mirror of https://github.com/amix/vimrc synced 2025-02-28 14:12:51 +08:00

Use ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim instead of unmaintained kien/ctrlp.vim

This commit is contained in:
Tonni 2016-04-29 23:52:07 +08:00
parent 5f6aa8fe09
commit 5d1fca4b44
13 changed files with 2400 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ I recommend reading the docs of these plugins to understand them better. Each of
* [NERD Tree](https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree): A tree explorer plugin for vim * [NERD Tree](https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree): A tree explorer plugin for vim
* [ack.vim](https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim): Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack' * [ack.vim](https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim): Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
* [ag.vim](https://github.com/rking/ag.vim): A much faster Ack * [ag.vim](https://github.com/rking/ag.vim): A much faster Ack
* [ctrlp.vim](https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim): Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. In my config it's mapped to `<Ctrl+F>`, because `<Ctrl+P>` is used by YankRing * [ctrlp.vim](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim): Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. In my config it's mapped to `<Ctrl+F>`, because `<Ctrl+P>` is used by YankRing
* [mru.vim](https://github.com/vim-scripts/mru.vim): Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files. Includes my own fork which adds syntax highlighting to MRU. This plugin can be opened with `<leader+f>` * [mru.vim](https://github.com/vim-scripts/mru.vim): Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files. Includes my own fork which adds syntax highlighting to MRU. This plugin can be opened with `<leader+f>`
* [open_file_under_cursor.vim](https://github.com/amix/open_file_under_cursor.vim): Open file under cursor when pressing `gf` * [open_file_under_cursor.vim](https://github.com/amix/open_file_under_cursor.vim): Open file under cursor when pressing `gf`
* [vim-indent-object](https://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object): Defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts * [vim-indent-object](https://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object): Defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -86,9 +86,16 @@ let [s:pref, s:bpref, s:opts, s:new_opts, s:lc_opts] =
\ 'status_func': ['s:status', {}], \ 'status_func': ['s:status', {}],
\ 'tabpage_position': ['s:tabpage', 'ac'], \ 'tabpage_position': ['s:tabpage', 'ac'],
\ 'use_caching': ['s:caching', 1], \ 'use_caching': ['s:caching', 1],
\ 'use_migemo': ['s:migemo', 0],
\ 'user_command': ['s:usrcmd', ''], \ 'user_command': ['s:usrcmd', ''],
\ 'validate': ['s:validate', ''],
\ 'working_path_mode': ['s:pathmode', 'ra'], \ 'working_path_mode': ['s:pathmode', 'ra'],
\ 'line_prefix': ['s:lineprefix', '> '],
\ 'open_single_match': ['s:opensingle', []],
\ 'brief_prompt': ['s:brfprt', 0],
\ 'match_current_file': ['s:matchcrfile', 0],
\ 'compare_lim': ['s:compare_lim', 3000],
\ 'bufname_mod': ['s:bufname_mod', ':t'],
\ 'bufpath_mod': ['s:bufpath_mod', ':~:.:h'],
\ }, { \ }, {
\ 'open_multiple_files': 's:opmul', \ 'open_multiple_files': 's:opmul',
\ 'regexp': 's:regexp', \ 'regexp': 's:regexp',
@ -148,8 +155,6 @@ if !has('gui_running')
cal add(s:prtmaps['PrtBS()'], remove(s:prtmaps['PrtCurLeft()'], 0)) cal add(s:prtmaps['PrtBS()'], remove(s:prtmaps['PrtCurLeft()'], 0))
en en
let s:compare_lim = 3000
let s:ficounts = {} let s:ficounts = {}
let s:ccex = s:pref.'clear_cache_on_exit' let s:ccex = s:pref.'clear_cache_on_exit'
@ -162,6 +167,9 @@ let s:fpats = {
\ '^\S\\?$': '\\?', \ '^\S\\?$': '\\?',
\ } \ }
let s:has_conceal = has('conceal')
let s:bufnr_width = 3
" Keypad " Keypad
let s:kprange = { let s:kprange = {
\ 'Plus': '+', \ 'Plus': '+',
@ -181,7 +189,24 @@ let s:hlgrps = {
\ 'PrtBase': 'Comment', \ 'PrtBase': 'Comment',
\ 'PrtText': 'Normal', \ 'PrtText': 'Normal',
\ 'PrtCursor': 'Constant', \ 'PrtCursor': 'Constant',
\ 'BufferNr': 'Constant',
\ 'BufferInd': 'Normal',
\ 'BufferHid': 'Comment',
\ 'BufferHidMod': 'String',
\ 'BufferVis': 'Normal',
\ 'BufferVisMod': 'Identifier',
\ 'BufferCur': 'Question',
\ 'BufferCurMod': 'WarningMsg',
\ 'BufferPath': 'Comment',
\ } \ }
" lname, sname of the basic(non-extension) modes
let s:coretypes = [
\ ['files', 'fil'],
\ ['buffers', 'buf'],
\ ['mru files', 'mru'],
\ ]
" Get the options {{{2 " Get the options {{{2
fu! s:opts(...) fu! s:opts(...)
unl! s:usrign s:usrcmd s:urprtmaps unl! s:usrign s:usrcmd s:urprtmaps
@ -219,6 +244,7 @@ fu! s:opts(...)
for each in ['byfname', 'regexp'] | if exists(each) for each in ['byfname', 'regexp'] | if exists(each)
let s:{each} = {each} let s:{each} = {each}
en | endfo en | endfo
if !exists('g:ctrlp_tilde_homedir') | let g:ctrlp_tilde_homedir = 0 | en
if !exists('g:ctrlp_newcache') | let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0 | en if !exists('g:ctrlp_newcache') | let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0 | en
let s:maxdepth = min([s:maxdepth, 100]) let s:maxdepth = min([s:maxdepth, 100])
let s:glob = s:showhidden ? '.*\|*' : '*' let s:glob = s:showhidden ? '.*\|*' : '*'
@ -283,7 +309,8 @@ fu! s:Open()
sil! exe 'let s:glb_'.ke.' = &'.ke.' | let &'.ke.' = '.string(va) sil! exe 'let s:glb_'.ke.' = &'.ke.' | let &'.ke.' = '.string(va)
en | endfo en | endfo
if s:opmul != '0' && has('signs') if s:opmul != '0' && has('signs')
sign define ctrlpmark text=+> texthl=Search sign define ctrlpmark text=+> texthl=CtrlPMark
hi def link CtrlPMark Search
en en
cal s:setupblank() cal s:setupblank()
endf endf
@ -305,7 +332,7 @@ fu! s:Close()
if s:winres[1] >= &lines && s:winres[2] == winnr('$') if s:winres[1] >= &lines && s:winres[2] == winnr('$')
exe s:winres[0].s:winres[0] exe s:winres[0].s:winres[0]
en en
unl! s:focus s:hisidx s:hstgot s:marked s:statypes s:cline s:init s:savestr unl! s:focus s:hisidx s:hstgot s:marked s:statypes s:init s:savestr
\ s:mrbs s:did_exp \ s:mrbs s:did_exp
cal ctrlp#recordhist() cal ctrlp#recordhist()
cal s:execextvar('exit') cal s:execextvar('exit')
@ -343,7 +370,9 @@ fu! ctrlp#files()
" Get the list of files " Get the list of files
if empty(lscmd) if empty(lscmd)
if !ctrlp#igncwd(s:dyncwd) if !ctrlp#igncwd(s:dyncwd)
cal s:InitCustomFuncs()
cal s:GlobPath(s:fnesc(s:dyncwd, 'g', ','), 0) cal s:GlobPath(s:fnesc(s:dyncwd, 'g', ','), 0)
cal s:CloseCustomFuncs()
en en
el el
sil! cal ctrlp#progress('Indexing...') sil! cal ctrlp#progress('Indexing...')
@ -369,6 +398,18 @@ fu! ctrlp#files()
retu g:ctrlp_allfiles retu g:ctrlp_allfiles
endf endf
fu! s:InitCustomFuncs()
if s:igntype == 4 && has_key(s:usrign, 'func-init') && s:usrign['func-init'] != ''
exe call(s:usrign['func-init'], [])
fu! s:CloseCustomFuncs()
if s:igntype == 4 && has_key(s:usrign, 'func-close') && s:usrign['func-close'] != ''
exe call(s:usrign['func-close'], [])
fu! s:GlobPath(dirs, depth) fu! s:GlobPath(dirs, depth)
let entries = split(globpath(a:dirs, s:glob), "\n") let entries = split(globpath(a:dirs, s:glob), "\n")
let [dnf, depth] = [ctrlp#dirnfile(entries), a:depth + 1] let [dnf, depth] = [ctrlp#dirnfile(entries), a:depth + 1]
@ -387,11 +428,18 @@ fu! s:UserCmd(lscmd)
if exists('+ssl') && &ssl if exists('+ssl') && &ssl
let [ssl, &ssl, path] = [&ssl, 0, tr(path, '/', '\')] let [ssl, &ssl, path] = [&ssl, 0, tr(path, '/', '\')]
en en
if has('win32') || has('win64') if (has('win32') || has('win64')) && match(&shellcmdflag, "/") != -1
let lscmd = substitute(lscmd, '\v(^|\&\&\s*)\zscd (/d)@!', 'cd /d ', '') let lscmd = substitute(lscmd, '\v(^|\&\&\s*)\zscd (/d)@!', 'cd /d ', '')
en en
let path = exists('*shellescape') ? shellescape(path) : path let path = exists('*shellescape') ? shellescape(path) : path
if (has('win32') || has('win64')) && match(&shell, 'sh') != -1
let path = tr(path, '\', '/')
if has('patch-7.4-597') && !(has('win32') || has('win64'))
let g:ctrlp_allfiles = systemlist(printf(lscmd, path))
let g:ctrlp_allfiles = split(system(printf(lscmd, path)), "\n") let g:ctrlp_allfiles = split(system(printf(lscmd, path)), "\n")
if exists('+ssl') && exists('ssl') if exists('+ssl') && exists('ssl')
let &ssl = ssl let &ssl = ssl
cal map(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'tr(v:val, "\\", "/")') cal map(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'tr(v:val, "\\", "/")')
@ -439,9 +487,27 @@ fu! s:lsCmd()
en en
endf endf
" - Buffers {{{1 " - Buffers {{{1
fu! s:bufparts(bufnr)
let idc = (a:bufnr == bufnr('#') ? '#' : '') " alternative
let idc .= (getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&mod') ? '+' : '') " modified
let idc .= (getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&ma') ? '' : '-') " nomodifiable
let idc .= (getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&ro') ? '=' : '') " readonly
" flags for highlighting
let hiflags = (bufwinnr(a:bufnr) != -1 ? '*' : '') " visible
let hiflags .= (getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&mod') ? '+' : '') " modified
let hiflags .= (a:bufnr == s:crbufnr ? '!' : '') " current
let bname = bufname(a:bufnr)
let bname = (bname == '' ? '[No Name]' : fnamemodify(bname, s:bufname_mod))
let bpath = empty(s:bufpath_mod) ? '' : fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnr), s:bufpath_mod).s:lash()
retu [idc, hiflags, bname, bpath]
fu! ctrlp#buffers(...) fu! ctrlp#buffers(...)
let ids = sort(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'empty(getbufvar(v:val, "&bt"))' let ids = sort(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), '(empty(getbufvar(v:val, "&bt"))'
\ .' && getbufvar(v:val, "&bl")'), 's:compmreb') \ .' || s:isneovimterminal(v:val)) && getbufvar(v:val, "&bl")'), 's:compmreb')
if a:0 && a:1 == 'id' if a:0 && a:1 == 'id'
retu ids retu ids
el el
@ -463,9 +529,12 @@ fu! s:MatchIt(items, pat, limit, exc)
\ : s:martcs.a:pat \ : s:martcs.a:pat
for item in a:items for item in a:items
let id += 1 let id += 1
try | if !( s:ispath && item == a:exc ) && call(s:mfunc, [item, pat]) >= 0 try
if (s:matchcrfile || !( s:ispath && item == a:exc )) &&
\call(s:mfunc, [item, pat]) >= 0
cal add(lines, item) cal add(lines, item)
en | cat | brea | endt en
cat | brea | endt
if a:limit > 0 && len(lines) >= a:limit | brea | en if a:limit > 0 && len(lines) >= a:limit | brea | en
endfo endfo
let s:mdata = [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp, s:sublist(a:items, id, -1)] let s:mdata = [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp, s:sublist(a:items, id, -1)]
@ -497,9 +566,6 @@ endf
fu! s:SplitPattern(str) fu! s:SplitPattern(str)
let str = a:str let str = a:str
if s:migemo && s:regexp && len(str) > 0 && executable('cmigemo')
let str = s:migemo(str)
let s:savestr = str let s:savestr = str
if s:regexp if s:regexp
let pat = s:regexfilter(str) let pat = s:regexfilter(str)
@ -533,6 +599,7 @@ fu! s:Render(lines, pat)
let height = min([max([s:mw_min, s:res_count]), s:winmaxh]) let height = min([max([s:mw_min, s:res_count]), s:winmaxh])
let pat = s:byfname() ? split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\\\@<!\zs;', 1)[0] : a:pat let pat = s:byfname() ? split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\\\@<!\zs;', 1)[0] : a:pat
let cur_cmd = 'keepj norm! '.( s:mw_order == 'btt' ? 'G' : 'gg' ).'1|' let cur_cmd = 'keepj norm! '.( s:mw_order == 'btt' ? 'G' : 'gg' ).'1|'
" Setup the match window " Setup the match window
sil! exe '%d _ | res' height sil! exe '%d _ | res' height
" Print the new items " Print the new items
@ -557,17 +624,14 @@ fu! s:Render(lines, pat)
let s:lines = copy(lines) let s:lines = copy(lines)
cal map(lines, 's:formatline(v:val)') cal map(lines, 's:formatline(v:val)')
cal setline(1, s:offset(lines, height)) cal setline(1, s:offset(lines, height))
setl noma cul
exe cur_cmd
cal s:unmarksigns() cal s:unmarksigns()
cal s:remarksigns() cal s:remarksigns()
if exists('s:cline') && s:nolim != 1
cal cursor(s:cline, 1)
" Highlighting " Highlighting
if s:dohighlight() if s:dohighlight()
cal s:highlight(pat, s:mathi[1]) cal s:highlight(pat, s:mathi[1])
en en
setl noma cul
exe cur_cmd
endf endf
fu! s:Update(str) fu! s:Update(str)
@ -577,15 +641,21 @@ fu! s:Update(str)
let str = s:sanstail(a:str) let str = s:sanstail(a:str)
" Stop if the string's unchanged " Stop if the string's unchanged
if str == oldstr && !empty(str) && !exists('s:force') | retu | en if str == oldstr && !empty(str) && !exists('s:force') | retu | en
" Optionally send the string to a custom validate function
if s:validate != '' | let str = call(s:validate, [str]) | en
let s:martcs = &scs && str =~ '\u' ? '\C' : '' let s:martcs = &scs && str =~ '\u' ? '\C' : ''
let pat = s:matcher == {} ? s:SplitPattern(str) : str let pat = s:matcher == {} ? s:SplitPattern(str) : str
let lines = s:nolim == 1 && empty(str) ? copy(g:ctrlp_lines) let lines = s:nolim == 1 && empty(str) ? copy(g:ctrlp_lines)
\ : s:MatchedItems(g:ctrlp_lines, pat, s:mw_res) \ : s:MatchedItems(g:ctrlp_lines, pat, s:mw_res)
if empty(str) | call clearmatches() | en
cal s:Render(lines, pat) cal s:Render(lines, pat)
return lines
endf endf
fu! s:ForceUpdate() fu! s:ForceUpdate()
let wv = winsaveview()
sil! cal s:Update(escape(s:getinput(), '\')) sil! cal s:Update(escape(s:getinput(), '\'))
cal winrestview(wv)
endf endf
fu! s:BuildPrompt(upd) fu! s:BuildPrompt(upd)
@ -644,6 +714,10 @@ endf
fu! s:PrtBS() fu! s:PrtBS()
if !s:focus | retu | en if !s:focus | retu | en
if empty(s:prompt[0]) && s:brfprt != 0
cal s:PrtExit()
unl! s:hstgot unl! s:hstgot
let [s:prompt[0], s:matches] = [substitute(s:prompt[0], '.$', '', ''), 1] let [s:prompt[0], s:matches] = [substitute(s:prompt[0], '.$', '', ''), 1]
cal s:BuildPrompt(1) cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
@ -765,8 +839,9 @@ fu! s:PrtSelectMove(dir)
let wht = winheight(0) let wht = winheight(0)
let dirs = {'t': 'gg','b': 'G','j': 'j','k': 'k','u': wht.'k','d': wht.'j'} let dirs = {'t': 'gg','b': 'G','j': 'j','k': 'k','u': wht.'k','d': wht.'j'}
exe 'keepj norm!' dirs[a:dir] exe 'keepj norm!' dirs[a:dir]
if s:nolim != 1 | let s:cline = line('.') | en let wv = winsaveview()
if line('$') > winheight(0) | cal s:BuildPrompt(0) | en cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
cal winrestview(wv)
endf endf
fu! s:PrtSelectJump(char) fu! s:PrtSelectJump(char)
@ -789,8 +864,9 @@ fu! s:PrtSelectJump(char)
let [jmpln, s:jmpchr] = [npos == -1 ? pos : npos, [chr, npos]] let [jmpln, s:jmpchr] = [npos == -1 ? pos : npos, [chr, npos]]
en en
exe 'keepj norm!' ( jmpln + 1 ).'G' exe 'keepj norm!' ( jmpln + 1 ).'G'
if s:nolim != 1 | let s:cline = line('.') | en let wv = winsaveview()
if line('$') > winheight(0) | cal s:BuildPrompt(0) | en cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
cal winrestview(wv)
en en
endf endf
" Misc {{{2 " Misc {{{2
@ -817,6 +893,8 @@ endf
fu! s:PrtDeleteEnt() fu! s:PrtDeleteEnt()
if s:itemtype == 2 if s:itemtype == 2
cal s:PrtDeleteMRU() cal s:PrtDeleteMRU()
elsei s:itemtype == 1
cal s:delbuf()
elsei type(s:getextvar('wipe')) == 1 elsei type(s:getextvar('wipe')) == 1
cal s:delent(s:getextvar('wipe')) cal s:delent(s:getextvar('wipe'))
en en
@ -875,7 +953,7 @@ fu! s:MapSpecs()
if !( exists('s:smapped') && s:smapped == s:bufnr ) if !( exists('s:smapped') && s:smapped == s:bufnr )
" Correct arrow keys in terminal " Correct arrow keys in terminal
if ( has('termresponse') && v:termresponse =~ "\<ESC>" ) if ( has('termresponse') && v:termresponse =~ "\<ESC>" )
\ || &term =~? '\vxterm|<k?vt|gnome|screen|linux|ansi' \ || &term =~? '\vxterm|<k?vt|gnome|screen|linux|ansi|tmux|st(-[-a-z0-9]*)?$'
for each in ['\A <up>','\B <down>','\C <right>','\D <left>'] for each in ['\A <up>','\B <down>','\C <right>','\D <left>']
exe s:lcmap.' <esc>['.each exe s:lcmap.' <esc>['.each
endfo endfo
@ -888,15 +966,25 @@ fu! s:MapSpecs()
endf endf
fu! s:KeyLoop() fu! s:KeyLoop()
let [t_ve, guicursor] = [&t_ve, &guicursor]
wh exists('s:init') && s:keyloop wh exists('s:init') && s:keyloop
redr try
set t_ve=
set guicursor=a:NONE
let nr = getchar() let nr = getchar()
let &t_ve = t_ve
let &guicursor = guicursor
let chr = !type(nr) ? nr2char(nr) : nr let chr = !type(nr) ? nr2char(nr) : nr
if nr >=# 0x20 if nr >=# 0x20
cal s:PrtFocusMap(chr) cal s:PrtFocusMap(chr)
el el
let cmd = matchstr(maparg(chr), ':<C-U>\zs.\+\ze<CR>$') let cmd = matchstr(maparg(chr), ':<C-U>\zs.\+\ze<CR>$')
exe ( cmd != '' ? cmd : 'norm '.chr ) exe ( cmd != '' ? cmd : 'norm '.chr )
en en
endw endw
endf endf
@ -922,8 +1010,8 @@ endf
fu! s:ToggleType(dir) fu! s:ToggleType(dir)
let max = len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) + 2 let max = len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) + 2
let next = s:walker(max, s:itemtype, a:dir) let next = s:walker(max, s:itemtype, a:dir)
cal ctrlp#syntax()
cal ctrlp#setlines(next) cal ctrlp#setlines(next)
cal ctrlp#syntax()
cal s:PrtSwitcher() cal s:PrtSwitcher()
endf endf
@ -959,23 +1047,19 @@ fu! s:SetWD(args)
if has_key(a:args, 'dir') && a:args['dir'] != '' if has_key(a:args, 'dir') && a:args['dir'] != ''
cal ctrlp#setdir(a:args['dir']) | retu cal ctrlp#setdir(a:args['dir']) | retu
en en
let pmode = has_key(a:args, 'mode') ? a:args['mode'] : s:pathmode let pmodes = has_key(a:args, 'mode') ? a:args['mode'] : s:pathmode
let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()] let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
if s:crfile =~ '^.\+://' | retu | en if (!type(pmodes))
if pmode =~ 'c' || ( pmode =~ 'a' && stridx(s:crfpath, s:cwd) < 0 ) let pmodes =
\ || ( !type(pmode) && pmode ) \ pmodes == 0 ? '' :
if exists('+acd') | let [s:glb_acd, &acd] = [&acd, 0] | en \ pmodes == 1 ? 'a' :
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:crfpath) \ pmodes == 2 ? 'r' :
en \ 'c'
if pmode =~ 'r' || pmode == 2
let markers = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.bzr', '_darcs']
let spath = pmode =~ 'd' ? s:dyncwd : pmode =~ 'w' ? s:cwd : s:crfpath
if type(s:rmarkers) == 3 && !empty(s:rmarkers)
if s:findroot(spath, s:rmarkers, 0, 0) != [] | retu | en
cal filter(markers, 'index(s:rmarkers, v:val) < 0')
cal s:findroot(spath, markers, 0, 0)
en en
let spath = pmodes =~ 'd' ? s:dyncwd : pmodes =~ 'w' ? s:cwd : s:crfpath
for pmode in split(pmodes, '\zs')
if ctrlp#setpathmode(pmode, spath) | retu | en
endf endf
" * AcceptSelection() {{{1 " * AcceptSelection() {{{1
fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(...) fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(...)
@ -990,18 +1074,15 @@ fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(...)
if !type(line) if !type(line)
let [filpath, bufnr, useb] = [line, line, 1] let [filpath, bufnr, useb] = [line, line, 1]
el el
let filpath = fnamemodify(line, ':p') let [bufnr, filpath] = s:bufnrfilpath(line)
if s:nonamecond(line, filpath) if bufnr == filpath
let bufnr = str2nr(matchstr(line, '[\/]\?\[\zs\d\+\ze\*No Name\]$')) let useb = 1
let [filpath, useb] = [bufnr, 1]
let bufnr = bufnr('^'.filpath.'$')
en en
en en
cal s:PrtExit() cal s:PrtExit()
let tail = s:tail() let tail = s:tail()
let j2l = atl != '' ? atl : matchstr(tail, '^ +\zs\d\+$') let j2l = atl != '' ? atl : matchstr(tail, '^ +\zs\d\+$')
if ( s:jmptobuf =~ md || ( s:jmptobuf && md =~ '[et]' ) ) && bufnr > 0 if bufnr > 0 && ( !empty(s:jmptobuf) && s:jmptobuf =~ md )
\ && !( md == 'e' && bufnr == bufnr('%') ) \ && !( md == 'e' && bufnr == bufnr('%') )
let [jmpb, bufwinnr] = [1, bufwinnr(bufnr)] let [jmpb, bufwinnr] = [1, bufwinnr(bufnr)]
let buftab = ( s:jmptobuf =~# '[tTVH]' || s:jmptobuf > 1 ) let buftab = ( s:jmptobuf =~# '[tTVH]' || s:jmptobuf > 1 )
@ -1127,6 +1208,13 @@ fu! s:MarkToOpen()
retu retu
en en
let line = ctrlp#getcline() let line = ctrlp#getcline()
" Do not allow to mark modified or current buffer
let bufnr = s:bufnrfilpath(line)[0]
if (s:itemtype == 1 && s:delbufcond(bufnr))
if empty(line) | retu | en if empty(line) | retu | en
let filpath = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(line, ':p') : line let filpath = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(line, ':p') : line
if exists('s:marked') && s:dictindex(s:marked, filpath) > 0 if exists('s:marked') && s:dictindex(s:marked, filpath) > 0
@ -1283,7 +1371,16 @@ endf
fu! s:compmreb(...) fu! s:compmreb(...)
" By last entered time (bufnr) " By last entered time (bufnr)
let [id1, id2] = [index(s:mrbs, a:1), index(s:mrbs, a:2)] let [id1, id2] = [index(s:mrbs, a:1), index(s:mrbs, a:2)]
retu id1 == id2 ? 0 : id1 > id2 ? 1 : -1 if id1 == id2
return 0
if id1 < 0
return 1
if id2 < 0
return -1
return id1 > id2 ? 1 : -1
endf endf
fu! s:compmref(...) fu! s:compmref(...)
@ -1369,11 +1466,7 @@ endf
" Statusline {{{2 " Statusline {{{2
fu! ctrlp#statusline() fu! ctrlp#statusline()
if !exists('s:statypes') if !exists('s:statypes')
let s:statypes = [ let s:statypes = copy(s:coretypes)
\ ['files', 'fil'],
\ ['buffers', 'buf'],
\ ['mru files', 'mru'],
\ ]
if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars),
\ 'add(s:statypes, [ v:val["lname"], v:val["sname"] ])') \ 'add(s:statypes, [ v:val["lname"], v:val["sname"] ])')
@ -1433,18 +1526,27 @@ endf
fu! s:formatline(str) fu! s:formatline(str)
let str = a:str let str = a:str
if s:itemtype == 1 if s:itemtype == 1
let filpath = fnamemodify(str, ':p') let bufnr = s:bufnrfilpath(str)[0]
let bufnr = s:nonamecond(str, filpath) let parts = s:bufparts(bufnr)
\ ? str2nr(matchstr(str, '[\/]\?\[\zs\d\+\ze\*No Name\]$')) let str = printf('%'.s:bufnr_width.'s', bufnr)
\ : bufnr('^'.filpath.'$') if s:has_conceal
let idc = ( bufnr == bufnr('#') ? '#' : '' ) let str .= printf(' %-13s %s%-36s',
\ . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&ma') ? '' : '-' ) \ '<bi>'.parts[0].'</bi>',
\ . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&ro') ? '=' : '' ) \ '<bn>'.parts[1], '{'.parts[2].'}</bn>')
\ . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&mod') ? '+' : '' ) if (!empty(s:bufpath_mod))
let str .= idc != '' ? ' '.idc : '' let str .= printf(' %s', '<bp>'.parts[3].'</bp>')
en en
let cond = s:ispath && ( s:winw - 4 ) < s:strwidth(str) el
retu '> '.( cond ? s:pathshorten(str) : str ) let str .= printf(' %-5s %-30s %s',
\ parts[0],
\ parts[2])
if (!empty(s:bufpath_mod))
let str .= printf(' %s', parts[3])
let cond = s:itemtype != 1 &&s:ispath && ( s:winw - 4 ) < s:strwidth(str)
retu s:lineprefix.( cond ? s:pathshorten(str) : str )
endf endf
fu! s:pathshorten(str) fu! s:pathshorten(str)
@ -1532,9 +1634,21 @@ fu! ctrlp#dirnfile(entries)
endf endf
fu! s:usrign(item, type) fu! s:usrign(item, type)
retu s:igntype == 1 ? a:item =~ s:usrign if s:igntype == 1 | retu a:item =~ s:usrign | end
\ : s:igntype == 4 && has_key(s:usrign, a:type) && s:usrign[a:type] != '' if s:igntype == 2
\ ? a:item =~ s:usrign[a:type] : 0 if call(s:usrign, [a:item, a:type])
retu 1
elsei s:igntype == 4
if has_key(s:usrign, a:type) && s:usrign[a:type] != ''
\ && a:item =~ s:usrign[a:type]
retu 1
elsei has_key(s:usrign, 'func') && s:usrign['func'] != ''
\ && call(s:usrign['func'], [a:item, a:type])
retu 1
retu 0
endf endf
fu! s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd) fu! s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd)
@ -1544,8 +1658,16 @@ fu! s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd)
endf endf
fu! ctrlp#rmbasedir(items) fu! ctrlp#rmbasedir(items)
if a:items == []
retu a:items
let cwd = s:dyncwd.s:lash() let cwd = s:dyncwd.s:lash()
if a:items != [] && !stridx(a:items[0], cwd) let first = a:items[0]
if has('win32') || has('win64')
let cwd = tr(cwd, '\', '/')
let first = tr(first, '\', '/')
if !stridx(first, cwd)
let idx = strlen(cwd) let idx = strlen(cwd)
retu map(a:items, 'strpart(v:val, idx)') retu map(a:items, 'strpart(v:val, idx)')
en en
@ -1586,6 +1708,23 @@ fu! s:findroot(curr, mark, depth, type)
retu [] retu []
endf endf
fu! ctrlp#setpathmode(pmode, ...)
if a:pmode == 'c' || ( a:pmode == 'a' && stridx(s:crfpath, s:cwd) < 0 )
if exists('+acd') | let [s:glb_acd, &acd] = [&acd, 0] | en
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:crfpath)
retu 1
elsei a:pmode == 'r'
let spath = a:0 ? a:1 : s:crfpath
let markers = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.bzr', '_darcs']
if type(s:rmarkers) == 3 && !empty(s:rmarkers)
cal filter(markers, 'index(s:rmarkers, v:val) < 0')
let markers = s:rmarkers + markers
if s:findroot(spath, markers, 0, 0) != [] | retu 1 | en
retu 0
fu! ctrlp#setdir(path, ...) fu! ctrlp#setdir(path, ...)
let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : 'lc!' let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : 'lc!'
sil! exe cmd s:fnesc(a:path, 'c') sil! exe cmd s:fnesc(a:path, 'c')
@ -1609,25 +1748,83 @@ endf
fu! ctrlp#syntax() fu! ctrlp#syntax()
if ctrlp#nosy() | retu | en if ctrlp#nosy() | retu | en
for [ke, va] in items(s:hlgrps) | cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlP'.ke, va) | endfo for [ke, va] in items(s:hlgrps) | cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlP'.ke, va) | endfo
if synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg') !~ '^-1$\|^$' let bgColor=synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg')
sil! exe 'hi CtrlPLinePre '.( has("gui_running") ? 'gui' : 'cterm' ).'fg=bg' if bgColor !~ '^-1$\|^$'
sil! exe 'hi CtrlPLinePre guifg='.bgColor.' ctermfg='.bgColor
en en
sy match CtrlPNoEntries '^ == NO ENTRIES ==$' sy match CtrlPNoEntries '^ == NO ENTRIES ==$'
if hlexists('CtrlPLinePre') if hlexists('CtrlPLinePre')
sy match CtrlPLinePre '^>' sy match CtrlPLinePre '^>'
en en
if s:itemtype == 1 && s:has_conceal
sy region CtrlPBufferNr matchgroup=CtrlPLinePre start='^>\s\+' end='\s'
sy region CtrlPBufferInd concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='<bi>' end='</bi>'
sy region CtrlPBufferRegion concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='<bn>' end='</bn>'
\ contains=CtrlPBufferHid,CtrlPBufferHidMod,CtrlPBufferVis,CtrlPBufferVisMod,CtrlPBufferCur,CtrlPBufferCurMod
sy region CtrlPBufferHid concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='\s*{' end='}' contained
sy region CtrlPBufferHidMod concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='+\s*{' end='}' contained
sy region CtrlPBufferVis concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='\*\s*{' end='}' contained
sy region CtrlPBufferVisMod concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='\*+\s*{' end='}' contained
sy region CtrlPBufferCur concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='\*!\s*{' end='}' contained
sy region CtrlPBufferCurMod concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='\*+!\s*{' end='}' contained
sy region CtrlPBufferPath concealends matchgroup=Ignore start='<bp>' end='</bp>'
endf endf
fu! s:highlight(pat, grp) fu! s:highlight(pat, grp)
if s:matcher != {} | retu | en if s:matcher != {} | retu | en
cal clearmatches() cal clearmatches()
if !empty(a:pat) && s:ispath if !empty(a:pat) && s:ispath
let pat = s:regexp ? substitute(a:pat, '\\\@<!\^', '^> \\zs', 'g') : a:pat if s:regexp
if s:byfname let pat = substitute(a:pat, '\\\@<!\^', '^> \\zs', 'g')
let pat = substitute(pat, '\[\^\(.\{-}\)\]\\{-}', '[^\\/\1]\\{-}', 'g')
let pat = substitute(pat, '\$\@<!$', '\\ze[^\\/]*$', 'g')
cal matchadd(a:grp, ( s:martcs == '' ? '\c' : '\C' ).pat) cal matchadd(a:grp, ( s:martcs == '' ? '\c' : '\C' ).pat)
let pat = a:pat
" get original characters so we can rebuild pat
let chars = split(pat, '\[\^\\\?.\]\\{-}')
" Build a pattern like /a.*b.*c/ from abc (but with .\{-} non-greedy
" matchers instead)
let pat = join(chars, '.\{-}')
" Ensure we match the last version of our pattern
let ending = '\(.*'.pat.'\)\@!'
" Case sensitive?
let beginning = ( s:martcs == '' ? '\c' : '\C' ).'^.*'
if s:byfname()
" Make sure there are no slashes in our match
let beginning = beginning.'\([^\/]*$\)\@='
for i in range(len(chars))
" Surround our current target letter with \zs and \ze so it only
" actually matches that one letter, but has all preceding and trailing
" letters as well.
" \zsa.*b.*c
" a\(\zsb\|.*\zsb)\ze.*c
let charcopy = copy(chars)
if i == 0
let charcopy[i] = '\zs'.charcopy[i].'\ze'
let middle = join(charcopy, '.\{-}')
let before = join(charcopy[0:i-1], '.\{-}')
let after = join(charcopy[i+1:-1], '.\{-}')
let c = charcopy[i]
" for abc, match either ab.\{-}c or a.*b.\{-}c in that order
let cpat = '\(\zs'.c.'\|'.'.*\zs'.c.'\)\ze.*'
let middle = before.cpat.after
" Now we matchadd for each letter, the basic form being:
" ^.*\zsx\ze.*$, but with our pattern we built above for the letter,
" and a negative lookahead ensuring that we only highlight the last
" occurrence of our letters. We also ensure that our matcher is case
" insensitive or sensitive depending.
cal matchadd(a:grp, beginning.middle.ending)
cal matchadd('CtrlPLinePre', '^>') cal matchadd('CtrlPLinePre', '^>')
en en
endf endf
@ -1735,15 +1932,33 @@ fu! s:bufwins(bufnr)
retu winns retu winns
endf endf
fu! s:nonamecond(str, filpath) fu! s:isabs(path)
retu a:str =~ '[\/]\?\[\d\+\*No Name\]$' && !filereadable(a:filpath) if (has('win32') || has('win64'))
\ && bufnr('^'.a:filpath.'$') < 1 return a:path =~ '^\([a-zA-Z]:\)\{-}[/\\]'
return a:path =~ '^[/\\]'
fu! s:bufnrfilpath(line)
if s:isabs(a:line) || a:line =~ '^\~[/\\]'
let filpath = a:line
let filpath = s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:line
let filpath = fnamemodify(filpath, ':p')
let bufnr = bufnr('^'.filpath.'$')
if (a:line =~ '[\/]\?\[\d\+\*No Name\]$' && !filereadable(filpath) && bufnr < 1)
let bufnr = str2nr(matchstr(a:line, '[\/]\?\[\zs\d\+\ze\*No Name\]$'))
let filpath = bufnr
retu [bufnr, filpath]
endf endf
fu! ctrlp#normcmd(cmd, ...) fu! ctrlp#normcmd(cmd, ...)
if a:0 < 2 && s:nosplit() | retu a:cmd | en if a:0 < 2 && s:nosplit() | retu a:cmd | en
let norwins = filter(range(1, winnr('$')), let norwins = filter(range(1, winnr('$')),
\ 'empty(getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), "&bt"))') \ 'empty(getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), "&bt")) || s:isneovimterminal(winbufnr(v:val))')
for each in norwins for each in norwins
let bufnr = winbufnr(each) let bufnr = winbufnr(each)
if empty(bufname(bufnr)) && empty(getbufvar(bufnr, '&ft')) if empty(bufname(bufnr)) && empty(getbufvar(bufnr, '&ft'))
@ -1775,6 +1990,9 @@ fu! s:setupblank()
if v:version > 702 if v:version > 702
setl nornu noudf cc=0 setl nornu noudf cc=0
en en
if s:has_conceal
setl cole=2 cocu=nc
endf endf
fu! s:leavepre() fu! s:leavepre()
@ -1911,7 +2129,7 @@ fu! s:nosort()
endf endf
fu! s:byfname() fu! s:byfname()
retu s:ispath && s:byfname retu s:itemtype != 1 && s:ispath && s:byfname
endf endf
fu! s:narrowable() fu! s:narrowable()
@ -1946,22 +2164,6 @@ fu! s:getinput(...)
retu spi == 'c' ? prt[0] : join(prt, '') retu spi == 'c' ? prt[0] : join(prt, '')
endf endf
fu! s:migemo(str)
let [str, rtp] = [a:str, s:fnesc(&rtp, 'g')]
let dict = s:glbpath(rtp, printf("dict/%s/migemo-dict", &enc), 1)
if !len(dict)
let dict = s:glbpath(rtp, "dict/migemo-dict", 1)
if len(dict)
let [tokens, str, cmd] = [split(str, '\s'), '', 'cmigemo -v -w %s -d %s']
for token in tokens
let rtn = system(printf(cmd, shellescape(token), shellescape(dict)))
let str .= !v:shell_error && strlen(rtn) > 0 ? '.*'.rtn : token
retu str
fu! s:strwidth(str) fu! s:strwidth(str)
retu exists('*strdisplaywidth') ? strdisplaywidth(a:str) : strlen(a:str) retu exists('*strdisplaywidth') ? strdisplaywidth(a:str) : strlen(a:str)
endf endf
@ -2005,6 +2207,33 @@ fu! s:delent(rfunc)
cal s:BuildPrompt(1) cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
unl s:force unl s:force
endf endf
fu! s:delbufcond(bufnr)
retu getbufvar(a:bufnr, "&mod") || a:bufnr == s:crbufnr
fu! s:delbuf()
let lines = []
if exists('s:marked')
let lines = values(s:marked)
cal s:unmarksigns()
unl s:marked
let lines += [ctrlp#getcline()]
for line in lines
let bufnr = s:bufnrfilpath(line)[0]
if (s:delbufcond(bufnr))
exe 'bd '. bufnr
cal s:PrtClearCache()
fu! s:isneovimterminal(buf)
retu has('nvim') && getbufvar(a:buf, "&bt") == "terminal"
" Entering & Exiting {{{2 " Entering & Exiting {{{2
fu! s:getenv() fu! s:getenv()
let [s:cwd, s:winres] = [getcwd(), [winrestcmd(), &lines, winnr('$')]] let [s:cwd, s:winres] = [getcwd(), [winrestcmd(), &lines, winnr('$')]]
@ -2097,7 +2326,13 @@ fu! s:matchfname(item, pat)
retu len(a:pat) == 1 ? mfn : len(a:pat) == 2 ? retu len(a:pat) == 1 ? mfn : len(a:pat) == 2 ?
\ ( mfn >= 0 && ( len(parts) == 2 ? match(parts[0], a:pat[1]) : -1 ) >= 0 \ ( mfn >= 0 && ( len(parts) == 2 ? match(parts[0], a:pat[1]) : -1 ) >= 0
\ ? 0 : -1 ) : -1 \ ? 0 : -1 ) : -1
en endf
fu! s:matchbuf(item, pat)
let bufnr = s:bufnrfilpath(a:item)[0]
let parts = s:bufparts(bufnr)
let item = bufnr.parts[0].parts[2].s:lash().parts[3]
retu match(item, a:pat)
endf endf
fu! s:matchtabs(item, pat) fu! s:matchtabs(item, pat)
@ -2120,6 +2355,8 @@ fu! s:mfunc()
let mfunc = 'match' let mfunc = 'match'
if s:byfname() if s:byfname()
let mfunc = 's:matchfname' let mfunc = 's:matchfname'
elsei s:itemtype == 1
let mfunc = 's:matchbuf'
elsei s:itemtype > 2 elsei s:itemtype > 2
let matchtypes = { 'tabs': 's:matchtabs', 'tabe': 's:matchtabe' } let matchtypes = { 'tabs': 's:matchtabs', 'tabe': 's:matchtabe' }
if has_key(matchtypes, s:matchtype) if has_key(matchtypes, s:matchtype)
@ -2133,6 +2370,7 @@ fu! s:mmode()
let matchmodes = { let matchmodes = {
\ 'match': 'full-line', \ 'match': 'full-line',
\ 's:matchfname': 'filename-only', \ 's:matchfname': 'filename-only',
\ 's:matchbuf': 'full-line',
\ 's:matchtabs': 'first-non-tab', \ 's:matchtabs': 'first-non-tab',
\ 's:matchtabe': 'until-last-tab', \ 's:matchtabe': 'until-last-tab',
\ } \ }
@ -2193,7 +2431,7 @@ fu! s:getextvar(key)
let vars = g:ctrlp_ext_vars[s:itemtype - 3] let vars = g:ctrlp_ext_vars[s:itemtype - 3]
retu has_key(vars, a:key) ? vars[a:key] : -1 retu has_key(vars, a:key) ? vars[a:key] : -1
en en
retu -1 retu get(g:, 'ctrlp_' . s:matchtype . '_' . a:key, -1)
endf endf
fu! ctrlp#getcline() fu! ctrlp#getcline()
@ -2206,6 +2444,10 @@ fu! ctrlp#getmarkedlist()
retu exists('s:marked') ? values(s:marked) : [] retu exists('s:marked') ? values(s:marked) : []
endf endf
fu! ctrlp#clearmarkedlist()
let s:marked = {}
fu! ctrlp#exit() fu! ctrlp#exit()
cal s:PrtExit() cal s:PrtExit()
endf endf
@ -2247,6 +2489,24 @@ fu! ctrlp#setlines(...)
let g:ctrlp_lines = eval(types[s:itemtype]) let g:ctrlp_lines = eval(types[s:itemtype])
endf endf
" Returns [lname, sname]
fu! s:CurTypeName()
if s:itemtype < 3
return s:coretypes[s:itemtype]
return [s:getextvar("lname"), s:getextvar('sname')]
fu! s:ExitIfSingleCandidate()
if len(s:Update(s:prompt[0])) == 1
call s:AcceptSelection('e')
call ctrlp#exit()
return 1
return 0
fu! ctrlp#init(type, ...) fu! ctrlp#init(type, ...)
if exists('s:init') || s:iscmdwin() | retu | en if exists('s:init') || s:iscmdwin() | retu | en
let [s:ermsg, v:errmsg] = [v:errmsg, ''] let [s:ermsg, v:errmsg] = [v:errmsg, '']
@ -2256,11 +2516,17 @@ fu! ctrlp#init(type, ...)
cal s:SetWD(a:0 ? a:1 : {}) cal s:SetWD(a:0 ? a:1 : {})
cal s:MapNorms() cal s:MapNorms()
cal s:MapSpecs() cal s:MapSpecs()
cal ctrlp#syntax()
cal ctrlp#setlines(s:settype(a:type)) cal ctrlp#setlines(s:settype(a:type))
cal ctrlp#syntax()
cal s:SetDefTxt() cal s:SetDefTxt()
let curName = s:CurTypeName()
let shouldExitSingle = index(s:opensingle, curName[0])>=0 || index(s:opensingle, curName[1])>=0
if shouldExitSingle && s:ExitIfSingleCandidate()
return 0
cal s:BuildPrompt(1) cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
if s:keyloop | cal s:KeyLoop() | en if s:keyloop | cal s:KeyLoop() | en
return 1
endf endf
" - Autocmds {{{1 " - Autocmds {{{1
if has('autocmd') if has('autocmd')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
" =============================================================================
" File: autoload/ctrlp/autoignore.vim
" Description: Auto-ignore Extension
" Author: Ludovic Chabant <github.com/ludovicchabant>
" =============================================================================
" Global Settings {{{
if exists('g:ctrlp_autoignore_loaded') && g:ctrlp_autoignore_loaded
\ && !g:ctrlp_autoignore_debug
let g:ctrlp_autoignore_loaded = 1
if !exists('g:ctrlp_autoignore_debug')
let g:ctrlp_autoignore_debug = 0
if !exists('g:ctrlp_autoignore_trace')
let g:ctrlp_autoignore_trace = 0
" }}}
" Initialization {{{
if !exists('g:ctrlp_custom_ignore')
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {}
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore['func'] = 'ctrlp#autoignore#ignore'
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore['func-init'] = 'ctrlp#autoignore#ignore_init'
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore['func-close'] = 'ctrlp#autoignore#ignore_close'
if !exists('g:ctrlp_root_markers')
let g:ctrlp_root_markers = []
call add(g:ctrlp_root_markers, '.ctrlpignore')
" }}}
" Internals {{{
function! s:trace(message) abort
if g:ctrlp_autoignore_trace
echom "ctrlp_autoignore: " . a:message
let s:proj_cache = {}
let s:active_cwd = ''
let s:active_cwd_len = 0
let s:active_patterns = []
let s:changed_wildignore = 0
let s:prev_wildignore = ''
function! s:load_project_patterns(root_dir) abort
let l:ign_path = a:root_dir . '/.ctrlpignore'
if !filereadable(l:ign_path)
call s:trace("No pattern file at: " . l:ign_path)
return []
let l:cursyntax = 'regexp'
let l:knownsyntaxes = ['regexp', 'wildignore']
let l:patterns = []
let l:lines = readfile(l:ign_path)
for line in l:lines
" Comment line?
if match(line, '\v^\s*$') >= 0 || match(line, '\v^\s*#') >= 0
" Syntax change?
let l:matches = matchlist(line, '\v^syntax:\s?(\w+)\s*$')
if len(l:matches) > 0
let l:cursyntax = l:matches[1]
if index(l:knownsyntaxes, l:cursyntax) < 0
echoerr "ctrlp_autoignore: Unknown syntax '".l:cursyntax."' in: ".l:ign_path
" Patterns!
let l:matches = matchlist(line, '\v^((dir|file|link)\:)?(.*)')
let l:mtype = l:matches[2]
let l:mpat = l:matches[3]
call add(l:patterns, {'syn': l:cursyntax, 'type': l:mtype, 'pat': l:mpat})
call s:trace("Loaded " . len(l:patterns) . " patterns from: " . l:ign_path)
return l:patterns
function! s:get_project_patterns(root_dir) abort
let l:ign_path = a:root_dir . '/.ctrlpignore'
let l:ign_mtime = getftime(l:ign_path)
let l:patterns = get(s:proj_cache, a:root_dir)
if type(l:patterns) == type({})
" Check that these patterns are still valid.
if l:ign_mtime < 0
" File got deleted! :(
let l:patterns['pats'] = []
return l:patterns['pats']
elseif l:ign_mtime <= l:patterns['mtime']
" File hasn't changed! :)
return l:patterns['pats']
call s:trace("Loading patterns for project: " . a:root_dir)
let l:loaded = s:load_project_patterns(a:root_dir)
let s:proj_cache[a:root_dir] = {
\'mtime': localtime(),
\'pats': l:loaded}
return l:loaded
" The custom ignore function that CtrlP will be using in addition to
" normal pattern-based matching.
function! ctrlp#autoignore#ignore(item, type) abort
let l:cnv_item = tr(strpart(a:item, s:active_cwd_len), "\\", "/")
for pat in s:active_patterns
if pat['syn'] != 'regexp'
if pat['type'] == '' || pat['type'] == a:type
if match(l:cnv_item, pat['pat']) >= 0
call s:trace("Ignoring ".l:cnv_item." because of ".pat['pat'])
return 1
return 0
function! ctrlp#autoignore#ignore_init() abort
let l:root = getcwd()
let s:active_cwd = l:root
" len+1 is for including the next separator after the root.
let s:active_cwd_len = len(l:root) + 1
let s:active_patterns = s:get_project_patterns(l:root)
call s:trace("Got ".len(s:active_patterns)." patterns for ".l:root)
let s:changed_wildignore = 0
let s:prev_wildignore = &wildignore
for pat in s:active_patterns
if pat['syn'] == 'wildignore'
execute 'set wildignore+='.pat['pat']
let s:changed_wildignore = 1
if s:changed_wildignore
call s:trace("Set wildignore to ".&wildignore)
function! ctrlp#autoignore#ignore_close() abort
if s:changed_wildignore
execute 'set wildignore='.s:prev_wildignore
let s:prev_wildignore = ''
call s:trace("Set wildignore back to ".&wildignore)
" List patterns for a given project's root.
function! ctrlp#autoignore#get_patterns(root_dir) abort
let l:patterns = s:get_project_patterns(a:root_dir)
for pat in l:patterns
let l:prefix = pat['type'] == '' ? '(all)' : pat['type']
echom l:prefix . ':' . pat['pat']
" }}}
" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2

View File

@ -112,13 +112,20 @@ fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#accept(mode, str)
en en
endf endf
fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add(dir, ...) fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add(bang, dir, ...)
let ctrlp_tilde_homedir = get(g:, 'ctrlp_tilde_homedir', 0)
let cwd = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ctrlp_tilde_homedir ? ':p:~' : ':p')
let dir = fnamemodify(a:dir, ctrlp_tilde_homedir ? ':p:~' : ':p')
if a:bang == '!'
let cwd = dir != '' ? dir : cwd
let name = a:0 && a:1 != '' ? a:1 : cwd
let str = 'Directory to bookmark: ' let str = 'Directory to bookmark: '
let cwd = a:dir != '' ? a:dir : s:getinput(str, getcwd(), 'dir') let cwd = dir != '' ? dir : s:getinput(str, cwd, 'dir')
if cwd == '' | retu | en if cwd == '' | retu | en
let cwd = fnamemodify(cwd, ':p')
let name = a:0 && a:1 != '' ? a:1 : s:getinput('Bookmark as: ', cwd) let name = a:0 && a:1 != '' ? a:1 : s:getinput('Bookmark as: ', cwd)
if name == '' | retu | en if name == '' | retu | en
let name = tr(name, ' ', ' ') let name = tr(name, ' ', ' ')
cal s:savebookmark(name, cwd) cal s:savebookmark(name, cwd)
cal s:msg(name, cwd) cal s:msg(name, cwd)

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ let s:bins = [
\ ] \ ]
let s:types = { let s:types = {
\ 'ant' : '%sant%sant%spt',
\ 'asm' : '%sasm%sasm%sdlmt', \ 'asm' : '%sasm%sasm%sdlmt',
\ 'aspperl': '%sasp%sasp%sfsv', \ 'aspperl': '%sasp%sasp%sfsv',
\ 'aspvbs' : '%sasp%sasp%sfsv', \ 'aspvbs' : '%sasp%sasp%sfsv',
@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ let s:types = {
\ 'cpp' : '%sc++%sc++%snvdtcgsuf', \ 'cpp' : '%sc++%sc++%snvdtcgsuf',
\ 'cs' : '%sc#%sc#%sdtncEgsipm', \ 'cs' : '%sc#%sc#%sdtncEgsipm',
\ 'cobol' : '%scobol%scobol%sdfgpPs', \ 'cobol' : '%scobol%scobol%sdfgpPs',
\ 'delphi' : '%spascal%spascal%sfp',
\ 'dosbatch': '%sdosbatch%sdosbatch%slv',
\ 'eiffel' : '%seiffel%seiffel%scf', \ 'eiffel' : '%seiffel%seiffel%scf',
\ 'erlang' : '%serlang%serlang%sdrmf', \ 'erlang' : '%serlang%serlang%sdrmf',
\ 'expect' : '%stcl%stcl%scfp', \ 'expect' : '%stcl%stcl%scfp',
@ -62,6 +65,7 @@ let s:types = {
\ 'lisp' : '%slisp%slisp%sf', \ 'lisp' : '%slisp%slisp%sf',
\ 'lua' : '%slua%slua%sf', \ 'lua' : '%slua%slua%sf',
\ 'make' : '%smake%smake%sm', \ 'make' : '%smake%smake%sm',
\ 'matlab' : '%smatlab%smatlab%sf',
\ 'ocaml' : '%socaml%socaml%scmMvtfCre', \ 'ocaml' : '%socaml%socaml%scmMvtfCre',
\ 'pascal' : '%spascal%spascal%sfp', \ 'pascal' : '%spascal%spascal%sfp',
\ 'perl' : '%sperl%sperl%sclps', \ 'perl' : '%sperl%sperl%sclps',
@ -69,16 +73,20 @@ let s:types = {
\ 'python' : '%spython%spython%scmf', \ 'python' : '%spython%spython%scmf',
\ 'rexx' : '%srexx%srexx%ss', \ 'rexx' : '%srexx%srexx%ss',
\ 'ruby' : '%sruby%sruby%scfFm', \ 'ruby' : '%sruby%sruby%scfFm',
\ 'rust' : '%srust%srust%sfTgsmctid',
\ 'scheme' : '%sscheme%sscheme%ssf', \ 'scheme' : '%sscheme%sscheme%ssf',
\ 'sh' : '%ssh%ssh%sf', \ 'sh' : '%ssh%ssh%sf',
\ 'csh' : '%ssh%ssh%sf', \ 'csh' : '%ssh%ssh%sf',
\ 'zsh' : '%ssh%ssh%sf', \ 'zsh' : '%ssh%ssh%sf',
\ 'scala' : '%sscala%sscala%sctTmlp',
\ 'slang' : '%sslang%sslang%snf', \ 'slang' : '%sslang%sslang%snf',
\ 'sml' : '%ssml%ssml%secsrtvf', \ 'sml' : '%ssml%ssml%secsrtvf',
\ 'sql' : '%ssql%ssql%scFPrstTvfp', \ 'sql' : '%ssql%ssql%scFPrstTvfp',
\ 'tex' : '%stex%stex%sipcsubPGl',
\ 'tcl' : '%stcl%stcl%scfmp', \ 'tcl' : '%stcl%stcl%scfmp',
\ 'vera' : '%svera%svera%scdefgmpPtTvx', \ 'vera' : '%svera%svera%scdefgmpPtTvx',
\ 'verilog': '%sverilog%sverilog%smcPertwpvf', \ 'verilog': '%sverilog%sverilog%smcPertwpvf',
\ 'vhdl' : '%svhdl%svhdl%sPctTrefp',
\ 'vim' : '%svim%svim%savf', \ 'vim' : '%svim%svim%savf',
\ 'yacc' : '%syacc%syacc%sl', \ 'yacc' : '%syacc%syacc%sl',
\ } \ }
@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ fu! s:exectags(cmd)
endf endf
fu! s:exectagsonfile(fname, ftype) fu! s:exectagsonfile(fname, ftype)
let [ags, ft] = ['-f - --sort=no --excmd=pattern --fields=nKs ', a:ftype] let [ags, ft] = ['-f - --sort=no --excmd=pattern --fields=nKs --extra= ', a:ftype]
if type(s:types[ft]) == 1 if type(s:types[ft]) == 1
let ags .= s:types[ft] let ags .= s:types[ft]
let bin = s:bin let bin = s:bin
@ -151,7 +159,11 @@ fu! s:esctagscmd(bin, args, ...)
let [ssl, &ssl] = [&ssl, 0] let [ssl, &ssl] = [&ssl, 0]
en en
let fname = a:0 ? shellescape(a:1) : '' let fname = a:0 ? shellescape(a:1) : ''
if (has('win32') || has('win64'))
let cmd = a:bin.' '.a:args.' '.fname
let cmd = shellescape(a:bin).' '.a:args.' '.fname let cmd = shellescape(a:bin).' '.a:args.' '.fname
if &sh =~ 'cmd\.exe' if &sh =~ 'cmd\.exe'
let cmd = substitute(cmd, '[&()@^<>|]', '^\0', 'g') let cmd = substitute(cmd, '[&()@^<>|]', '^\0', 'g')
en en

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
" Static variables {{{1 " Static variables {{{1
let [s:mrbs, s:mrufs] = [[], []] let [s:mrbs, s:mrufs] = [[], []]
let s:mruf_map_string = '!stridx(v:val, cwd) ? strpart(v:val, idx) : v:val'
fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#opts() fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#opts()
let [pref, opts] = ['g:ctrlp_mruf_', { let [pref, opts] = ['g:ctrlp_mruf_', {
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#opts()
\ 'case_sensitive': ['s:cseno', 1], \ 'case_sensitive': ['s:cseno', 1],
\ 'relative': ['s:re', 0], \ 'relative': ['s:re', 0],
\ 'save_on_update': ['s:soup', 1], \ 'save_on_update': ['s:soup', 1],
\ 'map_string': ['g:ctrlp_mruf_map_string', s:mruf_map_string],
\ }] \ }]
for [ke, va] in items(opts) for [ke, va] in items(opts)
let [{va[0]}, {pref.ke}] = [pref.ke, exists(pref.ke) ? {pref.ke} : va[1]] let [{va[0]}, {pref.ke}] = [pref.ke, exists(pref.ke) ? {pref.ke} : va[1]]
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ fu! s:reformat(mrufs, ...)
let cwd = tr(cwd, '\', '/') let cwd = tr(cwd, '\', '/')
cal map(a:mrufs, 'tr(v:val, "\\", "/")') cal map(a:mrufs, 'tr(v:val, "\\", "/")')
en en
retu map(a:mrufs, '!stridx(v:val, cwd) ? strpart(v:val, idx) : v:val') retu map(a:mrufs, g:ctrlp_mruf_map_string)
endf endf
fu! s:record(bufnr) fu! s:record(bufnr)
@ -66,10 +68,12 @@ fu! s:record(bufnr)
endf endf
fu! s:addtomrufs(fname) fu! s:addtomrufs(fname)
let fn = fnamemodify(a:fname, ':p') let fn = fnamemodify(a:fname, get(g:, 'ctrlp_tilde_homedir', 0) ? ':p:~' : ':p')
let fn = exists('+ssl') ? tr(fn, '/', '\') : fn let fn = exists('+ssl') ? tr(fn, '/', '\') : fn
let abs_fn = fnamemodify(fn,':p')
if ( !empty({s:in}) && fn !~# {s:in} ) || ( !empty({s:ex}) && fn =~# {s:ex} ) if ( !empty({s:in}) && fn !~# {s:in} ) || ( !empty({s:ex}) && fn =~# {s:ex} )
\ || !empty(getbufvar('^'.fn.'$', '&bt')) || !filereadable(fn) | retu \ || !empty(getbufvar('^' . abs_fn . '$', '&bt')) || !filereadable(abs_fn)
en en
let idx = index(s:mrufs, fn, 0, !{s:cseno}) let idx = index(s:mrufs, fn, 0, !{s:cseno})
if idx if idx
@ -143,7 +147,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#init()
let s:locked = 0 let s:locked = 0
aug CtrlPMRUF aug CtrlPMRUF
au! au!
au BufAdd,BufEnter,BufLeave,BufWritePost * cal s:record(expand('<abuf>', 1)) au BufWinEnter,BufWinLeave,BufWritePost * cal s:record(expand('<abuf>', 1))
au QuickFixCmdPre *vimgrep* let s:locked = 1 au QuickFixCmdPre *vimgrep* let s:locked = 1
au QuickFixCmdPost *vimgrep* let s:locked = 0 au QuickFixCmdPost *vimgrep* let s:locked = 0
au VimLeavePre * cal s:savetofile(s:mergelists()) au VimLeavePre * cal s:savetofile(s:mergelists())

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
" Utilities {{{1 " Utilities {{{1
fu! s:findcount(str) fu! s:findcount(str, tgaddr)
let [tg, ofname] = split(a:str, '\t\+\ze[^\t]\+$') let [tg, ofname] = split(a:str, '\t\+\ze[^\t]\+$')
let tgs = taglist('^'.tg.'$') let tgs = taglist('^'.tg.'$')
if len(tgs) < 2 if len(tgs) < 2
@ -48,8 +48,14 @@ fu! s:findcount(str)
for tgi in ntgs for tgi in ntgs
let cnt += 1 let cnt += 1
if tgi["filename"] == ofname if tgi["filename"] == ofname
if a:tgaddr != ""
if a:tgaddr == tgi["cmd"]
let [fnd, pos] = [0, cnt] let [fnd, pos] = [0, cnt]
en en
let [fnd, pos] = [0, cnt]
endfo endfo
retu [1, fnd, pos, len(ctgs)] retu [1, fnd, pos, len(ctgs)]
endf endf
@ -92,8 +98,9 @@ endf
fu! ctrlp#tag#accept(mode, str) fu! ctrlp#tag#accept(mode, str)
cal ctrlp#exit() cal ctrlp#exit()
let tgaddr = matchstr(a:str, '^[^\t]\+\t\+[^\t]\+\t\zs[^\t]\{-1,}\ze\%(;"\)\?\t')
let str = matchstr(a:str, '^[^\t]\+\t\+[^\t]\+\ze\t') let str = matchstr(a:str, '^[^\t]\+\t\+[^\t]\+\ze\t')
let [tg, fdcnt] = [split(str, '^[^\t]\+\zs\t')[0], s:findcount(str)] let [tg, fdcnt] = [split(str, '^[^\t]\+\zs\t')[0], s:findcount(str, tgaddr)]
let cmds = { let cmds = {
\ 't': ['tab sp', 'tab stj'], \ 't': ['tab sp', 'tab stj'],
\ 'h': ['sp', 'stj'], \ 'h': ['sp', 'stj'],
@ -121,6 +128,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#tag#accept(mode, str)
en en
cal feedkeys(":".cmd." ".tg."\r".ext, 'nt') cal feedkeys(":".cmd." ".tg."\r".ext, 'nt')
en en
cal feedkeys('zvzz', 'nt')
cal ctrlp#setlcdir() cal ctrlp#setlcdir()
endf endf

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -63,18 +63,26 @@ Overview:~
|ctrlp_default_input|.........Seed the prompt with an initial string. |ctrlp_default_input|.........Seed the prompt with an initial string.
|ctrlp_abbrev|................Input abbreviations. |ctrlp_abbrev|................Input abbreviations.
|ctrlp_key_loop|..............Use input looping for multi-byte input. |ctrlp_key_loop|..............Use input looping for multi-byte input.
|ctrlp_use_migemo|............Use Migemo patterns for Japanese filenames.
|ctrlp_prompt_mappings|.......Change the mappings inside the prompt. |ctrlp_prompt_mappings|.......Change the mappings inside the prompt.
|ctrlp_line_prefix|...........Prefix for each line in ctrlp window.
|ctrlp_open_single_match|.....Automatically accept when only one candidate.
|ctrlp_brief_prompt|..........Exit CtrlP on empty prompt by <bs>.
|ctrlp_match_current_file|....Include current file in match entries.
MRU mode: MRU mode:
|ctrlp_mruf_max|..............Max MRU entries to remember. |ctrlp_mruf_max|..............Max MRU entries to remember.
|ctrlp_mruf_exclude|..........Files that shouldn't be remembered. |ctrlp_mruf_exclude|..........Files that shouldn't be remembered.
|ctrlp_mruf_include|..........Files to be remembered. |ctrlp_mruf_include|..........Files to be remembered.
|ctrlp_mruf_relative|.........Show only MRU files in the working directory. |ctrlp_mruf_relative|.........Show only MRU files in the working directory.
|ctrlp_tilde_homedir|....Save MRU file paths in home dir as ~/.
|ctrlp_mruf_default_order|....Disable sorting. |ctrlp_mruf_default_order|....Disable sorting.
|ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive|...MRU files are case sensitive or not. |ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive|...MRU files are case sensitive or not.
|ctrlp_mruf_save_on_update|...Save to disk whenever a new entry is added. |ctrlp_mruf_save_on_update|...Save to disk whenever a new entry is added.
Buffer mode:
|ctrlp_bufname_mod|...........File name section modificator.
|ctrlp_bufpath_mod|...........File path section modificator.
BufferTag mode: (to enable, see |ctrlp-extensions|) BufferTag mode: (to enable, see |ctrlp-extensions|)
|g:ctrlp_buftag_ctags_bin|....The location of the ctags-compatible binary. |g:ctrlp_buftag_ctags_bin|....The location of the ctags-compatible binary.
|g:ctrlp_buftag_systemenc|....The encoding used for the ctags command. |g:ctrlp_buftag_systemenc|....The encoding used for the ctags command.
@ -118,7 +126,7 @@ Set this to 1 to set regexp search as the default: >
Can be toggled on/off by pressing <c-r> inside the prompt. Can be toggled on/off by pressing <c-r> inside the prompt.
*'g:ctrlp_match_window'* *'g:ctrlp_match_window'*
Change the postion, the listing order of results, the minimum and the maximum Change the position, the listing order of results, the minimum and the maximum
heights of the match window: > heights of the match window: >
let g:ctrlp_match_window = '' let g:ctrlp_match_window = ''
< <
@ -181,13 +189,12 @@ variable: >
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'ra' let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'ra'
< <
c - the directory of the current file. c - the directory of the current file.
a - like "c", but only applies when the current working directory outside of a - the directory of the current file, unless it is a subdirectory of the cwd
CtrlP isn't a direct ancestor of the directory of the current file. r - the nearest ancestor of the current file that contains one of these
r - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories or files: directories or files:
.git .hg .svn .bzr _darcs .git .hg .svn .bzr _darcs
w - begin finding a root from the current working directory outside of CtrlP w - modifier to "r": start search from the cwd instead of the current file's
instead of from the directory of the current file (default). Only applies directory
when "r" is also present.
0 or <empty> - disable this feature. 0 or <empty> - disable this feature.
Note #1: if "a" or "c" is included with "r", use the behavior of "a" or "c" (as Note #1: if "a" or "c" is included with "r", use the behavior of "a" or "c" (as
@ -261,6 +268,9 @@ Examples: >
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {
\ 'file': '\v(\.cpp|\.h|\.hh|\.cxx)@<!$' \ 'file': '\v(\.cpp|\.h|\.hh|\.cxx)@<!$'
\ } \ }
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {
\ 'func': 'some#custom#match_function'
\ }
< <
Note #1: by default, |wildignore| and |g:ctrlp_custom_ignore| only apply when Note #1: by default, |wildignore| and |g:ctrlp_custom_ignore| only apply when
|globpath()| is used to scan for files, thus these options do not apply when a |globpath()| is used to scan for files, thus these options do not apply when a
@ -269,6 +279,12 @@ command defined with |g:ctrlp_user_command| is being used.
Note #2: when changing the option's variable type, remember to |:unlet| it Note #2: when changing the option's variable type, remember to |:unlet| it
first or restart Vim to avoid the "E706: Variable type mismatch" error. first or restart Vim to avoid the "E706: Variable type mismatch" error.
Note #3: when using the "func" ignore type, you must provide the full name of
a function that can be called from CtrlP. An |autoload| function name is
recommended here. The function must take 2 parameters, the item to match and
its type. The type will be "dir", "file", or "link". The function must return
1 if the item should be ignored, 0 otherwise.
*'g:ctrlp_max_files'* *'g:ctrlp_max_files'*
The maximum number of files to scan, set to 0 for no limit: > The maximum number of files to scan, set to 0 for no limit: >
let g:ctrlp_max_files = 10000 let g:ctrlp_max_files = 10000
@ -327,7 +343,7 @@ Some examples: >
" Single VCS, listing command lists untracked files (slower): " Single VCS, listing command lists untracked files (slower):
let g:ctrlp_user_command = let g:ctrlp_user_command =
\ ['.git', 'cd %s && git ls-files . -co --exclude-standard'] \ ['.git', 'cd %s && git ls-files -co --exclude-standard']
let g:ctrlp_user_command = let g:ctrlp_user_command =
\ ['.hg', 'hg --cwd %s status -numac -I . $(hg root)'] " MacOSX/Linux \ ['.hg', 'hg --cwd %s status -numac -I . $(hg root)'] " MacOSX/Linux
@ -434,6 +450,17 @@ Instead of 1 or 0, if the value of the option is a string, it'll be used as-is
as the default input: > as the default input: >
let g:ctrlp_default_input = 'anystring' let g:ctrlp_default_input = 'anystring'
< <
This option works well together with |g:ctrlp_open_single_match|
Includes the current file in the match entries:
let g:ctrlp_match_current_file = 1
By default, the current file is excluded from the list.
Note: does not apply when |g:ctrlp_match_func| is used.
*'g:ctrlp_abbrev'* *'g:ctrlp_abbrev'*
Define input abbreviations that can be expanded (either internally or visibly) Define input abbreviations that can be expanded (either internally or visibly)
@ -497,12 +524,6 @@ Note #2: you can toggle this feature inside the prompt with a custom mapping: >
let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { 'ToggleKeyLoop()': ['<F3>'] } let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { 'ToggleKeyLoop()': ['<F3>'] }
< <
Set this to 1 to use Migemo Pattern for Japanese filenames. Migemo Search only
works in regexp mode. To split the pattern, separate words with space: >
let g:ctrlp_use_migemo = 0
*'g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings'* *'g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings'*
Use this to customize the mappings inside CtrlP's prompt to your liking. You Use this to customize the mappings inside CtrlP's prompt to your liking. You
only need to keep the lines that you've changed the values (inside []): > only need to keep the lines that you've changed the values (inside []): >
@ -549,6 +570,34 @@ default <c-h> mapping: >
let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { 'PrtCurLeft()': ['<left>', '<c-^>'] } let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { 'PrtCurLeft()': ['<left>', '<c-^>'] }
< <
This prefix will be prepended to each line in ctrlp's item listing.
default: >
let g:ctrlp_line_prefix = '> '
List of CtrlP modes for which CtrlP should accept an entry directly, if only
one candidate exists.
Example: >
let g:ctrlp_open_single_match = ['buffer tags', 'buffer']
This is currently only really useful together with |g:ctrlp_default_input|
set before launching, and cleared afterwards, with a function such as
following: >
fu! <SID>tagsUnderCursor()
let default_input_save = get(g:, 'ctrlp_default_input', '')
let g:ctrlp_default_input = expand('<cword>')
if exists('default_input_save')
let g:ctrlp_default_input = default_input_save
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
MRU mode options:~ MRU mode options:~
@ -574,6 +623,14 @@ Example: >
let g:ctrlp_mruf_include = '\.py$\|\.rb$' let g:ctrlp_mruf_include = '\.py$\|\.rb$'
< <
Set this to 1 to save every MRU file path $HOME/$filepath in the $HOME dir
as ~/$filepath instead of $HOME/$filepath : >
let g:ctrlp_tilde_homedir = 0
Note: This applies also to all dir paths stored by :CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd!
*'g:ctrlp_mruf_relative'* *'g:ctrlp_mruf_relative'*
Set this to 1 to show only MRU files in the current working directory: > Set this to 1 to show only MRU files in the current working directory: >
let g:ctrlp_mruf_relative = 0 let g:ctrlp_mruf_relative = 0
@ -581,7 +638,6 @@ Set this to 1 to show only MRU files in the current working directory: >
Note: you can use a custom mapping to toggle this option inside the prompt: > Note: you can use a custom mapping to toggle this option inside the prompt: >
let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { 'ToggleMRURelative()': ['<F2>'] } let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { 'ToggleMRURelative()': ['<F2>'] }
< <
*'g:ctrlp_mruf_default_order'* *'g:ctrlp_mruf_default_order'*
Set this to 1 to disable sorting when searching in MRU mode: > Set this to 1 to disable sorting when searching in MRU mode: >
let g:ctrlp_mruf_default_order = 0 let g:ctrlp_mruf_default_order = 0
@ -598,7 +654,14 @@ Set this to 0 to disable saving of the MRU list to hard drive whenever a new
entry is added, saving will then only occur when exiting Vim: > entry is added, saving will then only occur when exiting Vim: >
let g:ctrlp_mruf_save_on_update = 1 let g:ctrlp_mruf_save_on_update = 1
< <
Modify file name section according to modificator string. See |filename-modifiers|. >
let g:ctrlp_bufname_mod = ':t'
Modify file path section according to modificator string. See |filename-modifiers|. >
let g:ctrlp_bufpath_mod = ':~:.:h'
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Advanced options:~ Advanced options:~
@ -772,6 +835,15 @@ Example: >
" } " }
endfunction endfunction
< <
When this is set to 1, the <bs> on empty prompt exit CtrlP.
Otherwize, you can use below to change default value.
Example: >
let g:ctrlp_path_nolim = 1
This is possible to change no-limit mode for match type "path".
=============================================================================== ===============================================================================
COMMANDS *ctrlp-commands* COMMANDS *ctrlp-commands*
@ -953,8 +1025,12 @@ Function keys:~
- Remove deleted files from the MRU list. - Remove deleted files from the MRU list.
<F7> <F7>
- Wipe the MRU list. MRU mode:
- Delete MRU entries marked by <c-z>. - Wipe the list.
- Delete entries marked by <c-z>.
Buffer mode:
- Delete entry under the cursor or delete multiple entries marked by <c-z>.
Pasting:~ Pasting:~
@ -1027,7 +1103,7 @@ d) Submit two dots '..' to go upward the directory tree by 1 level. To go up
e) Similarly, submit '/' or '\' to find and go to the project's root. e) Similarly, submit '/' or '\' to find and go to the project's root.
If the project is large, using a VCS listing command to look for files If the project is large, using a VCS listing command to look for files
might help speeding up the intial scan (see |g:ctrlp_user_command| for more might help speeding up the initial scan (see |g:ctrlp_user_command| for more
details). details).
Note: d) and e) only work in file, directory and mixed modes. Note: d) and e) only work in file, directory and mixed modes.
@ -1138,8 +1214,27 @@ Available extensions:~
* BookmarkDir mode:~ * BookmarkDir mode:~
- Name: 'bookmarkdir' - Name: 'bookmarkdir'
- Commands: ":CtrlPBookmarkDir", - Commands: ":CtrlPBookmarkDir",
":CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd [directory]". ":CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd [directory] [TITLE]".
":CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd! [directory] [TITLE]".
- Search for a bookmarked directory and change the working directory to it. - Search for a bookmarked directory and change the working directory to it.
- Add either the dir [directory], if supplied, or otherwise ask for it,
under the title given by either [TITLE], if supplied, or otherwise ask for
it, to the CtrlPBookmarkDir list.
- Add either the dir [directory], if supplied, or otherwise the current
work dir ( [CWD] ) under the title given by either [TITLE], if supplied,
or otherwise [CWD] to the CtrlPBookmarkDir list.
The last command can be used to add all recently used work dirs to the
CtrlPBookmarkDir list by an autocommand like
augroup CtrlPDirMRU
autocmd FileType * if &modifiable | execute 'silent CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd! %:p:h' | endif
augroup END
- Mappings: - Mappings:
+ <cr> change the local working directory for CtrlP, keep it open and + <cr> change the local working directory for CtrlP, keep it open and
switch to find file mode. switch to find file mode.
@ -1149,6 +1244,80 @@ Available extensions:~
- Wipe bookmark list. - Wipe bookmark list.
- Delete entries marked by <c-z>. - Delete entries marked by <c-z>.
* Autoignore mode:~
- Name: 'autoignore'
- This extension doesn't add new commands. It adds support for per-project
ignore patterns (as per |ctrlp_custom_ignore|) via a `.ctrlpignore` file
at the root of the project. It's basically like a `.gitignore` or
`.hgignore` for CtrlP.
Note: auto-ignore won't work when |g:ctrlp_user_command| is used.
Note: `.ctrlpignore` will be added to the root markers (see
- Ignore file syntax:
Empty lines, and lines starting with `#` (comments) are ignored.
Other lines are treated like regular expression patterns. See *string-match*
for how patterns are used. Anything that matches any of the patterns will be
ignored from CtrlP's search results.
Note: patterns should use forward slashes, even on Windows.
You can also switch to a glob-like syntax like this:
This will temporarily add each pattern to |'wildignore'| for the
duration of the file scan, and remove them at the end.
You can switch back to the default regular-expression-based patterns by
You can also specify a match on only a given type of item:
This will only ignore directories with "build" in them, and files with
"foo.txt" in them. Not files with "build" in them or vice-versa.
Note: to ignore a root directory "build", and not _any_ directory with
"build" in it, you can root the regex: ^build$
- FAQ:
Q: Why can't CtrlP support `.gitignore` or `.hgignore` natively?
A: Those files look at first like they may contain all the patterns
you'd want to exclude from CtrlP already. However, more often than not,
there are some differences. Those files list patterns that should not be
included in source-control. This includes things you want to ignore, but
also things you may not want to: local settings, external packages and
dependencies, etc. The author felt the trouble of supporting various
syntaxes was too much compared to just copy/pasting a few lines. Feel
free to contribute a patch if you disagree :)
Q: I enabled |ctrlp-autoignore-extension|, or edited `.ctrlpignore`, but
none of the new patterns are working. What did I do wrong?
A: Probably nothing! CtrlP can cache search results for faster response
times. You can hit <F5> to force it to refresh. This will use the newer
ignore patterns if the `.ctrlpignore` file has changed, too.
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Buffer Tag mode options:~ Buffer Tag mode options:~
@ -1189,6 +1358,17 @@ Highlighting:~
CtrlPPrtText : the prompt's text (|hl-Normal|) CtrlPPrtText : the prompt's text (|hl-Normal|)
CtrlPPrtCursor : the prompt's cursor when moving over the text (Constant) CtrlPPrtCursor : the prompt's cursor when moving over the text (Constant)
* Buffer explorer mode:
CtrlPBufferNr : buffer number
CtrlPBufferInd : '+', '-', '=' and '#' indicators (see |:buffers|)
CtrlPBufferHid : hidden buffer
CtrlPBufferHidMod : hidden and modified buffer
CtrlPBufferVis : visible buffer
CtrlPBufferVisMod : visible and modified buffer
CtrlPBufferCur : current buffer
CtrlPBufferCurMod : current and modified buffer
CtrlPBufferPath : buffer path
* In extensions: * In extensions:
CtrlPTabExtra : the part of each line that's not matched against (Comment) CtrlPTabExtra : the part of each line that's not matched against (Comment)
CtrlPBufName : the buffer name an entry belongs to (|hl-Directory|) CtrlPBufName : the buffer name an entry belongs to (|hl-Directory|)
@ -1259,11 +1439,12 @@ MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGS *ctrlp-miscellaneous-configs*
=============================================================================== ===============================================================================
CREDITS *ctrlp-credits* CREDITS *ctrlp-credits*
Developed by Kien Nguyen <github.com/kien>. Distributed under Vim's |license|. Originally developed by Kien Nguyen <github.com/kien>. Now maintained by the
members of the ctrlpvim Github organisation
(https://github.com/orgs/ctrlpvim/people). Distributed under Vim's |license|.
Project's homepage: http://kien.github.com/ctrlp.vim Project's homepage: http://ctrlpvim.github.com/ctrlp.vim
Git repository: https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim Git repository: https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim
Mercurial repository: https://bitbucket.org/kien/ctrlp.vim
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks to everyone that has submitted ideas, bug reports or helped debugging on Thanks to everyone that has submitted ideas, bug reports or helped debugging on
@ -1290,10 +1471,14 @@ Special thanks:~
* Jo De Boeck <github.com/grimpy> * Jo De Boeck <github.com/grimpy>
* Rudi Grinberg <github.com/rgrinberg> * Rudi Grinberg <github.com/rgrinberg>
* Timothy Mellor <github.com/mellort> * Timothy Mellor <github.com/mellort>
* Sergey Vlasov <github.com/noscript>
=============================================================================== ===============================================================================
CHANGELOG *ctrlp-changelog* CHANGELOG *ctrlp-changelog*
+ New buffer explorer mode with highlighting (|+conceal| recommended)
+ New options: |g:ctrlp_bufname_mod|,
+ Combine *g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom* *g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed* and + Combine *g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom* *g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed* and
*g:ctrlp_max_height* into |g:ctrlp_match_window|. *g:ctrlp_max_height* into |g:ctrlp_match_window|.
+ New option: |g:ctrlp_match_window|. + New option: |g:ctrlp_match_window|.

View File

@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ com! -bar CtrlPCurWD cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'mode': '' })
com! -bar CtrlPCurFile cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'mode': 'c' }) com! -bar CtrlPCurFile cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'mode': 'c' })
com! -bar CtrlPRoot cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'mode': 'r' }) com! -bar CtrlPRoot cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'mode': 'r' })
if g:ctrlp_map != '' && !hasmapto(':<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>', 'n') exe 'nn <silent> <plug>(ctrlp) :<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>'
exe 'nn <silent>' g:ctrlp_map ':<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>'
if g:ctrlp_map != '' && !hasmapto('<plug>(ctrlp)')
exe 'map' g:ctrlp_map '<plug>(ctrlp)'
en en
cal ctrlp#mrufiles#init() cal ctrlp#mrufiles#init()
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ com! -bar CtrlPChangeAll cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#changes#cmd(1))
com! -bar CtrlPMixed cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#mixed#id()) com! -bar CtrlPMixed cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#mixed#id())
com! -bar CtrlPBookmarkDir cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#bookmarkdir#id()) com! -bar CtrlPBookmarkDir cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#bookmarkdir#id())
com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd com! -n=? -com=dir -bang CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd
\ cal ctrlp#call('ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add', <q-args>) \ cal ctrlp#call('ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add', '<bang>', <q-args>)
" vim:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2 " vim:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
#**This project is unmaintained**
**You should use [this fork](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim) instead.**
# ctrlp.vim # ctrlp.vim
Full path fuzzy __file__, __buffer__, __mru__, __tag__, __...__ finder for Vim. Full path fuzzy __file__, __buffer__, __mru__, __tag__, __...__ finder for Vim.
@ -47,20 +44,27 @@ Use `:diffthis` when opening multiple files to run `:diffthis` on the first 4 fi
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP' let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP'
``` ```
* When invoked, unless a starting directory is specified, CtrlP will set its local working directory according to this variable: * When invoked without an explicit starting directory, CtrlP will set its local working directory according to this variable:
```vim ```vim
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'ra' let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'ra'
``` ```
`'c'` - the directory of the current file. `'c'` - the directory of the current file.
`'r'` - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories or files: `.git` `.hg` `.svn` `.bzr` `_darcs` `'a'` - the directory of the current file, unless it is a subdirectory of the cwd
`'a'` - like c, but only if the current working directory outside of CtrlP is not a direct ancestor of the directory of the current file. `'r'` - the nearest ancestor of the current file that contains one of these directories or files: `.git` `.hg` `.svn` `.bzr` `_darcs`
`'w'` - modifier to "r": start search from the cwd instead of the current file's directory
`0` or `''` (empty string) - disable this feature. `0` or `''` (empty string) - disable this feature.
Define additional root markers with the `g:ctrlp_root_markers` option. If none of the default markers (`.git` `.hg` `.svn` `.bzr` `_darcs`) are present in a project, you can define additional ones with `g:ctrlp_root_markers`:
* Exclude files and directories using Vim's `wildignore` and CtrlP's own `g:ctrlp_custom_ignore`: ```vim
let g:ctrlp_root_markers = ['pom.xml', '.p4ignore']
If more than one mode is specified, they will be tried in order until a directory is located.
* Exclude files and directories using Vim's `wildignore` and CtrlP's own `g:ctrlp_custom_ignore`. If a custom listing command is being used, exclusions are ignored:
```vim ```vim
set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip " MacOSX/Linux set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip " MacOSX/Linux
@ -81,11 +85,17 @@ Use `:diffthis` when opening multiple files to run `:diffthis` on the first 4 fi
let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'dir %s /-n /b /s /a-d' " Windows let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'dir %s /-n /b /s /a-d' " Windows
``` ```
* Ignore files in `.gitignore`
let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.git', 'cd %s && git ls-files -co --exclude-standard']
Check `:help ctrlp-options` for other options. Check `:help ctrlp-options` for other options.
## Installation ## Installation
Use your favorite method or check the homepage for a [quick installation guide][3]. Use your favorite method or check the homepage for a [quick installation guide][3].
[1]: http://i.imgur.com/yIynr.png [1]: http://i.imgur.com/aOcwHwt.png
[2]: https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim/tree/extensions [2]: https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim/tree/extensions
[3]: http://kien.github.com/ctrlp.vim#installation [3]: http://ctrlpvim.github.com/ctrlp.vim#installation

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ PLUGINS = """
ack.vim https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim ack.vim https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim
ag.vim https://github.com/rking/ag.vim ag.vim https://github.com/rking/ag.vim
bufexplorer https://github.com/corntrace/bufexplorer bufexplorer https://github.com/corntrace/bufexplorer
ctrlp.vim https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim ctrlp.vim https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim
mayansmoke https://github.com/vim-scripts/mayansmoke mayansmoke https://github.com/vim-scripts/mayansmoke
nerdtree https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree nerdtree https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
nginx-vim-syntax https://github.com/evanmiller/nginx-vim-syntax nginx-vim-syntax https://github.com/evanmiller/nginx-vim-syntax