From 6d9d3b8f1c5d8107d599564d3bf4731014b211af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shamanaitor <>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 18:26:48 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Add vim-indent-guides plugin

---                                     |   9 +
 .../vim-indent-guides/.gitignore              |   1 +
 .../vim-indent-guides/README.markdown         | 111 +++
 .../autoload/color_helper.vim                 | 879 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../autoload/indent_guides.vim                | 286 ++++++
 .../vim-indent-guides/doc/indent_guides.txt   | 351 +++++++
 .../plugin/indent_guides.vim                  |  92 ++
 .../test-files/test-ts2sw0et.txt              |  47 +
 .../test-files/test-ts2sw2et.txt              |  47 +
 .../test-files/test-ts2sw2noet.txt            |  47 +
 .../test-files/test-ts2sw4noet.txt            |  24 +
 .../test-files/test-ts4sw4et.txt              |  47 +
 .../test-files/test-ts4sw4noet.txt            |  47 +
 .../test-files/test-ts8sw2noet.txt            |  24 +
 .../test-files/test-ts8sw8et.txt              |  47 +
 .../test-files/test-ts8sw8noet.txt            |  47 +                             |   1 +
 17 files changed, 2107 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/README.markdown
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/autoload/color_helper.vim
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/autoload/indent_guides.vim
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/doc/indent_guides.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/plugin/indent_guides.vim
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw0et.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw2et.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw2noet.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw4noet.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts4sw4et.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts4sw4noet.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw2noet.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw8et.txt
 create mode 100644 sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw8noet.txt

diff --git a/ b/
index 95a7a35d..b1b35054 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ I recommend reading the docs of these plugins to understand them better. Each pl
 * [vim-yankstack]( Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes
 * [vim-zenroom2]( Remove all clutter and focus only on the essential. Similar to iA Writer or Write Room
 * [gist-vim]( Easily create gists from Vim using the `:Gist` command
+* [vim-indent-guides]( Is a plugin for visually displaying indent levels in Vim.
 ## Included color schemes
@@ -330,6 +331,13 @@ Open [ctrlp.vim]( plugin to quickly find a fil
     nmap <silent> <leader>a <Plug>(ale_next_wrap)
+[vim-indent-guides]( the default mapping to toggle the plugin is (`<leader>ig`)
+    You can also use the following commands inside Vim:
+    :IndentGuidesEnable
+    :IndentGuidesDisable
+    :IndentGuidesToggle
 ### Spell checking
 Pressing `<leader>ss` will toggle spell checking:
@@ -375,3 +383,4 @@ Just do following:
 Maintaining this Vim configuration isn't my day job. Daily I am the founder/CEO of [Doist]( You could come and help us build the workplace of the future while living a balanced life (anywhere in the world 🌍🌎🌏).
 PS: Using Vim isn't a requirement 😄
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/.gitignore b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..926ccaaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/README.markdown b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/README.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..366d41c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/README.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Indent Guides
+Indent Guides is a plugin for visually displaying indent levels in Vim.
+<img src="" width="448" height="448" alt="" />
+## Features:
+* Can detect both tab and space indent styles.
+* Automatically inspects your colorscheme and picks appropriate colors (gVim only).
+* Will highlight indent levels with alternating colors.
+* Full support for gVim and basic support for Terminal Vim.
+* Seems to work on Windows gVim 7.3 (haven't done any extensive tests though).
+* Customizable size for indent guides, eg. skinny guides (soft-tabs only).
+* Customizable start indent level.
+* Highlight support for files with a mixture of tab and space indent styles.
+## Requirements
+* Vim 7.2+
+## Installation
+To install the plugin copy `autoload`, `plugin`, `doc` directories into your `.vim` directory.
+### Pathogen
+If you have [Pathogen]( installed, clone this repo into a subdirectory of your `.vim/bundle` directory like so:
+cd ~/.vim/bundle
+git clone git://
+### Vundle
+If you have [Vundle]( installed, add the following line to your `~/.vimrc` in the appropriate spot (see the Vundle.vim README for help):
+Plugin 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
+and then run the following command from inside Vim:
+## Usage
+The default mapping to toggle the plugin is `<Leader>ig`.
+You can also use the following commands inside Vim:
+If you would like to have indent guides enabled by default, you can add the following to your `~/.vimrc`:
+let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 1
+### gVim
+**This plugin should work with gVim out of the box, no configuration needed.** It will automatically inspect your colorscheme and pick appropriate colors.
+### Setting custom indent colors
+Here's an example of how to define custom colors instead of using the ones the plugin automatically generates for you. Add this to your `.vimrc` file:
+let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
+autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd  guibg=red   ctermbg=3
+autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=green ctermbg=4
+Alternatively you can add the following lines to your colorscheme file.
+hi IndentGuidesOdd  guibg=red   ctermbg=3
+hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=green ctermbg=4
+### Terminal Vim
+At the moment Terminal Vim only has basic support. This means is that colors won't be automatically calculated based on your colorscheme. Instead, some preset colors are used depending on whether `background` is set to `dark` or `light`.
+When `set background=dark` is used, the following highlight colors will be defined:
+hi IndentGuidesOdd  ctermbg=black
+hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=darkgrey
+Alternatively, when `set background=light` is used, the following highlight colors will be defined:
+hi IndentGuidesOdd  ctermbg=white
+hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=lightgrey
+If for some reason it's incorrectly defining light highlight colors instead of dark ones or vice versa, the first thing you should check is that the `background` value is being set correctly for your colorscheme. Sometimes it's best to manually set the `background` value in your `.vimrc`, for example:
+colorscheme desert256
+set background=dark
+Alternatively you can manually setup the highlight colors yourself, see `:help indent_guides_auto_colors` for an example.
+## Help
+`:help indent-guides`
+## Screenshots
+<img src="" width="448" height="448" alt="" />
+<img src="" width="448" height="448" alt="" />
+<img src="" width="448" height="448" alt="" />
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/autoload/color_helper.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/autoload/color_helper.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54d18c00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/autoload/color_helper.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+" Author:   Nate Kane <nathanaelkane AT gmail DOT com>
+" Homepage:
+" Return hex string equivalent to given decimal string or number.
+" Example: color_helper#dec_to_hex(255, 2)
+" Returns: 'FF'
+" Example: color_helper#dec_to_hex(255, 5)
+" Returns: '000FF'
+function! color_helper#dec_to_hex(arg, padding)
+  return toupper(printf('%0' . a:padding . 'x', a:arg + 0))
+" Return number equivalent to given hex string ('0x' is optional).
+" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('FF')
+" Returns: 255
+" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('88')
+" Returns: 136
+" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('00')
+" Returns: 0
+function! color_helper#hex_to_dec(arg)
+  return (a:arg =~? '^0x') ? a:arg + 0 : ('0x'.a:arg) + 0
+" Converts a given hex color string into an rgb list (eg. [red, green, blue]).
+" Example: color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb('#0088FF')
+" Returns: [0, 136, 255]
+function! color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(hex_color)
+  let l:rgb = []
+  if a:hex_color =~ g:indent_guides_color_hex_pattern
+    let l:red   = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 1, 2))
+    let l:green = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 3, 2))
+    let l:blue  = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 5, 2))
+    let l:rgb = [l:red, l:green, l:blue]
+  end
+  return l:rgb
+" Converts a given rgb list (eg. [red, green, blue]) into a hex color string.
+" Example: color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex([0, 136, 255])
+" Returns: '#0088FF'
+function! color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(rgb_color)
+  let l:hex_color  = '#'
+  let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[0], 2) " red
+  let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[1], 2) " green
+  let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[2], 2) " blue
+  return l:hex_color
+" Returns a ligtened color using the given color and the percent to lighten it
+" by.
+" Example: color_helper#hex_color_lighten('#000000', 0.10)
+" Returns: '#191919'
+function! color_helper#hex_color_lighten(color, percent)
+  let l:rgb = color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(a:color)
+  let l:rgb_lightened = []
+  for i in l:rgb
+    call add(l:rgb_lightened, float2nr(i + ((255 - i) * a:percent)))
+  endfor
+  return color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(l:rgb_lightened)
+" Returns a darkened color using the given color and the percent to darken it
+" by.
+" Example: color_helper#hex_color_darken('#FFFFFF', 0.10)
+" Returns: '#E5E5E5'
+function! color_helper#hex_color_darken(color, percent)
+  let l:rgb = color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(a:color)
+  let l:rgb_darkened = []
+  for i in l:rgb
+    call add(l:rgb_darkened, float2nr(i * (1 - a:percent)))
+  endfor
+  return color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(l:rgb_darkened)
+" Returns a hex color code for the given color name.
+" Example: color_helper#color_name_to_hex('darkslategray')
+" Returns: '#2F4F4F'
+function! color_helper#color_name_to_hex(color_name)
+  let l:hex_code   = ''
+  let l:color_name = tolower(a:color_name)
+  let l:color_list = {
+    \ 'alice blue'             : '#F0F8FF',
+    \ 'aliceblue'              : '#F0F8FF',
+    \ 'antique white'          : '#FAEBD7',
+    \ 'antiquewhite'           : '#FAEBD7',
+    \ 'antiquewhite1'          : '#FFEFDB',
+    \ 'antiquewhite2'          : '#EEDFCC',
+    \ 'antiquewhite3'          : '#CDC0B0',
+    \ 'antiquewhite4'          : '#8B8378',
+    \ 'aquamarine'             : '#7FFFD4',
+    \ 'aquamarine1'            : '#7FFFD4',
+    \ 'aquamarine2'            : '#76EEC6',
+    \ 'aquamarine3'            : '#66CDAA',
+    \ 'aquamarine4'            : '#458B74',
+    \ 'azure'                  : '#F0FFFF',
+    \ 'azure1'                 : '#F0FFFF',
+    \ 'azure2'                 : '#E0EEEE',
+    \ 'azure3'                 : '#C1CDCD',
+    \ 'azure4'                 : '#838B8B',
+    \ 'beige'                  : '#F5F5DC',
+    \ 'bisque'                 : '#FFE4C4',
+    \ 'bisque1'                : '#FFE4C4',
+    \ 'bisque2'                : '#EED5B7',
+    \ 'bisque3'                : '#CDB79E',
+    \ 'bisque4'                : '#8B7D6B',
+    \ 'black'                  : '#000000',
+    \ 'blanched almond'        : '#FFEBCD',
+    \ 'blanchedalmond'         : '#FFEBCD',
+    \ 'blue violet'            : '#8A2BE2',
+    \ 'blue'                   : '#0000FF',
+    \ 'blue1'                  : '#0000FF',
+    \ 'blue2'                  : '#0000EE',
+    \ 'blue3'                  : '#0000CD',
+    \ 'blue4'                  : '#00008B',
+    \ 'blueviolet'             : '#8A2BE2',
+    \ 'brown'                  : '#A52A2A',
+    \ 'brown1'                 : '#FF4040',
+    \ 'brown2'                 : '#EE3B3B',
+    \ 'brown3'                 : '#CD3333',
+    \ 'brown4'                 : '#8B2323',
+    \ 'burlywood'              : '#DEB887',
+    \ 'burlywood1'             : '#FFD39B',
+    \ 'burlywood2'             : '#EEC591',
+    \ 'burlywood3'             : '#CDAA7D',
+    \ 'burlywood4'             : '#8B7355',
+    \ 'cadet blue'             : '#5F9EA0',
+    \ 'cadetblue'              : '#5F9EA0',
+    \ 'cadetblue1'             : '#98F5FF',
+    \ 'cadetblue2'             : '#8EE5EE',
+    \ 'cadetblue3'             : '#7AC5CD',
+    \ 'cadetblue4'             : '#53868B',
+    \ 'chartreuse'             : '#7FFF00',
+    \ 'chartreuse1'            : '#7FFF00',
+    \ 'chartreuse2'            : '#76EE00',
+    \ 'chartreuse3'            : '#66CD00',
+    \ 'chartreuse4'            : '#458B00',
+    \ 'chocolate'              : '#D2691E',
+    \ 'chocolate1'             : '#FF7F24',
+    \ 'chocolate2'             : '#EE7621',
+    \ 'chocolate3'             : '#CD661D',
+    \ 'chocolate4'             : '#8B4513',
+    \ 'coral'                  : '#FF7F50',
+    \ 'coral1'                 : '#FF7256',
+    \ 'coral2'                 : '#EE6A50',
+    \ 'coral3'                 : '#CD5B45',
+    \ 'coral4'                 : '#8B3E2F',
+    \ 'cornflower blue'        : '#6495ED',
+    \ 'cornflowerblue'         : '#6495ED',
+    \ 'cornsilk'               : '#FFF8DC',
+    \ 'cornsilk1'              : '#FFF8DC',
+    \ 'cornsilk2'              : '#EEE8CD',
+    \ 'cornsilk3'              : '#CDC8B1',
+    \ 'cornsilk4'              : '#8B8878',
+    \ 'cyan'                   : '#00FFFF',
+    \ 'cyan1'                  : '#00FFFF',
+    \ 'cyan2'                  : '#00EEEE',
+    \ 'cyan3'                  : '#00CDCD',
+    \ 'cyan4'                  : '#008B8B',
+    \ 'dark blue'              : '#00008B',
+    \ 'dark cyan'              : '#008B8B',
+    \ 'dark goldenrod'         : '#B8860B',
+    \ 'dark gray'              : '#A9A9A9',
+    \ 'dark green'             : '#006400',
+    \ 'dark grey'              : '#A9A9A9',
+    \ 'dark khaki'             : '#BDB76B',
+    \ 'dark magenta'           : '#8B008B',
+    \ 'dark olive green'       : '#556B2F',
+    \ 'dark orange'            : '#FF8C00',
+    \ 'dark orchid'            : '#9932CC',
+    \ 'dark red'               : '#8B0000',
+    \ 'dark salmon'            : '#E9967A',
+    \ 'dark sea green'         : '#8FBC8F',
+    \ 'dark slate blue'        : '#483D8B',
+    \ 'dark slate gray'        : '#2F4F4F',
+    \ 'dark slate grey'        : '#2F4F4F',
+    \ 'dark turquoise'         : '#00CED1',
+    \ 'dark violet'            : '#9400D3',
+    \ 'dark yellow'            : '#BBBB00',
+    \ 'darkblue'               : '#00008B',
+    \ 'darkcyan'               : '#008B8B',
+    \ 'darkgoldenrod'          : '#B8860B',
+    \ 'darkgoldenrod1'         : '#FFB90F',
+    \ 'darkgoldenrod2'         : '#EEAD0E',
+    \ 'darkgoldenrod3'         : '#CD950C',
+    \ 'darkgoldenrod4'         : '#8B6508',
+    \ 'darkgray'               : '#A9A9A9',
+    \ 'darkgreen'              : '#006400',
+    \ 'darkgrey'               : '#A9A9A9',
+    \ 'darkkhaki'              : '#BDB76B',
+    \ 'darkmagenta'            : '#8B008B',
+    \ 'darkolivegreen'         : '#556B2F',
+    \ 'darkolivegreen1'        : '#CAFF70',
+    \ 'darkolivegreen2'        : '#BCEE68',
+    \ 'darkolivegreen3'        : '#A2CD5A',
+    \ 'darkolivegreen4'        : '#6E8B3D',
+    \ 'darkorange'             : '#FF8C00',
+    \ 'darkorange1'            : '#FF7F00',
+    \ 'darkorange2'            : '#EE7600',
+    \ 'darkorange3'            : '#CD6600',
+    \ 'darkorange4'            : '#8B4500',
+    \ 'darkorchid'             : '#9932CC',
+    \ 'darkorchid1'            : '#BF3EFF',
+    \ 'darkorchid2'            : '#B23AEE',
+    \ 'darkorchid3'            : '#9A32CD',
+    \ 'darkorchid4'            : '#68228B',
+    \ 'darkred'                : '#8B0000',
+    \ 'darksalmon'             : '#E9967A',
+    \ 'darkseagreen'           : '#8FBC8F',
+    \ 'darkseagreen1'          : '#C1FFC1',
+    \ 'darkseagreen2'          : '#B4EEB4',
+    \ 'darkseagreen3'          : '#9BCD9B',
+    \ 'darkseagreen4'          : '#698B69',
+    \ 'darkslateblue'          : '#483D8B',
+    \ 'darkslategray'          : '#2F4F4F',
+    \ 'darkslategray1'         : '#97FFFF',
+    \ 'darkslategray2'         : '#8DEEEE',
+    \ 'darkslategray3'         : '#79CDCD',
+    \ 'darkslategray4'         : '#528B8B',
+    \ 'darkslategrey'          : '#2F4F4F',
+    \ 'darkturquoise'          : '#00CED1',
+    \ 'darkviolet'             : '#9400D3',
+    \ 'darkyellow'             : '#BBBB00',
+    \ 'deep pink'              : '#FF1493',
+    \ 'deep sky blue'          : '#00BFFF',
+    \ 'deeppink'               : '#FF1493',
+    \ 'deeppink1'              : '#FF1493',
+    \ 'deeppink2'              : '#EE1289',
+    \ 'deeppink3'              : '#CD1076',
+    \ 'deeppink4'              : '#8B0A50',
+    \ 'deepskyblue'            : '#00BFFF',
+    \ 'deepskyblue1'           : '#00BFFF',
+    \ 'deepskyblue2'           : '#00B2EE',
+    \ 'deepskyblue3'           : '#009ACD',
+    \ 'deepskyblue4'           : '#00688B',
+    \ 'dim gray'               : '#696969',
+    \ 'dim grey'               : '#696969',
+    \ 'dimgray'                : '#696969',
+    \ 'dimgrey'                : '#696969',
+    \ 'dodger blue'            : '#1E90FF',
+    \ 'dodgerblue'             : '#1E90FF',
+    \ 'dodgerblue1'            : '#1E90FF',
+    \ 'dodgerblue2'            : '#1C86EE',
+    \ 'dodgerblue3'            : '#1874CD',
+    \ 'dodgerblue4'            : '#104E8B',
+    \ 'firebrick'              : '#B22222',
+    \ 'firebrick1'             : '#FF3030',
+    \ 'firebrick2'             : '#EE2C2C',
+    \ 'firebrick3'             : '#CD2626',
+    \ 'firebrick4'             : '#8B1A1A',
+    \ 'floral white'           : '#FFFAF0',
+    \ 'floralwhite'            : '#FFFAF0',
+    \ 'forest green'           : '#228B22',
+    \ 'forestgreen'            : '#228B22',
+    \ 'gainsboro'              : '#DCDCDC',
+    \ 'ghost white'            : '#F8F8FF',
+    \ 'ghostwhite'             : '#F8F8FF',
+    \ 'gold'                   : '#FFD700',
+    \ 'gold1'                  : '#FFD700',
+    \ 'gold2'                  : '#EEC900',
+    \ 'gold3'                  : '#CDAD00',
+    \ 'gold4'                  : '#8B7500',
+    \ 'goldenrod'              : '#DAA520',
+    \ 'goldenrod1'             : '#FFC125',
+    \ 'goldenrod2'             : '#EEB422',
+    \ 'goldenrod3'             : '#CD9B1D',
+    \ 'goldenrod4'             : '#8B6914',
+    \ 'gray'                   : '#BEBEBE',
+    \ 'gray0'                  : '#000000',
+    \ 'gray1'                  : '#030303',
+    \ 'gray10'                 : '#1A1A1A',
+    \ 'gray100'                : '#FFFFFF',
+    \ 'gray11'                 : '#1C1C1C',
+    \ 'gray12'                 : '#1F1F1F',
+    \ 'gray13'                 : '#212121',
+    \ 'gray14'                 : '#242424',
+    \ 'gray15'                 : '#262626',
+    \ 'gray16'                 : '#292929',
+    \ 'gray17'                 : '#2B2B2B',
+    \ 'gray18'                 : '#2E2E2E',
+    \ 'gray19'                 : '#303030',
+    \ 'gray2'                  : '#050505',
+    \ 'gray20'                 : '#333333',
+    \ 'gray21'                 : '#363636',
+    \ 'gray22'                 : '#383838',
+    \ 'gray23'                 : '#3B3B3B',
+    \ 'gray24'                 : '#3D3D3D',
+    \ 'gray25'                 : '#404040',
+    \ 'gray26'                 : '#424242',
+    \ 'gray27'                 : '#454545',
+    \ 'gray28'                 : '#474747',
+    \ 'gray29'                 : '#4A4A4A',
+    \ 'gray3'                  : '#080808',
+    \ 'gray30'                 : '#4D4D4D',
+    \ 'gray31'                 : '#4F4F4F',
+    \ 'gray32'                 : '#525252',
+    \ 'gray33'                 : '#545454',
+    \ 'gray34'                 : '#575757',
+    \ 'gray35'                 : '#595959',
+    \ 'gray36'                 : '#5C5C5C',
+    \ 'gray37'                 : '#5E5E5E',
+    \ 'gray38'                 : '#616161',
+    \ 'gray39'                 : '#636363',
+    \ 'gray4'                  : '#0A0A0A',
+    \ 'gray40'                 : '#666666',
+    \ 'gray41'                 : '#696969',
+    \ 'gray42'                 : '#6B6B6B',
+    \ 'gray43'                 : '#6E6E6E',
+    \ 'gray44'                 : '#707070',
+    \ 'gray45'                 : '#737373',
+    \ 'gray46'                 : '#757575',
+    \ 'gray47'                 : '#787878',
+    \ 'gray48'                 : '#7A7A7A',
+    \ 'gray49'                 : '#7D7D7D',
+    \ 'gray5'                  : '#0D0D0D',
+    \ 'gray50'                 : '#7F7F7F',
+    \ 'gray51'                 : '#828282',
+    \ 'gray52'                 : '#858585',
+    \ 'gray53'                 : '#878787',
+    \ 'gray54'                 : '#8A8A8A',
+    \ 'gray55'                 : '#8C8C8C',
+    \ 'gray56'                 : '#8F8F8F',
+    \ 'gray57'                 : '#919191',
+    \ 'gray58'                 : '#949494',
+    \ 'gray59'                 : '#969696',
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+    \ 'khaki4'                 : '#8B864E',
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+    \ 'lavenderblush'          : '#FFF0F5',
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+    \ 'lavenderblush4'         : '#8B8386',
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+    \ 'lawngreen'              : '#7CFC00',
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+    \ 'lemonchiffon'           : '#FFFACD',
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+    \ 'light slate grey'       : '#778899',
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+    \ 'lightgoldenrod4'        : '#8B814C',
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+    \ 'lightgrey'              : '#D3D3D3',
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+    \ 'lightred'               : '#FFBBBB',
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+    \ 'lightsalmon4'           : '#8B5742',
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+    \ 'lightskyblue4'          : '#607B8B',
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+    \ 'lightslategrey'         : '#778899',
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+    \ 'lightyellow4'           : '#8B8B7A',
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+    \ 'limegreen'              : '#32CD32',
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+    \ 'magenta4'               : '#8B008B',
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+    \ 'maroon4'                : '#8B1C62',
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+    \ 'medium spring green'    : '#00FA9A',
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+    \ 'mediumorchid4'          : '#7A378B',
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+    \ 'mediumpurple4'          : '#5D478B',
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+    \ 'midnightblue'           : '#191970',
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+    \ 'mintcream'              : '#F5FFFA',
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+    \ 'mistyrose4'             : '#8B7D7B',
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+    \ 'navajowhite'            : '#FFDEAD',
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+    \ 'navajowhite3'           : '#CDB38B',
+    \ 'navajowhite4'           : '#8B795E',
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+    \ 'navy'                   : '#000080',
+    \ 'navyblue'               : '#000080',
+    \ 'old lace'               : '#FDF5E6',
+    \ 'oldlace'                : '#FDF5E6',
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+    \ 'orange3'                : '#CD8500',
+    \ 'orange4'                : '#8B5A00',
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+    \ 'orchid4'                : '#8B4789',
+    \ 'pale goldenrod'         : '#EEE8AA',
+    \ 'pale green'             : '#98FB98',
+    \ 'pale turquoise'         : '#AFEEEE',
+    \ 'pale violet red'        : '#DB7093',
+    \ 'palegoldenrod'          : '#EEE8AA',
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+    \ 'palegreen1'             : '#9AFF9A',
+    \ 'palegreen2'             : '#90EE90',
+    \ 'palegreen3'             : '#7CCD7C',
+    \ 'palegreen4'             : '#548B54',
+    \ 'paleturquoise'          : '#AFEEEE',
+    \ 'paleturquoise1'         : '#BBFFFF',
+    \ 'paleturquoise2'         : '#AEEEEE',
+    \ 'paleturquoise3'         : '#96CDCD',
+    \ 'paleturquoise4'         : '#668B8B',
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+    \ 'palevioletred1'         : '#FF82AB',
+    \ 'palevioletred2'         : '#EE799F',
+    \ 'palevioletred3'         : '#CD6889',
+    \ 'palevioletred4'         : '#8B475D',
+    \ 'papaya whip'            : '#FFEFD5',
+    \ 'papayawhip'             : '#FFEFD5',
+    \ 'peach puff'             : '#FFDAB9',
+    \ 'peachpuff'              : '#FFDAB9',
+    \ 'peachpuff1'             : '#FFDAB9',
+    \ 'peachpuff2'             : '#EECBAD',
+    \ 'peachpuff3'             : '#CDAF95',
+    \ 'peachpuff4'             : '#8B7765',
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+    \ 'pink'                   : '#FFC0CB',
+    \ 'pink1'                  : '#FFB5C5',
+    \ 'pink2'                  : '#EEA9B8',
+    \ 'pink3'                  : '#CD919E',
+    \ 'pink4'                  : '#8B636C',
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+    \ 'plum1'                  : '#FFBBFF',
+    \ 'plum2'                  : '#EEAEEE',
+    \ 'plum3'                  : '#CD96CD',
+    \ 'plum4'                  : '#8B668B',
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+    \ 'powderblue'             : '#B0E0E6',
+    \ 'purple'                 : '#A020F0',
+    \ 'purple1'                : '#9B30FF',
+    \ 'purple2'                : '#912CEE',
+    \ 'purple3'                : '#7D26CD',
+    \ 'purple4'                : '#551A8B',
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+    \ 'red2'                   : '#EE0000',
+    \ 'red3'                   : '#CD0000',
+    \ 'red4'                   : '#8B0000',
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+    \ 'rosybrown'              : '#BC8F8F',
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+    \ 'royalblue'              : '#4169E1',
+    \ 'royalblue1'             : '#4876FF',
+    \ 'royalblue2'             : '#436EEE',
+    \ 'royalblue3'             : '#3A5FCD',
+    \ 'royalblue4'             : '#27408B',
+    \ 'saddle brown'           : '#8B4513',
+    \ 'saddlebrown'            : '#8B4513',
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+    \ 'salmon1'                : '#FF8C69',
+    \ 'salmon2'                : '#EE8262',
+    \ 'salmon3'                : '#CD7054',
+    \ 'salmon4'                : '#8B4C39',
+    \ 'sandy brown'            : '#F4A460',
+    \ 'sandybrown'             : '#F4A460',
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+    \ 'seagreen'               : '#2E8B57',
+    \ 'seagreen1'              : '#54FF9F',
+    \ 'seagreen2'              : '#4EEE94',
+    \ 'seagreen3'              : '#43CD80',
+    \ 'seagreen4'              : '#2E8B57',
+    \ 'seashell'               : '#FFF5EE',
+    \ 'seashell1'              : '#FFF5EE',
+    \ 'seashell2'              : '#EEE5DE',
+    \ 'seashell3'              : '#CDC5BF',
+    \ 'seashell4'              : '#8B8682',
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+    \ 'sienna4'                : '#8B4726',
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+    \ 'skyblue'                : '#87CEEB',
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+    \ 'skyblue2'               : '#7EC0EE',
+    \ 'skyblue3'               : '#6CA6CD',
+    \ 'skyblue4'               : '#4A708B',
+    \ 'slate blue'             : '#6A5ACD',
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+    \ 'slate grey'             : '#708090',
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+    \ 'slateblue3'             : '#6959CD',
+    \ 'slateblue4'             : '#473C8B',
+    \ 'slategray'              : '#708090',
+    \ 'slategray1'             : '#C6E2FF',
+    \ 'slategray2'             : '#B9D3EE',
+    \ 'slategray3'             : '#9FB6CD',
+    \ 'slategray4'             : '#6C7B8B',
+    \ 'slategrey'              : '#708090',
+    \ 'snow'                   : '#FFFAFA',
+    \ 'snow1'                  : '#FFFAFA',
+    \ 'snow2'                  : '#EEE9E9',
+    \ 'snow3'                  : '#CDC9C9',
+    \ 'snow4'                  : '#8B8989',
+    \ 'spring green'           : '#00FF7F',
+    \ 'springgreen'            : '#00FF7F',
+    \ 'springgreen1'           : '#00FF7F',
+    \ 'springgreen2'           : '#00EE76',
+    \ 'springgreen3'           : '#00CD66',
+    \ 'springgreen4'           : '#008B45',
+    \ 'steel blue'             : '#4682B4',
+    \ 'steelblue'              : '#4682B4',
+    \ 'steelblue1'             : '#63B8FF',
+    \ 'steelblue2'             : '#5CACEE',
+    \ 'steelblue3'             : '#4F94CD',
+    \ 'steelblue4'             : '#36648B',
+    \ 'tan'                    : '#D2B48C',
+    \ 'tan1'                   : '#FFA54F',
+    \ 'tan2'                   : '#EE9A49',
+    \ 'tan3'                   : '#CD853F',
+    \ 'tan4'                   : '#8B5A2B',
+    \ 'thistle'                : '#D8BFD8',
+    \ 'thistle1'               : '#FFE1FF',
+    \ 'thistle2'               : '#EED2EE',
+    \ 'thistle3'               : '#CDB5CD',
+    \ 'thistle4'               : '#8B7B8B',
+    \ 'tomato'                 : '#FF6347',
+    \ 'tomato1'                : '#FF6347',
+    \ 'tomato2'                : '#EE5C42',
+    \ 'tomato3'                : '#CD4F39',
+    \ 'tomato4'                : '#8B3626',
+    \ 'turquoise'              : '#40E0D0',
+    \ 'turquoise1'             : '#00F5FF',
+    \ 'turquoise2'             : '#00E5EE',
+    \ 'turquoise3'             : '#00C5CD',
+    \ 'turquoise4'             : '#00868B',
+    \ 'violet red'             : '#D02090',
+    \ 'violet'                 : '#EE82EE',
+    \ 'violetred'              : '#D02090',
+    \ 'violetred1'             : '#FF3E96',
+    \ 'violetred2'             : '#EE3A8C',
+    \ 'violetred3'             : '#CD3278',
+    \ 'violetred4'             : '#8B2252',
+    \ 'wheat'                  : '#F5DEB3',
+    \ 'wheat1'                 : '#FFE7BA',
+    \ 'wheat2'                 : '#EED8AE',
+    \ 'wheat3'                 : '#CDBA96',
+    \ 'wheat4'                 : '#8B7E66',
+    \ 'white smoke'            : '#F5F5F5',
+    \ 'white'                  : '#FFFFFF',
+    \ 'whitesmoke'             : '#F5F5F5',
+    \ 'yellow green'           : '#9ACD32',
+    \ 'yellow'                 : '#FFFF00',
+    \ 'yellow1'                : '#FFFF00',
+    \ 'yellow2'                : '#EEEE00',
+    \ 'yellow3'                : '#CDCD00',
+    \ 'yellow4'                : '#8B8B00',
+    \ 'yellowgreen'            : '#9ACD32',
+  \}
+  if has_key(l:color_list, l:color_name)
+    let l:hex_code = l:color_list[l:color_name]
+  endif
+  return l:hex_code
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/autoload/indent_guides.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/autoload/indent_guides.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..482d0adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/autoload/indent_guides.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+" Author:   Nate Kane <nathanaelkane AT gmail DOT com>
+" Homepage:
+" Toggles the indent guides on and off.
+function! indent_guides#toggle()
+  call indent_guides#init_matches()
+  if empty(w:indent_guides_matches)
+    call indent_guides#enable()
+  else
+    call indent_guides#disable()
+  endif
+" Called from autocmds, keeps indent guides enabled or disabled when entering
+" other buffers and windows.
+function! indent_guides#process_autocmds()
+  if g:indent_guides_autocmds_enabled
+    call indent_guides#enable()
+  else
+    call indent_guides#disable()
+  end
+" Enables the indent guides for the current buffer and any other buffer upon
+" entering it.
+function! indent_guides#enable()
+  let g:indent_guides_autocmds_enabled = 1
+  if &diff || indent_guides#exclude_filetype()
+    call indent_guides#clear_matches()
+    return
+  end
+  call indent_guides#init_script_vars()
+  call indent_guides#highlight_colors()
+  call indent_guides#clear_matches()
+  " loop through each indent level and define a highlight pattern
+  " will automagically figure out whether to use tabs or spaces
+  for l:level in range(s:start_level, s:indent_levels)
+    let l:group = 'IndentGuides' . ((l:level % 2 == 0) ? 'Even' : 'Odd')
+    let l:column_start = (l:level - 1) * s:indent_size + 1
+    " define the higlight patterns and add to matches list
+    if g:indent_guides_space_guides
+      let l:soft_pattern = indent_guides#indent_highlight_pattern(g:indent_guides_soft_pattern, l:column_start, s:guide_size)
+      call add(w:indent_guides_matches, matchadd(l:group, l:soft_pattern))
+    end
+    if g:indent_guides_tab_guides
+      let l:hard_pattern = indent_guides#indent_highlight_pattern('\t', l:column_start, s:indent_size)
+      call add(w:indent_guides_matches, matchadd(l:group, l:hard_pattern))
+    end
+  endfor
+" Disables the indent guides for the current buffer and any other buffer upon
+" entering it.
+function! indent_guides#disable()
+  let g:indent_guides_autocmds_enabled = 0
+  call indent_guides#clear_matches()
+" Clear all highlight matches for the current window.
+function! indent_guides#clear_matches()
+  call indent_guides#init_matches()
+  if !empty(w:indent_guides_matches)
+    let l:index = 0
+    for l:match_id in w:indent_guides_matches
+      try
+        call matchdelete(l:match_id)
+      catch /E803:/
+        " Do nothing
+      endtry
+      call remove(w:indent_guides_matches, l:index)
+      let l:index += l:index
+    endfor
+  endif
+" Automagically calculates and defines the indent highlight colors.
+function! indent_guides#highlight_colors()
+  if s:auto_colors
+    if has('gui_running') || has('nvim')
+      call indent_guides#gui_highlight_colors()
+    else
+      call indent_guides#basic_highlight_colors()
+    endif
+  endif
+" Defines some basic indent highlight colors that work for Terminal Vim and
+" gVim when colors can't be automatically calculated.
+function! indent_guides#basic_highlight_colors()
+  let l:cterm_colors = (&g:background == 'dark') ? ['darkgrey', 'black'] : ['lightgrey', 'white']
+  let l:gui_colors   = (&g:background == 'dark') ? ['grey15', 'grey30']  : ['grey70', 'grey85']
+  exe 'hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=' . l:gui_colors[0] . ' guifg=' . l:gui_colors[1] . ' ctermbg=' . l:cterm_colors[0] . ' ctermfg=' . l:cterm_colors[1]
+  exe 'hi IndentGuidesOdd  guibg=' . l:gui_colors[1] . ' guifg=' . l:gui_colors[0] . ' ctermbg=' . l:cterm_colors[1] . ' ctermfg=' . l:cterm_colors[0]
+" Automagically calculates and defines the indent highlight colors for gui
+" vim.
+function! indent_guides#gui_highlight_colors()
+  let l:hi_normal_guibg = ''
+  " capture the backgroud color from the normal highlight
+  if s:hi_normal =~ s:color_hex_bg_pat
+    " hex color code is being used, eg. '#FFFFFF'
+    let l:hi_normal_guibg = matchstr(s:hi_normal, s:color_hex_bg_pat)
+  elseif s:hi_normal =~ s:color_name_bg_pat
+    " color name is being used, eg. 'white'
+    let l:color_name = matchstr(s:hi_normal, s:color_name_bg_pat)
+    let l:hi_normal_guibg = color_helper#color_name_to_hex(l:color_name)
+  else
+    " background color could not be detected, default to basic colors
+    call indent_guides#basic_highlight_colors()
+  endif
+  if l:hi_normal_guibg =~ s:color_hex_pat
+    " calculate the highlight background colors
+    let l:hi_odd_bg  = indent_guides#lighten_or_darken_color(l:hi_normal_guibg)
+    let l:hi_even_bg = indent_guides#lighten_or_darken_color(l:hi_odd_bg)
+    " define the new highlights
+    exe 'hi IndentGuidesOdd  guibg=' . l:hi_odd_bg . ' guifg=' . l:hi_even_bg
+    exe 'hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=' . l:hi_even_bg . ' guifg=' . l:hi_odd_bg
+  end
+" Takes a color and darkens or lightens it depending on whether a dark or light
+" colorscheme is being used.
+function! indent_guides#lighten_or_darken_color(color)
+  let l:new_color = ''
+  if (&g:background == 'dark')
+    let l:new_color = color_helper#hex_color_lighten(a:color, s:change_percent)
+  else
+    let l:new_color = color_helper#hex_color_darken (a:color, s:change_percent)
+  endif
+  return l:new_color
+" Define default highlights.
+function! indent_guides#define_default_highlights()
+  hi default clear IndentGuidesOdd
+  hi default clear IndentGuidesEven
+" Init the w:indent_guides_matches variable.
+function! indent_guides#init_matches()
+  let w:indent_guides_matches = exists('w:indent_guides_matches') ? w:indent_guides_matches : []
+" We need to initialize these vars every time a buffer is entered while the
+" plugin is enabled.
+function! indent_guides#init_script_vars()
+  if &l:shiftwidth > 0 && &l:expandtab
+    let s:indent_size = &l:shiftwidth
+  else
+    let s:indent_size = &l:tabstop
+  endif
+  let s:guide_size  = indent_guides#calculate_guide_size()
+  let s:hi_normal   = indent_guides#capture_highlight('Normal')
+  " remove 'font=<value>' from the s:hi_normal string (only seems to happen on Vim startup in Windows)
+  let s:hi_normal = substitute(s:hi_normal, ' font=[A-Za-z0-9:]\+', "", "")
+  " shortcuts to the global variables - this makes the code easier to read
+  let s:debug             = g:indent_guides_debug
+  let s:indent_levels     = g:indent_guides_indent_levels
+  let s:auto_colors       = g:indent_guides_auto_colors
+  let s:color_hex_pat     = g:indent_guides_color_hex_pattern
+  let s:color_hex_bg_pat  = g:indent_guides_color_hex_guibg_pattern
+  let s:color_name_bg_pat = g:indent_guides_color_name_guibg_pattern
+  let s:start_level       = g:indent_guides_start_level
+  " str2float not available in vim versions <= 7.1
+  if has('float')
+    let s:change_percent = g:indent_guides_color_change_percent / str2float('100.0')
+  else
+    let s:change_percent = g:indent_guides_color_change_percent / 100.0
+  endif
+  if s:debug
+    echo 's:indent_size = '       . s:indent_size
+    echo 's:guide_size = '        . s:guide_size
+    echo 's:hi_normal = '         . s:hi_normal
+    echo 's:indent_levels = '     . s:indent_levels
+    echo 's:auto_colors = '       . s:auto_colors
+    echo 's:change_percent = '    . string(s:change_percent)
+    echo 's:color_hex_pat = '     . s:color_hex_pat
+    echo 's:color_hex_bg_pat = '  . s:color_hex_bg_pat
+    echo 's:color_name_bg_pat = ' . s:color_name_bg_pat
+    echo 's:start_level = '       . s:start_level
+  endif
+" Calculate the indent guide size. Ensures the guide size is less than or
+" equal to the actual indent size, otherwise some weird things can occur.
+" NOTE: Currently, this only works when soft-tabs are being used.
+function! indent_guides#calculate_guide_size()
+  let l:guide_size = g:indent_guides_guide_size
+  if l:guide_size == 0 || l:guide_size > s:indent_size
+    let l:guide_size = s:indent_size
+  endif
+  return l:guide_size
+" Captures and returns the output of highlight group definitions.
+" Example: indent_guides#capture_highlight('normal')
+" Returns: 'Normal xxx guifg=#323232 guibg=#ffffff'
+function! indent_guides#capture_highlight(group_name)
+  redir => l:output
+  exe "silent hi " . a:group_name
+  redir END
+  let l:output = substitute(l:output, "\n", "", "")
+  return l:output
+" Returns a regex pattern for highlighting an indent level.
+" Example: indent_guides#indent_highlight_pattern(' ', 1, 4)
+" Returns: /^ *\%1v\zs *\%5v\ze/
+" Example: indent_guides#indent_highlight_pattern('\s', 5, 2)
+" Returns: /^\s*\%5v\zs\s*\%7v\ze/
+" Example: indent_guides#indent_highlight_pattern('\t', 9, 2)
+" Returns: /^\t*\%9v\zs\t*\%11v\ze/
+function! indent_guides#indent_highlight_pattern(indent_pattern, column_start, indent_size)
+  let l:pattern  = '^' . a:indent_pattern . '*\%' . a:column_start . 'v\zs'
+  let l:pattern .= a:indent_pattern . '*\%' . (a:column_start + a:indent_size) . 'v'
+  let l:pattern .= '\ze'
+  return l:pattern
+" Detect if any of the buffer filetypes should be excluded.
+function! indent_guides#exclude_filetype()
+  for ft in split(&ft, '\.')
+    if index(g:indent_guides_exclude_filetypes, ft) > -1
+      return 1
+    end
+  endfor
+  return 0
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/doc/indent_guides.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/doc/indent_guides.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d51a3940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/doc/indent_guides.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+*indent_guides.txt*  A plugin for visually displaying indent levels in Vim.
+                                                                 *indent-guides*
+      ____           __            __     ______       _      __
+     /  _/____  ____/ /___  ____  / /_   / ____/__  __(_)____/ /___  _____
+     / / / __ \/ __  // _ \/ __ \/ __/  / / __ / / / / // __  // _ \/ ___/
+   _/ / / / / / /_/ //  __/ / / / /_   / /_/ // /_/ / // /_/ //  __(__  )
+  /___//_/ /_/\__,_/ \___/_/ /_/\__/   \____/ \__,_/_/ \__,_/ \___/____/
+Author:      Nate Kane <nathanaelkane AT gmail DOT com>
+Version:     1.7
+Last Change: 07 Mar 2013
+CONTENTS                                                *indent-guides-contents*
+  1. Introduction.......................... |indent-guides-introduction|
+  2. Commands.............................. |indent-guides-commands|
+  3. Options............................... |indent-guides-options|
+  4. Mappings.............................. |indent-guides-mappings|
+  5. Terminal Vim.......................... |indent-guides-terminal-vim|
+  6. About................................. |indent-guides-about|
+  7. Changelog............................. |indent-guides-changelog|
+  8. License............................... |indent-guides-license|
+1. INTRODUCTION                                     *indent-guides-introduction*
+Indent Guides is a plugin for visually displaying indent levels in Vim.
+This plugin should work with gVim out of the box, no configuration needed.
+  * Can detect both tab and space indent styles.
+  * Automatically inspects your colorscheme and picks appropriate colors (gVim
+    only).
+  * Will highlight indent levels with alternating colors.
+  * Full support for gVim and basic support for Terminal Vim.
+  * Seems to work on Windows gVim 7.3 (haven't done any extensive tests
+    though).
+  * Customizable size for indent guides, eg. skinny guides (soft-tabs only).
+  * Customizable start indent level.
+  * Highlight support for files with a mixture of tab and space indent styles.
+2. COMMANDS                                             *indent-guides-commands*
+:IndentGuidesToggle                                        *:IndentGuidesToggle*
+  Toggles the indent guides on and off.
+:IndentGuidesEnable                                        *:IndentGuidesEnable*
+  Enables the indent guides for the current buffer and any other buffer upon
+  entering it.
+:IndentGuidesDisable                                      *:IndentGuidesDisable*
+  Disables the indent guides for the current buffer and any other buffer upon
+  entering it.
+3. OPTIONS                                               *indent-guides-options*
+                                                 *'indent_guides_indent_levels'*
+Use this option to control how many indent levels to display guides for.
+Default: 30. Values: integer.
+  let g:indent_guides_indent_levels = 30
+                                                   *'indent_guides_auto_colors'*
+Use this option to control whether or not the plugin automatically calculates
+the highlight colors. Will use the current colorscheme's background color as a
+base color.
+Default: 1. Values: 0 or 1.
+  let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 1
+If you set this option to 0, be sure to manually define some highlight colors
+in an autocmd.
+  let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
+  autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd  guibg=red   ctermbg=3
+  autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=green ctermbg=4
+Alternatively you can add the following lines to your colorscheme file.
+  hi IndentGuidesOdd  guibg=red   ctermbg=3
+  hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=green ctermbg=4
+                                          *'indent_guides_color_change_percent'*
+Use this option to control the percent at which the highlight colors will be
+lightened or darkened.
+Default: 10 (10%). Values: between 0 and 100.
+  let g:indent_guides_color_change_percent = 10
+                                                    *'indent_guides_guide_size'*
+Use this option to customize the size of the indent guide. By default the
+value is set to 0, which will set the guide size to be the same as the
+|shiftwidth|. Setting this value to be larger than the |shiftwidth| is essentially
+the same as setting it to 0.
+A common use of this setting is to create skinny indent guides, which look
+great with a |shiftwidth| of 4 or more.
+NOTE: This option only works for soft-tabs (spaces) and not hard-tabs.
+Default: 0. Values: between 0 and |shiftwidth|.
+  let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1
+                                                   *'indent_guides_start_level'*
+Use this option to control which indent level to start showing guides from.
+Default: 1. Values: between 1 and g:|indent_guides_indent_levels|.
+  let g:indent_guides_start_level = 2
+                                                  *'indent_guides_space_guides'*
+Use this option to control whether the plugin considers spaces as indention.
+Default: 1. Values: 0 or 1.
+  let g:indent_guides_space_guides = 0
+                                                    *'indent_guides_tab_guides'*
+Use this option to control whether the plugin considers tabs as indention.
+Default: 1. Values: 0 or 1.
+  let g:indent_guides_tab_guides = 0
+                                                  *'indent_guides_soft_pattern'*
+Use this option to explicitly specify a pattern for soft indentation. For
+example to match spaces only in the beginning of line use ' ' pattern.
+Default: '\s'. Values: Vim regexp.
+  let g:indent_guides_soft_pattern = ' '
+                                         *'indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup'*
+Use this option to control whether the plugin is enabled on Vim startup.
+Default: 0. Values: 0 or 1.
+  let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 0
+                                             *'indent_guides_exclude_filetypes'*
+Use this option to specify a list of filetypes to disable the plugin for.
+Default: ['help']. Values: list of strings.
+  let g:indent_guides_exclude_filetypes = ['help', 'nerdtree']
+                                               *'indent_guides_default_mapping'*
+Use this option to control whether the default mapping (<Leader>ig) gets set.
+Default: 1. Values: 0 or 1.
+  let g:indent_guides_default_mapping = 0
+4. MAPPINGS                                             *indent-guides-mappings*
+The default mapping for toggling indent guides is <Leader>ig. You can easily
+map it to other keys. For example:
+  :nmap <silent> <Leader>ig <Plug>IndentGuidesToggle
+You can also map some other commands that are not mapped by default. For
+  :nmap <silent> <Leader>ie <Plug>IndentGuidesEnable
+  :nmap <silent> <Leader>id <Plug>IndentGuidesDisable
+5. TERMINAL VIM                                     *indent-guides-terminal-vim*
+At the moment Terminal Vim only has basic support. This means is that colors
+won't be automatically calculated based on your colorscheme. Instead, some
+preset colors are used depending on whether `background` is set to `dark` or
+When `set background=dark` is used, the following highlight colors will be
+  hi IndentGuidesOdd  ctermbg=black
+  hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=darkgrey
+Alternatively, when `set background=light` is used, the following highlight
+colors will be defined:
+  hi IndentGuidesOdd  ctermbg=white
+  hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=lightgrey
+If for some reason it's incorrectly defining light highlight colors instead of
+dark ones or vice versa, the first thing you should check is that the
+`background` value is being set correctly for your colorscheme. Sometimes it's
+best to manually set the `background` value in your `.vimrc`, for example:
+  colorscheme desert256
+  set background=dark
+Alternatively you can manually setup the highlight colors yourself, see
+|indent_guides_auto_colors| for an example.
+6. ABOUT                                                   *indent-guides-about*
+Why did I build this plugin?~
+  * I believe indent guides make nested code easier to read and understand.
+  * Other editors have them and it's high time Vim did.
+  * None of the existing indent guide plugins on the market suited my needs.
+  * I wanted to learn me some VimL.
+  * Github:
+  * Bugs & Issues:
+  * Matt Wozniski (godlygeek) for letting me use the list of color names and
+    hex codes from his CSApprox plugin.
+  * Twitter: @nathanaelkane
+  * Email:   <nathanaelkane AT gmail DOT com>
+Bug reports, feedback, suggestions etc are welcomed.
+7. CHANGELOG                                           *indent-guides-changelog*
+1.8 (pending release)~
+  * Added option g:|indent_guides_soft_pattern| to control the pattern for
+    soft indentation (thanks @sergey-vlasov).
+  * Added option g:|indent_guides_default_mapping| to control whether the
+    default mapping (<Leader>ig) gets set (thanks @suy).
+  * Set size of indent guide to `tabstop` value when `shiftwidth=0` or
+    `noexpandtab` is used (thanks @darkfeline and @wilywampa).
+  * Don't load plugin in unsupported versions of Vim (thanks @dersaidin).
+  * Added option g:|indent_guides_tab_guides| to control whether tabs are
+    considered as indention (thanks @amerlyq).
+  * Added way to override the default mapping (thanks @xuhdev).
+  * Added option g:|indent_guides_exclude_filetypes| to specify a list of
+    filetypes to disable the plugin for.
+  * Disable the plugin when in a diff.
+  * Various bug fixes.
+  * Added option g:|indent_guides_space_guides| to control whether spaces are
+    considered as indention (thanks @scoz).
+  * Added 'doc/tags' to gitignore (thanks @lenniboy).
+  * Fixed E803 ID not found spam (thanks @mutewinter).
+  * Fixed str2float issue with Vim 7.1 (thanks @acx0).
+  * Added highlight support for files with a mixture of tab and space indent
+    styles (thanks @graywh).
+  * Added -bar to all the :commands so they can chain with other :commands
+    (thanks @graywh).
+  * No longer overriding pre-defined custom highlight colors (thanks @graywh).
+  * Using str2float to work around a float bug in some versions of Vim 7.2
+    (thanks @voidus).
+  * Added the new plugin option g:|indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup|.
+  * Improved Windows support.
+  * Changed the default value of g:|indent_guides_color_change_percent| to 10.
+  * Added support for gVim themes that don't specify a `hi Normal guibg`
+    color.
+  * Customizable size for indent guides, eg. skinny guides (soft-tabs only).
+  * Customizable start indent level.
+  * Refactored some internal logic.
+  * Added basic support for Terminal Vim. See |indent-guides-terminal-vim| for
+    more information.
+  * Cut down on rgb to hex color conversions by adding a big dictionary of
+    color names and hex codes.
+  * Various bug fixes.
+  * First public version.
+8. LICENSE                                               *indent-guides-license*
+The MIT Licence
+Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Nate Kane
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/plugin/indent_guides.vim b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/plugin/indent_guides.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c94079be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/plugin/indent_guides.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+" Author:   Nate Kane <nathanaelkane AT gmail DOT com>
+" Homepage:
+" Do not load if vim is too old
+if (v:version == 701 && !exists('*matchadd')) || (v:version < 701)
+  finish
+if exists('g:loaded_indent_guides') || &cp
+  finish
+let g:loaded_indent_guides = 1
+call indent_guides#define_default_highlights()
+function! s:IndentGuidesToggle()
+  call indent_guides#toggle()
+function! s:IndentGuidesEnable()
+  call indent_guides#enable()
+function! s:IndentGuidesDisable()
+  call indent_guides#disable()
+" Commands
+command! -bar IndentGuidesToggle  call s:IndentGuidesToggle()
+command! -bar IndentGuidesEnable  call s:IndentGuidesEnable()
+command! -bar IndentGuidesDisable call s:IndentGuidesDisable()
+" Initializes a given variable to a given value. The variable is only
+" initialized if it does not exist prior.
+function s:InitVariable(var, value)
+  if !exists(a:var)
+    if type(a:value) == type("")
+      exec 'let ' . a:var . ' = ' . "'" . a:value . "'"
+    else
+      exec 'let ' . a:var . ' = ' .  a:value
+    endif
+  endif
+" Fixed global variables
+let g:indent_guides_autocmds_enabled         = 0
+let g:indent_guides_color_hex_pattern        = '#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}'
+let g:indent_guides_color_hex_guibg_pattern  = 'guibg=\zs' . g:indent_guides_color_hex_pattern . '\ze'
+let g:indent_guides_color_name_guibg_pattern = "guibg='\\?\\zs[0-9A-Za-z ]\\+\\ze'\\?"
+" Configurable global variables
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_indent_levels', 30)
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_auto_colors', 1)
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_color_change_percent', 10) " ie. 10%
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_guide_size', 0)
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_start_level', 1)
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup', 0)
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_debug', 0)
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_space_guides', 1)
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_tab_guides', 1)
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_soft_pattern', '\s')
+call s:InitVariable('g:indent_guides_default_mapping', 1)
+if !exists('g:indent_guides_exclude_filetypes')
+  let g:indent_guides_exclude_filetypes = ['help']
+" Default mapping
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>IndentGuidesToggle', 'n') && maparg('<Leader>ig', 'n') == ''
+    \ && g:indent_guides_default_mapping != 0
+  nmap <silent><unique> <Leader>ig <Plug>IndentGuidesToggle
+" Plug mappings
+nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>IndentGuidesToggle  :IndentGuidesToggle<CR>
+nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>IndentGuidesEnable  :IndentGuidesEnable<CR>
+nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>IndentGuidesDisable :IndentGuidesDisable<CR>
+" Auto commands
+augroup indent_guides
+  autocmd!
+  if g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup
+    autocmd VimEnter * :IndentGuidesEnable
+  endif
+  autocmd BufEnter,WinEnter,FileType * call indent_guides#process_autocmds()
+  " Trigger BufEnter and process modelines.
+  autocmd ColorScheme * doautocmd indent_guides BufEnter
+augroup END
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw0et.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw0et.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75899c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw0et.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  test
+    test
+      test
+        test
+          test
+            test
+              test
+                test
+                  test
+                    test
+                      test
+                        test
+                          test
+                            test
+                              test
+                                test
+                                  test
+                                    test
+                                      test
+                                        test
+                                          test
+	test
+		test
+			test
+				test
+					test
+						test
+							test
+								test
+									test
+										test
+											test
+												test
+													test
+														test
+															test
+																test
+																	test
+																		test
+																			test
+																				test
+																					test
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw2et.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw2et.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad4f2f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw2et.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  test
+    test
+      test
+        test
+          test
+            test
+              test
+                test
+                  test
+                    test
+                      test
+                        test
+                          test
+                            test
+                              test
+                                test
+                                  test
+                                    test
+                                      test
+                                        test
+                                          test
+	test
+		test
+			test
+				test
+					test
+						test
+							test
+								test
+									test
+										test
+											test
+												test
+													test
+														test
+															test
+																test
+																	test
+																		test
+																			test
+																				test
+																					test
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw2noet.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw2noet.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bd20839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw2noet.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  test
+    test
+      test
+        test
+          test
+            test
+              test
+                test
+                  test
+                    test
+                      test
+                        test
+                          test
+                            test
+                              test
+                                test
+                                  test
+                                    test
+                                      test
+                                        test
+                                          test
+	test
+		test
+			test
+				test
+					test
+						test
+							test
+								test
+									test
+										test
+											test
+												test
+													test
+														test
+															test
+																test
+																	test
+																		test
+																			test
+																				test
+																					test
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw4noet.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw4noet.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d83f42df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts2sw4noet.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+	test
+    test
+      test
+	test
+	  test
+	    test
+		    test
+		test
+		  test test
+		    test
+		      test
+			test
+			  test
+			    test
+			      test
+				test
+				  test
+				    test
+				      test
+					test
+						test
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts4sw4et.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts4sw4et.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b07cc731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts4sw4et.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+    test
+        test
+            test
+                test
+                    test
+                        test
+                            test
+                                test
+                                    test
+                                        test
+                                            test
+                                                test
+                                                    test
+                                                        test
+                                                            test
+                                                                test
+                                                                    test
+                                                                        test
+                                                                            test
+                                                                                test
+                                                                                    test
+	test
+		test
+			test
+				test
+					test
+						test
+							test
+								test
+									test
+										test
+											test
+												test
+													test
+														test
+															test
+																test
+																	test
+																		test
+																			test
+																				test
+																					test
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts4sw4noet.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts4sw4noet.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6822a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts4sw4noet.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+    test
+        test
+            test
+                test
+                    test
+                        test
+                            test
+                                test
+                                    test
+                                        test
+                                            test
+                                                test
+                                                    test
+                                                        test
+                                                            test
+                                                                test
+                                                                    test
+                                                                        test
+                                                                            test
+                                                                                test
+                                                                                    test
+	test
+		test
+			test
+				test
+					test
+						test
+							test
+								test
+									test
+										test
+											test
+												test
+													test
+														test
+															test
+																test
+																	test
+																		test
+																			test
+																				test
+																					test
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw2noet.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw2noet.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00029139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw2noet.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+  test
+    test
+      test
+	test
+	  test
+	    test
+	      test
+		test
+		  test
+		    test
+		      test
+			test
+			  test
+			    test
+			      test
+				test
+				  test
+				    test
+				      test
+					test
+					  test
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw8et.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw8et.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9d5e00d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw8et.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+        test
+                test
+                        test
+                                test
+                                        test
+                                                test
+                                                        test
+                                                                test
+                                                                        test
+                                                                                test
+                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                                                                                        test
+	test
+		test
+			test
+				test
+					test
+						test
+							test
+								test
+									test
+										test
+											test
+												test
+													test
+														test
+															test
+																test
+																	test
+																		test
+																			test
+																				test
+																					test
diff --git a/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw8noet.txt b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw8noet.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32951b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources_non_forked/vim-indent-guides/test-files/test-ts8sw8noet.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+        test
+                test
+                        test
+                                test
+                                        test
+                                                test
+                                                        test
+                                                                test
+                                                                        test
+                                                                                test
+                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                                                                        test
+                                                                                                                                                                test
+                                                                                                                                                                        test
+	test
+		test
+			test
+				test
+					test
+						test
+							test
+								test
+									test
+										test
+											test
+												test
+													test
+														test
+															test
+																test
+																	test
+																		test
+																			test
+																				test
+																					test
diff --git a/ b/
index 606fba04..c6cee354 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ vim-ruby
 GITHUB_ZIP = "%s/archive/"