mirror of https://github.com/amix/vimrc synced 2025-02-28 14:12:51 +08:00

Made ir-black the default color scheme

Switched away from using gui tabs and made some changes to the default text tab via set_tabline.vim plugin.

Added a new mapping <leader>t<leader> that can open a specific tab number.
This commit is contained in:
amix 2012-07-02 18:57:21 -04:00
parent f43b19edf3
commit 3c8e295105
8 changed files with 160 additions and 276 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
View File

@ -47,9 +47,6 @@
[submodule "sources_colors/vim-colors-solarized"]
path = sources_colors/vim-colors-solarized
url = git://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized.git
[submodule "sources_colors/vim-irblack"]
path = sources_colors/vim-irblack
url = git://github.com/wgibbs/vim-irblack.git
[submodule "sources_colors/mayansmoke"]
path = sources_colors/mayansmoke
url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/mayansmoke.git

View File

@ -595,6 +595,10 @@ hi link CalToday PreProc
hi link MyTagListTagName IncSearch
hi link MyTagListTagScope Constant
hi TabLineFill guifg=#9098a0 guibg=#111111
hi TabLine guifg=black guibg=#888888
hi TabLineSel guifg=white guibg=#202020 gui=bold
" vim:et:nosta:sw=2:ts=8:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
function! CustomizedTabLine()
let s = ''
let t = tabpagenr()
let i = 1
while i <= tabpagenr('$')
let buflist = tabpagebuflist(i)
let winnr = tabpagewinnr(i)
let s .= '%' . i . 'T'
let s .= (i == t ? '%1*' : '%2*')
let s .= ' '
let s .= i . ':'
let s .= '%*'
let s .= (i == t ? '%#TabLineSel#' : '%#TabLine#')
let file = bufname(buflist[winnr - 1])
let file = fnamemodify(file, ':p:t')
if file == ''
let file = '[No Name]'
let s .= file
let s .= ' '
let i = i + 1
let s .= '%T%#TabLineFill#%='
let s .= (tabpagenr('$') > 1 ? '%999XX' : 'X')
return s
" Always show the tablilne
set stal=2
set tabline=%!CustomizedTabLine()

View File

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
*yankring.txt* For Vim version 7.0.
Author: David Fishburn September 16, 2011
Version: 12.0
Author: David Fishburn August 29, 2009
Version: 10.0
For instructions on installing this file, type
:help add-local-help |add-local-help| inside Vim.
Homepage: http://vim.sourceforge.net/script.php?script_id=1234
1. Contents *yankring* *yankring-contents*
@ -18,7 +16,6 @@ Homepage: http://vim.sourceforge.net/script.php?script_id=1234
3.1 Global Variables...................: |yankring-globals|
3.2 Default Keys.......................: |yankring-mappings|
3.3 Customizing Maps...................: |yankring-custom-maps|
3.4 Customizing Menus..................: |yankring-custom-menus|
4. Using the YankRing Window..............: |yankring-window|
5. Commands...............................: |yankring-commands|
5.1 YRToggle..........................: |YRToggle|
@ -49,7 +46,6 @@ Homepage: http://vim.sourceforge.net/script.php?script_id=1234
6.12 YRSearch..........................: |YRSearch-example|
7. History................................: |yankring-history|
2. Description *yankring-description*
@ -82,7 +78,6 @@ always welcome.
For details on the changes between versions see |yankring-history|.
3. Configuration *yankring-configure*
@ -274,33 +269,6 @@ your |.vimrc|.
no way to noticing. To disable this feature you can put the following
in your |vimrc| >
let g:yankring_paste_check_default_buffer = 0
< - Menus are useful for a number of reasons:
See a list of available commands.
Remember what the shortcut maps are.
Have a floating menu when using the plugin a lot.
Quick reference guide.
There are four settings that will control the placement
of the menu:
"0": Turns the menu off.
"1": Turns the 'Yankring' menu on with no menu shortcut.
"2": Turns the 'Yankring 'menu on with <alt>-y as the shortcut.
"3": Turns the 'Plugin -> YankRing' menu on with <alt>-y as
the shortcut.
This option defaults to a value of 3 and can be changed
by adding the following to your vimrc: >
:let g:yankring_default_menu_mode = 3
< - Can be used in conjuction with g:yankring_default_menu_mode = 3 but
it also allows you to control the fullname and location of the
YankRing menu. To create the menu: 'MyPlugins -> YankRing' you
can create the following variable: >
:let g:yankring_menu_root = 'MyPlugin.&YankRing'
< - Menus are created in a documented order by Vim (|menu-priority|).
This option allows you to override the setting and shift the
YankRing menu item to the left between the Edit and Tools menu. >
:let g:yankring_menu_priority = 30
3.2 Default Keys *yankring-mappings*
@ -498,15 +466,6 @@ You can do anything you need in this function. >
This line remaps Y (which the user presses) to the YRYankCount command. The
YRYankCount tells Vim to execute y$ instead.
3.4 Customizing Menus *yankring-custom-menus*
There are several global variables which can be created in your vimrc to
allow you to customize where and what is displayed for the YankRing menu.
Simply look up the following global variables: >
4. Using the YankRing Window: *yankring-window*
@ -567,6 +526,8 @@ in the YankRing window.
g:yankring_window_increment setting.
? Toggles the display of the help.
5. Commands: *yankring-commands*
@ -1170,30 +1131,6 @@ mapping: >
7. History *yankring-history*
12.0: September 16, 2011
NF: Added support for the clipboard option "unnamedplus" which was
added after 7.3 (Hong Xu).
NF: When displaying the YankRing using YRShow, a new command "R"
has been added to display all of Vim's registers [0-9a-z].
BF: YRMapsDelete did not remove the normal mode @ map, which
interfers with recorded macros (Philippe Vaucher ).
11.0: August 09, 2010
NF: Documented the global variables to customize the location
of the YankRing menu.
NF: The YankRing menu now shows the maps used for the default
actions to help learn them more easily.
NF: Added g:yankring_menu_root and g:yankring_menu_priority
(David Barsam).
NF: Added a warning indicating a stored value has been truncated
based on g:yankring_max_element_length and a new option to
suppress this warning, g:yankring_warn_on_truncate (Hans-Günter).
BF: The YRAfterMaps() function (if it exists) was not re-run if
YRToggle was used to disable and enable the YankRing.
BF: Multibyte strings may not have been pasted correctly (Dr. Chip).
BF: When pasting a string of 1111's, and additional -1 could also
be included in the output.
10.0: January 31, 2010
NF: Change the buffer name to [YankRing] to resemble other
non-user buffers.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" yankring.vim - Yank / Delete Ring for Vim
" ---------------------------------------------------------------
" Version: 12.0
" Version: 10.0
" Authors: David Fishburn <dfishburn.vim@gmail.com>
" Last Modified: 2011 Jun 14
" Last Modified: 2010 Jan 24
" Script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1234
" Based On: Mocked up version by Yegappan Lakshmanan
" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vim/post?act=reply&messageNum=34406
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if v:version < 700
let loaded_yankring = 120
let loaded_yankring = 100
let s:yr_has_voperator = 0
if v:version > 701 || ( v:version == 701 && has("patch205") )
@ -52,11 +52,6 @@ if !exists('g:yankring_max_element_length')
let g:yankring_max_element_length = 1048576
" Warn if truncation occurs
if !exists('g:yankring_warn_on_truncate')
let g:yankring_warn_on_truncate = 1
" Allow the user to specify if the plugin is enabled or not
if !exists('g:yankring_enabled')
let g:yankring_enabled = 1
@ -328,11 +323,6 @@ function! s:YRShow(...)
let toggle = matchstr(a:1, '\d\+')
let show_registers = 0
if a:0 > 1 && a:2 ==# 'R'
let show_registers = 1
if toggle == 1
if bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_id) > -1
" If the YankRing window is already open close it
@ -361,9 +351,9 @@ function! s:YRShow(...)
" show the contents (or when it is refreshed).
if g:yankring_paste_check_default_buffer == 1
let save_reg = 0
let register = ((&clipboard=~'unnamed')?'+':'"')
let register = ((&clipboard=='unnamed')?'+':'"')
if &clipboard =~ 'unnamed' && getreg('+') != s:yr_prev_clipboard
if &clipboard == 'unnamed' && getreg('+') != s:yr_prev_clipboard
let save_reg = 1
if register == '"' && getreg('"') != s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed
@ -381,23 +371,14 @@ function! s:YRShow(...)
" List is shown in order of replacement
" assuming using previous yanks
let output = "--- YankRing ---\n"
let output = output . (show_registers == 1 ? 'Reg ' : 'Elem')." Content\n"
let output = output . "Elem Content\n"
if show_registers == 1
for reg_name in map( range(char2nr('0'), char2nr('9')) +
\ (range(char2nr('a'), char2nr('z')))
\, 'nr2char(v:val)'
\ )
let output = output . s:YRDisplayElem(reg_name, getreg(reg_name).',') . "\n"
call s:YRHistoryRead()
let disp_item_nr = 1
for elem in s:yr_history_list
let output = output . s:YRDisplayElem(disp_item_nr, elem) . "\n"
let disp_item_nr += 1
call s:YRHistoryRead()
let disp_item_nr = 1
for elem in s:yr_history_list
let output = output . s:YRDisplayElem(disp_item_nr, elem) . "\n"
let disp_item_nr += 1
if g:yankring_window_use_separate == 1
call s:YRWindowOpen(output)
@ -457,7 +438,7 @@ function! s:YRGetElem(...)
return -1
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'unnamed')?'+':'"')
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=='unnamed')?'+':'"')
let direction = 'p'
if a:0 > 1
@ -502,7 +483,7 @@ function! s:YRGetElem(...)
return -1
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'unnamed')?'+':'"')
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=='unnamed')?'+':'"')
call setreg(default_buffer
\ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((elem), 'v')
\ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((elem), 't')
@ -651,7 +632,7 @@ endfunction
" Resets the common script variables for managing the ring.
function! s:YRReset()
call s:YRHistoryDelete()
let s:yr_history_list = []
" Update the history file
call s:YRHistorySave()
@ -715,7 +696,7 @@ function! s:YRRegister()
" so test for this condition and return the
" default register
let user_register = ((v:register=='')?('"'):(v:register))
if &clipboard =~ 'unnamed' && user_register == '"'
if &clipboard == 'unnamed' && user_register == '"'
let user_register = '+'
return user_register
@ -737,7 +718,7 @@ function! s:YRPush(...)
" If we are pushing something on to the yankring, add it to
" the default buffer as well so the next item pasted will
" be the item pushed
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'unnamed')?'+':'"')
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=='unnamed')?'+':'"')
call setreg(default_buffer, getreg(user_register),
\ getregtype(user_register))
@ -800,7 +781,7 @@ function! YRRecord(...)
return ""
let register = ((&clipboard=~'unnamed')?'+':register)
let register = ((&clipboard=='unnamed')?'+':register)
" let s:yr_prev_changenr = changenr()
if register == '"'
@ -823,16 +804,14 @@ function! YRRecord(...)
let s:yr_prev_clipboard = @+
" Manage the numbered registers
if g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg == 1
" Allow the user to define an autocmd to dynamically
" setup their connection information.
silent! doautocmd User YRSetNumberedReg
" If the yankring window is open, refresh it
call s:YRWindowUpdate()
" Manage the numbered registers
if g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg == 1
call s:YRSetNumberedReg()
return ""
@ -848,7 +827,7 @@ function! YRRecord3()
return ""
let register = ((&clipboard=~'unnamed')?'+':register)
let register = ((&clipboard=='unnamed')?'+':register)
if register == '"'
" If the change has occurred via an omap, we must delay
@ -874,16 +853,14 @@ function! YRRecord3()
let s:yr_prev_clipboard = @+
" Manage the numbered registers
if g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg == 1
" Allow the user to define an autocmd to dynamically
" setup their connection information.
silent! doautocmd User YRSetNumberedReg
" If the yankring window is open, refresh it
call s:YRWindowUpdate()
" Manage the numbered registers
if g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg == 1
call s:YRSetNumberedReg()
return ""
@ -1035,27 +1012,19 @@ endfunction
" Manages the Vim's numbered registers
function! s:YRSetNumberedReg()
let i = 0
let i = 1
while i <= 10
if i > s:yr_count
call setreg( (i)
\ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((i),'v')
\ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((i),'t')
call setreg( (i-1)
\ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((i-1),'v')
\ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((i-1),'t')
\ )
let i += 1
" There are a few actions that Vim automatically takes
" when modifying the numbered registers.
" Modifying register 1 - changes the named register.
" It is impossible to set register 2 to a value, since Vim will change it.
" This will at least preserve the default register
let @" = @0
@ -1159,7 +1128,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:YRYankRange(do_delete_selection, ...) range
let user_register = s:YRRegister()
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'unnamed')?'+':'"')
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=='unnamed')?'+':'"')
" Default command mode to normal mode 'n'
let cmd_mode = 'n'
@ -1216,7 +1185,7 @@ function! s:YRPaste(replace_last_paste_selection, nextvalue, direction, ...)
let user_register = s:YRRegister()
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard =~ 'unnamed')?'+':'"')
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard == 'unnamed')?'+':'"')
let v_count = v:count
" Default command mode to normal mode 'n'
@ -1387,7 +1356,7 @@ function! YRMapsExpression(sid, motion, ...)
" echomsg "YRMapsE:".localtime()
" echomsg "YRMapsE 1:".cmds.":".v:operator.":".s:yr_maps_created_zap
if (a:motion =~ '\.' && s:yr_remove_omap_dot == 1) || a:motion =~ '@'
if (a:motion =~ '\.' && s:yr_remove_omap_dot == 1) || a:motion =~ '@'
" If we are repeating a series of commands we must
" unmap the _zap_ keys so that the user is not
" prompted when a command is replayed.
@ -1438,11 +1407,6 @@ function! YRMapsExpression(sid, motion, ...)
let cmds .= a:sid. "yrrecord"
" This will not work since we are already executing an expression
" if a:motion =~ '@'
" let cmds = 'normal! ' . cmds
" endif
" echomsg "YRMapsE 5:".a:motion.":'".cmds."':".s:yr_maps_created_zap
return cmds
@ -1450,43 +1414,41 @@ function! YRMapsExpression(sid, motion, ...)
" Handle macros (@).
" This routine is not used, YRMapsExpression is used to
" handle the @ symbol.
" function! s:YRMapsMacro(bang, ...) range
" " If we are repeating a series of commands we must
" " unmap the _zap_ keys so that the user is not
" " prompted when a command is replayed.
" " These maps must be re-instated in YRRecord3()
" " after the action of the replay is completed.
" call s:YRMapsDelete('remove_only_zap_keys')
" " let zapto = (a:0==0 ? "" : s:YRGetChar())
" let zapto = s:YRGetChar()
" if zapto == "\<C-C>"
" " Abort if the user hits Control C
" call s:YRWarningMsg( "YR:Aborting command:".v:operator.a:motion )
" return ""
" endif
" let v_count = v:count
" " If no count was specified it will have a value of 0
" " so set it to at least 1
" let v_count = ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):'')
" let range = ''
" if a:firstline != a:lastline
" let rannge = a:firstline.','.a:lastline
" endif
" let cmd = range."normal! ".v_count.'@'.zapto
" " echomsg cmd
" exec cmd
" call s:YRMapsCreate('add_only_zap_keys')
" endfunction
" Handle any the @
function! s:YRMapsMacro(bang, ...) range
" If we are repeating a series of commands we must
" unmap the _zap_ keys so that the user is not
" prompted when a command is replayed.
" These maps must be re-instated in YRRecord3()
" after the action of the replay is completed.
call s:YRMapsDelete('remove_only_zap_keys')
" let zapto = (a:0==0 ? "" : s:YRGetChar())
let zapto = s:YRGetChar()
if zapto == "\<C-C>"
" Abort if the user hits Control C
call s:YRWarningMsg( "YR:Aborting command:".v:operator.a:motion )
return ""
let v_count = v:count
" If no count was specified it will have a value of 0
" so set it to at least 1
let v_count = ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):'')
let range = ''
if a:firstline != a:lastline
let rannge = a:firstline.','.a:lastline
let cmd = range."normal! ".v_count.'@'.zapto
" echomsg cmd
exec cmd
call s:YRMapsCreate('add_only_zap_keys')
" Create the default maps
@ -1587,11 +1549,6 @@ function! s:YRMapsCreate(...)
let g:yankring_enabled = 1
let s:yr_maps_created = 1
if exists('*YRRunAfterMaps')
" This will allow you to override the default maps if necessary
call YRRunAfterMaps()
@ -1635,79 +1592,84 @@ function! s:YRMapsDelete(...)
if g:yankring_map_dot == 1
silent! exec "nunmap ."
if g:yankring_map_dot == 1
exec "nunmap ."
if g:yankring_v_key != ''
silent! exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_v_key
exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_v_key
if g:yankring_del_v_key != ''
for v_map in split(g:yankring_del_v_key)
if strlen(v_map) > 0
silent! exec 'vunmap '.v_map
exec 'vunmap '.v_map
if g:yankring_paste_n_bkey != ''
silent! exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_paste_n_bkey
exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_paste_n_bkey
if g:yankring_paste_using_g == 1
silent! exec 'nunmap g'.g:yankring_paste_n_bkey
exec 'nunmap g'.g:yankring_paste_n_bkey
if g:yankring_paste_n_akey != ''
silent! exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_paste_n_akey
exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_paste_n_akey
if g:yankring_paste_using_g == 1
silent! exec 'nunmap g'.g:yankring_paste_n_akey
exec 'nunmap g'.g:yankring_paste_n_akey
if g:yankring_paste_v_bkey != ''
silent! exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_paste_v_bkey
exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_paste_v_bkey
if g:yankring_paste_v_akey != ''
silent! exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_paste_v_akey
exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_paste_v_akey
if g:yankring_replace_n_pkey != ''
silent! exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_replace_n_pkey
exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_replace_n_pkey
if g:yankring_replace_n_nkey != ''
silent! exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_replace_n_nkey
exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_replace_n_nkey
silent! exec 'nunmap @'
let g:yankring_enabled = 0
let s:yr_maps_created = 0
function! s:YRGetValElemNbr( position, type )
let needed_elem = a:position
" The List which contains the items in the yankring
" history is also ordered, most recent at the top
let elem = s:YRMRUGet('s:yr_history_list', needed_elem)
if a:type == 't'
let elem = matchstr(elem, '^.*,\zs.*$')
let elem = matchstr(elem, '^.*\ze,.*$')
if s:yr_history_version == 'v1'
" Match three @@@ in a row as long as it is not
" preceeded by a @@@
" v1
let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v1_nl_pat, "\n", 'g')
let elem = substitute(elem, '\\@', '@', 'g')
if elem >= 0
if a:type == 't'
return matchstr(elem, '^.*,\zs.*$')
let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v2_nl_pat, "\n", 'g')
let elem = matchstr(elem, '^.*\ze,.*$')
if s:yr_history_version == 'v1'
" Match three @@@ in a row as long as it is not
" preceeded by a @@@
" v1
let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v1_nl_pat, "\n", 'g')
let elem = substitute(elem, '\\@', '@', 'g')
let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v2_nl_pat, "\n", 'g')
return elem
return -1
return elem
return ""
function! s:YRMRUReset( mru_list )
let {a:mru_list} = []
return 1
@ -1721,16 +1683,6 @@ function! s:YRMRUElemFormat( element, element_type )
let elem = a:element
if g:yankring_max_element_length != 0
let elem = strpart(a:element, 0, g:yankring_max_element_length)
if (g:yankring_warn_on_truncate > 0)
let bytes = len (a:element) - len(elem)
if (bytes > 0)
call s:YRWarningMsg("Yankring truncated its element by ".
\ bytes.
\ " bytes due to a g:yankring_max_element_length of ".
\ g:yankring_max_element_length
\ )
if s:yr_history_version == 'v1'
let elem = escape(elem, '@')
@ -1802,6 +1754,7 @@ function! s:YRMRUAdd( mru_list, element, element_type )
function! s:YRMRUDel( mru_list, elem_nbr )
if a:elem_nbr >= 0 && a:elem_nbr < s:yr_count
call remove({a:mru_list}, a:elem_nbr)
call s:YRHistorySave()
@ -1810,23 +1763,6 @@ function! s:YRMRUDel( mru_list, elem_nbr )
return 1
function! s:YRHistoryDelete()
let s:yr_history_list = []
let yr_filename = s:yr_history_file_{s:yr_history_version}
if filereadable(yr_filename)
let rc = delete(yr_filename)
if rc != 0
call s:YRErrorMsg(
\ 'YRHistoryDelete: Unable to delete the yankring history file: '.
\ yr_filename
\ )
return 0
function! s:YRHistoryRead()
let refresh_needed = 1
let yr_history_list = []
@ -1865,22 +1801,20 @@ function! s:YRHistoryRead()
function! s:YRHistorySave()
let yr_filename = s:yr_history_file_{s:yr_history_version}
if len(s:yr_history_list) > g:yankring_max_history
" Remove items which exceed the max # specified
call remove(s:yr_history_list, g:yankring_max_history)
let rc = writefile(s:yr_history_list, yr_filename)
let rc = writefile(s:yr_history_list, s:yr_history_file_{s:yr_history_version})
if rc == 0
let s:yr_history_last_upd = getftime(yr_filename)
let s:yr_history_last_upd = getftime(s:yr_history_file_{s:yr_history_version})
let s:yr_count = len(s:yr_history_list)
call s:YRErrorMsg(
\ 'YRHistorySave: Unable to save yankring history file: '.
\ yr_filename
\ s:yr_history_file_{s:yr_history_version}
\ )
@ -1945,7 +1879,7 @@ function! s:YRWindowStatus(show_help)
let msg = 'AutoClose='.g:yankring_window_auto_close.
\ ';ClipboardMonitor='.g:yankring_clipboard_monitor.
\ ';Cmds:<enter>,[g]p,[g]P,d,r,s,a,c,u,R,q,<space>;Help=?'.
\ ';Cmds:<enter>,[g]p,[g]P,d,r,s,a,c,u,q,<space>;Help=?'.
\ (s:yr_search==""?"":';SearchRegEx='.s:yr_search)
if s:yr_has_voperator == 0
@ -1962,8 +1896,7 @@ function! s:YRWindowStatus(show_help)
\ '" [g]P : [g][P]aste selection'."\n".
\ '" r : [p]aste selection in reverse order'."\n".
\ '" s : [s]earch the yankring for text'."\n".
\ '" u : [u]pdate display show YankRing'."\n".
\ '" R : [R]egisters display'."\n".
\ '" u : [u]pdate display'."\n".
\ '" a : toggle [a]utoclose setting'."\n".
\ '" c : toggle [c]lipboard monitor setting'."\n".
\ '" q : [q]uit / close the yankring window'."\n".
@ -2151,7 +2084,6 @@ function! s:YRWindowOpen(results)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ? :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('?' ,'n')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('u' ,'n')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> R :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('R' ,'n')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <space> \|:silent exec 'vertical resize '.
\ (
\ g:yankring_window_use_horiz!=1 && winwidth('.') > g:yankring_window_width
@ -2219,7 +2151,7 @@ function! s:YRWindowActionN(op, cmd_mode)
function! s:YRWindowAction(op, cmd_mode) range
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'unnamed')?'+':'"')
let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=='unnamed')?'+':'"')
let opcode = a:op
let lines = []
let v_count = v:count
@ -2288,12 +2220,6 @@ function! s:YRWindowAction(op, cmd_mode) range
call s:YRShow(0)
elseif opcode ==# 'R'
" Switch back to the original buffer
exec s:yr_buffer_last_winnr . "wincmd w"
call s:YRShow(0, 'R')
elseif opcode ==# 'a'
let l:curr_line = line(".")
" Toggle the auto close setting
@ -2473,8 +2399,6 @@ augroup YankRing
autocmd WinLeave * :call <SID>YRWinLeave()
autocmd FocusGained * :if has('clipboard') | call <SID>YRFocusGained() | endif
autocmd InsertLeave * :call <SID>YRInsertLeave()
autocmd User YRSetNumberedReg :call <SID>YRSetNumberedReg()
" autocmd User YRSetNumberedReg :let i = 0 | while i <= 10 | if i > s:yr_count | break | endif | call setreg( (i), s:YRGetValElemNbr((i),'v'), s:YRGetValElemNbr((i),'t') ) | let i += 1 | endwhile
augroup END
@ -2507,30 +2431,18 @@ command! -range -bang -nargs=? YRYankRange <line1>,<line2>call s:YRYankRa
if has("gui_running") && has("menu") && g:yankring_default_menu_mode != 0
if g:yankring_default_menu_mode == 1
let menuRoot = 'YankRing'
let menuPriority = ''
elseif g:yankring_default_menu_mode == 2
let menuRoot = '&YankRing'
let menuPriority = ''
elseif g:yankring_default_menu_mode == 3
let menuRoot = exists("g:yankring_menu_root") ? g:yankring_menu_root : '&Plugin.&YankRing'
let menuPriority = exists("g:yankring_menu_priority") ? yankring_menu_priority : ''
let menuRoot = '&Plugin.&YankRing'
let menuPriority = ''
let leader = '\'
if exists('g:mapleader')
let leader = g:mapleader
let leader = escape(leader, '\')
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.YankRing\ Window :YRShow<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.YankRing\ Search :YRSearch<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Replace\ with\ Previous<TAB>'.leader.'<C-P> :YRReplace ''-1'', ''P''<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Replace\ with\ Next<TAB>'.leader.'<C-N> :YRReplace ''1'', ''P''<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Clear :YRClear<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Toggle :YRToggle<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuRoot.'.YankRing\ Window :YRShow<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuRoot.'.YankRing\ Search :YRSearch<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuRoot.'.Replace\ with\ Previous :YRReplace ''-1'', ''P''<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuRoot.'.Replace\ with\ Next :YRReplace ''1'', ''P''<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuRoot.'.Clear :YRClear<CR>'
exec 'noremenu <script> '.menuRoot.'.Toggle :YRToggle<CR>'
if g:yankring_enabled == 1
@ -2538,6 +2450,11 @@ if g:yankring_enabled == 1
call s:YRMapsCreate()
if exists('*YRRunAfterMaps')
" This will allow you to override the default maps if necessary
call YRRunAfterMaps()
call s:YRInit()
call s:YRHistoryRead()

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ set background=dark
" Set extra options when running in GUI mode
if has("gui_running")
set guioptions-=T
set guioptions+=e
set guioptions-=e
set t_Co=256
set guitablabel=%M\ %t
@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ map <leader>tn :tabnew<cr>
map <leader>to :tabonly<cr>
map <leader>tc :tabclose<cr>
map <leader>tm :tabmove
map <leader>t<leader> :tabnext
" Opens a new tab with the current buffer's path
" Super useful when editing files in the same directory

View File

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
set background=dark
if has("gui_running")
colorscheme peaksea
colorscheme ir_black