línea=12 id=1000001 grupo=ale_signs  nombre=ALEWarningSign
+        " riga=1 id=1000001  gruppo=ale_signs   nome=ALEWarningSign
+        " Zeile=235  id=1000001 Gruppe=ale_signs  Name=ALEErrorSign
+        let l:pattern = '\v^.*\=(\d+).*\=(\d+).*\=ale_signs>.*\=(ALE[a-zA-Z]+Sign)'
         " Matches output like :
         " line=4  id=1  name=ALEErrorSign
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ endfunction
 " Given a buffer number, return a List of placed signs [line, id, group]
 function! ale#sign#ParseSignsWithGetPlaced(buffer) abort
-    let l:signs = sign_getplaced(a:buffer, { 'group': s:supports_sign_groups ? 'ale' : '' })[0].signs
+    let l:signs = sign_getplaced(a:buffer, { 'group': s:supports_sign_groups ? 'ale_signs' : '' })[0].signs
     let l:result = []
     let l:is_dummy_sign_set = 0
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ endfunction
 " Remove all signs.
 function! ale#sign#Clear() abort
     if s:supports_sign_groups
-        sign unplace group=ale *
+        sign unplace group=ale_signs *
         sign unplace *
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-astro.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-astro.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0132aa80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-astro.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ALE Astro Integration                                       *ale-astro-options*
+eslint                                                       *ale-astro-eslint*
+See |ale-javascript-eslint| for information about the available options.
+prettier                                                   *ale-astro-prettier*
+See |ale-javascript-prettier| for information about the available options.
+  vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-dart.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-dart.txt
index 4824e82e..8761515e 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-dart.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-dart.txt
@@ -27,6 +27,19 @@ g:ale_dart_analysis_server_executable   *g:ale_dart_analysis_server_executable*
   This variable can be set to change the path of dart.
+                            *g:ale_dart_analysis_server_enable_language_server*
+                            *b:ale_dart_analysis_server_enable_language_server*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `1`
+  When set to `1`, ALE will use the new `dart language-server` command,
+  available from Dart version 2.16.0, to launch the language server. When set
+  to `0`, ALE will instead use the deprecated
+  `./snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot --lsp` command used by older
+  versions of Dart.
 dart-analyze                                                 *ale-dart-analyze*
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-eruby.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-eruby.txt
index 65bd8a30..82fe685a 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-eruby.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-eruby.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ There are four linters for `eruby` files:
 - `erblint`
 - `erubis`
 - `erubi`
+- `htmlbeautifier`
 - `ruumba`
 `erb` is in the Ruby standard library and is mostly universal. `erubis` is the
@@ -47,6 +48,18 @@ g:ale_eruby_erblint_options                        *g:ale_ruby_erblint_options*
   This variable can be change to modify flags given to erblint.
+htmlbeautifier                                       *ale-eruby-htmlbeautifier*
+g:ale_eruby_htmlbeautifier_executable   *g:ale_eruby_htmlbeautifier_executable*
+                                        *b:ale_eruby_htmlbeautifier_executable*
+  Type: |String|
+  Default: `'htmlbeautifier'`
+  Override the invoked htmlbeautifier binary. This is useful for running
+  htmlbeautifier from binstubs or a bundle.
 ruumba                                                       *ale-eruby-ruumba*
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-hurl.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-hurl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c4d726b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-hurl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ALE Hurl Integration                                         *ale-hurl-options*
+hurlfmt                                                      *ale-hurl-hurlfmt*
+g:ale_hurl_hurlfmt_executable                   *g:ale_hurl_hurlfmt_executable*
+                                                *b:ale_hurl_hurlfmt_executable*
+  Type: |String|
+  Default: `'hurlfmt'`
+  Override the invoked hurlfmt binary.
+  vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-javascript.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-javascript.txt
index a55cd643..7e594f2a 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-javascript.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-javascript.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ To this: >
+biome                                                    *ale-javascript-biome*
+Check the docs over at |ale-typescript-biome|.
 clang-format                                       *ale-javascript-clangformat*
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-json.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-json.txt
index 7b240373..8822a697 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-json.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-json.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
 ALE JSON Integration                                         *ale-json-options*
+biome                                                          *ale-json-biome*
+Check the docs over at |ale-typescript-biome|.
 clang-format                                             *ale-json-clangformat*
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-jsonc.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-jsonc.txt
index 92247cd4..b05fa6e6 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-jsonc.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-jsonc.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
 ALE JSONC Integration                                       *ale-jsonc-options*
+biome                                                         *ale-jsonc-biome*
+Check the docs over at |ale-typescript-biome|.
 eslint                                                       *ale-jsonc-eslint*
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-odin.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-odin.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..826411de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-odin.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ALE Odin Integration                                         *ale-odin-options*
+                                                         *ale-integration-odin*
+Integration Information
+  Currently, the only supported linter for Odin is ols.
+ols                                                              *ale-odin-ols*
+g:ale_odin_ols_executable                           *g:ale_odin_ols_executable*
+                                                    *b:ale_odin_ols_executable*
+  Type: |String|
+  Default: `'ols'`
+  This variable can be modified to change the executable path for `ols`.
+g:ale_odin_ols_config                                   *g:ale_odin_ols_config*
+                                                        *b:ale_odin_ols_config*
+  Type: |Dictionary|
+  Default: `{}`
+  Dictionary with configuration settings for ols.
+  vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-python.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-python.txt
index ec118c5a..4798baaf 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-python.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-python.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ g:ale_python_auto_poetry                             *g:ale_python_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_auto_uv                                     *g:ale_python_auto_uv*
+                                                         *b:ale_python_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 g:ale_python_auto_virtualenv                     *g:ale_python_auto_virtualenv*
   Type: |Number|
@@ -96,6 +105,33 @@ g:ale_python_autoflake_use_global           *g:ale_python_autoflake_use_global*
   See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
+g:ale_python_autoflake_auto_pipenv         *g:ale_python_autoflake_auto_pipenv*
+                                           *b:ale_python_autoflake_auto_pipenv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a pipenv, and set the executable to `pipenv`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_autoflake_auto_poetry            *g:ale_python_autoflake_auto_poetry*
+                                              *b:ale_python_autoflake_auto_poetry*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a poetry, and set the executable to `poetry`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_autoflake_auto_uv                 *g:ale_python_autoflake_auto_uv*
+                                               *b:ale_python_autoflake_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 autoimport                                              *ale-python-autoimport*
@@ -123,6 +159,33 @@ g:ale_python_autoimport_use_global         *g:ale_python_autoimport_use_global*
   See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
+g:ale_python_autoimport_auto_pipenv       *g:ale_python_autoimport_auto_pipenv*
+                                          *b:ale_python_autoimport_auto_pipenv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a pipenv, and set the executable to `pipenv`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_autoimport_auto_poetry          *g:ale_python_autoimport_auto_poetry*
+                                             *b:ale_python_autoimport_auto_poetry*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a poetry, and set the executable to `poetry`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_autoimport_auto_uv               *g:ale_python_autoimport_auto_uv*
+                                              *b:ale_python_autoimport_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 autopep8                                                  *ale-python-autopep8*
@@ -150,6 +213,33 @@ g:ale_python_autopep8_use_global             *g:ale_python_autopep8_use_global*
   See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
+g:ale_python_autopep8_auto_pipenv           *g:ale_python_autopep8_auto_pipenv*
+                                            *b:ale_python_autopep8_auto_pipenv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a pipenv, and set the executable to `pipenv`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_autopep8_auto_poetry              *g:ale_python_autopep8_auto_poetry*
+                                               *b:ale_python_autopep8_auto_poetry*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a poetry, and set the executable to `poetry`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_autopep8_auto_uv                   *g:ale_python_autopep8_auto_uv*
+                                                *b:ale_python_autopep8_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 bandit                                                      *ale-python-bandit*
@@ -210,6 +300,15 @@ g:ale_python_bandit_auto_poetry               *g:ale_python_bandit_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_bandit_auto_uv                       *g:ale_python_bandit_auto_uv*
+                                                  *b:ale_python_bandit_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 black                                                        *ale-python-black*
@@ -255,6 +354,15 @@ g:ale_python_black_auto_poetry                 *g:ale_python_black_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_black_auto_uv                         *g:ale_python_black_auto_uv*
+                                                   *b:ale_python_black_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 g:ale_python_black_change_directory       *g:ale_python_black_change_directory*
   Type: |Number|
@@ -345,6 +453,15 @@ g:ale_python_flake8_auto_poetry               *g:ale_python_flake8_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_flake8_auto_uv                       *g:ale_python_flake8_auto_uv*
+                                                  *b:ale_python_flake8_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 flakehell                                                *ale-python-flakehell*
@@ -410,6 +527,15 @@ g:ale_python_flakehell_auto_poetry         *g:ale_python_flakehell_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_flakehell_auto_uv                 *g:ale_python_flakehell_auto_uv*
+                                               *b:ale_python_flakehell_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 isort                                                        *ale-python-isort*
@@ -455,6 +581,15 @@ g:ale_python_isort_auto_poetry                 *g:ale_python_isort_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_isort_auto_uv                         *g:ale_python_isort_auto_uv*
+                                                   *b:ale_python_isort_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 mypy                                                          *ale-python-mypy*
@@ -483,6 +618,15 @@ g:ale_python_mypy_auto_poetry                   *g:ale_python_mypy_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_mypy_auto_uv                           *g:ale_python_mypy_auto_uv*
+                                                    *b:ale_python_mypy_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 g:ale_python_mypy_executable                     *g:ale_python_mypy_executable*
   Type: |String|
@@ -591,6 +735,15 @@ g:ale_python_prospector_auto_poetry       *g:ale_python_prospector_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_prospector_auto_uv               *g:ale_python_prospector_auto_uv*
+                                              *b:ale_python_prospector_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 pycln                                                        *ale-python-pycln*
@@ -663,6 +816,15 @@ g:ale_python_pycln_auto_poetry                 *g:ale_python_pycln_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pycln_auto_uv                         *g:ale_python_pycln_auto_uv*
+                                                   *b:ale_python_pycln_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 pycodestyle                                            *ale-python-pycodestyle*
@@ -712,6 +874,15 @@ g:ale_python_pycodestyle_auto_poetry     *g:ale_python_pycodestyle_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pycodestyle_auto_uv             *g:ale_python_pycodestyle_auto_uv*
+                                             *b:ale_python_pycodestyle_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 pydocstyle                                              *ale-python-pydocstyle*
@@ -761,6 +932,15 @@ g:ale_python_pydocstyle_auto_poetry       *g:ale_python_pydocstyle_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pydocstyle_auto_uv               *g:ale_python_pydocstyle_auto_uv*
+                                              *b:ale_python_pydocstyle_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 pyflakes                                                  *ale-python-pyflakes*
@@ -793,6 +973,15 @@ g:ale_python_pyflakes_auto_poetry           *g:ale_python_pyflakes_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pyflakes_auto_uv                   *g:ale_python_pyflakes_auto_uv*
+                                                *b:ale_python_pyflakes_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 pyflyby                                                    *ale-python-pyflyby*
@@ -839,6 +1028,15 @@ g:ale_python_pyflyby_auto_poetry             *g:ale_python_pyflyby_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pyflyby_auto_uv                     *g:ale_python_pyflyby_auto_uv*
+                                                 *b:ale_python_pyflyby_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 pylama                                                      *ale-python-pylama*
@@ -902,6 +1100,14 @@ g:ale_python_pylama_auto_poetry               *g:ale_python_pylama_auto_poetry*
   Detect whether the file is inside a poetry, and set the executable to `poetry`
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pylama_auto_uv                       *g:ale_python_pylama_auto_uv*
+                                                  *b:ale_python_pylama_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 pylint                                                      *ale-python-pylint*
@@ -976,6 +1182,15 @@ g:ale_python_pylint_auto_poetry               *g:ale_python_pylint_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pylint_auto_uv                       *g:ale_python_pylint_auto_uv*
+                                                  *b:ale_python_pylint_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 g:ale_python_pylint_use_msg_id                 *g:ale_python_pylint_use_msg_id*
   Type: |Number|
@@ -1028,6 +1243,15 @@ g:ale_python_pylsp_auto_poetry                 *g:ale_python_pylsp_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pylsp_auto_uv                         *g:ale_python_pylsp_auto_uv*
+                                                   *b:ale_python_pylsp_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 g:ale_python_pylsp_config                           *g:ale_python_pylsp_config*
   Type: |Dictionary|
@@ -1109,6 +1333,15 @@ g:ale_python_pyre_auto_poetry                   *g:ale_python_pyre_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pyre_auto_uv                           *g:ale_python_pyre_auto_uv*
+                                                    *b:ale_python_pyre_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 pyright                                                    *ale-python-pyright*
@@ -1168,6 +1401,33 @@ g:ale_python_pyright_config                       *g:ale_python_pyright_config*
+g:ale_python_pyright_auto_pipenv             *g:ale_python_pyright_auto_pipenv*
+                                             *b:ale_python_pyright_auto_pipenv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a pipenv, and set the executable to `pipenv`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pyright_auto_poetry             *g:ale_python_pyright_auto_poetry*
+                                             *b:ale_python_pyright_auto_poetry*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a poetry, and set the executable to `poetry`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_pyright_auto_uv                     *g:ale_python_pyright_auto_uv*
+                                                 *b:ale_python_pyright_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 refurb                                                      *ale-python-refurb*
@@ -1229,6 +1489,15 @@ g:ale_python_refurb_auto_poetry               *g:ale_python_refurb_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_refurb_auto_uv                       *g:ale_python_refurb_auto_uv*
+                                                  *b:ale_python_refurb_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 reorder-python-imports                      *ale-python-reorder_python_imports*
@@ -1259,6 +1528,36 @@ g:ale_python_reorder_python_imports_use_global
   See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
+                              *g:ale_python_reorder_python_imports_auto_pipenv*
+                              *b:ale_python_reorder_python_imports_auto_pipenv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a pipenv, and set the executable to `pipenv`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+                              *g:ale_python_reorder_python_imports_auto_poetry*
+                              *b:ale_python_reorder_python_imports_auto_poetry*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a poetry, and set the executable to `poetry`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+                                  *g:ale_python_reorder_python_imports_auto_uv*
+                                  *b:ale_python_reorder_python_imports_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 ruff                                                          *ale-python-ruff*
@@ -1322,6 +1621,15 @@ g:ale_python_ruff_auto_poetry                   *g:ale_python_ruff_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_ruff_auto_uv                           *g:ale_python_ruff_auto_uv*
+                                                    *b:ale_python_ruff_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 ruff-format                                            *ale-python-ruff-format*
@@ -1386,6 +1694,15 @@ g:ale_python_ruff_format_auto_poetry     *g:ale_python_ruff_format_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_ruff_format_auto_uv             *g:ale_python_ruff_format_auto_uv*
+                                             *b:ale_python_ruff_format_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 unimport                                                  *ale-python-unimport*
@@ -1410,6 +1727,15 @@ g:ale_python_unimport_auto_poetry           *g:ale_python_unimport_auto_poetry*
   if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_unimport_auto_uv                   *g:ale_python_unimport_auto_uv*
+                                                *b:ale_python_unimport_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 g:ale_python_unimport_executable             *g:ale_python_unimport_executable*
   Type: |String|
@@ -1476,6 +1802,32 @@ g:ale_python_vulture_use_global               *g:ale_python_vulture_use_global*
   See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
+g:ale_python_vulture_auto_pipenv             *g:ale_python_vulture_auto_pipenv*
+                                             *b:ale_python_vulture_auto_pipenv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a pipenv, and set the executable to `pipenv`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_vulture_auto_poetry             *g:ale_python_vulture_auto_poetry*
+                                             *b:ale_python_vulture_auto_poetry*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a poetry, and set the executable to `poetry`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_vulture_auto_uv                     *g:ale_python_vulture_auto_uv*
+                                                 *b:ale_python_vulture_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
 yapf                                                          *ale-python-yapf*
@@ -1496,5 +1848,32 @@ g:ale_python_yapf_use_global                     *g:ale_python_yapf_use_global*
   See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
+g:ale_python_yapf_auto_pipenv                   *g:ale_python_yapf_auto_pipenv*
+                                                *b:ale_python_yapf_auto_pipenv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a pipenv, and set the executable to `pipenv`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_yapf_auto_poetry                   *g:ale_python_yapf_auto_poetry*
+                                                *b:ale_python_yapf_auto_poetry*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Detect whether the file is inside a poetry, and set the executable to `poetry`
+  if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
+g:ale_python_yapf_auto_uv                           *g:ale_python_yapf_auto_uv*
+                                                    *b:ale_python_yapf_auto_uv*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  Set the executable to `uv` if true. This is overridden by a manually-set
+  executable.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-ruby.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-ruby.txt
index ff9aa798..ff5a371f 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-ruby.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-ruby.txt
@@ -258,6 +258,24 @@ g:ale_ruby_syntax_tree_options                 *g:ale_ruby_syntax_tree_options*
   This variable can be changed to modify flags given to SyntaxTree.
+rubyfmt                                                       *ale-ruby-rubyfmt*
+g:ale_ruby_rubyfmt_executable                    *g:ale_ruby_rubyfmt_executable*
+                                                 *b:ale_ruby_rubyfmt_executable*
+  Type: |String|
+  Default: `'rubyfmt'`
+  This option can be changed to change the path for `rubyfmt`.
+g:ale_ruby_rubyfmt_options                          *g:ale_ruby_rubyfmt_options*
+                                                    *b:ale_ruby_rubyfmt_options*
+  Type: |String|
+  Default: `''`
+  This option can be changed to pass extra options to `'rubyfmt'`.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt
index aa49a1b1..ec787d22 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ Notes:
 * ASM
   * `gcc`
   * `llvm-mc`
+* Astro
+  * `eslint`
+  * `prettier`
   * `avra`
 * Awk
@@ -182,6 +185,7 @@ Notes:
   * `erblint`
   * `erubi`
   * `erubis`
+  * `htmlbeautifier`
   * `ruumba`
 * Erlang
   * `SyntaxErl`
@@ -202,6 +206,9 @@ Notes:
   * `fusion-lint`
 * Git Commit Messages
   * `gitlint`
+* Gleam
+  * `gleam_format`
+  * `gleamlsp`
   * `glslang`
   * `glslls`
@@ -271,6 +278,8 @@ Notes:
   * `rustywind`
   * `tidy`
   * `write-good`
+* Hurl
+  * `hurlfmt`
 * Idris
   * `idris`
 * Ink
@@ -290,6 +299,7 @@ Notes:
   * `javalsp`
   * `uncrustify`
 * JavaScript
+  * `biome`
   * `clang-format`
   * `cspell`
   * `deno`
@@ -307,6 +317,7 @@ Notes:
   * `xo`
   * `VSCode JSON language server`
+  * `biome`
   * `clang-format`
   * `cspell`
   * `dprint`
@@ -319,6 +330,7 @@ Notes:
 * JSON5
   * `eslint`
+  * `biome`
   * `eslint`
 * Jsonnet
   * `jsonnet-lint`
@@ -418,6 +430,8 @@ Notes:
   * `ocamllsp`
   * `ocp-indent`
   * `ols`
+* Odin
+  * `ols`
 * OpenApi
   * `ibm_validator`
   * `prettier`
@@ -558,10 +572,12 @@ Notes:
   * `reek`
   * `rubocop`
   * `ruby`
+  * `rubyfmt`
   * `rufo`
   * `solargraph`
   * `sorbet`
   * `standardrb`
+  * `steep`
   * `syntax_tree`
 * Rust
   * `cargo`!!
@@ -650,6 +666,7 @@ Notes:
   * `dprint`
 * TypeScript
+  * `biome`
   * `cspell`
   * `deno`
   * `dprint`
@@ -669,6 +686,7 @@ Notes:
 * Verilog
   * `hdl-checker`
   * `iverilog`
+  * slang
   * `verilator`
   * `vlog`
   * `xvlog`
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-typescript.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-typescript.txt
index ab3f17bd..22fbe7b4 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-typescript.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-typescript.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,56 @@
 ALE TypeScript Integration                             *ale-typescript-options*
+biome                                                    *ale-typescript-biome*
+g:ale_biome_executable                                 *g:ale_biome_executable*
+                                                       *b:ale_biome_executable*
+  Type: |String|
+  Default: `'biome'`
+g:ale_biome_options                                       *g:ale_biome_options*
+                                                          *b:ale_biome_options*
+  Type: |String|
+  Default: `''`
+  This variable can be set to pass additional options to `biome check` when
+  applying fixes.
+g:ale_biome_use_global                                 *g:ale_biome_use_global*
+                                                       *b:ale_biome_use_global*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0)`
+  See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
+g:ale_biome_fixer_apply_unsafe                 *g:ale_biome_fixer_apply_unsafe*
+                                               *b:ale_biome_fixer_apply_unsafe*
+  Type: |Number|
+  Default: `0`
+  If set to `1`, biome will apply unsafe fixes along with safe fixes.
+g:ale_biome_lsp_project_root                     *g:ale_biome_lsp_project_root*
+                                                 *b:ale_biome_lsp_project_root*
+  Type: |String|
+  Default: `''`
+  If this variable is left unset, ALE will try to find the project root by
+  executing the following steps in the given order:
+  1. Find an ancestor directory containing a biome.json.
+  2. Find an ancestor directory containing a biome.jsonc.
+  3. Find an ancestor directory containing a package.json.
+  4. Find an ancestor directory containing a .git folder.
+  5. Use the directory of the current buffer (if the buffer was opened from
+     a file).
 cspell                                                  *ale-typescript-cspell*
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-verilog.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-verilog.txt
index 611ed2f9..83e4f31e 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-verilog.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale-verilog.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ALE Verilog/SystemVerilog Integration                     *ale-verilog-options*
-ALE can use six different linters for Verilog HDL:
+ALE can use seven different linters for Verilog HDL:
   HDL Checker
     Using `hdl_checker --lsp`
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ ALE can use six different linters for Verilog HDL:
     Using `iverilog -t null -Wall`
+  slang:
+    Using `slang -Weverything`
     Using `verilator --lint-only -Wall`
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ ALE can use six different linters for Verilog HDL:
     Using `xvlog`
-    Using `ysoys -Q -T -p 'read_verilog'`
+    Using `yosys -Q -T -p 'read_verilog'`
 By default, both 'verilog' and 'systemverilog' filetypes are checked.
@@ -64,6 +67,15 @@ iverilog                                                 *ale-verilog-iverilog*
   No additional options
+slang                                                       *ale-verilog-slang*
+g:ale_verilog_slang_option                        *g:ale_verilog_slang_options*
+                                                  *b:ale_verilog_slang_options*
+  Type: String
+  Default: ''
+  This variable can be changed to modify 'slang' command arguments.
 verilator                                               *ale-verilog-verilator*
@@ -73,7 +85,7 @@ g:ale_verilog_verilator_options               *g:ale_verilog_verilator_options*
   Type: |String|
   Default: `''`
-  This variable can be changed to modify 'verilator' command arguments
+  This variable can be changed to modify 'verilator' command arguments.
   For example `'-sv --default-language "1800-2012"'` if you want to enable
   SystemVerilog parsing and select the 2012 version of the language.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale.txt b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale.txt
index 5f7999b8..d9be7682 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/doc/ale.txt
@@ -186,11 +186,11 @@ script like so. >
   exec docker run -i --rm -v "$(pwd):/data" cytopia/pylint "$@"
-You will run to run Docker commands with `-i` in order to read from stdin.
+You will want to run Docker commands with `-i` in order to read from stdin.
 With the above script in mind, you might configure ALE to lint your Python
 project with `pylint` by providing the path to the script to execute, and
-mappings which describe how to between the two file systems in your
+mappings which describe how to change between the two file systems in your
 `python.vim` |ftplugin| file, like so: >
   if expand('%:p') =~# '^/home/w0rp/git/test-pylint/'
@@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@ g:ale_linters                                                   *g:ale_linters*
   \   'vue': ['eslint', 'vls'],
   \   'zsh': ['shell'],
   \   'v': ['v'],
-  \   'yaml': ['spectral', 'yaml-language-server', 'yamllint'],
+  \   'yaml': ['actionlint', 'spectral', 'yaml-language-server', 'yamllint'],
   This option can be used to enable only a particular set of linters for a
@@ -2899,6 +2899,9 @@ documented in additional help files.
+  astro...................................|ale-astro-options|
+    eslint................................|ale-astro-eslint|
+    prettier..............................|ale-astro-prettier|
@@ -3020,6 +3023,7 @@ documented in additional help files.
+    htmlbeautifier........................|ale-eruby-htmlbeautifier|
@@ -3031,6 +3035,9 @@ documented in additional help files.
   git commit..............................|ale-gitcommit-options|
+  gleam...................................|ale-gleam-options|
+    gleam_format..........................|ale-gleam-gleam_format|
+    gleamlsp..............................|ale-gleam-gleamlsp|
@@ -3095,6 +3102,8 @@ documented in additional help files.
+  hurl....................................|ale-hurl-options|
+    hurlfmt...............................|ale-hurl-hurlfmt|
@@ -3114,6 +3123,7 @@ documented in additional help files.
+    biome.................................|ale-javascript-biome|
@@ -3130,6 +3140,7 @@ documented in additional help files.
+    biome.................................|ale-json-biome|
@@ -3141,6 +3152,7 @@ documented in additional help files.
+    biome.................................|ale-jsonc-biome|
@@ -3220,6 +3232,8 @@ documented in additional help files.
+  odin....................................|ale-odin-options|
+    ols...................................|ale-odin-ols|
@@ -3350,6 +3364,7 @@ documented in additional help files.
+    rubyfmt...............................|ale-ruby-rubyfmt|
@@ -3436,6 +3451,7 @@ documented in additional help files.
+    biome.................................|ale-typescript-biome|
@@ -3453,6 +3469,7 @@ documented in additional help files.
+    slang.................................|ale-verilog-slang|
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/plugin/ale.vim b/sources_non_forked/ale/plugin/ale.vim
index 47934fa0..054e9596 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/plugin/ale.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/plugin/ale.vim
@@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ let g:ale_python_auto_pipenv = get(g:, 'ale_python_auto_pipenv', 0)
 " Enable automatic detection of poetry for Python linters.
 let g:ale_python_auto_poetry = get(g:, 'ale_python_auto_poetry', 0)
+" Enable automatic detection of uv for Python linters.
+let g:ale_python_auto_uv = get(g:, 'ale_python_auto_uv', 0)
 " Enable automatic adjustment of environment variables for Python linters.
 " The variables are set based on ALE's virtualenv detection.
 let g:ale_python_auto_virtualenv = get(g:, 'ale_python_auto_virtualenv', 0)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/supported-tools.md b/sources_non_forked/ale/supported-tools.md
index 6431cfe6..f49b5a02 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/ale/supported-tools.md
+++ b/sources_non_forked/ale/supported-tools.md
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ formatting.
 * ASM
   * [gcc](https://gcc.gnu.org)
   * [llvm-mc](https://llvm.org)
+* Astro
+  * [eslint](http://eslint.org/)
+  * [prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)
   * [avra](https://github.com/Ro5bert/avra)
 * Awk
@@ -191,6 +194,7 @@ formatting.
   * [erblint](https://github.com/Shopify/erb-lint)
   * [erubi](https://github.com/jeremyevans/erubi)
   * [erubis](https://github.com/kwatch/erubis)
+  * [htmlbeautifier](https://github.com/threedaymonk/htmlbeautifier)
   * [ruumba](https://github.com/ericqweinstein/ruumba)
 * Erlang
   * [SyntaxErl](https://github.com/ten0s/syntaxerl)
@@ -211,6 +215,9 @@ formatting.
   * [fusion-lint](https://github.com/RyanSquared/fusionscript)
 * Git Commit Messages
   * [gitlint](https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint)
+* Gleam
+  * [gleam_format](https://github.com/gleam-lang/gleam)
+  * [gleamlsp](https://github.com/gleam-lang/gleam)
   * [glslang](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang)
   * [glslls](https://github.com/svenstaro/glsl-language-server)
@@ -280,6 +287,8 @@ formatting.
   * [rustywind](https://github.com/avencera/rustywind)
   * [tidy](http://www.html-tidy.org/)
   * [write-good](https://github.com/btford/write-good)
+* Hurl
+  * [hurlfmt](https://hurl.dev)
 * Idris
   * [idris](http://www.idris-lang.org/)
 * Ink
@@ -299,6 +308,7 @@ formatting.
   * [javalsp](https://github.com/georgewfraser/vscode-javac)
   * [uncrustify](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)
 * JavaScript
+  * [biome](https://biomejs.dev/)
   * [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html)
   * [cspell](https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell/tree/main/packages/cspell)
   * [deno](https://deno.land/)
@@ -316,6 +326,7 @@ formatting.
   * [xo](https://github.com/sindresorhus/xo)
   * [VSCode JSON language server](https://github.com/hrsh7th/vscode-langservers-extracted)
+  * [biome](https://biomejs.dev/)
   * [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html)
   * [cspell](https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell/tree/main/packages/cspell) :warning:
   * [dprint](https://dprint.dev)
@@ -328,6 +339,7 @@ formatting.
 * JSON5
   * [eslint](http://eslint.org/) :warning:
+  * [biome](https://biomejs.dev/)
   * [eslint](http://eslint.org/) :warning:
 * Jsonnet
   * [jsonnet-lint](https://jsonnet.org/learning/tools.html)
@@ -427,6 +439,8 @@ formatting.
   * [ocamllsp](https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp)
   * [ocp-indent](https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocp-indent)
   * [ols](https://github.com/freebroccolo/ocaml-language-server)
+* Odin
+  * [ols](https://github.com/DanielGavin/ols)
 * OpenApi
   * [ibm_validator](https://github.com/IBM/openapi-validator)
   * [prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)
@@ -567,10 +581,12 @@ formatting.
   * [reek](https://github.com/troessner/reek)
   * [rubocop](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop)
   * [ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org)
+  * [rubyfmt](https://github.com/fables-tales/rubyfmt)
   * [rufo](https://github.com/ruby-formatter/rufo)
   * [solargraph](https://solargraph.org)
   * [sorbet](https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet)
   * [standardrb](https://github.com/testdouble/standard)
+  * [steep](https://github.com/soutaro/steep)
   * [syntax_tree](https://github.com/ruby-syntax-tree/syntax_tree)
 * Rust
   * [cargo](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo) :floppy_disk: (see `:help ale-integration-rust` for configuration instructions)
@@ -659,6 +675,7 @@ formatting.
   * [dprint](https://dprint.dev)
 * TypeScript
+  * [biome](https://biomejs.dev/)
   * [cspell](https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell/tree/main/packages/cspell)
   * [deno](https://deno.land/)
   * [dprint](https://dprint.dev/)
@@ -678,6 +695,7 @@ formatting.
 * Verilog
   * [hdl-checker](https://pypi.org/project/hdl-checker)
   * [iverilog](https://github.com/steveicarus/iverilog)
+  * [slang](https://github.com/MikePopoloski/slang)
   * [verilator](http://www.veripool.org/projects/verilator/wiki/Intro)
   * [vlog](https://www.mentor.com/products/fv/questa/)
   * [xvlog](https://www.xilinx.com/products/design-tools/vivado.html)
@@ -708,7 +726,7 @@ formatting.
 * XML
   * [xmllint](http://xmlsoft.org/xmllint.html)
-  * [actionlint](https://github.com/rhysd/actionlint) :warning:
+  * [actionlint](https://github.com/rhysd/actionlint)
   * [circleci](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/local-cli) :floppy_disk: :warning:
   * [gitlablint](https://github.com/elijah-roberts/gitlab-lint)
   * [prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/ale/test-files/python/no_uv/whatever.py b/sources_non_forked/ale/test-files/python/no_uv/whatever.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/.gitignore b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/.gitignore
index 42d5d592..0d0e6876 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/.gitignore
+++ b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/.gitignore
@@ -4,3 +4,7 @@ dist.bat
+# Github token.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/.goreleaser.yaml b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/.goreleaser.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a1fa1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/.goreleaser.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This is an example .goreleaser.yml file with some sensible defaults.
+# Make sure to check the documentation at https://goreleaser.com
+# The lines below are called `modelines`. See `:help modeline`
+# Feel free to remove those if you don't want/need to use them.
+# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://goreleaser.com/static/schema.json
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0 fo=cnqoj
+#version: 1
+  # GoReleaser requires an API token with the 'repo' scope selected to deploy
+  # the artifacts to GitHub. You can create one here
+  # https://github.com/settings/tokens/new.
+  github_token: ./github_token
+#  hooks:
+#    # You may remove this if you don't use go modules.
+#    - go mod tidy
+#    # you may remove this if you don't need go generate
+#    - go generate ./...
+  - skip: true
+  - format: tar.gz
+    # this name template makes the OS and Arch compatible with the results of `uname`.
+    name_template: >-
+      {{ .ProjectName }}_
+      {{- title .Os }}_
+      {{- if eq .Arch "amd64" }}x86_64
+      {{- else if eq .Arch "386" }}i386
+      {{- else }}{{ .Arch }}{{ end }}
+      {{- if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}
+    # use zip for windows archives
+    format_overrides:
+      - goos: windows
+        format: zip
+  name_template: 'checksums.txt'
+  name_template: '{{ .Tag }}-next'
+  use: github-native
+  sort: asc
+  draft: false
+  replace_existing_draft: true
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/doc/bufexplorer.txt b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/doc/bufexplorer.txt
index 6e1e1b51..6f82611e 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/doc/bufexplorer.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/doc/bufexplorer.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-*bufexplorer.txt*              Buffer Explorer       Last Change: 01 May 2023
+*bufexplorer.txt*              Buffer Explorer       Last Change: 13 Aug 2024
 Buffer Explorer                                *buffer-explorer* *bufexplorer*
-                                Version 7.4.26
+                                Version 7.4.27
 Plugin for easily exploring (or browsing) Vim|:buffers|.
@@ -263,6 +263,10 @@ The default is 1.
 CHANGE LOG                                              *bufexplorer-changelog*
+7.4.27   May 30, 2024
+       - Thanks to GitHub user NotNormallyAGitUser, for the recommendation to
+         change the display of the relative path to replace $HOME with "~".
+         This save valuable screen real estate.
 7.4.26   May 01, 2023
      What's Changed
        - wipe explorer buffer on hide by @basharh in
@@ -795,9 +799,9 @@ TODO                                                         *bufexplorer-todo*
 CREDITS                                                   *bufexplorer-credits*
-Author: Jeff Lanzarotta <delux256-vim at outlook dot com>
+Author: Jeff Lanzarotta <my name at gmail dot com>
-Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar and all the Vim developers for
+Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar (RIP) and all the Vim developers for
 making the world's best editor (IMHO). I also want to thank everyone who
 helped and gave me suggestions. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out so I
 won't list names.
@@ -805,7 +809,7 @@ won't list names.
 COPYRIGHT                                               *bufexplorer-copyright*
-Copyright (c) 2001-2022, Jeff Lanzarotta
+Copyright (c) 2001-2024, Jeff Lanzarotta
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/how_to_release.txt b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/how_to_release.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3f565d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/how_to_release.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+To make a release...
+1. Make changes.
+2. Commit and push changes.
+3. git tag -a v7.4.27 -m "Release v7.4.27."
+4. git push origin v7.4.27
+5. goreleaser release --clean
+6. Go to github and make the release.
+If something happens and the tag is messed up, you will need to delete the
+local and remote tag and release again.  To delete the tag:
+1. git tag -d v7.4.27
+2. git push --delete origin v7.4.27
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/plugin/bufexplorer.vim b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/plugin/bufexplorer.vim
index c5c04e71..f5a74613 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/plugin/bufexplorer.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/bufexplorer/plugin/bufexplorer.vim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"    Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001-2023, Jeff Lanzarotta
+"    Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001-2024, Jeff Lanzarotta
 "               All rights reserved.
 "               Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 " Name Of File: bufexplorer.vim
 "  Description: Buffer Explorer Vim Plugin
 "   Maintainer: Jeff Lanzarotta (my name at gmail dot com)
-" Last Changed: Monday, 01 May 2023
+" Last Changed: Tuesday, 13 August 2024
 "      Version: See g:bufexplorer_version for version number.
 "        Usage: This file should reside in the plugin directory and be
 "               automatically sourced.
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ endif
 " Version number
-let g:bufexplorer_version = "7.4.26"
+let g:bufexplorer_version = "7.4.27"
 " Plugin Code {{{1
 " Check for Vim version {{{2
@@ -770,12 +770,12 @@ function! s:BuildBufferList()
         " Are we to split the path and file name?
         if g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName
             let type = (g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath) ? "relativepath" : "path"
-            let path = buf[type]
+            let path = substitute( buf[type], $HOME."\\>", "~", "" )
             let pad  = (g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted) ? s:allpads.shortname : s:listedpads.shortname
             let line .= buf.shortname." ".strpart(pad.path, s:StringWidth(buf.shortname))
             let type = (g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath) ? "relativename" : "fullname"
-            let path = buf[type]
+            let path = substitute( buf[type], $HOME."\\>", "~", "" )
             let line .= path
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/.github/workflows/auto-close-pr.yml b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/.github/workflows/auto-close-pr.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..043c2a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/.github/workflows/auto-close-pr.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name: Auto-close PR
+  pull_request_target:
+    types: [opened, reopened]
+  close:
+    name: Run
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    permissions:
+      pull-requests: write
+    steps:
+      - run: |
+          gh pr close ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --comment \
+          "At the moment we are not accepting contributions to the repository.
+          Feedback for Copilot.vim can be given in the [Copilot community discussions](https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/categories/copilot)."
+        env:
+          GH_REPO: ${{ github.repository }}
+          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/README.md b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/README.md
index 9f15e9a9..c6b8dae9 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/README.md
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copilot.vim
+# GitHub Copilot for Vim and Neovim
 GitHub Copilot uses OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in
 real-time right from your editor.  Trained on billions of lines of public
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Terms](https://docs.github.com/en/site-policy/github-terms/github-terms-for-addi
           git clone https://github.com/github/copilot.vim.git `
-4.  Start Neovim and invoke `:Copilot setup`.
+4.  Start Vim/Neovim and invoke `:Copilot setup`.
 [Node.js]: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
 [Neovim]: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/latest
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot.vim
index 920aa72f..5016a039 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot.vim
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
-if exists('g:autoloaded_copilot')
-  finish
-let g:autoloaded_copilot = 1
 scriptencoding utf-8
-let s:has_nvim_ghost_text = has('nvim-0.6') && exists('*nvim_buf_get_mark')
+let s:has_nvim_ghost_text = has('nvim-0.7') && exists('*nvim_buf_get_mark')
 let s:vim_minimum_version = '9.0.0185'
 let s:has_vim_ghost_text = has('patch-' . s:vim_minimum_version) && has('textprop')
 let s:has_ghost_text = s:has_nvim_ghost_text || s:has_vim_ghost_text
@@ -39,81 +34,68 @@ function! s:EditorConfiguration() abort
         \ }
-function! s:StatusNotification(params, ...) abort
-  let status = get(a:params, 'status', '')
-  if status ==? 'error'
-    let s:agent_error = a:params.message
-  else
-    unlet! s:agent_error
-  endif
 function! copilot#Init(...) abort
-  call timer_start(0, { _ -> s:Start() })
+  call copilot#util#Defer({ -> exists('s:client') || s:Start() })
 function! s:Running() abort
-  return exists('s:agent.job') || exists('s:agent.client_id')
+  return exists('s:client.job') || exists('s:client.client_id')
 function! s:Start() abort
-  if s:Running()
+  if s:Running() || exists('s:client.startup_error')
-  let s:agent = copilot#agent#New({'methods': {
-        \ 'statusNotification': function('s:StatusNotification'),
-        \ 'PanelSolution': function('copilot#panel#Solution'),
-        \ 'PanelSolutionsDone': function('copilot#panel#SolutionsDone'),
-        \ 'copilot/openURL': function('s:OpenURL'),
-        \ },
-        \ 'editorConfiguration' : s:EditorConfiguration()})
+  let s:client = copilot#client#New({'editorConfiguration' : s:EditorConfiguration()})
 function! s:Stop() abort
-  if exists('s:agent')
-    let agent = remove(s:, 'agent')
-    call agent.Close()
+  if exists('s:client')
+    let client = remove(s:, 'client')
+    call client.Close()
-function! copilot#Agent() abort
+function! copilot#Client() abort
   call s:Start()
-  return s:agent
+  return s:client
-function! copilot#RunningAgent() abort
+function! copilot#RunningClient() abort
   if s:Running()
-    return s:agent
+    return s:client
     return v:null
-function! s:NodeVersionWarning() abort
-  if exists('s:agent.node_version') && s:agent.node_version =~# '^16\.'
+if has('nvim-0.7') && !has(luaeval('vim.version().api_prerelease') ? 'nvim-0.8.1' : 'nvim-0.8.0')
+  let s:editor_warning = 'Neovim 0.7 support is deprecated and will be dropped in a future release of copilot.vim.'
+if has('vim_starting') && exists('s:editor_warning')
+  call copilot#logger#Warn(s:editor_warning)
+function! s:EditorVersionWarning() abort
+  if exists('s:editor_warning')
     echohl WarningMsg
-    echo "Warning: Node.js 16 is approaching end of life and support will be dropped in a future release of copilot.vim."
-    echohl NONE
-  elseif exists('s:agent.node_version_warning')
-    echohl WarningMsg
-    echo 'Warning:' s:agent.node_version_warning
-    echohl NONE
+    echo 'Warning: ' . s:editor_warning
+    echohl None
 function! copilot#Request(method, params, ...) abort
-  let agent = copilot#Agent()
-  return call(agent.Request, [a:method, a:params] + a:000)
+  let client = copilot#Client()
+  return call(client.Request, [a:method, a:params] + a:000)
 function! copilot#Call(method, params, ...) abort
-  let agent = copilot#Agent()
-  return call(agent.Call, [a:method, a:params] + a:000)
+  let client = copilot#Client()
+  return call(client.Call, [a:method, a:params] + a:000)
 function! copilot#Notify(method, params, ...) abort
-  let agent = copilot#Agent()
-  return call(agent.Notify, [a:method, a:params] + a:000)
+  let client = copilot#Client()
+  return call(client.Notify, [a:method, a:params] + a:000)
 function! copilot#NvimNs() abort
@@ -125,37 +107,21 @@ function! copilot#Clear() abort
     call timer_stop(remove(g:, '_copilot_timer'))
   if exists('b:_copilot')
-    call copilot#agent#Cancel(get(b:_copilot, 'first', {}))
-    call copilot#agent#Cancel(get(b:_copilot, 'cycling', {}))
+    call copilot#client#Cancel(get(b:_copilot, 'first', {}))
+    call copilot#client#Cancel(get(b:_copilot, 'cycling', {}))
   call s:UpdatePreview()
   unlet! b:_copilot
   return ''
-function! s:Reject(bufnr) abort
-  try
-    let dict = getbufvar(a:bufnr, '_copilot')
-    if type(dict) == v:t_dict && !empty(get(dict, 'shown_choices', {}))
-      call copilot#Request('notifyRejected', {'uuids': keys(dict.shown_choices)})
-      let dict.shown_choices = {}
-    endif
-  catch
-    call copilot#logger#Exception()
-  endtry
 function! copilot#Dismiss() abort
-  call s:Reject('%')
   call copilot#Clear()
   call s:UpdatePreview()
   return ''
 let s:filetype_defaults = {
-      \ 'yaml': 0,
-      \ 'markdown': 0,
-      \ 'help': 0,
       \ 'gitcommit': 0,
       \ 'gitrebase': 0,
       \ 'hgcommit': 0,
@@ -192,26 +158,41 @@ endfunction
 function! copilot#Enabled() abort
   return get(g:, 'copilot_enabled', 1)
         \ && empty(s:BufferDisabled())
-        \ && empty(copilot#Agent().StartupError())
+let s:inline_invoked = 1
+let s:inline_automatic = 2
 function! copilot#Complete(...) abort
   if exists('g:_copilot_timer')
     call timer_stop(remove(g:, '_copilot_timer'))
-  let params = copilot#doc#Params()
-  if !exists('b:_copilot.params') || b:_copilot.params !=# params
-    let b:_copilot = {'params': params, 'first':
-          \ copilot#Request('getCompletions', params)}
+  let target = [bufnr(''), getbufvar('', 'changedtick'), line('.'), col('.')]
+  if !exists('b:_copilot.target') || b:_copilot.target !=# target
+    if exists('b:_copilot.first')
+      call copilot#client#Cancel(b:_copilot.first)
+    endif
+    if exists('b:_copilot.cycling')
+      call copilot#client#Cancel(b:_copilot.cycling)
+    endif
+    let params = {
+          \ 'textDocument': {'uri': bufnr('')},
+          \ 'position': copilot#util#AppendPosition(),
+          \ 'formattingOptions': {'insertSpaces': &expandtab ? v:true : v:false, 'tabSize': shiftwidth()},
+          \ 'context': {'triggerKind': s:inline_automatic}}
+    let b:_copilot = {
+          \ 'target': target,
+          \ 'params': params,
+          \ 'first': copilot#Request('textDocument/inlineCompletion', params)}
     let g:_copilot_last = b:_copilot
   let completion = b:_copilot.first
   if !a:0
     return completion.Await()
-    call copilot#agent#Result(completion, a:1)
+    call copilot#client#Result(completion, function(a:1, [b:_copilot]))
     if a:0 > 1
-      call copilot#agent#Error(completion, a:2)
+      call copilot#client#Error(completion, function(a:2, [b:_copilot]))
@@ -221,37 +202,37 @@ function! s:HideDuringCompletion() abort
 function! s:SuggestionTextWithAdjustments() abort
+  let empty = ['', 0, 0, {}]
     if mode() !~# '^[iR]' || (s:HideDuringCompletion() && pumvisible()) || !exists('b:_copilot.suggestions')
-      return ['', 0, 0, '']
+      return empty
     let choice = get(b:_copilot.suggestions, b:_copilot.choice, {})
-    if !has_key(choice, 'range') || choice.range.start.line != line('.') - 1 || type(choice.text) !=# v:t_string
-      return ['', 0, 0, '']
+    if !has_key(choice, 'range') || choice.range.start.line != line('.') - 1 || type(choice.insertText) !=# v:t_string
+      return empty
     let line = getline('.')
     let offset = col('.') - 1
-    let choice_text = strpart(line, 0, copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(line, choice.range.start.character)) . choice.text
+    let choice_text = strpart(line, 0, copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(line, choice.range.start.character)) . substitute(choice.insertText, "\n*$", '', '')
     let typed = strpart(line, 0, offset)
-    let end_offset = copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(line, choice.range.end.character)
+    let end_offset = copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(line, choice.range.end.character)
     if end_offset < 0
       let end_offset = len(line)
     let delete = strpart(line, offset, end_offset - offset)
-    let uuid = get(choice, 'uuid', '')
     if typed =~# '^\s*$'
       let leading = matchstr(choice_text, '^\s\+')
       let unindented = strpart(choice_text, len(leading))
       if strpart(typed, 0, len(leading)) == leading && unindented !=# delete
-        return [unindented, len(typed) - len(leading), strchars(delete), uuid]
+        return [unindented, len(typed) - len(leading), strchars(delete), choice]
     elseif typed ==# strpart(choice_text, 0, offset)
-      return [strpart(choice_text, offset), 0, strchars(delete), uuid]
+      return [strpart(choice_text, offset), 0, strchars(delete), choice]
     call copilot#logger#Exception()
-  return ['', 0, 0, '']
+  return empty
@@ -271,12 +252,12 @@ function! s:GetSuggestionsCyclingCallback(context, result) abort
   let callbacks = remove(a:context, 'cycling_callbacks')
   let seen = {}
   for suggestion in a:context.suggestions
-    let seen[suggestion.text] = 1
+    let seen[suggestion.insertText] = 1
-  for suggestion in get(a:result, 'completions', [])
-    if !has_key(seen, suggestion.text)
+  for suggestion in get(a:result, 'items', [])
+    if !has_key(seen, suggestion.insertText)
       call add(a:context.suggestions, suggestion)
-      let seen[suggestion.text] = 1
+      let seen[suggestion.insertText] = 1
   for Callback in callbacks
@@ -290,9 +271,11 @@ function! s:GetSuggestionsCycling(callback) abort
   elseif exists('b:_copilot.cycling')
     call a:callback(b:_copilot)
   elseif exists('b:_copilot.suggestions')
+    let params = deepcopy(b:_copilot.first.params)
+    let params.context.triggerKind = s:inline_invoked
     let b:_copilot.cycling_callbacks = [a:callback]
-    let b:_copilot.cycling = copilot#Request('getCompletionsCycling',
-          \ b:_copilot.first.params,
+    let b:_copilot.cycling = copilot#Request('textDocument/inlineCompletion',
+          \ params,
           \ function('s:GetSuggestionsCyclingCallback', [b:_copilot]),
           \ function('s:GetSuggestionsCyclingCallback', [b:_copilot]),
           \ )
@@ -310,10 +293,10 @@ function! copilot#Previous() abort
 function! copilot#GetDisplayedSuggestion() abort
-  let [text, outdent, delete, uuid] = s:SuggestionTextWithAdjustments()
+  let [text, outdent, delete, item] = s:SuggestionTextWithAdjustments()
   return {
-        \ 'uuid': uuid,
+        \ 'item': item,
         \ 'text': text,
         \ 'outdentSize': outdent,
         \ 'deleteSize': delete}
@@ -330,8 +313,8 @@ endfunction
 function! s:UpdatePreview() abort
-    let [text, outdent, delete, uuid] = s:SuggestionTextWithAdjustments()
-    let text = split(text, "\n", 1)
+    let [text, outdent, delete, item] = s:SuggestionTextWithAdjustments()
+    let text = split(text, "\r\n\\=\\|\n", 1)
     if empty(text[-1])
       call remove(text, -1)
@@ -348,7 +331,7 @@ function! s:UpdatePreview() abort
     call s:ClearPreview()
     if s:has_nvim_ghost_text
       let data = {'id': 1}
-      let data.virt_text_win_col = virtcol('.') - 1
+      let data.virt_text_pos = 'overlay'
       let append = strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1 + delete)
       let data.virt_text = [[text[0] . append . repeat(' ', delete - len(text[0])), s:hlgroup]]
       if len(text) > 1
@@ -361,8 +344,27 @@ function! s:UpdatePreview() abort
       let data.hl_mode = 'combine'
       call nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, copilot#NvimNs(), line('.')-1, col('.')-1, data)
-    else
-      call prop_add(line('.'), col('.'), {'type': s:hlgroup, 'text': text[0]})
+    elseif s:has_vim_ghost_text
+      let new_suffix = text[0]
+      let current_suffix = getline('.')[col('.') - 1 :]
+      let inset = ''
+      while delete > 0 && !empty(new_suffix)
+        let last_char = matchstr(new_suffix, '.$')
+        let new_suffix = matchstr(new_suffix, '^.\{-\}\ze.$')
+        if last_char ==# matchstr(current_suffix, '.$')
+          if !empty(inset)
+            call prop_add(line('.'), col('.') + len(current_suffix), {'type': s:hlgroup, 'text': inset})
+            let inset = ''
+          endif
+          let current_suffix = matchstr(current_suffix, '^.\{-\}\ze.$')
+          let delete -= 1
+        else
+          let inset = last_char . inset
+        endif
+      endwhile
+      if !empty(new_suffix . inset)
+        call prop_add(line('.'), col('.'), {'type': s:hlgroup, 'text': new_suffix . inset})
+      endif
       for line in text[1:]
         call prop_add(line('.'), 0, {'type': s:hlgroup, 'text_align': 'below', 'text': line})
@@ -370,28 +372,35 @@ function! s:UpdatePreview() abort
         call prop_add(line('.'), col('$'), {'type': s:annot_hlgroup, 'text': ' ' . annot})
-    if !has_key(b:_copilot.shown_choices, uuid)
-      let b:_copilot.shown_choices[uuid] = v:true
-      call copilot#Request('notifyShown', {'uuid': uuid})
-    endif
+    call copilot#Notify('textDocument/didShowCompletion', {'item': item})
     return copilot#logger#Exception()
-function! s:HandleTriggerResult(result) abort
-  if !exists('b:_copilot')
-    return
+function! s:HandleTriggerResult(state, result) abort
+  let a:state.suggestions = type(a:result) == type([]) ? a:result : get(empty(a:result) ? {} : a:result, 'items', [])
+  let a:state.choice = 0
+  if get(b:, '_copilot') is# a:state
+    call s:UpdatePreview()
+  endif
+function! s:HandleTriggerError(state, result) abort
+  let a:state.suggestions = []
+  let a:state.choice = 0
+  let a:state.error = a:result
+  if get(b:, '_copilot') is# a:state
+    call s:UpdatePreview()
-  let b:_copilot.suggestions = get(a:result, 'completions', [])
-  let b:_copilot.choice = 0
-  let b:_copilot.shown_choices = {}
-  call s:UpdatePreview()
 function! copilot#Suggest() abort
+  if !s:Running()
+    return ''
+  endif
-    call copilot#Complete(function('s:HandleTriggerResult'), function('s:HandleTriggerResult'))
+    call copilot#Complete(function('s:HandleTriggerResult'), function('s:HandleTriggerError'))
     call copilot#logger#Exception()
@@ -400,30 +409,52 @@ endfunction
 function! s:Trigger(bufnr, timer) abort
   let timer = get(g:, '_copilot_timer', -1)
-  unlet! g:_copilot_timer
   if a:bufnr !=# bufnr('') || a:timer isnot# timer || mode() !=# 'i'
+  unlet! g:_copilot_timer
   return copilot#Suggest()
-function! copilot#IsMapped() abort
-  return get(g:, 'copilot_assume_mapped') ||
-        \ hasmapto('copilot#Accept(', 'i')
-function! copilot#Schedule(...) abort
-  if !s:has_ghost_text || !copilot#Enabled() || !copilot#IsMapped()
+function! copilot#Schedule() abort
+  if !s:has_ghost_text || !s:Running() || !copilot#Enabled()
     call copilot#Clear()
   call s:UpdatePreview()
-  let delay = a:0 ? a:1 : get(g:, 'copilot_idle_delay', 15)
+  let delay = get(g:, 'copilot_idle_delay', 45)
+  call timer_stop(get(g:, '_copilot_timer', -1))
   let g:_copilot_timer = timer_start(delay, function('s:Trigger', [bufnr('')]))
-function! copilot#OnInsertLeave() abort
-  return copilot#Clear()
+function! s:Attach(bufnr, ...) abort
+  try
+    return copilot#Client().Attach(a:bufnr)
+  catch
+    call copilot#logger#Exception()
+  endtry
+function! copilot#OnFileType() abort
+  if empty(s:BufferDisabled()) && &l:modifiable && &l:buflisted
+    call copilot#util#Defer(function('s:Attach'), bufnr(''))
+  endif
+function! s:Focus(bufnr, ...) abort
+  if s:Running() && copilot#Client().IsAttached(a:bufnr)
+    call copilot#Client().Notify('textDocument/didFocus', {'textDocument': {'uri': copilot#Client().Attach(a:bufnr).uri}})
+  endif
+function! copilot#OnBufEnter() abort
+  let bufnr = bufnr('')
+  call copilot#util#Defer(function('s:Focus'), bufnr)
+function! copilot#OnInsertLeavePre() abort
+  call copilot#Clear()
+  call s:ClearPreview()
 function! copilot#OnInsertEnter() abort
@@ -443,7 +474,6 @@ function! copilot#OnCursorMovedI() abort
 function! copilot#OnBufUnload() abort
-  call s:Reject(+expand('<abuf>'))
 function! copilot#OnVimLeavePre() abort
@@ -468,11 +498,19 @@ function! copilot#Accept(...) abort
     if empty(text)
       let text = s.text
-    call copilot#Request('notifyAccepted', {'uuid': s.uuid, 'acceptedLength': copilot#doc#UTF16Width(text)})
+    if text ==# s.text && has_key(s.item, 'command')
+      call copilot#Request('workspace/executeCommand', s.item.command)
+    else
+      let line_text = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1) . text
+      call copilot#Notify('textDocument/didPartiallyAcceptCompletion', {
+            \ 'item': s.item,
+            \ 'acceptedLength': copilot#util#UTF16Width(line_text) - s.item.range.start.character})
+    endif
     call s:ClearPreview()
     let s:suggestion_text = text
+    let recall = text =~# "\n" ? "\<C-R>\<C-O>=" : "\<C-R>\<C-R>="
     return repeat("\<Left>\<Del>", s.outdentSize) . repeat("\<Del>", s.deleteSize) .
-            \ "\<C-R>\<C-O>=copilot#TextQueuedForInsertion()\<CR>" . (a:0 > 1 ? '' : "\<End>")
+            \ recall . "copilot#TextQueuedForInsertion()\<CR>" . (a:0 > 1 ? '' : "\<End>")
   let default = get(g:, 'copilot_tab_fallback', pumvisible() ? "\<C-N>" : "\t")
   if !a:0
@@ -525,21 +563,6 @@ function! copilot#Browser() abort
-function! s:OpenURL(params) abort
-  echo a:params.target
-  let browser = copilot#Browser()
-  if empty(browser)
-    return v:false
-  endif
-  let status = {}
-  call copilot#job#Stream(browser + [a:params.target], v:null, v:null, function('s:BrowserCallback', [status]))
-  let time = reltime()
-  while empty(status) && reltimefloat(reltime(time)) < 1
-    sleep 10m
-  endwhile
-  return get(status, 'code') ? v:false : v:true
 let s:commands = {}
 function! s:EnabledStatusMessage() abort
@@ -550,8 +573,6 @@ function! s:EnabledStatusMessage() abort
       return "Vim " . s:vim_minimum_version . " required to support ghost text"
-  elseif !copilot#IsMapped()
-    return '<Tab> map has been disabled or is claimed by another plugin'
   elseif !get(g:, 'copilot_enabled', 1)
     return 'Disabled globally by :Copilot disable'
   elseif buf_disabled is# 5
@@ -572,7 +593,7 @@ function! s:EnabledStatusMessage() abort
 function! s:VerifySetup() abort
-  let error = copilot#Agent().StartupError()
+  let error = copilot#Client().StartupError()
   if !empty(error)
     echo 'Copilot: ' . error
@@ -589,6 +610,12 @@ function! s:VerifySetup() abort
     echo 'Copilot: Telemetry terms not accepted. Invoke :Copilot setup'
+  if status.status ==# 'NotAuthorized'
+    echo "Copilot: You don't have access to GitHub Copilot. Sign up by visiting https://github.com/settings/copilot"
+    return
+  endif
   return 1
@@ -597,31 +624,22 @@ function! s:commands.status(opts) abort
+  if exists('s:client.status.status') && s:client.status.status =~# 'Warning\|Error'
+    echo 'Copilot: ' . s:client.status.status
+    if !empty(get(s:client.status, 'message', ''))
+      echon ': ' . s:client.status.message
+    endif
+    return
+  endif
   let status = s:EnabledStatusMessage()
   if !empty(status)
     echo 'Copilot: ' . status
-  let startup_error = copilot#Agent().StartupError()
-  if !empty(startup_error)
-      echo 'Copilot: ' . startup_error
-      return
-  endif
-  if exists('s:agent_error')
-    echo 'Copilot: ' . s:agent_error
-    return
-  endif
-  let status = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {})
-  if status.status ==# 'NotAuthorized'
-    echo 'Copilot: Not authorized'
-    return
-  endif
-  echo 'Copilot: Enabled and online'
-  call s:NodeVersionWarning()
+  echo 'Copilot: Ready'
+  call s:EditorVersionWarning()
 function! s:commands.signout(opts) abort
@@ -635,7 +653,7 @@ function! s:commands.signout(opts) abort
 function! s:commands.setup(opts) abort
-  let startup_error = copilot#Agent().StartupError()
+  let startup_error = copilot#Client().StartupError()
   if !empty(startup_error)
       echo 'Copilot: ' . startup_error
@@ -645,7 +663,7 @@ function! s:commands.setup(opts) abort
   let status = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {})
   if has_key(status, 'user')
-    let data = {}
+    let data = {'status': 'AlreadySignedIn', 'user': status.user}
     let data = copilot#Call('signInInitiate', {})
@@ -653,23 +671,25 @@ function! s:commands.setup(opts) abort
   if has_key(data, 'verificationUri')
     let uri = data.verificationUri
     if has('clipboard')
-      let @+ = data.userCode
-      let @* = data.userCode
+      try
+        let @+ = data.userCode
+      catch
+      endtry
+      try
+        let @* = data.userCode
+      catch
+      endtry
-    call s:Echo("First copy your one-time code: " . data.userCode)
+    let codemsg = "First copy your one-time code: " . data.userCode . "\n"
       if len(&mouse)
         let mouse = &mouse
         set mouse=
       if get(a:opts, 'bang')
-        call s:Echo("In your browser, visit " . uri)
+        call s:Echo(codemsg . "In your browser, visit " . uri)
       elseif len(browser)
-        call s:Echo("Press ENTER to open GitHub in your browser")
-        let c = getchar()
-        while c isnot# 13 && c isnot# 10 && c isnot# 0
-          let c = getchar()
-        endwhile
+        call input(codemsg . "Press ENTER to open GitHub in your browser\n")
         let status = {}
         call copilot#job#Stream(browser + [uri], v:null, v:null, function('s:BrowserCallback', [status]))
         let time = reltime()
@@ -682,9 +702,9 @@ function! s:commands.setup(opts) abort
           call s:Echo("Opened " . uri)
-        call s:Echo("Could not find browser.  Visit " . uri)
+        call s:Echo(codemsg . "Could not find browser.  Visit " . uri)
-      call s:Echo("Waiting (could take up to 5 seconds)")
+      call s:Echo("Waiting (could take up to 10 seconds)")
       let request = copilot#Request('signInConfirm', {'userCode': data.userCode}).Wait()
       if exists('mouse')
@@ -696,6 +716,8 @@ function! s:commands.setup(opts) abort
       let status = request.result
+  elseif get(data, 'status', '') isnot# 'AlreadySignedIn'
+    return 'echoerr ' . string('Copilot: Something went wrong')
   let user = get(status, 'user', '<unknown>')
@@ -704,22 +726,46 @@ function! s:commands.setup(opts) abort
 let s:commands.auth = s:commands.setup
+let s:commands.signin = s:commands.setup
 function! s:commands.help(opts) abort
   return a:opts.mods . ' help ' . (len(a:opts.arg) ? ':Copilot_' . a:opts.arg : 'copilot')
 function! s:commands.version(opts) abort
-  let info = copilot#agent#EditorInfo()
-  echo 'copilot.vim ' .info.editorPluginInfo.version
-  echo info.editorInfo.name . ' ' . info.editorInfo.version
-  if exists('s:agent.node_version')
-    echo 'dist/agent.js ' . s:agent.Call('getVersion', {}).version
-    echo 'Node.js ' . s:agent.node_version
-    call s:NodeVersionWarning()
+  echo 'copilot.vim ' .copilot#client#EditorPluginInfo().version
+  let editorInfo = copilot#client#EditorInfo()
+  echo editorInfo.name . ' ' . editorInfo.version
+  if s:Running()
+    let versions = s:client.Request('getVersion', {})
+    if exists('s:client.serverInfo.version')
+      echo s:client.serverInfo.name . ' ' . s:client.serverInfo.version
+    else
+      echo 'GitHub Copilot Language Server ' . versions.Await().version
+    endif
+    if exists('s:client.node_version')
+      echo 'Node.js ' . s:client.node_version
+    else
+      echo 'Node.js ' . substitute(get(versions.Await(), 'runtimeVersion', '?'), '^node/', '', 'g')
+    endif
-    echo 'dist/agent.js not running'
+    echo 'Not running'
+    if exists('s:client.node_version')
+      echo 'Node.js ' . s:client.node_version
+    endif
+  if has('win32')
+    echo 'Windows'
+  elseif has('macunix')
+    echo 'macOS'
+  elseif !has('unix')
+    echo 'Unknown OS'
+  elseif isdirectory('/sys/kernel')
+    echo 'Linux'
+  else
+    echo 'UNIX'
+  endif
+  call s:EditorVersionWarning()
 function! s:UpdateEditorConfiguration() abort
@@ -743,11 +789,8 @@ endfunction
 function! s:commands.restart(opts) abort
   call s:Stop()
-  let err = copilot#Agent().StartupError()
-  if !empty(err)
-    return 'echoerr ' . string('Copilot: ' . err)
-  endif
-  echo 'Copilot: Restarting agent.'
+  echo 'Copilot: Restarting language server'
+  call s:Start()
 function! s:commands.disable(opts) abort
@@ -766,6 +809,10 @@ function! s:commands.panel(opts) abort
+function! s:commands.log(opts) abort
+  return a:opts.mods . ' split +$ copilot:///log'
 function! copilot#CommandComplete(arg, lead, pos) abort
   let args = matchstr(strpart(a:lead, 0, a:pos), 'C\%[opilot][! ] *\zs.*')
   if args !~# ' '
@@ -779,33 +826,28 @@ endfunction
 function! copilot#Command(line1, line2, range, bang, mods, arg) abort
   let cmd = matchstr(a:arg, '^\%(\\.\|\S\)\+')
   let arg = matchstr(a:arg, '\s\zs\S.*')
-  if cmd ==# 'log'
-    return a:mods . ' split +$ ' . fnameescape(copilot#logger#File())
-  endif
   if !empty(cmd) && !has_key(s:commands, tr(cmd, '-', '_'))
     return 'echoerr ' . string('Copilot: unknown command ' . string(cmd))
-    let err = copilot#Agent().StartupError()
-    if !empty(err)
-      return 'echo ' . string('Copilot: ' . err)
-    endif
-    try
-      let opts = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {'options': {'localChecksOnly': v:true}})
-    catch
-      call copilot#logger#Exception()
-      let opts = {'status': 'VimException'}
-    endtry
     if empty(cmd)
-      if opts.status ==# 'VimException'
-        return a:mods . ' split +$ ' . fnameescape(copilot#logger#File())
-      elseif opts.status !=# 'OK' && opts.status !=# 'MaybeOK'
-        let cmd = 'setup'
+      if !s:Running()
+        let cmd = 'restart'
-        let cmd = 'panel'
+        try
+          let opts = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {'options': {'localChecksOnly': v:true}})
+          if opts.status !=# 'OK' && opts.status !=# 'MaybeOK'
+            let cmd = 'setup'
+          else
+            let cmd = 'panel'
+          endif
+        catch
+          call copilot#logger#Exception()
+          let cmd = 'log'
+        endtry
-    call extend(opts, {'line1': a:line1, 'line2': a:line2, 'range': a:range, 'bang': a:bang, 'mods': a:mods, 'arg': arg})
+    let opts = {'line1': a:line1, 'line2': a:line2, 'range': a:range, 'bang': a:bang, 'mods': a:mods, 'arg': arg}
     let retval = s:commands[tr(cmd, '-', '_')](opts)
     if type(retval) == v:t_string
       return retval
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/agent.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/agent.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b53a8478..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/agent.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-if exists('g:autoloaded_copilot_agent')
-  finish
-let g:autoloaded_copilot_agent = 1
-scriptencoding utf-8
-let s:plugin_version = '1.13.0'
-let s:error_exit = -1
-let s:root = expand('<sfile>:h:h:h')
-if !exists('s:instances')
-  let s:instances = {}
-" allow sourcing this file to reload the Lua file too
-if has('nvim')
-  lua package.loaded._copilot = nil
-let s:jobstop = function(exists('*jobstop') ? 'jobstop' : 'job_stop')
-function! s:Kill(agent, ...) abort
-  if has_key(a:agent, 'job')
-    call s:jobstop(a:agent.job)
-  endif
-function! s:AgentClose() dict abort
-  if !has_key(self, 'job')
-    return
-  endif
-  if exists('*chanclose')
-    call chanclose(self.job, 'stdin')
-  else
-    call ch_close_in(self.job)
-  endif
-  call copilot#logger#Info('agent stopped')
-  call timer_start(2000, function('s:Kill', [self]))
-function! s:LogSend(request, line) abort
-  return '--> ' . a:line
-function! s:RejectRequest(request, error) abort
-  if a:request.status ==# 'canceled'
-    return
-  endif
-  let a:request.waiting = {}
-  call remove(a:request, 'resolve')
-  let reject = remove(a:request, 'reject')
-  let a:request.status = 'error'
-  let a:request.error = a:error
-  for Cb in reject
-    let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'error', Cb]))] = 1
-  endfor
-function! s:Send(agent, request) abort
-  try
-    call ch_sendexpr(a:agent.job, a:request)
-    return v:true
-  catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E631:/
-    return v:false
-  endtry
-function! s:AgentNotify(method, params) dict abort
-  return s:Send(self, {'method': a:method, 'params': a:params})
-function! s:RequestWait() dict abort
-  while self.status ==# 'running'
-    sleep 1m
-  endwhile
-  while !empty(get(self, 'waiting', {}))
-    sleep 1m
-  endwhile
-  return self
-function! s:RequestAwait() dict abort
-  call self.Wait()
-  if has_key(self, 'result')
-    return self.result
-  endif
-  throw 'copilot#agent(' . self.error.code . '): ' . self.error.message
-function! s:RequestAgent() dict abort
-  return get(s:instances, self.agent_id, v:null)
-if !exists('s:id')
-  let s:id = 0
-function! s:SetUpRequest(agent, id, method, params, ...) abort
-  let request = {
-        \ 'agent_id': a:agent.id,
-        \ 'id': a:id,
-        \ 'method': a:method,
-        \ 'params': a:params,
-        \ 'Agent': function('s:RequestAgent'),
-        \ 'Wait': function('s:RequestWait'),
-        \ 'Await': function('s:RequestAwait'),
-        \ 'Cancel': function('s:RequestCancel'),
-        \ 'resolve': [],
-        \ 'reject': [],
-        \ 'status': 'running'}
-  let a:agent.requests[a:id] = request
-  let args = a:000[2:-1]
-  if len(args)
-    if !empty(a:1)
-      call add(request.resolve, { v -> call(a:1, [v] + args)})
-    endif
-    if !empty(a:2)
-      call add(request.reject, { v -> call(a:2, [v] + args)})
-    endif
-    return request
-  endif
-  if a:0 && !empty(a:1)
-    call add(request.resolve, a:1)
-  endif
-  if a:0 > 1 && !empty(a:2)
-    call add(request.reject, a:2)
-  endif
-  return request
-function! s:UrlEncode(str) abort
-  return substitute(iconv(a:str, 'latin1', 'utf-8'),'[^A-Za-z0-9._~!$&''()*+,;=:@/-]','\="%".printf("%02X",char2nr(submatch(0)))','g')
-let s:slash = exists('+shellslash') ? '\' : '/'
-function! s:UriFromBufnr(bufnr) abort
-  let absolute = tr(bufname(a:bufnr), s:slash, '/')
-  if absolute !~# '^\a\+:\|^/\|^$' && getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'buftype') =~# '^\%(nowrite\)\=$'
-    let absolute = substitute(tr(getcwd(), s:slash, '/'), '/\=$', '/', '') . absolute
-  endif
-  if has('win32') && absolute =~# '^\a://\@!'
-    return 'file:///' . strpart(absolute, 0, 2) . s:UrlEncode(strpart(absolute, 2))
-  elseif absolute =~# '^/'
-    return 'file://' . s:UrlEncode(absolute)
-  elseif absolute =~# '^\a[[:alnum:].+-]*:\|^$'
-    return absolute
-  else
-    return ''
-  endif
-function! s:BufferText(bufnr) abort
-  return join(getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$'), "\n") . "\n"
-function! s:LogMessage(params) abort
-  call copilot#logger#Raw(get(a:params, 'level', 3), get(a:params, 'message', ''))
-function! s:ShowMessageRequest(params) abort
-  let choice = inputlist([a:params.message . "\n\nRequest Actions:"] +
-        \ map(copy(get(a:params, 'actions', [])), { i, v -> (i + 1) . '. ' . v.title}))
-  return choice > 0 ? get(a:params.actions, choice - 1, v:null) : v:null
-function! s:SendRequest(agent, request) abort
-  if empty(s:Send(a:agent, a:request)) && has_key(a:agent.requests, a:request.id)
-    call s:RejectRequest(remove(a:agent.requests, a:request.id), {'code': 257, 'message': 'Write failed'})
-  endif
-function! s:AgentRequest(method, params, ...) dict abort
-  let s:id += 1
-  let request = {'method': a:method, 'params': deepcopy(a:params), 'id': s:id}
-  for doc in filter([get(request.params, 'doc', {}), get(request.params, 'textDocument',{})], 'type(get(v:val, "uri", "")) == v:t_number')
-    let bufnr = doc.uri
-    let doc.uri = s:UriFromBufnr(doc.uri)
-    let uri = doc.uri
-    let languageId = copilot#doc#LanguageForFileType(getbufvar(bufnr, '&filetype'))
-    let doc_version = getbufvar(bufnr, 'changedtick')
-    if has_key(self.open_buffers, bufnr) && (
-          \ self.open_buffers[bufnr].uri !=# doc.uri ||
-          \ self.open_buffers[bufnr].languageId !=# languageId)
-      call remove(self.open_buffers, bufnr)
-      sleep 1m
-    endif
-    if !has_key(self.open_buffers, bufnr)
-      let td_item = {
-            \ 'uri': doc.uri,
-            \ 'version': doc_version,
-            \ 'languageId': languageId,
-            \ 'text': s:BufferText(bufnr)}
-      call self.Notify('textDocument/didOpen', {'textDocument': td_item})
-      let self.open_buffers[bufnr] = {
-            \ 'uri': doc.uri,
-            \ 'version': doc_version,
-            \ 'languageId': languageId}
-    else
-      let vtd_id = {
-            \ 'uri': doc.uri,
-            \ 'version': doc_version}
-      call self.Notify('textDocument/didChange', {
-            \ 'textDocument': vtd_id,
-            \ 'contentChanges': [{'text': s:BufferText(bufnr)}]})
-      let self.open_buffers[bufnr].version = doc_version
-    endif
-    let doc.version = doc_version
-  endfor
-  call timer_start(0, { _ -> s:SendRequest(self, request) })
-  return call('s:SetUpRequest', [self, s:id, a:method, a:params] + a:000)
-function! s:AgentCall(method, params, ...) dict abort
-  let request = call(self.Request, [a:method, a:params] + a:000)
-  if a:0
-    return request
-  endif
-  return request.Await()
-function! s:AgentCancel(request) dict abort
-  if has_key(self.requests, get(a:request, 'id', ''))
-    call remove(self.requests, a:request.id)
-    call self.Notify('$/cancelRequest', {'id': a:request.id})
-  endif
-  if get(a:request, 'status', '') ==# 'running'
-    let a:request.status = 'canceled'
-  endif
-function! s:RequestCancel() dict abort
-  let agent = self.Agent()
-  if !empty(agent)
-    call agent.Cancel(self)
-  elseif get(self, 'status', '') ==# 'running'
-    let self.status = 'canceled'
-  endif
-  return self
-function! s:DispatchMessage(agent, handler, id, params, ...) abort
-  try
-    let response = {'result': call(a:handler, [a:params])}
-    if response.result is# 0
-      let response.result = v:null
-    endif
-  catch
-    call copilot#logger#Exception()
-    let response = {'error': {'code': -32000, 'message': v:exception}}
-  endtry
-  if !empty(a:id)
-    call s:Send(a:agent, extend({'id': a:id}, response))
-  endif
-  return response
-function! s:OnMessage(agent, body, ...) abort
-  if !has_key(a:body, 'method')
-    return s:OnResponse(a:agent, a:body)
-  endif
-  let request = a:body
-  let id = get(request, 'id', v:null)
-  let params = get(request, 'params', v:null)
-  if has_key(a:agent.methods, request.method)
-    return s:DispatchMessage(a:agent, a:agent.methods[request.method], id, params)
-  elseif !empty(id)
-    call s:Send(a:agent, {"id": id, "error": {"code": -32700, "message": "Method not found: " . request.method}})
-  endif
-function! s:OnResponse(agent, response, ...) abort
-  let response = a:response
-  let id = get(a:response, 'id', v:null)
-  if !has_key(a:agent.requests, id)
-    return
-  endif
-  let request = remove(a:agent.requests, id)
-  if request.status ==# 'canceled'
-    return
-  endif
-  let request.waiting = {}
-  let resolve = remove(request, 'resolve')
-  let reject = remove(request, 'reject')
-  if has_key(response, 'result')
-    let request.status = 'success'
-    let request.result = response.result
-    for Cb in resolve
-      let request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [request, 'result', Cb]))] = 1
-    endfor
-  else
-    let request.status = 'error'
-    let request.error = response.error
-    for Cb in reject
-      let request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [request, 'error', Cb]))] = 1
-    endfor
-  endif
-function! s:OnErr(agent, line, ...) abort
-  call copilot#logger#Debug('<-! ' . a:line)
-function! s:OnExit(agent, code, ...) abort
-  let a:agent.exit_status = a:code
-  if has_key(a:agent, 'job')
-    call remove(a:agent, 'job')
-  endif
-  if has_key(a:agent, 'client_id')
-    call remove(a:agent, 'client_id')
-  endif
-  let code = a:code < 0 || a:code > 255 ? 256 : a:code
-  for id in sort(keys(a:agent.requests), { a, b -> +a > +b })
-    call s:RejectRequest(remove(a:agent.requests, id), {'code': code, 'message': 'Agent exited', 'data': {'status': a:code}})
-  endfor
-  call timer_start(0, { _ -> get(s:instances, a:agent.id) is# a:agent ? remove(s:instances, a:agent.id) : {} })
-  call copilot#logger#Info('agent exited with status ' . a:code)
-function! copilot#agent#LspInit(agent_id, initialize_result) abort
-  if !has_key(s:instances, a:agent_id)
-    return
-  endif
-  let instance = s:instances[a:agent_id]
-  call timer_start(0, { _ -> s:GetCapabilitiesResult(a:initialize_result, instance)})
-function! copilot#agent#LspExit(agent_id, code, signal) abort
-  if !has_key(s:instances, a:agent_id)
-    return
-  endif
-  let instance = remove(s:instances, a:agent_id)
-  call s:OnExit(instance, a:code)
-function! copilot#agent#LspResponse(agent_id, opts, ...) abort
-  if !has_key(s:instances, a:agent_id)
-    return
-  endif
-  call s:OnResponse(s:instances[a:agent_id], a:opts)
-function! s:LspRequest(method, params, ...) dict abort
-  let id = v:lua.require'_copilot'.lsp_request(self.id, a:method, a:params)
-  if id isnot# v:null
-    return call('s:SetUpRequest', [self, id, a:method, a:params] + a:000)
-  endif
-  if has_key(self, 'client_id')
-    call copilot#agent#LspExit(self.client_id, -1, -1)
-  endif
-  throw 'copilot#agent: LSP client not available'
-function! s:LspClose() dict abort
-  if !has_key(self, 'client_id')
-    return
-  endif
-  return luaeval('vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(_A).stop()', self.client_id)
-function! s:LspNotify(method, params) dict abort
-  return v:lua.require'_copilot'.rpc_notify(self.id, a:method, a:params)
-function! copilot#agent#LspHandle(agent_id, request) abort
-  if !has_key(s:instances, a:agent_id)
-    return
-  endif
-  return s:OnMessage(s:instances[a:agent_id], a:request)
-function! s:GetNodeVersion(command) abort
-  let out = []
-  let err = []
-  let status = copilot#job#Stream(a:command + ['--version'], function('add', [out]), function('add', [err]))
-  let string = matchstr(join(out, ''), '^v\zs\d\+\.[^[:space:]]*')
-  if status != 0
-    let string = ''
-  endif
-  let major = str2nr(string)
-  let minor = str2nr(matchstr(string, '\.\zs\d\+'))
-  return {'status': status, 'string': string, 'major': major, 'minor': minor}
-function! s:Command() abort
-  if !has('nvim-0.6') && v:version < 900
-    return [v:null, '', 'Vim version too old']
-  endif
-  let node = get(g:, 'copilot_node_command', '')
-  if empty(node)
-    let node = ['node']
-  elseif type(node) == type('')
-    let node = [expand(node)]
-  endif
-  if !executable(get(node, 0, ''))
-    if get(node, 0, '') ==# 'node'
-      return [v:null, '', 'Node.js not found in PATH']
-    else
-      return [v:null, '', 'Node.js executable `' . get(node, 0, '') . "' not found"]
-    endif
-  endif
-  let node_version = s:GetNodeVersion(node)
-  let warning = ''
-  if !get(g:, 'copilot_ignore_node_version') && node_version.major < 18 && get(node, 0, '') !=# 'node' && executable('node')
-    let node_version_from_path = s:GetNodeVersion(['node'])
-    if node_version_from_path.major >= 18
-      let warning = 'Ignoring g:copilot_node_command: Node.js ' . node_version.string . ' is end-of-life'
-      let node = ['node']
-      let node_version = node_version_from_path
-    endif
-  endif
-  if node_version.status != 0
-    return [v:null, '', 'Node.js exited with status ' . node_version.status]
-  endif
-  if !get(g:, 'copilot_ignore_node_version')
-    if node_version.major == 0
-      return [v:null, node_version.string, 'Could not determine Node.js version']
-    elseif node_version.major < 16 || node_version.major == 16 && node_version.minor < 14 || node_version.major == 17 && node_version.minor < 3
-      " 16.14+ and 17.3+ still work for now, but are end-of-life
-      return [v:null, node_version.string, 'Node.js version 18.x or newer required but found ' . node_version.string]
-    endif
-  endif
-  let agent = get(g:, 'copilot_agent_command', '')
-  if empty(agent) || !filereadable(agent)
-    let agent = s:root . '/dist/agent.js'
-    if !filereadable(agent)
-      return [v:null, node_version.string, 'Could not find dist/agent.js (bad install?)']
-    endif
-  endif
-  return [node + [agent, '--stdio'], node_version.string, warning]
-function! s:UrlDecode(str) abort
-  return substitute(a:str, '%\(\x\x\)', '\=iconv(nr2char("0x".submatch(1)), "utf-8", "latin1")', 'g')
-function! copilot#agent#EditorInfo() abort
-  if !exists('s:editor_version')
-    if has('nvim')
-      let s:editor_version = matchstr(execute('version'), 'NVIM v\zs[^[:space:]]\+')
-    else
-      let s:editor_version = (v:version / 100) . '.' . (v:version % 100) . (exists('v:versionlong') ? printf('.%04d', v:versionlong % 1000) : '')
-    endif
-  endif
-  let info = {
-        \ 'editorInfo': {'name': has('nvim') ? 'Neovim': 'Vim', 'version': s:editor_version},
-        \ 'editorPluginInfo': {'name': 'copilot.vim', 'version': s:plugin_version}}
-  if type(get(g:, 'copilot_proxy')) == v:t_string
-    let proxy = g:copilot_proxy
-  else
-    let proxy = ''
-  endif
-  let match = matchlist(proxy, '\c^\%([^:]\+://\)\=\%(\([^/#]\+@\)\)\=\%(\([^/:#]\+\)\|\[\([[:xdigit:]:]\+\)\]\)\%(:\(\d\+\)\)\=\%(/\|$\|?strict_\=ssl=\(.*\)\)')
-  if !empty(match)
-    let info.networkProxy = {'host': match[2] . match[3], 'port': empty(match[4]) ? 80 : +match[4]}
-    if match[5] =~? '^[0f]'
-      let info.networkProxy.rejectUnauthorized = v:false
-    elseif match[5] =~? '^[1t]'
-      let info.networkProxy.rejectUnauthorized = v:true
-    elseif exists('g:copilot_proxy_strict_ssl')
-      let info.networkProxy.rejectUnauthorized = empty(g:copilot_proxy_strict_ssl) ? v:false : v:true
-    endif
-    if !empty(match[1])
-      let info.networkProxy.username = s:UrlDecode(matchstr(match[1], '^[^:@]*'))
-      let info.networkProxy.password = s:UrlDecode(matchstr(match[1], ':\zs[^@]*'))
-    endif
-  endif
-  return info
-function! s:GetCapabilitiesResult(result, agent) abort
-  let a:agent.capabilities = get(a:result, 'capabilities', {})
-  let info = copilot#agent#EditorInfo()
-  call a:agent.Request('setEditorInfo', extend({'editorConfiguration': a:agent.editorConfiguration}, info))
-function! s:GetCapabilitiesError(error, agent) abort
-  if a:error.code == s:error_exit
-    let a:agent.startup_error = 'Agent exited with status ' . a:error.data.status
-  else
-    let a:agent.startup_error = 'Unexpected error ' . a:error.code . ' calling agent: ' . a:error.message
-    call a:agent.Close()
-  endif
-function! s:AgentStartupError() dict abort
-  while (has_key(self, 'job') || has_key(self, 'client_id')) && !has_key(self, 'startup_error') && !has_key(self, 'capabilities')
-    sleep 10m
-  endwhile
-  if has_key(self, 'capabilities')
-    return ''
-  else
-    return get(self, 'startup_error', 'Something unexpected went wrong spawning the agent')
-  endif
-function! copilot#agent#New(...) abort
-  let opts = a:0 ? a:1 : {}
-  let instance = {'requests': {},
-        \ 'editorConfiguration': get(opts, 'editorConfiguration', {}),
-        \ 'Close': function('s:AgentClose'),
-        \ 'Notify': function('s:AgentNotify'),
-        \ 'Request': function('s:AgentRequest'),
-        \ 'Call': function('s:AgentCall'),
-        \ 'Cancel': function('s:AgentCancel'),
-        \ 'StartupError': function('s:AgentStartupError'),
-        \ }
-  let instance.methods = extend({
-        \ 'LogMessage': function('s:LogMessage'),
-        \ 'window/logMessage': function('s:LogMessage'),
-        \ }, get(opts, 'methods', {}))
-  let [command, node_version, command_error] = s:Command()
-  if len(command_error)
-    if empty(command)
-      let instance.id = -1
-      let instance.startup_error = command_error
-      return instance
-    else
-      let instance.node_version_warning = command_error
-    endif
-  endif
-  let instance.node_version = node_version
-  if has('nvim')
-    call extend(instance, {
-        \ 'Close': function('s:LspClose'),
-        \ 'Notify': function('s:LspNotify'),
-        \ 'Request': function('s:LspRequest')})
-    let instance.client_id = v:lua.require'_copilot'.lsp_start_client(command, keys(instance.methods))
-    let instance.id = instance.client_id
-  else
-    let state = {'headers': {}, 'mode': 'headers', 'buffer': ''}
-    let instance.open_buffers = {}
-    let instance.methods = extend({'window/showMessageRequest': function('s:ShowMessageRequest')}, instance.methods)
-    let instance.job = job_start(command, {
-          \ 'cwd': copilot#job#Cwd(),
-          \ 'in_mode': 'lsp',
-          \ 'out_mode': 'lsp',
-          \ 'out_cb': { j, d -> timer_start(0, function('s:OnMessage', [instance, d])) },
-          \ 'err_cb': { j, d -> timer_start(0, function('s:OnErr', [instance, d])) },
-          \ 'exit_cb': { j, d -> timer_start(0, function('s:OnExit', [instance, d])) },
-          \ })
-    let instance.id = exists('*jobpid') ? jobpid(instance.job) : job_info(instance.job).process
-    let capabilities = {'workspace': {'workspaceFolders': v:true}, 'copilot': {}}
-    for name in keys(instance.methods)
-      if name =~# '^copilot/'
-        let capabilities.copilot[matchstr(name, '/\zs.*')] = v:true
-      endif
-    endfor
-    let request = instance.Request('initialize', {'capabilities': capabilities}, function('s:GetCapabilitiesResult'), function('s:GetCapabilitiesError'), instance)
-  endif
-  let s:instances[instance.id] = instance
-  return instance
-function! copilot#agent#Cancel(request) abort
-  if type(a:request) == type({}) && has_key(a:request, 'Cancel')
-    call a:request.Cancel()
-  endif
-function! s:Callback(request, type, callback, timer) abort
-  call remove(a:request.waiting, a:timer)
-  if has_key(a:request, a:type)
-    call a:callback(a:request[a:type])
-  endif
-function! copilot#agent#Result(request, callback) abort
-  if has_key(a:request, 'resolve')
-    call add(a:request.resolve, a:callback)
-  elseif has_key(a:request, 'result')
-    let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'result', a:callback]))] = 1
-  endif
-function! copilot#agent#Error(request, callback) abort
-  if has_key(a:request, 'reject')
-    call add(a:request.reject, a:callback)
-  elseif has_key(a:request, 'error')
-    let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'error', a:callback]))] = 1
-  endif
-function! s:CloseBuffer(bufnr) abort
-  for instance in values(s:instances)
-    try
-      if has_key(instance, 'job') && has_key(instance.open_buffers, a:bufnr)
-        let buffer = remove(instance.open_buffers, a:bufnr)
-        call instance.Notify('textDocument/didClose', {'textDocument': {'uri': buffer.uri}})
-      endif
-    catch
-      call copilot#logger#Exception()
-    endtry
-  endfor
-augroup copilot_agent
-  autocmd!
-  if !has('nvim')
-    autocmd BufUnload * call s:CloseBuffer(+expand('<abuf>'))
-  endif
-augroup END
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/client.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/client.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c811062e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/client.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+scriptencoding utf-8
+let s:plugin_version = copilot#version#String()
+let s:error_canceled = {'code': -32800, 'message': 'Canceled'}
+let s:error_exit = {'code': -32097, 'message': 'Process exited'}
+let s:error_connection_inactive = {'code': -32096, 'message': 'Connection inactive'}
+let s:root = expand('<sfile>:h:h:h')
+if !exists('s:instances')
+  let s:instances = {}
+" allow sourcing this file to reload the Lua file too
+if has('nvim')
+  lua package.loaded._copilot = nil
+function! s:Warn(msg) abort
+  if !empty(get(g:, 'copilot_no_startup_warnings'))
+    return
+  endif
+  echohl WarningMsg
+  echomsg 'Copilot: ' . a:msg
+  echohl NONE
+function! s:VimClose() dict abort
+  if !has_key(self, 'job')
+    return
+  endif
+  let job = self.job
+  if has_key(self, 'kill')
+    call job_stop(job, 'kill')
+    call copilot#logger#Warn('Process forcefully terminated')
+    return
+  endif
+  let self.kill = v:true
+  let self.shutdown = self.Request('shutdown', {}, function(self.Notify, ['exit']))
+  call timer_start(2000, { _ -> job_stop(job, 'kill') })
+  call copilot#logger#Debug('Process shutdown initiated')
+function! s:LogSend(request, line) abort
+  return '--> ' . a:line
+function! s:RejectRequest(request, error) abort
+  if a:request.status !=# 'running'
+    return
+  endif
+  let a:request.waiting = {}
+  call remove(a:request, 'resolve')
+  let reject = remove(a:request, 'reject')
+  let a:request.status = 'error'
+  let a:request.error = deepcopy(a:error)
+  for Cb in reject
+    let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'error', Cb]))] = 1
+  endfor
+  if index([s:error_canceled.code, s:error_connection_inactive.code], a:error.code) != -1
+    return
+  endif
+  let msg = 'Method ' . a:request.method . ' errored with E' . a:error.code . ': ' . json_encode(a:error.message)
+  if empty(reject)
+    call copilot#logger#Error(msg)
+  else
+    call copilot#logger#Debug(msg)
+  endif
+function! s:AfterInitialized(fn, ...) dict abort
+  call add(self.after_initialized, function(a:fn, a:000))
+function! s:Send(instance, request) abort
+  if !has_key(a:instance, 'job')
+    return v:false
+  endif
+  try
+    call ch_sendexpr(a:instance.job, a:request)
+    return v:true
+  catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E906:/
+    let a:instance.kill = v:true
+    let job = remove(a:instance, 'job')
+    call job_stop(job)
+    call timer_start(2000, { _ -> job_stop(job, 'kill') })
+    call copilot#logger#Warn('Terminating process after failed write')
+    return v:false
+  catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E631:/
+    return v:false
+  endtry
+function! s:VimNotify(method, params) dict abort
+  let request = {'method': a:method, 'params': a:params}
+  call self.AfterInitialized(function('s:Send', [self, request]))
+function! s:RequestWait() dict abort
+  while self.status ==# 'running'
+    sleep 1m
+  endwhile
+  while !empty(get(self, 'waiting', {}))
+    sleep 1m
+  endwhile
+  return self
+function! s:RequestAwait() dict abort
+  call self.Wait()
+  if has_key(self, 'result')
+    return self.result
+  endif
+  throw 'Copilot:E' . self.error.code . ': ' . self.error.message
+function! s:RequestClient() dict abort
+  return get(s:instances, self.client_id, v:null)
+if !exists('s:id')
+  let s:id = 0
+if !exists('s:progress_token_id')
+  let s:progress_token_id = 0
+function! s:SetUpRequest(instance, id, method, params, progress, ...) abort
+  let request = {
+        \ 'client_id': a:instance.id,
+        \ 'id': a:id,
+        \ 'method': a:method,
+        \ 'params': a:params,
+        \ 'Client': function('s:RequestClient'),
+        \ 'Wait': function('s:RequestWait'),
+        \ 'Await': function('s:RequestAwait'),
+        \ 'Cancel': function('s:RequestCancel'),
+        \ 'resolve': [],
+        \ 'reject': [],
+        \ 'progress': a:progress,
+        \ 'status': 'running'}
+  let args = a:000[2:-1]
+  if len(args)
+    if !empty(a:1)
+      call add(request.resolve, { v -> call(a:1, [v] + args)})
+    endif
+    if !empty(a:2)
+      call add(request.reject, { v -> call(a:2, [v] + args)})
+    endif
+    return request
+  endif
+  if a:0 && !empty(a:1)
+    call add(request.resolve, a:1)
+  endif
+  if a:0 > 1 && !empty(a:2)
+    call add(request.reject, a:2)
+  endif
+  return request
+function! s:UrlEncode(str) abort
+  return substitute(iconv(a:str, 'latin1', 'utf-8'),'[^A-Za-z0-9._~!$&''()*+,;=:@/-]','\="%".printf("%02X",char2nr(submatch(0)))','g')
+let s:slash = exists('+shellslash') ? '\' : '/'
+function! s:UriFromBufnr(bufnr) abort
+  let absolute = tr(bufname(a:bufnr), s:slash, '/')
+  if absolute !~# '^\a\+:\|^/\|^$' && getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'buftype') =~# '^\%(nowrite\)\=$'
+    let absolute = substitute(tr(getcwd(), s:slash, '/'), '/\=$', '/', '') . absolute
+  endif
+  return s:UriFromPath(absolute)
+function! s:UriFromPath(absolute) abort
+  let absolute = a:absolute
+  if has('win32') && absolute =~# '^\a://\@!'
+    return 'file:///' . strpart(absolute, 0, 2) . s:UrlEncode(strpart(absolute, 2))
+  elseif absolute =~# '^/'
+    return 'file://' . s:UrlEncode(absolute)
+  elseif absolute =~# '^\a[[:alnum:].+-]*:\|^$'
+    return absolute
+  else
+    return ''
+  endif
+function! s:BufferText(bufnr) abort
+  return join(getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$'), "\n") . "\n"
+let s:valid_request_key = '^\%(id\|method\|params\)$'
+function! s:SendRequest(instance, request, ...) abort
+  if !has_key(a:instance, 'job') || get(a:instance, 'shutdown', a:request) isnot# a:request
+    return s:RejectRequest(a:request, s:error_connection_inactive)
+  endif
+  let json = filter(copy(a:request), 'v:key =~# s:valid_request_key')
+  if empty(s:Send(a:instance, json)) && has_key(a:request, 'id') && has_key(a:instance.requests, a:request.id)
+    call s:RejectRequest(remove(a:instance.requests, a:request.id), {'code': -32099, 'message': 'Write failed'})
+  endif
+function! s:RegisterWorkspaceFolderForBuffer(instance, buf) abort
+  let root = getbufvar(a:buf, 'workspace_folder')
+  if type(root) != v:t_string
+    return
+  endif
+  let root = s:UriFromPath(substitute(root, '[\/]$', '', ''))
+  if empty(root) || has_key(a:instance.workspaceFolders, root)
+    return
+  endif
+  let a:instance.workspaceFolders[root] = v:true
+  call a:instance.Notify('workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', {'event': {'added': [{'uri': root, 'name': fnamemodify(root, ':t')}], 'removed': []}})
+function! s:PreprocessParams(instance, params) abort
+  let bufnr = v:null
+  for doc in filter([get(a:params, 'textDocument', {})], 'type(get(v:val, "uri", "")) == v:t_number')
+    let bufnr = doc.uri
+    call s:RegisterWorkspaceFolderForBuffer(a:instance, bufnr)
+    call extend(doc, a:instance.Attach(bufnr))
+  endfor
+  let progress_tokens = []
+  for key in keys(a:params)
+    if key =~# 'Token$' && type(a:params[key]) == v:t_func
+      let s:progress_token_id += 1
+      let a:instance.progress[s:progress_token_id] = a:params[key]
+      call add(progress_tokens, s:progress_token_id)
+      let a:params[key] = s:progress_token_id
+    endif
+  endfor
+  return [bufnr, progress_tokens]
+function! s:VimAttach(bufnr) dict abort
+  if !bufloaded(a:bufnr)
+    return {'uri': '', 'version': 0}
+  endif
+  let bufnr = a:bufnr
+  let doc = {
+        \ 'uri': s:UriFromBufnr(bufnr),
+        \ 'version': getbufvar(bufnr, 'changedtick', 0),
+        \ 'languageId': getbufvar(bufnr, '&filetype'),
+        \ }
+  if has_key(self.open_buffers, bufnr) && (
+        \ self.open_buffers[bufnr].uri !=# doc.uri ||
+        \ self.open_buffers[bufnr].languageId !=# doc.languageId)
+    call self.Notify('textDocument/didClose', {'textDocument': {'uri': self.open_buffers[bufnr].uri}})
+    call remove(self.open_buffers, bufnr)
+  endif
+  if !has_key(self.open_buffers, bufnr)
+    call self.Notify('textDocument/didOpen', {'textDocument': extend({'text': s:BufferText(bufnr)}, doc)})
+    let self.open_buffers[bufnr] = doc
+  else
+    call self.Notify('textDocument/didChange', {
+          \ 'textDocument': {'uri': doc.uri, 'version': doc.version},
+          \ 'contentChanges': [{'text': s:BufferText(bufnr)}]})
+    let self.open_buffers[bufnr].version = doc.version
+  endif
+  return doc
+function! s:VimIsAttached(bufnr) dict abort
+  return bufloaded(a:bufnr) && has_key(self.open_buffers, a:bufnr) ? v:true : v:false
+function! s:VimRequest(method, params, ...) dict abort
+  let s:id += 1
+  let params = deepcopy(a:params)
+  let [_, progress] = s:PreprocessParams(self, params)
+  let request = call('s:SetUpRequest', [self, s:id, a:method, params, progress] + a:000)
+  call self.AfterInitialized(function('s:SendRequest', [self, request]))
+  let self.requests[s:id] = request
+  return request
+function! s:Call(method, params, ...) dict abort
+  let request = call(self.Request, [a:method, a:params] + a:000)
+  if a:0
+    return request
+  endif
+  return request.Await()
+function! s:Cancel(request) dict abort
+  if has_key(self.requests, get(a:request, 'id', ''))
+    call self.Notify('$/cancelRequest', {'id': a:request.id})
+    call s:RejectRequest(remove(self.requests, a:request.id), s:error_canceled)
+  endif
+function! s:RequestCancel() dict abort
+  let instance = self.Client()
+  if !empty(instance)
+    call instance.Cancel(self)
+  elseif get(self, 'status', '') ==# 'running'
+    call s:RejectRequest(self, s:error_canceled)
+  endif
+  return self
+function! s:DispatchMessage(instance, method, handler, id, params, ...) abort
+  try
+    let response = {'result': call(a:handler, [a:params, a:instance])}
+    if response.result is# 0
+      let response.result = v:null
+    endif
+  catch
+    call copilot#logger#Exception('lsp.request.' . a:method)
+    let response = {'error': {'code': -32000, 'message': v:exception}}
+  endtry
+  if a:id isnot# v:null
+    call s:Send(a:instance, extend({'id': a:id}, response))
+  endif
+  if !has_key(s:notifications, a:method)
+    return response
+  endif
+function! s:OnMessage(instance, body, ...) abort
+  if !has_key(a:body, 'method')
+    return s:OnResponse(a:instance, a:body)
+  endif
+  let request = a:body
+  let id = get(request, 'id', v:null)
+  let params = get(request, 'params', v:null)
+  if has_key(a:instance.methods, request.method)
+    return s:DispatchMessage(a:instance, request.method, a:instance.methods[request.method], id, params)
+  elseif id isnot# v:null
+    call s:Send(a:instance, {"id": id, "error": {"code": -32700, "message": "Method not found: " . request.method}})
+    call copilot#logger#Debug('Unexpected request ' . request.method . ' called with ' . json_encode(params))
+  elseif request.method !~# '^\$/'
+    call copilot#logger#Debug('Unexpected notification ' . request.method . ' called with ' . json_encode(params))
+  endif
+function! s:OnResponse(instance, response, ...) abort
+  let response = a:response
+  let id = get(a:response, 'id', v:null)
+  if !has_key(a:instance.requests, id)
+    return
+  endif
+  let request = remove(a:instance.requests, id)
+  for progress_token in request.progress
+    if has_key(a:instance.progress, progress_token)
+      call remove(a:instance.progress, progress_token)
+    endif
+  endfor
+  if request.status !=# 'running'
+    return
+  endif
+  if has_key(response, 'result')
+    let request.waiting = {}
+    let resolve = remove(request, 'resolve')
+    call remove(request, 'reject')
+    let request.status = 'success'
+    let request.result = response.result
+    for Cb in resolve
+      let request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [request, 'result', Cb]))] = 1
+    endfor
+  else
+    call s:RejectRequest(request, response.error)
+  endif
+function! s:OnErr(instance, ch, line, ...) abort
+  if !has_key(a:instance, 'serverInfo')
+    call copilot#logger#Bare('<-! ' . a:line)
+  endif
+function! s:OnExit(instance, code, ...) abort
+  let a:instance.exit_status = a:code
+  if has_key(a:instance, 'job')
+    call remove(a:instance, 'job')
+  endif
+  if has_key(a:instance, 'client_id')
+    call remove(a:instance, 'client_id')
+  endif
+  let message = 'Process exited with status ' . a:code
+  if a:code >= 18 && a:code < 100
+    let message = 'Node.js too old.  ' .
+          \ (get(a:instance.node, 0, 'node') ==# 'node' ? 'Upgrade' : 'Change g:copilot_node_command') .
+          \ ' to ' . a:code . '.x or newer'
+  endif
+  if !has_key(a:instance, 'serverInfo') && !has_key(a:instance, 'startup_error')
+    let a:instance.startup_error = message
+  endif
+  for id in sort(keys(a:instance.requests), { a, b -> +a > +b })
+    call s:RejectRequest(remove(a:instance.requests, id), s:error_exit)
+  endfor
+  if has_key(a:instance, 'after_initialized')
+    let a:instance.AfterInitialized = function('copilot#util#Defer')
+    for Fn in remove(a:instance, 'after_initialized')
+      call copilot#util#Defer(Fn)
+    endfor
+  endif
+  call copilot#util#Defer({ -> get(s:instances, a:instance.id) is# a:instance ? remove(s:instances, a:instance.id) : {} })
+  if a:code == 0
+    call copilot#logger#Info(message)
+  else
+    call copilot#logger#Warn(message)
+    if !has_key(a:instance, 'kill')
+      call copilot#util#Defer(function('s:Warn'), message)
+    endif
+  endif
+function! copilot#client#LspInit(id, initialize_result) abort
+  if !has_key(s:instances, a:id)
+    return
+  endif
+  call s:PostInit(a:initialize_result, s:instances[a:id])
+function! copilot#client#LspExit(id, code, signal) abort
+  if !has_key(s:instances, a:id)
+    return
+  endif
+  let instance = remove(s:instances, a:id)
+  call s:OnExit(instance, a:code)
+function! copilot#client#LspResponse(id, opts, ...) abort
+  if !has_key(s:instances, a:id)
+    return
+  endif
+  call s:OnResponse(s:instances[a:id], a:opts)
+function! s:NvimAttach(bufnr) dict abort
+  if !bufloaded(a:bufnr)
+    return {'uri': '', 'version': 0}
+  endif
+  call luaeval('pcall(vim.lsp.buf_attach_client, _A[1], _A[2])', [a:bufnr, self.id])
+  return luaeval('{uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(_A), version = vim.lsp.util.buf_versions[_A]}', a:bufnr)
+function! s:NvimIsAttached(bufnr) dict abort
+  return bufloaded(a:bufnr) ? luaeval('vim.lsp.buf_is_attached(_A[1], _A[2])', [a:bufnr, self.id]) : v:false
+function! s:NvimRequest(method, params, ...) dict abort
+  let params = deepcopy(a:params)
+  let [bufnr, progress] = s:PreprocessParams(self, params)
+  let request = call('s:SetUpRequest', [self, v:null, a:method, params, progress] + a:000)
+  call self.AfterInitialized(function('s:NvimDoRequest', [self, request, bufnr]))
+  return request
+function! s:NvimDoRequest(client, request, bufnr) abort
+  let request = a:request
+  if has_key(a:client, 'client_id') && !has_key(a:client, 'kill')
+    let request.id = eval("v:lua.require'_copilot'.lsp_request(a:client.id, a:request.method, a:request.params, a:bufnr)")
+  endif
+  if request.id isnot# v:null
+    let a:client.requests[request.id] = request
+  else
+    if has_key(a:client, 'client_id')
+      call copilot#client#LspExit(a:client.client_id, -1, -1)
+    endif
+    call copilot#util#Defer(function('s:RejectRequest'), request, s:error_connection_inactive)
+  endif
+  return request
+function! s:NvimClose() dict abort
+  if !has_key(self, 'client_id')
+    return
+  endif
+  let self.kill = v:true
+  return luaeval('vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(_A).stop()', self.client_id)
+function! s:NvimNotify(method, params) dict abort
+  call self.AfterInitialized(function('s:NvimDoNotify', [self.client_id, a:method, a:params]))
+function! s:NvimDoNotify(client_id, method, params) abort
+  return eval("v:lua.require'_copilot'.rpc_notify(a:client_id, a:method, a:params)")
+function! copilot#client#LspHandle(id, request) abort
+  if !has_key(s:instances, a:id)
+    return
+  endif
+  return s:OnMessage(s:instances[a:id], a:request)
+let s:script_name = 'dist/language-server.js'
+function! s:Command() abort
+  if !has('nvim-0.7') && v:version < 900
+    return [[], [], 'Vim version too old']
+  endif
+  let script = get(g:, 'copilot_command', '')
+  if type(script) == type('')
+    let script = [expand(script)]
+  endif
+  if empty(script) || !filereadable(script[0])
+    let script = [s:root . '/' . s:script_name]
+    if !filereadable(script[0])
+      return [[], [], 'Could not find ' . s:script_name . ' (bad install?)']
+    endif
+  elseif script[0] !~# '\.js$'
+    return [[], script + ['--stdio'], '']
+  endif
+  let node = get(g:, 'copilot_node_command', '')
+  if empty(node)
+    let node = ['node']
+  elseif type(node) == type('')
+    let node = [expand(node)]
+  endif
+  if !executable(get(node, 0, ''))
+    if get(node, 0, '') ==# 'node'
+      return [[], [], 'Node.js not found in PATH']
+    else
+      return [[], [], 'Node.js executable `' . get(node, 0, '') . "' not found"]
+    endif
+  endif
+  return [node, script + ['--stdio'], '']
+function! s:UrlDecode(str) abort
+  return substitute(a:str, '%\(\x\x\)', '\=iconv(nr2char("0x".submatch(1)), "utf-8", "latin1")', 'g')
+function! copilot#client#EditorInfo() abort
+  if !exists('s:editor_version')
+    if has('nvim')
+      let s:editor_version = matchstr(execute('version'), 'NVIM v\zs[^[:space:]]\+')
+    else
+      let s:editor_version = (v:version / 100) . '.' . (v:version % 100) . (exists('v:versionlong') ? printf('.%04d', v:versionlong % 10000) : '')
+    endif
+  endif
+  return {'name': has('nvim') ? 'Neovim': 'Vim', 'version': s:editor_version}
+function! copilot#client#EditorPluginInfo() abort
+  return {'name': 'copilot.vim', 'version': s:plugin_version}
+function! copilot#client#Settings() abort
+  let settings = {
+        \ 'http': {
+        \   'proxy': get(g:, 'copilot_proxy', v:null),
+        \   'proxyStrictSSL': get(g:, 'copilot_proxy_strict_ssl', v:null)},
+        \ 'github-enterprise': {'uri': get(g:, 'copilot_auth_provider_url', v:null)},
+        \ }
+  if type(settings.http.proxy) ==# v:t_string && settings.http.proxy =~# '^[^/]\+$'
+    let settings.http.proxy = 'http://' . settings.http.proxy
+  endif
+  if type(get(g:, 'copilot_settings')) == v:t_dict
+    call extend(settings, g:copilot_settings)
+  endif
+  return settings
+function! s:PostInit(result, instance) abort
+  let a:instance.serverInfo = get(a:result, 'serverInfo', {})
+  if !has_key(a:instance, 'node_version') && has_key(a:result.serverInfo, 'nodeVersion')
+    let a:instance.node_version = a:result.serverInfo.nodeVersion
+  endif
+  let a:instance.AfterInitialized = function('copilot#util#Defer')
+  for Fn in remove(a:instance, 'after_initialized')
+    call copilot#util#Defer(Fn)
+  endfor
+function! s:InitializeResult(result, instance) abort
+  call s:Send(a:instance, {'method': 'initialized', 'params': {}})
+  call s:PostInit(a:result, a:instance)
+function! s:InitializeError(error, instance) abort
+  if !has_key(a:instance, 'startup_error')
+    let a:instance.startup_error = 'Unexpected error E' . a:error.code . ' initializing language server: ' . a:error.message
+    call a:instance.Close()
+  endif
+function! s:StartupError() dict abort
+  while (has_key(self, 'job') || has_key(self, 'client_id')) && !has_key(self, 'startup_error') && !has_key(self, 'serverInfo')
+    sleep 10m
+  endwhile
+  if has_key(self, 'serverInfo')
+    return ''
+  else
+    return get(self, 'startup_error', 'Something unexpected went wrong spawning the language server')
+  endif
+function! s:StatusNotification(params, instance) abort
+  let a:instance.status = a:params
+function! s:Nop(...) abort
+  return v:null
+function! s:False(...) abort
+  return v:false
+function! s:Progress(params, instance) abort
+  if has_key(a:instance.progress, a:params.token)
+    call a:instance.progress[a:params.token](a:params.value)
+  endif
+let s:notifications = {
+      \ '$/progress': function('s:Progress'),
+      \ 'featureFlagsNotification': function('s:Nop'),
+      \ 'statusNotification': function('s:StatusNotification'),
+      \ 'window/logMessage': function('copilot#handlers#window_logMessage'),
+      \ }
+let s:vim_handlers = {
+      \ 'window/showMessageRequest': function('copilot#handlers#window_showMessageRequest'),
+      \ 'window/showDocument': function('copilot#handlers#window_showDocument'),
+      \ }
+let s:vim_capabilities = {
+      \ 'workspace': {'workspaceFolders': v:true},
+      \ 'window': {'showDocument': {'support': v:true}},
+      \ }
+function! copilot#client#New(...) abort
+  let opts = a:0 ? a:1 : {}
+  let instance = {'requests': {},
+        \ 'progress': {},
+        \ 'workspaceFolders': {},
+        \ 'after_initialized': [],
+        \ 'status': {'status': 'Starting', 'message': ''},
+        \ 'AfterInitialized': function('s:AfterInitialized'),
+        \ 'Close': function('s:Nop'),
+        \ 'Notify': function('s:False'),
+        \ 'Request': function('s:VimRequest'),
+        \ 'Attach': function('s:Nop'),
+        \ 'IsAttached': function('s:False'),
+        \ 'Call': function('s:Call'),
+        \ 'Cancel': function('s:Cancel'),
+        \ 'StartupError': function('s:StartupError'),
+        \ }
+  let instance.methods = copy(s:notifications)
+  let [node, argv, command_error] = s:Command()
+  if !empty(command_error)
+    let instance.id = -1
+    let instance.startup_error = command_error
+    call copilot#logger#Error(command_error)
+    return instance
+  endif
+  let instance.node = node
+  let command = node + argv
+  let opts = {}
+  let opts.initializationOptions = {
+        \ 'editorInfo': copilot#client#EditorInfo(),
+        \ 'editorPluginInfo': copilot#client#EditorPluginInfo(),
+        \ }
+  let opts.workspaceFolders = []
+  let settings = extend(copilot#client#Settings(), get(opts, 'editorConfiguration', {}))
+  if type(get(g:, 'copilot_workspace_folders')) == v:t_list
+    for folder in g:copilot_workspace_folders
+      if type(folder) == v:t_string && !empty(folder) && folder !~# '\*\*\|^/$'
+        for path in glob(folder . '/', 0, 1)
+          let uri = s:UriFromPath(substitute(path, '[\/]*$', '', ''))
+          call add(opts.workspaceFolders, {'uri': uri, 'name': fnamemodify(uri, ':t')})
+        endfor
+      elseif type(folder) == v:t_dict && has_key(v:t_dict, 'uri') && !empty(folder.uri) && has_key(folder, 'name')
+        call add(opts.workspaceFolders, folder)
+      endif
+    endfor
+  endif
+  for folder in opts.workspaceFolders
+    let instance.workspaceFolders[folder.uri] = v:true
+  endfor
+  if has('nvim')
+    call extend(instance, {
+          \ 'Close': function('s:NvimClose'),
+          \ 'Notify': function('s:NvimNotify'),
+          \ 'Request': function('s:NvimRequest'),
+          \ 'Attach': function('s:NvimAttach'),
+          \ 'IsAttached': function('s:NvimIsAttached'),
+          \ })
+    let instance.client_id = eval("v:lua.require'_copilot'.lsp_start_client(command, keys(instance.methods), opts, settings)")
+    let instance.id = instance.client_id
+  else
+    call extend(instance, {
+          \ 'Close': function('s:VimClose'),
+          \ 'Notify': function('s:VimNotify'),
+          \ 'Attach': function('s:VimAttach'),
+          \ 'IsAttached': function('s:VimIsAttached'),
+          \ })
+    let state = {'headers': {}, 'mode': 'headers', 'buffer': ''}
+    let instance.open_buffers = {}
+    let instance.methods = extend(s:vim_handlers, instance.methods)
+    let instance.job = job_start(command, {
+          \ 'cwd': copilot#job#Cwd(),
+          \ 'noblock': 1,
+          \ 'stoponexit': '',
+          \ 'in_mode': 'lsp',
+          \ 'out_mode': 'lsp',
+          \ 'out_cb': { j, d -> copilot#util#Defer(function('s:OnMessage'), instance, d) },
+          \ 'err_cb': function('s:OnErr', [instance]),
+          \ 'exit_cb': { j, d -> copilot#util#Defer(function('s:OnExit'), instance, d) },
+          \ })
+    let instance.id = job_info(instance.job).process
+    let opts.capabilities = s:vim_capabilities
+    let opts.processId = getpid()
+    let request = instance.Request('initialize', opts, function('s:InitializeResult'), function('s:InitializeError'), instance)
+    call call(remove(instance.after_initialized, 0), [])
+    call instance.Notify('workspace/didChangeConfiguration', {'settings': settings})
+  endif
+  let s:instances[instance.id] = instance
+  return instance
+function! copilot#client#Cancel(request) abort
+  if type(a:request) == type({}) && has_key(a:request, 'Cancel')
+    call a:request.Cancel()
+  endif
+function! s:Callback(request, type, callback, timer) abort
+  call remove(a:request.waiting, a:timer)
+  if has_key(a:request, a:type)
+    call a:callback(a:request[a:type])
+  endif
+function! copilot#client#Result(request, callback) abort
+  if has_key(a:request, 'resolve')
+    call add(a:request.resolve, a:callback)
+  elseif has_key(a:request, 'result')
+    let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'result', a:callback]))] = 1
+  endif
+function! copilot#client#Error(request, callback) abort
+  if has_key(a:request, 'reject')
+    call add(a:request.reject, a:callback)
+  elseif has_key(a:request, 'error')
+    let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'error', a:callback]))] = 1
+  endif
+function! s:CloseBuffer(bufnr) abort
+  for instance in values(s:instances)
+    try
+      if has_key(instance, 'job') && has_key(instance.open_buffers, a:bufnr)
+        let buffer = remove(instance.open_buffers, a:bufnr)
+        call instance.Notify('textDocument/didClose', {'textDocument': {'uri': buffer.uri}})
+      endif
+    catch
+      call copilot#logger#Exception()
+    endtry
+  endfor
+augroup copilot_close
+  autocmd!
+  if !has('nvim')
+    autocmd BufUnload * call s:CloseBuffer(+expand('<abuf>'))
+  endif
+augroup END
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/doc.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/doc.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e442e530..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/doc.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-if exists('g:autoloaded_copilot_prompt')
-  finish
-let g:autoloaded_copilot_prompt = 1
-scriptencoding utf-8
-let s:slash = exists('+shellslash') ? '\' : '/'
-function copilot#doc#UTF16Width(str) abort
-  return strchars(substitute(a:str, "\\%#=2[^\u0001-\uffff]", "  ", 'g'))
-if exists('*utf16idx')
-  function! copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(str, utf16_idx) abort
-    return byteidx(a:str, a:utf16_idx, 1)
-  endfunction
-elseif has('nvim')
-  function! copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(str, utf16_idx) abort
-    try
-      return v:lua.vim.str_byteindex(a:str, a:utf16_idx, 1)
-    catch /^Vim(return):E5108:/
-      return -1
-    endtry
-  endfunction
-  function! copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(str, utf16_idx) abort
-    if copilot#doc#UTF16Width(a:str) < a:utf16_idx
-      return -1
-    endif
-    let end_offset = len(a:str)
-    while copilot#doc#UTF16Width(strpart(a:str, 0, end_offset)) > a:utf16_idx && end_offset > 0
-      let end_offset -= 1
-    endwhile
-    return end_offset
-  endfunction
-let s:language_normalization_map = {
-      \ "bash":            "shellscript",
-      \ "bst":             "bibtex",
-      \ "cs":              "csharp",
-      \ "cuda":            "cuda-cpp",
-      \ "dosbatch":        "bat",
-      \ "dosini":          "ini",
-      \ "gitcommit":       "git-commit",
-      \ "gitrebase":       "git-rebase",
-      \ "make":            "makefile",
-      \ "objc":            "objective-c",
-      \ "objcpp":          "objective-cpp",
-      \ "ps1":             "powershell",
-      \ "raku":            "perl6",
-      \ "sh":              "shellscript",
-      \ "text":            "plaintext",
-      \ }
-function copilot#doc#LanguageForFileType(filetype) abort
-  let filetype = substitute(a:filetype, '\..*', '', '')
-  return get(s:language_normalization_map, empty(filetype) ? "text" : filetype, filetype)
-function! s:RelativePath(absolute) abort
-  if exists('b:copilot_relative_path')
-    return b:copilot_relative_path
-  elseif exists('b:copilot_root')
-    let root = b:copilot_root
-  elseif len(get(b:, 'projectionist', {}))
-    let root = sort(keys(b:projectionist), { a, b -> a < b })[0]
-  else
-    let root = getcwd()
-  endif
-  let root = tr(root, s:slash, '/') . '/'
-  if strpart(tr(a:absolute, 'A-Z', 'a-z'), 0, len(root)) ==# tr(root, 'A-Z', 'a-z')
-    return strpart(a:absolute, len(root))
-  else
-    return fnamemodify(a:absolute, ':t')
-  endif
-function! copilot#doc#Get() abort
-  let absolute = tr(@%, s:slash, '/')
-  if absolute !~# '^\a\+:\|^/\|^$' && &buftype =~# '^\%(nowrite\)\=$'
-    let absolute = substitute(tr(getcwd(), s:slash, '/'), '/\=$', '/', '') . absolute
-  endif
-  let doc = {
-        \ 'uri': bufnr(''),
-        \ 'version': getbufvar('', 'changedtick'),
-        \ 'relativePath': s:RelativePath(absolute),
-        \ 'insertSpaces': &expandtab ? v:true : v:false,
-        \ 'tabSize': shiftwidth(),
-        \ 'indentSize': shiftwidth(),
-        \ }
-  let line = getline('.')
-  let col_byte = col('.') - (mode() =~# '^[iR]' || empty(line))
-  let col_utf16 = copilot#doc#UTF16Width(strpart(line, 0, col_byte))
-  let doc.position = {'line': line('.') - 1, 'character': col_utf16}
-  return doc
-function! copilot#doc#Params(...) abort
-  let extra = a:0 ? a:1 : {}
-  let params = extend({'doc': extend(copilot#doc#Get(), get(extra, 'doc', {}))}, extra, 'keep')
-  let params.textDocument = {
-        \ 'uri': params.doc.uri,
-        \ 'version': params.doc.version,
-        \ 'relativePath': params.doc.relativePath,
-        \ }
-  let params.position = params.doc.position
-  return params
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/handlers.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/handlers.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a73186fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/handlers.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+function! copilot#handlers#window_logMessage(params, ...) abort
+  call copilot#logger#Raw(get(a:params, 'type', 6), get(a:params, 'message', ''))
+function! copilot#handlers#window_showMessageRequest(params, ...) abort
+  let choice = inputlist([a:params.message . "\n\nRequest Actions:"] +
+        \ map(copy(get(a:params, 'actions', [])), { i, v -> (i + 1) . '. ' . v.title}))
+  return choice > 0 ? get(a:params.actions, choice - 1, v:null) : v:null
+function! s:BrowserCallback(into, code) abort
+  let a:into.code = a:code
+function! copilot#handlers#window_showDocument(params, ...) abort
+  echo a:params.uri
+  if empty(get(a:params, 'external'))
+    return {'success': v:false}
+  endif
+  let browser = copilot#Browser()
+  if empty(browser)
+    return {'success': v:false}
+  endif
+  let status = {}
+  call copilot#job#Stream(browser + [a:params.uri], v:null, v:null, function('s:BrowserCallback', [status]))
+  let time = reltime()
+  while empty(status) && reltimefloat(reltime(time)) < 1
+    sleep 10m
+  endwhile
+  return {'success': get(status, 'code') ? v:false : v:true}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/job.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/job.vim
index 212e8e62..39904a8d 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/job.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/job.vim
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
-if exists('g:autoloaded_copilot_job')
-  finish
-let g:autoloaded_copilot_job = 1
 scriptencoding utf-8
-function copilot#job#Nop(...) abort
+function! copilot#job#Nop(...) abort
 function! s:Jobs(job_or_jobs) abort
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/logger.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/logger.vim
index 105e3f9b..923a1c11 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/logger.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/logger.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-if exists('g:autoloaded_copilot_log')
-  finish
-let g:autoloaded_copilot_log = 1
 if !exists('s:log_file')
   let s:log_file = tempname() . '-copilot.log'
@@ -11,35 +6,59 @@ if !exists('s:log_file')
-function! copilot#logger#File() abort
-  return s:log_file
+let s:logs = []
+function! copilot#logger#BufReadCmd() abort
+  try
+    setlocal modifiable noreadonly
+    silent call deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+    if !empty(s:logs)
+      call setline(1, s:logs)
+    endif
+  finally
+    setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted nomodified nomodifiable
+  endtry
+let s:level_prefixes = ['', '[ERROR] ', '[WARN] ', '[INFO] ', '[DEBUG] ', '[DEBUG] ']
 function! copilot#logger#Raw(level, message) abort
-  if $COPILOT_AGENT_VERBOSE !~# '^\%(1\|true\)$' && a:level < 1
-    return
-  endif
   let lines = type(a:message) == v:t_list ? copy(a:message) : split(a:message, "\n", 1)
+  let lines[0] = strftime('[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] ') . get(s:level_prefixes, a:level, '[UNKNOWN] ') . get(lines, 0, '')
     if !filewritable(s:log_file)
     call map(lines, { k, L -> type(L) == v:t_func ? call(L, []) : L })
-    call writefile(lines, s:log_file, 'a')
+    call extend(s:logs, lines)
+    let overflow = len(s:logs) - get(g:, 'copilot_log_history', 10000)
+    if overflow > 0
+      call remove(s:logs, 0, overflow - 1)
+    endif
+    let bufnr = bufnr('copilot:///log')
+    if bufnr > 0 && bufloaded(bufnr)
+      call setbufvar(bufnr, '&modifiable', 1)
+      call setbufline(bufnr, 1, s:logs)
+      call setbufvar(bufnr, '&modifiable', 0)
+      for winid in win_findbuf(bufnr)
+        if has('nvim') && winid != win_getid()
+          call nvim_win_set_cursor(winid, [len(s:logs), 0])
+        endif
+      endfor
+    endif
-function! copilot#logger#Trace(...) abort
-  call copilot#logger#Raw(-1, a:000)
 function! copilot#logger#Debug(...) abort
-  call copilot#logger#Raw(0, a:000)
+  if empty(get(g:, 'copilot_debug'))
+    return
+  endif
+  call copilot#logger#Raw(4, a:000)
 function! copilot#logger#Info(...) abort
-  call copilot#logger#Raw(1, a:000)
+  call copilot#logger#Raw(3, a:000)
 function! copilot#logger#Warn(...) abort
@@ -47,26 +66,40 @@ function! copilot#logger#Warn(...) abort
 function! copilot#logger#Error(...) abort
-  call copilot#logger#Raw(3, a:000)
+  call copilot#logger#Raw(1, a:000)
-function! copilot#logger#Exception() abort
+function! copilot#logger#Bare(...) abort
+  call copilot#logger#Raw(0, a:000)
+function! copilot#logger#Exception(...) abort
   if !empty(v:exception) && v:exception !=# 'Vim:Interrupt'
     call copilot#logger#Error('Exception: ' . v:exception . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint)
-    let agent = copilot#RunningAgent()
-    if !empty(agent)
+    let client = copilot#RunningClient()
+    if !empty(client)
+      let [_, type, code, message; __] = matchlist(v:exception, '^\%(\(^[[:alnum:]_#]\+\)\%((\a\+)\)\=\%(\(:E-\=\d\+\)\)\=:\s*\)\=\(.*\)$')
       let stacklines = []
-      for frame in split(substitute(substitute(v:throwpoint, ', \S\+ \(\d\+\)$', '[\1]', ''), '^function ', '', ''), '\.\@<!\.\.\.\@!')
-        if frame =~# '[\/]'
-          call add(stacklines, '[redacted]')
+      for frame in split(substitute(v:throwpoint, ', \S\+ \(\d\+\)$', '[\1]', ''), '\.\@<!\.\.\.\@!')
+        let fn_line = matchlist(frame, '^\%(function \)\=\(\S\+\)\[\(\d\+\)\]$')
+        if !empty(fn_line)
+          call add(stacklines, {'function': substitute(fn_line[1], '^<SNR>\d\+_', '<SID>', ''), 'lineno': +fn_line[2]})
+        elseif frame =~# ' Autocmds for "\*"$'
+          call add(stacklines, {'function': frame})
+        elseif frame =~# ' Autocmds for ".*"$'
+          call add(stacklines, {'function': substitute(frame, ' for ".*"$', ' for "[redacted]"', '')})
-          call add(stacklines, substitute(frame, '^<SNR>\d\+_', '<SID>', ''))
+          call add(stacklines, {'function': '[redacted]'})
-      call agent.Request('telemetry/exception', {
-            \ 'origin': 'copilot.vim',
-            \ 'stacktrace': join([v:exception] + stacklines, "\n")
-            \ })
+      return client.Request('telemetry/exception', {
+            \ 'transaction': a:0 ? a:1 : '',
+            \ 'platform': 'other',
+            \ 'exception_detail': [{
+            \ 'type': type . code,
+            \ 'value': message,
+            \ 'stacktrace': stacklines}]
+            \ }, v:null, function('copilot#util#Nop'))
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/panel.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/panel.vim
index 072ef948..4e25237e 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/panel.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/panel.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-if exists('g:autoloaded_copilot_panel')
-  finish
-let g:autoloaded_copilot_panel = 1
 scriptencoding utf-8
 if !exists('s:panel_id')
@@ -11,29 +6,35 @@ endif
 let s:separator = repeat('─', 72)
-function! s:Solutions(state) abort
-  return sort(values(get(a:state, 'solutions', {})), { a, b -> a.score < b.score })
-function! s:Render(panel_id) abort
-  let bufnr = bufnr('^' . a:panel_id . '$')
-  let state = getbufvar(bufnr, 'copilot_panel')
-  if !bufloaded(bufnr) || type(state) != v:t_dict
+function! s:Render(state) abort
+  let bufnr = bufnr('^' . a:state.panel . '$')
+  let state = a:state
+  if !bufloaded(bufnr)
-  let sorted = s:Solutions(state)
-  if !empty(get(state, 'status', ''))
-    let lines = ['Error: ' . state.status]
+  let sorted = a:state.items
+  if !empty(get(a:state, 'error'))
+    let lines = ['Error: ' . a:state.error.message]
+    let sorted = []
+  elseif get(a:state, 'percentage') == 100
+    let lines = ['Synthesized ' . (len(sorted) == 1 ? '1 completion' : len(sorted) . ' completions')]
-    let target = get(state, 'count_target', '?')
-    let received = has_key(state, 'status') ? target : len(sorted)
-    let lines = ['Synthesiz' . (has_key(state, 'status') ? 'ed ' : 'ing ') . received . '/' . target . ' solutions (Duplicates hidden)']
+    let lines = [substitute('Synthesizing ' . matchstr(get(a:state, 'message', ''), '\d\+\%(/\d\+\)\=') . ' completions', ' \+', ' ', 'g')]
   if len(sorted)
-    call add(lines, 'Press <CR> on a solution to accept')
+    call add(lines, 'Press <CR> on a completion to accept')
-  for solution in sorted
-    let lines += [s:separator] + split(solution.displayText, "\n", 1)
+  let leads = {}
+  for item in sorted
+    let insert = split(item.insertText, "\r\n\\=\\|\n", 1)
+    let insert[0] = strpart(a:state.line, 0, copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(a:state.line, item.range.start.character)) . insert[0]
+    let lines += [s:separator] + insert
+    if !has_key(leads, string(item.range.start))
+      let match = insert[0 : a:state.position.line - item.range.start.line]
+      let match[-1] = strpart(match[-1], 0, copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(match[-1], a:state.position.character))
+      call map(match, { k, v -> escape(v, '][^$.*\~') })
+      let leads[string(item.range.start)] = join(match, '\n')
+    endif
     call setbufvar(bufnr, '&modifiable', 1)
@@ -41,64 +42,61 @@ function! s:Render(panel_id) abort
     call setbufline(bufnr, 1, lines)
     call setbufvar(bufnr, '&modifiable', 0)
-    call setbufvar(bufnr, '&readonly', 1)
+  call clearmatches()
+  call matchadd('CopilotSuggestion', '\C^' . s:separator . '\n\zs\%(' . join(sort(values(leads), { a, b -> len(b) - len(a) }), '\|') . '\)', 10, 4)
-function! copilot#panel#Solution(params, ...) abort
-  let state = getbufvar('^' . a:params.panelId . '$', 'copilot_panel')
-  if !bufloaded(a:params.panelId) || type(state) != v:t_dict
-    return
-  endif
-  let state.solutions[a:params.solutionId] = a:params
-  call s:Render(a:params.panelId)
+function! s:PartialResult(state, value) abort
+  let items = type(a:value) == v:t_list ? a:value : a:value.items
+  call extend(a:state.items, items)
+  call s:Render(a:state)
-function! copilot#panel#SolutionsDone(params, ...) abort
-  let state = getbufvar('^' . a:params.panelId . '$', 'copilot_panel')
-  if !bufloaded(a:params.panelId) || type(state) != v:t_dict
-    call copilot#logger#Debug('SolutionsDone: ' . a:params.panelId)
-    return
+function! s:WorkDone(state, value) abort
+  if has_key(a:value, 'message')
+    let a:state.message = a:value.message
+  endif
+  if has_key(a:value, 'percentage')
+    let a:state.percentage = a:value.percentage
+    call s:Render(a:state)
-  let state.status = get(a:params, 'message', '')
-  call s:Render(a:params.panelId)
 function! copilot#panel#Accept(...) abort
   let state = get(b:, 'copilot_panel', {})
-  let solutions = s:Solutions(state)
-  if empty(solutions)
+  if empty(state.items)
     return ''
   if !has_key(state, 'bufnr') || !bufloaded(get(state, 'bufnr', -1))
     return "echoerr 'Buffer was closed'"
   let at = a:0 ? a:1 : line('.')
-  let solution_index = 0
+  let index = 0
   for lnum in range(1, at)
     if getline(lnum) ==# s:separator
-      let solution_index += 1
+      let index += 1
-  if solution_index > 0 && solution_index <= len(solutions)
-    let solution = solutions[solution_index - 1]
-    let lnum = solution.range.start.line + 1
+  if index > 0 && index <= len(state.items)
+    let item = state.items[index - 1]
+    let lnum = item.range.start.line + 1
     if getbufline(state.bufnr, lnum) !=# [state.line]
-      return 'echoerr "Buffer has changed since synthesizing solution"'
+      return 'echoerr "Buffer has changed since synthesizing completion"'
-    let lines = split(solution.displayText, "\n", 1)
-    let old_first = getline(solution.range.start.line + 1)
-    let lines[0] = strpart(old_first, 0, copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(old_first, solution.range.start.character)) . lines[0]
-    let old_last = getline(solution.range.end.line + 1)
-    let lines[-1] .= strpart(old_last, copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(old_last, solution.range.start.character))
-    call setbufline(state.bufnr, solution.range.start.line + 1, lines[0])
-    call appendbufline(state.bufnr, solution.range.start.line + 1, lines[1:-1])
-    call copilot#Request('notifyAccepted', {'uuid': solution.solutionId})
+    let lines = split(item.insertText, "\n", 1)
+    let old_first = getbufline(state.bufnr, item.range.start.line + 1)[0]
+    let lines[0] = strpart(old_first, 0, copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(old_first, item.range.start.character)) . lines[0]
+    let old_last = getbufline(state.bufnr, item.range.end.line + 1)[0]
+    let lines[-1] .= strpart(old_last, copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(old_last, item.range.end.character))
+    call deletebufline(state.bufnr, item.range.start.line + 1, item.range.end.line + 1)
+    call appendbufline(state.bufnr, item.range.start.line, lines)
+    call copilot#Request('workspace/executeCommand', item.command)
     let win = bufwinnr(state.bufnr)
     if win > 0
       exe win . 'wincmd w'
-      exe solution.range.start.line + len(lines)
+      exe item.range.start.line + len(lines)
       if state.was_insert
@@ -112,49 +110,58 @@ endfunction
 function! s:Initialize(state) abort
   let &l:filetype = 'copilot' . (empty(a:state.filetype) ? '' : '.' . a:state.filetype)
   let &l:tabstop = a:state.tabstop
-  call clearmatches()
-  call matchadd('CopilotSuggestion', '\C^' . s:separator . '\n\zs' . escape(a:state.line, '][^$.*\~'), 10, 4)
   nmap <buffer><script> <CR> <Cmd>exe copilot#panel#Accept()<CR>
   nmap <buffer><script> [[ <Cmd>call search('^─\{9,}\n.', 'bWe')<CR>
   nmap <buffer><script> ]] <Cmd>call search('^─\{9,}\n.', 'We')<CR>
 function! s:BufReadCmd() abort
-  setlocal bufhidden=wipe buftype=nofile nobuflisted readonly nomodifiable
+  setlocal bufhidden=wipe buftype=nofile nobuflisted nomodifiable
   let state = get(b:, 'copilot_panel')
   if type(state) != v:t_dict
   call s:Initialize(state)
-  call s:Render(expand('<amatch>'))
+  call s:Render(state)
   return ''
+function! s:Result(state, result) abort
+  let a:state.percentage = 100
+  call s:PartialResult(a:state, a:result)
+function! s:Error(state, error) abort
+  let a:state.error = a:error
+  call s:Render(a:state)
 function! copilot#panel#Open(opts) abort
   let s:panel_id += 1
-  let state = {'solutions': {}, 'filetype': &filetype, 'line': getline('.'), 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'tabstop': &tabstop}
-  let bufname = 'copilot:///' . s:panel_id
-  let params = copilot#doc#Params({'panelId': bufname})
-  let state.was_insert = mode() =~# '^[iR]'
+  let state = {'items': [], 'filetype': &filetype, 'was_insert': mode() =~# '^[iR]', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'tabstop': &tabstop}
+  let state.panel = 'copilot:///panel/' . s:panel_id
   if state.was_insert
+    let state.position = copilot#util#AppendPosition()
-    let params.doc.position.character = copilot#doc#UTF16Width(state.line)
-    let params.position.character = params.doc.position.character
+    let state.position = {'line': a:opts.line1 >= 1 ? a:opts.line1 - 1 : 0, 'character': copilot#util#UTF16Width(getline('.'))}
-  let response = copilot#Request('getPanelCompletions', params).Wait()
-  if response.status ==# 'error'
-    return 'echoerr ' . string(response.error.message)
-  endif
-  let state.count_target = response.result.solutionCountTarget
-  exe substitute(a:opts.mods, '\C\<tab\>', '-tab', 'g') 'keepalt split' bufname
+  let state.line = getline(state.position.line + 1)
+  let params = {
+        \ 'textDocument': {'uri': state.bufnr},
+        \ 'position': state.position,
+        \ 'partialResultToken': function('s:PartialResult', [state]),
+        \ 'workDoneToken': function('s:WorkDone', [state]),
+        \ }
+  let response = copilot#Request('textDocument/copilotPanelCompletion', params, function('s:Result', [state]), function('s:Error', [state]))
+  exe substitute(a:opts.mods, '\C\<tab\>', '-tab', 'g') 'keepalt split' state.panel
   let b:copilot_panel = state
   call s:Initialize(state)
-  call s:Render(@%)
+  call s:Render(state)
   return ''
 augroup github_copilot_panel
-  autocmd BufReadCmd copilot:///* exe s:BufReadCmd()
+  autocmd BufReadCmd copilot:///panel/* exe s:BufReadCmd()
 augroup END
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/util.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/util.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed5aff0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/util.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+let s:deferred = []
+function! copilot#util#Nop(...) abort
+  return v:null
+function! copilot#util#Defer(fn, ...) abort
+  call add(s:deferred, function(a:fn, a:000))
+  return timer_start(0, function('s:RunDeferred'))
+function! s:RunDeferred(...) abort
+  if empty(s:deferred)
+    return
+  endif
+  let Fn = remove(s:deferred, 0)
+  call timer_start(0, function('s:RunDeferred'))
+  call call(Fn, [])
+function! copilot#util#UTF16Width(str) abort
+  return strchars(substitute(a:str, "\\%#=2[^\u0001-\uffff]", "  ", 'g'))
+if exists('*utf16idx')
+  function! copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(str, utf16_idx) abort
+    return byteidx(a:str, a:utf16_idx, 1)
+  endfunction
+elseif has('nvim')
+  function! copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(str, utf16_idx) abort
+    try
+      return v:lua.vim.str_byteindex(a:str, a:utf16_idx, 1)
+    catch /^Vim(return):E5108:/
+      return -1
+    endtry
+  endfunction
+  function! copilot#util#UTF16ToByteIdx(str, utf16_idx) abort
+    if copilot#util#UTF16Width(a:str) < a:utf16_idx
+      return -1
+    endif
+    let end_offset = len(a:str)
+    while copilot#util#UTF16Width(strpart(a:str, 0, end_offset)) > a:utf16_idx && end_offset > 0
+      let end_offset -= 1
+    endwhile
+    return end_offset
+  endfunction
+function! copilot#util#AppendPosition() abort
+  let line = getline('.')
+  let col_byte = col('.') - (mode() =~# '^[iR]' || empty(line))
+  let col_utf16 = copilot#util#UTF16Width(strpart(line, 0, col_byte))
+  return {'line': line('.') - 1, 'character': col_utf16}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/version.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/version.vim
index 253ed8ed..5d9c5e76 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/version.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/autoload/copilot/version.vim
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 function! copilot#version#String() abort
-  return '1.18.0'
+  return '1.40.0'
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/agent.js b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/agent.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 96558e4a..00000000
Binary files a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/agent.js and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/agent.js.map b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/agent.js.map
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d099ea4..00000000
Binary files a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/agent.js.map and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/darwin/arm64/kerberos.node b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/darwin/arm64/kerberos.node
index db324d64..8ed9eaaa 100644
Binary files a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/darwin/arm64/kerberos.node and b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/darwin/arm64/kerberos.node differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/darwin/x64/kerberos.node b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/darwin/x64/kerberos.node
index 0a8a59a2..44a517ba 100644
Binary files a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/darwin/x64/kerberos.node and b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/darwin/x64/kerberos.node differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/win32/x64/kerberos.node b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/win32/x64/kerberos.node
index 42e944f2..d7369250 100644
Binary files a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/win32/x64/kerberos.node and b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/compiled/win32/x64/kerberos.node differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/crypt32.node b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/crypt32.node
index 597cdd31..a48c6a14 100644
Binary files a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/crypt32.node and b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/crypt32.node differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/language-server.js b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/language-server.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0429e164
Binary files /dev/null and b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/language-server.js differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/language-server.js.map b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/language-server.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4beb144a
Binary files /dev/null and b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/language-server.js.map differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k/tokenizer_cushman002.json b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k/tokenizer_cushman002.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b9703f5..00000000
Binary files a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k/tokenizer_cushman002.json and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k/vocab_cushman002.bpe b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k/vocab_cushman002.bpe
deleted file mode 100644
index c5f96939..00000000
Binary files a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k/vocab_cushman002.bpe and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k_base.tiktoken.noindex b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k_base.tiktoken.noindex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfec64c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/cl100k_base.tiktoken.noindex differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/o200k_base.tiktoken.noindex b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/o200k_base.tiktoken.noindex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d842cf81
Binary files /dev/null and b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/dist/resources/o200k_base.tiktoken.noindex differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/doc/copilot.txt b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/doc/copilot.txt
index 95130e95..72c5596d 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/doc/copilot.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/doc/copilot.txt
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ COMMANDS                                        *:Copilot*
 :Copilot panel          Open a window with up to 10 completions for the
-                        current buffer.  Use <CR> to accept a solution.  Maps
-                        are also provided for [[ and ]] to jump from solution
-                        to solution.  This is the default command if :Copilot
-                        is called without an argument.
+                        current buffer.  Use <CR> to accept a completion.
+                        Maps are also provided for [[ and ]] to jump from
+                        completion to completion.  This is the default command
+                        if :Copilot is called without an argument.
 :Copilot version        Show version information.
@@ -75,12 +75,13 @@ g:copilot_node_command  Tell Copilot what `node` binary to use with
                               \ "~/.nodenv/versions/18.18.0/bin/node"
-g:copilot_proxy         Tell Copilot what proxy server to use.  This is a
-                        string in the format of `hostname:port` or
-                        `username:password@host:port`.
+g:copilot_proxy         Tell Copilot what proxy server to use.
-                        let g:copilot_proxy = 'localhost:3128'
+                        let g:copilot_proxy = 'http://localhost:3128'
+                        If this is not set, Copilot will use the value of
+                        environment variables like $HTTPS_PROXY.
                         Corporate proxies sometimes use a man-in-the-middle
@@ -90,6 +91,23 @@ g:copilot_proxy_strict_ssl
                         let g:copilot_proxy_strict_ssl = v:false
+                        You can also tell Node.js to disable SSL verification
+                        by setting the $NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED
+                        environment variable to "0".
+                                                *g:copilot_workspace_folders*
+                        A list of "workspace folders" or project roots that
+                        Copilot may use to improve to improve the quality of
+                        suggestions.
+                        let g:copilot_workspace_folders =
+                               \ ["~/Projects/myproject"]
+                        You can also set b:workspace_folder for an individual
+                        buffer and newly seen values will be added
+                        automatically.
 MAPS                                            *copilot-maps*
@@ -106,7 +124,7 @@ copilot#Accept().  Here's an example with CTRL-J:
 Lua version:
-        vim.keymap.set('i', '<C-J>', 'copilot#Accept("\<CR>")', {
+        vim.keymap.set('i', '<C-J>', 'copilot#Accept("\\<CR>")', {
           expr = true,
           replace_keycodes = false
@@ -158,10 +176,24 @@ Lua version:
 SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING                             *copilot-highlighting*
 Inline suggestions are highlighted using the CopilotSuggestion group,
-defaulting to a medium gray.  The best place to override this is a file named
-after/colors/<colorschemename>.vim in your 'runtimepath' (e.g.,
-~/.config/nvim/after/colors/solarized.vim).  Example declaration:
+defaulting to a medium gray.  The best place to override this is with
+a |ColorScheme| autocommand:
-        highlight CopilotSuggestion guifg=#555555 ctermfg=8
+        autocmd ColorScheme solarized
+              \ highlight CopilotSuggestion guifg=#555555 ctermfg=8
+Lua version:
+        vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('ColorScheme', {
+          pattern = 'solarized',
+          -- group = ...,
+          callback = function()
+            vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'CopilotSuggestion', {
+              fg = '#555555',
+              ctermfg = 8,
+              force = true
+            })
+          end
+        })
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/lua/_copilot.lua b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/lua/_copilot.lua
index 7a4e2da6..55fc169a 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/lua/_copilot.lua
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/lua/_copilot.lua
@@ -1,74 +1,88 @@
 local copilot = {}
-copilot.lsp_start_client = function(cmd, handler_names)
-  local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
-  local handlers = {}
+local showDocument = function(err, result, ctx, _)
+  local fallback = vim.lsp.handlers['window/showDocument']
+  if not fallback or (result.external and vim.g.copilot_browser) then
+    return vim.fn['copilot#handlers#window_showDocument'](result)
+  else
+    return fallback(err, result, ctx, _)
+  end
+copilot.lsp_start_client = function(cmd, handler_names, opts, settings)
+  local handlers = {['window/showDocument'] = showDocument}
   local id
   for _, name in ipairs(handler_names) do
-    handlers[name] = function(err, result)
+    handlers[name] = function(err, result, ctx, _)
       if result then
-        local retval = vim.call('copilot#agent#LspHandle', id, {method = name, params = result})
-        if type(retval) == 'table' then return retval.result, retval.error end
+        local retval = vim.call('copilot#client#LspHandle', id, { method = name, params = result })
+        if type(retval) == 'table' then
+          return retval.result, retval.error
+        elseif vim.lsp.handlers[name] then
+          return vim.lsp.handlers[name](err, result, ctx, _)
+        end
-    if name:match('^copilot/') then
-      capabilities.copilot = capabilities.copilot or {}
-      capabilities.copilot[name:match('^copilot/(.*)$')] = true
-    end
+  end
+  local workspace_folders = opts.workspaceFolders
+  if #workspace_folders == 0 then
+    workspace_folders = nil
   id = vim.lsp.start_client({
     cmd = cmd,
     cmd_cwd = vim.call('copilot#job#Cwd'),
-    name = 'copilot',
-    capabilities = capabilities,
+    name = 'GitHub Copilot',
+    init_options = opts.initializationOptions,
+    workspace_folders = workspace_folders,
+    settings = settings,
     handlers = handlers,
-    get_language_id = function(bufnr, filetype)
-      return vim.call('copilot#doc#LanguageForFileType', filetype)
-    end,
     on_init = function(client, initialize_result)
-      vim.call('copilot#agent#LspInit', client.id, initialize_result)
+      vim.call('copilot#client#LspInit', client.id, initialize_result)
+      if vim.fn.has('nvim-0.8') == 0 then
+        client.notify('workspace/didChangeConfiguration', { settings = settings })
+      end
     on_exit = function(code, signal, client_id)
-        vim.call('copilot#agent#LspExit', client_id, code, signal)
+        vim.call('copilot#client#LspExit', client_id, code, signal)
-    end
+    end,
   return id
-copilot.lsp_request = function(client_id, method, params)
+copilot.lsp_request = function(client_id, method, params, bufnr)
   local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
-  if not client then return end
-  vim.lsp.buf_attach_client(0, client_id)
-  for _, doc in ipairs({params.doc, params.textDocument}) do
-    if doc and type(doc.uri) == 'number' then
-      local bufnr = doc.uri
-      vim.lsp.buf_attach_client(bufnr, client_id)
-      doc.uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr)
-      doc.version = vim.lsp.util.buf_versions[bufnr]
-    end
+  if not client then
+    return
+  end
+  if bufnr == vim.NIL then
+    bufnr = nil
   local _, id
   _, id = client.request(method, params, function(err, result)
-    vim.call('copilot#agent#LspResponse', client_id, {id = id, error = err, result = result})
-  end)
+    vim.call('copilot#client#LspResponse', client_id, { id = id, error = err, result = result })
+  end, bufnr)
   return id
 copilot.rpc_request = function(client_id, method, params)
   local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
-  if not client then return end
+  if not client then
+    return
+  end
   local _, id
   _, id = client.rpc.request(method, params, function(err, result)
-    vim.call('copilot#agent#LspResponse', client_id, {id = id, error = err, result = result})
+    vim.call('copilot#client#LspResponse', client_id, { id = id, error = err, result = result })
   return id
 copilot.rpc_notify = function(client_id, method, params)
   local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
-  if not client then return end
+  if not client then
+    return
+  end
   return client.rpc.notify(method, params)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/plugin/copilot.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/plugin/copilot.vim
index a1b3cbed..4d3d2162 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/plugin/copilot.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/plugin/copilot.vim
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ scriptencoding utf-8
 command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1 -complete=customlist,copilot#CommandComplete Copilot exe copilot#Command(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)
-if v:version < 800 || !exists('##CompleteChanged')
+if v:version < 800 || !exists('##InsertLeavePre')
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ function! s:ColorScheme() abort
   if &t_Co == 256
     hi def CopilotSuggestion guifg=#808080 ctermfg=244
-    hi def CopilotSuggestion guifg=#808080 ctermfg=8
+    hi def CopilotSuggestion guifg=#808080 ctermfg=12
-  hi def link CopilotAnnotation Normal
+  hi def link CopilotAnnotation MoreMsg
 function! s:MapTab() abort
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function! s:MapTab() abort
   let tab_map = maparg('<Tab>', 'i', 0, 1)
   if !has_key(tab_map, 'rhs')
-    imap <script><silent><nowait><expr> <Tab> copilot#Accept()
+    imap <script><silent><nowait><expr> <Tab> empty(get(g:, 'copilot_no_tab_map')) ? copilot#Accept() : "\t"
   elseif tab_map.rhs !~# 'copilot'
     if tab_map.expr
       let tab_fallback = '{ -> ' . tab_map.rhs . ' }'
@@ -46,23 +46,26 @@ function! s:Event(type) abort
     call call('copilot#On' . a:type, [])
-    call copilot#logger#Exception()
+    call copilot#logger#Exception('autocmd.' . a:type)
 augroup github_copilot
-  autocmd InsertLeave          * call s:Event('InsertLeave')
-  autocmd BufLeave             * if mode() =~# '^[iR]'|call s:Event('InsertLeave')|endif
+  autocmd FileType             * call s:Event('FileType')
+  autocmd InsertLeavePre       * call s:Event('InsertLeavePre')
+  autocmd BufLeave             * if mode() =~# '^[iR]'|call s:Event('InsertLeavePre')|endif
   autocmd InsertEnter          * call s:Event('InsertEnter')
   autocmd BufEnter             * if mode() =~# '^[iR]'|call s:Event('InsertEnter')|endif
+  autocmd BufEnter             * call s:Event('BufEnter')
   autocmd CursorMovedI         * call s:Event('CursorMovedI')
   autocmd CompleteChanged      * call s:Event('CompleteChanged')
   autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * call s:ColorScheme()
-  autocmd VimEnter             * call s:MapTab()
+  autocmd VimEnter             * call s:MapTab() | call copilot#Init()
   autocmd BufUnload            * call s:Event('BufUnload')
   autocmd VimLeavePre          * call s:Event('VimLeavePre')
-  autocmd BufReadCmd copilot://* setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted readonly nomodifiable
+  autocmd BufReadCmd copilot://* setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted nomodifiable
+  autocmd BufReadCmd copilot:///log call copilot#logger#BufReadCmd() | setfiletype copilotlog
 augroup END
 call s:ColorScheme()
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ if !get(g:, 'copilot_no_maps')
     if !has('nvim') && &encoding ==# 'utf-8'
       " avoid 8-bit meta collision with UTF-8 characters
       let s:restore_encoding = 1
-      set encoding=cp949
+      silent noautocmd set encoding=cp949
     if empty(mapcheck('<M-]>', 'i'))
       imap <M-]> <Plug>(copilot-next)
@@ -96,17 +99,15 @@ if !get(g:, 'copilot_no_maps')
       imap <M-Right> <Plug>(copilot-accept-word)
     if empty(mapcheck('<M-C-Right>', 'i'))
-      imap <M-Down> <Plug>(copilot-accept-line)
+      imap <M-C-Right> <Plug>(copilot-accept-line)
     if exists('s:restore_encoding')
-      set encoding=utf-8
+      silent noautocmd set encoding=utf-8
-call copilot#Init()
 let s:dir = expand('<sfile>:h:h')
 if getftime(s:dir . '/doc/copilot.txt') > getftime(s:dir . '/doc/tags')
   silent! execute 'helptags' fnameescape(s:dir . '/doc')
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/syntax/copilot.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/syntax/copilot.vim
index 3f6c944c..26bdee28 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/syntax/copilot.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/syntax/copilot.vim
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ endif
 let s:subtype = matchstr(&l:filetype, '\<copilot\.\zs[[:alnum:]_-]\+')
 if !empty(s:subtype) && s:subtype !=# 'copilot'
-  exe 'syn include @copilotLanguageTop syntax/' . s:subtype . '.vim'
+  silent! exe 'syn include @copilotLanguageTop syntax/' . s:subtype . '.vim'
   unlet! b:current_syntax
 syn region copilotHeader start="\%^" end="^─\@="
-syn region copilotSolution matchgroup=copilotSeparator start="^─\{9,}$" end="\%(^─\{9,\}$\)\@=\|\%$" keepend contains=@copilotLanguageTop
+syn region copilotPanelItem matchgroup=copilotSeparator start="^─\{9,}$" end="\%(^─\{9,\}$\)\@=\|\%$" keepend contains=@copilotLanguageTop
 hi def link copilotHeader PreProc
 hi def link copilotSeparator Comment
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/syntax/copilotlog.vim b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/syntax/copilotlog.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..341fa5d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/copilot.vim/syntax/copilotlog.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+scriptencoding utf-8
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+let s:subtype = matchstr(&l:filetype, '\<copilot\.\zs[[:alnum:]_-]\+')
+if !empty(s:subtype) && s:subtype !=# 'copilot'
+  exe 'syn include @copilotLanguageTop syntax/' . s:subtype . '.vim'
+  unlet! b:current_syntax
+syn match copilotlogError '\[ERROR\]'
+syn match copilotlogWarn '\[WARN\]'
+syn match copilotlogInfo '\[INFO\]'
+syn match copilotlogDebug '\[DEBUG\]'
+syn match copilotlogTime '^\[\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d.\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\]' nextgroup=copilotlogError,copilotlogWarn,copilotLogInfo,copilotLogDebug skipwhite
+hi def link copilotlogTime NonText
+hi def link copilotlogError ErrorMsg
+hi def link copilotlogWarn WarningMsg
+hi def link copilotlogInfo MoreMsg
+hi def link copilotlogDebug ModeMsg
+let b:current_syntax = "copilotlog"
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/plugin/dracula.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/plugin/dracula.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 7767122c..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/plugin/dracula.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort()
-  finish
-" Fzf: {{{
-if exists('g:loaded_fzf') && ! exists('g:fzf_colors')
-  let g:fzf_colors = {
-    \ 'fg':      ['fg', 'Normal'],
-    \ 'bg':      ['bg', 'Normal'],
-    \ 'hl':      ['fg', 'Search'],
-    \ 'fg+':     ['fg', 'Normal'],
-    \ 'bg+':     ['bg', 'Normal'],
-    \ 'hl+':     ['fg', 'DraculaOrange'],
-    \ 'info':    ['fg', 'DraculaPurple'],
-    \ 'border':  ['fg', 'Ignore'],
-    \ 'prompt':  ['fg', 'DraculaGreen'],
-    \ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
-    \ 'marker':  ['fg', 'Keyword'],
-    \ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
-    \ 'header':  ['fg', 'Comment'],
-    \}
-" ALE: {{{
-if exists('g:ale_enabled')
-  hi! link ALEError              DraculaErrorLine
-  hi! link ALEWarning            DraculaWarnLine
-  hi! link ALEInfo               DraculaInfoLine
-  hi! link ALEErrorSign          DraculaRed
-  hi! link ALEWarningSign        DraculaOrange
-  hi! link ALEInfoSign           DraculaCyan
-  hi! link ALEVirtualTextError   Comment
-  hi! link ALEVirtualTextWarning Comment
-" }}}
-" CtrlP: {{{
-if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp')
-  hi! link CtrlPMatch     IncSearch
-  hi! link CtrlPBufferHid Normal
-" }}}
-" GitGutter / gitsigns: {{{
-if exists('g:loaded_gitgutter')
-  hi! link GitGutterAdd    DiffAdd
-  hi! link GitGutterChange DiffChange
-  hi! link GitGutterDelete DiffDelete
-if has('nvim-0.5') && luaeval("pcall(require, 'gitsigns')")
-  " https://github.com/lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim requires nvim > 0.5
-  " has('nvim-0.5') checks >= 0.5, so this should be future-proof.
-  hi! link GitSignsAdd      DiffAdd
-  hi! link GitSignsAddLn    DiffAdd
-  hi! link GitSignsAddNr    DiffAdd
-  hi! link GitSignsChange   DiffChange
-  hi! link GitSignsChangeLn DiffChange
-  hi! link GitSignsChangeNr DiffChange
-  hi! link GitSignsDelete   DraculaRed
-  hi! link GitSignsDeleteLn DraculaRed
-  hi! link GitSignsDeleteNr DraculaRed
-" }}}
-" Tree-sitter: {{{
-" The nvim-treesitter library defines many global highlight groups that are
-" linked to the regular vim syntax highlight groups. We only need to redefine
-" those highlight groups when the defaults do not match the dracula
-" specification.
-" https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/blob/master/plugin/nvim-treesitter.vim
-if exists('g:loaded_nvim_treesitter')
-  " deprecated TS* highlight groups
-  " see https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/pull/3656
-  " # Misc
-  hi! link TSPunctSpecial Special
-  " # Constants
-  hi! link TSConstMacro Macro
-  hi! link TSStringEscape Character
-  hi! link TSSymbol DraculaPurple
-  hi! link TSAnnotation DraculaYellow
-  hi! link TSAttribute DraculaGreenItalic
-  " # Functions
-  hi! link TSFuncBuiltin DraculaCyan
-  hi! link TSFuncMacro Function
-  hi! link TSParameter DraculaOrangeItalic
-  hi! link TSParameterReference DraculaOrange
-  hi! link TSField DraculaOrange
-  hi! link TSConstructor DraculaCyan
-  " # Keywords
-  hi! link TSLabel DraculaPurpleItalic
-  " # Variable
-  hi! link TSVariableBuiltin DraculaPurpleItalic
-  " # Text
-  hi! link TSStrong DraculaFgBold
-  hi! link TSEmphasis DraculaFg
-  hi! link TSUnderline Underlined
-  hi! link TSTitle DraculaYellow
-  hi! link TSLiteral DraculaYellow
-  hi! link TSURI DraculaYellow
-  " HTML and JSX tag attributes. By default, this group is linked to TSProperty,
-  " which in turn links to Identifer (white).
-  hi! link TSTagAttribute DraculaGreenItalic
-  if has('nvim-0.8.1')
-    " # Misc
-    hi! link @punctuation.delimiter Delimiter
-    hi! link @punctuation.bracket DraculaFg
-    hi! link @punctuation.special Special
-    " # Constants
-    hi! link @constant Constant
-    hi! link @constant.builtin Constant
-    hi! link @constant.macro Macro
-    hi! link @string.regex String
-    hi! link @string.escape Character
-    hi! link @symbol DraculaPurple
-    hi! link @annotation DraculaYellow
-    hi! link @attribute DraculaGreenItalic
-    hi! link @namespace Structure
-    " # Functions
-    hi! link @function.builtin DraculaCyan
-    hi! link @funcion.macro Function
-    hi! link @parameter DraculaOrangeItalic
-    hi! link @parameter.reference DraculaOrange
-    hi! link @field DraculaOrange
-    hi! link @property DraculaFg
-    hi! link @constructor DraculaCyan
-    " # Keywords
-    hi! link @label DraculaPurpleItalic
-    hi! link @keyword.function DraculaPink
-    hi! link @keyword.operator Operator
-    hi! link @exception DraculaPurple
-    " # Variable
-    hi! link @variable DraculaFg
-    hi! link @variable.builtin DraculaPurpleItalic
-    " # Text
-    hi! link @text DraculaFg
-    hi! link @text.strong DraculaFgBold
-    hi! link @text.emphasis DraculaFg
-    hi! link @text.underline Underlined
-    hi! link @text.title DraculaYellow
-    hi! link @text.literal DraculaYellow
-    hi! link @text.uri DraculaYellow
-    hi! link @text.diff.add DiffAdd
-    hi! link @text.diff.delete DiffDelete
-    " # Tags
-    hi! link @tag DraculaCyan
-    hi! link @tag.delimiter DraculaFg
-    " HTML and JSX tag attributes. By default, this group is linked to TSProperty,
-    " which in turn links to Identifer (white).
-    hi! link @tag.attribute DraculaGreenItalic
-  endif
-" }}}
-" nvim-cmp: {{{
-" A completion engine plugin for neovim written in Lua.
-" https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
-if exists('g:loaded_cmp')
-  hi! link CmpItemAbbrDeprecated DraculaError
-  hi! link CmpItemAbbrMatch DraculaCyan
-  hi! link CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy DraculaCyan
-  hi! link CmpItemKindText DraculaFg
-  hi! link CmpItemKindMethod Function
-  hi! link CmpItemKindFunction Function
-  hi! link CmpItemKindConstructor DraculaCyan
-  hi! link CmpItemKindField DraculaOrange
-  hi! link CmpItemKindVariable DraculaPurpleItalic
-  hi! link CmpItemKindClass DraculaCyan
-  hi! link CmpItemKindInterface DraculaCyan
-  hi! link CmpItemKindModule DraculaYellow
-  hi! link CmpItemKindProperty DraculaPink
-  hi! link CmpItemKindUnit DraculaFg
-  hi! link CmpItemKindValue DraculaYellow
-  hi! link CmpItemKindEnum DraculaPink
-  hi! link CmpItemKindKeyword DraculaPink
-  hi! link CmpItemKindSnippet DraculaFg
-  hi! link CmpItemKindColor DraculaYellow
-  hi! link CmpItemKindFile DraculaYellow
-  hi! link CmpItemKindReference DraculaOrange
-  hi! link CmpItemKindFolder DraculaYellow
-  hi! link CmpItemKindEnumMember DraculaPurple
-  hi! link CmpItemKindConstant DraculaPurple
-  hi! link CmpItemKindStruct DraculaPink
-  hi! link CmpItemKindEvent DraculaFg
-  hi! link CmpItemKindOperator DraculaPink
-  hi! link CmpItemKindTypeParameter DraculaCyan
-  hi! link CmpItemMenu Comment
-" }}}
-" vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdl=0:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/css.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/css.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 764e0afc..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/css.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('css')
-    finish
-hi! link cssAttrComma         Delimiter
-hi! link cssAttrRegion        DraculaPink
-hi! link cssAttributeSelector DraculaGreenItalic
-hi! link cssBraces            Delimiter
-hi! link cssFunctionComma     Delimiter
-hi! link cssNoise             DraculaPink
-hi! link cssProp              DraculaCyan
-hi! link cssPseudoClass       DraculaPink
-hi! link cssPseudoClassId     DraculaGreenItalic
-hi! link cssUnitDecorators    DraculaPink
-hi! link cssVendor            DraculaGreenItalic
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/gitcommit.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/gitcommit.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 08099e50..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/gitcommit.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('gitcommit')
-    finish
-" The following two are misnomers. Colors are correct.
-hi! link diffFile    DraculaGreen
-hi! link diffNewFile DraculaRed
-hi! link diffAdded   DraculaGreen
-hi! link diffLine    DraculaCyanItalic
-hi! link diffRemoved DraculaRed
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/html.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/html.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 243aef63..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/html.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('html')
-    finish
-hi! link htmlTag         DraculaFg
-hi! link htmlArg         DraculaGreenItalic
-hi! link htmlTitle       DraculaFg
-hi! link htmlH1          DraculaFg
-hi! link htmlSpecialChar DraculaPurple
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/javascript.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/javascript.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e5754aec..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/javascript.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'javascript.jsx')
-  finish
-hi! link javaScriptBraces   Delimiter
-hi! link javaScriptNumber   Constant
-hi! link javaScriptNull     Constant
-hi! link javaScriptFunction Keyword
-" pangloss/vim-javascript {{{
-hi! link jsArrowFunction           Operator
-hi! link jsBuiltins                DraculaCyan
-hi! link jsClassDefinition         DraculaCyan
-hi! link jsClassMethodType         Keyword
-hi! link jsDestructuringAssignment DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link jsDocParam                DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link jsDocTags                 Keyword
-hi! link jsDocType                 Type
-hi! link jsDocTypeBrackets         DraculaCyan
-hi! link jsFuncArgOperator         Operator
-hi! link jsFuncArgs                DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link jsFunction                Keyword
-hi! link jsNull                    Constant
-hi! link jsObjectColon             DraculaPink
-hi! link jsSuper                   DraculaPurpleItalic
-hi! link jsTemplateBraces          Special
-hi! link jsThis                    DraculaPurpleItalic
-hi! link jsUndefined               Constant
-" maxmellon/vim-jsx-pretty {{{
-hi! link jsxTag             Keyword
-hi! link jsxTagName         Keyword
-hi! link jsxComponentName   Type
-hi! link jsxCloseTag        Type
-hi! link jsxAttrib          DraculaGreenItalic
-hi! link jsxCloseString     Identifier
-hi! link jsxOpenPunct       Identifier
-" }}}
-" vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdl=0:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/javascriptreact.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/javascriptreact.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b5b557c0..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/javascriptreact.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-runtime! syntax/javascript.vim
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/json.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/json.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a45d135d..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/json.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('json')
-    finish
-hi! link jsonKeyword      DraculaCyan
-hi! link jsonKeywordMatch DraculaPink
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/lua.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/lua.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 664848df..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/lua.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('lua')
-    finish
-hi! link luaFunc  DraculaCyan
-hi! link luaTable DraculaFg
-" tbastos/vim-lua {{{
-hi! link luaBraces       DraculaFg
-hi! link luaBuiltIn      Constant
-hi! link luaDocTag       Keyword
-hi! link luaErrHand      DraculaCyan
-hi! link luaFuncArgName  DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link luaFuncCall     Function
-hi! link luaLocal        Keyword
-hi! link luaSpecialTable Constant
-hi! link luaSpecialValue DraculaCyan
-" }}}
-" vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdl=0:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/markdown.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/markdown.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0283a86d..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/markdown.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('markdown', 'mkd')
-    finish
-if b:current_syntax ==# 'mkd'
-" plasticboy/vim-markdown {{{1
-  hi! link htmlBold       DraculaOrangeBold
-  hi! link htmlBoldItalic DraculaOrangeBoldItalic
-  hi! link htmlH1         DraculaPurpleBold
-  hi! link htmlItalic     DraculaYellowItalic
-  hi! link mkdBlockquote  DraculaYellowItalic
-  hi! link mkdBold        DraculaOrangeBold
-  hi! link mkdBoldItalic  DraculaOrangeBoldItalic
-  hi! link mkdCode        DraculaGreen
-  hi! link mkdCodeEnd     DraculaGreen
-  hi! link mkdCodeStart   DraculaGreen
-  hi! link mkdHeading     DraculaPurpleBold
-  hi! link mkdInlineUrl   DraculaLink
-  hi! link mkdItalic      DraculaYellowItalic
-  hi! link mkdLink        DraculaPink
-  hi! link mkdListItem    DraculaCyan
-  hi! link mkdRule        DraculaComment
-  hi! link mkdUrl         DraculaLink
-elseif b:current_syntax ==# 'markdown'
-" Builtin: {{{1
-  hi! link markdownBlockquote        DraculaCyan
-  hi! link markdownBold              DraculaOrangeBold
-  hi! link markdownBoldItalic        DraculaOrangeBoldItalic
-  hi! link markdownCodeBlock         DraculaGreen
-  hi! link markdownCode              DraculaGreen
-  hi! link markdownCodeDelimiter     DraculaGreen
-  hi! link markdownH1                DraculaPurpleBold
-  hi! link markdownH2                markdownH1
-  hi! link markdownH3                markdownH1
-  hi! link markdownH4                markdownH1
-  hi! link markdownH5                markdownH1
-  hi! link markdownH6                markdownH1
-  hi! link markdownHeadingDelimiter  markdownH1
-  hi! link markdownHeadingRule       markdownH1
-  hi! link markdownItalic            DraculaYellowItalic
-  hi! link markdownLinkText          DraculaPink
-  hi! link markdownListMarker        DraculaCyan
-  hi! link markdownOrderedListMarker DraculaCyan
-  hi! link markdownRule              DraculaComment
-  hi! link markdownUrl               DraculaLink
-" vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdl=0:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/ocaml.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/ocaml.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 60c76c96..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/ocaml.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('ocaml')
-    finish
-hi! link ocamlModule  Type
-hi! link ocamlModPath Normal
-hi! link ocamlLabel   DraculaOrangeItalic
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/perl.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/perl.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 67f39231..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/perl.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('perl')
-    finish
-" Regex
-hi! link perlMatchStartEnd       DraculaRed
-" Builtin functions
-hi! link perlOperator            DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementFiledesc   DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementFiles      DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementFlow       DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementHash       DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementIOfunc     DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementIPC        DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementList       DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementMisc       DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementNetwork    DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementNumeric    DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementProc       DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementPword      DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementRegexp     DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementScalar     DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementSocket     DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementTime       DraculaCyan
-hi! link perlStatementVector     DraculaCyan
-" Highlighting for quoting constructs, tied to existing option in vim-perl
-if get(g:, 'perl_string_as_statement', 0)
-  hi! link perlStringStartEnd DraculaRed
-" Signatures
-hi! link perlSignature           DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link perlSubPrototype        DraculaOrangeItalic
-" Hash keys
-hi! link perlVarSimpleMemberName DraculaPurple
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/php.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/php.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 1475b018..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/php.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('php')
-    finish
-hi! link phpClass           Type
-hi! link phpClasses         Type
-hi! link phpDocTags         DraculaCyanItalic
-hi! link phpFunction        Function
-hi! link phpParent          Normal
-hi! link phpSpecialFunction DraculaCyan
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/plantuml.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/plantuml.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b9bf3651..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/plantuml.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('plantuml')
-    finish
-hi! link plantumlClassPrivate              SpecialKey
-hi! link plantumlClassProtected            DraculaOrange
-hi! link plantumlClassPublic               Function
-hi! link plantumlColonLine                 String
-hi! link plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowLR Constant
-hi! link plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowRL Constant
-hi! link plantumlHorizontalArrow           Constant
-hi! link plantumlSkinParamKeyword          DraculaCyan
-hi! link plantumlTypeKeyword               Keyword
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/purescript.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/purescript.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index ca328181..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/purescript.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('purescript')
-    finish
-hi! link purescriptModule Type
-hi! link purescriptImport DraculaCyan
-hi! link purescriptImportAs DraculaCyan
-hi! link purescriptOperator Operator
-hi! link purescriptBacktick Operator
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/python.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/python.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 171eddde..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/python.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('python')
-    finish
-hi! link pythonBuiltinObj    Type
-hi! link pythonBuiltinObject Type
-hi! link pythonBuiltinType   Type
-hi! link pythonClassVar      DraculaPurpleItalic
-hi! link pythonExClass       Type
-hi! link pythonNone          Type
-hi! link pythonRun           Comment
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/rst.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/rst.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cb69240..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/rst.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('rst')
-    finish
-hi! link rstComment                             Comment
-hi! link rstTransition                          Comment
-hi! link rstCodeBlock                           DraculaGreen
-hi! link rstInlineLiteral                       DraculaGreen
-hi! link rstLiteralBlock                        DraculaGreen
-hi! link rstQuotedLiteralBlock                  DraculaGreen
-hi! link rstStandaloneHyperlink                 DraculaLink
-hi! link rstStrongEmphasis                      DraculaOrangeBold
-hi! link rstSections                            DraculaPurpleBold
-hi! link rstEmphasis                            DraculaYellowItalic
-hi! link rstDirective                           Keyword
-hi! link rstSubstitutionDefinition              Keyword
-hi! link rstCitation                            String
-hi! link rstExDirective                         String
-hi! link rstFootnote                            String
-hi! link rstCitationReference                   Tag
-hi! link rstFootnoteReference                   Tag
-hi! link rstHyperLinkReference                  Tag
-hi! link rstHyperlinkTarget                     Tag
-hi! link rstInlineInternalTargets               Tag
-hi! link rstInterpretedTextOrHyperlinkReference Tag
-hi! link rstTodo                                Todo
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/ruby.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/ruby.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index fec00584..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/ruby.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('ruby')
-    finish
-if ! exists('g:ruby_operators')
-    let g:ruby_operators=1
-hi! link rubyBlockArgument          DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link rubyBlockParameter         DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link rubyCurlyBlock             DraculaPink
-hi! link rubyGlobalVariable         DraculaPurple
-hi! link rubyInstanceVariable       DraculaPurpleItalic
-hi! link rubyInterpolationDelimiter DraculaPink
-hi! link rubyRegexpDelimiter        DraculaRed
-hi! link rubyStringDelimiter        DraculaYellow
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/rust.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/rust.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 410334b2..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/rust.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('rust')
-    finish
-hi! link rustCommentLineDoc Comment
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/sass.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/sass.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 35a810f9..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/sass.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('sass')
-    finish
-hi! link sassClass                  cssClassName
-hi! link sassClassChar              cssClassNameDot
-hi! link sassId                     cssIdentifier
-hi! link sassIdChar                 cssIdentifier
-hi! link sassInterpolationDelimiter DraculaPink
-hi! link sassMixinName              Function
-hi! link sassProperty               cssProp
-hi! link sassVariableAssignment     Operator
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/sh.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/sh.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d471ef7..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/sh.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('bash', 'ksh', 'posix', 'sh')
-    finish
-hi! link shCommandSub NONE
-hi! link shEscape     DraculaRed
-hi! link shParen      NONE
-hi! link shParenError NONE
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/tex.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/tex.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a46132c8..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/tex.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('tex')
-    finish
-hi! link texBeginEndName  DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link texBoldItalStyle DraculaOrangeBoldItalic
-hi! link texBoldStyle     DraculaOrangeBold
-hi! link texInputFile     DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link texItalStyle     DraculaYellowItalic
-hi! link texLigature      DraculaPurple
-hi! link texMath          DraculaPurple
-hi! link texMathMatcher   DraculaPurple
-hi! link texMathSymbol    DraculaPurple
-hi! link texSpecialChar   DraculaPurple
-hi! link texSubscripts    DraculaPurple
-hi! link texTitle         DraculaFgBold
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/typescript.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/typescript.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index c368fb57..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/typescript.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('typescript', 'typescriptreact', 'typescript.tsx')
-    finish
-" HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim {{{
-hi! link typescriptAliasDeclaration       Type
-hi! link typescriptArrayMethod            Function
-hi! link typescriptArrowFunc              Operator
-hi! link typescriptArrowFuncArg           DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link typescriptAssign                 Operator
-hi! link typescriptBOMWindowProp          Constant
-hi! link typescriptBinaryOp               Operator
-hi! link typescriptBraces                 Delimiter
-hi! link typescriptCall                   typescriptArrowFuncArg
-hi! link typescriptClassHeritage          Type
-hi! link typescriptClassName              Type
-hi! link typescriptDateMethod             DraculaCyan
-hi! link typescriptDateStaticMethod       Function
-hi! link typescriptDecorator              DraculaGreenItalic
-hi! link typescriptDefaultParam           Operator
-hi! link typescriptES6SetMethod           DraculaCyan
-hi! link typescriptEndColons              Delimiter
-hi! link typescriptEnum                   Type
-hi! link typescriptEnumKeyword            Keyword
-hi! link typescriptFuncComma              Delimiter
-hi! link typescriptFuncKeyword            Keyword
-hi! link typescriptFuncType               DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link typescriptFuncTypeArrow          Operator
-hi! link typescriptGlobal                 Type
-hi! link typescriptGlobalMethod           DraculaCyan
-hi! link typescriptGlobalObjects          Type
-hi! link typescriptIdentifier             DraculaPurpleItalic
-hi! link typescriptInterfaceHeritage      Type
-hi! link typescriptInterfaceName          Type
-hi! link typescriptInterpolationDelimiter Keyword
-hi! link typescriptKeywordOp              Keyword
-hi! link typescriptLogicSymbols           Operator
-hi! link typescriptMember                 Identifier
-hi! link typescriptMemberOptionality      Special
-hi! link typescriptObjectColon            Special
-hi! link typescriptObjectLabel            Identifier
-hi! link typescriptObjectSpread           Operator
-hi! link typescriptOperator               Operator
-hi! link typescriptParamImpl              DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link typescriptParens                 Delimiter
-hi! link typescriptPredefinedType         Type
-hi! link typescriptRestOrSpread           Operator
-hi! link typescriptTernaryOp              Operator
-hi! link typescriptTypeAnnotation         Special
-hi! link typescriptTypeCast               Operator
-hi! link typescriptTypeParameter          DraculaOrangeItalic
-hi! link typescriptTypeReference          Type
-hi! link typescriptUnaryOp                Operator
-hi! link typescriptVariable               Keyword
-" }}}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/typescriptreact.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/typescriptreact.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8062e9..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/typescriptreact.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('typescriptreact', 'typescript.tsx')
-    finish
-runtime! syntax/typescript.vim
-hi! link tsxAttrib           DraculaGreenItalic
-hi! link tsxEqual            Operator
-hi! link tsxIntrinsicTagName Keyword
-hi! link tsxTagName          Type
-" maxmellon/vim-jsx-pretty {{{
-hi! link jsxTag             Keyword
-hi! link jsxTagName         Keyword
-hi! link jsxComponentName   Type
-hi! link jsxCloseTag        Type
-hi! link jsxAttrib          DraculaGreenItalic
-hi! link jsxCloseString     Identifier
-hi! link jsxOpenPunct       Identifier
-" }}}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/vim.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/vim.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a49a93a6..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/vim.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('vim')
-    finish
-hi! link vimAutoCmdSfxList     Type
-hi! link vimAutoEventList      Type
-hi! link vimEnvVar             Constant
-hi! link vimFunction           Function
-hi! link vimHiBang             Keyword
-hi! link vimOption             Type
-hi! link vimSetMod             Keyword
-hi! link vimSetSep             Delimiter
-hi! link vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc Function
-hi! link vimUserFunc           Function
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/xml.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/xml.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b826983..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/xml.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('xml')
-    finish
-hi! link xmlAttrib  DraculaGreenItalic
-hi! link xmlEqual   Operator
-hi! link xmlTag     Delimiter
-hi! link xmlTagName Statement
-" Fixes missing highlight over end tags
-syn region xmlTagName
-	\ matchgroup=xmlTag start=+</[^ /!?<>"']\@=+
-	\ matchgroup=xmlTag end=+>+
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/yaml.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/yaml.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index fedc41f5..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/after/syntax/yaml.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if dracula#should_abort('yaml')
-    finish
-hi! link yamlAlias           DraculaGreenItalicUnderline
-hi! link yamlAnchor          DraculaPinkItalic
-hi! link yamlBlockMappingKey DraculaCyan
-hi! link yamlFlowCollection  DraculaPink
-hi! link yamlFlowIndicator   Delimiter
-hi! link yamlNodeTag         DraculaPink
-hi! link yamlPlainScalar     DraculaYellow
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/autoload/dracula.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/autoload/dracula.vim
index 23f96565..1216d635 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/autoload/dracula.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/dracula/autoload/dracula.vim
@@ -43,15 +43,4 @@ let g:dracula#palette.color_15 = '#FFFFFF'
 " }}}
-" Helper function that takes a variadic list of filetypes as args and returns
-" whether or not the execution of the ftplugin should be aborted.
-func! dracula#should_abort(...)
-    if ! exists('g:colors_name') || g:colors_name !=# 'dracula'
-        return 1
-    elseif a:0 > 0 && (! exists('b:current_syntax') || index(a:000, b:current_syntax) == -1)
-        return 1
-    endif
-    return 0
 " vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdl=0:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/colors/dracula.vim b/sources_non_forked/dracula/colors/dracula.vim
index 1725352f..58d81ffd 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/colors/dracula.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/dracula/colors/dracula.vim
@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ if !exists('g:dracula_italic')
   let g:dracula_italic = 1
+if !exists('g:dracula_strikethrough')
+  let g:dracula_strikethrough = 1
 if !exists('g:dracula_underline')
   let g:dracula_underline = 1
@@ -107,6 +111,7 @@ endif
 let s:attrs = {
       \ 'bold': g:dracula_bold == 1 ? 'bold' : 0,
       \ 'italic': g:dracula_italic == 1 ? 'italic' : 0,
+      \ 'strikethrough': g:dracula_strikethrough == 1 ? 'strikethrough' : 0,
       \ 'underline': g:dracula_underline == 1 ? 'underline' : 0,
       \ 'undercurl': g:dracula_undercurl == 1 ? 'undercurl' : 0,
       \ 'inverse': g:dracula_inverse == 1 ? 'inverse' : 0,
@@ -154,6 +159,7 @@ call s:h('DraculaBgDarker', s:none, s:bgdarker)
 call s:h('DraculaFg', s:fg)
 call s:h('DraculaFgUnderline', s:fg, s:none, [s:attrs.underline])
 call s:h('DraculaFgBold', s:fg, s:none, [s:attrs.bold])
+call s:h('DraculaFgStrikethrough', s:fg, s:none, [s:attrs.strikethrough])
 call s:h('DraculaComment', s:comment)
 call s:h('DraculaCommentBold', s:comment, s:none, [s:attrs.bold])
@@ -249,6 +255,8 @@ hi! link Pmenu        DraculaBgDark
 hi! link PmenuSbar    DraculaBgDark
 hi! link PmenuSel     DraculaSelection
 hi! link PmenuThumb   DraculaSelection
+call s:h('PmenuMatch', s:cyan, s:bgdark)
+call s:h('PmenuMatchSel', s:cyan, s:selection)
 hi! link Question     DraculaFgBold
 hi! link Search       DraculaSearch
 call s:h('SignColumn', s:comment)
@@ -296,6 +304,7 @@ if has('nvim')
   hi! link DiagnosticUnderlineWarn DraculaWarnLine
   hi! link WinSeparator DraculaWinSeparator
+  hi! link NormalFloat Pmenu
   if has('nvim-0.9')
     hi! link  @lsp.type.class DraculaCyan
@@ -367,6 +376,628 @@ hi! link helpCommand DraculaPurple
 hi! link helpExample DraculaGreen
 hi! link helpBacktick Special
+" }}}
+" Languages: {{{
+" CSS: {{{
+hi! link cssAttrComma         Delimiter
+hi! link cssAttrRegion        DraculaPink
+hi! link cssAttributeSelector DraculaGreenItalic
+hi! link cssBraces            Delimiter
+hi! link cssFunctionComma     Delimiter
+hi! link cssNoise             DraculaPink
+hi! link cssProp              DraculaCyan
+hi! link cssPseudoClass       DraculaPink
+hi! link cssPseudoClassId     DraculaGreenItalic
+hi! link cssUnitDecorators    DraculaPink
+hi! link cssVendor            DraculaGreenItalic
+" }}}
+" Git Commit: {{{
+" The following two are misnomers. Colors are correct.
+hi! link diffFile    DraculaGreen
+hi! link diffNewFile DraculaRed
+hi! link diffAdded   DraculaGreen
+hi! link diffLine    DraculaCyanItalic
+hi! link diffRemoved DraculaRed
+" }}}
+" HTML: {{{
+hi! link htmlTag         DraculaFg
+hi! link htmlArg         DraculaGreenItalic
+hi! link htmlTitle       DraculaFg
+hi! link htmlH1          DraculaFg
+hi! link htmlSpecialChar DraculaPurple
+" }}}
+" JavaScript: {{{
+hi! link javaScriptBraces   Delimiter
+hi! link javaScriptNumber   Constant
+hi! link javaScriptNull     Constant
+hi! link javaScriptFunction Keyword
+" pangloss/vim-javascript
+hi! link jsArrowFunction           Operator
+hi! link jsBuiltins                DraculaCyan
+hi! link jsClassDefinition         DraculaCyan
+hi! link jsClassMethodType         Keyword
+hi! link jsDestructuringAssignment DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link jsDocParam                DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link jsDocTags                 Keyword
+hi! link jsDocType                 Type
+hi! link jsDocTypeBrackets         DraculaCyan
+hi! link jsFuncArgOperator         Operator
+hi! link jsFuncArgs                DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link jsFunction                Keyword
+hi! link jsNull                    Constant
+hi! link jsObjectColon             DraculaPink
+hi! link jsSuper                   DraculaPurpleItalic
+hi! link jsTemplateBraces          Special
+hi! link jsThis                    DraculaPurpleItalic
+hi! link jsUndefined               Constant
+" maxmellon/vim-jsx-pretty
+hi! link jsxTag             Keyword
+hi! link jsxTagName         Keyword
+hi! link jsxComponentName   Type
+hi! link jsxCloseTag        Type
+hi! link jsxAttrib          DraculaGreenItalic
+hi! link jsxCloseString     Identifier
+hi! link jsxOpenPunct       Identifier
+" }}}
+" JSON: {{{
+hi! link jsonKeyword      DraculaCyan
+hi! link jsonKeywordMatch DraculaPink
+" }}}
+" Lua: {{{
+hi! link luaFunc  DraculaCyan
+hi! link luaTable DraculaFg
+" tbastos/vim-lua
+hi! link luaBraces       DraculaFg
+hi! link luaBuiltIn      Constant
+hi! link luaDocTag       Keyword
+hi! link luaErrHand      DraculaCyan
+hi! link luaFuncArgName  DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link luaFuncCall     Function
+hi! link luaLocal        Keyword
+hi! link luaSpecialTable Constant
+hi! link luaSpecialValue DraculaCyan
+" }}}
+" Markdown: {{{
+hi! link markdownBlockquote        DraculaCyan
+hi! link markdownBold              DraculaOrangeBold
+hi! link markdownBoldItalic        DraculaOrangeBoldItalic
+hi! link markdownCodeBlock         DraculaGreen
+hi! link markdownCode              DraculaGreen
+hi! link markdownCodeDelimiter     DraculaGreen
+hi! link markdownH1                DraculaPurpleBold
+hi! link markdownH2                markdownH1
+hi! link markdownH3                markdownH1
+hi! link markdownH4                markdownH1
+hi! link markdownH5                markdownH1
+hi! link markdownH6                markdownH1
+hi! link markdownHeadingDelimiter  markdownH1
+hi! link markdownHeadingRule       markdownH1
+hi! link markdownItalic            DraculaYellowItalic
+hi! link markdownLinkText          DraculaPink
+hi! link markdownListMarker        DraculaCyan
+hi! link markdownOrderedListMarker DraculaCyan
+hi! link markdownRule              DraculaComment
+hi! link markdownUrl               DraculaLink
+" plasticboy/vim-markdown
+hi! link htmlBold       DraculaOrangeBold
+hi! link htmlBoldItalic DraculaOrangeBoldItalic
+hi! link htmlH1         DraculaPurpleBold
+hi! link htmlItalic     DraculaYellowItalic
+hi! link mkdBlockquote  DraculaYellowItalic
+hi! link mkdBold        DraculaOrangeBold
+hi! link mkdBoldItalic  DraculaOrangeBoldItalic
+hi! link mkdCode        DraculaGreen
+hi! link mkdCodeEnd     DraculaGreen
+hi! link mkdCodeStart   DraculaGreen
+hi! link mkdHeading     DraculaPurpleBold
+hi! link mkdInlineUrl   DraculaLink
+hi! link mkdItalic      DraculaYellowItalic
+hi! link mkdLink        DraculaPink
+hi! link mkdListItem    DraculaCyan
+hi! link mkdRule        DraculaComment
+hi! link mkdUrl         DraculaLink
+" }}}
+" OCaml: {{{
+hi! link ocamlModule  Type
+hi! link ocamlModPath Normal
+hi! link ocamlLabel   DraculaOrangeItalic
+" }}}
+" Perl: {{{
+" Regex
+hi! link perlMatchStartEnd       DraculaRed
+" Builtin functions
+hi! link perlOperator            DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementFiledesc   DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementFiles      DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementFlow       DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementHash       DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementIOfunc     DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementIPC        DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementList       DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementMisc       DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementNetwork    DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementNumeric    DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementProc       DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementPword      DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementRegexp     DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementScalar     DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementSocket     DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementTime       DraculaCyan
+hi! link perlStatementVector     DraculaCyan
+" Highlighting for quoting constructs, tied to existing option in vim-perl
+if get(g:, 'perl_string_as_statement', 0)
+  hi! link perlStringStartEnd DraculaRed
+" Signatures
+hi! link perlSignature           DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link perlSubPrototype        DraculaOrangeItalic
+" Hash keys
+hi! link perlVarSimpleMemberName DraculaPurple
+" }}}
+" PHP: {{{
+hi! link phpClass           Type
+hi! link phpClasses         Type
+hi! link phpDocTags         DraculaCyanItalic
+hi! link phpFunction        Function
+hi! link phpParent          Normal
+hi! link phpSpecialFunction DraculaCyan
+" }}}
+" PlantUML: {{{
+hi! link plantumlClassPrivate              SpecialKey
+hi! link plantumlClassProtected            DraculaOrange
+hi! link plantumlClassPublic               Function
+hi! link plantumlColonLine                 String
+hi! link plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowLR Constant
+hi! link plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowRL Constant
+hi! link plantumlHorizontalArrow           Constant
+hi! link plantumlSkinParamKeyword          DraculaCyan
+hi! link plantumlTypeKeyword               Keyword
+" }}}
+" PureScript: {{{
+hi! link purescriptModule Type
+hi! link purescriptImport DraculaCyan
+hi! link purescriptImportAs DraculaCyan
+hi! link purescriptOperator Operator
+hi! link purescriptBacktick Operator
+" }}}
+" Python: {{{
+hi! link pythonBuiltinObj    Type
+hi! link pythonBuiltinObject Type
+hi! link pythonBuiltinType   Type
+hi! link pythonClassVar      DraculaPurpleItalic
+hi! link pythonExClass       Type
+hi! link pythonNone          Type
+hi! link pythonRun           Comment
+" }}}
+" reStructuredText: {{{
+hi! link rstComment                             Comment
+hi! link rstTransition                          Comment
+hi! link rstCodeBlock                           DraculaGreen
+hi! link rstInlineLiteral                       DraculaGreen
+hi! link rstLiteralBlock                        DraculaGreen
+hi! link rstQuotedLiteralBlock                  DraculaGreen
+hi! link rstStandaloneHyperlink                 DraculaLink
+hi! link rstStrongEmphasis                      DraculaOrangeBold
+hi! link rstSections                            DraculaPurpleBold
+hi! link rstEmphasis                            DraculaYellowItalic
+hi! link rstDirective                           Keyword
+hi! link rstSubstitutionDefinition              Keyword
+hi! link rstCitation                            String
+hi! link rstExDirective                         String
+hi! link rstFootnote                            String
+hi! link rstCitationReference                   Tag
+hi! link rstFootnoteReference                   Tag
+hi! link rstHyperLinkReference                  Tag
+hi! link rstHyperlinkTarget                     Tag
+hi! link rstInlineInternalTargets               Tag
+hi! link rstInterpretedTextOrHyperlinkReference Tag
+hi! link rstTodo                                Todo
+" }}}
+" Ruby: {{{
+if ! exists('g:ruby_operators')
+    let g:ruby_operators=1
+hi! link rubyBlockArgument          DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link rubyBlockParameter         DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link rubyCurlyBlock             DraculaPink
+hi! link rubyGlobalVariable         DraculaPurple
+hi! link rubyInstanceVariable       DraculaPurpleItalic
+hi! link rubyInterpolationDelimiter DraculaPink
+hi! link rubyRegexpDelimiter        DraculaRed
+hi! link rubyStringDelimiter        DraculaYellow
+" }}}
+" Rust: {{{
+hi! link rustCommentLineDoc Comment
+" }}}
+" Sass: {{{
+hi! link sassClass                  cssClassName
+hi! link sassClassChar              cssClassNameDot
+hi! link sassId                     cssIdentifier
+hi! link sassIdChar                 cssIdentifier
+hi! link sassInterpolationDelimiter DraculaPink
+hi! link sassMixinName              Function
+hi! link sassProperty               cssProp
+hi! link sassVariableAssignment     Operator
+" }}}
+" Shell: {{{
+hi! link shCommandSub NONE
+hi! link shEscape     DraculaRed
+hi! link shParen      NONE
+hi! link shParenError NONE
+" }}}
+" Tex: {{{
+hi! link texBeginEndName  DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link texBoldItalStyle DraculaOrangeBoldItalic
+hi! link texBoldStyle     DraculaOrangeBold
+hi! link texInputFile     DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link texItalStyle     DraculaYellowItalic
+hi! link texLigature      DraculaPurple
+hi! link texMath          DraculaPurple
+hi! link texMathMatcher   DraculaPurple
+hi! link texMathSymbol    DraculaPurple
+hi! link texSpecialChar   DraculaPurple
+hi! link texSubscripts    DraculaPurple
+hi! link texTitle         DraculaFgBold
+" }}}
+" Typescript: {{{
+hi! link typescriptAliasDeclaration       Type
+hi! link typescriptArrayMethod            Function
+hi! link typescriptArrowFunc              Operator
+hi! link typescriptArrowFuncArg           DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link typescriptAssign                 Operator
+hi! link typescriptBOMWindowProp          Constant
+hi! link typescriptBinaryOp               Operator
+hi! link typescriptBraces                 Delimiter
+hi! link typescriptCall                   typescriptArrowFuncArg
+hi! link typescriptClassHeritage          Type
+hi! link typescriptClassName              Type
+hi! link typescriptDateMethod             DraculaCyan
+hi! link typescriptDateStaticMethod       Function
+hi! link typescriptDecorator              DraculaGreenItalic
+hi! link typescriptDefaultParam           Operator
+hi! link typescriptES6SetMethod           DraculaCyan
+hi! link typescriptEndColons              Delimiter
+hi! link typescriptEnum                   Type
+hi! link typescriptEnumKeyword            Keyword
+hi! link typescriptFuncComma              Delimiter
+hi! link typescriptFuncKeyword            Keyword
+hi! link typescriptFuncType               DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link typescriptFuncTypeArrow          Operator
+hi! link typescriptGlobal                 Type
+hi! link typescriptGlobalMethod           DraculaCyan
+hi! link typescriptGlobalObjects          Type
+hi! link typescriptIdentifier             DraculaPurpleItalic
+hi! link typescriptInterfaceHeritage      Type
+hi! link typescriptInterfaceName          Type
+hi! link typescriptInterpolationDelimiter Keyword
+hi! link typescriptKeywordOp              Keyword
+hi! link typescriptLogicSymbols           Operator
+hi! link typescriptMember                 Identifier
+hi! link typescriptMemberOptionality      Special
+hi! link typescriptObjectColon            Special
+hi! link typescriptObjectLabel            Identifier
+hi! link typescriptObjectSpread           Operator
+hi! link typescriptOperator               Operator
+hi! link typescriptParamImpl              DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link typescriptParens                 Delimiter
+hi! link typescriptPredefinedType         Type
+hi! link typescriptRestOrSpread           Operator
+hi! link typescriptTernaryOp              Operator
+hi! link typescriptTypeAnnotation         Special
+hi! link typescriptTypeCast               Operator
+hi! link typescriptTypeParameter          DraculaOrangeItalic
+hi! link typescriptTypeReference          Type
+hi! link typescriptUnaryOp                Operator
+hi! link typescriptVariable               Keyword
+hi! link tsxAttrib           DraculaGreenItalic
+hi! link tsxEqual            Operator
+hi! link tsxIntrinsicTagName Keyword
+hi! link tsxTagName          Type
+" }}}
+" Vim: {{{
+hi! link vimAutoCmdSfxList     Type
+hi! link vimAutoEventList      Type
+hi! link vimEnvVar             Constant
+hi! link vimFunction           Function
+hi! link vimHiBang             Keyword
+hi! link vimOption             Type
+hi! link vimSetMod             Keyword
+hi! link vimSetSep             Delimiter
+hi! link vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc Function
+hi! link vimUserFunc           Function
+" }}}
+" XML: {{{
+hi! link xmlAttrib  DraculaGreenItalic
+hi! link xmlEqual   Operator
+hi! link xmlTag     Delimiter
+hi! link xmlTagName Statement
+" Fixes missing highlight over end tags
+syn region xmlTagName
+	\ matchgroup=xmlTag start=+</[^ /!?<>"']\@=+
+	\ matchgroup=xmlTag end=+>+
+" }}}
+" YAML: {{{
+hi! link yamlAlias           DraculaGreenItalicUnderline
+hi! link yamlAnchor          DraculaPinkItalic
+hi! link yamlBlockMappingKey DraculaCyan
+hi! link yamlFlowCollection  DraculaPink
+hi! link yamlFlowIndicator   Delimiter
+hi! link yamlNodeTag         DraculaPink
+hi! link yamlPlainScalar     DraculaYellow
+" }}}
+" }}}
+" Plugins: {{{
+" junegunn/fzf {{{
+if ! exists('g:fzf_colors')
+  let g:fzf_colors = {
+    \ 'fg':      ['fg', 'Normal'],
+    \ 'bg':      ['bg', 'Normal'],
+    \ 'hl':      ['fg', 'Search'],
+    \ 'fg+':     ['fg', 'Normal'],
+    \ 'bg+':     ['bg', 'Normal'],
+    \ 'hl+':     ['fg', 'DraculaOrange'],
+    \ 'info':    ['fg', 'DraculaPurple'],
+    \ 'border':  ['fg', 'Ignore'],
+    \ 'prompt':  ['fg', 'DraculaGreen'],
+    \ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
+    \ 'marker':  ['fg', 'Keyword'],
+    \ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
+    \ 'header':  ['fg', 'Comment'],
+    \}
+" }}}
+" dense-analysis/ale {{{
+hi! link ALEError              DraculaErrorLine
+hi! link ALEWarning            DraculaWarnLine
+hi! link ALEInfo               DraculaInfoLine
+hi! link ALEErrorSign          DraculaRed
+hi! link ALEWarningSign        DraculaOrange
+hi! link ALEInfoSign           DraculaCyan
+hi! link ALEVirtualTextError   Comment
+hi! link ALEVirtualTextWarning Comment
+" }}}
+" ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim: {{{
+hi! link CtrlPMatch     IncSearch
+hi! link CtrlPBufferHid Normal
+" }}}
+" airblade/vim-gitgutter {{{
+hi! link GitGutterAdd    DiffAdd
+hi! link GitGutterChange DiffChange
+hi! link GitGutterDelete DiffDelete
+" }}}
+" Neovim-only plugins {{{
+if has('nvim')
+  " nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter: {{{
+  " The nvim-treesitter library defines many global highlight groups that are
+  " linked to the regular vim syntax highlight groups. We only need to redefine
+  " those highlight groups when the defaults do not match the dracula
+  " specification.
+  " https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/blob/master/plugin/nvim-treesitter.vim
+  " deprecated TS* highlight groups
+  " see https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/pull/3656
+  " # Misc
+  hi! link TSPunctSpecial Special
+  " # Constants
+  hi! link TSConstMacro Macro
+  hi! link TSStringEscape Character
+  hi! link TSSymbol DraculaPurple
+  hi! link TSAnnotation DraculaYellow
+  hi! link TSAttribute DraculaGreenItalic
+  " # Functions
+  hi! link TSFuncBuiltin DraculaCyan
+  hi! link TSFuncMacro Function
+  hi! link TSParameter DraculaOrangeItalic
+  hi! link TSParameterReference DraculaOrange
+  hi! link TSField DraculaOrange
+  hi! link TSConstructor DraculaCyan
+  " # Keywords
+  hi! link TSLabel DraculaPurpleItalic
+  " # Variable
+  hi! link TSVariableBuiltin DraculaPurpleItalic
+  " # Text
+  hi! link TSStrong DraculaFgBold
+  hi! link TSEmphasis DraculaFg
+  hi! link TSUnderline Underlined
+  hi! link TSTitle DraculaYellow
+  hi! link TSLiteral DraculaYellow
+  hi! link TSURI DraculaYellow
+  " HTML and JSX tag attributes. By default, this group is linked to TSProperty,
+  " which in turn links to Identifer (white).
+  hi! link TSTagAttribute DraculaGreenItalic
+  if has('nvim-0.8.1')
+    " # Misc
+    hi! link @punctuation.delimiter Delimiter
+    hi! link @punctuation.bracket DraculaFg
+    hi! link @punctuation.special Special
+    hi! link @punctuation Delimiter
+    " # Constants
+    hi! link @constant Constant
+    hi! link @constant.builtin Constant
+    hi! link @constant.macro Macro
+    hi! link @string.regex @string.special
+    hi! link @string.escape @string.special
+    hi! link @string String
+    hi! link @string.regexp @string.special
+    hi! link @string.special SpecialChar
+    hi! link @string.special.symbol DraculaPurple
+    hi! link @string.special.url Underlined
+    hi! link @symbol DraculaPurple
+    hi! link @annotation DraculaYellow
+    hi! link @attribute DraculaGreenItalic
+    hi! link @namespace Structure
+    hi! link @module Structure
+    hi! link @module.builtin Special
+    " # Functions
+    hi! link @function.builtin DraculaCyan
+    hi! link @funcion.macro Function
+    hi! link @function Function
+    hi! link @parameter DraculaOrangeItalic
+    hi! link @parameter.reference DraculaOrange
+    hi! link @field DraculaOrange
+    hi! link @property DraculaFg
+    hi! link @constructor DraculaCyan
+    " # Keywords
+    hi! link @label DraculaPurpleItalic
+    hi! link @keyword.function DraculaPink
+    hi! link @keyword.operator Operator
+    hi! link @keyword Keyword
+    hi! link @exception DraculaPurple
+    hi! link @operator Operator
+    " # Types
+    hi! link @type Type
+    hi! link @type.builtin Special
+    hi! link @character Character
+    hi! link @character.special SpecialChar
+    hi! link @boolean Boolean
+    hi! link @number Number
+    hi! link @number.float Float
+    " # Variable
+    hi! link @variable DraculaFg
+    hi! link @variable.builtin DraculaPurpleItalic
+    hi! link @variable.parameter DraculaOrangeItalic
+    hi! link @variable.member  DraculaOrange
+    " # Text
+    hi! link @text DraculaFg
+    hi! link @text.strong DraculaFgBold
+    hi! link @text.emphasis DraculaFg
+    hi! link @text.underline Underlined
+    hi! link @text.title DraculaYellow
+    hi! link @text.literal DraculaYellow
+    hi! link @text.uri DraculaYellow
+    hi! link @text.diff.add DiffAdd
+    hi! link @text.diff.delete DiffDelete
+    hi! link @markup.strong DraculaFgBold
+    hi! link @markup.italic DraculaFgItalic
+    hi! link @markup.strikethrough DraculaFgStrikethrough
+    hi! link @markup.underline Underlined
+    hi! link @markup Special
+    hi! link @markup.heading DraculaYellow
+    hi! link @markup.link Underlined
+    hi! link @markup.link.uri DraculaYellow
+    hi! link @markup.link.label SpecialChar
+    hi! link @markup.raw DraculaYellow
+    hi! link @markup.list Special
+    hi! link @comment Comment
+    hi! link @comment.error DiagnosticError
+    hi! link @comment.warning DiagnosticWarn
+    hi! link @comment.note DiagnosticInfo
+    hi! link @comment.todo Todo
+    hi! link @diff.plus Added
+    hi! link @diff.minus Removed
+    hi! link @diff.delta Changed
+    " # Tags
+    hi! link @tag DraculaCyan
+    hi! link @tag.delimiter DraculaFg
+    " HTML and JSX tag attributes. By default, this group is linked to TSProperty,
+    " which in turn links to Identifer (white).
+    hi! link @tag.attribute DraculaGreenItalic
+  endif
+  " }}}
+  " hrsh7th/nvim-cmp {{{
+  hi! link CmpItemAbbrDeprecated DraculaError
+  hi! link CmpItemAbbrMatch DraculaCyan
+  hi! link CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy DraculaCyan
+  hi! link CmpItemKindText DraculaFg
+  hi! link CmpItemKindMethod Function
+  hi! link CmpItemKindFunction Function
+  hi! link CmpItemKindConstructor DraculaCyan
+  hi! link CmpItemKindField DraculaOrange
+  hi! link CmpItemKindVariable DraculaPurpleItalic
+  hi! link CmpItemKindClass DraculaCyan
+  hi! link CmpItemKindInterface DraculaCyan
+  hi! link CmpItemKindModule DraculaYellow
+  hi! link CmpItemKindProperty DraculaPink
+  hi! link CmpItemKindUnit DraculaFg
+  hi! link CmpItemKindValue DraculaYellow
+  hi! link CmpItemKindEnum DraculaPink
+  hi! link CmpItemKindKeyword DraculaPink
+  hi! link CmpItemKindSnippet DraculaFg
+  hi! link CmpItemKindColor DraculaYellow
+  hi! link CmpItemKindFile DraculaYellow
+  hi! link CmpItemKindReference DraculaOrange
+  hi! link CmpItemKindFolder DraculaYellow
+  hi! link CmpItemKindEnumMember DraculaPurple
+  hi! link CmpItemKindConstant DraculaPurple
+  hi! link CmpItemKindStruct DraculaPink
+  hi! link CmpItemKindEvent DraculaFg
+  hi! link CmpItemKindOperator DraculaPink
+  hi! link CmpItemKindTypeParameter DraculaCyan
+  hi! link CmpItemMenu Comment
+  " }}}
+  " lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim {{{
+  hi! link GitSignsAdd      DiffAdd
+  hi! link GitSignsAddLn    DiffAdd
+  hi! link GitSignsAddNr    DiffAdd
+  hi! link GitSignsChange   DiffChange
+  hi! link GitSignsChangeLn DiffChange
+  hi! link GitSignsChangeNr DiffChange
+  hi! link GitSignsDelete   DraculaRed
+  hi! link GitSignsDeleteLn DraculaRed
+  hi! link GitSignsDeleteNr DraculaRed
+  " }}}
+" }}}
+" }}}
 " vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdl=0 et:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/dracula/doc/dracula.txt b/sources_non_forked/dracula/doc/dracula.txt
index 80e44f19..5dc6a663 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/dracula/doc/dracula.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/dracula/doc/dracula.txt
@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ Include bold attributes in highlighting >
 Include italic attributes in highlighting >
     let g:dracula_italic = 1
+* *g:dracula_strikethrough*
+Include strikethrough attributes in highlighting >
+    let g:dracula_strikethrough = 1
 * *g:dracula_underline*
 Include underline attributes in highlighting >
     let g:dracula_underline = 1
@@ -110,19 +114,44 @@ Include background fill colors >
 CUSTOMIZATION                                            *dracula-customization*
 Like all colorschemes, Dracula is easy to customize with |autocmd|. Make use
-of the |ColorScheme| event as in the following examples.
+of the |ColorScheme| event as in the following examples. Like all autocommands,
+it's best to put all of your personal changes in an |augroup|: >
-It would be a good idea to put all of your personal changes in an |augroup|,
-which you can do with the following code: >
-    augroup dracula_customization
-      au!
-      " autocmds...
+    augroup DraculaCustomization
+      autocmd!
+      " Change the highlight group used with vim-gitgutter.
+      autocmd ColorScheme dracula highlight! link GitGutterDelete DraculaRed
     augroup END
-- To add underline styling to |hl-CursorLine|, you can use the following: >
-    autocmd ColorScheme dracula hi CursorLine cterm=underline term=underline
+    colorscheme dracula
+The autocommand must be defined before the colorscheme is set. To overwrite
+any highlight link that is already established in `colors/dracula.vim`, you
+will need to use the bang (!) modifier on the |hi-link| command.
+For more than one customization, it will be easier to define a function that
+can be called from the autocommand: >
+    function! s:customize_dracula() abort
+      " Link a highlight group to a predefined highlight group.
+      " See `colors/dracula.vim` for all predefined highlight groups.
+      " To overwrite a highlight link created in `colors/dracula.vim`, you
+      " will need to use the bang (!) modifier
+      highlight! link GitGutterDelete DraculaRed
+      " Customize existing highlight groups, for example adding underline.
+      highlight CursorLine cterm=underline term=underline
+    endfunction
+    augroup DraculaCustomization
+      autocmd!
+      autocmd ColorScheme dracula call s:customize_dracula()
+    augroup END
+    colorscheme dracula
 LICENSE                                                        *dracula-license*
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/editorconfig-vim/README.md b/sources_non_forked/editorconfig-vim/README.md
index 961c9ae2..d25ac18e 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/editorconfig-vim/README.md
+++ b/sources_non_forked/editorconfig-vim/README.md
@@ -6,6 +6,15 @@
 This is an [EditorConfig][] plugin for Vim. This plugin can be found on both
 [GitHub][] and [Vim online][].
+## Bundled versions
+Depending on which version of Vim or Neovim you are using, you might not need to
+specifically install this plugin at all:
+* Vim 9.0.1799 and above comes bundled with [a recent stable version of this
+  plugin][].
+* Neovim 0.9 and above comes with [its own Lua-based implementation][].
 ## Installation
 To install this plugin, you can use one of the following ways:
@@ -138,6 +147,8 @@ Feel free to submit bugs, feature requests, and other issues to the
 [PreserveNoEOL]: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4550
 [Tim Pope's fugitive]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive
 [Vim online]: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3934
+[a recent stable version of this plugin]: https://github.com/vim/vim/pull/12902
+[its own Lua-based implementation]: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/commit/ab9a2c49253413dbbb31756a3eeddb354a663035
 [Vundle]: https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim
 [archive]: https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim/archive/master.zip
 [contribution guidelines]: https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#submitting-an-issue
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/editorconfig-vim/autoload/editorconfig_core/ini.vim b/sources_non_forked/editorconfig-vim/autoload/editorconfig_core/ini.vim
index c10c0366..3c5df54e 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/editorconfig-vim/autoload/editorconfig_core/ini.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/editorconfig-vim/autoload/editorconfig_core/ini.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 " autoload/editorconfig_core/ini.vim: Config-file parser for
 " editorconfig-core-vimscript and editorconfig-vim.
-" Modifed from the Python core's ini.py.
+" Modified from the Python core's ini.py.
 " Copyright (c) 2012-2019 EditorConfig Team {{{2
 " All rights reserved.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/lightline.vim/.github/workflows/ci.yaml b/sources_non_forked/lightline.vim/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
index d1ccd883..1531fc94 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/lightline.vim/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
+++ b/sources_non_forked/lightline.vim/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ name: CI
-    - master
+      - master
+  contents: read
     name: Test
@@ -13,27 +16,29 @@ jobs:
-        - v9.0.0000
-        - v8.2.0000
-        - v8.1.0000
-        - v8.0.0000
-        - v7.4
-        - v7.3
+          - v9.1.0000
+          - v9.0.0000
+          - v8.2.0000
+          - v8.1.0000
+          - v8.0.0000
+          - v7.4
+          - v7.3
+      fail-fast: false
-    - name: Checkout code
-      uses: actions/checkout@v3
-    - name: Checkout vim-themis
-      uses: actions/checkout@v3
-      with:
-        repository: thinca/vim-themis
-        path: vim-themis
-        ref: v1.6.0
-    - name: Setup Vim
-      uses: rhysd/action-setup-vim@v1
-      id: vim
-      with:
-        version: ${{ matrix.vim }}
-    - name: Test
-      env:
-        THEMIS_VIM: ${{ steps.vim.outputs.executable }}
-      run: ./vim-themis/bin/themis --reporter spec
+      - name: Checkout code
+        uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      - name: Checkout vim-themis
+        uses: actions/checkout@v4
+        with:
+          repository: thinca/vim-themis
+          path: vim-themis
+          ref: v1.6.0
+      - name: Setup Vim
+        uses: rhysd/action-setup-vim@v1
+        id: vim
+        with:
+          version: ${{ matrix.vim }}
+      - name: Test
+        env:
+          THEMIS_VIM: ${{ steps.vim.outputs.executable }}
+        run: ./vim-themis/bin/themis --reporter spec
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/lightline.vim/LICENSE b/sources_non_forked/lightline.vim/LICENSE
index 93dc399e..9a73d00f 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/lightline.vim/LICENSE
+++ b/sources_non_forked/lightline.vim/LICENSE
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2013-2022 itchyny
+Copyright (c) 2013-2024 itchyny
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/CHANGELOG.md b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/CHANGELOG.md
index fc3edbed..ba25bf16 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -13,6 +13,16 @@
             - Pull Request Title n (PR Author) [PR Number](Link to PR)
 #### 7.1
+- **.3**:
+    - docs: update FAQ snippets containing quit command. (rzvxa) [#1417](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1417)
+    - feat: jump to bookmark table shortcut. (ds2606, rzvxa) [#1394](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1394)
+    - fix: typo in docs for show file lines setting. (lothardp) [#1426](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1426)
+- **.2**:
+    - fix: GetWinNum regex pattern. (rzvxa) [#1409](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1409)
+    - fix: session restore for nerdtree buffers. (rzvxa) [#1405](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1405)
+- **.1**:
+    - fix: change default binding of filelines to `FL`. (rzvxa) [#1400](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1400)
+    - fix: toggle zoom resizing. (ds2606) [#1395](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1395)
 - **.0**:
     - fix: typo in the docs. (bl4kraven) [#1390](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1390)
     - feat: add NERDTreeExplore command. (msibal6) [#1389](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree/pull/1389)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/README.markdown b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/README.markdown
index 210ec312..93a844a5 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/README.markdown
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/README.markdown
@@ -150,6 +150,24 @@ autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 1 && isdirectory(argv()[0]) && !exists('s:std_in
 ### How can I close Vim or a tab automatically when NERDTree is the last window?
+Because of the changes in how Vim handles its `autocmd` and layout locking `quit` command is no longer available in Vim9 auto commands, Depending on which version you're running select one of these solutions.
+__NeoVim users should be able to choose either one of them!__
+#### Vim9
+" Exit Vim if NERDTree is the only window remaining in the only tab.
+autocmd BufEnter * if tabpagenr('$') == 1 && winnr('$') == 1 && exists('b:NERDTree') && b:NERDTree.isTabTree() | call feedkeys(":quit\<CR>:\<BS>") | endif
+" Close the tab if NERDTree is the only window remaining in it.
+autocmd BufEnter * if winnr('$') == 1 && exists('b:NERDTree') && b:NERDTree.isTabTree() | call feedkeys(":quit\<CR>:\<BS>") | endif
+#### Vim8 or older
 " Exit Vim if NERDTree is the only window remaining in the only tab.
 autocmd BufEnter * if tabpagenr('$') == 1 && winnr('$') == 1 && exists('b:NERDTree') && b:NERDTree.isTabTree() | quit | endif
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree.vim
index 1c10ec80..d7246dc5 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree.vim
@@ -234,6 +234,38 @@ function! nerdtree#pathEquals(lhs, rhs) abort
+"FUNCTION: nerdtree#onBufLeave() {{{2
+" used for handling the nerdtree BufLeave/WinLeave events.
+function! nerdtree#onBufLeave() abort
+    " detect whether we are in the middle of sourcing a session.
+    " if it is a buffer from the sourced session we need to restore it.
+    if exists('g:SessionLoad') && !exists('b:NERDTree')
+        let bname = bufname('%')
+        " is the buffer for a tab tree?
+        if bname =~# '^' . g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() . 'tab_\d\+$'
+            " rename loaded buffer and mark it as trash to prevent this event
+            " getting fired again
+            exec 'file TRASH_' . bname
+            " delete the trash buffer
+            exec 'bwipeout!'
+            " rescue the tab tree at the current working directory
+            call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreateTabTree(getcwd())
+        " is the buffer for a window tree?
+        elseif bname =~# '^' . g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix(). 'win_\d\+$'
+            " rescue the window tree at the current working directory
+            call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreateWindowTree(getcwd())
+        else " unknown buffer type
+            " rename buffer to mark it as broken.
+            exec 'file BROKEN_' . bname
+            call nerdtree#echoError('Failed to restore "' . bname . '" from session. Is this session created with an older version of NERDTree?')
+        endif
+    else
+        if g:NERDTree.IsOpen()
+            call b:NERDTree.ui.saveScreenState()
+        endif
+    endif
 " SECTION: View Functions {{{1
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree/ui_glue.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree/ui_glue.vim
index 1610d098..c5c96181 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree/ui_glue.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/autoload/nerdtree/ui_glue.vim
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ function! nerdtree#ui_glue#createDefaultBindings() abort
     call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot, 'scope': 'all', 'callback': s.'jumpToRoot' })
     call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling, 'scope': 'Node', 'callback': s.'jumpToNextSibling' })
     call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling, 'scope': 'Node', 'callback': s.'jumpToPrevSibling' })
+    call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapJumpBookmarks, 'scope': 'all', 'callback': s.'jumpToBookmarks' })
     call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab, 'scope': 'Node', 'callback': s . 'openInNewTab' })
     call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent, 'scope': 'Node', 'callback': s . 'openInNewTabSilent' })
@@ -496,6 +497,21 @@ function! s:jumpToSibling(node, forward) abort
     call b:NERDTree.ui.centerView()
+" FUNCTION: s:jumpToBookmarks() {{{1
+" moves the cursor to the bookmark table
+function! s:jumpToBookmarks() abort
+    try
+        if b:NERDTree.ui.getShowBookmarks()
+            call g:NERDTree.CursorToBookmarkTable()
+        else
+            call b:NERDTree.ui.setShowBookmarks(1)
+        endif
+    catch /^NERDTree/
+        call nerdtree#echoError('Failed to jump to the bookmark table')
+        return
+    endtry
 " FUNCTION: nerdtree#ui_glue#openBookmark(name) {{{1
 " Open the Bookmark that has the specified name. This function provides the
 " implementation for the :OpenBookmark command.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/doc/NERDTree.txt b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/doc/NERDTree.txt
index 9b8b6ba8..f8a1fdc1 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/doc/NERDTree.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/doc/NERDTree.txt
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ I........Toggle whether hidden files displayed......................|NERDTree-I|
 f........Toggle whether the file filters are used...................|NERDTree-f|
 F........Toggle whether files are displayed.........................|NERDTree-F|
 B........Toggle whether the bookmark table is displayed.............|NERDTree-B|
-L........Toggle whether the number of lines in files is displayed...|NERDTree-L|
+L........Toggle whether the number of lines in files is displayed..|NERDTree-FL|
 q........Close the NERDTree window..................................|NERDTree-q|
 A........Zoom (maximize/minimize) the NERDTree window...............|NERDTree-A|
@@ -603,8 +603,8 @@ Applies to: no restrictions.
 Toggles whether the bookmarks table is displayed.
-                                                                    *NERDTree-L*
-Default key: L
+                                                                   *NERDTree-FL*
+Default key: FL
 Map setting: *NERDTreeMapToggleFileLines*
 Applies to: no restrictions.
@@ -1073,18 +1073,18 @@ mapping and is useful for drastically shrinking the tree when you are
 navigating to a different part of the tree.
-                                                        *NERDTreeShowFilesLines*
+                                                             *NERDTreeFileLines*
 Values: 0 or 1.
 Default: 0.
 If this setting is set to 1 then the NERDTree shows number of lines for each
-This setting can be toggled dynamically, per tree, with the |NERDTree-L|
+This setting can be toggled dynamically, per tree, with the |NERDTree-FL|
 Use one of the follow lines for this setting: >
-    let NERDTreeShowFilesLines=0
-    let NERDTreeShowFilesLines=1
+    let NERDTreeFileLines=0
+    let NERDTreeFileLines=1
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/creator.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/creator.vim
index 7e1940b8..e794e0d9 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/creator.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/creator.vim
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function! s:Creator.createWindowTree(dir)
     "we need a unique name for each window tree buffer to ensure they are
     "all independent
-    exec g:NERDTreeCreatePrefix . ' edit ' . self._nextBufferName()
+    exec g:NERDTreeCreatePrefix . ' edit ' . self._nextBufferName('win')
     call self._createNERDTree(path, 'window')
     let b:NERDTree._previousBuf = bufnr(previousBuf)
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ function! s:Creator._createTreeWin()
     let l:splitSize = g:NERDTreeWinSize
     if !g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab()
-        let t:NERDTreeBufName = self._nextBufferName()
+        let t:NERDTreeBufName = self._nextBufferName('tab')
         silent! execute l:splitLocation . l:splitDirection . ' ' . l:splitSize . ' new'
         silent! execute 'edit ' . t:NERDTreeBufName
         silent! execute l:splitDirection . ' resize '. l:splitSize
@@ -244,10 +244,22 @@ function! s:Creator.New()
     return newCreator
-" FUNCTION: s:Creator._nextBufferName() {{{1
-" returns the buffer name for the next nerd tree
-function! s:Creator._nextBufferName()
-    let name = s:Creator.BufNamePrefix() . self._nextBufferNumber()
+" FUNCTION: s:Creator._nextBufferName(type='') {{{1
+" gets an optional buffer type of either 'tab' or 'win'.
+" returns the buffer name for the next nerd tree of such type.
+function! s:Creator._nextBufferName(...)
+    if a:0 > 0
+        let type = a:1
+    else
+        let type = ''
+    end
+    let name = s:Creator.BufNamePrefix()
+    if type ==# 'tab'
+        let name = name . 'tab_'
+    elseif type ==# 'win'
+        let name = name . 'win_'
+    endif
+    let name = name . self._nextBufferNumber()
     return name
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim
index 61a11a96..1af5346a 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ function! s:NERDTree.GetWinNum()
     " If WindowTree, there is no t:NERDTreeBufName variable. Search all windows.
     for w in range(1,winnr('$'))
-        if bufname(winbufnr(w)) =~# '^' . g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() . '\d\+$'
+        if bufname(winbufnr(w)) =~# '^' . g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() . 'win_\d\+$'
             return w
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/ui.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/ui.vim
index dffdecde..867e04b1 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/ui.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/lib/nerdtree/ui.vim
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ function! s:UI._dumpHelp()
         let help .= "\"\n\" ----------------------------\n"
         let help .= "\" Bookmark table mappings~\n"
         let help .= "\" double-click,\n"
+        let help .= '" '. g:NERDTreeMapJumpBookmarks .": jump to bookmark table\n"
         let help .= '" '. g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode .": open bookmark\n"
         let help .= '" '. g:NERDTreeMapPreview .": preview file\n"
         let help .= '" '. g:NERDTreeMapPreview .": find dir in tree\n"
@@ -482,10 +483,10 @@ function! s:UI.toggleIgnoreFilter()
     call self.centerView()
-" FUNCTION: s:UI.toggleShowBookmarks() {{{1
-" Toggle the visibility of the Bookmark table.
-function! s:UI.toggleShowBookmarks()
-    let self._showBookmarks = !self._showBookmarks
+" FUNCTION: s:UI.setShowBookmarks() {{{1
+" Sets the visibility of the Bookmark table.
+function! s:UI.setShowBookmarks(value)
+    let self._showBookmarks = a:value
     if self.getShowBookmarks()
         call self.nerdtree.render()
@@ -503,6 +504,12 @@ function! s:UI.toggleShowBookmarks()
     call self.centerView()
+" FUNCTION: s:UI.toggleShowBookmarks() {{{1
+" Toggle the visibility of the Bookmark table.
+function! s:UI.toggleShowBookmarks()
+    call self.setShowBookmarks(!self._showBookmarks)
 " FUNCTION: s:UI.toggleShowFiles() {{{1
 " toggles the display of hidden files
 function! s:UI.toggleShowFiles()
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim
index a4276701..84c04fda 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ endif
 "SECTION: Init variable calls for key mappings {{{2
 let g:NERDTreeMapCustomOpen      = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapCustomOpen',      '<CR>')
+let g:NERDTreeMapJumpBookmarks   = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapJumpBookmarks',   'gb')
 let g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode    = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapActivateNode',    'o')
 let g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot      = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapChangeRoot',      'C')
 let g:NERDTreeMapChdir           = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapChdir',           'cd')
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ let g:NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks', 'B')
 let g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles     = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapToggleFiles',     'F')
 let g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters   = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapToggleFilters',   'f')
 let g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden    = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapToggleHidden',    'I')
-let g:NERDTreeMapToggleFileLines = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapToggleFileLines', 'L')
+let g:NERDTreeMapToggleFileLines = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapToggleFileLines', 'FL')
 let g:NERDTreeMapToggleZoom      = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapToggleZoom',      'A')
 let g:NERDTreeMapUpdir           = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapUpdir',           'u')
 let g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen   = get(g:, 'NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen',   'U')
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ call nerdtree#ui_glue#setupCommands()
 augroup NERDTree
     "Save the cursor position whenever we close the nerd tree
-    exec 'autocmd BufLeave,WinLeave '. g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() .'* if g:NERDTree.IsOpen() | call b:NERDTree.ui.saveScreenState() | endif'
+    exec 'autocmd BufLeave,WinLeave '. g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() .'* call nerdtree#onBufLeave()'
     "disallow insert mode in the NERDTree
     exec 'autocmd BufEnter,WinEnter '. g:NERDTreeCreator.BufNamePrefix() .'* stopinsert'
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/typescript-vim/README.md b/sources_non_forked/typescript-vim/README.md
index a8809983..8030231e 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/typescript-vim/README.md
+++ b/sources_non_forked/typescript-vim/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
-Typescript Syntax for Vim
+An old Typescript Syntax for Vim
+NOTE: This Typescript syntax was created before Typescript's 1.0 release, more than a decade ago. I hope it 
+has been helpful but there are now other options available. Vim has included 
+[Typescript syntax](https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/runtime/syntax/typescript.vim) for some years,
+which receives more frequent updates at its own [repository](https://github.com/HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim).
+Neovim can also use a [treesitter grammar](https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-typescript) for highlighting.
 Syntax file and other settings for [TypeScript](http://typescriptlang.org). The
-syntax file is taken from this [blog
+syntax file was originally from this 2012 [blog
 Checkout [Tsuquyomi](https://github.com/Quramy/tsuquyomi) for omni-completion
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/typescript-vim/syntax/typescript.vim b/sources_non_forked/typescript-vim/syntax/typescript.vim
index f2738166..311ed075 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/typescript-vim/syntax/typescript.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/typescript-vim/syntax/typescript.vim
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ syntax keyword typescriptStorageClass let var const
 syntax keyword typescriptOperator delete new instanceof typeof
 syntax keyword typescriptBoolean true false
 syntax keyword typescriptNull null undefined
-syntax keyword typescriptMessage alert confirm prompt status
+syntax keyword typescriptMessage alert confirm prompt
 syntax keyword typescriptGlobal self top parent
 syntax keyword typescriptDeprecated escape unescape all applets alinkColor bgColor fgColor linkColor vlinkColor xmlEncoding
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalNodeObjects  module exports global process __dirn
 syntax keyword typescriptExceptions try catch throw finally Error EvalError RangeError ReferenceError SyntaxError TypeError URIError
-syntax keyword typescriptReserved constructor declare as interface module abstract enum int short export interface static byte extends long super char final native synchronized class float package throws goto private transient debugger implements protected volatile double import public type namespace from get set keyof
+syntax keyword typescriptReserved constructor declare as interface module abstract enum int short export interface static byte extends long super char final native synchronized class float package throws goto private transient debugger implements protected volatile double import public type namespace from get set keyof satisfies
 "" typescript/DOM/HTML/CSS specified things"{{{
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-commentary/README.markdown b/sources_non_forked/vim-commentary/README.markdown
index 8486f8a2..328ae979 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-commentary/README.markdown
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-commentary/README.markdown
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ support:
     git clone https://tpope.io/vim/commentary.git
     vim -u NONE -c "helptags commentary/doc" -c q
+Make sure this line is in your vimrc, if it isn't already:
+    filetype plugin indent on
 ## FAQ
 > My favorite file type isn't supported!
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim
index 53701066..ed056a45 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ nnoremap <expr>   <Plug>Commentary     <SID>go()
 nnoremap <expr>   <Plug>CommentaryLine <SID>go() . '_'
 onoremap <silent> <Plug>Commentary        :<C-U>call <SID>textobject(get(v:, 'operator', '') ==# 'c')<CR>
 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>ChangeCommentary c:<C-U>call <SID>textobject(1)<CR>
-nmap <silent> <Plug>CommentaryUndo :echoerr "Change your <Plug>CommentaryUndo map to <Plug>Commentary<Plug>Commentary"<CR>
 if !hasmapto('<Plug>Commentary') || maparg('gc','n') ==# ''
   xmap gc  <Plug>Commentary
@@ -118,4 +117,6 @@ if !hasmapto('<Plug>Commentary') || maparg('gc','n') ==# ''
   nmap gcu <Plug>Commentary<Plug>Commentary
+nmap <silent> <Plug>CommentaryUndo :echoerr "Change your <Plug>CommentaryUndo map to <Plug>Commentary<Plug>Commentary"<CR>
 " vim:set et sw=2:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/autoload/fugitive.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/autoload/fugitive.vim
index 19d2d08c..17fd04d3 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/autoload/fugitive.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/autoload/fugitive.vim
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ endfunction
 function! s:Mods(mods, ...) abort
   let mods = substitute(a:mods, '\C<mods>', '', '')
   let mods = mods =~# '\S$' ? mods . ' ' : mods
-  if a:0 && mods !~# '\<\%(aboveleft\|belowright\|leftabove\|rightbelow\|topleft\|botright\|tab\)\>'
+  if a:0 && mods !~# '\<\d*\%(aboveleft\|belowright\|leftabove\|rightbelow\|topleft\|botright\|tab\)\>'
     let default = a:1
     if default ==# 'SpanOrigin'
       if s:OriginBufnr() > 0 && (mods =~# '\<vertical\>' ? &winfixheight : &winfixwidth)
@@ -273,7 +273,11 @@ function! s:TempScript(...) abort
   if !filereadable(temp)
     call writefile(['#!/bin/sh'] + a:000, temp)
-  return FugitiveGitPath(temp)
+  let temp = FugitiveGitPath(temp)
+  if temp =~# '\s'
+    let temp = '"' . temp . '"'
+  endif
+  return temp
 function! s:DoAutocmd(...) abort
@@ -1007,7 +1011,7 @@ function! s:StdoutToFile(out, cmd, ...) abort
     throw 'fugitive: Vim 8 or higher required to use ' . &shell
     let cmd = fugitive#ShellCommand(a:cmd)
-    return s:SystemError(' (' . cmd . ' >' . a:out . ') ')
+    return call('s:SystemError', [' (' . cmd . ' >' . (len(a:out) ? a:out : '/dev/null') . ') '] + a:000)
@@ -1118,7 +1122,7 @@ function! fugitive#Config(...) abort
       let callback = a:000[1:-1]
   elseif a:0 >= 2 && type(a:2) == type({}) && has_key(a:2, 'GetAll')
-    return get(fugitive#ConfigGetAll(a:1, a:2), 0, default)
+    return get(fugitive#ConfigGetAll(a:1, a:2), -1, default)
   elseif a:0 >= 2
     let dir = s:Dir(a:2)
     let name = a:1
@@ -1200,7 +1204,7 @@ function! s:config_GetAll(name) dict abort
 function! s:config_Get(name, ...) dict abort
-  return get(self.GetAll(a:name), 0, a:0 ? a:1 : '')
+  return get(self.GetAll(a:name), -1, a:0 ? a:1 : '')
 function! s:config_GetRegexp(pattern) dict abort
@@ -1235,12 +1239,15 @@ function! s:SshParseHost(value) abort
   return '^\%(' . join(patterns, '\|') . '\)$' . join(negates, '')
-function! s:SshParseConfig(into, root, file, ...) abort
-  if !filereadable(a:file)
+function! s:SshParseConfig(into, root, file) abort
+  try
+    let lines = readfile(a:file)
+  catch
     return a:into
-  endif
-  let host = a:0 ? a:1 : '^\%(.*\)$'
-  for line in readfile(a:file)
+  endtry
+  let host = '^\%(.*\)$'
+  while !empty(lines)
+    let line = remove(lines, 0)
     let key = tolower(matchstr(line, '^\s*\zs\w\+\ze\s'))
     let value = matchstr(line, '^\s*\w\+\s\+\zs.*\S')
     if key ==# 'match'
@@ -1248,26 +1255,25 @@ function! s:SshParseConfig(into, root, file, ...) abort
     elseif key ==# 'host'
       let host = s:SshParseHost(value)
     elseif key ==# 'include'
-      call s:SshParseInclude(a:into, a:root, host, value)
+      for glob in split(value)
+        if glob !~# '^[~/]'
+          let glob = a:root . glob
+        endif
+        for included in reverse(split(glob(glob), "\n"))
+          try
+            call extend(lines, readfile(included), 'keep')
+          catch
+          endtry
+        endfor
+      endfor
     elseif len(key) && len(host)
       call extend(a:into, {key : []}, 'keep')
       call add(a:into[key], [host, value])
-  endfor
+  endwhile
   return a:into
-function! s:SshParseInclude(into, root, host, value) abort
-  for glob in split(a:value)
-    if glob !~# '^/'
-      let glob = a:root . glob
-    endif
-    for file in split(glob(glob), "\n")
-      call s:SshParseConfig(a:into, a:root, file, a:host)
-    endfor
-  endfor
 unlet! s:ssh_config
 function! fugitive#SshConfig(host, ...) abort
   if !exists('s:ssh_config')
@@ -1530,7 +1536,7 @@ function! s:QuickfixCreate(nr, opts) abort
 function! s:QuickfixOpen(nr, mods) abort
-  let mods = substitute(s:Mods(a:mods), '\<tab\>', '', '')
+  let mods = substitute(s:Mods(a:mods), '\<\d*tab\>', '', '')
   return mods . (a:nr < 0 ? 'c' : 'l').'open' . (mods =~# '\<vertical\>' ? ' 20' : '')
@@ -2599,26 +2605,39 @@ function! s:Format(val) abort
-function! s:AddHeader(key, value) abort
+function! s:AddHeader(to, key, value) abort
   if empty(a:value)
-  let before = 1
-  while !empty(getline(before))
-    let before += 1
-  endwhile
-  call append(before - 1, [a:key . ':' . (len(a:value) ? ' ' . a:value : '')])
-  if before == 1 && line('$') == 2
-    silent keepjumps 2delete _
-  endif
+  call add(a:to.lines, a:key . ':' . (len(a:value) ? ' ' . a:value : ''))
-function! s:AddSection(label, lines, ...) abort
+function! s:AddSection(to, label, lines, ...) abort
   let note = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
   if empty(a:lines) && empty(note)
-  call append(line('$'), ['', a:label . (len(note) ? ': ' . note : ' (' . len(a:lines) . ')')] + s:Format(a:lines))
+  call extend(a:to.lines, ['', a:label . (len(note) ? ': ' . note : ' (' . len(a:lines) . ')')] + s:Format(a:lines))
+function! s:AddDiffSection(to, stat, label, files) abort
+  if empty(a:files)
+    return
+  endif
+  let diff_section = a:stat.diff[a:label]
+  let expanded = a:stat.expanded[a:label]
+  let was_expanded = get(getbufvar(a:stat.bufnr, 'fugitive_expanded', {}), a:label, {})
+  call extend(a:to.lines, ['', a:label . ' (' . len(a:files) . ')'])
+  for file in a:files
+    call add(a:to.lines, s:Format(file))
+    if has_key(was_expanded, file.filename)
+      let [diff, start] = s:StageInlineGetDiff(diff_section, file)
+      if len(diff)
+        let expanded[file.filename] = [start]
+        call extend(a:to.lines, diff)
+      endif
+    endif
+  endfor
 function! s:QueryLog(refspec, limit, dir) abort
@@ -2640,12 +2659,12 @@ function! s:QueryLogRange(old, new, dir) abort
   return s:QueryLog([a:old . '..' . a:new], 256, a:dir)
-function! s:AddLogSection(label, log) abort
+function! s:AddLogSection(to, label, log) abort
   if empty(a:log.entries)
   let label = a:label . ' (' . len(a:log.entries) . (a:log.overflow ? '+' : '') . ')'
-  call append(line('$'), ['', label] + s:Format(a:log.entries))
+  call extend(a:to.lines, ['', label] + s:Format(a:log.entries))
 let s:rebase_abbrevs = {
@@ -2662,51 +2681,79 @@ let s:rebase_abbrevs = {
       \ 'b': 'break',
       \ }
-function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
-  let amatch = s:Slash(expand('%:p'))
-  unlet! b:fugitive_reltime b:fugitive_type
+function! s:MapStatus() abort
+  call fugitive#MapJumps()
+  call s:Map('n', '-', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Toggle',0)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', '-', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Toggle',1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 's', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Stage',0)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', 's', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Stage',1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'u', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Unstage',0)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', 'u', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Unstage',1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'U', ":<C-U>Git reset -q<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:MapMotion('gu', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Untracked', 'Unstaged')")
+  call s:MapMotion('gU', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Unstaged', 'Untracked')")
+  call s:MapMotion('gs', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Staged')")
+  call s:MapMotion('gp', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Unpushed')")
+  call s:MapMotion('gP', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Unpulled')")
+  call s:MapMotion('gr', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Rebasing')")
+  call s:Map('n', 'C', ":echoerr 'fugitive: C has been removed in favor of cc'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'a', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Toggle',0)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'i', ":<C-U>execute <SID>NextExpandedHunk(v:count1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', "=", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('toggle',line('.'),v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', "<", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('hide',  line('.'),v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', ">", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('show',  line('.'),v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', "=", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('toggle',line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\")-line(\"'<\")+1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', "<", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('hide',  line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\")-line(\"'<\")+1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', ">", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('show',  line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\")-line(\"'<\")+1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'D', ":echoerr 'fugitive: D has been removed in favor of dd'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'dd', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Gdiffsplit')<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'dh', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Ghdiffsplit')<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'ds', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Ghdiffsplit')<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'dp', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiffEdit()<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'dv', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Gvdiffsplit')<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'd?', ":<C-U>help fugitive_d<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'P', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line('.'),line('.')+v:count1-1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', 'P', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'p', ":<C-U>if v:count<Bar>silent exe <SID>GF('pedit')<Bar>else<Bar>echoerr 'Use = for inline diff, I for :Git add/reset --patch, 1p for :pedit'<Bar>endif<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', 'p', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'I', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line('.'),line('.'), 1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', 'I', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"), 1)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'gq', ":<C-U>if bufnr('$') == 1<Bar>quit<Bar>else<Bar>bdelete<Bar>endif<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'R', ":echohl WarningMsg<Bar>echo 'Reloading is automatic.  Use :e to force'<Bar>echohl NONE<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'g<Bar>', ":<C-U>echoerr 'Changed to X'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
+  call s:Map('x', 'g<Bar>', ":<C-U>echoerr 'Changed to X'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'X', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDelete(line('.'), 0, v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', 'X', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDelete(line(\"'<\"), line(\"'>\"), v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', 'gI', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageIgnore(line('.'), line('.'), v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('x', 'gI', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageIgnore(line(\"'<\"), line(\"'>\"), v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
+  call s:Map('n', '.', ':<C-U> <C-R>=<SID>StageArgs(0)<CR><Home>')
+  call s:Map('x', '.', ':<C-U> <C-R>=<SID>StageArgs(1)<CR><Home>')
+function! s:StatusProcess(result, stat) abort
+  let stat = a:stat
+  let status_exec = a:stat.status
+  let config = a:stat.config
+  let dir = s:Dir(config)
-    let config = fugitive#Config()
-    let dir = s:Dir()
-    let cmd = [dir]
-    if amatch !~# '^fugitive:' && s:cpath($GIT_INDEX_FILE !=# '' ? resolve(s:GitIndexFileEnv()) : fugitive#Find('.git/index', dir)) !=# s:cpath(amatch)
-      let cmd += [{'env': {'GIT_INDEX_FILE': FugitiveGitPath(amatch)}}]
-    endif
-    if fugitive#GitVersion(2, 15)
-      call add(cmd, '--no-optional-locks')
-    endif
-    let tree = s:Tree(dir)
-    if !empty(tree)
-      let status_cmd = cmd + ['status', '-bz']
-      call add(status_cmd, fugitive#GitVersion(2, 11) ? '--porcelain=v2' : '--porcelain')
-      let status = fugitive#Execute(status_cmd, function('len'))
-    endif
-    doautocmd BufReadPre
-    setlocal noreadonly modifiable nomodeline buftype=nowrite
-    let b:fugitive_files = {'Staged': {}, 'Unstaged': {}}
     let [staged, unstaged, untracked] = [[], [], []]
-    let props = {}
+    let stat.props = {}
-    if !exists('status')
-      let branch = FugitiveHead(0, dir)
-      let head = FugitiveHead(11, dir)
+    if empty(status_exec)
+      let stat.branch = FugitiveHead(0, config)
-    elseif fugitive#Wait(status).exit_status
-      throw 'fugitive: ' . s:JoinChomp(status.stderr)
+    elseif status_exec.exit_status
+      let stat.error = s:JoinChomp(status_exec.stderr)
+      return
-    elseif status.args[-1] ==# '--porcelain=v2'
-      let output = split(tr(join(status.stdout, "\1"), "\1\n", "\n\1"), "\1", 1)[0:-2]
+    elseif status_exec.args[-1] ==# '--porcelain=v2'
+      let output = split(tr(join(status_exec.stdout, "\1"), "\1\n", "\n\1"), "\1", 1)[0:-2]
       let i = 0
       while i < len(output)
         let line = output[i]
         let prop = matchlist(line, '# \(\S\+\) \(.*\)')
         if len(prop)
-          let props[prop[1]] = prop[2]
+          let stat.props[prop[1]] = prop[2]
         elseif line[0] ==# '?'
           call add(untracked, {'type': 'File', 'status': line[0], 'filename': line[2:-1], 'relative': [line[2:-1]]})
         elseif line[0] !=# '#'
@@ -2734,29 +2781,18 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
         let i += 1
-      let branch = substitute(get(props, 'branch.head', '(unknown)'), '\C^(\%(detached\|unknown\))$', '', '')
-      if len(branch)
-        let head = branch
-      elseif has_key(props, 'branch.oid')
-        let head = props['branch.oid'][0:10]
-      else
-        let head = FugitiveHead(11, dir)
-      endif
+      let stat.branch = substitute(get(stat.props, 'branch.head', '(unknown)'), '\C^(\%(detached\|unknown\))$', '', '')
-      let output = split(tr(join(status.stdout, "\1"), "\1\n", "\n\1"), "\1", 1)[0:-2]
+      let output = split(tr(join(status_exec.stdout, "\1"), "\1\n", "\n\1"), "\1", 1)[0:-2]
       while get(output, 0, '') =~# '^\l\+:'
         call remove(output, 0)
-      let head = matchstr(output[0], '^## \zs\S\+\ze\%($\| \[\)')
-      if head =~# '\.\.\.'
-        let head = split(head, '\.\.\.')[0]
-        let branch = head
-      elseif head ==# 'HEAD' || empty(head)
-        let head = FugitiveHead(11, dir)
-        let branch = ''
+      let branch = matchstr(output[0], '^## \zs\S\+\ze\%($\| \[\)')
+      if branch =~# '\.\.\.'
+        let stat.branch = split(branch, '\.\.\.')[0]
-        let branch = head
+        let stat.branch = branch ==# 'HEAD' ? '' : branch
       let i = 0
@@ -2785,22 +2821,26 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
-    let diff_cmd = cmd + ['-c', 'diff.suppressBlankEmpty=false', '-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '--color=never', '--no-ext-diff', '--no-prefix']
-    let diff = {'Staged': {'stdout': ['']}, 'Unstaged': {'stdout': ['']}}
+    let diff_cmd = stat.cmd + ['-c', 'diff.suppressBlankEmpty=false', '-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '--color=never', '--no-ext-diff', '--no-prefix']
+    let stat.diff = {'Staged': {'stdout': ['']}, 'Unstaged': {'stdout': ['']}}
     if len(staged)
-      let diff['Staged'] = fugitive#Execute(diff_cmd + ['--cached'], function('len'))
+      let stat.diff['Staged'] = fugitive#Execute(diff_cmd + ['--cached'], function('len'))
     if len(unstaged)
-      let diff['Unstaged'] = fugitive#Execute(diff_cmd + ['--'] + map(copy(unstaged), 'tree . "/" . v:val.relative[0]'), function('len'))
+      let stat.diff['Unstaged'] = fugitive#Execute(diff_cmd + ['--'] + map(copy(unstaged), 'stat.work_tree . "/" . v:val.relative[0]'), function('len'))
+    let [stat.staged, stat.unstaged, stat.untracked] = [staged, unstaged, untracked]
+    let stat.files = {'Staged': {}, 'Unstaged': {}}
     for dict in staged
-      let b:fugitive_files['Staged'][dict.filename] = dict
+      let stat.files['Staged'][dict.filename] = dict
     for dict in unstaged
-      let b:fugitive_files['Unstaged'][dict.filename] = dict
+      let stat.files['Unstaged'][dict.filename] = dict
+    let branch = stat.branch
     let fetch_remote = config.Get('branch.' . branch . '.remote', 'origin')
     let push_remote = config.Get('branch.' . branch . '.pushRemote',
           \ config.Get('remote.pushDefault', fetch_remote))
@@ -2810,25 +2850,13 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
     if push_remote !=# '.' && empty(config.Get('remote.' . push_remote . '.push', config.Get('remote.' . push_remote . '.fetch')))
       let push_remote = ''
+    let stat.fetch_remote = fetch_remote
+    let stat.push_remote = push_remote
-    let pull_type = 'Pull'
-    if empty(fetch_remote) || empty(branch)
-      let pull_ref = ''
-    elseif fetch_remote ==# '.'
-      let pull_ref = config.Get('branch.' . branch . '.merge', 'refs/heads/' . branch)
+    if empty(stat.fetch_remote) || empty(branch)
+      let stat.merge = ''
-      let pull_ref = substitute(config.Get('branch.' . branch . '.merge', 'refs/heads/' . branch), '^refs/heads/', 'refs/remotes/' . fetch_remote . '/', '')
-    endif
-    if len(pull_ref)
-      let rebase = FugitiveConfigGet('branch.' . branch . '.rebase', config)
-      if empty(rebase)
-        let rebase = FugitiveConfigGet('pull.rebase', config)
-      endif
-      if rebase =~# '^\%(true\|yes\|on\|1\|interactive\|merges\|preserve\)$'
-        let pull_type = 'Rebase'
-      elseif rebase =~# '^\%(false\|no|off\|0\|\)$'
-        let pull_type = 'Merge'
-      endif
+      let stat.merge = config.Get('branch.' . branch . '.merge')
     let push_default = FugitiveConfigGet('push.default', config)
@@ -2836,13 +2864,46 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
       let push_default = fugitive#GitVersion(2) ? 'simple' : 'matching'
     if push_default ==# 'upstream'
-      let push_ref = pull_ref
-    elseif empty(push_remote) || empty(branch)
-      let push_ref = ''
-    elseif push_remote ==# '.'
-      let push_ref = 'refs/heads/' . branch
+      let stat.push = stat.merge
+    elseif empty(stat.push_remote) || empty(branch)
+      let stat.push = ''
-      let push_ref = 'refs/remotes/' . push_remote . '/' . branch
+      let stat.push = 'refs/heads/' . branch
+    endif
+    let stat.pull_type = 'Pull'
+    if len(stat.merge)
+      let rebase = FugitiveConfigGet('branch.' . branch . '.rebase', config)
+      if empty(rebase)
+        let rebase = FugitiveConfigGet('pull.rebase', config)
+      endif
+      if rebase =~# '^\%(true\|yes\|on\|1\|interactive\|merges\|preserve\)$'
+        let stat.pull_type = 'Rebase'
+      elseif rebase =~# '^\%(false\|no|off\|0\|\)$'
+        let stat.pull_type = 'Merge'
+      endif
+    endif
+  endtry
+function! s:StatusRender(stat) abort
+  try
+    let stat = a:stat
+    call fugitive#Wait(stat.running)
+    if has_key(stat, 'error')
+      return 'echoerr ' . string('fugitive: ' . stat.error)
+    endif
+    let [staged, unstaged, untracked, config] = [stat.staged, stat.unstaged, stat.untracked, stat.config]
+    let dir = s:Dir(config)
+    let pull_ref = stat.merge
+    if stat.fetch_remote !=# '.'
+      let pull_ref = substitute(pull_ref, '^refs/heads/', 'refs/remotes/' . stat.fetch_remote . '/', '')
+    endif
+    let push_ref = stat.push
+    if stat.push_remote !=# '.'
+      let push_ref = substitute(push_ref, '^refs/heads/', 'refs/remotes/' . stat.push_remote . '/', '')
     let push_short = substitute(push_ref, '^refs/\w\+/', '', '')
@@ -2854,19 +2915,15 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
       let rebasing_dir = fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-apply/', dir)
+    call fugitive#Wait(stat.rev_parse)
+    let head = empty(stat.branch) ? stat.rev_parse.stdout[0] : stat.branch
     let rebasing = []
     let rebasing_head = 'detached HEAD'
     if exists('rebasing_dir') && filereadable(rebasing_dir . 'git-rebase-todo')
       let rebasing_head = substitute(readfile(rebasing_dir . 'head-name')[0], '\C^refs/heads/', '', '')
-      let len = 11
+      let len = len(stat.rev_parse.stdout[0])
       let lines = readfile(rebasing_dir . 'git-rebase-todo')
-      for line in lines
-        let hash = matchstr(line, '^[^a-z].*\s\zs[0-9a-f]\{4,\}\ze\.\.')
-        if len(hash)
-          let len = len(hash)
-          break
-        endif
-      endfor
       if getfsize(rebasing_dir . 'done') > 0
         let done = readfile(rebasing_dir . 'done')
         call map(done, 'substitute(v:val, ''^\l\+\>'', "done", "")')
@@ -2900,42 +2957,33 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
-    let b:fugitive_diff = diff
-    if a:cmdbang
-      unlet! b:fugitive_expanded
-    endif
-    let expanded = get(b:, 'fugitive_expanded', {'Staged': {}, 'Unstaged': {}})
-    let b:fugitive_expanded = {'Staged': {}, 'Unstaged': {}}
-    silent keepjumps %delete_
-    call s:AddHeader('Head', head)
-    call s:AddHeader(pull_type, pull_short)
+    let stat.expanded = {'Staged': {}, 'Unstaged': {}}
+    let to = {'lines': []}
+    call s:AddHeader(to, 'Head', head)
+    call s:AddHeader(to, stat.pull_type, pull_short)
     if push_ref !=# pull_ref
-      call s:AddHeader('Push', push_short)
+      call s:AddHeader(to, 'Push', push_short)
-    if empty(tree)
+    if empty(stat.work_tree)
       if get(fugitive#ConfigGetAll('core.bare', config), 0, '') !~# '^\%(false\|no|off\|0\|\)$'
-        call s:AddHeader('Bare', 'yes')
+        call s:AddHeader(to, 'Bare', 'yes')
-        call s:AddHeader('Error', s:worktree_error)
+        call s:AddHeader(to, 'Error', s:worktree_error)
     if get(fugitive#ConfigGetAll('advice.statusHints', config), 0, 'true') !~# '^\%(false\|no|off\|0\|\)$'
-      call s:AddHeader('Help', 'g?')
+      call s:AddHeader(to, 'Help', 'g?')
-    call s:AddSection('Rebasing ' . rebasing_head, rebasing)
-    call s:AddSection(get(get(sequencing, 0, {}), 'status', '') ==# 'revert' ? 'Reverting' : 'Cherry Picking', sequencing)
-    call s:AddSection('Untracked', untracked)
-    call s:AddSection('Unstaged', unstaged)
-    let unstaged_end = len(unstaged) ? line('$') : 0
-    call s:AddSection('Staged', staged)
-    let staged_end = len(staged) ? line('$') : 0
+    call s:AddSection(to, 'Rebasing ' . rebasing_head, rebasing)
+    call s:AddSection(to, get(get(sequencing, 0, {}), 'tous', '') ==# 'revert' ? 'Reverting' : 'Cherry Picking', sequencing)
+    call s:AddSection(to, 'Untracked', untracked)
+    call s:AddDiffSection(to, stat, 'Unstaged', unstaged)
+    call s:AddDiffSection(to, stat, 'Staged', staged)
     let unique_push_ref = push_ref ==# pull_ref ? '' : push_ref
     let unpushed_push = s:QueryLogRange(unique_push_ref, head, dir)
-    if get(props, 'branch.ab') =~# '^+0 '
+    if get(stat.props, 'branch.ab') =~# '^+0 '
       let unpushed_pull = {'error': 0, 'overflow': 0, 'entries': []}
       let unpushed_pull = s:QueryLogRange(pull_ref, head, dir)
@@ -2945,90 +2993,90 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
     if unpushed_push.error == 1
       let unpushed_push = unpushed_pull
-    call s:AddLogSection('Unpushed to ' . push_short, unpushed_push)
-    call s:AddLogSection('Unpushed to ' . pull_short, unpushed_pull)
+    call s:AddLogSection(to, 'Unpushed to ' . push_short, unpushed_push)
+    call s:AddLogSection(to, 'Unpushed to ' . pull_short, unpushed_pull)
     if unpushed_push.error && unpushed_pull.error && empty(rebasing) &&
-          \ !empty(push_remote . fetch_remote)
-      call s:AddLogSection('Unpushed to *', s:QueryLog([head, '--not', '--remotes'], 256, dir))
+          \ !empty(stat.push_remote . stat.fetch_remote)
+      call s:AddLogSection(to, 'Unpushed to *', s:QueryLog([head, '--not', '--remotes'], 256, dir))
-    call s:AddLogSection('Unpulled from ' . push_short, s:QueryLogRange(head, unique_push_ref, dir))
-    if len(pull_ref) && get(props, 'branch.ab') !~# ' -0$'
-      call s:AddLogSection('Unpulled from ' . pull_short, s:QueryLogRange(head, pull_ref, dir))
+    call s:AddLogSection(to, 'Unpulled from ' . push_short, s:QueryLogRange(head, unique_push_ref, dir))
+    if len(pull_ref) && get(stat.props, 'branch.ab') !~# ' -0$'
+      call s:AddLogSection(to, 'Unpulled from ' . pull_short, s:QueryLogRange(head, pull_ref, dir))
-    setlocal nomodified readonly noswapfile
-    doautocmd BufReadPost
-    setlocal nomodifiable
+    let bufnr = stat.bufnr
+    setlocal noreadonly modifiable
+    if len(to.lines) < line('$')
+      silent keepjumps execute (len(to.lines)+1) . ',$delete_'
+    endif
+    call setline(1, to.lines)
+    call setbufvar(bufnr, 'fugitive_status', stat)
+    call setbufvar(bufnr, 'fugitive_expanded', stat.expanded)
+    setlocal nomodified readonly nomodifiable
+    return ''
+  finally
+    let b:fugitive_type = 'index'
+  endtry
+function! s:StatusRetrieve(bufnr, ...) abort
+  let amatch = s:Slash(fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnr), ':p'))
+  let dir = s:Dir(a:bufnr)
+  let config = fugitive#Config(dir, function('len'))
+  let cmd = [dir]
+  if amatch !~# '^fugitive:' && s:cpath($GIT_INDEX_FILE !=# '' ? resolve(s:GitIndexFileEnv()) : fugitive#Find('.git/index', dir)) !=# s:cpath(amatch)
+    let cmd += [{'env': {'GIT_INDEX_FILE': FugitiveGitPath(amatch)}}]
+  endif
+  if fugitive#GitVersion(2, 15)
+    call add(cmd, '--no-optional-locks')
+  endif
+  let rev_parse_cmd = cmd + ['rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD', '--']
+  let stat = {'bufnr': a:bufnr, 'reltime': reltime(), 'work_tree': s:Tree(dir), 'cmd': cmd, 'config': config}
+  if empty(stat.work_tree)
+    let stat.rev_parse = call('fugitive#Execute', [rev_parse_cmd, function('s:StatusProcess'), stat] + a:000)
+    let stat.status = {}
+    let stat.running = stat.rev_parse
+  else
+    let stat.rev_parse = fugitive#Execute(rev_parse_cmd)
+    let status_cmd = cmd + ['status', '-bz', fugitive#GitVersion(2, 11) ? '--porcelain=v2' : '--porcelain']
+    let stat.status = call('fugitive#Execute', [status_cmd, function('s:StatusProcess'), stat] + a:000)
+    let stat.running = stat.status
+  endif
+  return stat
+function! fugitive#BufReadStatus(cmdbang) abort
+  exe s:VersionCheck()
+  if a:cmdbang
+    unlet! b:fugitive_expanded
+  endif
+  let b:fugitive_type = 'index'
+  let stat = s:StatusRetrieve(bufnr(''))
+  try
+    let b:fugitive_loading = stat
+    doautocmd <nomodeline> BufReadPre
+    setlocal readonly nomodifiable noswapfile nomodeline buftype=nowrite
+    call s:MapStatus()
+    call s:StatusRender(stat)
+    doautocmd <nomodeline> BufReadPost
     if &bufhidden ==# ''
       setlocal bufhidden=delete
     if !exists('b:dispatch')
       let b:dispatch = ':Git fetch --all'
-    call fugitive#MapJumps()
-    call s:Map('n', '-', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Toggle',0)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', '-', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Toggle',1)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 's', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Stage',0)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', 's', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Stage',1)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'u', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Unstage',0)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', 'u', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Unstage',1)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'U', ":<C-U>Git reset -q<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:MapMotion('gu', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Untracked', 'Unstaged')")
-    call s:MapMotion('gU', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Unstaged', 'Untracked')")
-    call s:MapMotion('gs', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Staged')")
-    call s:MapMotion('gp', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Unpushed')")
-    call s:MapMotion('gP', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Unpulled')")
-    call s:MapMotion('gr', "exe <SID>StageJump(v:count, 'Rebasing')")
-    call s:Map('n', 'C', ":echoerr 'fugitive: C has been removed in favor of cc'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'a', ":<C-U>execute <SID>Do('Toggle',0)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'i', ":<C-U>execute <SID>NextExpandedHunk(v:count1)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', "=", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('toggle',line('.'),v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', "<", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('hide',  line('.'),v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', ">", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('show',  line('.'),v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', "=", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('toggle',line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\")-line(\"'<\")+1)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', "<", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('hide',  line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\")-line(\"'<\")+1)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', ">", ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageInline('show',  line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\")-line(\"'<\")+1)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'D', ":echoerr 'fugitive: D has been removed in favor of dd'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'dd', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Gdiffsplit')<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'dh', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Ghdiffsplit')<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'ds', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Ghdiffsplit')<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'dp', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiffEdit()<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'dv', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Gvdiffsplit')<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'd?', ":<C-U>help fugitive_d<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'P', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line('.'),line('.')+v:count1-1)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', 'P', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'p', ":<C-U>if v:count<Bar>silent exe <SID>GF('pedit')<Bar>else<Bar>echoerr 'Use = for inline diff, P for :Git add/reset --patch, 1p for :pedit'<Bar>endif<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', 'p', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'I', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line('.'),line('.'))<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', 'I', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'gq', ":<C-U>if bufnr('$') == 1<Bar>quit<Bar>else<Bar>bdelete<Bar>endif<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'R', ":echohl WarningMsg<Bar>echo 'Reloading is automatic.  Use :e to force'<Bar>echohl NONE<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'g<Bar>', ":<C-U>echoerr 'Changed to X'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
-    call s:Map('x', 'g<Bar>', ":<C-U>echoerr 'Changed to X'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'X', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDelete(line('.'), 0, v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', 'X', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageDelete(line(\"'<\"), line(\"'>\"), v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'gI', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageIgnore(line('.'), line('.'), v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('x', 'gI', ":<C-U>execute <SID>StageIgnore(line(\"'<\"), line(\"'>\"), v:count)<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', '.', ':<C-U> <C-R>=<SID>StageArgs(0)<CR><Home>')
-    call s:Map('x', '.', ':<C-U> <C-R>=<SID>StageArgs(1)<CR><Home>')
     setlocal filetype=fugitive
-    for [lnum, section] in [[staged_end, 'Staged'], [unstaged_end, 'Unstaged']]
-      while len(getline(lnum))
-        let filename = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^[A-Z?] \zs.*')
-        if has_key(expanded[section], filename)
-          call s:StageInline('show', lnum)
-        endif
-        let lnum -= 1
-      endwhile
-    endfor
-    let b:fugitive_reltime = reltime()
     return s:DoAutocmd('User FugitiveIndex')
-  catch /^fugitive:/
-    return 'echoerr ' . string(v:exception)
-    let b:fugitive_type = 'index'
+    call setbufvar(stat.bufnr, 'fugitive_loading', {})
@@ -3094,15 +3142,16 @@ endfunction
 function! fugitive#BufReadCmd(...) abort
   let amatch = a:0 ? a:1 : expand('<amatch>')
+  let [dir, rev] = s:DirRev(amatch)
+  if empty(dir)
+    return 'echo "Invalid Fugitive URL"'
+  endif
+  call s:InitializeBuffer(dir)
+  if rev ==# ':'
+    return fugitive#BufReadStatus(v:cmdbang)
+  endif
-    let [dir, rev] = s:DirRev(amatch)
-    if empty(dir)
-      return 'echo "Invalid Fugitive URL"'
-    endif
-    call s:InitializeBuffer(dir)
-    if rev ==# ':'
-      return fugitive#BufReadStatus(v:cmdbang)
-    elseif rev =~# '^:\d$'
+    if rev =~# '^:\d$'
       let b:fugitive_type = 'stage'
       let r = fugitive#Execute([dir, 'cat-file', '-t', rev])
@@ -3172,7 +3221,7 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadCmd(...) abort
         if b:fugitive_display_format
           call s:ReplaceCmd([dir, 'cat-file', b:fugitive_type, rev])
-          call s:ReplaceCmd([dir, '-c', 'diff.noprefix=false', '-c', 'log.showRoot=false', 'show', '--no-color', '-m', '--first-parent', '--pretty=format:tree%x20%T%nparent%x20%P%nauthor%x20%an%x20<%ae>%x20%ad%ncommitter%x20%cn%x20<%ce>%x20%cd%nencoding%x20%e%n%n%s%n%n%b', rev])
+          call s:ReplaceCmd([dir, '-c', 'diff.noprefix=false', '-c', 'log.showRoot=false', 'show', '--no-color', '-m', '--first-parent', '--pretty=format:tree%x20%T%nparent%x20%P%nauthor%x20%an%x20<%ae>%x20%ad%ncommitter%x20%cn%x20<%ce>%x20%cd%nencoding%x20%e%n%n%B', rev])
           keepjumps 1
           keepjumps call search('^parent ')
           if getline('.') ==# 'parent '
@@ -3329,8 +3378,9 @@ function! s:TempReadPost(file) abort
     if !&modifiable
       call s:Map('n', 'gq', ":<C-U>bdelete<CR>", '<silent> <unique>')
+    return 'doautocmd <nomodeline> User FugitivePager'
-  return s:DoAutocmd('User FugitivePager')
+  return ''
 function! s:TempDelete(file) abort
@@ -3395,7 +3445,7 @@ function! s:RunEdit(state, tmp, job) abort
   let sentinel = a:state.file . '.edit'
   let file = FugitiveVimPath(readfile(sentinel, '', 1)[0])
-    if !&equalalways && a:state.mods !~# '\<tab\>' && 3 > (a:state.mods =~# '\<vert' ? winwidth(0) : winheight(0))
+    if !&equalalways && a:state.mods !~# '\<\d*tab\>' && 3 > (a:state.mods =~# '\<vert' ? winwidth(0) : winheight(0))
       let noequalalways = 1
       setglobal equalalways
@@ -3746,6 +3796,7 @@ function! fugitive#Command(line1, line2, range, bang, mods, arg, ...) abort
   let flags = []
   let pager = -1
   let explicit_pathspec_option = 0
+  let did_expand_alias = 0
   while len(args)
     if args[0] ==# '-c' && len(args) > 1
       call extend(flags, remove(args, 0, 1))
@@ -3762,8 +3813,18 @@ function! fugitive#Command(line1, line2, range, bang, mods, arg, ...) abort
       call add(flags, remove(args, 0))
     elseif args[0] =~# '^-C$\|^--\%(exec-path=\|git-dir=\|work-tree=\|bare$\)'
       return 'echoerr ' . string('fugitive: ' . args[0] . ' is not supported')
-    else
+    elseif did_expand_alias
+    else
+      let alias = FugitiveConfigGet('alias.' . get(args, 0, ''), config)
+      if get(args, 1, '') !=# '--help' && alias !~# '^$\|^!\|[\"'']' && !filereadable(s:VimExecPath() . '/git-' . args[0])
+            \ && !(has('win32') && filereadable(s:VimExecPath() . '/git-' . args[0] . '.exe'))
+        call remove(args, 0)
+        call extend(args, split(alias, '\s\+'), 'keep')
+        let did_expand_alias = 1
+      else
+        break
+      endif
   if !explicit_pathspec_option
@@ -3795,12 +3856,6 @@ function! fugitive#Command(line1, line2, range, bang, mods, arg, ...) abort
     let cmd = s:StatusCommand(a:line1, a:line2, a:range, curwin ? 0 : a:line2, a:bang, a:mods, '', '', [], options)
     return (empty(cmd) ? 'exe' : cmd) . after
-  let alias = FugitiveConfigGet('alias.' . get(args, 0, ''), config)
-  if get(args, 1, '') !=# '--help' && alias !~# '^$\|^!\|[\"'']' && !filereadable(s:VimExecPath() . '/git-' . args[0])
-        \ && !(has('win32') && filereadable(s:VimExecPath() . '/git-' . args[0] . '.exe'))
-    call remove(args, 0)
-    call extend(args, split(alias, '\s\+'), 'keep')
-  endif
   let name = substitute(get(args, 0, ''), '\%(^\|-\)\(\l\)', '\u\1', 'g')
   if pager is# -1 && name =~# '^\a\+$' && exists('*s:' . name . 'Subcommand') && get(args, 1, '') !=# '--help'
@@ -3895,6 +3950,9 @@ function! fugitive#Command(line1, line2, range, bang, mods, arg, ...) abort
           \ 'GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR': editor,
           \ 'GIT_PAGER': 'cat',
           \ 'PAGER': 'cat'}, 'keep')
+    if s:executable('col')
+      let env.MANPAGER = 'col -b'
+    endif
     if len($GPG_TTY) && !has_key(env, 'GPG_TTY')
       let env.GPG_TTY = ''
       let did_override_gpg_tty = 1
@@ -4280,7 +4338,7 @@ function! s:DoAutocmdChanged(dir) abort
 function! s:ReloadStatusBuffer() abort
-  if get(b:, 'fugitive_type', '') !=# 'index'
+  if get(b:, 'fugitive_type', '') !=# 'index' || !empty(get(b:, 'fugitive_loading'))
     return ''
   let original_lnum = line('.')
@@ -4319,14 +4377,14 @@ function! s:ExpireStatus(bufnr) abort
 function! s:ReloadWinStatus(...) abort
-  if get(b:, 'fugitive_type', '') !=# 'index' || &modified
+  if get(b:, 'fugitive_type', '') !=# 'index' || !empty(get(b:, 'fugitive_loading')) || &modified
-  if !exists('b:fugitive_reltime')
+  if !exists('b:fugitive_status.reltime')
     exe call('s:ReloadStatusBuffer', a:000)
-  let t = b:fugitive_reltime
+  let t = b:fugitive_status.reltime
   if reltimestr(reltime(s:last_time, t)) =~# '-\|\d\{10\}\.' ||
         \ reltimestr(reltime(get(s:last_times, s:Tree() . '/', t), t)) =~# '-\|\d\{10\}\.'
     exe call('s:ReloadStatusBuffer', a:000)
@@ -4334,6 +4392,15 @@ function! s:ReloadWinStatus(...) abort
 function! s:ReloadTabStatus() abort
+  if !exists('g:fugitive_did_change_at')
+    return
+  elseif exists('t:fugitive_reloaded_at')
+    let time_ahead = reltime(g:fugitive_did_change_at, t:fugitive_reloaded_at)
+    if reltimefloat(time_ahead) >= 0
+      return
+    endif
+  endif
+  let t:fugitive_reloaded_at = reltime()
   let winnr = 1
   while winnr <= winnr('$')
     if getbufvar(winbufnr(winnr), 'fugitive_type') ==# 'index'
@@ -4352,17 +4419,12 @@ function! s:ReloadTabStatus() abort
     let winnr += 1
-  unlet! t:fugitive_reload_status
 function! fugitive#DidChange(...) abort
   call s:ExpireStatus(a:0 ? a:1 : -1)
   if a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : (!a:0 || a:1 isnot# 0)
-    let t = reltime()
-    let t:fugitive_reload_status = t
-    for tabnr in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
-      call settabvar(tabnr, 'fugitive_reload_status', t)
-    endfor
+    let g:fugitive_did_change_at = reltime()
     call s:ReloadTabStatus()
     call s:ReloadWinStatus()
@@ -4405,11 +4467,13 @@ augroup fugitive_status
   autocmd BufEnter index,index.lock,fugitive://*//
         \ call s:ReloadWinStatus()
   autocmd TabEnter *
-        \ if exists('t:fugitive_reload_status') |
-        \    call s:ReloadTabStatus() |
-        \ endif
+        \ call s:ReloadTabStatus()
 augroup END
+function! s:StatusSectionFile(heading, filename) abort
+  return get(get(get(get(b:, 'fugitive_status', {}), 'files', {}), a:heading, {}), a:filename, {})
 function! s:StageInfo(...) abort
   let lnum = a:0 ? a:1 : line('.')
   let sigil = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^[ @\+-]')
@@ -4432,7 +4496,7 @@ function! s:StageInfo(...) abort
   let text = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^[A-Z?] \zs.*')
-  let file = get(get(b:fugitive_files, heading, {}), text, {})
+  let file = s:StatusSectionFile(heading, text)
   let relative = get(file, 'relative', len(text) ? [text] : [])
   return {'section': matchstr(heading, '^\u\l\+'),
         \ 'heading': heading,
@@ -4514,7 +4578,7 @@ function! s:Selection(arg1, ...) abort
       let results[-1].lnum = lnum
     elseif line =~# '^[A-Z?] '
       let text = matchstr(line, '^[A-Z?] \zs.*')
-      let file = get(get(b:fugitive_files, template.heading, {}), text, {})
+      let file = s:StatusSectionFile(template.heading, text)
       let relative = get(file, 'relative', len(text) ? [text] : [])
       call add(results, extend(deepcopy(template), {
             \ 'lnum': lnum,
@@ -4815,6 +4879,29 @@ function! s:PatchSearchExpr(reverse) abort
   return a:reverse ? '#' : '*'
+function! s:StageInlineGetDiff(diff_section, info) abort
+  let diff = []
+  if a:info.status ==# 'U'
+    let diff_header = 'diff --cc ' . s:Quote(a:info.relative[0])
+  else
+    let diff_header = 'diff --git ' . s:Quote(a:info.relative[-1]) . ' ' . s:Quote(a:info.relative[0])
+  endif
+  let stdout = fugitive#Wait(a:diff_section).stdout
+  let start = index(stdout, diff_header)
+  if start == -1
+    return [[], -1]
+  endif
+  let index = start + 1
+  while get(stdout, index, '@@') !~# '^@@\|^diff '
+    let index += 1
+  endwhile
+  while get(stdout, index, '') =~# '^[@ \+-]'
+    call add(diff, stdout[index])
+    let index += 1
+  endwhile
+  return [diff, start]
 function! s:StageInline(mode, ...) abort
   if &filetype !=# 'fugitive'
     return ''
@@ -4839,7 +4926,8 @@ function! s:StageInline(mode, ...) abort
       let lnum -= 1
     let info = s:StageInfo(lnum)
-    if !has_key(b:fugitive_diff, info.section)
+    let diff_section = get(get(get(b:, 'fugitive_status', {}), 'diff', {}), info.section, {})
+    if empty(diff_section)
     if getline(lnum + 1) =~# '^[ @\+-]'
@@ -4855,29 +4943,10 @@ function! s:StageInline(mode, ...) abort
-    if !has_key(b:fugitive_diff, info.section) || info.status !~# '^[ADMRU]$' || a:mode ==# 'hide'
+    if info.status !~# '^[ADMRU]$' || a:mode ==# 'hide'
-    let mode = ''
-    let diff = []
-    if info.status ==# 'U'
-      let diff_header = 'diff --cc ' . s:Quote(info.relative[0])
-    else
-      let diff_header = 'diff --git ' . s:Quote(info.relative[-1]) . ' ' . s:Quote(info.relative[0])
-    endif
-    let stdout = fugitive#Wait(b:fugitive_diff[info.section]).stdout
-    let start = index(stdout, diff_header)
-    if start == -1
-      continue
-    endif
-    let index = start + 1
-    while get(stdout, index, '@@') !~# '^@@\|^diff '
-      let index += 1
-    endwhile
-    while get(stdout, index, '') =~# '^[@ \+-]'
-      call add(diff, stdout[index])
-      let index += 1
-    endwhile
+    let [diff, start] = s:StageInlineGetDiff(diff_section, info)
     if len(diff)
       setlocal modifiable noreadonly
       silent call append(lnum, diff)
@@ -4917,19 +4986,19 @@ function! s:StageDiff(diff) abort
     return 'Git --paginate diff --no-ext-diff'
   elseif len(info.paths) > 1
     execute 'Gedit' . prefix s:fnameescape(':0:' . info.paths[0])
-    return a:diff . '! @:'.s:fnameescape(info.paths[1])
+    return 'keepalt ' . a:diff . '! @:'.s:fnameescape(info.paths[1])
   elseif info.section ==# 'Staged' && info.sigil ==# '-'
     execute 'Gedit' prefix s:fnameescape(':0:'.info.paths[0])
-    return a:diff . '! :0:%'
+    return 'keepalt ' . a:diff . '! :0:%'
   elseif info.section ==# 'Staged'
     execute 'Gedit' prefix s:fnameescape(':0:'.info.paths[0])
-    return a:diff . '! @:%'
+    return 'keepalt ' . a:diff . '! @:%'
   elseif info.sigil ==# '-'
     execute 'Gedit' prefix s:fnameescape(':0:'.info.paths[0])
-    return a:diff . '! :(top)%'
+    return 'keepalt ' . a:diff . '! :(top)%'
     execute 'Gedit' prefix s:fnameescape(':(top)'.info.paths[0])
-    return a:diff . '!'
+    return 'keepalt ' . a:diff . '!'
@@ -4979,7 +5048,7 @@ function! s:StageApply(info, reverse, extra) abort
   let i = b:fugitive_expanded[info.section][info.filename][0]
   let head = []
-  let diff_lines = fugitive#Wait(b:fugitive_diff[info.section]).stdout
+  let diff_lines = fugitive#Wait(b:fugitive_status.diff[info.section]).stdout
   while get(diff_lines, i, '@') !~# '^@'
     let line = diff_lines[i]
     if line ==# '--- /dev/null'
@@ -5017,7 +5086,7 @@ function! s:StageDelete(lnum1, lnum2, count) abort
-      let sub = get(get(get(b:fugitive_files, info.section, {}), info.filename, {}), 'submodule')
+      let sub = get(s:StatusSectionFile(info.section, info.filename), 'submodule', '')
       if sub =~# '^S' && info.status ==# 'M'
         let undo = 'Git checkout ' . fugitive#RevParse('HEAD', FugitiveExtractGitDir(info.paths[0]))[0:10] . ' --'
       elseif sub =~# '^S'
@@ -5041,19 +5110,19 @@ function! s:StageDelete(lnum1, lnum2, count) abort
       elseif info.status ==# '?'
         call s:TreeChomp('clean', '-f', '--', info.paths[0])
       elseif a:count == 2
-        if get(b:fugitive_files['Staged'], info.filename, {'status': ''}).status ==# 'D'
+        if get(s:StatusSectionFile('Staged', info.filename), 'status', '') ==# 'D'
           call delete(info.paths[0])
           call s:TreeChomp('checkout', '--ours', '--', info.paths[0])
       elseif a:count == 3
-        if get(b:fugitive_files['Unstaged'], info.filename, {'status': ''}).status ==# 'D'
+        if get(s:StatusSectionFile('Unstaged', info.filename), 'status', '') ==# 'D'
           call delete(info.paths[0])
           call s:TreeChomp('checkout', '--theirs', '--', info.paths[0])
       elseif info.status =~# '[ADU]' &&
-            \ get(b:fugitive_files[info.section ==# 'Staged' ? 'Unstaged' : 'Staged'], info.filename, {'status': ''}).status =~# '[AU]'
+            \ get(s:StatusSectionFile(info.section ==# 'Staged' ? 'Unstaged' : 'Staged', info.filename), 'status', '') =~# '[AU]'
         if get(g:, 'fugitive_conflict_x', 0)
           call s:TreeChomp('checkout', info.section ==# 'Unstaged' ? '--ours' : '--theirs', '--', info.paths[0])
@@ -5126,11 +5195,12 @@ function! s:DoToggleHelpHeader(value) abort
 function! s:DoStagePushHeader(value) abort
-  let remote = matchstr(a:value, '\zs[^/]\+\ze/')
-  if empty(remote)
-    let remote = '.'
+  let stat = get(b:, 'fugitive_status', {})
+  let remote = get(stat, 'push_remote', '')
+  let branch = substitute(get(stat, 'push', ''), '^ref/heads/', '', '')
+  if empty(remote) || empty(branch)
+    return
-  let branch = matchstr(a:value, '\%([^/]\+/\)\=\zs\S\+')
   call feedkeys(':Git push ' . remote . ' ' . branch)
@@ -5139,15 +5209,13 @@ function! s:DoTogglePushHeader(value) abort
 function! s:DoStageUnpushedHeading(heading) abort
-  let remote = matchstr(a:heading, 'to \zs[^/]\+\ze/')
-  if empty(remote)
-    let remote = '.'
-  endif
-  let branch = matchstr(a:heading, 'to \%([^/]\+/\)\=\zs\S\+')
-  if branch ==# '*'
+  let stat = get(b:, 'fugitive_status', {})
+  let remote = get(stat, 'push_remote', '')
+  let push = get(stat, 'push', '')
+  if empty(remote) || empty(push)
-  call feedkeys(':Git push ' . remote . ' ' . '@:' . 'refs/heads/' . branch)
+  call feedkeys(':Git push ' . remote . ' ' . '@:' . push)
 function! s:DoToggleUnpushedHeading(heading) abort
@@ -5155,15 +5223,13 @@ function! s:DoToggleUnpushedHeading(heading) abort
 function! s:DoStageUnpushed(record) abort
-  let remote = matchstr(a:record.heading, 'to \zs[^/]\+\ze/')
-  if empty(remote)
-    let remote = '.'
-  endif
-  let branch = matchstr(a:record.heading, 'to \%([^/]\+/\)\=\zs\S\+')
-  if branch ==# '*'
+  let stat = get(b:, 'fugitive_status', {})
+  let remote = get(stat, 'push_remote', '')
+  let push = get(stat, 'push', '')
+  if empty(remote) || empty(push)
-  call feedkeys(':Git push ' . remote . ' ' . a:record.commit . ':' . 'refs/heads/' . branch)
+  call feedkeys(':Git push ' . remote . ' ' . a:record.commit . ':' . push)
 function! s:DoToggleUnpushed(record) abort
@@ -5261,10 +5327,11 @@ function! s:DoStageUntracked(record) abort
   return s:DoToggleUntracked(a:record)
-function! s:StagePatch(lnum1,lnum2) abort
+function! s:StagePatch(lnum1, lnum2, ...) abort
   let add = []
   let reset = []
   let intend = []
+  let patch_only = a:0 && a:1
   for lnum in range(a:lnum1,a:lnum2)
     let info = s:StageInfo(lnum)
@@ -5277,6 +5344,13 @@ function! s:StagePatch(lnum1,lnum2) abort
     elseif empty(info.paths) && info.section ==# 'Untracked'
       execute 'tab Git add --interactive'
+    elseif !patch_only && info.section ==# 'Unpushed'
+      if empty(info.commit)
+        call s:DoStageUnpushedHeading(info)
+      else
+        call s:DoStageUnpushed(info)
+      endif
+      return ''
     elseif empty(info.paths)
@@ -5431,7 +5505,9 @@ function! s:ToolItems(state, from, to, offsets, text, ...) abort
     call add(items, item)
-  let items[-1].context = {'diff': items[0:-2]}
+  if get(a:offsets, 0, '') isnot# 'none'
+    let items[-1].context = {'diff': items[0:-2]}
+  endif
   return [items[-1]]
@@ -5487,6 +5563,10 @@ function! s:ToolParse(state, line) abort
     let [_, add, remove, to; __] = matchlist(a:line, '^\(\d\+\|-\)\t\(\d\+\|-\)\t\(.*\)')
     let [to, from] = s:ToolToFrom(to)
     return s:ToolItems(a:state, from, to, [], add ==# '-' ? 'Binary file' : '+' . add . ' -' . remove, add !=# '-')
+  elseif a:line =~# '^\f\+:\d\+: \D'
+    " --check
+    let [_, to, line, text; __] = matchlist(a:line, '^\(\f\+\):\(\d\+\):\s*\(.*\)$')
+    return s:ToolItems(a:state, to, to, ['none', line], text)
   elseif a:state.mode !=# 'diffhead' && a:state.mode !=# 'hunk' && len(a:line) || a:line =~# '^git: \|^usage: \|^error: \|^fatal: '
     return [{'text': a:line}]
@@ -5541,7 +5621,7 @@ function! s:ToolStream(line1, line2, range, bang, mods, options, args, state) ab
       for item in s:ToolParse(a:state, line)
         if len(get(item, 'filename', '')) && item.filename != filename
           call add(cmd, 'tabedit ' . s:fnameescape(item.filename))
-          for i in reverse(range(len(get(item.context, 'diff', []))))
+          for i in reverse(range(len(get(get(item, 'context', {}), 'diff', []))))
             call add(cmd, (i ? 'rightbelow' : 'leftabove') . ' vertical Gdiffsplit! ' . s:fnameescape(item.context.diff[i].filename))
           call add(cmd, 'wincmd =')
@@ -5714,7 +5794,7 @@ function! s:GrepOptions(args, dir) abort
   let options = {'name_only': 0, 'name_count': 0, 'line_number': 0}
   let tree = s:Tree(a:dir)
   let prefix = empty(tree) ? fugitive#Find(':0:', a:dir) :
-        \ s:cpath(getcwd(), tree) ? '' : s:VimSlash(tree . '/')
+        \ s:VimSlash(tree . '/')
   let options.prefix = prefix
   for arg in a:args
     if arg ==# '--'
@@ -6042,6 +6122,7 @@ endfunction
 function! s:UsableWin(nr) abort
   return a:nr && !getwinvar(a:nr, '&previewwindow') && !getwinvar(a:nr, '&winfixwidth') &&
+        \ !getwinvar(a:nr, '&winfixbuf') &&
         \ (empty(getwinvar(a:nr, 'fugitive_status')) || getbufvar(winbufnr(a:nr), 'fugitive_type') !=# 'index') &&
         \ index(['gitrebase', 'gitcommit'], getbufvar(winbufnr(a:nr), '&filetype')) < 0 &&
         \ index(['nofile','help','quickfix', 'terminal'], getbufvar(winbufnr(a:nr), '&buftype')) < 0
@@ -6173,7 +6254,7 @@ function! fugitive#DiffClose() abort
 function! s:BlurStatus() abort
-  if (&previewwindow || exists('w:fugitive_status')) && get(b:,'fugitive_type', '') ==# 'index'
+  if (&previewwindow || getwinvar(winnr(), '&winfixbuf') is# 1 || exists('w:fugitive_status')) && get(b:, 'fugitive_type', '') ==# 'index'
     let winnrs = filter([winnr('#')] + range(1, winnr('$')), 's:UsableWin(v:val)')
     if len(winnrs)
       exe winnrs[0].'wincmd w'
@@ -6544,9 +6625,9 @@ function! fugitive#Diffsplit(autodir, keepfocus, mods, arg, ...) abort
     return s:Mods(a:mods) . 'DiffGitCached' . (len(post) ? '|' . post : '')
   let commit = s:DirCommitFile(@%)[1]
-  if a:mods =~# '\<tab\>'
-    let mods = substitute(a:mods, '\<tab\>', '', 'g')
-    let pre = 'tab split'
+  if a:mods =~# '\<\d*tab\>'
+    let mods = substitute(a:mods, '\<\d*tab\>', '', 'g')
+    let pre = matchstr(a:mods, '\<\d*tab\>') . 'edit'
     let mods = 'keepalt ' . a:mods
     let pre = ''
@@ -7024,15 +7105,16 @@ function! s:BlameSubcommand(line1, count, range, bang, mods, options) abort
           return reload[1 : -1]
-        if a:mods =~# '\<tab\>'
-          silent tabedit %
+        let tabmod = matchstr(a:mods, '\<\d*tab\>')
+        let mods = substitute(a:mods, '\<\d*tab\>', '', 'g')
+        if !empty(tabmod)
+          silent execute tabmod . 'edit %'
         let temp_state.origin_bufnr = bufnr('')
         if exists('*win_getid')
           let temp_state.origin_winid = win_getid()
         let restore = []
-        let mods = substitute(a:mods, '\<tab\>', '', 'g')
         for winnr in range(winnr('$'),1,-1)
           if getwinvar(winnr, '&scrollbind')
             if !&l:scrollbind
@@ -7066,6 +7148,9 @@ function! s:BlameSubcommand(line1, count, range, bang, mods, options) abort
         normal! zt
         execute current
         setlocal nonumber scrollbind nowrap foldcolumn=0 nofoldenable winfixwidth
+        if exists('&winfixbuf')
+          setlocal winfixbuf
+        endif
         if exists('+relativenumber')
           setlocal norelativenumber
@@ -7208,7 +7293,7 @@ function! fugitive#BlameSyntax() abort
   exec 'syn match FugitiveblameOriginalFile       "\s\%(\f\+\D\@<=\|\D\@=\f\+\)\%(\%(\s\+\d\+\)\=\s\%((\|\s*\d\+)\)\)\@=" contained nextgroup=FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber,FugitiveblameAnnotation skipwhite' (s:HasOpt(flags, '--show-name', '-f') ? '' : conceal)
   exec 'syn match FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber "\s*\d\+\%(\s(\)\@=" contained nextgroup=FugitiveblameAnnotation skipwhite' (s:HasOpt(flags, '--show-number', '-n') ? '' : conceal)
   exec 'syn match FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber "\s*\d\+\%(\s\+\d\+)\)\@=" contained nextgroup=FugitiveblameShort skipwhite' (s:HasOpt(flags, '--show-number', '-n') ? '' : conceal)
-  syn match FugitiveblameShort              " \d\+)" contained contains=FugitiveblameLineNumber
+  syn match FugitiveblameShort              " \+\d\+)" contained contains=FugitiveblameLineNumber
   syn match FugitiveblameNotCommittedYet "(\@<=Not Committed Yet\>" contained containedin=FugitiveblameAnnotation
   hi def link FugitiveblameBoundary           Keyword
   hi def link FugitiveblameHash               Identifier
@@ -7278,7 +7363,7 @@ function! s:BlameMaps(is_ftplugin) abort
   call s:Map('n', '-',    ':<C-U>exe <SID>BlameJump("")<CR>', '<silent>', ft)
   call s:Map('n', 's',    ':<C-U>exe <SID>BlameJump("")<CR>', '<silent>', ft)
   call s:Map('n', 'u',    ':<C-U>exe <SID>BlameJump("")<CR>', '<silent>', ft)
-  call s:Map('n', 'P',    ':<C-U>exe <SID>BlameJump("^".v:count1)<CR>', '<silent>', ft)
+  call s:Map('n', 'P',    ':<C-U>if !v:count<Bar>echoerr "Use ~ (or provide a count)"<Bar>else<Bar>exe <SID>BlameJump("^".v:count1)<Bar>endif<CR>', '<silent>', ft)
   call s:Map('n', '~',    ':<C-U>exe <SID>BlameJump("~".v:count1)<CR>', '<silent>', ft)
   call s:Map('n', 'i',    ':<C-U>exe <SID>BlameCommit("exe <SID>BlameLeave()<Bar>edit")<CR>', '<silent>', ft)
   call s:Map('n', 'o',    ':<C-U>exe <SID>BlameCommit("split")<CR>', '<silent>', ft)
@@ -7356,6 +7441,8 @@ function! s:BrowserOpen(url, mods, echo_copy) abort
       return 'echo '.string(url).'|' . mods . 'call netrw#BrowseX('.string(url).', 0)'
     elseif exists('*netrw#NetrwBrowseX')
       return 'echo '.string(url).'|' . mods . 'call netrw#NetrwBrowseX('.string(url).', 0)'
+    elseif has('nvim-0.10')
+      return mods . 'echo luaeval("({vim.ui.open(_A)})[2] or _A", ' . string(url) . ')'
       return 'echoerr ' . string('Netrw not found. Define your own :Browse to use :GBrowse')
@@ -7908,10 +7995,10 @@ function! fugitive#MapJumps(...) abort
       call s:Map('n', 'D', ":echoerr 'fugitive: D has been removed in favor of dd'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
-      call s:Map('n', 'dd', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<Bar>Gdiffsplit!<CR>", '<silent>')
-      call s:Map('n', 'dh', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<Bar>Ghdiffsplit!<CR>", '<silent>')
-      call s:Map('n', 'ds', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<Bar>Ghdiffsplit!<CR>", '<silent>')
-      call s:Map('n', 'dv', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<Bar>Gvdiffsplit!<CR>", '<silent>')
+      call s:Map('n', 'dd', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<Bar>keepalt Gdiffsplit!<CR>", '<silent>')
+      call s:Map('n', 'dh', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<Bar>keepalt Ghdiffsplit!<CR>", '<silent>')
+      call s:Map('n', 'ds', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<Bar>keepalt Ghdiffsplit!<CR>", '<silent>')
+      call s:Map('n', 'dv', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<Bar>keepalt Gvdiffsplit!<CR>", '<silent>')
       call s:Map('n', 'd?', ":<C-U>help fugitive_d<CR>", '<silent>')
@@ -7946,7 +8033,7 @@ function! fugitive#MapJumps(...) abort
     call s:Map('n', 'S',    ':<C-U>echoerr "Use gO"<CR>', '<silent><unique>')
     call s:Map('n', 'dq', ":<C-U>call fugitive#DiffClose()<CR>", '<silent>')
     call s:Map('n', '-', ":<C-U>exe 'Gedit ' . <SID>fnameescape(<SID>NavigateUp(v:count1))<Bar> if getline(1) =~# '^tree \x\{40,\}$' && empty(getline(2))<Bar>call search('^'.escape(expand('#:t'),'.*[]~\').'/\=$','wc')<Bar>endif<CR>", '<silent>')
-    call s:Map('n', 'P',     ":<C-U>exe 'Gedit ' . <SID>fnameescape(<SID>ContainingCommit().'^'.v:count1.<SID>Relative(':'))<CR>", '<silent>')
+    call s:Map('n', 'P',     ":<C-U>if !v:count<Bar>echoerr 'Use ~ (or provide a count)'<Bar>else<Bar>exe 'Gedit ' . <SID>fnameescape(<SID>ContainingCommit().'^'.v:count1.<SID>Relative(':'))<Bar>endif<CR>", '<silent>')
     call s:Map('n', '~',     ":<C-U>exe 'Gedit ' . <SID>fnameescape(<SID>ContainingCommit().'~'.v:count1.<SID>Relative(':'))<CR>", '<silent>')
     call s:Map('n', 'C',     ":<C-U>exe 'Gedit ' . <SID>fnameescape(<SID>ContainingCommit())<CR>", '<silent>')
     call s:Map('n', 'cp',    ":<C-U>echoerr 'Use gC'<CR>", '<silent><unique>')
@@ -8327,8 +8414,8 @@ function! fugitive#Foldtext() abort
   elseif &filetype ==# 'gitcommit' && line_foldstart =~# '^# .*:$'
     let lines = getline(v:foldstart, v:foldend)
     call filter(lines, 'v:val =~# "^#\t"')
-    cal map(lines, "s:sub(v:val, '^#\t%(modified: +|renamed: +)=', '')")
-    cal map(lines, "s:sub(v:val, '^([[:alpha:] ]+): +(.*)', '\\2 (\\1)')")
+    call map(lines, "s:sub(v:val, '^#\t%(modified: +|renamed: +)=', '')")
+    call map(lines, "s:sub(v:val, '^([[:alpha:] ]+): +(.*)', '\\2 (\\1)')")
     return line_foldstart.' '.join(lines, ', ')
   return foldtext()
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/doc/fugitive.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/doc/fugitive.txt
index d5d4300c..7d5c1070 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/doc/fugitive.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/doc/fugitive.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ that are part of Git repositories).
 :G [args]               Same as :Git, but two characters shorter.
+                                                *fugitive-summary*
+:Git                    With no arguments, bring up a summary window vaguely
+                        akin to git-status.  If a summary window is already
+                        open for the current repository, it is focused
+                        instead.  Press g?  or see |fugitive-maps| for usage.
 :Git {args}             Run an arbitrary git command and display any output.
                         On UNIX this uses a pty and on other platforms it uses
@@ -47,12 +53,6 @@ that are part of Git repositories).
 :{range}Git! -p {args}  Run an arbitrary git command, and insert the output
                         after {range} in the current buffer.
-                                                *fugitive-summary*
-:Git                    With no arguments, bring up a summary window vaguely
-                        akin to git-status.  If a summary window is already
-                        open for the current repository, it is focused
-                        instead.  Press g?  or see |fugitive-maps| for usage.
 :Git blame [flags]      Run git-blame [flags] on the current file and open the
                         results in a scroll-bound vertical split.  The
@@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ ds                      Perform a |:Ghdiffsplit| on the file under the cursor.
-dq                      Close all but one diff buffer, and |:diffoff|! the
-                        last one.
+dq                      Close all but the currently focused diff buffer, and
+                        invoke |:diffoff|!.
 d?                      Show this help.
@@ -380,6 +380,9 @@ p                       Open the file or |fugitive-object| under the cursor in
 P                       Open the current file in the [count]th parent.
+                        Experimental:  In the "Unpushed" section of the status
+                        buffer, this will populate the command line with a
+                        ":Git push" command for the commit under the cursor.
 C                       Open the commit containing the current file.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim
index d88fb8cc..86e65767 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-fugitive/plugin/fugitive.vim
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ endfunction
 " argument can be either the object returned by FugitiveConfig(), or a Git
 " dir or buffer number to be passed along to FugitiveConfig().
 function! FugitiveConfigGet(name, ...) abort
-  return get(call('FugitiveConfigGetAll', [a:name] + (a:0 ? [a:1] : [])), 0, get(a:, 2, ''))
+  return get(call('FugitiveConfigGetAll', [a:name] + (a:0 ? [a:1] : [])), -1, get(a:, 2, ''))
 " FugitiveConfigGetAll() is like FugitiveConfigGet() but returns a list of
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter.vim
index 01bacdcd..3fdac4a6 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter.vim
@@ -118,11 +118,16 @@ endfunction
 " }}}
-function! gitgutter#git()
+" Optional argument is buffer number
+function! gitgutter#git(...)
+  let git = g:gitgutter_git_executable
+  if a:0
+    let git .= ' -C '.gitgutter#utility#dir(a:1)
+  endif
   if empty(g:gitgutter_git_args)
-    return g:gitgutter_git_executable
+    return git
-    return g:gitgutter_git_executable.' '.g:gitgutter_git_args
+    return git.' '.g:gitgutter_git_args
@@ -258,9 +263,7 @@ function! gitgutter#difforig()
   if g:gitgutter_diff_relative_to ==# 'index'
     let index_name = gitgutter#utility#get_diff_base(bufnr).':'.gitgutter#utility#base_path(bufnr)
-    let cmd = gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(bufnr,
-          \ gitgutter#git().' --no-pager show '.index_name
-          \ )
+    let cmd = gitgutter#git(bufnr).' --no-pager show '.index_name
     " NOTE: this uses &shell to execute cmd.  Perhaps we should use instead
     " gitgutter#utility's use_known_shell() / restore_shell() functions.
     silent! execute "read ++edit !" cmd
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
index 8b9f1301..988e4a2d 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function! s:build_command(cmd)
   if has('win32')
-    return has('nvim') ? ['cmd.exe', '/c', a:cmd] : 'cmd.exe /c '.a:cmd
+    return has('nvim') ? a:cmd : 'cmd.exe /c '.a:cmd
   throw 'unknown os'
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/diff.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/diff.vim
index 6325ca33..484b89d2 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/diff.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/diff.vim
@@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ function! gitgutter#diff#run_diff(bufnr, from, preserve_full_diff) abort
     " Write file from index to temporary file.
     let index_name = gitgutter#utility#get_diff_base(a:bufnr).':'.gitgutter#utility#base_path(a:bufnr)
-    let cmd .= gitgutter#git().' --no-pager show --textconv '.index_name.' > '.from_file.' || exit 0) && ('
+    let cmd .= gitgutter#git(a:bufnr).' --no-pager show --textconv '.index_name.' > '.from_file.' || exit 0) && ('
   elseif a:from ==# 'working_tree'
     let from_file = gitgutter#utility#repo_path(a:bufnr, 1)
   " Call git-diff.
-  let cmd .= gitgutter#git().' --no-pager'
+  let cmd .= gitgutter#git(a:bufnr).' --no-pager'
   if gitgutter#utility#git_supports_command_line_config_override()
     let cmd .= ' -c "diff.autorefreshindex=0"'
     let cmd .= ' -c "diff.noprefix=false"'
@@ -144,8 +144,6 @@ function! gitgutter#diff#run_diff(bufnr, from, preserve_full_diff) abort
   let cmd .= ')'
-  let cmd = gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(a:bufnr, cmd)
   if g:gitgutter_async && gitgutter#async#available()
     call gitgutter#async#execute(cmd, a:bufnr, {
           \   'out': function('gitgutter#diff#handler'),
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/hunk.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/hunk.vim
index 7546917f..7eda8ac5 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/hunk.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/hunk.vim
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ function! gitgutter#hunk#next_hunk(count) abort
     if hunk[2] > current_line
       let hunk_count += 1
       if hunk_count == a:count
-        execute 'normal!' hunk[2] . 'Gzv'
+        let keys = &foldopen =~# '\<block\>' ? 'zv' : ''
+        execute 'normal!' hunk[2] . 'G' . keys
         if g:gitgutter_show_msg_on_hunk_jumping
           redraw | echo printf('Hunk %d of %d', index(hunks, hunk) + 1, len(hunks))
@@ -90,8 +91,9 @@ function! gitgutter#hunk#prev_hunk(count) abort
     if hunk[2] < current_line
       let hunk_count += 1
       if hunk_count == a:count
+        let keys = &foldopen =~# '\<block\>' ? 'zv' : ''
         let target = hunk[2] == 0 ? 1 : hunk[2]
-        execute 'normal!' target . 'Gzv'
+        execute 'normal!' target . 'G' . keys
         if g:gitgutter_show_msg_on_hunk_jumping
           redraw | echo printf('Hunk %d of %d', index(hunks, hunk) + 1, len(hunks))
@@ -306,9 +308,8 @@ function! s:stage(hunk_diff)
       let path = gitgutter#utility#repo_path(bufnr, 1)
       " Add file to index.
-      let cmd = gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(bufnr,
-            \ gitgutter#git().' add '.
-            \ gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#filename(bufnr)))
+      let cmd = gitgutter#git(bufnr).' add '.
+            \ gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#filename(bufnr))
       let [_, error_code] = gitgutter#utility#system(cmd)
@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ function! s:stage(hunk_diff)
     let diff = s:adjust_header(bufnr, a:hunk_diff)
     " Apply patch to index.
     let [_, error_code] = gitgutter#utility#system(
-          \ gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(bufnr, gitgutter#git().' apply --cached --unidiff-zero - '),
+          \ gitgutter#git(bufnr).' apply --cached --unidiff-zero - ',
           \ diff)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/utility.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/utility.vim
index 9c2b9c38..d6579389 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/utility.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/utility.vim
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function! gitgutter#utility#is_active(bufnr) abort
 function! s:not_git_dir(bufnr) abort
-  return s:dir(a:bufnr) !~ '[/\\]\.git\($\|[/\\]\)'
+  return gitgutter#utility#dir(a:bufnr) !~ '[/\\]\.git\($\|[/\\]\)'
 function! s:is_file_buffer(bufnr) abort
@@ -162,9 +162,8 @@ function! gitgutter#utility#set_repo_path(bufnr, continuation) abort
   " *               -3 - assume unchanged
   call gitgutter#utility#setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'path', -1)
-  let cmd = gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(a:bufnr,
-        \ gitgutter#git().' ls-files -v --error-unmatch --full-name -z -- '.
-        \ gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#filename(a:bufnr)))
+  let cmd = gitgutter#git(a:bufnr).' ls-files -v --error-unmatch --full-name -z -- '.
+        \ gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#filename(a:bufnr))
   if g:gitgutter_async && gitgutter#async#available() && !has('vim_starting')
     let handler = copy(s:set_path_handler)
@@ -193,9 +192,8 @@ endfunction
 function! gitgutter#utility#clean_smudge_filter_applies(bufnr)
   let filtered = gitgutter#utility#getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'filter', -1)
   if filtered == -1
-    let cmd = gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(a:bufnr,
-          \ gitgutter#git().' check-attr filter -- '.
-          \ gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#filename(a:bufnr)))
+    let cmd = gitgutter#git(a:bufnr).' check-attr filter -- '.
+          \ gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#filename(a:bufnr))
     let [out, _] = gitgutter#utility#system(cmd)
     let filtered = out !~ 'unspecified'
     call gitgutter#utility#setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'filter', filtered)
@@ -204,19 +202,6 @@ function! gitgutter#utility#clean_smudge_filter_applies(bufnr)
-function! gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(bufnr, cmd) abort
-  let cd = s:unc_path(a:bufnr) ? 'pushd' : (gitgutter#utility#windows() && s:dos_shell() ? 'cd /d' : 'cd')
-  return cd.' '.s:dir(a:bufnr).' && '.a:cmd
-function! s:unc_path(bufnr)
-  return s:abs_path(a:bufnr, 0) =~ '^\\\\'
-function! s:dos_shell()
-  return &shell == 'cmd.exe' || &shell == 'command.com'
 function! s:use_known_shell() abort
   if has('unix') && &shell !=# 'sh'
     let [s:shell, s:shellcmdflag, s:shellredir, s:shellpipe, s:shellquote, s:shellxquote] = [&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellredir, &shellpipe, &shellquote, &shellxquote]
@@ -303,12 +288,12 @@ endfunction
 " Returns a dict of current path to original path at the given base.
 function! s:obtain_file_renames(bufnr, base)
   let renames = {}
-  let cmd = gitgutter#git()
+  let cmd = gitgutter#git(a:bufnr)
   if gitgutter#utility#git_supports_command_line_config_override()
     let cmd .= ' -c "core.safecrlf=false"'
   let cmd .= ' diff --diff-filter=R --name-status '.a:base
-  let [out, error_code] = gitgutter#utility#system(gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(a:bufnr, cmd))
+  let [out, error_code] = gitgutter#utility#system(cmd)
   if error_code
     " Assume the problem is the diff base.
     call gitgutter#utility#warn('g:gitgutter_diff_base ('.a:base.') is invalid')
@@ -335,7 +320,8 @@ function! s:abs_path(bufnr, shellesc)
   return a:shellesc ? gitgutter#utility#shellescape(p) : p
-function! s:dir(bufnr) abort
+" Shellescaped
+function! gitgutter#utility#dir(bufnr) abort
   return gitgutter#utility#shellescape(fnamemodify(s:abs_path(a:bufnr, 0), ':h'))
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-markdown/README.md b/sources_non_forked/vim-markdown/README.md
index 250d3e5a..3ccf5325 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-markdown/README.md
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-markdown/README.md
@@ -68,8 +68,10 @@ The following commands are useful to open and close folds:
 - `zR`: opens all folds
 - `zm`: increases fold level throughout the buffer
 - `zM`: folds everything all the way
-- `za`: open a fold your cursor is on
-- `zA`: open a fold your cursor is on recursively
+- `za`: toggle a fold your cursor is on
+- `zA`: toggle a fold your cursor is on recursively
+- `zo`: open a fold your cursor is on
+- `zO`: open a fold your cursor is on recursively
 - `zc`: close a fold your cursor is on
 - `zC`: close a fold your cursor is on recursively
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-markdown/doc/vim-markdown.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-markdown/doc/vim-markdown.txt
index 4aa8270c..3e843571 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-markdown/doc/vim-markdown.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-markdown/doc/vim-markdown.txt
@@ -102,9 +102,13 @@ The following commands are useful to open and close folds:
 - 'zM': folds everything all the way
-- 'za': open a fold your cursor is on
+- 'za': toggle a fold your cursor is on
-- 'zA': open a fold your cursor is on recursively
+- 'zA': toggle a fold your cursor is on recursively
+                                                              *vim-markdown-zo*
+- 'zo': open a fold your cursor is on
+                                                              *vim-markdown-zO*
+- 'zO': open a fold your cursor is on recursively
 - 'zc': close a fold your cursor is on
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/.github/FUNDING.yml b/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/.github/FUNDING.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a49d11..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/.github/FUNDING.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-github: tpope
-custom: ["https://www.paypal.me/vimpope"]
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim
index 97fea240..364d311c 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 "   \   call <SID>MyFunction(v:register, ...)<Bar>
 "   \   silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>MyMap")<CR>
-if exists("g:loaded_repeat") || &cp || v:version < 700
+if exists("g:loaded_repeat") || &cp || v:version < 800
 let g:loaded_repeat = 1
@@ -108,21 +108,10 @@ function! repeat#run(count)
             let c = g:repeat_count
             let s = g:repeat_sequence
             let cnt = c == -1 ? "" : (a:count ? a:count : (c ? c : ''))
-            if ((v:version == 703 && has('patch100')) || (v:version == 704 && !has('patch601')))
-                exe 'norm ' . r . cnt . s
-            elseif v:version <= 703
-                call feedkeys(r . cnt, 'n')
-                call feedkeys(s, '')
-            else
-                call feedkeys(s, 'i')
-                call feedkeys(r . cnt, 'ni')
-            endif
+            call feedkeys(s, 'i')
+            call feedkeys(r . cnt, 'ni')
-            if ((v:version == 703 && has('patch100')) || (v:version == 704 && !has('patch601')))
-                exe 'norm! '.(a:count ? a:count : '') . '.'
-            else
-                call feedkeys((a:count ? a:count : '') . '.', 'ni')
-            endif
+            call feedkeys((a:count ? a:count : '') . '.', 'ni')
     catch /^Vim(normal):/
         let s:errmsg = v:errmsg
@@ -135,18 +124,15 @@ function! repeat#errmsg()
 function! repeat#wrap(command,count)
-    let preserve = (g:repeat_tick == b:changedtick)
-    call feedkeys((a:count ? a:count : '').a:command, 'n')
-    exe (&foldopen =~# 'undo\|all' ? 'norm! zv' : '')
-    if preserve
-        let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick
-    endif
+    let foldopen = &foldopen =~# 'undo\|all' ? 'zv' : ''
+    let preserve = g:repeat_tick == b:changedtick ? ":let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick\r" : ''
+    return (a:count ? a:count : '') . a:command . preserve . foldopen
 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(RepeatDot)      :<C-U>if !repeat#run(v:count)<Bar>echoerr repeat#errmsg()<Bar>endif<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(RepeatUndo)     :<C-U>call repeat#wrap('u',v:count)<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(RepeatUndoLine) :<C-U>call repeat#wrap('U',v:count)<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(RepeatRedo)     :<C-U>call repeat#wrap("\<Lt>C-R>",v:count)<CR>
+nmap <silent><expr><script> <Plug>(RepeatUndo)     repeat#wrap('u',v:count)
+nmap <silent><expr><script> <Plug>(RepeatUndoLine) repeat#wrap('U',v:count)
+nmap <silent><expr><script> <Plug>(RepeatRedo)     repeat#wrap("\022",v:count)
 if !hasmapto('<Plug>(RepeatDot)', 'n')
     nmap . <Plug>(RepeatDot)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/Contributors.md b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/Contributors.md
index 82fbbd6b..1d091e85 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/Contributors.md
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/Contributors.md
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ additional contributions from:
 * [redpill](https://github.com/redpill)
 * [rglassett](http://github.com/rglassett)
 * [robhudson](https://github.com/robhudson)
+* [roccomao](https://github.com/roccomao)
 * [shinymayhem](https://github.com/shinymayhem)
 * [Shraymonks](https://github.com/shraymonks)
 * [sickill](https://github.com/sickill)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim
index bd0276fa..d50256e4 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipMate.vim
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function! s:insert_snippet_text(snippet, lnum, col, indent)
 function! snipMate#placeholder_str(num, stops) abort
-	return snipMate#sniplist_str(a:stops[a:num].placeholder, a:stops)
+	return snipMate#sniplist_str(get(get(a:stops, a:num, {}), 'placeholder', []), a:stops)
 function! snipMate#sniplist_str(snippet, stops) abort
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ function! s:build_loc_info(snippet, stops, lnum, col, seen_items) abort
 			call s:add_update_objects(stub, seen_items)
 			" if we've found a stop?
-			if len(item) > 2 && type(item[1]) != type({})
+			if len(item) > 2 && type(item[1]) != type({}) && !exists('stub.items')
 				let col = s:build_loc_info(item[1:-2], stops, lnum, col, seen_items)
 				let col += len(snipMate#placeholder_str(id, stops))
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim
index 2b8085a3..04a3d20c 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ endfunction
 " Update state information to correspond to the given tab stop
 function! s:state_set_stop(backwards) dict abort
 	call self.find_next_stop(a:backwards)
 	let self.cur_stop    = self.stops[self.stop_no]
 	let self.stop_len = (type(self.cur_stop.placeholder) == type(0))
 				\ ? self.cur_stop.placeholder
@@ -43,13 +44,26 @@ function! s:state_set_stop(backwards) dict abort
 	let self.end_col     = self.start_col + self.stop_len
 	let self.mirrors     = get(self.cur_stop, 'mirrors', [])
 	let self.old_mirrors = deepcopy(self.mirrors)
 	call cursor(self.cur_stop.line, self.cur_stop.col)
 	let self.prev_len    = col('$')
 	let self.changed = 0
-	let ret = self.select_word()
+	for mirror in self.mirrors
+		let mirror.oldSize = self.stop_len
+	endfor
+	if exists("self.cur_stop.items")
+		let ret = self.select_item()
+	else
+		let ret = self.select_word()
+	endif
 	if (self.stop_no == 0 || self.stop_no == self.stop_count - 1) && !a:backwards
 		call self.remove()
 	return ret
@@ -62,11 +76,18 @@ function! s:state_jump_stop(backwards) dict abort
 	" Store placeholder/location changes
 	let self.cur_stop.col = self.start_col
+	unlet! self.cur_stop.placeholder " avoid type error for old parsing version
+	let self.cur_stop.placeholder = [strpart(getline('.'),
+				\ self.start_col - 1, self.end_col - self.start_col)]
 	if self.changed
 		call self.remove_nested()
-		unlet! self.cur_stop.placeholder " avoid type error for old parsing version
-		let self.cur_stop.placeholder = [strpart(getline('.'),
-					\ self.start_col - 1, self.end_col - self.start_col)]
+		" Remove selection items if the stop has changed and the new placeholder
+		" is not one of the selection items
+		if exists('self.cur_stop.items') &&
+					\ !count(self.cur_stop.items, self.cur_stop.placeholder)
+			call remove(self.cur_stop, 'items')
+		endif
 	return self.set_stop(a:backwards)
@@ -151,30 +172,14 @@ function! s:state_update_mirrors(change) dict abort
 			let oldSize = strlen(newWord)
-		" Split the line into three parts: the mirror, what's before it, and
-		" what's after it. Then combine them using the new mirror string.
-		" Subtract one to go from column index to byte index
-		let theline = getline(mirror.line)
-		" part before the current mirror
-		let beginline  = strpart(theline, 0, mirror.col - 1)
 		" current mirror transformation, and save size
 		let wordMirror= substitute(newWord, get(mirror, 'pat', ''), get(mirror, 'sub', ''), get(mirror, 'flags', ''))
 		let mirror.oldSize = strlen(wordMirror)
-		" end of the line, use the oldSize because with the transformation,
-		" the size of the mirror can be different from those of the snippet
-		let endline    = strpart(theline, mirror.col + oldSize -1)
-		" Update other object on the line
+		" Update other objects on the line
 		call self.update(mirror, changeLen, mirror.oldSize - oldSize)
-		" reconstruct the line
-		let update = beginline.wordMirror.endline
-		call setline(mirror.line, update)
+		call s:set_line(mirror.line, mirror.col, oldSize, wordMirror)
 	" Reposition the cursor in case a var updates on the same line but before
@@ -194,7 +199,9 @@ function! s:state_find_update_objects(item) dict abort
 			call add(item.update_objects, stop)
+		let placeholder_len = len(snipMate#sniplist_str(stop.placeholder, b:snip_state.stops))
 		for mirror in get(stop, 'mirrors', [])
+			let mirror.oldSize = placeholder_len
 			if mirror.line == item.line && mirror.col > item.col
 				call add(item.update_objects, mirror)
@@ -222,9 +229,37 @@ function! s:state_update(item, change_len, mirror_change) dict abort
+" Split the line into three parts: the mirror, what's before it, and
+" what's after it. Then combine them using the new mirror string.
+" Subtract one to go from column index to byte index
+function! s:set_line(line, col, len, word)
+	let theline = getline(a:line)
+	let begin = strpart(theline, 0, a:col - 1)
+	let end = strpart(theline, a:col + a:len - 1)
+	call setline(a:line, begin . a:word . end)
+" If &cotl contains at least one of these three, we need to add one to our menu
+" selection hack in s:state_select_item
+function! s:cot_count()
+	let cotl = split(&cot, ',')
+	let c = (has('patch-9.0.0567') && count(cotl, 'longest')) + count(cotl, 'noinsert') + count(cotl, 'noselect')
+	return min([1, c])
+function! s:state_select_item() dict abort
+	let items = map(copy(self.cur_stop.items), 'snipMate#sniplist_str(v:val, b:snip_state.stops)')
+	call s:set_line(line('.'), self.start_col, self.end_col - self.start_col, '')
+	call complete(self.start_col, items)
+	for i in range(index(self.cur_stop.items, self.cur_stop.placeholder) + s:cot_count())
+		call feedkeys("\<C-N>")
+	endfor
+	return ''
 call extend(s:state_proto, snipmate#util#add_methods(s:sfile(), 'state',
 			\ [ 'remove', 'set_stop', 'jump_stop', 'remove_nested',
-			\ 'select_word', 'update_changes', 'update_mirrors',
+			\ 'select_word', 'update_changes', 'update_mirrors', 'select_item',
 			\ 'find_next_stop', 'find_update_objects', 'update' ]), 'error')
 " vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim
index 4cf60e90..017c4547 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/parse.vim
@@ -78,11 +78,32 @@ function! s:parser_varend() dict abort
         call extend(ret, self.placeholder())
     elseif self.same('/')
         call add(ret, self.subst())
+    elseif self.next == '|'
+        call add(ret, self.select())
     call self.same('}')
     return ret
+function! s:parser_select() dict abort
+    let items = []
+    while self.same('|')
+        let str = self.text('|}')
+        call s:mark_vars_in_select(str)
+        call add(items, str)
+    endwhile
+    return ['select'] + items
+function! s:mark_vars_in_select(str)
+    for item in a:str
+        if type(item) == type([])
+            call add(item, { 'select' : 1 })
+        endif
+        unlet! item " avoid E706
+    endfor
 function! s:parser_placeholder() dict abort
     let ret = self.text('}')
     return empty(ret) ? [''] : ret
@@ -171,6 +192,7 @@ endfunction
 function! s:parser_text(till) dict abort
     let ret = []
+    let till = '\V\[' . escape(a:till, '\') . ']'
     let target = ret
     while self.pos < self.len
@@ -206,7 +228,7 @@ function! s:parser_text(till) dict abort
         " Empty lines are ignored if this is tested at the start of an iteration
-        if self.next ==# a:till
+        if self.next =~# till
@@ -268,11 +290,26 @@ endfunction
 function! s:parser_create_stubs() dict abort
     for [id, dict] in items(self.vars)
+        " only instance is in a selection, so remove it
+        if len(dict.instances) == 1 && type(dict.instances[0][-1]) == type({})
+                    \ && dict.instances[0][-1] == { 'select' : 1 }
+            call remove(self.vars, id)
+            continue
+        endif
         for i in dict.instances
             if len(i) > 1 && type(i[1]) != type({})
                 if !has_key(dict, 'placeholder')
-                    let dict.placeholder = i[1:]
-                    call add(i, dict)
+                    if type(i[1]) == type([]) && i[1][0] == 'select'
+                        let dict.placeholder = i[1][1]
+                        let dict.items = i[1][1:]
+                        let i[1] = dict.placeholder
+                        call add(i, dict)
+                    else
+                        let dict.placeholder = i[1:]
+                        call add(i, dict)
+                    endif
                     unlet i[1:]
                     call s:create_mirror_stub(i, dict)
@@ -281,6 +318,7 @@ function! s:parser_create_stubs() dict abort
                 call s:create_mirror_stub(i, dict)
         if !has_key(dict, 'placeholder')
             let dict.placeholder = []
             let j = 0
@@ -292,6 +330,7 @@ function! s:parser_create_stubs() dict abort
             call add(dict.instances[j], dict)
             call filter(dict.mirrors, 'v:val isnot oldstub')
         unlet dict.instances
@@ -301,9 +340,13 @@ function! s:create_mirror_stub(mirror, dict)
     let mirror = a:mirror
     let dict = a:dict
     let stub = get(mirror, 1, {})
-    call add(mirror, stub)
-    let dict.mirrors = get(dict, 'mirrors', [])
-    call add(dict.mirrors, stub)
+    if stub == { 'select' : 1 }
+        unlet mirror[1:]
+    else
+        call add(mirror, stub)
+        let dict.mirrors = get(dict, 'mirrors', [])
+        call add(dict.mirrors, stub)
+    endif
 function! snipmate#parse#snippet(text, ...) abort
@@ -318,6 +361,6 @@ endfunction
 call extend(s:parser_proto, snipmate#util#add_methods(s:sfile(), 'parser',
             \ [ 'advance', 'same', 'id', 'add_var', 'var', 'varend',
-            \   'line', 'string', 'create_stubs', 'pat',
+            \   'line', 'string', 'create_stubs', 'pat', 'select',
             \   'placeholder', 'subst', 'expr', 'text', 'parse',
             \ ]), 'error')
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/snipMate.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/SnipMate.txt
similarity index 98%
rename from sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/snipMate.txt
rename to sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/SnipMate.txt
index 584b20bf..2082ed85 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/snipMate.txt
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/doc/SnipMate.txt
@@ -482,6 +482,20 @@ empty string if it hasn't. The second returns the filename if it's been named,
 and "name" if it hasn't. The third returns the filename followed by "_foo" if
 it has been named, and an empty string if it hasn't.
+                                                         *SnipMate-selections*
+Note: Version 1 of the parser is required for selections.
+In addition to providing sample text as a placeholder, you can specify a list
+of options that the user can choose from via |popupmenu-completion|:
+    snippet todo
+        # ${1|TODO|FIXME|BUG}: $2
+< Notice that the : is replaced by the pipe |. Currently mirrors and
+placeholders are not supported within selection text. If alterations are made
+to the selected text, the stop becomes a regular stop, losing the selections.
 The VISUAL Stop~
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim
index 1c3ab0d3..7d2a92c0 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim
@@ -74,8 +74,15 @@ describe 'snippet state'
             Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 3
-        it 'does something at the ends'
-            "
+        it 'wraps around when going before the first or after the last stop'
+            let b:snip_state.stops = { 0 : {}, 1 : {}, 2 : {}, 3 : {} }
+            let b:snip_state.stop_count = 4
+            let b:snip_state.stop_no = 3
+            call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(0)
+            Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 1
+            let b:snip_state.stop_no = 1
+            call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(1)
+            Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 3
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim
index 3c2aa6e5..65a28a62 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 describe 'snippet parser'
+        " two optional arguments:
+        " first one:  whether or not to create the stop stubs
+        " second one: whether or not to return the stops
         function! Parse(snippet, ...)
             let [snip, stops] = snipmate#parse#snippet(a:snippet, (a:0 ? a:1 : 1))
             return (a:0 > 1 && a:2) ? [snip, stops] : snip
@@ -149,4 +152,19 @@ describe 'snippet parser'
         Expect Parse("foo\n\nbar") == [['foo'], [''], ['bar']]
+    it 'parses a selection as a special var named "select" with each item'
+        Expect Parse("${1|foo|bar|baz|select}") ==
+                    \ [[[1, ['select', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'select']]]]
+    end
+    it 'stores selection items in the var dictionary'
+        let [snip, stops] = Parse("${1|foo|bar|baz|select}", 0, 1)
+        Expect stops[1].items == ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'select']
+    end
+    it 'sets a selections placeholder to the first item'
+        let [snip, stops] = Parse("${1|foo|bar|baz|select}", 0, 1)
+        Expect stops[1].placeholder == 'foo'
+    end
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/gitcommit.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/gitcommit.snippets
index e2f1ba5d..353aff74 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/gitcommit.snippets
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/gitcommit.snippets
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ build(${1:scope}): ${2:title}
+snippet Co-authored-by "Co-authored-by:"
+Co-authored-by: ${1:Author Name} <${2:Email}>
 snippet sign "Signature"
 ${1:Company Name}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/gleam.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/gleam.snippets
index a01e5407..de405697 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/gleam.snippets
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/gleam.snippets
@@ -1,98 +1,78 @@
 snippet fn "fn"
-  fn ${1:function_name}(${2}) -> ${3:Nil} {
-    ${0:${VISUAL:todo}}
-  }
+	fn ${1:function_name}(${2}) -> ${3:Nil} {
+	  ${0:${VISUAL:todo}}
+	}
 snippet pfn "pub fn"
-  pub fn ${1:function_name}(${2}) -> ${3:Nil} {
-    ${0:${VISUAL:todo}}
-  }
+	pub fn ${1:function_name}(${2}) -> ${3:Nil} {
+	  ${0:${VISUAL:todo}}
+	}
 snippet test "test fn"
-  pub fn ${1:name}_test() {
-    ${0}
-  }
+	pub fn ${1:name}_test() {
+	  ${0}
+	}
 snippet af "anonymous fn"
-  fn(${1}) { ${0:${VISUAL}} }
+	fn(${1}) { ${0:${VISUAL}} }
 snippet let "let binding"
-  let ${1} = ${0}
+	let ${1} = ${0}
 snippet l "let binding"
-  let ${1} = ${0}
+	let ${1} = ${0}
 snippet as "assert binding"
-  assert ${1} = ${0}
-snippet tr "try binding"
-  try ${1} = ${0}
+	let assert ${1} = ${0}
 snippet - "->"
-  -> ${0}
+	-> ${0}
 snippet case "case expression"
-  case ${1} {
-    ${2} -> ${0}
-  }
+	case ${1} {
+	  ${2} -> ${0}
+	}
 snippet ty "type"
-  type ${1:Name} {
-    ${0:$1}
-  }
+	type ${1:Name} {
+	  ${0:$1}
+	}
 snippet pty "pub type"
-  pub type ${1:Name} {
-    ${0:$1}
-  }
+	pub type ${1:Name} {
+	  ${0:$1}
+	}
 snippet tya "type alias"
-  type ${1:Name} =
-    ${0:$1}
+	type ${1:Name} =
+	  ${0:$1}
 snippet ptya "pub type alias"
-  pub type ${1:Name} =
-    ${0:$1}
-snippet ext "external type"
-  external type ${0}
-snippet pext "pub external type"
-  pub external type ${0}
-snippet exfn "external fn"
-  external fn ${1:function_name}(${2}) -> ${3}
-    = "${4}" "${0}"
-snippet pexfn "pub external fn"
-  pub external fn ${1:function_name}(${2}) -> ${3}
-    = "${4}" "${0}"
+	pub type ${1:Name} =
+	  ${0:$1}
 snippet im "import"
-  import ${0:gleam/result}
+	import ${0:gleam/result}
 snippet im. "import exposing"
-  import ${1:gleam/result}.{${0}}
+	import ${1:gleam/result}.{${0}}
 snippet p "|>"
-  |> ${0}
-snippet tup "tuple()"
-  tuple(${0:${VISUAL}})
+	|> ${0}
 snippet bl "block"
-  {
-    ${0:${VISUAL}}
-  }
+	{
+	  ${0:${VISUAL}}
+	}
 snippet tf "fn(Type) -> Type"
-  fn(${1}) -> ${0}
+	fn(${1}) -> ${0}
 snippet seq "should.equal"
-  should.equal(${0:${VISUAL}})
+	should.equal(${0:${VISUAL}})
 snippet strue "should.be_true"
-  should.be_true(${0:${VISUAL}})
+	should.be_true(${0:${VISUAL}})
 snippet sfalse "should.be_false"
-  should.be_true(${0:${VISUAL}})
+	should.be_false(${0:${VISUAL}})
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/go.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/go.snippets
index 7245252c..1c785f86 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/go.snippets
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/go.snippets
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ snippet in "interface"
 snippet inf "full interface "
-	interface ${1:name} {
+	type ${1:name} interface {
 		${2:/* methods */}
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ snippet sr "string"
 snippet st "struct"
-	struct ${1:name} {
+	type ${1:name} struct {
 		${2:/* data */}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets
index 39ccecd7..a8b00cfb 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 # The suffix `c` stands for "Clipboard".
 snippet [
-	[${1:text}](https://${2:address})
+	[${1:text}](${2:address})
 snippet [*
 snippet [c
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets
index da82185a..8aadb71d 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets
@@ -612,6 +612,8 @@ snippet debug18
 	require 'ruby-debug'; debugger
 snippet pry
 	require 'pry'; binding.pry
+snippet irb
+	binding.irb
 snippet strf
 	strftime('${1:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z}')${0}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/systemverilog.snippets b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/systemverilog.snippets
index f510750d..828a6de9 100644
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/systemverilog.snippets
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/systemverilog.snippets
@@ -71,3 +71,594 @@ snippet pkg
 	package ${1:package_name};
 	endpackage : $1
+snippet uvm_object
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:uvm_object};
+		\`uvm_object_utils($1);
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Group: Constraints
+		//  Group: Functions
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1");
+			super.new(name);
+		endfunction: new
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+snippet uvm_object_with_parameters
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} #(${2:parameters}) extends ${3:uvm_object};
+		typedef $1 #(${2/(\b(parameter|type)\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)(\s*=\s*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))?)*\b/$3/g}) this_type_t;
+		\`uvm_object_param_utils(this_type_t);
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Group: Constraints
+		//  Group: Functions
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1");
+			super.new(name);
+		endfunction: new
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+snippet uvm_component
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:uvm_component};
+		\`uvm_component_utils($1);
+		//  Group: Configuration Object(s)
+		//  Var: config_obj
+		${3:config_obj_t} config_obj;
+		//  Group: Components
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Group: Functions
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1", uvm_component parent);
+			super.new(name, parent);
+		endfunction: new
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+snippet uvm_component_with_parameters
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} #(${2:parameters}) extends ${3:uvm_component};
+		typedef $1 #(${2/(\b(parameter|type)\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)(\s*=\s*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))?)*\b/$3/g}) this_type_t;
+		\`uvm_component_param_utils(this_type_t);
+		//  Group: Configuration Object(s)
+		//  Var: config_obj
+		${4:config_obj_t} config_obj;
+		//  Group: Components
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1", uvm_component parent);
+			super.new(name, parent);
+		endfunction: new
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+snippet uvm_component_extended
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:base_class};
+		\`uvm_component_utils($1);
+		//  Group: Configuration Object(s)
+		//  Group: Components
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Group: Functions
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1", uvm_component parent);
+			super.new(name, parent);
+		endfunction: new
+		/*---  UVM Build Phases            ---*/
+		/*------------------------------------*/
+		//  Function: build_phase
+		extern function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		//  Function: connect_phase
+		extern function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		//  Function: end_of_elaboration_phase
+		extern function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		/*---  UVM Run Phases              ---*/
+		/*------------------------------------*/
+		//  Function: start_of_simulation_phase
+		extern function void start_of_simulation_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		//  Function: reset_phase
+		extern task reset_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		//  Function: configure_phase
+		extern task configure_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		//  Function: main_phase
+		extern task main_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		//  Function: shutdown_phase
+		extern task shutdown_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		/*---  UVM Cleanup Phases          ---*/
+		/*------------------------------------*/
+		//  Function: extract_phase
+		extern function void extract_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		//  Function: report_phase
+		extern function void report_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*  UVM Build Phases                                                          */
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	function void $1::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		/*  note: Do not call super.build_phase() from any class that is extended from an UVM base class!  */
+		/*  For more information see UVM Cookbook v1800.2 p.503  */
+		// super.build_phase(phase);
+	endfunction: build_phase
+	function void $1::connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		super.connect_phase(phase);
+	endfunction: connect_phase
+	function void $1::end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		super.end_of_elaboration_phase(phase);
+	endfunction: end_of_elaboration_phase
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*  UVM Run Phases                                                            */
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	function void $1::start_of_simulation_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		super.start_of_simulation_phase(phase);
+	endfunction: start_of_simulation_phase
+	task $1::reset_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+	endtask: reset_phase
+	task $1::configure_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+	endtask: configure_phase
+	task $1::main_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+	endtask: main_phase
+	task $1::shutdown_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+	endtask: shutdown_phase
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*  UVM Cleanup Phases                                                        */
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	function void $1::report_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		super.report_phase(phase);
+	endfunction: report_phase
+	function void $1::extract_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+		super.extract_phase(phase);
+	endfunction: extract_phase
+snippet uvm_sequence
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:uvm_sequence};
+		\`uvm_object_utils($1);
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Group: Constraints
+		//  Group: Functions
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1");
+			super.new(name);
+		endfunction: new
+		//  Task: pre_start
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the optional 
+		//  execution of <pre_body>.
+		// extern virtual task pre_start();
+		//  Task: pre_body
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the execution 
+		//  of <body> ~only~ when the sequence is started with <start>.
+		//  If <start> is called with ~call_pre_post~ set to 0, ~pre_body~ is not called.
+		// extern virtual task pre_body();
+		//  Task: pre_do
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback task that is called ~on the parent 
+		//  sequence~, if any. The sequence has issued a wait_for_grant() call and after
+		//  the sequencer has selected this sequence, and before the item is randomized.
+		//
+		//  Although pre_do is a task, consuming simulation cycles may result in unexpected
+		//  behavior on the driver.
+		// extern virtual task pre_do(bit is_item);
+		//  Function: mid_do
+		//  This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the 
+		//  sequence item has been randomized, and just before the item is sent to the 
+		//  driver.
+		// extern virtual function void mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);
+		//  Task: body
+		//  This is the user-defined task where the main sequence code resides.
+		extern virtual task body();
+		//  Function: post_do
+		//  This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the 
+		//  driver has indicated that it has completed the item, using either this 
+		//  item_done or put methods. 
+		// extern virtual function void post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);
+		//  Task: post_body
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback task that is called after the execution 
+		//  of <body> ~only~ when the sequence is started with <start>.
+		//  If <start> is called with ~call_pre_post~ set to 0, ~post_body~ is not called.
+		// extern virtual task post_body();
+		//  Task: post_start
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called after the optional 
+		//  execution of <post_body>.
+		// extern virtual task post_start();
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+snippet uvm_sequence_with_parameters
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} #(${2:parameters}) extends ${3:uvm_sequence};
+		typedef $1 #(${2/(\b(parameter|type)\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)(\s*=\s*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))?)*\b/$3/g}) this_type_t;
+		\`uvm_object_param_utils(this_type_t);
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Group: Constraints
+		//  Group: Functions
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1");
+			super.new(name);
+		endfunction: new
+		//  Task: pre_start
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the optional 
+		//  execution of <pre_body>.
+		// extern virtual task pre_start();
+		//  Task: pre_body
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the execution 
+		//  of <body> ~only~ when the sequence is started with <start>.
+		//  If <start> is called with ~call_pre_post~ set to 0, ~pre_body~ is not called.
+		// extern virtual task pre_body();
+		//  Task: pre_do
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback task that is called ~on the parent 
+		//  sequence~, if any. The sequence has issued a wait_for_grant() call and after
+		//  the sequencer has selected this sequence, and before the item is randomized.
+		//
+		//  Although pre_do is a task, consuming simulation cycles may result in unexpected
+		//  behavior on the driver.
+		// extern virtual task pre_do(bit is_item);
+		//  Function: mid_do
+		//  This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the 
+		//  sequence item has been randomized, and just before the item is sent to the 
+		//  driver.
+		// extern virtual function void mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);
+		//  Task: body
+		//  This is the user-defined task where the main sequence code resides.
+		extern virtual task body();
+		//  Function: post_do
+		//  This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the 
+		//  driver has indicated that it has completed the item, using either this 
+		//  item_done or put methods. 
+		// extern virtual function void post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);
+		//  Task: post_body
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback task that is called after the execution 
+		//  of <body> ~only~ when the sequence is started with <start>.
+		//  If <start> is called with ~call_pre_post~ set to 0, ~post_body~ is not called.
+		// extern virtual task post_body();
+		//  Task: post_start
+		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called after the optional 
+		//  execution of <post_body>.
+		// extern virtual task post_start();
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+snippet uvm_sequence_functions
+	// task ${1:my_class::}pre_start();
+	// endtask: pre_start
+	// task $1pre_body();
+	// endtask: pre_body
+	// task $1pre_do(bit is_item);
+	// endtask: pre_do
+	// function void $1mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);
+	// endfunction: mid_do
+	task $1body();
+		$0
+	endtask: body
+	// function void $1post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);
+	// endfunction: post_do
+	// task $1post_body();
+	// endtask: post_body
+	// task $1post_start();
+	// endtask: post_start
+snippet uvm_sequence_item
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:uvm_sequence_item};
+		typedef $1 this_type_t;
+		\`uvm_object_utils($1);
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Group: Constraints
+		//  Group: Functions
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1");
+			super.new(name);
+		endfunction: new
+		//  Function: do_copy
+		// extern function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
+		//  Function: do_compare
+		// extern function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
+		//  Function: convert2string
+		// extern function string convert2string();
+		//  Function: do_print
+		// extern function void do_print(uvm_printer printer);
+		//  Function: do_record
+		// extern function void do_record(uvm_recorder recorder);
+		//  Function: do_pack
+		// extern function void do_pack();
+		//  Function: do_unpack
+		// extern function void do_unpack();
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*  Constraints                                                               */
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*  Functions                                                                 */
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+snippet uvm_sequence_item_with_parameters
+	//  Class: $1
+	//
+	class ${1:my_class} #(${2:parameters}) extends ${3:uvm_sequence_item};
+		typedef $1 #(${2/(\b(parameter|type)\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)(\s*=\s*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))?)*\b/$3/g}) this_type_t;
+		\`uvm_object_param_utils(this_type_t);
+		//  Group: Variables
+		//  Group: Constraints
+		//  Group: Functions
+		//  Constructor: new
+		function new(string name = "$1");
+			super.new(name);
+		endfunction: new
+		//  Function: do_copy
+		// extern function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
+		//  Function: do_compare
+		// extern function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
+		//  Function: convert2string
+		// extern function string convert2string();
+		//  Function: do_print
+		// extern function void do_print(uvm_printer printer);
+		//  Function: do_record
+		// extern function void do_record(uvm_recorder recorder);
+		//  Function: do_pack
+		// extern function void do_pack();
+		//  Function: do_unpack
+		// extern function void do_unpack();
+		$0
+	endclass: $1
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*  Constraints                                                               */
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/*  Functions                                                                 */
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_copy
+	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
+		this_type_t rhs_;
+		if (!\$cast(rhs_, rhs)) begin
+			\`uvm_error({this.get_name(), ".do_copy()"}, "Cast failed!");
+			return;
+		end
+		// \`uvm_info({this.get_name(), ".do_copy()"}, "Cast succeded.", UVM_HIGH);
+		/*  chain the copy with parent classes  */
+		super.do_copy(rhs);
+		/*  list of local properties to be copied  */
+		// <this.property_name = rhs_.property_name>;
+	endfunction: do_copy$0
+snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_compare
+	function bit ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
+		this_type_t rhs_;
+		if (!\$cast(rhs_, rhs)) begin
+			\`uvm_error({this.get_name(), ".do_compare()"}, "Cast failed!");
+			return;
+		end
+		// \`uvm_info({this.get_name(), ".do_compare()"}, "Cast succeded.", UVM_HIGH);
+		/*  chain the compare with parent classes  */
+		do_compare = super.do_compare(rhs, comparer);
+		/*  list of local properties to be compared:  */
+		do_compare &= (
+			// <this.property_name == rhs_.property_name> &&
+			// <this.property_name == rhs_.property_name>
+		);
+	endfunction: do_compare$0
+snippet uvm_sequence_item_convert2string
+	function string ${1:my_class}${2:::}convert2string();
+		string s;
+		/*  chain the convert2string with parent classes  */
+		s = super.convert2string();
+		/*  list of local properties to be printed:  */
+		//  guide             0---4---8--12--16--20--24--28--32--36--40--44--48--
+		// s = {s, \$sformatf("property_label      : 0x%0h\n", property_name)};
+		// s = {s, \$sformatf("property_label      :   %0d\n", property_name)};
+		return s;
+	endfunction: convert2string$0
+snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_print
+	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_print(uvm_printer printer)
+		/*  chain the print with parent classes  */
+		super.do_print(printer);
+		/*  list of local properties to be printed:  */
+		// printer.print_string("property_label", property_name);
+		// printer.print_field_int("property_label", property_name, \$bits(property_name), UVM_HEX);
+	endfunction: do_print$0
+snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_record
+	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_record(uvm_recorder recorder);
+		/*  chain the record with parent classes  */
+		super.do_record(recorder);
+		/*  list of local properties to be recorded:  */
+		/*  note: use uvm_record_int, uvm_record_string, uvm_record_time, uvm_record_real for known basic types.  */
+		// \`uvm_record_string("property_label", property_name);
+		// \`uvm_record_int("property_label", property_name, \$bits(property_name), UVM_HEX);
+	endfunction: do_record$0
+snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_pack
+	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_pack(uvm_packer packer);
+		/*  chain the pack with parent classes  */
+		super.do_pack(packer);
+		/*  list of local properties to be packed:  */
+		//  note: look up the appropriate macro(s) for your properties!
+		// \`uvm_pack_int(property_name);
+		// \`uvm_pack_queue(property_name);
+		// \`uvm_pack_string(property_name);
+	endfunction: do_pack$0
+snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_unpack
+	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_unpack(uvm_packer packer);
+		/*  chain the unpack with parent classes  */
+		super.do_unpack(packer);
+		/*  list of local properties to be unpacked:  */
+		//  note: look up the appropriate macro(s) for your properties!
+		// \`uvm_unpack_int(property_name);
+		// \`uvm_unpack_queue(property_name);
+		// \`uvm_unpack_string(property_name);
+	endfunction: do_unpack$0