diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox
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-Subproject commit 705e68d90d6596c621093a28bf480a572a41ad02
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/CHANGELOG.md b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/CHANGELOG.md
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+# Change Log
+## [Unreleased](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/tree/HEAD)
+[Full Changelog](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/compare/v1.3.5...HEAD)
+**Fixed bugs:**
+- Lighter background on terminal [\#8](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/8)
+**Closed issues:**
+- Installation issue. [\#54](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/54)
+- Italic font in terminal\(urxvt\) [\#49](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/49)
+- Unable to log in when sourcing the palette shellscript [\#48](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/48)
+- How can i modify multiple comment scheme [\#46](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/46)
+- Remove comment highlight in iterm [\#44](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/44)
+- Comments looking strange withing tmux [\#43](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/43)
+- comments are reverse-video in xterm [\#41](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/41)
+- What font are you using in the screenshots? [\#39](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/39)
+- vim-signature crashes when I use gruvbox [\#38](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/38)
+- Color of statusbar in inactive windows [\#37](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/37)
+- Go method and struct highlighting missing [\#36](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/36)
+- gruvbox\_256palette.sh doesn't work for Konsole [\#35](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/35)
+- Contrast in jekyll markdown files [\#33](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/33)
+- Pentadactyl Gruvbox Theme [\#32](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/32)
+- make vertsplit better [\#31](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/31)
+- Console support. [\#30](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/30)
+- How can I change the background color? [\#29](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/29)
+- Some words are not bold [\#28](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/28)
+- Terminal theme on base gruvbox [\#25](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/25)
+- Markdown has inverted colors when using \* [\#24](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/24)
+- how install it on mac osx [\#23](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/23)
+- Comments color for Terminal Vim [\#22](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/22)
+- Move palette files to gruvbox-generalized [\#20](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/20)
+- Maybe add Gruvbox Airline theme? [\#19](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/19)
+- For Sublime text [\#18](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/18)
+**Merged pull requests:**
+- Fix the 256 palette script failed login issue [\#53](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/53) ([jonasmalacofilho](https://github.com/jonasmalacofilho))
+- add minimal coloring for gitcommit highlighting [\#52](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/52) ([daniely](https://github.com/daniely))
+- For terminals, turn off italics by default. [\#47](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/47) ([ryanmjacobs](https://github.com/ryanmjacobs))
+- Change color of vertical/horizontal seperators between split windows [\#45](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/45) ([deshtop](https://github.com/deshtop))
+- Improve gruvbox with C code [\#34](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/34) ([gladiac](https://github.com/gladiac))
+- Fix for linux console [\#27](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/27) ([vyp](https://github.com/vyp))
+- Colors for plugin vimshell.vim [\#21](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/21) ([joelmo](https://github.com/joelmo))
+## [v1.3.5](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/tree/v1.3.5) (2014-03-19)
+[Full Changelog](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/compare/v0.0.8...v1.3.5)
+**Implemented enhancements:**
+- Better selection colors [\#15](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/15)
+- When hlsearch is on, the cursor inverts the search color and not visible [\#2](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/2)
+**Fixed bugs:**
+- Problem with changing between dark and light on 256 color terminal [\#7](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/7)
+- IndentGuides coloring doesn't show up [\#1](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/1)
+**Closed issues:**
+- Requesting rxvt-unicode theme [\#17](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/17)
+- gruvbox\_256palette.sh gets reset \(gnome-terminal on Ubuntu\) [\#13](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/13)
+- Powerline colors [\#12](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/12)
+- Info necessary for making a port of this colorscheme [\#10](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/10)
+**Merged pull requests:**
+- Fix GNU screen detection for \*-bce [\#16](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/16) ([blueyed](https://github.com/blueyed))
+- Added iTerm2 dark theme [\#11](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/11) ([Greduan](https://github.com/Greduan))
+- Fix typo in Readme [\#5](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/pull/5) ([ViViDboarder](https://github.com/ViViDboarder))
+## [v0.0.8](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/tree/v0.0.8) (2012-12-08)
+\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](https://github.com/skywinder/Github-Changelog-Generator)*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/README.md b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/README.md
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+gruvbox is heavily inspired by [badwolf][], [jellybeans][] and [solarized][].
+Designed as a bright theme with pastel 'retro groove' colors and light/dark mode switching in the way of [solarized][]. The main focus when developing gruvbox is to keep colors easily distinguishable, contrast enough and still pleasant for the eyes.
+ [badwolf]: https://github.com/sjl/badwolf
+ [jellybeans]: https://github.com/nanotech/jellybeans.vim
+ [solarized]: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
+1. [Read this first](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/wiki/Terminal-specific)
+2. Typeface from gallery is [Fantasque Sans Mono](https://github.com/belluzj/fantasque-sans)
+3. Typeface from screenshots below is [Fira Mono](http://www.carrois.com/fira-4-1/)
+Refer [Gallery][] for more syntax-specific screenshots.
+ [Gallery]: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/wiki/Gallery
+### Dark mode
+### Light mode
+### Airline theme
+### Dark mode
+### Light mode
+Contrast options
+Refer [wiki section][] for contrast configuration and other options.
+ [wiki section]: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/wiki/Configuration#ggruvbox_contrast_dark
+Please check [wiki][] for installation details, terminal-specific setup, troubleshooting, configuration options and others.
+ [wiki]: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/wiki
+* Lots of style-customization options (contrast, color invertion, italics usage etc.)
+* Extended filetype highlighting: Html, Xml, Vim (and ES6 with [yajs.vim](https://github.com/othree/yajs.vim)), Clojure, C, Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Objective-C, Go, Lua, MoonScript, Java, Markdown, Haskell
+* Supported plugins: [EasyMotion][], [vim-sneak][], [Indent Guides][], [indentLine][], [Rainbow Parentheses][], [Airline][], [Lightline][], [GitGutter][], [Signify][], [ShowMarks][], [Signature][], [Syntastic][], [CtrlP][], [Startify][]
+ [EasyMotion]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-easymotion
+ [vim-sneak]: https://github.com/justinmk/vim-sneak
+ [Indent Guides]: https://github.com/nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides
+ [indentLine]: https://github.com/Yggdroot/indentLine
+ [Rainbow Parentheses]: https://github.com/kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim
+ [Airline]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline
+ [Lightline]: https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim
+ [GitGutter]: https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter
+ [Signify]: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-signify
+ [ShowMarks]: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=152
+ [Signature]: https://github.com/kshenoy/vim-signature
+ [Syntastic]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic
+ [CtrlP]: https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim
+ [Startify]: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify
+See [gruvbox-contrib][] repo for contributions, ports and extras.
+[gruvbox-contrib]: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox-contrib
+* Filetype syntax highlighting (R, TeX, Swift, Erlang, Purescript and I'm still dissatisfied with CSS)
+* Plugin support (MiniBufExplorer, Tagbar, Netrw, VimPLug)
+If you like gruvbox follow the repository on
+[GitHub](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox) and vote for it on
+ [MIT/X11]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/airline/themes/gruvbox.vim b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/airline/themes/gruvbox.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84793190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/airline/themes/gruvbox.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" File: gruvbox.vim
+" Description: Retro groove color scheme for Airline
+" Author: morhetz
+" Source: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox
+" Last Modified: 22 Aug 2014
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette = {}
+function! airline#themes#gruvbox#refresh()
+ let M0 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Identifier')
+ let accents_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('Special')
+ let modified_group = [M0[0], '', M0[2], '', '']
+ let warning_group = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Question', 'fg'])
+ let error_group = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['WarningMsg', 'fg'])
+ let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['StatusLineNC', 'bg'])
+ let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['StatusLineNC', 'bg'], ['StatusLineNC', 'fg'])
+ let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['StatusLineNC', 'bg'], ['CursorLine', 'bg'])
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified = { 'airline_c': modified_group }
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal.airline_warning = warning_group
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning = warning_group
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal.airline_error = error_group
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified.airline_error = error_group
+ let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Identifier', 'fg'])
+ let s:I2 = s:N2
+ let s:I3 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'fg'], ['StatusLineNC', 'fg'])
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.insert.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal.airline_warning
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.insert.airline_error = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal.airline_error
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.insert_modified.airline_error = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified.airline_error
+ let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Structure', 'fg'])
+ let s:R2 = s:I2
+ let s:R3 = s:I3
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.replace.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal.airline_warning
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.replace.airline_error = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal.airline_error
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.replace_modified.airline_error = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified.airline_error
+ let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['ModeMsg', 'fg'])
+ let s:V2 = s:N2
+ let s:V3 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['TabLine', 'fg'])
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.visual_modified = { 'airline_c': [ s:V3[0], '', s:V3[2], '', '' ] }
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.visual.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal.airline_warning
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.visual.airline_error = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal.airline_error
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.visual_modified.airline_error = g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.normal_modified.airline_error
+ let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['TabLine', 'fg'], ['CursorLine', 'bg'])
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.inactive_modified = { 'airline_c': modified_group }
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.accents = { 'red': accents_group }
+ let s:TF = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
+ let g:airline#themes#gruvbox#palette.tabline = {
+ \ 'airline_tab': s:N2,
+ \ 'airline_tabsel': s:N1,
+ \ 'airline_tabtype': s:V1,
+ \ 'airline_tabfill': s:TF,
+ \ 'airline_tabhid': s:IA,
+ \ 'airline_tabmod': s:I1
+ \ }
+call airline#themes#gruvbox#refresh()
+" vim: set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et tw=80 ft=vim fdm=marker:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/gruvbox.vim b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/gruvbox.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44bec6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/gruvbox.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" File: gruvbox.vim
+" Description: Retro groove color scheme for Vim
+" Author: morhetz
+" Source: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox
+" Last Modified: 09 Apr 2014
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function! gruvbox#invert_signs_toggle()
+ if g:gruvbox_invert_signs == 0
+ let g:gruvbox_invert_signs=1
+ else
+ let g:gruvbox_invert_signs=0
+ endif
+ colorscheme gruvbox
+" Search Highlighting {{{
+function! gruvbox#hls_show()
+ set hlsearch
+ call GruvboxHlsShowCursor()
+function! gruvbox#hls_hide()
+ set nohlsearch
+ call GruvboxHlsHideCursor()
+function! gruvbox#hls_toggle()
+ if &hlsearch
+ call gruvbox#hls_hide()
+ else
+ call gruvbox#hls_show()
+ endif
+" }}}
+" vim: set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et tw=80 ft=vim fdm=marker:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/gruvbox.vim b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/gruvbox.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78babce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/gruvbox.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" File: gruvbox.vim
+" Description: Gruvbox colorscheme for Lightline (itchyny/lightline.vim)
+" Author: gmoe
+" Source: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox
+" Last Modified: 31 Oct 2015
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function! s:getGruvColor(group)
+ let guiColor = synIDattr(hlID(a:group), "fg", "gui")
+ let termColor = synIDattr(hlID(a:group), "fg", "cterm")
+ return [ guiColor, termColor ]
+if exists('g:lightline')
+ let s:bg0 = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxBg0')
+ let s:bg1 = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxBg1')
+ let s:bg2 = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxBg2')
+ let s:bg4 = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxBg4')
+ let s:fg1 = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxFg1')
+ let s:fg4 = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxFg4')
+ let s:yellow = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxYellow')
+ let s:blue = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxBlue')
+ let s:aqua = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxAqua')
+ let s:orange = s:getGruvColor('GruvboxOrange')
+ let s:p = {'normal':{}, 'inactive':{}, 'insert':{}, 'replace':{}, 'visual':{}, 'tabline':{}}
+ let s:p.normal.left = [ [ s:bg0, s:fg4 ], [ s:fg4, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.normal.right = [ [ s:bg0, s:fg4 ], [ s:fg4, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.normal.middle = [ [ s:fg4, s:bg1 ] ]
+ let s:p.inactive.right = [ [ s:bg4, s:bg1 ], [ s:bg4, s:bg1 ] ]
+ let s:p.inactive.left = [ [ s:bg4, s:bg1 ], [ s:bg4, s:bg1 ] ]
+ let s:p.inactive.middle = [ [ s:bg4, s:bg1 ] ]
+ let s:p.insert.left = [ [ s:bg0, s:blue ], [ s:fg1, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.insert.right = [ [ s:bg0, s:blue ], [ s:fg1, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.insert.middle = [ [ s:fg4, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.replace.left = [ [ s:bg0, s:aqua ], [ s:fg1, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.replace.right = [ [ s:bg0, s:aqua ], [ s:fg1, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.replace.middle = [ [ s:fg4, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.visual.left = [ [ s:bg0, s:orange ], [ s:bg0, s:bg4 ] ]
+ let s:p.visual.right = [ [ s:bg0, s:orange ], [ s:bg0, s:bg4 ] ]
+ let s:p.visual.middle = [ [ s:fg4, s:bg1 ] ]
+ let s:p.tabline.left = [ [ s:fg4, s:bg2 ] ]
+ let s:p.tabline.tabsel = [ [ s:bg0, s:fg4 ] ]
+ let s:p.tabline.middle = [ [ s:bg0, s:bg0 ] ]
+ let s:p.tabline.right = [ [ s:bg0, s:orange ] ]
+ let s:p.normal.error = [ [ s:bg0, s:orange ] ]
+ let s:p.normal.warning = [ [ s:bg2, s:yellow ] ]
+ let g:lightline#colorscheme#gruvbox#palette = lightline#colorscheme#flatten(s:p)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/colors/gruvbox.vim b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/colors/gruvbox.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebc9efff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/colors/gruvbox.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1239 @@
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" File: gruvbox.vim
+" Description: Retro groove color scheme for Vim
+" Author: morhetz
+" Source: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox
+" Last Modified: 04 Sep 2015
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Supporting code -------------------------------------------------------------
+" Initialisation: {{{
+if version > 580
+ hi clear
+ if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+ endif
+let g:colors_name='gruvbox'
+if !has('gui_running') && &t_Co != 256
+ finish
+" }}}
+" Global Settings: {{{
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_bold')
+ let g:gruvbox_bold=1
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_italic')
+ if has('gui_running') || $TERM_ITALICS == 'true'
+ let g:gruvbox_italic=1
+ else
+ let g:gruvbox_italic=0
+ endif
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_undercurl')
+ let g:gruvbox_undercurl=1
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_underline')
+ let g:gruvbox_underline=1
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_inverse')
+ let g:gruvbox_inverse=1
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_guisp_fallback') || index(['fg', 'bg'], g:gruvbox_guisp_fallback) == -1
+ let g:gruvbox_guisp_fallback='NONE'
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_improved_strings')
+ let g:gruvbox_improved_strings=0
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_improved_warnings')
+ let g:gruvbox_improved_warnings=0
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_termcolors')
+ let g:gruvbox_termcolors=256
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_invert_indent_guides')
+ let g:gruvbox_invert_indent_guides=0
+if exists('g:gruvbox_contrast')
+ echo 'g:gruvbox_contrast is deprecated; use g:gruvbox_contrast_light and g:gruvbox_contrast_dark instead'
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_contrast_dark')
+ let g:gruvbox_contrast_dark='medium'
+if !exists('g:gruvbox_contrast_light')
+ let g:gruvbox_contrast_light='medium'
+let s:is_dark=(&background == 'dark')
+" }}}
+" Palette: {{{
+" setup palette dictionary
+let s:gb = {}
+" fill it with absolute colors
+let s:gb.dark0_hard = ['#1d2021', 234] " 29-32-33
+let s:gb.dark0 = ['#282828', 235] " 40-40-40
+let s:gb.dark0_soft = ['#32302f', 236] " 50-48-47
+let s:gb.dark1 = ['#3c3836', 237] " 60-56-54
+let s:gb.dark2 = ['#504945', 239] " 80-73-69
+let s:gb.dark3 = ['#665c54', 241] " 102-92-84
+let s:gb.dark4 = ['#7c6f64', 243] " 124-111-100
+let s:gb.dark4_256 = ['#7c6f64', 243] " 124-111-100
+let s:gb.gray_245 = ['#928374', 245] " 146-131-116
+let s:gb.gray_244 = ['#928374', 244] " 146-131-116
+let s:gb.light0_hard = ['#f9f5d7', 230] " 249-245-215
+let s:gb.light0 = ['#fbf1c7', 229] " 253-244-193
+let s:gb.light0_soft = ['#f2e5bc', 228] " 242-229-188
+let s:gb.light1 = ['#ebdbb2', 223] " 235-219-178
+let s:gb.light2 = ['#d5c4a1', 250] " 213-196-161
+let s:gb.light3 = ['#bdae93', 248] " 189-174-147
+let s:gb.light4 = ['#a89984', 246] " 168-153-132
+let s:gb.light4_256 = ['#a89984', 246] " 168-153-132
+let s:gb.bright_red = ['#fb4934', 167] " 251-73-52
+let s:gb.bright_green = ['#b8bb26', 142] " 184-187-38
+let s:gb.bright_yellow = ['#fabd2f', 214] " 250-189-47
+let s:gb.bright_blue = ['#83a598', 109] " 131-165-152
+let s:gb.bright_purple = ['#d3869b', 175] " 211-134-155
+let s:gb.bright_aqua = ['#8ec07c', 108] " 142-192-124
+let s:gb.bright_orange = ['#fe8019', 208] " 254-128-25
+let s:gb.neutral_red = ['#cc241d', 124] " 204-36-29
+let s:gb.neutral_green = ['#98971a', 106] " 152-151-26
+let s:gb.neutral_yellow = ['#d79921', 172] " 215-153-33
+let s:gb.neutral_blue = ['#458588', 66] " 69-133-136
+let s:gb.neutral_purple = ['#b16286', 132] " 177-98-134
+let s:gb.neutral_aqua = ['#689d6a', 72] " 104-157-106
+let s:gb.neutral_orange = ['#d65d0e', 166] " 214-93-14
+let s:gb.faded_red = ['#9d0006', 88] " 157-0-6
+let s:gb.faded_green = ['#79740e', 100] " 121-116-14
+let s:gb.faded_yellow = ['#b57614', 136] " 181-118-20
+let s:gb.faded_blue = ['#076678', 24] " 7-102-120
+let s:gb.faded_purple = ['#8f3f71', 96] " 143-63-113
+let s:gb.faded_aqua = ['#427b58', 66] " 66-123-88
+let s:gb.faded_orange = ['#af3a03', 130] " 175-58-3
+" }}}
+" Setup Emphasis: {{{
+let s:bold = 'bold,'
+if g:gruvbox_bold == 0
+ let s:bold = ''
+let s:italic = 'italic,'
+if g:gruvbox_italic == 0
+ let s:italic = ''
+let s:underline = 'underline,'
+if g:gruvbox_underline == 0
+ let s:underline = ''
+let s:undercurl = 'undercurl,'
+if g:gruvbox_undercurl == 0
+ let s:undercurl = ''
+let s:inverse = 'inverse,'
+if g:gruvbox_inverse == 0
+ let s:inverse = ''
+" }}}
+" Setup Colors: {{{
+let s:vim_bg = ['bg', 'bg']
+let s:vim_fg = ['fg', 'fg']
+let s:none = ['NONE', 'NONE']
+" determine relative colors
+if s:is_dark
+ let s:bg0 = s:gb.dark0
+ if g:gruvbox_contrast_dark == 'soft'
+ let s:bg0 = s:gb.dark0_soft
+ elseif g:gruvbox_contrast_dark == 'hard'
+ let s:bg0 = s:gb.dark0_hard
+ endif
+ let s:bg1 = s:gb.dark1
+ let s:bg2 = s:gb.dark2
+ let s:bg3 = s:gb.dark3
+ let s:bg4 = s:gb.dark4
+ let s:gray = s:gb.gray_245
+ let s:fg0 = s:gb.light0
+ let s:fg1 = s:gb.light1
+ let s:fg2 = s:gb.light2
+ let s:fg3 = s:gb.light3
+ let s:fg4 = s:gb.light4
+ let s:fg4_256 = s:gb.light4_256
+ let s:red = s:gb.bright_red
+ let s:green = s:gb.bright_green
+ let s:yellow = s:gb.bright_yellow
+ let s:blue = s:gb.bright_blue
+ let s:purple = s:gb.bright_purple
+ let s:aqua = s:gb.bright_aqua
+ let s:orange = s:gb.bright_orange
+ let s:bg0 = s:gb.light0
+ if g:gruvbox_contrast_light == 'soft'
+ let s:bg0 = s:gb.light0_soft
+ elseif g:gruvbox_contrast_light == 'hard'
+ let s:bg0 = s:gb.light0_hard
+ endif
+ let s:bg1 = s:gb.light1
+ let s:bg2 = s:gb.light2
+ let s:bg3 = s:gb.light3
+ let s:bg4 = s:gb.light4
+ let s:gray = s:gb.gray_244
+ let s:fg0 = s:gb.dark0
+ let s:fg1 = s:gb.dark1
+ let s:fg2 = s:gb.dark2
+ let s:fg3 = s:gb.dark3
+ let s:fg4 = s:gb.dark4
+ let s:fg4_256 = s:gb.dark4_256
+ let s:red = s:gb.faded_red
+ let s:green = s:gb.faded_green
+ let s:yellow = s:gb.faded_yellow
+ let s:blue = s:gb.faded_blue
+ let s:purple = s:gb.faded_purple
+ let s:aqua = s:gb.faded_aqua
+ let s:orange = s:gb.faded_orange
+" reset to 16 colors fallback
+if g:gruvbox_termcolors == 16
+ let s:bg0[1] = 0
+ let s:fg4[1] = 7
+ let s:gray[1] = 8
+ let s:red[1] = 9
+ let s:green[1] = 10
+ let s:yellow[1] = 11
+ let s:blue[1] = 12
+ let s:purple[1] = 13
+ let s:aqua[1] = 14
+ let s:fg1[1] = 15
+" save current relative colors back to palette dictionary
+let s:gb.bg0 = s:bg0
+let s:gb.bg1 = s:bg1
+let s:gb.bg2 = s:bg2
+let s:gb.bg3 = s:bg3
+let s:gb.bg4 = s:bg4
+let s:gb.gray = s:gray
+let s:gb.fg0 = s:fg0
+let s:gb.fg1 = s:fg1
+let s:gb.fg2 = s:fg2
+let s:gb.fg3 = s:fg3
+let s:gb.fg4 = s:fg4
+let s:gb.fg4_256 = s:fg4_256
+let s:gb.red = s:red
+let s:gb.green = s:green
+let s:gb.yellow = s:yellow
+let s:gb.blue = s:blue
+let s:gb.purple = s:purple
+let s:gb.aqua = s:aqua
+let s:gb.orange = s:orange
+" }}}
+" Overload Setting: {{{
+let s:hls_cursor = s:orange
+if exists('g:gruvbox_hls_cursor')
+ let s:hls_cursor = get(s:gb, g:gruvbox_hls_cursor)
+let s:number_column = s:none
+if exists('g:gruvbox_number_column')
+ let s:number_column = get(s:gb, g:gruvbox_number_column)
+let s:sign_column = s:bg1
+if exists('g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight') &&
+ \ g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight == 1
+ let s:sign_column = s:number_column
+ let g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight = 0
+ if exists('g:gruvbox_sign_column')
+ let s:sign_column = get(s:gb, g:gruvbox_sign_column)
+ endif
+let s:color_column = s:bg1
+if exists('g:gruvbox_color_column')
+ let s:color_column = get(s:gb, g:gruvbox_color_column)
+let s:vert_split = s:bg2
+if exists('g:gruvbox_vert_split')
+ let s:vert_split = get(s:gb, g:gruvbox_vert_split)
+let s:invert_signs = ''
+if exists('g:gruvbox_invert_signs')
+ if g:gruvbox_invert_signs == 1
+ let s:invert_signs = s:inverse
+ endif
+let s:invert_selection = s:inverse
+if exists('g:gruvbox_invert_selection')
+ if g:gruvbox_invert_selection == 0
+ let s:invert_selection = ''
+ endif
+let s:invert_tabline = ''
+if exists('g:gruvbox_invert_tabline')
+ if g:gruvbox_invert_tabline == 1
+ let s:invert_tabline = s:inverse
+ endif
+let s:italicize_comments = s:italic
+if exists('g:gruvbox_italicize_comments')
+ if g:gruvbox_italicize_comments == 0
+ let s:italicize_comments = ''
+ endif
+let s:italicize_strings = ''
+if exists('g:gruvbox_italicize_strings')
+ if g:gruvbox_italicize_strings == 1
+ let s:italicize_strings = s:italic
+ endif
+" }}}
+" Highlighting Function: {{{
+function! s:HL(group, fg, ...)
+ " Arguments: group, guifg, guibg, gui, guisp
+ " foreground
+ let fg = a:fg
+ " background
+ if a:0 >= 1
+ let bg = a:1
+ else
+ let bg = s:none
+ endif
+ " emphasis
+ if a:0 >= 2 && strlen(a:2)
+ let emstr = a:2
+ else
+ let emstr = 'NONE,'
+ endif
+ " special fallback
+ if a:0 >= 3
+ if g:gruvbox_guisp_fallback != 'NONE'
+ let fg = a:3
+ endif
+ " bg fallback mode should invert higlighting
+ if g:gruvbox_guisp_fallback == 'bg'
+ let emstr .= 'inverse,'
+ endif
+ endif
+ let histring = [ 'hi', a:group,
+ \ 'guifg=' . fg[0], 'ctermfg=' . fg[1],
+ \ 'guibg=' . bg[0], 'ctermbg=' . bg[1],
+ \ 'gui=' . emstr[:-2], 'cterm=' . emstr[:-2]
+ \ ]
+ " special
+ if a:0 >= 3
+ call add(histring, 'guisp=' . a:3[0])
+ endif
+ execute join(histring, ' ')
+" }}}
+" Gruvbox Hi Groups: {{{
+" memoize common hi groups
+call s:HL('GruvboxFg0', s:fg0)
+call s:HL('GruvboxFg1', s:fg1)
+call s:HL('GruvboxFg2', s:fg2)
+call s:HL('GruvboxFg3', s:fg3)
+call s:HL('GruvboxFg4', s:fg4)
+call s:HL('GruvboxGray', s:gray)
+call s:HL('GruvboxBg0', s:bg0)
+call s:HL('GruvboxBg1', s:bg1)
+call s:HL('GruvboxBg2', s:bg2)
+call s:HL('GruvboxBg3', s:bg3)
+call s:HL('GruvboxBg4', s:bg4)
+call s:HL('GruvboxRed', s:red)
+call s:HL('GruvboxRedBold', s:red, s:none, s:bold)
+call s:HL('GruvboxGreen', s:green)
+call s:HL('GruvboxGreenBold', s:green, s:none, s:bold)
+call s:HL('GruvboxYellow', s:yellow)
+call s:HL('GruvboxYellowBold', s:yellow, s:none, s:bold)
+call s:HL('GruvboxBlue', s:blue)
+call s:HL('GruvboxBlueBold', s:blue, s:none, s:bold)
+call s:HL('GruvboxPurple', s:purple)
+call s:HL('GruvboxPurpleBold', s:purple, s:none, s:bold)
+call s:HL('GruvboxAqua', s:aqua)
+call s:HL('GruvboxAquaBold', s:aqua, s:none, s:bold)
+call s:HL('GruvboxOrange', s:orange)
+call s:HL('GruvboxOrangeBold', s:orange, s:none, s:bold)
+call s:HL('GruvboxRedSign', s:red, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
+call s:HL('GruvboxGreenSign', s:green, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
+call s:HL('GruvboxYellowSign', s:yellow, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
+call s:HL('GruvboxBlueSign', s:blue, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
+call s:HL('GruvboxPurpleSign', s:purple, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
+call s:HL('GruvboxAquaSign', s:aqua, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
+" }}}
+" Vanilla colorscheme ---------------------------------------------------------
+" General UI: {{{
+" Normal text
+call s:HL('Normal', s:fg1, s:bg0)
+" Correct background (see issue #7):
+" --- Problem with changing between dark and light on 256 color terminal
+" --- https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/7
+if s:is_dark
+ set background=dark
+ set background=light
+if version >= 700
+ " Screen line that the cursor is
+ call s:HL('CursorLine', s:none, s:bg1)
+ " Screen column that the cursor is
+ hi! link CursorColumn CursorLine
+ " Tab pages line filler
+ call s:HL('TabLineFill', s:bg4, s:vim_bg, s:invert_tabline)
+ " Active tab page label
+ call s:HL('TabLineSel', s:vim_bg, s:bg4, s:bold . s:invert_tabline)
+ " Not active tab page label
+ hi! link TabLine TabLineFill
+ " Match paired bracket under the cursor
+ call s:HL('MatchParen', s:none, s:bg3, s:bold)
+if version >= 703
+ " Highlighted screen columns
+ call s:HL('ColorColumn', s:none, s:color_column)
+ " Concealed element: \lambda → λ
+ call s:HL('Conceal', s:blue, s:none)
+ " Line number of CursorLine
+ call s:HL('CursorLineNr', s:yellow, s:bg1)
+hi! link NonText GruvboxBg2
+hi! link SpecialKey GruvboxBg2
+call s:HL('Visual', s:none, s:bg3, s:invert_selection)
+hi! link VisualNOS Visual
+call s:HL('Search', s:yellow, s:bg0, s:inverse)
+call s:HL('IncSearch', s:hls_cursor, s:bg0, s:inverse)
+call s:HL('Underlined', s:blue, s:none, s:underline)
+call s:HL('StatusLine', s:bg4, s:bg0, s:bold . s:inverse)
+call s:HL('StatusLineNC', s:bg2, s:fg4, s:bold . s:inverse)
+" The column separating vertically split windows
+call s:HL('VertSplit', s:fg4, s:vert_split)
+" Current match in wildmenu completion
+call s:HL('WildMenu', s:blue, s:bg2, s:bold)
+" Directory names, special names in listing
+hi! link Directory GruvboxGreenBold
+" Titles for output from :set all, :autocmd, etc.
+hi! link Title GruvboxGreenBold
+" Error messages on the command line
+call s:HL('ErrorMsg', s:bg0, s:red, s:bold)
+" More prompt: -- More --
+hi! link MoreMsg GruvboxYellowBold
+" Current mode message: -- INSERT --
+hi! link ModeMsg GruvboxYellowBold
+" 'Press enter' prompt and yes/no questions
+hi! link Question GruvboxOrangeBold
+" Warning messages
+hi! link WarningMsg GruvboxRedBold
+" }}}
+" Gutter: {{{
+" Line number for :number and :# commands
+call s:HL('LineNr', s:bg4, s:number_column)
+" Column where signs are displayed
+call s:HL('SignColumn', s:none, s:sign_column)
+" Line used for closed folds
+call s:HL('Folded', s:gray, s:bg1, s:italic)
+" Column where folds are displayed
+call s:HL('FoldColumn', s:gray, s:bg1)
+" }}}
+" Cursor: {{{
+" Character under cursor
+call s:HL('Cursor', s:none, s:none, s:inverse)
+" Visual mode cursor, selection
+hi! link vCursor Cursor
+" Input moder cursor
+hi! link iCursor Cursor
+" Language mapping cursor
+hi! link lCursor Cursor
+" }}}
+" Syntax Highlighting: {{{
+if g:gruvbox_improved_strings == 0
+ hi! link Special GruvboxOrange
+ call s:HL('Special', s:bg1, s:orange, s:italic)
+call s:HL('Comment', s:gray, s:none, s:italicize_comments)
+call s:HL('Todo', s:vim_fg, s:vim_bg, s:bold . s:italic)
+call s:HL('Error', s:red, s:vim_bg, s:bold . s:inverse)
+" Generic statement
+hi! link Statement GruvboxRed
+" if, then, else, endif, swicth, etc.
+hi! link Conditional GruvboxRed
+" for, do, while, etc.
+hi! link Repeat GruvboxRed
+" case, default, etc.
+hi! link Label GruvboxRed
+" try, catch, throw
+hi! link Exception GruvboxRed
+" sizeof, "+", "*", etc.
+hi! link Operator Normal
+" Any other keyword
+hi! link Keyword GruvboxRed
+" Variable name
+hi! link Identifier GruvboxBlue
+" Function name
+hi! link Function GruvboxGreenBold
+" Generic preprocessor
+hi! link PreProc GruvboxAqua
+" Preprocessor #include
+hi! link Include GruvboxAqua
+" Preprocessor #define
+hi! link Define GruvboxAqua
+" Same as Define
+hi! link Macro GruvboxAqua
+" Preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
+hi! link PreCondit GruvboxAqua
+" Generic constant
+hi! link Constant GruvboxPurple
+" Character constant: 'c', '/n'
+hi! link Character GruvboxPurple
+" String constant: "this is a string"
+if g:gruvbox_improved_strings == 0
+ call s:HL('String', s:green, s:none, s:italicize_strings)
+ call s:HL('String', s:bg1, s:fg1, s:italicize_strings)
+" Boolean constant: TRUE, false
+hi! link Boolean GruvboxPurple
+" Number constant: 234, 0xff
+hi! link Number GruvboxPurple
+" Floating point constant: 2.3e10
+hi! link Float GruvboxPurple
+" Generic type
+hi! link Type GruvboxYellow
+" static, register, volatile, etc
+hi! link StorageClass GruvboxOrange
+" struct, union, enum, etc.
+hi! link Structure GruvboxAqua
+" typedef
+hi! link Typedef GruvboxYellow
+" }}}
+" Completion Menu: {{{
+if version >= 700
+ " Popup menu: normal item
+ call s:HL('Pmenu', s:fg1, s:bg2)
+ " Popup menu: selected item
+ call s:HL('PmenuSel', s:bg2, s:blue, s:bold)
+ " Popup menu: scrollbar
+ call s:HL('PmenuSbar', s:none, s:bg2)
+ " Popup menu: scrollbar thumb
+ call s:HL('PmenuThumb', s:none, s:bg4)
+" }}}
+" Diffs: {{{
+call s:HL('DiffDelete', s:red, s:bg0, s:inverse)
+call s:HL('DiffAdd', s:green, s:bg0, s:inverse)
+"call s:HL('DiffChange', s:bg0, s:blue)
+"call s:HL('DiffText', s:bg0, s:yellow)
+" Alternative setting
+call s:HL('DiffChange', s:aqua, s:bg0, s:inverse)
+call s:HL('DiffText', s:yellow, s:bg0, s:inverse)
+" }}}
+" Spelling: {{{
+if has("spell")
+ " Not capitalised word, or compile warnings
+ if g:gruvbox_improved_warnings == 0
+ call s:HL('SpellCap', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:red)
+ else
+ call s:HL('SpellCap', s:green, s:none, s:bold . s:italic)
+ endif
+ " Not recognized word
+ call s:HL('SpellBad', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:blue)
+ " Wrong spelling for selected region
+ call s:HL('SpellLocal', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:aqua)
+ " Rare word
+ call s:HL('SpellRare', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:purple)
+" }}}
+" Plugin specific -------------------------------------------------------------
+" EasyMotion: {{{
+hi! link EasyMotionTarget Search
+hi! link EasyMotionShade Comment
+" }}}
+" Sneak: {{{
+hi! link SneakPluginTarget Search
+hi! link SneakStreakTarget Search
+call s:HL('SneakStreakMask', s:yellow, s:yellow)
+hi! link SneakStreakStatusLine Search
+" }}}
+" Indent Guides: {{{
+if !exists('g:indent_guides_auto_colors')
+ let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
+if g:indent_guides_auto_colors == 0
+ if g:gruvbox_invert_indent_guides == 0
+ call s:HL('IndentGuidesOdd', s:vim_bg, s:bg2)
+ call s:HL('IndentGuidesEven', s:vim_bg, s:bg1)
+ else
+ call s:HL('IndentGuidesOdd', s:vim_bg, s:bg2, s:inverse)
+ call s:HL('IndentGuidesEven', s:vim_bg, s:bg3, s:inverse)
+ endif
+" }}}
+" IndentLine: {{{
+if !exists('g:indentLine_color_term')
+ let g:indentLine_color_term = s:bg2[1]
+if !exists('g:indentLine_color_gui')
+ let g:indentLine_color_gui = s:bg2[0]
+" }}}
+" Rainbow Parentheses: {{{
+if !exists('g:rbpt_colorpairs')
+ let g:rbpt_colorpairs =
+ \ [
+ \ ['blue', '#458588'], ['magenta', '#b16286'],
+ \ ['red', '#cc241d'], ['166', '#d65d0e']
+ \ ]
+let g:rainbow_guifgs = [ '#d65d0e', '#cc241d', '#b16286', '#458588' ]
+let g:rainbow_ctermfgs = [ '166', 'red', 'magenta', 'blue' ]
+if !exists('g:rainbow_conf')
+ let g:rainbow_conf = {}
+if !has_key(g:rainbow_conf, 'guifgs')
+ let g:rainbow_conf['guifgs'] = g:rainbow_guifgs
+if !has_key(g:rainbow_conf, 'ctermfgs')
+ let g:rainbow_conf['ctermfgs'] = g:rainbow_ctermfgs
+let g:niji_dark_colours = g:rbpt_colorpairs
+let g:niji_light_colours = g:rbpt_colorpairs
+" GitGutter: {{{
+hi! link GitGutterAdd GruvboxGreenSign
+hi! link GitGutterChange GruvboxAquaSign
+hi! link GitGutterDelete GruvboxRedSign
+hi! link GitGutterChangeDelete GruvboxAquaSign
+" }}}
+" GitCommit: "{{{
+hi! link gitcommitSelectedFile GruvboxGreen
+hi! link gitcommitDiscardedFile GruvboxRed
+" }}}
+" Signify: {{{
+hi! link SignifySignAdd GruvboxGreenSign
+hi! link SignifySignChange GruvboxAquaSign
+hi! link SignifySignDelete GruvboxRedSign
+" }}}
+" Syntastic: {{{
+call s:HL('SyntasticError', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:red)
+call s:HL('SyntasticWarning', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:yellow)
+hi! link SyntasticErrorSign GruvboxRedSign
+hi! link SyntasticWarningSign GruvboxYellowSign
+" }}}
+" Signature: {{{
+hi! link SignatureMarkText GruvboxBlueSign
+hi! link SignatureMarkerText GruvboxPurpleSign
+" }}}
+" ShowMarks: {{{
+hi! link ShowMarksHLl GruvboxBlueSign
+hi! link ShowMarksHLu GruvboxBlueSign
+hi! link ShowMarksHLo GruvboxBlueSign
+hi! link ShowMarksHLm GruvboxBlueSign
+" }}}
+" CtrlP: {{{
+hi! link CtrlPMatch GruvboxYellow
+hi! link CtrlPNoEntries GruvboxRed
+hi! link CtrlPPrtBase GruvboxBg2
+hi! link CtrlPPrtCursor GruvboxBlue
+hi! link CtrlPLinePre GruvboxBg2
+call s:HL('CtrlPMode1', s:blue, s:bg2, s:bold)
+call s:HL('CtrlPMode2', s:bg0, s:blue, s:bold)
+call s:HL('CtrlPStats', s:fg4, s:bg2, s:bold)
+" }}}
+" Startify: {{{
+hi! link StartifyBracket GruvboxFg3
+hi! link StartifyFile GruvboxFg0
+hi! link StartifyNumber GruvboxBlue
+hi! link StartifyPath GruvboxGray
+hi! link StartifySlash GruvboxGray
+hi! link StartifySection GruvboxYellow
+hi! link StartifySpecial GruvboxBg2
+hi! link StartifyHeader GruvboxOrange
+hi! link StartifyFooter GruvboxBg2
+" }}}
+" Vimshell: {{{
+let g:vimshell_escape_colors = [
+ \ s:bg4[0], s:red[0], s:green[0], s:yellow[0],
+ \ s:blue[0], s:purple[0], s:aqua[0], s:fg4[0],
+ \ s:bg0[0], s:red[0], s:green[0], s:orange[0],
+ \ s:blue[0], s:purple[0], s:aqua[0], s:fg0[0]
+ \ ]
+" }}}
+" BufTabLine: {{{
+call s:HL('BufTabLineCurrent', s:bg0, s:fg4)
+call s:HL('BufTabLineActive', s:fg4, s:bg2)
+call s:HL('BufTabLineHidden', s:bg4, s:bg1)
+call s:HL('BufTabLineFill', s:bg0, s:bg0)
+" }}}
+" Filetype specific -----------------------------------------------------------
+" Diff: {{{
+hi! link diffAdded GruvboxGreen
+hi! link diffRemoved GruvboxRed
+hi! link diffChanged GruvboxAqua
+hi! link diffFile GruvboxOrange
+hi! link diffNewFile GruvboxYellow
+hi! link diffLine GruvboxBlue
+" }}}
+" Html: {{{
+hi! link htmlTag GruvboxBlue
+hi! link htmlEndTag GruvboxBlue
+hi! link htmlTagName GruvboxAquaBold
+hi! link htmlArg GruvboxAqua
+hi! link htmlScriptTag GruvboxPurple
+hi! link htmlTagN GruvboxFg1
+hi! link htmlSpecialTagName GruvboxAquaBold
+call s:HL('htmlLink', s:fg4, s:none, s:underline)
+hi! link htmlSpecialChar GruvboxOrange
+call s:HL('htmlBold', s:vim_fg, s:vim_bg, s:bold)
+call s:HL('htmlBoldUnderline', s:vim_fg, s:vim_bg, s:bold . s:underline)
+call s:HL('htmlBoldItalic', s:vim_fg, s:vim_bg, s:bold . s:italic)
+call s:HL('htmlBoldUnderlineItalic', s:vim_fg, s:vim_bg, s:bold . s:underline . s:italic)
+call s:HL('htmlUnderline', s:vim_fg, s:vim_bg, s:underline)
+call s:HL('htmlUnderlineItalic', s:vim_fg, s:vim_bg, s:underline . s:italic)
+call s:HL('htmlItalic', s:vim_fg, s:vim_bg, s:italic)
+" }}}
+" Xml: {{{
+hi! link xmlTag GruvboxBlue
+hi! link xmlEndTag GruvboxBlue
+hi! link xmlTagName GruvboxBlue
+hi! link xmlEqual GruvboxBlue
+hi! link docbkKeyword GruvboxAquaBold
+hi! link xmlDocTypeDecl GruvboxGray
+hi! link xmlDocTypeKeyword GruvboxPurple
+hi! link xmlCdataStart GruvboxGray
+hi! link xmlCdataCdata GruvboxPurple
+hi! link dtdFunction GruvboxGray
+hi! link dtdTagName GruvboxPurple
+hi! link xmlAttrib GruvboxAqua
+hi! link xmlProcessingDelim GruvboxGray
+hi! link dtdParamEntityPunct GruvboxGray
+hi! link dtdParamEntityDPunct GruvboxGray
+hi! link xmlAttribPunct GruvboxGray
+hi! link xmlEntity GruvboxOrange
+hi! link xmlEntityPunct GruvboxOrange
+" }}}
+" Vim: {{{
+call s:HL('vimCommentTitle', s:fg4_256, s:none, s:bold . s:italicize_comments)
+hi! link vimNotation GruvboxOrange
+hi! link vimBracket GruvboxOrange
+hi! link vimMapModKey GruvboxOrange
+hi! link vimFuncSID GruvboxFg3
+hi! link vimSetSep GruvboxFg3
+hi! link vimSep GruvboxFg3
+hi! link vimContinue GruvboxFg3
+" }}}
+" Clojure: {{{
+hi! link clojureKeyword GruvboxBlue
+hi! link clojureCond GruvboxOrange
+hi! link clojureSpecial GruvboxOrange
+hi! link clojureDefine GruvboxOrange
+hi! link clojureFunc GruvboxYellow
+hi! link clojureRepeat GruvboxYellow
+hi! link clojureCharacter GruvboxAqua
+hi! link clojureStringEscape GruvboxAqua
+hi! link clojureException GruvboxRed
+hi! link clojureRegexp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link clojureRegexpEscape GruvboxAqua
+call s:HL('clojureRegexpCharClass', s:fg3, s:none, s:bold)
+hi! link clojureRegexpMod clojureRegexpCharClass
+hi! link clojureRegexpQuantifier clojureRegexpCharClass
+hi! link clojureParen GruvboxFg3
+hi! link clojureAnonArg GruvboxYellow
+hi! link clojureVariable GruvboxBlue
+hi! link clojureMacro GruvboxOrange
+hi! link clojureMeta GruvboxYellow
+hi! link clojureDeref GruvboxYellow
+hi! link clojureQuote GruvboxYellow
+hi! link clojureUnquote GruvboxYellow
+" }}}
+" C: {{{
+hi! link cOperator GruvboxPurple
+hi! link cStructure GruvboxOrange
+" }}}
+" Python: {{{
+hi! link pythonBuiltin GruvboxOrange
+hi! link pythonBuiltinObj GruvboxOrange
+hi! link pythonBuiltinFunc GruvboxOrange
+hi! link pythonFunction GruvboxAqua
+hi! link pythonDecorator GruvboxRed
+hi! link pythonInclude GruvboxBlue
+hi! link pythonImport GruvboxBlue
+hi! link pythonRun GruvboxBlue
+hi! link pythonCoding GruvboxBlue
+hi! link pythonOperator GruvboxRed
+hi! link pythonExceptions GruvboxPurple
+hi! link pythonBoolean GruvboxPurple
+hi! link pythonDot GruvboxFg3
+" }}}
+" CSS: {{{
+hi! link cssBraces GruvboxBlue
+hi! link cssFunctionName GruvboxYellow
+hi! link cssIdentifier GruvboxOrange
+hi! link cssClassName GruvboxGreen
+hi! link cssColor GruvboxBlue
+hi! link cssSelectorOp GruvboxBlue
+hi! link cssSelectorOp2 GruvboxBlue
+hi! link cssImportant GruvboxGreen
+hi! link cssVendor GruvboxFg1
+hi! link cssTextProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssAnimationProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssUIProp GruvboxYellow
+hi! link cssTransformProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssTransitionProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssPrintProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssPositioningProp GruvboxYellow
+hi! link cssBoxProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssFontDescriptorProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssFlexibleBoxProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssBorderOutlineProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssBackgroundProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssMarginProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssListProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssTableProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssFontProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssPaddingProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssDimensionProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssRenderProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssColorProp GruvboxAqua
+hi! link cssGeneratedContentProp GruvboxAqua
+" }}}
+" JavaScript: {{{
+hi! link javaScriptBraces GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javaScriptFunction GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javaScriptIdentifier GruvboxRed
+hi! link javaScriptMember GruvboxBlue
+hi! link javaScriptNumber GruvboxPurple
+hi! link javaScriptNull GruvboxPurple
+hi! link javaScriptParens GruvboxFg3
+" }}}
+" YAJS: {{{
+hi! link javascriptImport GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javascriptExport GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javascriptClassKeyword GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javascriptClassExtends GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javascriptDefault GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javascriptClassName GruvboxYellow
+hi! link javascriptClassSuperName GruvboxYellow
+hi! link javascriptGlobal GruvboxYellow
+hi! link javascriptEndColons GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javascriptFuncArg GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javascriptGlobalMethod GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javascriptNodeGlobal GruvboxFg1
+" hi! link javascriptVariable GruvboxOrange
+hi! link javascriptVariable GruvboxRed
+" hi! link javascriptIdentifier GruvboxOrange
+" hi! link javascriptClassSuper GruvboxOrange
+hi! link javascriptIdentifier GruvboxOrange
+hi! link javascriptClassSuper GruvboxOrange
+" hi! link javascriptFuncKeyword GruvboxOrange
+" hi! link javascriptAsyncFunc GruvboxOrange
+hi! link javascriptFuncKeyword GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javascriptAsyncFunc GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javascriptClassStatic GruvboxOrange
+hi! link javascriptOperator GruvboxRed
+hi! link javascriptForOperator GruvboxRed
+hi! link javascriptYield GruvboxRed
+hi! link javascriptExceptions GruvboxRed
+hi! link javascriptMessage GruvboxRed
+hi! link javascriptTemplateSB GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javascriptTemplateSubstitution GruvboxFg1
+" hi! link javascriptLabel GruvboxBlue
+" hi! link javascriptObjectLabel GruvboxBlue
+" hi! link javascriptPropertyName GruvboxBlue
+hi! link javascriptLabel GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javascriptObjectLabel GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javascriptPropertyName GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javascriptLogicSymbols GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javascriptArrowFunc GruvboxFg1
+hi! link javascriptDocParamName GruvboxFg4
+hi! link javascriptDocTags GruvboxFg4
+hi! link javascriptDocNotation GruvboxFg4
+hi! link javascriptDocParamType GruvboxFg4
+hi! link javascriptDocNamedParamType GruvboxFg4
+" }}}
+" TypeScript: {{{
+hi! link typeScriptReserved GruvboxAqua
+hi! link typeScriptLabel GruvboxAqua
+hi! link typeScriptIdentifier GruvboxOrange
+hi! link typeScriptBraces GruvboxFg1
+hi! link typeScriptEndColons GruvboxFg1
+hi! link typeScriptDOMObjects GruvboxFg1
+hi! link typeScriptAjaxMethods GruvboxFg1
+hi! link typeScriptLogicSymbols GruvboxFg1
+hi! link typeScriptDocSeeTag Comment
+hi! link typeScriptDocParam Comment
+hi! link typeScriptDocTags vimCommentTitle
+" }}}
+" CoffeeScript: {{{
+hi! link coffeeExtendedOp GruvboxFg3
+hi! link coffeeSpecialOp GruvboxFg3
+hi! link coffeeCurly GruvboxOrange
+hi! link coffeeParen GruvboxFg3
+hi! link coffeeBracket GruvboxOrange
+" }}}
+" Ruby: {{{
+hi! link rubyStringDelimiter GruvboxGreen
+hi! link rubyInterpolationDelimiter GruvboxAqua
+" }}}
+" ObjectiveC: {{{
+hi! link objcTypeModifier GruvboxRed
+hi! link objcDirective GruvboxBlue
+" }}}
+" Go: {{{
+hi! link goDirective GruvboxAqua
+hi! link goConstants GruvboxPurple
+hi! link goDeclaration GruvboxRed
+hi! link goDeclType GruvboxBlue
+hi! link goBuiltins GruvboxOrange
+" }}}
+" Lua: {{{
+hi! link luaIn GruvboxRed
+hi! link luaFunction GruvboxAqua
+hi! link luaTable GruvboxOrange
+" }}}
+" MoonScript: {{{
+hi! link moonSpecialOp GruvboxFg3
+hi! link moonExtendedOp GruvboxFg3
+hi! link moonFunction GruvboxFg3
+hi! link moonObject GruvboxYellow
+" }}}
+" Java: {{{
+hi! link javaAnnotation GruvboxBlue
+hi! link javaDocTags GruvboxAqua
+hi! link javaCommentTitle vimCommentTitle
+hi! link javaParen GruvboxFg3
+hi! link javaParen1 GruvboxFg3
+hi! link javaParen2 GruvboxFg3
+hi! link javaParen3 GruvboxFg3
+hi! link javaParen4 GruvboxFg3
+hi! link javaParen5 GruvboxFg3
+hi! link javaOperator GruvboxOrange
+hi! link javaVarArg GruvboxGreen
+" }}}
+" Elixir: {{{
+hi! link elixirDocString Comment
+hi! link elixirStringDelimiter GruvboxGreen
+hi! link elixirInterpolationDelimiter GruvboxAqua
+hi! link elixirModuleDeclaration GruvboxYellow
+" }}}
+" Scala: {{{
+" NB: scala vim syntax file is kinda horrible
+hi! link scalaNameDefinition GruvboxFg1
+hi! link scalaCaseFollowing GruvboxFg1
+hi! link scalaCapitalWord GruvboxFg1
+hi! link scalaTypeExtension GruvboxFg1
+hi! link scalaKeyword GruvboxRed
+hi! link scalaKeywordModifier GruvboxRed
+hi! link scalaSpecial GruvboxAqua
+hi! link scalaOperator GruvboxFg1
+hi! link scalaTypeDeclaration GruvboxYellow
+hi! link scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration GruvboxYellow
+hi! link scalaInstanceDeclaration GruvboxFg1
+hi! link scalaInterpolation GruvboxAqua
+" }}}
+" Markdown: {{{
+call s:HL('markdownItalic', s:fg3, s:none, s:italic)
+hi! link markdownH1 GruvboxGreenBold
+hi! link markdownH2 GruvboxGreenBold
+hi! link markdownH3 GruvboxYellowBold
+hi! link markdownH4 GruvboxYellowBold
+hi! link markdownH5 GruvboxYellow
+hi! link markdownH6 GruvboxYellow
+hi! link markdownCode GruvboxAqua
+hi! link markdownCodeBlock GruvboxAqua
+hi! link markdownCodeDelimiter GruvboxAqua
+hi! link markdownBlockquote GruvboxGray
+hi! link markdownListMarker GruvboxGray
+hi! link markdownOrderedListMarker GruvboxGray
+hi! link markdownRule GruvboxGray
+hi! link markdownHeadingRule GruvboxGray
+hi! link markdownUrlDelimiter GruvboxFg3
+hi! link markdownLinkDelimiter GruvboxFg3
+hi! link markdownLinkTextDelimiter GruvboxFg3
+hi! link markdownHeadingDelimiter GruvboxOrange
+hi! link markdownUrl GruvboxPurple
+hi! link markdownUrlTitleDelimiter GruvboxGreen
+call s:HL('markdownLinkText', s:gray, s:none, s:underline)
+hi! link markdownIdDeclaration markdownLinkText
+" }}}
+" Haskell: {{{
+" hi! link haskellType GruvboxYellow
+" hi! link haskellOperators GruvboxOrange
+" hi! link haskellConditional GruvboxAqua
+" hi! link haskellLet GruvboxOrange
+hi! link haskellType GruvboxFg1
+hi! link haskellIdentifier GruvboxFg1
+hi! link haskellSeparator GruvboxFg1
+hi! link haskellDelimiter GruvboxFg4
+hi! link haskellOperators GruvboxBlue
+hi! link haskellBacktick GruvboxOrange
+hi! link haskellStatement GruvboxOrange
+hi! link haskellConditional GruvboxOrange
+hi! link haskellLet GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellDefault GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellWhere GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellBottom GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellBlockKeywords GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellImportKeywords GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellDeclKeyword GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellDeriving GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellAssocType GruvboxAqua
+hi! link haskellNumber GruvboxPurple
+hi! link haskellPragma GruvboxPurple
+hi! link haskellString GruvboxGreen
+hi! link haskellChar GruvboxGreen
+" }}}
+" Json: {{{
+hi! link jsonKeyword GruvboxGreen
+hi! link jsonQuote GruvboxGreen
+hi! link jsonBraces GruvboxFg1
+hi! link jsonString GruvboxFg1
+" }}}
+" Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Search Highlighting Cursor {{{
+function! GruvboxHlsShowCursor()
+ call s:HL('Cursor', s:bg0, s:hls_cursor)
+function! GruvboxHlsHideCursor()
+ call s:HL('Cursor', s:none, s:none, s:inverse)
+" }}}
+" vim: set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et tw=80 ft=vim fdm=marker:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/gruvbox_256palette.sh b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/gruvbox_256palette.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7fd190e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/gruvbox_256palette.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+if [ "${TERM%%-*}" = "screen" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;236;rgb:32/30/2f\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;234;rgb:1d/20/21\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;235;rgb:28/28/28\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;237;rgb:3c/38/36\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;239;rgb:50/49/45\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;241;rgb:66/5c/54\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;243;rgb:7c/6f/64\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;244;rgb:92/83/74\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;245;rgb:92/83/74\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;228;rgb:f2/e5/bc\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;230;rgb:f9/f5/d7\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;229;rgb:fb/f1/c7\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;223;rgb:eb/db/b2\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;250;rgb:d5/c4/a1\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;248;rgb:bd/ae/93\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;246;rgb:a8/99/84\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;167;rgb:fb/49/34\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;142;rgb:b8/bb/26\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;214;rgb:fa/bd/2f\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;109;rgb:83/a5/98\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;175;rgb:d3/86/9b\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;108;rgb:8e/c0/7c\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;208;rgb:fe/80/19\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;88;rgb:9d/00/06\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;100;rgb:79/74/0e\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;136;rgb:b5/76/14\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;24;rgb:07/66/78\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;96;rgb:8f/3f/71\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;66;rgb:42/7b/58\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;130;rgb:af/3a/03\007\033\\"
+ else
+ printf "\033P\033]4;236;rgb:32/30/2f\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;234;rgb:1d/20/21\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;235;rgb:28/28/28\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;237;rgb:3c/38/36\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;239;rgb:50/49/45\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;241;rgb:66/5c/54\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;243;rgb:7c/6f/64\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;244;rgb:92/83/74\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;245;rgb:92/83/74\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;228;rgb:f2/e5/bc\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;230;rgb:f9/f5/d7\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;229;rgb:fb/f1/c7\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;223;rgb:eb/db/b2\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;250;rgb:d5/c4/a1\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;248;rgb:bd/ae/93\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;246;rgb:a8/99/84\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;167;rgb:fb/49/34\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;142;rgb:b8/bb/26\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;214;rgb:fa/bd/2f\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;109;rgb:83/a5/98\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;175;rgb:d3/86/9b\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;108;rgb:8e/c0/7c\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;208;rgb:fe/80/19\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;88;rgb:9d/00/06\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;100;rgb:79/74/0e\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;136;rgb:b5/76/14\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;24;rgb:07/66/78\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;96;rgb:8f/3f/71\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;66;rgb:42/7b/58\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;130;rgb:af/3a/03\007\033\\"
+ fi
+elif [ "$TERM" != "linux" ] && [ "$TERM" != "vt100" ] && [ "$TERM" != "vt220" ]; then
+ printf "\033]4;236;rgb:32/30/2f\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;234;rgb:1d/20/21\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;235;rgb:28/28/28\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;237;rgb:3c/38/36\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;239;rgb:50/49/45\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;241;rgb:66/5c/54\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;243;rgb:7c/6f/64\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;244;rgb:92/83/74\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;245;rgb:92/83/74\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;228;rgb:f2/e5/bc\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;230;rgb:f9/f5/d7\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;229;rgb:fb/f1/c7\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;223;rgb:eb/db/b2\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;250;rgb:d5/c4/a1\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;248;rgb:bd/ae/93\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;246;rgb:a8/99/84\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;167;rgb:fb/49/34\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;142;rgb:b8/bb/26\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;214;rgb:fa/bd/2f\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;109;rgb:83/a5/98\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;175;rgb:d3/86/9b\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;108;rgb:8e/c0/7c\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;208;rgb:fe/80/19\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;88;rgb:9d/00/06\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;100;rgb:79/74/0e\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;136;rgb:b5/76/14\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;24;rgb:07/66/78\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;96;rgb:8f/3f/71\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;66;rgb:42/7b/58\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;130;rgb:af/3a/03\033\\"
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/gruvbox_256palette_osx.sh b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/gruvbox_256palette_osx.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad5111a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/gruvbox/gruvbox_256palette_osx.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+if [ "${TERM%%-*}" = "screen" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;236;rgb:26/24/23\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;234;rgb:16/18/19\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;235;rgb:1e/1e/1e\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;237;rgb:2e/2a/29\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;239;rgb:3f/39/35\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;241;rgb:53/4a/42\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;243;rgb:68/5c/51\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;244;rgb:7f/70/61\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;245;rgb:7f/70/61\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;228;rgb:ef/df/ae\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;230;rgb:f8/f4/cd\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;229;rgb:fa/ee/bb\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;223;rgb:e6/d4/a3\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;250;rgb:cb/b8/90\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;248;rgb:af/9f/81\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;246;rgb:97/87/71\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;167;rgb:f7/30/28\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;142;rgb:aa/b0/1e\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;214;rgb:f7/b1/25\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;109;rgb:71/95/86\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;175;rgb:c7/70/89\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;108;rgb:7d/b6/69\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;208;rgb:fb/6a/16\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;88;rgb:89/00/09\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;100;rgb:66/62/0d\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;136;rgb:a5/63/11\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;24;rgb:0e/53/65\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;96;rgb:7b/2b/5e\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;66;rgb:35/6a/46\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;130;rgb:9d/28/07\007\033\\"
+ else
+ printf "\033P\033]4;236;rgb:26/24/23\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;234;rgb:16/18/19\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;235;rgb:1e/1e/1e\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;237;rgb:2e/2a/29\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;239;rgb:3f/39/35\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;241;rgb:53/4a/42\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;243;rgb:68/5c/51\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;244;rgb:7f/70/61\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;245;rgb:7f/70/61\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;228;rgb:ef/df/ae\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;230;rgb:f8/f4/cd\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;229;rgb:fa/ee/bb\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;223;rgb:e6/d4/a3\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;250;rgb:cb/b8/90\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;248;rgb:af/9f/81\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;246;rgb:97/87/71\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;167;rgb:f7/30/28\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;142;rgb:aa/b0/1e\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;214;rgb:f7/b1/25\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;109;rgb:71/95/86\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;175;rgb:c7/70/89\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;108;rgb:7d/b6/69\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;208;rgb:fb/6a/16\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;88;rgb:89/00/09\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;100;rgb:66/62/0d\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;136;rgb:a5/63/11\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;24;rgb:0e/53/65\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;96;rgb:7b/2b/5e\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;66;rgb:35/6a/46\007\033\\"
+ printf "\033P\033]4;130;rgb:9d/28/07\007\033\\"
+ fi
+ printf "\033]4;236;rgb:26/24/23\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;234;rgb:16/18/19\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;235;rgb:1e/1e/1e\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;237;rgb:2e/2a/29\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;239;rgb:3f/39/35\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;241;rgb:53/4a/42\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;243;rgb:68/5c/51\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;244;rgb:7f/70/61\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;245;rgb:7f/70/61\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;228;rgb:ef/df/ae\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;230;rgb:f8/f4/cd\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;229;rgb:fa/ee/bb\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;223;rgb:e6/d4/a3\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;250;rgb:cb/b8/90\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;248;rgb:af/9f/81\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;246;rgb:97/87/71\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;167;rgb:f7/30/28\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;142;rgb:aa/b0/1e\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;214;rgb:f7/b1/25\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;109;rgb:71/95/86\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;175;rgb:c7/70/89\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;108;rgb:7d/b6/69\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;208;rgb:fb/6a/16\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;88;rgb:89/00/09\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;100;rgb:66/62/0d\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;136;rgb:a5/63/11\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;24;rgb:0e/53/65\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;96;rgb:7b/2b/5e\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;66;rgb:35/6a/46\033\\"
+ printf "\033]4;130;rgb:9d/28/07\033\\"
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-colorschemes b/sources_non_forked/vim-colorschemes
deleted file mode 160000
index 28a989b2..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-colorschemes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 28a989b28457e38df620e4c7ab23e224aff70efe
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter
deleted file mode 160000
index 339f8ba0..00000000
--- a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 339f8ba079ed7d465ca442c9032b36bc56c21f61
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/.gitignore b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82fb2537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/README.mkd b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/README.mkd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19ed3876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/README.mkd
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+## vim-gitgutter
+A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the 'gutter' (sign column). It shows whether each line has been added, modified, and where lines have been removed. You can also stage and undo individual hunks.
+* Shows signs for added, modified, and removed lines.
+* Runs the diffs asynchronously in terminal Vim/MacVim (7.4.1826+), gVim (7.4.1850+), MacVim GUI (7.4.1832+), and NeoVim.
+* Ensures signs are always as up to date as possible (but without running more than necessary).
+* Quick jumping between blocks of changed lines ("hunks").
+* Stage/undo/preview individual hunks.
+* Provides a hunk text object.
+* Diffs against index (default) or any commit.
+* Handles line endings correctly, even with repos that do CRLF conversion.
+* Optional line highlighting.
+* Fully customisable (signs, sign column, line highlights, mappings, extra git-diff arguments, etc).
+* Can be toggled on/off.
+* Preserves signs from other plugins.
+* Easy to integrate diff stats into status line; built-in integration with [vim-airline](https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/).
+* Works with fish shell (in addition to the usual shells).
+* Supports git only.
+If you work with other version control systems, I recommend [vim-signify](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-signify).
+### Screenshot
+In the screenshot above you can see:
+* Line 15 has been modified.
+* Lines 21-24 are new.
+* A line or lines were removed between lines 25 and 26.
+### Installation
+Before installation, please check your Vim supports signs by running `:echo has('signs')`. `1` means you're all set; `0` means you need to install a Vim with signs support. If you're compiling Vim yourself you need the 'big' or 'huge' feature set. [MacVim][] supports signs.
+You install vim-gitgutter like any other vim plugin.
+##### Pathogen
+cd ~/.vim/bundle
+git clone git://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git
+##### Voom
+Edit your plugin manifest (`voom edit`) and add:
+##### VimPlug
+Place this in your .vimrc:
+Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
+Then run the following in Vim:
+:source %
+##### NeoBundle
+Place this in your .vimrc:
+NeoBundle 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
+Then run the following in Vim:
+:source %
+##### No plugin manager
+Copy vim-gitgutter's subdirectories into your vim configuration directory:
+cd /tmp && git clone git://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git
+cp -r vim-gitgutter/* ~/.vim/
+See `:help add-global-plugin`.
+If you are on Windows you may find the command prompt pops up briefly every time vim-gitgutter runs. You can avoid this by installing both [vim-misc](https://github.com/xolox/vim-misc) and [vim-shell](https://github.com/xolox/vim-shell). If you have those two plugins but don't want vim-gitgutter to use them, you can opt out with `let g:gitgutter_avoid_cmd_prompt_on_windows = 0` in your `~/.vimrc`.
+### Getting started
+When you make a change to a file tracked by git, the diff markers should appear automatically. The delay is governed by vim's `updatetime` option; the default value is 4 seconds but I suggest reducing it to around 250ms (add `set updatetime=250` to your vimrc).
+You can jump between hunks with `[c` and `]c`. You can preview, stage, and undo hunks with `hp`, `hs`, and `hu` respectively.
+You cannot currently unstage a staged hunk.
+#### Activation
+You can explicitly turn vim-gitgutter off and on (defaults to on):
+* turn off with `:GitGutterDisable`
+* turn on with `:GitGutterEnable`
+* toggle with `:GitGutterToggle`.
+You can turn the signs on and off (defaults to on):
+* turn on with `:GitGutterSignsEnable`
+* turn off with `:GitGutterSignsDisable`
+* toggle with `:GitGutterSignsToggle`.
+And you can turn line highlighting on and off (defaults to off):
+* turn on with `:GitGutterLineHighlightsEnable`
+* turn off with `:GitGutterLineHighlightsDisable`
+* toggle with `:GitGutterLineHighlightsToggle`.
+Note that if you have line highlighting on and signs off, you will have an empty sign column – more accurately, a sign column with invisible signs. This is because line highlighting requires signs and Vim always shows the sign column even if the signs are invisible.
+If you switch off both line highlighting and signs, you won't see the sign column. That is unless you have set `let g:gitgutter_sign_column_always = 1` so it's always there.
+To keep your Vim snappy, vim-gitgutter will suppress itself when a file has more than 500 changes. As soon as the number of changes falls below the limit vim-gitgutter will show the signs again. You can configure the threshold with:
+let g:gitgutter_max_signs = 500 " default value
+#### Hunks
+You can jump between hunks:
+* jump to next hunk (change): `]c`
+* jump to previous hunk (change): `[c`.
+Both of those take a preceding count.
+To set your own mappings for these, for example `]h` and `[h`:
+nmap ]h GitGutterNextHunk
+nmap [h GitGutterPrevHunk
+You can stage or undo an individual hunk when your cursor is in it:
+* stage the hunk with `hs` or
+* undo it with `hu`.
+See the FAQ if you want to unstage staged changes.
+The `.` command will work with both these if you install [repeat.vim](https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat).
+To set your own mappings for these, for example if you prefer the mnemonics hunk-add and hunk-revert:
+nmap ha GitGutterStageHunk
+nmap hr GitGutterUndoHunk
+And you can preview a hunk's changes with `hp`. You can of course change this mapping, e.g:
+nmap hv GitGutterPreviewHunk
+A hunk text object is provided which works in visual and operator-pending modes.
+- `ic` operates on all lines in the current hunk.
+- `ac` operates on all lines in the current hunk and any trailing empty lines.
+To re-map these, for example to `ih` and `ah`:
+omap ih GitGutterTextObjectInnerPending
+omap ah GitGutterTextObjectOuterPending
+xmap ih GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual
+xmap ah GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual
+If you don't want vim-gitgutter to set up any mappings at all, use this:
+let g:gitgutter_map_keys = 0
+Finally, you can force vim-gitgutter to update its signs across all visible buffers with `:GitGutterAll`.
+See the customisation section below for how to change the defaults.
+### When are the signs updated?
+By default the signs are updated as follows:
+| Event | Reason for update | Configuration |
+| Stop typing | So the signs are real time | `g:gitgutter_realtime` |
+| Switch buffer | To notice change to git index | `g:gitgutter_eager` |
+| Switch tab | To notice change to git index | `g:gitgutter_eager` |
+| Focus the GUI | To notice change to git index | `g:gitgutter_eager` (not gVim on Windows) |
+| Read a file into a buffer | To display initial signs | [always] |
+| Save a buffer | So non-realtime signs are up to date | [always] |
+| Change a file outside Vim | To notice `git stash` | [always] |
+The length of time Vim waits after you stop typing before it triggers the plugin is governed by the setting `updatetime`. This defaults to `4000` milliseconds which is rather too long. I recommend around `250` milliseconds but it depends on your system and your preferences. Note that in terminal Vim pre-7.4.427 an `updatetime` of less than approximately `1000` milliseconds can lead to random highlighting glitches; the lower the `updatetime`, the more glitches.
+If you experience a lag, you can trade speed for accuracy:
+let g:gitgutter_realtime = 0
+let g:gitgutter_eager = 0
+Note the realtime updating requires Vim 7.3.105 or higher.
+### Customisation
+You can customise:
+* The sign column's colours
+* Whether or not the sign column is shown when there aren't any signs (defaults to no)
+* The signs' colours and symbols
+* Line highlights
+* The base of the diff
+* Extra arguments for `git diff`
+* Key mappings
+* Whether or not vim-gitgutter is on initially (defaults to on)
+* Whether or not signs are shown (defaults to yes)
+* Whether or not line highlighting is on initially (defaults to off)
+* Whether or not vim-gitgutter runs in "realtime" (defaults to yes)
+* Whether or not vim-gitgutter runs eagerly (defaults to yes)
+* Whether or not vim-gitgutter runs asynchronously (defaults to yes)
+Please note that vim-gitgutter won't override any colours or highlights you've set in your colorscheme.
+#### Sign column
+By default vim-gitgutter will make the sign column look like the line number column.
+To customise your sign column's background color, first tell vim-gitgutter to leave it alone:
+let g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight = 0
+And then either update your colorscheme's `SignColumn` highlight group or set it in your vimrc:
+highlight SignColumn ctermbg=whatever " terminal Vim
+highlight SignColumn guibg=whatever " gVim/MacVim
+By default the sign column will appear when there are signs to show and disappear when there aren't. If you would always like the sign column to be there, add `let g:gitgutter_sign_column_always = 1` to your `~/.vimrc`.
+#### Signs' colours and symbols
+To customise the colours, set up the following highlight groups in your colorscheme or `~/.vimrc`:
+GitGutterAdd " an added line
+GitGutterChange " a changed line
+GitGutterDelete " at least one removed line
+GitGutterChangeDelete " a changed line followed by at least one removed line
+You can either set these with `highlight GitGutterAdd {key}={arg}...` or link them to existing highlight groups with, say, `highlight link GitGutterAdd DiffAdd`.
+To customise the symbols, add the following to your `~/.vimrc`:
+let g:gitgutter_sign_added = 'xx'
+let g:gitgutter_sign_modified = 'yy'
+let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = 'zz'
+let g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line = '^^'
+let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = 'ww'
+#### Line highlights
+Similarly to the signs' colours, set up the following highlight groups in your colorscheme or `~/.vimrc`:
+GitGutterAddLine " default: links to DiffAdd
+GitGutterChangeLine " default: links to DiffChange
+GitGutterDeleteLine " default: links to DiffDelete
+GitGutterChangeDeleteLine " default: links to GitGutterChangeLineDefault, i.e. DiffChange
+#### The base of the diff
+By default buffers are diffed against the index. However you can diff against any commit by setting:
+let g:gitgutter_diff_base = ''
+#### Extra arguments for `git diff`
+If you want to pass extra arguments to `git diff`, for example to ignore whitespace, do so like this:
+let g:gitgutter_diff_args = '-w'
+#### Key mappings
+To disable all key mappings:
+let g:gitgutter_map_keys = 0
+See above for configuring maps for hunk-jumping and staging/undoing.
+#### Use a custom `grep` command
+If you use an alternative to grep, or your grep does not support the `color` flag, you can tell vim-gitgutter to use it here. It only needs to support extended POSIX regex.
+" Default:
+let g:gitgutter_grep_command = 'grep --color=never -e'
+#### To turn off vim-gitgutter by default
+Add `let g:gitgutter_enabled = 0` to your `~/.vimrc`.
+#### To turn off signs by default
+Add `let g:gitgutter_signs = 0` to your `~/.vimrc`.
+#### To turn on line highlighting by default
+Add `let g:gitgutter_highlight_lines = 1` to your `~/.vimrc`.
+#### To turn off asynchronous updates
+By default diffs are run asynchronously. To run diffs synchronously instead:
+let g:gitgutter_async = 0
+### Extensions
+#### Operate on every line in a hunk
+You can map an operator to do whatever you want to every line in a hunk.
+Let's say, for example, you want to remove trailing whitespace.
+function! CleanUp(...)
+ if a:0 " opfunc
+ let [first, last] = [line("'["), line("']")]
+ else
+ let [first, last] = [line("'<"), line("'>")]
+ endif
+ for lnum in range(first, last)
+ let line = getline(lnum)
+ " clean up the text, e.g.:
+ let line = substitute(line, '\s\+$', '', '')
+ call setline(lnum, line)
+ endfor
+nmap x :set opfunc=CleanUpg@
+Then place your cursor in a hunk and type `\xic` (assuming a leader of `\`).
+Alternatively you could place your cursor in a hunk, type `vic` to select it, then `:call CleanUp()`.
+#### Operate on every changed line in a file
+You can write a command to do whatever you want to every changed line in a file.
+function! GlobalChangedLines(ex_cmd)
+ for hunk in GitGutterGetHunks()
+ for lnum in range(hunk[2], hunk[2]+hunk[3]-1)
+ let cursor = getcurpos()
+ silent! execute lnum.a:ex_cmd
+ call setpos('.', cursor)
+ endfor
+ endfor
+command -nargs=1 Glines call GlobalChangedLines()
+Let's say, for example, you want to remove trailing whitespace from all changed lines:
+:Glines s/\s\+$//
+### FAQ
+> Why can't I unstage staged changes?
+Unstaging staged hunks is feasible but not quite as easy as it sounds. There are three relevant versions of a file at any one time:
+1. The version at HEAD in the repo.
+2. The version staged in the index.
+3. The version in the working tree, in your vim buffer.
+`git-diff` without arguments shows you how 3 and 2 differ; this is what vim-gitgutter shows too.
+`git-diff --staged` shows you how 2 and 1 differ.
+Let's say you are looking at a file in vim which has some unstaged changes. Now you stage a hunk, either via vim-gitgutter or another means. The hunk is no longer marked in vim-gitgutter because it is the same in 3 and 2.
+Now you want to unstage that hunk. To see it, you need the difference between 2 and 1. For vim-gitgutter to show those differences, it would need to show you 2 instead of 3 in your vim buffer. But 2 is virtual so vim-gitgutter would need to handle it without touching 3.
+I intend to implement this but I can't commit to any deadline.
+> Why are the colours in the sign column weird?
+Your colorscheme is configuring the `SignColumn` highlight group weirdly. Please see the section above on customising the sign column.
+> There's a noticeable lag when vim-gitter runs; how can I avoid it?
+By default vim-gitgutter runs often so the signs are as accurate as possible. The delay is governed by `updatetime`; see [above](#when-are-the-signs-updated) for more information.
+If you don't want realtime updates and would like to trade a little accuracy for speed, add this to your `~/.vimrc`:
+let g:gitgutter_realtime = 0
+let g:gitgutter_eager = 0
+> What happens if I also use another plugin which uses signs (e.g. Syntastic)?
+Vim only allows one sign per line. Before adding a sign to a line, vim-gitgutter checks whether a sign has already been added by somebody else. If so it doesn't do anything. In other words vim-gitgutter won't overwrite another plugin's signs. It also won't remove another plugin's signs.
+> Why aren't any signs showing at all?
+Here are some things you can check:
+* `:echo system("git --version")` succeeds.
+* Your git config is compatible with the version of git returned by the command above.
+* Your Vim supports signs (`:echo has('signs')` should give `1`).
+* Your file is being tracked by git and has unstaged changes.
+* If your grep does not support the `color` flag, add `let g:gitgutter_grep_command = 'grep -e'` to your `~/.vimrc`.
+### Shameless Plug
+If this plugin has helped you, or you'd like to learn more about Vim, why not check out this screencast I wrote for PeepCode:
+* [Smash Into Vim][siv]
+This was one of PeepCode's all-time top three bestsellers and is now available at Pluralsight.
+You can read reviews on my [website][airblade].
+### Intellectual Property
+Copyright Andrew Stewart, AirBlade Software Ltd. Released under the MIT licence.
+ [pathogen]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
+ [siv]: http://pluralsight.com/training/Courses/TableOfContents/smash-into-vim
+ [airblade]: http://airbladesoftware.com/peepcode-vim
+ [macvim]: http://code.google.com/p/macvim/
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5431597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+let s:nomodeline = (v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has('patch442'))) ? '' : ''
+" Primary functions {{{
+function! gitgutter#all() abort
+ for buffer_id in gitgutter#utility#dedup(tabpagebuflist())
+ let file = expand('#' . buffer_id . ':p')
+ if !empty(file)
+ call gitgutter#process_buffer(buffer_id, 0)
+ endif
+ endfor
+" bufnr: (integer) the buffer to process.
+" realtime: (boolean) when truthy, do a realtime diff; otherwise do a disk-based diff.
+function! gitgutter#process_buffer(bufnr, realtime) abort
+ call gitgutter#utility#use_known_shell()
+ call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(a:bufnr)
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ if g:gitgutter_sign_column_always
+ call gitgutter#sign#add_dummy_sign()
+ endif
+ try
+ if !a:realtime || gitgutter#utility#has_fresh_changes()
+ let diff = gitgutter#diff#run_diff(a:realtime || gitgutter#utility#has_unsaved_changes(), 0)
+ if diff != 'async'
+ call gitgutter#handle_diff(diff)
+ endif
+ endif
+ catch /diff failed/
+ call gitgutter#debug#log('diff failed')
+ call gitgutter#hunk#reset()
+ endtry
+ execute "silent doautocmd" s:nomodeline "User GitGutter"
+ else
+ call gitgutter#hunk#reset()
+ endif
+ call gitgutter#utility#restore_shell()
+function! gitgutter#handle_diff(diff) abort
+ call gitgutter#debug#log(a:diff)
+ call setbufvar(gitgutter#utility#bufnr(), 'gitgutter_tracked', 1)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#set_hunks(gitgutter#diff#parse_diff(a:diff))
+ let modified_lines = gitgutter#diff#process_hunks(gitgutter#hunk#hunks())
+ if len(modified_lines) > g:gitgutter_max_signs
+ call gitgutter#utility#warn_once('exceeded maximum number of signs (configured by g:gitgutter_max_signs).', 'max_signs')
+ call gitgutter#sign#clear_signs()
+ return
+ endif
+ if g:gitgutter_signs || g:gitgutter_highlight_lines
+ call gitgutter#sign#update_signs(modified_lines)
+ endif
+ call gitgutter#utility#save_last_seen_change()
+function! gitgutter#disable() abort
+ " get list of all buffers (across all tabs)
+ let buflist = []
+ for i in range(tabpagenr('$'))
+ call extend(buflist, tabpagebuflist(i + 1))
+ endfor
+ for buffer_id in gitgutter#utility#dedup(buflist)
+ let file = expand('#' . buffer_id . ':p')
+ if !empty(file)
+ call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(buffer_id)
+ call gitgutter#sign#clear_signs()
+ call gitgutter#sign#remove_dummy_sign(1)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#reset()
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let g:gitgutter_enabled = 0
+function! gitgutter#enable() abort
+ let g:gitgutter_enabled = 1
+ call gitgutter#all()
+function! gitgutter#toggle() abort
+ if g:gitgutter_enabled
+ call gitgutter#disable()
+ else
+ call gitgutter#enable()
+ endif
+" }}}
+" Line highlights {{{
+function! gitgutter#line_highlights_disable() abort
+ let g:gitgutter_highlight_lines = 0
+ call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_line_highlights()
+ if !g:gitgutter_signs
+ call gitgutter#sign#clear_signs()
+ call gitgutter#sign#remove_dummy_sign(0)
+ endif
+ redraw!
+function! gitgutter#line_highlights_enable() abort
+ let old_highlight_lines = g:gitgutter_highlight_lines
+ let g:gitgutter_highlight_lines = 1
+ call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_line_highlights()
+ if !old_highlight_lines && !g:gitgutter_signs
+ call gitgutter#all()
+ endif
+ redraw!
+function! gitgutter#line_highlights_toggle() abort
+ if g:gitgutter_highlight_lines
+ call gitgutter#line_highlights_disable()
+ else
+ call gitgutter#line_highlights_enable()
+ endif
+" }}}
+" Signs {{{
+function! gitgutter#signs_enable() abort
+ let old_signs = g:gitgutter_signs
+ let g:gitgutter_signs = 1
+ call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_text_highlights()
+ if !old_signs && !g:gitgutter_highlight_lines
+ call gitgutter#all()
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#signs_disable() abort
+ let g:gitgutter_signs = 0
+ call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_text_highlights()
+ if !g:gitgutter_highlight_lines
+ call gitgutter#sign#clear_signs()
+ call gitgutter#sign#remove_dummy_sign(0)
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#signs_toggle() abort
+ if g:gitgutter_signs
+ call gitgutter#signs_disable()
+ else
+ call gitgutter#signs_enable()
+ endif
+" }}}
+" Hunks {{{
+function! gitgutter#stage_hunk() abort
+ call gitgutter#utility#use_known_shell()
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ " Ensure the working copy of the file is up to date.
+ " It doesn't make sense to stage a hunk otherwise.
+ noautocmd silent write
+ let diff = gitgutter#diff#run_diff(0, 1)
+ call gitgutter#handle_diff(diff)
+ if empty(gitgutter#hunk#current_hunk())
+ call gitgutter#utility#warn('cursor is not in a hunk')
+ else
+ let diff_for_hunk = gitgutter#diff#generate_diff_for_hunk(diff, 'stage')
+ call gitgutter#utility#system(gitgutter#utility#command_in_directory_of_file(g:gitgutter_git_executable.' apply --cached --unidiff-zero - '), diff_for_hunk)
+ " refresh gitgutter's view of buffer
+ silent execute "GitGutter"
+ endif
+ silent! call repeat#set("\GitGutterStageHunk", -1)
+ endif
+ call gitgutter#utility#restore_shell()
+function! gitgutter#undo_hunk() abort
+ call gitgutter#utility#use_known_shell()
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ " Ensure the working copy of the file is up to date.
+ " It doesn't make sense to stage a hunk otherwise.
+ noautocmd silent write
+ let diff = gitgutter#diff#run_diff(0, 1)
+ call gitgutter#handle_diff(diff)
+ if empty(gitgutter#hunk#current_hunk())
+ call gitgutter#utility#warn('cursor is not in a hunk')
+ else
+ let diff_for_hunk = gitgutter#diff#generate_diff_for_hunk(diff, 'undo')
+ call gitgutter#utility#system(gitgutter#utility#command_in_directory_of_file(g:gitgutter_git_executable.' apply --reverse --unidiff-zero - '), diff_for_hunk)
+ " reload file preserving screen line position
+ let wl = winline()
+ silent edit
+ let offset = wl - winline()
+ execute "normal! ".offset."\"
+ endif
+ silent! call repeat#set("\GitGutterUndoHunk", -1)
+ endif
+ call gitgutter#utility#restore_shell()
+function! gitgutter#preview_hunk() abort
+ call gitgutter#utility#use_known_shell()
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ " Ensure the working copy of the file is up to date.
+ " It doesn't make sense to stage a hunk otherwise.
+ noautocmd silent write
+ let diff = gitgutter#diff#run_diff(0, 1)
+ call gitgutter#handle_diff(diff)
+ if empty(gitgutter#hunk#current_hunk())
+ call gitgutter#utility#warn('cursor is not in a hunk')
+ else
+ let diff_for_hunk = gitgutter#diff#generate_diff_for_hunk(diff, 'preview')
+ silent! wincmd P
+ if !&previewwindow
+ noautocmd execute 'bo' &previewheight 'new'
+ set previewwindow
+ endif
+ setlocal noro modifiable filetype=diff buftype=nofile bufhidden=delete noswapfile
+ execute "%delete_"
+ call append(0, split(diff_for_hunk, "\n"))
+ noautocmd wincmd p
+ endif
+ endif
+ call gitgutter#utility#restore_shell()
+" }}}
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ce70b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+let s:jobs = {}
+" Nvim has always supported async commands.
+" Vim introduced async in 7.4.1826.
+" gVim didn't support aync until 7.4.1850 (though I haven't been able to
+" verify this myself).
+" MacVim-GUI didn't support async until 7.4.1832 (actually commit
+" 88f4fe0 but 7.4.1832 was the first subsequent patch release).
+let s:available = has('nvim') || (
+ \ has('job') && (
+ \ (has('patch-7-4-1826') && !has('gui_running')) ||
+ \ (has('patch-7-4-1850') && has('gui_running')) ||
+ \ (has('patch-7-4-1832') && has('gui_macvim'))
+ \ )
+ \ )
+function! gitgutter#async#available()
+ return s:available
+function! gitgutter#async#execute(cmd) abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ if has('nvim')
+ if has('unix')
+ let command = ["sh", "-c", a:cmd]
+ elseif has('win32')
+ let command = ["cmd.exe", "/c", a:cmd]
+ else
+ throw 'unknown os'
+ endif
+ " Make the job use a shell while avoiding (un)quoting problems.
+ let job_id = jobstart(command, {
+ \ 'buffer': bufnr,
+ \ 'on_stdout': function('gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_nvim'),
+ \ 'on_stderr': function('gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_nvim'),
+ \ 'on_exit': function('gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_nvim')
+ \ })
+ call gitgutter#debug#log('[nvim job: '.job_id.', buffer: '.bufnr.'] '.a:cmd)
+ if job_id < 1
+ throw 'diff failed'
+ endif
+ " Note that when `cmd` doesn't produce any output, i.e. the diff is empty,
+ " the `stdout` event is not fired on the job handler. Therefore we keep
+ " track of the jobs ourselves so we can spot empty diffs.
+ call s:job_started(job_id)
+ else
+ " Make the job use a shell.
+ "
+ " Pass a handler for stdout but not for stderr so that errors are
+ " ignored (and thus signs are not updated; this assumes that an error
+ " only occurs when a file is not tracked by git).
+ if has('unix')
+ let command = ["sh", "-c", a:cmd]
+ elseif has('win32')
+ " Help docs recommend {command} be a string on Windows. But I think
+ " they also say that will run the command directly, which I believe would
+ " mean the redirection and pipe stuff wouldn't work.
+ " let command = "cmd.exe /c ".a:cmd
+ let command = ["cmd.exe", "/c", a:cmd]
+ else
+ throw 'unknown os'
+ endif
+ let job = job_start(command, {
+ \ 'out_cb': 'gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_vim',
+ \ 'close_cb': 'gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_vim_close'
+ \ })
+ call gitgutter#debug#log('[vim job: '.string(job_info(job)).', buffer: '.bufnr.'] '.a:cmd)
+ call s:job_started(s:channel_id(job_getchannel(job)), bufnr)
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_nvim(job_id, data, event) abort
+ call gitgutter#debug#log('job_id: '.a:job_id.', event: '.a:event.', buffer: '.self.buffer)
+ let job_bufnr = self.buffer
+ if bufexists(job_bufnr)
+ let current_buffer = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(job_bufnr)
+ if a:event == 'stdout'
+ " a:data is a list
+ call s:job_finished(a:job_id)
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ call gitgutter#handle_diff(gitgutter#utility#stringify(a:data))
+ endif
+ elseif a:event == 'exit'
+ " If the exit event is triggered without a preceding stdout event,
+ " the diff was empty.
+ if s:is_job_started(a:job_id)
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ call gitgutter#handle_diff("")
+ endif
+ call s:job_finished(a:job_id)
+ endif
+ else " a:event is stderr
+ call gitgutter#hunk#reset()
+ call s:job_finished(a:job_id)
+ endif
+ call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(current_buffer)
+ else
+ call s:job_finished(a:job_id)
+ endif
+" Channel is in NL mode.
+function! gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_vim(channel, line) abort
+ call gitgutter#debug#log('channel: '.a:channel.', line: '.a:line)
+ call s:accumulate_job_output(s:channel_id(a:channel), a:line)
+function! gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_vim_close(channel) abort
+ call gitgutter#debug#log('channel: '.a:channel)
+ let channel_id = s:channel_id(a:channel)
+ let job_bufnr = s:job_buffer(channel_id)
+ if bufexists(job_bufnr)
+ let current_buffer = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(job_bufnr)
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ call gitgutter#handle_diff(s:job_output(channel_id))
+ endif
+ call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(current_buffer)
+ endif
+ call s:job_finished(channel_id)
+function! s:channel_id(channel) abort
+ return ch_info(a:channel)['id']
+" Keep track of jobs.
+" nvim: receives all the job's output at once so we don't need to accumulate
+" it ourselves. We can pass the buffer number into the job so we don't need
+" to track that either.
+" s:jobs {} -> key: job's id, value: anything truthy
+" vim: receives the job's output line by line so we need to accumulate it.
+" We also need to keep track of the buffer the job is running for.
+" Vim job's don't have an id. Instead we could use the external process's id
+" or the channel's id (there seems to be 1 channel per job). Arbitrarily
+" choose the channel's id.
+" s:jobs {} -> key: channel's id, value: {} key: output, value: [] job's output
+" key: buffer: value: buffer number
+" nvim:
+" id: job's id
+" vim:
+" id: channel's id
+" arg: buffer number
+function! s:job_started(id, ...) abort
+ if a:0 " vim
+ let s:jobs[a:id] = {'output': [], 'buffer': a:1}
+ else " nvim
+ let s:jobs[a:id] = 1
+ endif
+function! s:is_job_started(id) abort
+ return has_key(s:jobs, a:id)
+function! s:accumulate_job_output(id, line) abort
+ call add(s:jobs[a:id].output, a:line)
+" Returns a string
+function! s:job_output(id) abort
+ if has_key(s:jobs, a:id)
+ return gitgutter#utility#stringify(s:jobs[a:id].output)
+ else
+ return ""
+ endif
+function! s:job_buffer(id) abort
+ return s:jobs[a:id].buffer
+function! s:job_finished(id) abort
+ if has_key(s:jobs, a:id)
+ unlet s:jobs[a:id]
+ endif
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/debug.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/debug.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..594f044b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/debug.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+let s:plugin_dir = expand(':p:h:h:h').'/'
+let s:log_file = s:plugin_dir.'gitgutter.log'
+let s:channel_log = s:plugin_dir.'channel.log'
+let s:new_log_session = 1
+function! gitgutter#debug#debug()
+ " Open a scratch buffer
+ vsplit __GitGutter_Debug__
+ normal! ggdG
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ call gitgutter#debug#vim_version()
+ call gitgutter#debug#separator()
+ call gitgutter#debug#git_version()
+ call gitgutter#debug#separator()
+ call gitgutter#debug#grep_version()
+ call gitgutter#debug#separator()
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('updatetime')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shell')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shellcmdflag')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shellpipe')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shellquote')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shellredir')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shellslash')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shelltemp')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shelltype')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shellxescape')
+ call gitgutter#debug#option('shellxquote')
+function! gitgutter#debug#separator()
+ call gitgutter#debug#output('')
+function! gitgutter#debug#vim_version()
+ redir => version_info
+ silent execute 'version'
+ redir END
+ call gitgutter#debug#output(split(version_info, '\n')[0:2])
+function! gitgutter#debug#git_version()
+ let v = system(g:gitgutter_git_executable.' --version')
+ call gitgutter#debug#output( substitute(v, '\n$', '', '') )
+function! gitgutter#debug#grep_version()
+ let v = system('grep --version')
+ call gitgutter#debug#output( substitute(v, '\n$', '', '') )
+ let v = system('grep --help')
+ call gitgutter#debug#output( substitute(v, '\%x00', '', 'g') )
+function! gitgutter#debug#option(name)
+ if exists('+' . a:name)
+ let v = eval('&' . a:name)
+ call gitgutter#debug#output(a:name . '=' . v)
+ " redir => output
+ " silent execute "verbose set " . a:name . "?"
+ " redir END
+ " call gitgutter#debug#output(a:name . '=' . output)
+ else
+ call gitgutter#debug#output(a:name . ' [n/a]')
+ end
+function! gitgutter#debug#output(text)
+ call append(line('$'), a:text)
+" assumes optional args are calling function's optional args
+function! gitgutter#debug#log(message, ...) abort
+ if g:gitgutter_log
+ if s:new_log_session && gitgutter#async#available()
+ if exists('*ch_logfile')
+ call ch_logfile(s:channel_log, 'w')
+ endif
+ endif
+ execute 'redir >> '.s:log_file
+ if s:new_log_session
+ let s:start = reltime()
+ silent echo "\n==== start log session ===="
+ endif
+ let elapsed = reltimestr(reltime(s:start)).' '
+ silent echo ''
+ " callers excluding this function
+ silent echo elapsed.expand('')[:-22].':'
+ silent echo elapsed.s:format_for_log(a:message)
+ if a:0 && !empty(a:1)
+ for msg in a:000
+ silent echo elapsed.s:format_for_log(msg)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ redir END
+ let s:new_log_session = 0
+ endif
+function! s:format_for_log(data) abort
+ if type(a:data) == 1
+ return join(split(a:data,'\n'),"\n")
+ elseif type(a:data) == 3
+ return '['.join(a:data,"\n").']'
+ else
+ return a:data
+ endif
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/diff.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/diff.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..170193bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/diff.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+if exists('g:gitgutter_grep_command')
+ let s:grep_available = 1
+ let s:grep_command = g:gitgutter_grep_command
+ let s:grep_available = executable('grep')
+ if s:grep_available
+ let s:grep_command = 'grep --color=never -e'
+ endif
+let s:hunk_re = '^@@ -\(\d\+\),\?\(\d*\) +\(\d\+\),\?\(\d*\) @@'
+let s:c_flag = gitgutter#utility#git_supports_command_line_config_override()
+let s:temp_index = tempname()
+let s:temp_buffer = tempname()
+" Returns a diff of the buffer.
+" The way to get the diff depends on whether the buffer is saved or unsaved.
+" * Saved: the buffer contents is the same as the file on disk in the working
+" tree so we simply do:
+" git diff myfile
+" * Unsaved: the buffer contents is not the same as the file on disk so we
+" need to pass two instances of the file to git-diff:
+" git diff myfileA myfileB
+" The first instance is the file in the index which we obtain with:
+" git show :myfile > myfileA
+" The second instance is the buffer contents. Ideally we would pass this to
+" git-diff on stdin via the second argument to vim's system() function.
+" Unfortunately git-diff does not do CRLF conversion for input received on
+" stdin, and git-show never performs CRLF conversion, so repos with CRLF
+" conversion report that every line is modified due to mismatching EOLs.
+" Instead, we write the buffer contents to a temporary file - myfileB in this
+" example. Note the file extension must be preserved for the CRLF
+" conversion to work.
+" Before diffing a buffer for the first time, we check whether git knows about
+" the file:
+" git ls-files --error-unmatch myfile
+" After running the diff we pass it through grep where available to reduce
+" subsequent processing by the plugin. If grep is not available the plugin
+" does the filtering instead.
+function! gitgutter#diff#run_diff(realtime, preserve_full_diff) abort
+ " Wrap compound commands in parentheses to make Windows happy.
+ " bash doesn't mind the parentheses.
+ let cmd = '('
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ let tracked = getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_tracked') " i.e. tracked by git
+ if !tracked
+ " Don't bother trying to realtime-diff an untracked file.
+ " NOTE: perhaps we should pull this guard up to the caller?
+ if a:realtime
+ throw 'diff failed'
+ else
+ let cmd .= g:gitgutter_git_executable.' ls-files --error-unmatch '.gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#filename()).' && ('
+ endif
+ endif
+ if a:realtime
+ let blob_name = g:gitgutter_diff_base.':'.gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#file_relative_to_repo_root())
+ let blob_file = s:temp_index
+ let buff_file = s:temp_buffer
+ let extension = gitgutter#utility#extension()
+ if !empty(extension)
+ let blob_file .= '.'.extension
+ let buff_file .= '.'.extension
+ endif
+ let cmd .= g:gitgutter_git_executable.' show '.blob_name.' > '.blob_file.' && '
+ " Writing the whole buffer resets the '[ and '] marks and also the
+ " 'modified' flag (if &cpoptions includes '+'). These are unwanted
+ " side-effects so we save and restore the values ourselves.
+ let modified = getbufvar(bufnr, "&mod")
+ let op_mark_start = getpos("'[")
+ let op_mark_end = getpos("']")
+ execute 'keepalt noautocmd silent write!' buff_file
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, "&mod", modified)
+ call setpos("'[", op_mark_start)
+ call setpos("']", op_mark_end)
+ endif
+ let cmd .= g:gitgutter_git_executable
+ if s:c_flag
+ let cmd .= ' -c "diff.autorefreshindex=0"'
+ endif
+ let cmd .= ' diff --no-ext-diff --no-color -U0 '.g:gitgutter_diff_args.' '
+ if a:realtime
+ let cmd .= ' -- '.blob_file.' '.buff_file
+ else
+ let cmd .= g:gitgutter_diff_base.' -- '.gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#filename())
+ endif
+ if !a:preserve_full_diff && s:grep_available
+ let cmd .= ' | '.s:grep_command.' '.gitgutter#utility#shellescape('^@@ ')
+ endif
+ if (!a:preserve_full_diff && s:grep_available) || a:realtime
+ " grep exits with 1 when no matches are found; diff exits with 1 when
+ " differences are found. However we want to treat non-matches and
+ " differences as non-erroneous behaviour; so we OR the command with one
+ " which always exits with success (0).
+ let cmd .= ' || exit 0'
+ endif
+ let cmd .= ')'
+ if !tracked
+ let cmd .= ')'
+ endif
+ let cmd = gitgutter#utility#command_in_directory_of_file(cmd)
+ if g:gitgutter_async && gitgutter#async#available() && !a:preserve_full_diff
+ call gitgutter#async#execute(cmd)
+ return 'async'
+ else
+ let diff = gitgutter#utility#system(cmd)
+ if gitgutter#utility#shell_error()
+ " A shell error indicates the file is not tracked by git (unless something bizarre is going on).
+ throw 'diff failed'
+ endif
+ return diff
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#diff#parse_diff(diff) abort
+ let hunks = []
+ for line in split(a:diff, '\n')
+ let hunk_info = gitgutter#diff#parse_hunk(line)
+ if len(hunk_info) == 4
+ call add(hunks, hunk_info)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return hunks
+function! gitgutter#diff#parse_hunk(line) abort
+ let matches = matchlist(a:line, s:hunk_re)
+ if len(matches) > 0
+ let from_line = str2nr(matches[1])
+ let from_count = (matches[2] == '') ? 1 : str2nr(matches[2])
+ let to_line = str2nr(matches[3])
+ let to_count = (matches[4] == '') ? 1 : str2nr(matches[4])
+ return [from_line, from_count, to_line, to_count]
+ else
+ return []
+ end
+function! gitgutter#diff#process_hunks(hunks) abort
+ call gitgutter#hunk#reset()
+ let modified_lines = []
+ for hunk in a:hunks
+ call extend(modified_lines, gitgutter#diff#process_hunk(hunk))
+ endfor
+ return modified_lines
+" Returns [ [, ], ...]
+function! gitgutter#diff#process_hunk(hunk) abort
+ let modifications = []
+ let from_line = a:hunk[0]
+ let from_count = a:hunk[1]
+ let to_line = a:hunk[2]
+ let to_count = a:hunk[3]
+ if gitgutter#diff#is_added(from_count, to_count)
+ call gitgutter#diff#process_added(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_added(to_count)
+ elseif gitgutter#diff#is_removed(from_count, to_count)
+ call gitgutter#diff#process_removed(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_removed(from_count)
+ elseif gitgutter#diff#is_modified(from_count, to_count)
+ call gitgutter#diff#process_modified(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_modified(to_count)
+ elseif gitgutter#diff#is_modified_and_added(from_count, to_count)
+ call gitgutter#diff#process_modified_and_added(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_added(to_count - from_count)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_modified(from_count)
+ elseif gitgutter#diff#is_modified_and_removed(from_count, to_count)
+ call gitgutter#diff#process_modified_and_removed(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_modified(to_count)
+ call gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_removed(from_count - to_count)
+ endif
+ return modifications
+function! gitgutter#diff#is_added(from_count, to_count) abort
+ return a:from_count == 0 && a:to_count > 0
+function! gitgutter#diff#is_removed(from_count, to_count) abort
+ return a:from_count > 0 && a:to_count == 0
+function! gitgutter#diff#is_modified(from_count, to_count) abort
+ return a:from_count > 0 && a:to_count > 0 && a:from_count == a:to_count
+function! gitgutter#diff#is_modified_and_added(from_count, to_count) abort
+ return a:from_count > 0 && a:to_count > 0 && a:from_count < a:to_count
+function! gitgutter#diff#is_modified_and_removed(from_count, to_count) abort
+ return a:from_count > 0 && a:to_count > 0 && a:from_count > a:to_count
+function! gitgutter#diff#process_added(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line) abort
+ let offset = 0
+ while offset < a:to_count
+ let line_number = a:to_line + offset
+ call add(a:modifications, [line_number, 'added'])
+ let offset += 1
+ endwhile
+function! gitgutter#diff#process_removed(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line) abort
+ if a:to_line == 0
+ call add(a:modifications, [1, 'removed_first_line'])
+ else
+ call add(a:modifications, [a:to_line, 'removed'])
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#diff#process_modified(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line) abort
+ let offset = 0
+ while offset < a:to_count
+ let line_number = a:to_line + offset
+ call add(a:modifications, [line_number, 'modified'])
+ let offset += 1
+ endwhile
+function! gitgutter#diff#process_modified_and_added(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line) abort
+ let offset = 0
+ while offset < a:from_count
+ let line_number = a:to_line + offset
+ call add(a:modifications, [line_number, 'modified'])
+ let offset += 1
+ endwhile
+ while offset < a:to_count
+ let line_number = a:to_line + offset
+ call add(a:modifications, [line_number, 'added'])
+ let offset += 1
+ endwhile
+function! gitgutter#diff#process_modified_and_removed(modifications, from_count, to_count, to_line) abort
+ let offset = 0
+ while offset < a:to_count
+ let line_number = a:to_line + offset
+ call add(a:modifications, [line_number, 'modified'])
+ let offset += 1
+ endwhile
+ let a:modifications[-1] = [a:to_line + offset - 1, 'modified_removed']
+" Generates a zero-context diff for the current hunk.
+" diff - the full diff for the buffer
+" type - stage | undo | preview
+function! gitgutter#diff#generate_diff_for_hunk(diff, type) abort
+ let diff_for_hunk = gitgutter#diff#discard_hunks(a:diff, a:type == 'stage' || a:type == 'undo')
+ if a:type == 'stage' || a:type == 'undo'
+ let diff_for_hunk = gitgutter#diff#adjust_hunk_summary(diff_for_hunk, a:type == 'stage')
+ endif
+ return diff_for_hunk
+" Returns the diff with all hunks discarded except the current.
+" diff - the diff to process
+" keep_header - truthy to keep the diff header and hunk summary, falsy to discard it
+function! gitgutter#diff#discard_hunks(diff, keep_header) abort
+ let modified_diff = []
+ let keep_line = a:keep_header
+ for line in split(a:diff, '\n')
+ let hunk_info = gitgutter#diff#parse_hunk(line)
+ if len(hunk_info) == 4 " start of new hunk
+ let keep_line = gitgutter#hunk#cursor_in_hunk(hunk_info)
+ endif
+ if keep_line
+ call add(modified_diff, line)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if a:keep_header
+ return gitgutter#utility#stringify(modified_diff)
+ else
+ " Discard hunk summary too.
+ return gitgutter#utility#stringify(modified_diff[1:])
+ endif
+" Adjust hunk summary (from's / to's line number) to ignore changes above/before this one.
+" diff_for_hunk - a diff containing only the hunk of interest
+" staging - truthy if the hunk is to be staged, falsy if it is to be undone
+" TODO: push this down to #discard_hunks?
+function! gitgutter#diff#adjust_hunk_summary(diff_for_hunk, staging) abort
+ let line_adjustment = gitgutter#hunk#line_adjustment_for_current_hunk()
+ let adj_diff = []
+ for line in split(a:diff_for_hunk, '\n')
+ if match(line, s:hunk_re) != -1
+ if a:staging
+ " increment 'to' line number
+ let line = substitute(line, '+\@<=\(\d\+\)', '\=submatch(1)+line_adjustment', '')
+ else
+ " decrement 'from' line number
+ let line = substitute(line, '-\@<=\(\d\+\)', '\=submatch(1)-line_adjustment', '')
+ endif
+ endif
+ call add(adj_diff, line)
+ endfor
+ return gitgutter#utility#stringify(adj_diff)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/highlight.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/highlight.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3b774bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/highlight.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+function! gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_column_highlight() abort
+ if g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight
+ highlight! link SignColumn LineNr
+ else
+ highlight default link SignColumn LineNr
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#highlight#define_highlights() abort
+ let [guibg, ctermbg] = gitgutter#highlight#get_background_colors('SignColumn')
+ " Highlights used by the signs.
+ execute "highlight GitGutterAddDefault guifg=#009900 guibg=" . guibg . " ctermfg=2 ctermbg=" . ctermbg
+ execute "highlight GitGutterChangeDefault guifg=#bbbb00 guibg=" . guibg . " ctermfg=3 ctermbg=" . ctermbg
+ execute "highlight GitGutterDeleteDefault guifg=#ff2222 guibg=" . guibg . " ctermfg=1 ctermbg=" . ctermbg
+ highlight default link GitGutterChangeDeleteDefault GitGutterChangeDefault
+ execute "highlight GitGutterAddInvisible guifg=bg guibg=" . guibg . " ctermfg=" . ctermbg . " ctermbg=" . ctermbg
+ execute "highlight GitGutterChangeInvisible guifg=bg guibg=" . guibg . " ctermfg=" . ctermbg . " ctermbg=" . ctermbg
+ execute "highlight GitGutterDeleteInvisible guifg=bg guibg=" . guibg . " ctermfg=" . ctermbg . " ctermbg=" . ctermbg
+ highlight default link GitGutterChangeDeleteInvisible GitGutterChangeInvisble
+ highlight default link GitGutterAdd GitGutterAddDefault
+ highlight default link GitGutterChange GitGutterChangeDefault
+ highlight default link GitGutterDelete GitGutterDeleteDefault
+ highlight default link GitGutterChangeDelete GitGutterChangeDeleteDefault
+ " Highlights used for the whole line.
+ highlight default link GitGutterAddLine DiffAdd
+ highlight default link GitGutterChangeLine DiffChange
+ highlight default link GitGutterDeleteLine DiffDelete
+ highlight default link GitGutterChangeDeleteLine GitGutterChangeLine
+function! gitgutter#highlight#define_signs() abort
+ sign define GitGutterLineAdded
+ sign define GitGutterLineModified
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemoved
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine
+ sign define GitGutterLineModifiedRemoved
+ sign define GitGutterDummy
+ call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_text()
+ call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_text_highlights()
+ call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_line_highlights()
+function! gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_text() abort
+ execute "sign define GitGutterLineAdded text=" . g:gitgutter_sign_added
+ execute "sign define GitGutterLineModified text=" . g:gitgutter_sign_modified
+ execute "sign define GitGutterLineRemoved text=" . g:gitgutter_sign_removed
+ execute "sign define GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine text=" . g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line
+ execute "sign define GitGutterLineModifiedRemoved text=" . g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed
+function! gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_text_highlights() abort
+ " Once a sign's text attribute has been defined, it cannot be undefined or
+ " set to an empty value. So to make signs' text disappear (when toggling
+ " off or disabling) we make them invisible by setting their foreground colours
+ " to the background's.
+ if g:gitgutter_signs
+ sign define GitGutterLineAdded texthl=GitGutterAdd
+ sign define GitGutterLineModified texthl=GitGutterChange
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemoved texthl=GitGutterDelete
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine texthl=GitGutterDelete
+ sign define GitGutterLineModifiedRemoved texthl=GitGutterChangeDelete
+ else
+ sign define GitGutterLineAdded texthl=GitGutterAddInvisible
+ sign define GitGutterLineModified texthl=GitGutterChangeInvisible
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemoved texthl=GitGutterDeleteInvisible
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine texthl=GitGutterDeleteInvisible
+ sign define GitGutterLineModifiedRemoved texthl=GitGutterChangeDeleteInvisible
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_line_highlights() abort
+ if g:gitgutter_highlight_lines
+ sign define GitGutterLineAdded linehl=GitGutterAddLine
+ sign define GitGutterLineModified linehl=GitGutterChangeLine
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemoved linehl=GitGutterDeleteLine
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine linehl=GitGutterDeleteLine
+ sign define GitGutterLineModifiedRemoved linehl=GitGutterChangeDeleteLine
+ else
+ sign define GitGutterLineAdded linehl=
+ sign define GitGutterLineModified linehl=
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemoved linehl=
+ sign define GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine linehl=
+ sign define GitGutterLineModifiedRemoved linehl=
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#highlight#get_background_colors(group) abort
+ redir => highlight
+ silent execute 'silent highlight ' . a:group
+ redir END
+ let link_matches = matchlist(highlight, 'links to \(\S\+\)')
+ if len(link_matches) > 0 " follow the link
+ return gitgutter#highlight#get_background_colors(link_matches[1])
+ endif
+ let ctermbg = gitgutter#highlight#match_highlight(highlight, 'ctermbg=\([0-9A-Za-z]\+\)')
+ let guibg = gitgutter#highlight#match_highlight(highlight, 'guibg=\([#0-9A-Za-z]\+\)')
+ return [guibg, ctermbg]
+function! gitgutter#highlight#match_highlight(highlight, pattern) abort
+ let matches = matchlist(a:highlight, a:pattern)
+ if len(matches) == 0
+ return 'NONE'
+ endif
+ return matches[1]
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/hunk.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/hunk.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0fd02468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/hunk.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+let s:hunks = []
+function! gitgutter#hunk#set_hunks(hunks) abort
+ let s:hunks = a:hunks
+function! gitgutter#hunk#hunks() abort
+ return s:hunks
+function! gitgutter#hunk#summary(bufnr) abort
+ return get(getbufvar(a:bufnr,''), 'gitgutter_summary', [0,0,0])
+function! gitgutter#hunk#reset() abort
+ call setbufvar(gitgutter#utility#bufnr(), 'gitgutter_summary', [0,0,0])
+function! gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_added(count) abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ let summary = gitgutter#hunk#summary(bufnr)
+ let summary[0] += a:count
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_summary', summary)
+function! gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_modified(count) abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ let summary = gitgutter#hunk#summary(bufnr)
+ let summary[1] += a:count
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_summary', summary)
+function! gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_removed(count) abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ let summary = gitgutter#hunk#summary(bufnr)
+ let summary[2] += a:count
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_summary', summary)
+function! gitgutter#hunk#next_hunk(count) abort
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ let current_line = line('.')
+ let hunk_count = 0
+ for hunk in s:hunks
+ if hunk[2] > current_line
+ let hunk_count += 1
+ if hunk_count == a:count
+ execute 'normal!' hunk[2] . 'G'
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call gitgutter#utility#warn('No more hunks')
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#hunk#prev_hunk(count) abort
+ if gitgutter#utility#is_active()
+ let current_line = line('.')
+ let hunk_count = 0
+ for hunk in reverse(copy(s:hunks))
+ if hunk[2] < current_line
+ let hunk_count += 1
+ if hunk_count == a:count
+ let target = hunk[2] == 0 ? 1 : hunk[2]
+ execute 'normal!' target . 'G'
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call gitgutter#utility#warn('No previous hunks')
+ endif
+" Returns the hunk the cursor is currently in or an empty list if the cursor
+" isn't in a hunk.
+function! gitgutter#hunk#current_hunk() abort
+ let current_hunk = []
+ for hunk in s:hunks
+ if gitgutter#hunk#cursor_in_hunk(hunk)
+ let current_hunk = hunk
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return current_hunk
+function! gitgutter#hunk#cursor_in_hunk(hunk) abort
+ let current_line = line('.')
+ if current_line == 1 && a:hunk[2] == 0
+ return 1
+ endif
+ if current_line >= a:hunk[2] && current_line < a:hunk[2] + (a:hunk[3] == 0 ? 1 : a:hunk[3])
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
+" Returns the number of lines the current hunk is offset from where it would
+" be if any changes above it in the file didn't exist.
+function! gitgutter#hunk#line_adjustment_for_current_hunk() abort
+ let adj = 0
+ for hunk in s:hunks
+ if gitgutter#hunk#cursor_in_hunk(hunk)
+ break
+ else
+ let adj += hunk[1] - hunk[3]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return adj
+function! gitgutter#hunk#text_object(inner) abort
+ let hunk = gitgutter#hunk#current_hunk()
+ if empty(hunk)
+ return
+ endif
+ let [first_line, last_line] = [hunk[2], hunk[2] + hunk[3] - 1]
+ if ! a:inner
+ let lnum = last_line
+ let eof = line('$')
+ while lnum < eof && empty(getline(lnum + 1))
+ let lnum +=1
+ endwhile
+ let last_line = lnum
+ endif
+ execute 'normal! 'first_line.'GV'.last_line.'G'
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/sign.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/sign.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e1218d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/sign.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+" Vim doesn't namespace sign ids so every plugin shares the same
+" namespace. Sign ids are simply integers so to avoid clashes with other
+" signs we guess at a clear run.
+" Note also we currently never reset s:next_sign_id.
+let s:first_sign_id = 3000
+let s:next_sign_id = s:first_sign_id
+let s:dummy_sign_id = s:first_sign_id - 1
+" Remove-all-signs optimisation requires Vim 7.3.596+.
+let s:supports_star = v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has("patch596"))
+" Removes gitgutter's signs (excluding dummy sign) from the buffer being processed.
+function! gitgutter#sign#clear_signs() abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ call gitgutter#sign#find_current_signs()
+ let sign_ids = map(values(getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_gitgutter_signs')), 'v:val.id')
+ call gitgutter#sign#remove_signs(sign_ids, 1)
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_gitgutter_signs', {})
+" Updates gitgutter's signs in the buffer being processed.
+" modified_lines: list of [, ]
+" where name = 'added|removed|modified|modified_removed'
+function! gitgutter#sign#update_signs(modified_lines) abort
+ call gitgutter#sign#find_current_signs()
+ let new_gitgutter_signs_line_numbers = map(copy(a:modified_lines), 'v:val[0]')
+ let obsolete_signs = gitgutter#sign#obsolete_gitgutter_signs_to_remove(new_gitgutter_signs_line_numbers)
+ let flicker_possible = s:remove_all_old_signs && !empty(a:modified_lines)
+ if flicker_possible
+ call gitgutter#sign#add_dummy_sign()
+ endif
+ call gitgutter#sign#remove_signs(obsolete_signs, s:remove_all_old_signs)
+ call gitgutter#sign#upsert_new_gitgutter_signs(a:modified_lines)
+ if flicker_possible
+ call gitgutter#sign#remove_dummy_sign(0)
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#sign#add_dummy_sign() abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ if !getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_dummy_sign')
+ execute "sign place" s:dummy_sign_id "line=" . 9999 "name=GitGutterDummy buffer=" . bufnr
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_dummy_sign', 1)
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#sign#remove_dummy_sign(force) abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ if getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_dummy_sign') && (a:force || !g:gitgutter_sign_column_always)
+ execute "sign unplace" s:dummy_sign_id "buffer=" . bufnr
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_dummy_sign', 0)
+ endif
+" Internal functions
+function! gitgutter#sign#find_current_signs() abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ let gitgutter_signs = {} " : {'id': , 'name': }
+ let other_signs = [] " [ signs
+ silent execute "sign place buffer=" . bufnr
+ redir END
+ for sign_line in filter(split(signs, '\n')[2:], 'v:val =~# "="')
+ " Typical sign line: line=88 id=1234 name=GitGutterLineAdded
+ " We assume splitting is faster than a regexp.
+ let components = split(sign_line)
+ let name = split(components[2], '=')[1]
+ if name =~# 'GitGutterDummy'
+ let dummy_sign_placed = 1
+ else
+ let line_number = str2nr(split(components[0], '=')[1])
+ if name =~# 'GitGutter'
+ let id = str2nr(split(components[1], '=')[1])
+ " Remove orphaned signs (signs placed on lines which have been deleted).
+ " (When a line is deleted its sign lingers. Subsequent lines' signs'
+ " line numbers are decremented appropriately.)
+ if has_key(gitgutter_signs, line_number)
+ execute "sign unplace" gitgutter_signs[line_number].id
+ endif
+ let gitgutter_signs[line_number] = {'id': id, 'name': name}
+ else
+ call add(other_signs, line_number)
+ endif
+ end
+ endfor
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_dummy_sign', dummy_sign_placed)
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_gitgutter_signs', gitgutter_signs)
+ call setbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_other_signs', other_signs)
+" Returns a list of [, ...]
+" Sets `s:remove_all_old_signs` as a side-effect.
+function! gitgutter#sign#obsolete_gitgutter_signs_to_remove(new_gitgutter_signs_line_numbers) abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ let signs_to_remove = [] " list of [, ...]
+ let remove_all_signs = 1
+ let old_gitgutter_signs = getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_gitgutter_signs')
+ for line_number in keys(old_gitgutter_signs)
+ if index(a:new_gitgutter_signs_line_numbers, str2nr(line_number)) == -1
+ call add(signs_to_remove, old_gitgutter_signs[line_number].id)
+ else
+ let remove_all_signs = 0
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let s:remove_all_old_signs = remove_all_signs
+ return signs_to_remove
+function! gitgutter#sign#remove_signs(sign_ids, all_signs) abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ if a:all_signs && s:supports_star && empty(getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_other_signs'))
+ let dummy_sign_present = getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_dummy_sign')
+ execute "sign unplace * buffer=" . bufnr
+ if dummy_sign_present
+ execute "sign place" s:dummy_sign_id "line=" . 9999 "name=GitGutterDummy buffer=" . bufnr
+ endif
+ else
+ for id in a:sign_ids
+ execute "sign unplace" id
+ endfor
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#sign#upsert_new_gitgutter_signs(modified_lines) abort
+ let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ let other_signs = getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_other_signs')
+ let old_gitgutter_signs = getbufvar(bufnr, 'gitgutter_gitgutter_signs')
+ for line in a:modified_lines
+ let line_number = line[0] "
+ if index(other_signs, line_number) == -1 " don't clobber others' signs
+ let name = gitgutter#utility#highlight_name_for_change(line[1])
+ if !has_key(old_gitgutter_signs, line_number) " insert
+ let id = gitgutter#sign#next_sign_id()
+ execute "sign place" id "line=" . line_number "name=" . name "buffer=" . bufnr
+ else " update if sign has changed
+ let old_sign = old_gitgutter_signs[line_number]
+ if old_sign.name !=# name
+ execute "sign place" old_sign.id "name=" . name "buffer=" . bufnr
+ end
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " At this point b:gitgutter_gitgutter_signs is out of date.
+function! gitgutter#sign#next_sign_id() abort
+ let next_id = s:next_sign_id
+ let s:next_sign_id += 1
+ return next_id
+" Only for testing.
+function! gitgutter#sign#reset()
+ let s:next_sign_id = s:first_sign_id
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/utility.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/utility.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77ad2dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/utility.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+let s:file = ''
+let s:using_xolox_shell = -1
+let s:exit_code = 0
+function! gitgutter#utility#warn(message) abort
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echo 'vim-gitgutter: ' . a:message
+ echohl None
+ let v:warningmsg = a:message
+function! gitgutter#utility#warn_once(message, key) abort
+ if empty(getbufvar(s:bufnr, a:key))
+ call setbufvar(s:bufnr, a:key, '1')
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ redraw | echo 'vim-gitgutter: ' . a:message
+ echohl None
+ let v:warningmsg = a:message
+ endif
+" Returns truthy when the buffer's file should be processed; and falsey when it shouldn't.
+" This function does not and should not make any system calls.
+function! gitgutter#utility#is_active() abort
+ return g:gitgutter_enabled &&
+ \ !pumvisible() &&
+ \ gitgutter#utility#is_file_buffer() &&
+ \ gitgutter#utility#exists_file() &&
+ \ gitgutter#utility#not_git_dir()
+function! gitgutter#utility#not_git_dir() abort
+ return gitgutter#utility#full_path_to_directory_of_file() !~ '[/\\]\.git\($\|[/\\]\)'
+function! gitgutter#utility#is_file_buffer() abort
+ return empty(getbufvar(s:bufnr, '&buftype'))
+" A replacement for the built-in `shellescape(arg)`.
+" Recent versions of Vim handle shell escaping pretty well. However older
+" versions aren't as good. This attempts to do the right thing.
+" See:
+" https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive/blob/8f0b8edfbd246c0026b7a2388e1d883d579ac7f6/plugin/fugitive.vim#L29-L37
+function! gitgutter#utility#shellescape(arg) abort
+ if a:arg =~ '^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$'
+ return a:arg
+ elseif &shell =~# 'cmd' || gitgutter#utility#using_xolox_shell()
+ return '"' . substitute(substitute(a:arg, '"', '""', 'g'), '%', '"%"', 'g') . '"'
+ else
+ return shellescape(a:arg)
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(bufnr) abort
+ let s:bufnr = a:bufnr
+ let s:file = resolve(bufname(a:bufnr))
+function! gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
+ return s:bufnr
+function! gitgutter#utility#file()
+ return s:file
+function! gitgutter#utility#filename() abort
+ return fnamemodify(s:file, ':t')
+function! gitgutter#utility#extension() abort
+ return fnamemodify(s:file, ':e')
+function! gitgutter#utility#full_path_to_directory_of_file() abort
+ return fnamemodify(s:file, ':p:h')
+function! gitgutter#utility#directory_of_file() abort
+ return fnamemodify(s:file, ':h')
+function! gitgutter#utility#exists_file() abort
+ return filereadable(s:file)
+function! gitgutter#utility#has_unsaved_changes() abort
+ return getbufvar(s:bufnr, "&mod")
+function! gitgutter#utility#has_fresh_changes() abort
+ return getbufvar(s:bufnr, 'changedtick') != getbufvar(s:bufnr, 'gitgutter_last_tick')
+function! gitgutter#utility#save_last_seen_change() abort
+ call setbufvar(s:bufnr, 'gitgutter_last_tick', getbufvar(s:bufnr, 'changedtick'))
+function! gitgutter#utility#shell_error() abort
+ return gitgutter#utility#using_xolox_shell() ? s:exit_code : v:shell_error
+function! gitgutter#utility#using_xolox_shell() abort
+ if s:using_xolox_shell == -1
+ if !g:gitgutter_avoid_cmd_prompt_on_windows
+ let s:using_xolox_shell = 0
+ " Although xolox/vim-shell works on both windows and unix we only want to use
+ " it on windows.
+ elseif has('win32') || has('win64') || has('win32unix')
+ let s:using_xolox_shell = exists('g:xolox#misc#version') && exists('g:xolox#shell#version')
+ else
+ let s:using_xolox_shell = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ return s:using_xolox_shell
+function! gitgutter#utility#system(cmd, ...) abort
+ call gitgutter#debug#log(a:cmd, a:000)
+ if gitgutter#utility#using_xolox_shell()
+ let options = {'command': a:cmd, 'check': 0}
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let options['stdin'] = a:1
+ endif
+ let ret = xolox#misc#os#exec(options)
+ let output = join(ret.stdout, "\n")
+ let s:exit_code = ret.exit_code
+ else
+ silent let output = (a:0 == 0) ? system(a:cmd) : system(a:cmd, a:1)
+ endif
+ return output
+function! gitgutter#utility#file_relative_to_repo_root() abort
+ let file_path_relative_to_repo_root = getbufvar(s:bufnr, 'gitgutter_repo_relative_path')
+ if empty(file_path_relative_to_repo_root)
+ let dir_path_relative_to_repo_root = gitgutter#utility#system(gitgutter#utility#command_in_directory_of_file(g:gitgutter_git_executable.' rev-parse --show-prefix'))
+ let dir_path_relative_to_repo_root = gitgutter#utility#strip_trailing_new_line(dir_path_relative_to_repo_root)
+ let file_path_relative_to_repo_root = dir_path_relative_to_repo_root . gitgutter#utility#filename()
+ call setbufvar(s:bufnr, 'gitgutter_repo_relative_path', file_path_relative_to_repo_root)
+ endif
+ return file_path_relative_to_repo_root
+function! gitgutter#utility#command_in_directory_of_file(cmd) abort
+ return 'cd '.gitgutter#utility#shellescape(gitgutter#utility#directory_of_file()).' && '.a:cmd
+function! gitgutter#utility#highlight_name_for_change(text) abort
+ if a:text ==# 'added'
+ return 'GitGutterLineAdded'
+ elseif a:text ==# 'removed'
+ return 'GitGutterLineRemoved'
+ elseif a:text ==# 'removed_first_line'
+ return 'GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine'
+ elseif a:text ==# 'modified'
+ return 'GitGutterLineModified'
+ elseif a:text ==# 'modified_removed'
+ return 'GitGutterLineModifiedRemoved'
+ endif
+" Dedups list in-place.
+" Assumes list has no empty entries.
+function! gitgutter#utility#dedup(list)
+ return filter(sort(a:list), 'index(a:list, v:val, v:key + 1) == -1')
+function! gitgutter#utility#strip_trailing_new_line(line) abort
+ return substitute(a:line, '\n$', '', '')
+function! gitgutter#utility#git_version() abort
+ return matchstr(system(g:gitgutter_git_executable.' --version'), '[0-9.]\+')
+" True for git v1.7.2+.
+function! gitgutter#utility#git_supports_command_line_config_override() abort
+ let [major, minor, patch; _] = split(gitgutter#utility#git_version(), '\.')
+ return major > 1 || (major == 1 && minor > 7) || (minor == 7 && patch > 1)
+function! gitgutter#utility#stringify(list) abort
+ return join(a:list, "\n")."\n"
+function! gitgutter#utility#use_known_shell() abort
+ if has('unix')
+ if &shell !=# 'sh'
+ let s:shell = &shell
+ let s:shellcmdflag = &shellcmdflag
+ let s:shellredir = &shellredir
+ let &shell = 'sh'
+ set shellcmdflag=-c
+ set shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1
+ endif
+ endif
+function! gitgutter#utility#restore_shell() abort
+ if has('unix')
+ if exists('s:shell')
+ let &shell = s:shell
+ let &shellcmdflag = s:shellcmdflag
+ let &shellredir = s:shellredir
+ endif
+ endif
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/doc/gitgutter.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/doc/gitgutter.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4bb7747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/doc/gitgutter.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+*gitgutter.txt* A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the gutter.
+ Vim Git Gutter
+Author: Andy Stewart
+Plugin Homepage:
+CONTENTS *GitGutterContents*
+ 1. Introduction ................. |GitGutterIntroduction|
+ 2. Installation ................. |GitGutterInstallation|
+ 3. Usage ........................ |GitGutterUsage|
+ 4. Commands ..................... |GitGutterCommands|
+ 5. Autocommand .................. |GitGutterAutocmd|
+ 6. CUSTOMISATION................. |GitGutterCustomisation|
+ 7. FAQ .......................... |GitGutterFAQ|
+1. INTRODUCTION *GitGutterIntroduction*
+ *GitGutter*
+Vim Git Gutter is a Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the 'gutter' (sign
+column). It shows whether each line has been added, modified, and where lines
+have been removed.
+This is a port of the Git Gutter plugin for Sublime Text 2.
+2. INSTALLATION *GitGutterInstallation*
+* Pathogen:
+ cd ~/.vim/bundle
+ git clone git://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git
+* Voom:
+Edit your plugin manifest (`voom edit`) and add:
+ airblade/vim-gitgutter
+* VimPlug:
+Place this in your .vimrc:
+ Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
+Then run the following in Vim:
+ :source %
+ :PlugInstall
+* NeoBundle:
+Place this in your .vimrc:
+ NeoBundle 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
+Then run the following in Vim:
+ :source %
+ :NeoBundleInstall
+* No plugin manager:
+Copy vim-gitgutter's subdirectories into your vim configuration directory:
+ cd tmp && git clone git://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git
+ cp vim-gitgutter/* ~/.vim/
+See |add-global-plugin|.
+3. USAGE *GitGutterUsage*
+You don't have to do anything: it just works.
+4. COMMANDS *GitGutterCommands*
+Commands for turning Git Gutter on and off:
+ :GitGutterDisable *:GitGutterDisable*
+ Explicitly turn Git Gutter off.
+ :GitGutterEnable *:GitGutterEnable*
+ Explicitly turn Git Gutter on.
+ :GitGutterToggle *:GitGutterToggle*
+ Explicitly turn Git Gutter on if it was off and vice versa.
+ :GitGutter *:GitGutter*
+ Update signs for the current buffer.
+ :GitGutterAll *:GitGutterAll*
+ Update signs across all buffers.
+Commands for turning signs on and off (defaults to on):
+ :GitGutterSignsEnable *:GitGutterSignsEnable*
+ Explicitly turn line signs on.
+ :GitGutterSignsDisable *:GitGutterSignsDisable*
+ Explicitly turn line signs off.
+ :GitGutterSignsToggle *:GitGutterSignsToggle*
+ Explicitly turn line signs on if it was off and vice versa.
+Commands for turning line highlighting on and off (defaults to off):
+ :GitGutterLineHighlightsEnable *:GitGutterLineHighlightsEnable*
+ Explicitly turn line highlighting on.
+ :GitGutterLineHighlightsDisable *:GitGutterLineHighlightsDisable*
+ Explicitly turn line highlighting off.
+ :GitGutterLineHighlightsToggle *:GitGutterLineHighlightsToggle*
+ Explicitly turn line highlighting on if it was off and vice versa.
+Commands for jumping between marked hunks:
+ :GitGutterNextHunk *:GitGutterNextHunk*
+ Jump to the next marked hunk. Takes a count.
+ :GitGutterPrevHunk *:GitGutterPrevHunk*
+ Jump to the previous marked hunk. Takes a count.
+Commands for staging or undoing individual hunks:
+ :GitGutterStageHunk *:GitGutterStageHunk*
+ Stage the hunk the cursor is in.
+ :GitGutterUndoHunk *:GitGutterUndoHunk*
+ Undo the hunk the cursor is in.
+ :GitGutterPreviewHunk *:GitGutterPreviewHunk*
+ Preview the hunk the cursor is in.
+5. AUTOCOMMAND *GitGutterAutocmd*
+After updating a buffer's signs vim-gitgutter fires a |User| |autocmd| with the
+event GitGutter. You can listen for this event, for example:
+ autocmd User GitGutter call updateMyStatusLine()
+6. CUSTOMISATION *GitGutterCustomisation*
+You can customise:
+- The sign column's colours
+- The signs' colours and symbols
+- Line highlights
+- The base of the diff
+- Extra arguments for git-diff
+- Key mappings
+- The grep executable used
+- Whether or not vim-gitgutter is on initially (defaults to on)
+- Whether or not signs are shown (defaults to yes)
+- Whether or not line highlighting is on initially (defaults to off)
+- Whether or not vim-gitgutter runs in realtime (defaults to yes)
+- Whether or not vim-gitgutter runs eagerly (defaults to yes)
+- Whether or not vim-gitgutter runs asynchronously (defaults to yes)
+Please note that vim-gitgutter won't override any colours or highlights you've
+set in your colorscheme.
+By default vim-gitgutter will make the sign column look like the line number
+column (i.e. the |hl-LineNr| highlight group).
+To customise your sign column's background color, first tell vim-gitgutter to
+leave it alone:
+ let g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight = 0
+And then either update your colorscheme's |hlSignColumn| highlight group or set
+it in your |vimrc|:
+ Desired appearance Command ~
+ Same as line number column highlight clear SignColumn
+ User-defined (terminal Vim) highlight SignColumn ctermbg={whatever}
+ User-defined (graphical Vim) highlight SignColumn guibg={whatever}
+To customise the colours, set up the following highlight groups in your
+colorscheme or |vimrc|:
+ GitGutterAdd " an added line
+ GitGutterChange " a changed line
+ GitGutterDelete " at least one removed line
+ GitGutterChangeDelete " a changed line followed by at least one removed line
+You can either set these with `highlight GitGutterAdd {key}={arg}...` or link
+them to existing highlight groups with, say:
+ highlight link GitGutterAdd DiffAdd
+To customise the symbols, add the following to your |vimrc|:
+ let g:gitgutter_sign_added = 'xx'
+ let g:gitgutter_sign_modified = 'yy'
+ let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = 'zz'
+ let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = 'ww'
+Similarly to the signs' colours, set up the following highlight groups in your
+colorscheme or |vimrc|:
+ GitGutterAddLine " default: links to DiffAdd
+ GitGutterChangeLine " default: links to DiffChange
+ GitGutterDeleteLine " default: links to DiffDelete
+ GitGutterChangeDeleteLine " default: links to GitGutterChangeLineDefault
+By default buffers are diffed against the index. To diff against a commit
+ let g:gitgutter_diff_base = ''
+To pass extra arguments to git-diff, add this to your |vimrc|:
+ let g:gitgutter_diff_args = '-w'
+To disable all key maps:
+ let g:gitgutter_map_keys = 0
+To change the hunk-jumping maps (defaults shown):
+ nmap [c GitGutterPrevHunk
+ nmap ]c GitGutterNextHunk
+To change the hunk-staging/undoing/previewing maps (defaults shown):
+ nmap hs GitGutterStageHunk
+ nmap hu GitGutterUndoHunk
+ nmap hp GitGutterPreviewHunk
+To change the hunk text object maps (defaults shown):
+ omap ic GitGutterTextObjectInnerPending
+ omap ac GitGutterTextObjectOuterPending
+ xmap ic GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual
+ xmap ac GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual
+To use a custom invocation for grep, use this:
+ let g:gitgutter_grep_command = 'grep --color=never -e'
+Add to your |vimrc|
+ let g:gitgutter_enabled = 0
+Add to your |vimrc|
+ let g:gitgutter_signs = 0
+Note that the sign column will still be present if you have line highlighting
+switched on.
+Add to your |vimrc|
+ let g:gitgutter_highlight_lines = 1
+Add to your |vimrc|
+ let g:gitgutter_realtime = 0
+Add to your |vimrc|
+ let g:gitgutter_eager = 0
+By default diffs are run asynchronously. To run diffs synchronously
+Add to your |vimrc|
+let g:gitgutter_async = 0
+7. FAQ *GitGutterFAQ*
+a. Why are the colours in the sign column weird?
+ Your colorscheme is configuring the |hl-SignColumn| highlight group weirdly.
+ Please see |GitGutterCustomisation| on customising the sign column.
+b. What happens if I also use another plugin which uses signs (e.g. Syntastic)?
+ Vim only allows one sign per line. Before adding a sign to a line,
+ vim-gitgutter checks whether a sign has already been added by somebody else.
+ If so it doesn't do anything. In other words vim-gitgutter won't overwrite
+ another plugin's signs. It also won't remove another plugin's signs.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/plugin/gitgutter.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/plugin/gitgutter.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eeaffb15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/plugin/gitgutter.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+scriptencoding utf-8
+if exists('g:loaded_gitgutter') || !has('signs') || &cp
+ finish
+let g:loaded_gitgutter = 1
+" Initialisation {{{
+" Realtime sign updates require Vim 7.3.105+.
+if v:version < 703 || (v:version == 703 && !has("patch105"))
+ let g:gitgutter_realtime = 0
+" Eager updates require gettabvar()/settabvar().
+if !exists("*gettabvar")
+ let g:gitgutter_eager = 0
+function! s:set(var, default) abort
+ if !exists(a:var)
+ if type(a:default)
+ execute 'let' a:var '=' string(a:default)
+ else
+ execute 'let' a:var '=' a:default
+ endif
+ endif
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_enabled', 1)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_max_signs', 500)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_signs', 1)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_highlight_lines', 0)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_sign_column_always', 0)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight', 1)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_realtime', 1)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_eager', 1)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_sign_added', '+')
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_sign_modified', '~')
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_sign_removed', '_')
+ call s:set('g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line', '‾')
+catch /E239/
+ let g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line = '_^'
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed', '~_')
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_diff_args', '')
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_diff_base', '')
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_map_keys', 1)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_avoid_cmd_prompt_on_windows', 1)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_async', 1)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_log', 0)
+call s:set('g:gitgutter_git_executable', 'git')
+if !executable(g:gitgutter_git_executable)
+ call gitgutter#utility#warn('cannot find git. Please set g:gitgutter_git_executable.')
+call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_column_highlight()
+call gitgutter#highlight#define_highlights()
+call gitgutter#highlight#define_signs()
+" }}}
+" Primary functions {{{
+command -bar GitGutterAll call gitgutter#all()
+command -bar GitGutter call gitgutter#process_buffer(bufnr(''), 0)
+command -bar GitGutterDisable call gitgutter#disable()
+command -bar GitGutterEnable call gitgutter#enable()
+command -bar GitGutterToggle call gitgutter#toggle()
+" }}}
+" Line highlights {{{
+command -bar GitGutterLineHighlightsDisable call gitgutter#line_highlights_disable()
+command -bar GitGutterLineHighlightsEnable call gitgutter#line_highlights_enable()
+command -bar GitGutterLineHighlightsToggle call gitgutter#line_highlights_toggle()
+" }}}
+" Signs {{{
+command -bar GitGutterSignsEnable call gitgutter#signs_enable()
+command -bar GitGutterSignsDisable call gitgutter#signs_disable()
+command -bar GitGutterSignsToggle call gitgutter#signs_toggle()
+" }}}
+" Hunks {{{
+command -bar -count=1 GitGutterNextHunk call gitgutter#hunk#next_hunk()
+command -bar -count=1 GitGutterPrevHunk call gitgutter#hunk#prev_hunk()
+command -bar GitGutterStageHunk call gitgutter#stage_hunk()
+command -bar GitGutterUndoHunk call gitgutter#undo_hunk()
+command -bar GitGutterRevertHunk echomsg 'GitGutterRevertHunk is deprecated. Use GitGutterUndoHunk'call gitgutter#undo_hunk()
+command -bar GitGutterPreviewHunk call gitgutter#preview_hunk()
+" Hunk text object
+onoremap GitGutterTextObjectInnerPending :call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(1)
+onoremap GitGutterTextObjectOuterPending :call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(0)
+xnoremap GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual :call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(1)
+xnoremap GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual :call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(0)
+" Returns the git-diff hunks for the file or an empty list if there
+" aren't any hunks.
+" The return value is a list of lists. There is one inner list per hunk.
+" [
+" [from_line, from_count, to_line, to_count],
+" [from_line, from_count, to_line, to_count],
+" ...
+" ]
+" where:
+" `from` - refers to the staged file
+" `to` - refers to the working tree's file
+" `line` - refers to the line number where the change starts
+" `count` - refers to the number of lines the change covers
+function! GitGutterGetHunks()
+ return gitgutter#utility#is_active() ? gitgutter#hunk#hunks() : []
+" Returns an array that contains a summary of the hunk status for the current
+" window. The format is [ added, modified, removed ], where each value
+" represents the number of lines added/modified/removed respectively.
+function! GitGutterGetHunkSummary()
+ return gitgutter#hunk#summary(winbufnr(0))
+" }}}
+command -bar GitGutterDebug call gitgutter#debug#debug()
+" Maps {{{
+nnoremap GitGutterNextHunk &diff ? ']c' : ":\execute v:count1 . 'GitGutterNextHunk'\"
+nnoremap GitGutterPrevHunk &diff ? '[c' : ":\execute v:count1 . 'GitGutterPrevHunk'\"
+if g:gitgutter_map_keys
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterPrevHunk') && maparg('[c', 'n') ==# ''
+ nmap [c GitGutterPrevHunk
+ endif
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterNextHunk') && maparg(']c', 'n') ==# ''
+ nmap ]c GitGutterNextHunk
+ endif
+nnoremap GitGutterStageHunk :GitGutterStageHunk
+nnoremap GitGutterUndoHunk :GitGutterUndoHunk
+nnoremap GitGutterPreviewHunk :GitGutterPreviewHunk
+if g:gitgutter_map_keys
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterStageHunk') && maparg('hs', 'n') ==# ''
+ nmap hs GitGutterStageHunk
+ endif
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterUndoHunk') && maparg('hu', 'n') ==# ''
+ nmap hu GitGutterUndoHunk
+ nmap hr GitGutterUndoHunk:echomsg 'hr is deprecated. Use hu'
+ endif
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterPreviewHunk') && maparg('hp', 'n') ==# ''
+ nmap hp GitGutterPreviewHunk
+ endif
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterTextObjectInnerPending') && maparg('ic', 'o') ==# ''
+ omap ic GitGutterTextObjectInnerPending
+ endif
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterTextObjectOuterPending') && maparg('ac', 'o') ==# ''
+ omap ac GitGutterTextObjectOuterPending
+ endif
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual') && maparg('ic', 'x') ==# ''
+ xmap ic GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual
+ endif
+ if !hasmapto('GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual') && maparg('ac', 'x') ==# ''
+ xmap ac GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual
+ endif
+" }}}
+" Autocommands {{{
+augroup gitgutter
+ autocmd!
+ if g:gitgutter_realtime
+ autocmd CursorHold,CursorHoldI * call gitgutter#process_buffer(bufnr(''), 1)
+ endif
+ if g:gitgutter_eager
+ autocmd BufWritePost,FileChangedShellPost * call gitgutter#process_buffer(bufnr(''), 0)
+ " When you enter a new tab, BufEnter is only fired if the buffer you enter
+ " is not the one you came from.
+ "
+ " For example:
+ "
+ " `:tab split` fires TabEnter but not BufEnter.
+ " `:tab new` fires TabEnter and BufEnter.
+ "
+ " As and when both TabEnter and BufEnter are fired, we do not want to
+ " process the entered buffer twice. We avoid this by setting and clearing
+ " a flag.
+ autocmd BufEnter *
+ \ if gettabvar(tabpagenr(), 'gitgutter_didtabenter') |
+ \ call settabvar(tabpagenr(), 'gitgutter_didtabenter', 0) |
+ \ else |
+ \ call gitgutter#process_buffer(bufnr(''), 0) |
+ \ endif
+ autocmd TabEnter *
+ \ call settabvar(tabpagenr(), 'gitgutter_didtabenter', 1) |
+ \ call gitgutter#all()
+ if !has('gui_win32')
+ autocmd FocusGained * call gitgutter#all()
+ endif
+ else
+ autocmd BufRead,BufWritePost,FileChangedShellPost * call gitgutter#process_buffer(bufnr(''), 0)
+ endif
+ autocmd ColorScheme * call gitgutter#highlight#define_sign_column_highlight() | call gitgutter#highlight#define_highlights()
+ " Disable during :vimgrep
+ autocmd QuickFixCmdPre *vimgrep* let g:gitgutter_enabled = 0
+ autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *vimgrep* let g:gitgutter_enabled = 1
+augroup END
+" }}}
+" vim:set et sw=2 fdm=marker:
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/screenshot.png b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/screenshot.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b50f839
Binary files /dev/null and b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/screenshot.png differ
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/fixture.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/fixture.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5c6affe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/fixture.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/runner.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/runner.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..630693c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/runner.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+" Adapted from https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/src/testdir/runtest.vim
+" When debugging tests it can help to write debug output:
+" call Log('oh noes')
+function RunTest(test)
+ if exists("*SetUp")
+ call SetUp()
+ endif
+ try
+ execute 'call '.a:test
+ catch
+ call Exception()
+ let s:errored = 1
+ endtry
+ if exists("*TearDown")
+ call TearDown()
+ endif
+function Log(msg)
+ if type(a:msg) == type('')
+ call add(s:messages, a:msg)
+ elseif type(a:msg) == type([])
+ call extend(s:messages, a:msg)
+ else
+ call add(v:errors, 'Exception: unsupported type: '.type(a:msg))
+ endif
+function Exception()
+ call add(v:errors, v:throwpoint.'..'.'Exception: '.v:exception)
+" Shuffles list in place.
+function Shuffle(list)
+ " Fisher-Yates-Durstenfeld-Knuth
+ let n = len(a:list)
+ if n < 2
+ return a:list
+ endif
+ for i in range(0, n-2)
+ let j = Random(0, n-i-1)
+ let e = a:list[i]
+ let a:list[i] = a:list[i+j]
+ let a:list[i+j] = e
+ endfor
+ return a:list
+" Returns a pseudorandom integer i such that 0 <= i <= max
+function Random(min, max)
+ if has('unix')
+ let i = system('echo $RANDOM') " 0 <= i <= 32767
+ else
+ let i = system('echo %RANDOM%') " 0 <= i <= 32767
+ endif
+ return i * (a:max - a:min + 1) / 32768 + a:min
+function FriendlyName(test_name)
+ return substitute(a:test_name[5:-3], '_', ' ', 'g')
+function Align(left, right)
+ if type(a:right) == type([])
+ let result = []
+ for s in a:right
+ if empty(result)
+ call add(result, printf('%-'.s:indent.'S', a:left).s)
+ else
+ call add(result, printf('%-'.s:indent.'S', '').s)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return result
+ endif
+ return printf('%-'.s:indent.'S', a:left).a:right
+let g:testname = expand('%')
+let s:errored = 0
+let s:done = 0
+let s:fail = 0
+let s:errors = 0
+let s:messages = []
+let s:indent = ''
+call Log(g:testname.':')
+" Source the test script.
+ source %
+ let s:errors += 1
+ call Exception()
+" Locate the test functions.
+set nomore
+redir @q
+silent function /^Test_
+redir END
+let s:tests = split(substitute(@q, 'function \(\k*()\)', '\1', 'g'))
+" If there is another argument, filter test-functions' names against it.
+if argc() > 1
+ let s:tests = filter(s:tests, 'v:val =~ argv(1)')
+let s:indent = max(map(copy(s:tests), {_, val -> len(FriendlyName(val))}))
+" Run the tests in random order.
+for test in Shuffle(s:tests)
+ call RunTest(test)
+ let s:done += 1
+ let friendly_name = FriendlyName(test)
+ if len(v:errors) == 0
+ call Log(Align(friendly_name, ' - ok'))
+ else
+ if s:errored
+ let s:errors += 1
+ let s:errored = 0
+ else
+ let s:fail += 1
+ endif
+ call Log(Align(friendly_name, ' - not ok'))
+ let i = 0
+ for error in v:errors
+ if i != 0
+ call Log(Align('',' ! ----'))
+ endif
+ for trace in reverse(split(error, '\.\.'))
+ call Log(Align('', ' ! '.trace))
+ endfor
+ let i += 1
+ endfor
+ let v:errors = []
+ endif
+let summary = [
+ \ s:done.( s:done == 1 ? ' test' : ' tests'),
+ \ s:errors.(s:errors == 1 ? ' error' : ' errors'),
+ \ s:fail.( s:fail == 1 ? ' failure' : ' failures'),
+ \ ]
+call Log('')
+call Log(join(summary, ', '))
+split messages.log
+call append(line('$'), s:messages)
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/test b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6247a058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/test
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+VIM="/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim -v"
+$VIM -u NONE -U NONE -N \
+ --cmd 'set rtp+=../' \
+ --cmd 'let g:gitgutter_async=0' \
+ --cmd 'source ../plugin/gitgutter.vim' \
+ -S runner.vim \
+ test_*.vim \
+ $*
+cat messages.log
+grep -q "0 errors, 0 failures" messages.log
+rm messages.log
+exit $status
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/test_gitgutter.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/test_gitgutter.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a65ed8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-gitgutter/test/test_gitgutter.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+let s:current_dir = expand('%:p:h')
+let s:test_repo = s:current_dir.'/test-repo'
+let s:bufnr = bufnr('')
+" Helpers
+function s:signs(filename)
+ redir => signs
+ silent execute 'sign place'
+ redir END
+ let signs = split(signs, '\n')
+ " filter out signs for this test file
+ " assumes a:filename's signs are last set listed
+ let i = index(signs, 'Signs for '.a:filename.':')
+ let signs = (i > -1 ? signs[i+1:] : [])
+ call map(signs, {_, v -> substitute(v, ' ', '', '')})
+ return signs
+function s:git_diff()
+ return split(system('git diff -U0 fixture.txt'), '\n')
+function s:git_diff_staged()
+ return split(system('git diff -U0 --staged fixture.txt'), '\n')
+" SetUp / TearDown
+function SetUp()
+ call system("git init ".s:test_repo.
+ \ " && cd ".s:test_repo.
+ \ " && cp ../fixture.txt .".
+ \ " && git add . && git commit -m 'initial'")
+ execute ':cd' s:test_repo
+ edit! fixture.txt
+ call gitgutter#sign#reset()
+function TearDown()
+ " delete all buffers except this one
+ " TODO: move to runner.vim, accounting for multiple test files
+ if s:bufnr > 1
+ silent! execute '1,'.s:bufnr-1.'bdelete!'
+ endif
+ silent! execute s:bufnr+1.',$bdelete!'
+ execute ':cd' s:current_dir
+ call system("rm -rf ".s:test_repo)
+" The tests
+function Test_add_lines()
+ normal ggo*
+ write
+ let expected = ["line=2 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineAdded"]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+function Test_add_lines_fish()
+ let _shell = &shell
+ set shell=/usr/local/bin/fish
+ normal ggo*
+ write
+ let expected = ["line=2 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineAdded"]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+ let &shell = _shell
+function Test_modify_lines()
+ normal ggi*
+ write
+ let expected = ["line=1 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineModified"]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+function Test_remove_lines()
+ execute '5d'
+ write
+ let expected = ["line=4 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineRemoved"]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+function Test_remove_first_lines()
+ execute '1d'
+ write
+ let expected = ["line=1 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineRemovedFirstLine"]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+function Test_edit_file_with_same_name_as_a_branch()
+ normal 5Gi*
+ call system('git checkout -b fixture.txt')
+ write
+ let expected = ["line=5 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineModified"]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+function Test_file_added_to_git()
+ let tmpfile = 'fileAddedToGit.tmp'
+ call system('touch '.tmpfile.' && git add '.tmpfile)
+ execute 'edit '.tmpfile
+ normal ihello
+ write
+ let expected = ["line=1 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineAdded"]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fileAddedToGit.tmp'))
+function Test_filename_with_equals()
+ call system('touch =fixture=.txt && git add =fixture=.txt')
+ edit =fixture=.txt
+ normal ggo*
+ write
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'line=1 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineAdded',
+ \ 'line=2 id=3001 name=GitGutterLineAdded'
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('=fixture=.txt'))
+function Test_filename_with_square_brackets()
+ call system('touch fix[tu]re.txt && git add fix[tu]re.txt')
+ edit fix[tu]re.txt
+ normal ggo*
+ write
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'line=1 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineAdded',
+ \ 'line=2 id=3001 name=GitGutterLineAdded'
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fix[tu]re.txt'))
+" FIXME: this test fails when it is the first (or only) test to be run
+function Test_follow_symlink()
+ let tmp = 'symlink'
+ call system('ln -nfs fixture.txt '.tmp)
+ execute 'edit '.tmp
+ 6d
+ write
+ let expected = ['line=5 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineRemoved']
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('symlink'))
+function Test_keep_alt()
+ enew
+ execute "normal! \"
+ call assert_equal('fixture.txt', bufname(''))
+ call assert_equal('', bufname('#'))
+ normal ggx
+ doautocmd CursorHold
+ call assert_equal('', bufname('#'))
+function Test_keep_modified()
+ normal 5Go*
+ call assert_equal(1, getbufvar('', '&modified'))
+ doautocmd CursorHold
+ call assert_equal(1, getbufvar('', '&modified'))
+function Test_keep_op_marks()
+ normal 5Go*
+ call assert_equal([0,6,1,0], getpos("'["))
+ call assert_equal([0,6,2,0], getpos("']"))
+ doautocmd CursorHold
+ call assert_equal([0,6,1,0], getpos("'["))
+ call assert_equal([0,6,2,0], getpos("']"))
+function Test_no_modifications()
+ call assert_equal([], s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+function Test_orphaned_signs()
+ execute "normal 5GoX\Y"
+ write
+ 6d
+ write
+ let expected = ['line=6 id=3001 name=GitGutterLineAdded']
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+function Test_sign_column_always()
+ let g:gitgutter_sign_column_always=1
+ write
+ let expected = ['line=9999 id=2999 name=GitGutterDummy']
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+ let g:gitgutter_sign_column_always=0
+function Test_untracked_file_outside_repo()
+ let tmp = tempname()
+ call system('touch '.tmp)
+ execute 'edit '.tmp
+ call assert_equal([], s:signs(tmp))
+function Test_untracked_file_within_repo()
+ let tmp = 'untrackedFileWithinRepo.tmp'
+ call system('touch '.tmp)
+ execute 'edit '.tmp
+ normal ggo*
+ doautocmd CursorHold
+ call assert_equal([], s:signs(tmp))
+ call system('rm '.tmp)
+function Test_untracked_file_square_brackets_within_repo()
+ let tmp = '[un]trackedFileWithinRepo.tmp'
+ call system('touch '.tmp)
+ execute 'edit '.tmp
+ normal ggo*
+ doautocmd CursorHold
+ call assert_equal([], s:signs(tmp))
+ call system('rm '.tmp)
+function Test_hunk_outside_noop()
+ normal 5G
+ GitGutterStageHunk
+ call assert_equal([], s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+ call assert_equal([], s:git_diff())
+ call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged())
+ GitGutterUndoHunk
+ call assert_equal([], s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+ call assert_equal([], s:git_diff())
+ call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged())
+function Test_hunk_stage()
+ let _shell = &shell
+ set shell=foo
+ normal 5Gi*
+ GitGutterStageHunk
+ call assert_equal('foo', &shell)
+ let &shell = _shell
+ call assert_equal([], s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+ call assert_equal([], s:git_diff())
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt',
+ \ 'index f5c6aff..ae8e546 100644',
+ \ '--- a/fixture.txt',
+ \ '+++ b/fixture.txt',
+ \ '@@ -5 +5 @@ d',
+ \ '-e',
+ \ '+*e'
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged())
+function Test_hunk_stage_nearby_hunk()
+ execute "normal! 2Gox\y\z"
+ normal 2jdd
+ normal k
+ GitGutterStageHunk
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'line=3 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineAdded',
+ \ 'line=4 id=3001 name=GitGutterLineAdded',
+ \ 'line=5 id=3002 name=GitGutterLineAdded'
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt',
+ \ 'index 53b13df..8fdfda7 100644',
+ \ '--- a/fixture.txt',
+ \ '+++ b/fixture.txt',
+ \ '@@ -2,0 +3,3 @@ b',
+ \ '+x',
+ \ '+y',
+ \ '+z',
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff())
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt',
+ \ 'index f5c6aff..53b13df 100644',
+ \ '--- a/fixture.txt',
+ \ '+++ b/fixture.txt',
+ \ '@@ -4 +3,0 @@ c',
+ \ '-d',
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff_staged())
+function Test_hunk_undo()
+ let _shell = &shell
+ set shell=foo
+ normal 5Gi*
+ GitGutterUndoHunk
+ write " write file so we can verify git diff (--staged)
+ call assert_equal('foo', &shell)
+ let &shell = _shell
+ call assert_equal([], s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+ call assert_equal([], s:git_diff())
+ call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged())
+function Test_undo_nearby_hunk()
+ execute "normal! 2Gox\y\z"
+ normal 2jdd
+ normal k
+ GitGutterUndoHunk
+ write " write file so we can verify git diff (--staged)
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'line=3 id=3000 name=GitGutterLineAdded',
+ \ 'line=4 id=3001 name=GitGutterLineAdded',
+ \ 'line=5 id=3002 name=GitGutterLineAdded'
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:signs('fixture.txt'))
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'diff --git a/fixture.txt b/fixture.txt',
+ \ 'index f5c6aff..3fbde56 100644',
+ \ '--- a/fixture.txt',
+ \ '+++ b/fixture.txt',
+ \ '@@ -2,0 +3,3 @@ b',
+ \ '+x',
+ \ '+y',
+ \ '+z',
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, s:git_diff())
+ call assert_equal([], s:git_diff_staged())
diff --git a/vimrcs/plugins_config.vim b/vimrcs/plugins_config.vim
index 44d761cb..53d0539e 100644
--- a/vimrcs/plugins_config.vim
+++ b/vimrcs/plugins_config.vim
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ let NERDTreeShowHidden=0
let NERDTreeIgnore = ['\.pyc$', '__pycache__']
let g:NERDTreeWinSize=35
map nn :NERDTreeToggle
-map nb :NERDTreeFromBookmark
+map nb :NERDTreeFromBookmark
map nf :NERDTreeFind