mirror of https://github.com/amix/vimrc synced 2025-02-28 14:12:51 +08:00

Update vim-ruby.

This commit is contained in:
Kurtis Moxley 2022-05-19 22:49:26 +08:00
parent 016f7f3469
commit 7470ef6eff
9 changed files with 102 additions and 34 deletions

View File

View File

@ -85,8 +85,12 @@ runtime! ftplugin/ruby.vim ftplugin/ruby_*.vim ftplugin/ruby/*.vim
let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let b:did_ftplugin = 1
" Combine the new set of values with those previously included. " Combine the new set of values with those previously included.
if exists("b:undo_ftplugin") if !exists('b:undo_ftplugin')
let s:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . " | " . s:undo_ftplugin " No-op
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'exe'
if !empty(s:undo_ftplugin)
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|' . s:undo_ftplugin
endif endif
if exists ("b:browsefilter") if exists ("b:browsefilter")
let s:browsefilter = substitute(b:browsefilter,'\cAll Files (\*\.\*)\t\*\.\*\n','','') . s:browsefilter let s:browsefilter = substitute(b:browsefilter,'\cAll Files (\*\.\*)\t\*\.\*\n','','') . s:browsefilter
@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ endif
setlocal commentstring=<%#%s%> setlocal commentstring=<%#%s%>
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl cms< " . let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl cms< " .
\ " | unlet! b:browsefilter b:match_words | " . s:undo_ftplugin \ " | unlet! b:browsefilter b:match_words | " . b:undo_ftplugin
let &cpo = s:save_cpo let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ endif
"setlocal define=^\\s*def "setlocal define=^\\s*def
setlocal comments=:# setlocal comments=b:#
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
if !exists('g:ruby_version_paths') if !exists('g:ruby_version_paths')
@ -86,8 +86,14 @@ endfunction
function! s:build_path(path) abort function! s:build_path(path) abort
let path = join(map(copy(a:path), 'v:val ==# "." ? "" : v:val'), ',') let path = join(map(copy(a:path), 'v:val ==# "." ? "" : v:val'), ',')
if &g:path !~# '\v^%(\.,)=%(/%(usr|emx)/include,)=,$' if &g:path =~# '\v^%(\.,)=%(/%(usr|emx)/include,)=,$'
let path = substitute(&g:path,',,$',',','') . ',' . path let path = path . ',.,,'
elseif &g:path =~# ',\.,,$'
let path = &g:path[0:-4] . path . ',.,,'
elseif &g:path =~# ',,$'
let path = &g:path[0:-2] . path . ',,'
let path = substitute(&g:path, '[^,]\zs$', ',', '') . path
endif endif
return path return path
endfunction endfunction
@ -163,6 +169,8 @@ let b:undo_ftplugin .= "| sil! cunmap <buffer> <Plug><ctag>| sil! cunmap <buffer
if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_ruby_maps") if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_ruby_maps")
nmap <buffer><script> <SID>: :<C-U> nmap <buffer><script> <SID>: :<C-U>
nmap <buffer><script> <SID>c: :<C-U><C-R>=v:count ? v:count : ''<CR> nmap <buffer><script> <SID>c: :<C-U><C-R>=v:count ? v:count : ''<CR>
cmap <buffer> <SID><cfile> <Plug><cfile>
cmap <buffer> <SID><ctag> <Plug><ctag>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>',['rubyDefine'],'b','n')<CR> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>',['rubyDefine'],'b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>',['rubyDefine'],'','n')<CR> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>',['rubyDefine'],'','n')<CR>
@ -209,20 +217,20 @@ if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_ruby_maps")
call s:map('c', '', '<C-R><C-F> <Plug><cfile>') call s:map('c', '', '<C-R><C-F> <Plug><cfile>')
cmap <buffer><script><expr> <SID>tagzv &foldopen =~# 'tag' ? '<Bar>norm! zv' : '' cmap <buffer><script><expr> <SID>tagzv &foldopen =~# 'tag' ? '<Bar>norm! zv' : ''
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-]> <SID>:exe v:count1."tag <Plug><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-]> <SID>:exe v:count1."tag <SID><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', 'g<C-]> <SID>:exe "tjump <Plug><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', 'g<C-]> <SID>:exe "tjump <SID><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', 'g] <SID>:exe "tselect <Plug><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', 'g] <SID>:exe "tselect <SID><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>] <SID>:exe v:count1."stag <Plug><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W>] <SID>:exe v:count1."stag <SID><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W><C-]> <SID>:exe v:count1."stag <Plug><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W><C-]> <SID>:exe v:count1."stag <SID><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>g<C-]> <SID>:exe "stjump <Plug><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W>g<C-]> <SID>:exe "stjump <SID><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>g] <SID>:exe "stselect <Plug><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W>g] <SID>:exe "stselect <SID><ctag>"<SID>tagzv<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>} <SID>:exe v:count1."ptag <Plug><ctag>"<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W>} <SID>:exe v:count1."ptag <SID><ctag>"<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>g} <SID>:exe "ptjump <Plug><ctag>"<CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W>g} <SID>:exe "ptjump <SID><ctag>"<CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', 'gf <SID>c:find <Plug><cfile><CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', 'gf <SID>c:find <SID><cfile><CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>f <SID>c:sfind <Plug><cfile><CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W>f <SID>c:sfind <SID><cfile><CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W><C-F> <SID>c:sfind <Plug><cfile><CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W><C-F> <SID>c:sfind <SID><cfile><CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>gf <SID>c:tabfind <Plug><cfile><CR>') call s:map('n', '<script><silent>', '<C-W>gf <SID>c:tabfind <SID><cfile><CR>')
endif endif
let &cpo = s:cpo_save let &cpo = s:cpo_save

View File

@ -39,9 +39,11 @@ setlocal nosmartindent
" Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it. " Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it.
setlocal indentexpr=GetRubyIndent(v:lnum) setlocal indentexpr=GetRubyIndent(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],!^F,o,O,e,:,. setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],!^F,o,O,e,:,.
setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=elsif,=when,=ensure,=rescue,==begin,==end setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=elsif,=when,=in\ ,=ensure,=rescue,==begin,==end
setlocal indentkeys+==private,=protected,=public setlocal indentkeys+==private,=protected,=public
let b:undo_indent = "setlocal indentexpr< indentkeys< smartindent<"
" Only define the function once. " Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetRubyIndent") if exists("*GetRubyIndent")
finish finish
@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ let s:skip_expr =
" Regex used for words that, at the start of a line, add a level of indent. " Regex used for words that, at the start of a line, add a level of indent.
let s:ruby_indent_keywords = let s:ruby_indent_keywords =
\ '^\s*\zs\<\%(module\|class\|if\|for' . \ '^\s*\zs\<\%(module\|class\|if\|for' .
\ '\|while\|until\|else\|elsif\|case\|when\|unless\|begin\|ensure\|rescue' . \ '\|while\|until\|else\|elsif\|case\|when\|in\|unless\|begin\|ensure\|rescue' .
\ '\|\%(\K\k*[!?]\?\s\+\)\=def\):\@!\>' . \ '\|\%(\K\k*[!?]\?\s\+\)\=def\):\@!\>' .
\ '\|\%([=,*/%+-]\|<<\|>>\|:\s\)\s*\zs' . \ '\|\%([=,*/%+-]\|<<\|>>\|:\s\)\s*\zs' .
\ '\<\%(if\|for\|while\|until\|case\|unless\|begin\):\@!\>' \ '\<\%(if\|for\|while\|until\|case\|unless\|begin\):\@!\>'
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ let s:ruby_endless_def = '\<def\s\+\k\+[!?]\=\%((.*)\|\s\)\s*='
" Regex used for words that, at the start of a line, remove a level of indent. " Regex used for words that, at the start of a line, remove a level of indent.
let s:ruby_deindent_keywords = let s:ruby_deindent_keywords =
\ '^\s*\zs\<\%(ensure\|else\|rescue\|elsif\|when\|end\):\@!\>' \ '^\s*\zs\<\%(ensure\|else\|rescue\|elsif\|when\|in\|end\):\@!\>'
" Regex that defines the start-match for the 'end' keyword. " Regex that defines the start-match for the 'end' keyword.
"let s:end_start_regex = '\%(^\|[^.]\)\<\%(module\|class\|def\|if\|for\|while\|until\|case\|unless\|begin\|do\)\>' "let s:end_start_regex = '\%(^\|[^.]\)\<\%(module\|class\|def\|if\|for\|while\|until\|case\|unless\|begin\|do\)\>'
@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ let s:end_start_regex =
\ '\|\%(^\|[^.:@$]\)\@<=\<do:\@!\>' \ '\|\%(^\|[^.:@$]\)\@<=\<do:\@!\>'
" Regex that defines the middle-match for the 'end' keyword. " Regex that defines the middle-match for the 'end' keyword.
let s:end_middle_regex = '\<\%(ensure\|else\|\%(\%(^\|;\)\s*\)\@<=\<rescue:\@!\>\|when\|elsif\):\@!\>' let s:end_middle_regex = '\<\%(ensure\|else\|\%(\%(^\|;\)\s*\)\@<=\<rescue:\@!\>\|when\|\%(\%(^\|;\)\s*\)\@<=\<in\|elsif\):\@!\>'
" Regex that defines the end-match for the 'end' keyword. " Regex that defines the end-match for the 'end' keyword.
let s:end_end_regex = '\%(^\|[^.:@$]\)\@<=\<end:\@!\>' let s:end_end_regex = '\%(^\|[^.:@$]\)\@<=\<end:\@!\>'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe "Indenting" do
# Reference: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/doc/syntax/pattern_matching_rdoc.html
specify "pattern-matching with case-in" do
assert_correct_indenting 'rb', <<~EOF
case {a: a}
in {a:}
p a
assert_correct_indenting 'rb', <<~EOF
users = [{name: "Alice", age: 12}, {name: "Bob", age: 23}]
users.any? do |user|
user in {name: /B/, in: 20..}
end #=> true
specify "does not deindent while typing" do
assert_correct_indent_in_insert 'rb', <<~EOF, "index = 0", <<~RESULT
def foo
def foo
index = 0

View File

@ -35,6 +35,19 @@ Vimrunner::RSpec.configure do |config|
expect(IO.read(filename)).to eq string expect(IO.read(filename)).to eq string
end end
def assert_correct_indent_in_insert(extension='rb', content, input, result)
filename = "test.#{extension}"
IO.write filename, content
vim.edit filename
vim.normal 'Go'
vim.feedkeys input
expect(IO.read(filename)).to eq result
def assert_correct_highlighting(extension='rb', string, patterns, group) def assert_correct_highlighting(extension='rb', string, patterns, group)
filename = "test.#{extension}" filename = "test.#{extension}"

View File

@ -33,4 +33,15 @@ describe "Syntax highlighting" do
def foo bar:; end def foo bar:; end
end end
specify "endless def does not start a method region" do
assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'end', ''
def foo = bar
assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'end', ''
def foo (a, b) = bar
end end

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
" URL: https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby " URL: https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby
" Release Coordinator: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com> " Release Coordinator: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
if &syntax !~# '\<eruby\>' || get(b:, 'current_syntax') =~# '\<eruby\>' if exists("b:current_syntax")
finish finish
endif endif
@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ endif
if &filetype =~ '^eruby\.' if &filetype =~ '^eruby\.'
let b:eruby_subtype = matchstr(&filetype,'^eruby\.\zs\w\+') let b:eruby_subtype = matchstr(&filetype,'^eruby\.\zs\w\+')
elseif &filetype =~ '^.*\.eruby\>'
let b:eruby_subtype = matchstr(&filetype,'^.\{-\}\ze\.eruby\>')
elseif !exists("b:eruby_subtype") && main_syntax == 'eruby' elseif !exists("b:eruby_subtype") && main_syntax == 'eruby'
let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$") let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$")
let b:eruby_subtype = matchstr(s:lines,'eruby_subtype=\zs\w\+') let b:eruby_subtype = matchstr(s:lines,'eruby_subtype=\zs\w\+')
@ -53,10 +51,10 @@ if !b:eruby_nest_level
let b:eruby_nest_level = 1 let b:eruby_nest_level = 1
endif endif
if get(b:, 'eruby_subtype', '') !~# '^\%(eruby\)\=$' && &syntax =~# '^eruby\>' if exists("b:eruby_subtype") && b:eruby_subtype != '' && b:eruby_subtype !=? 'eruby'
exe "runtime! syntax/".b:eruby_subtype.".vim" exe "runtime! syntax/".b:eruby_subtype.".vim"
unlet! b:current_syntax
endif endif
unlet! b:current_syntax
syn include @rubyTop syntax/ruby.vim syn include @rubyTop syntax/ruby.vim
syn cluster erubyRegions contains=erubyOneLiner,erubyBlock,erubyExpression,erubyComment syn cluster erubyRegions contains=erubyOneLiner,erubyBlock,erubyExpression,erubyComment
@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ exe 'syn region erubyComment matchgroup=erubyDelimiter start="<%\{1,'.b:erub
hi def link erubyDelimiter PreProc hi def link erubyDelimiter PreProc
hi def link erubyComment Comment hi def link erubyComment Comment
let b:current_syntax = matchstr(&syntax, '^.*\<eruby\>') let b:current_syntax = 'eruby'
if main_syntax == 'eruby' if main_syntax == 'eruby'
unlet main_syntax unlet main_syntax

View File

@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ syn cluster rubyStringSpecial contains=rubyInterpolation,rubyStringEscape
syn cluster rubyStringNotTop contains=@rubyStringSpecial,@rubyNestedBrackets,@rubySingleCharEscape syn cluster rubyStringNotTop contains=@rubyStringSpecial,@rubyNestedBrackets,@rubySingleCharEscape
" Regular Expression Metacharacters {{{1 " Regular Expression Metacharacters {{{1
syn region rubyRegexpComment matchgroup=rubyRegexpSpecial start="(?#" skip="\\\\\|\\)" end=")" contained syn region rubyRegexpComment matchgroup=rubyRegexpSpecial start="(?#" skip="\\\\\|\\)" end=")" contained
syn region rubyRegexpParens matchgroup=rubyRegexpSpecial start="(\(?:\|?<\=[=!]\|?>\|?<[a-z_]\w*>\|?[imx]*-[imx]*:\=\|\%(?#\)\@!\)" skip="\\\\\|\\)" end=")" contained transparent contains=@rubyRegexpSpecial syn region rubyRegexpParens matchgroup=rubyRegexpSpecial start="(\%(?:\|?<\=[=!]\|?>\|?<[a-z_]\w*>\|?[imx]*-[imx]*:\=\|\%(?#\)\@!\)" skip="\\\\\|\\)" end=")" contained transparent contains=@rubyRegexpSpecial
syn region rubyRegexpBrackets matchgroup=rubyRegexpCharClass start="\[\^\=" skip="\\\\\|\\\]" end="\]" contained transparent contains=rubyRegexpBrackets,rubyStringEscape,rubyRegexpEscape,rubyRegexpCharClass,rubyRegexpIntersection oneline syn region rubyRegexpBrackets matchgroup=rubyRegexpCharClass start="\[\^\=" skip="\\\\\|\\\]" end="\]" contained transparent contains=rubyRegexpBrackets,rubyStringEscape,rubyRegexpEscape,rubyRegexpCharClass,rubyRegexpIntersection oneline
syn match rubyRegexpCharClass "\\[DdHhRSsWw]" contained display syn match rubyRegexpCharClass "\\[DdHhRSsWw]" contained display
syn match rubyRegexpCharClass "\[:\^\=\%(alnum\|alpha\|ascii\|blank\|cntrl\|digit\|graph\|lower\|print\|punct\|space\|upper\|word\|xdigit\):\]" contained syn match rubyRegexpCharClass "\[:\^\=\%(alnum\|alpha\|ascii\|blank\|cntrl\|digit\|graph\|lower\|print\|punct\|space\|upper\|word\|xdigit\):\]" contained
syn match rubyRegexpCharClass "\\[pP]{^\=.\{-}}" contained display syn match rubyRegexpCharClass "\\[pP]{^\=.\{-}}" contained display
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ syn cluster rubyDeclaration contains=rubyAliasDeclaration,rubyAliasDeclaration2,
syn match rubyControl "\%#=1\<\%(break\|in\|next\|redo\|retry\|return\)\>" syn match rubyControl "\%#=1\<\%(break\|in\|next\|redo\|retry\|return\)\>"
syn match rubyKeyword "\%#=1\<\%(super\|yield\)\>" syn match rubyKeyword "\%#=1\<\%(super\|yield\)\>"
syn match rubyBoolean "\%#=1\<\%(true\|false\)\>[?!]\@!" syn match rubyBoolean "\%#=1\<\%(true\|false\)\>[?!]\@!"
syn match rubyPseudoVariable "\%#=1\<\(self\|nil\)\>[?!]\@!" syn match rubyPseudoVariable "\%#=1\<\%(self\|nil\)\>[?!]\@!"
syn match rubyPseudoVariable "\%#=1\<__\%(ENCODING\|dir\|FILE\|LINE\|callee\|method\)__\>" syn match rubyPseudoVariable "\%#=1\<__\%(ENCODING\|dir\|FILE\|LINE\|callee\|method\)__\>"
syn match rubyBeginEnd "\%#=1\<\%(BEGIN\|END\)\>" syn match rubyBeginEnd "\%#=1\<\%(BEGIN\|END\)\>"
@ -363,6 +363,9 @@ if !exists("b:ruby_no_expensive") && !exists("ruby_no_expensive")
SynFold 'class' syn region rubyClassBlock start="\<class\>" matchgroup=rubyClass skip="\<end:" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@rubyNotTop SynFold 'class' syn region rubyClassBlock start="\<class\>" matchgroup=rubyClass skip="\<end:" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@rubyNotTop
SynFold 'module' syn region rubyModuleBlock start="\<module\>" matchgroup=rubyModule skip="\<end:" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@rubyNotTop SynFold 'module' syn region rubyModuleBlock start="\<module\>" matchgroup=rubyModule skip="\<end:" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@rubyNotTop
" endless def
syn match rubyDefine "\<def\s\+\ze[^[:space:];#(]\+\%(\s\+\|\s*(.*)\s*\)=" nextgroup=rubyMethodDeclaration skipwhite
" modifiers " modifiers
syn match rubyLineContinuation "\\$" nextgroup=@rubyModifier skipwhite skipnl syn match rubyLineContinuation "\\$" nextgroup=@rubyModifier skipwhite skipnl
syn match rubyConditionalModifier "\<\%(if\|unless\)\>" syn match rubyConditionalModifier "\<\%(if\|unless\)\>"
@ -414,7 +417,7 @@ if !exists("ruby_no_special_methods")
syn match rubyAccess "\%#=1\<\%(public\|private\)_class_method\>" syn match rubyAccess "\%#=1\<\%(public\|private\)_class_method\>"
syn match rubyAccess "\%#=1\<\%(public\|private\)_constant\>" syn match rubyAccess "\%#=1\<\%(public\|private\)_constant\>"
syn match rubyAccess "\%#=1\<module_function\>" syn match rubyAccess "\%#=1\<module_function\>"
syn match rubyAttribute "\%#=1\%(\%(^\|;\)\s*\)\@<=attr\>\(\s*[.=]\)\@!" " attr is a common variable name syn match rubyAttribute "\%#=1\%(\%(^\|;\)\s*\)\@<=attr\>\%(\s*[.=]\)\@!" " attr is a common variable name
syn match rubyAttribute "\%#=1\<attr_\%(accessor\|reader\|writer\)\>" syn match rubyAttribute "\%#=1\<attr_\%(accessor\|reader\|writer\)\>"
syn match rubyControl "\%#=1\<\%(abort\|at_exit\|exit\|fork\|loop\|trap\)\>" syn match rubyControl "\%#=1\<\%(abort\|at_exit\|exit\|fork\|loop\|trap\)\>"
syn match rubyEval "\%#=1\<eval\>" syn match rubyEval "\%#=1\<eval\>"