" surround.vim - Surroundings " Author: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/> " Version: 2.2 " GetLatestVimScripts: 1697 1 :AutoInstall: surround.vim if exists("g:loaded_surround") || &cp || v:version < 700 finish endif let g:loaded_surround = 1 " Input functions {{{1 function! s:getchar() let c = getchar() if c =~ '^\d\+$' let c = nr2char(c) endif return c endfunction function! s:inputtarget() let c = s:getchar() while c =~ '^\d\+$' let c .= s:getchar() endwhile if c == " " let c .= s:getchar() endif if c =~ "\<Esc>\|\<C-C>\|\0" return "" else return c endif endfunction function! s:inputreplacement() let c = s:getchar() if c == " " let c .= s:getchar() endif if c =~ "\<Esc>" || c =~ "\<C-C>" return "" else return c endif endfunction function! s:beep() exe "norm! \<Esc>" return "" endfunction function! s:redraw() redraw return "" endfunction " }}}1 " Wrapping functions {{{1 function! s:extractbefore(str) if a:str =~ '\r' return matchstr(a:str,'.*\ze\r') else return matchstr(a:str,'.*\ze\n') endif endfunction function! s:extractafter(str) if a:str =~ '\r' return matchstr(a:str,'\r\zs.*') else return matchstr(a:str,'\n\zs.*') endif endfunction function! s:fixindent(str,spc) let str = substitute(a:str,'\t',repeat(' ',&sw),'g') let spc = substitute(a:spc,'\t',repeat(' ',&sw),'g') let str = substitute(str,'\(\n\|\%^\).\@=','\1'.spc,'g') if ! &et let str = substitute(str,'\s\{'.&ts.'\}',"\t",'g') endif return str endfunction function! s:process(string) let i = 0 for i in range(7) let repl_{i} = '' let m = matchstr(a:string,nr2char(i).'.\{-\}\ze'.nr2char(i)) if m != '' let m = substitute(strpart(m,1),'\r.*','','') let repl_{i} = input(match(m,'\w\+$') >= 0 ? m.': ' : m) endif endfor let s = "" let i = 0 while i < strlen(a:string) let char = strpart(a:string,i,1) if char2nr(char) < 8 let next = stridx(a:string,char,i+1) if next == -1 let s .= char else let insertion = repl_{char2nr(char)} let subs = strpart(a:string,i+1,next-i-1) let subs = matchstr(subs,'\r.*') while subs =~ '^\r.*\r' let sub = matchstr(subs,"^\r\\zs[^\r]*\r[^\r]*") let subs = strpart(subs,strlen(sub)+1) let r = stridx(sub,"\r") let insertion = substitute(insertion,strpart(sub,0,r),strpart(sub,r+1),'') endwhile let s .= insertion let i = next endif else let s .= char endif let i += 1 endwhile return s endfunction function! s:wrap(string,char,type,removed,special) let keeper = a:string let newchar = a:char let s:input = "" let type = a:type let linemode = type ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0 let before = "" let after = "" if type ==# "V" let initspaces = matchstr(keeper,'\%^\s*') else let initspaces = matchstr(getline('.'),'\%^\s*') endif let pairs = "b()B{}r[]a<>" let extraspace = "" if newchar =~ '^ ' let newchar = strpart(newchar,1) let extraspace = ' ' endif let idx = stridx(pairs,newchar) if newchar == ' ' let before = '' let after = '' elseif exists("b:surround_".char2nr(newchar)) let all = s:process(b:surround_{char2nr(newchar)}) let before = s:extractbefore(all) let after = s:extractafter(all) elseif exists("g:surround_".char2nr(newchar)) let all = s:process(g:surround_{char2nr(newchar)}) let before = s:extractbefore(all) let after = s:extractafter(all) elseif newchar ==# "p" let before = "\n" let after = "\n\n" elseif newchar ==# 's' let before = ' ' let after = '' elseif newchar ==# ':' let before = ':' let after = '' elseif newchar =~# "[tT\<C-T><]" let dounmapp = 0 let dounmapb = 0 if !maparg(">","c") let dounmapb = 1 " Hide from AsNeeded exe "cn"."oremap > ><CR>" endif let default = "" if newchar ==# "T" if !exists("s:lastdel") let s:lastdel = "" endif let default = matchstr(s:lastdel,'<\zs.\{-\}\ze>') endif let tag = input("<",default) if dounmapb silent! cunmap > endif let s:input = tag if tag != "" let keepAttributes = ( match(tag, ">$") == -1 ) let tag = substitute(tag,'>*$','','') let attributes = "" if keepAttributes let attributes = matchstr(a:removed, '<[^ \t\n]\+\zs\_.\{-\}\ze>') endif let s:input = tag . '>' if tag =~ '/$' let tag = substitute(tag, '/$', '', '') let before = '<'.tag.attributes.' />' let after = '' else let before = '<'.tag.attributes.'>' let after = '</'.substitute(tag,' .*','','').'>' endif if newchar == "\<C-T>" if type ==# "v" || type ==# "V" let before .= "\n\t" endif if type ==# "v" let after = "\n". after endif endif endif elseif newchar ==# 'l' || newchar == '\' " LaTeX let env = input('\begin{') if env != "" let s:input = env."\<CR>" let env = '{' . env let env .= s:closematch(env) echo '\begin'.env let before = '\begin'.env let after = '\end'.matchstr(env,'[^}]*').'}' endif elseif newchar ==# 'f' || newchar ==# 'F' let fnc = input('function: ') if fnc != "" let s:input = fnc."\<CR>" let before = substitute(fnc,'($','','').'(' let after = ')' if newchar ==# 'F' let before .= ' ' let after = ' ' . after endif endif elseif newchar ==# "\<C-F>" let fnc = input('function: ') let s:input = fnc."\<CR>" let before = '('.fnc.' ' let after = ')' elseif idx >= 0 let spc = (idx % 3) == 1 ? " " : "" let idx = idx / 3 * 3 let before = strpart(pairs,idx+1,1) . spc let after = spc . strpart(pairs,idx+2,1) elseif newchar == "\<C-[>" || newchar == "\<C-]>" let before = "{\n\t" let after = "\n}" elseif newchar !~ '\a' let before = newchar let after = newchar else let before = '' let after = '' endif let after = substitute(after ,'\n','\n'.initspaces,'g') if type ==# 'V' || (a:special && type ==# "v") let before = substitute(before,' \+$','','') let after = substitute(after ,'^ \+','','') if after !~ '^\n' let after = initspaces.after endif if keeper !~ '\n$' && after !~ '^\n' let keeper .= "\n" elseif keeper =~ '\n$' && after =~ '^\n' let after = strpart(after,1) endif if keeper !~ '^\n' && before !~ '\n\s*$' let before .= "\n" if a:special let before .= "\t" endif elseif keeper =~ '^\n' && before =~ '\n\s*$' let keeper = strcharpart(keeper,1) endif if type ==# 'V' && keeper =~ '\n\s*\n$' let keeper = strcharpart(keeper,0,strchars(keeper) - 1) endif endif if type ==# 'V' let before = initspaces.before endif if before =~ '\n\s*\%$' if type ==# 'v' let keeper = initspaces.keeper endif let padding = matchstr(before,'\n\zs\s\+\%$') let before = substitute(before,'\n\s\+\%$','\n','') let keeper = s:fixindent(keeper,padding) endif if type ==# 'V' let keeper = before.keeper.after elseif type =~ "^\<C-V>" " Really we should be iterating over the buffer let repl = substitute(before,'[\\~]','\\&','g').'\1'.substitute(after,'[\\~]','\\&','g') let repl = substitute(repl,'\n',' ','g') let keeper = substitute(keeper."\n",'\(.\{-\}\)\(\n\)',repl.'\n','g') let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\n\%$','','') else let keeper = before.extraspace.keeper.extraspace.after endif return keeper endfunction function! s:wrapreg(reg,char,removed,special) let orig = getreg(a:reg) let type = substitute(getregtype(a:reg),'\d\+$','','') let new = s:wrap(orig,a:char,type,a:removed,a:special) call setreg(a:reg,new,type) endfunction " }}}1 function! s:insert(...) " {{{1 " Optional argument causes the result to appear on 3 lines, not 1 let linemode = a:0 ? a:1 : 0 let char = s:inputreplacement() while char == "\<CR>" || char == "\<C-S>" " TODO: use total count for additional blank lines let linemode += 1 let char = s:inputreplacement() endwhile if char == "" return "" endif let cb_save = &clipboard set clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus let reg_save = @@ call setreg('"',"\032",'v') call s:wrapreg('"',char,"",linemode) " If line mode is used and the surrounding consists solely of a suffix, " remove the initial newline. This fits a use case of mine but is a " little inconsistent. Is there anyone that would prefer the simpler " behavior of just inserting the newline? if linemode && match(getreg('"'),'^\n\s*\zs.*') == 0 call setreg('"',matchstr(getreg('"'),'^\n\s*\zs.*'),getregtype('"')) endif " This can be used to append a placeholder to the end if exists("g:surround_insert_tail") call setreg('"',g:surround_insert_tail,"a".getregtype('"')) endif if &ve != 'all' && col('.') >= col('$') if &ve == 'insert' let extra_cols = virtcol('.') - virtcol('$') if extra_cols > 0 let [regval,regtype] = [getreg('"',1,1),getregtype('"')] call setreg('"',join(map(range(extra_cols),'" "'),''),'v') norm! ""p call setreg('"',regval,regtype) endif endif norm! ""p else norm! ""P endif if linemode call s:reindent() endif norm! `] call search("\032",'bW') let @@ = reg_save let &clipboard = cb_save return "\<Del>" endfunction " }}}1 function! s:reindent() abort " {{{1 if get(b:, 'surround_indent', get(g:, 'surround_indent', 1)) && (!empty(&equalprg) || !empty(&indentexpr) || &cindent || &smartindent || &lisp) silent norm! '[='] endif endfunction " }}}1 function! s:dosurround(...) " {{{1 let sol_save = &startofline set startofline let scount = v:count1 let char = (a:0 ? a:1 : s:inputtarget()) let spc = "" if char =~ '^\d\+' let scount = scount * matchstr(char,'^\d\+') let char = substitute(char,'^\d\+','','') endif if char =~ '^ ' let char = strpart(char,1) let spc = 1 endif if char == 'a' let char = '>' endif if char == 'r' let char = ']' endif let newchar = "" if a:0 > 1 let newchar = a:2 if newchar == "\<Esc>" || newchar == "\<C-C>" || newchar == "" if !sol_save set nostartofline endif return s:beep() endif endif let cb_save = &clipboard set clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus let append = "" let original = getreg('"') let otype = getregtype('"') call setreg('"',"") let strcount = (scount == 1 ? "" : scount) if char == '/' exe 'norm! '.strcount.'[/d'.strcount.']/' elseif char =~# '[[:punct:][:space:]]' && char !~# '[][(){}<>"''`]' exe 'norm! T'.char if getline('.')[col('.')-1] == char exe 'norm! l' endif exe 'norm! dt'.char else exe 'norm! d'.strcount.'i'.char endif let keeper = getreg('"') let okeeper = keeper " for reindent below if keeper == "" call setreg('"',original,otype) let &clipboard = cb_save if !sol_save set nostartofline endif return "" endif let oldline = getline('.') let oldlnum = line('.') if char ==# "p" call setreg('"','','V') elseif char ==# "s" || char ==# "w" || char ==# "W" " Do nothing call setreg('"','') elseif char =~ "[\"'`]" exe "norm! i \<Esc>d2i".char call setreg('"',substitute(getreg('"'),' ','','')) elseif char == '/' norm! "_x call setreg('"','/**/',"c") let keeper = substitute(substitute(keeper,'^/\*\s\=','',''),'\s\=\*$','','') elseif char =~# '[[:punct:][:space:]]' && char !~# '[][(){}<>]' exe 'norm! F'.char exe 'norm! df'.char else " One character backwards call search('\m.', 'bW') exe "norm! da".char endif let removed = getreg('"') let rem2 = substitute(removed,'\n.*','','') let oldhead = strpart(oldline,0,strlen(oldline)-strlen(rem2)) let oldtail = strpart(oldline, strlen(oldline)-strlen(rem2)) let regtype = getregtype('"') if char =~# '[\[({<T]' || spc let keeper = substitute(keeper,'^\s\+','','') let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\s\+$','','') endif if col("']") == col("$") && virtcol('.') + 1 == virtcol('$') if oldhead =~# '^\s*$' && a:0 < 2 let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\%^\n'.oldhead.'\(\s*.\{-\}\)\n\s*\%$','\1','') endif let pcmd = "p" else let pcmd = "P" endif if line('.') + 1 < oldlnum && regtype ==# "V" let pcmd = "p" endif call setreg('"',keeper,regtype) if newchar != "" let special = a:0 > 2 ? a:3 : 0 call s:wrapreg('"',newchar,removed,special) endif silent exe 'norm! ""'.pcmd.'`[' if removed =~ '\n' || okeeper =~ '\n' || getreg('"') =~ '\n' call s:reindent() endif if getline('.') =~ '^\s\+$' && keeper =~ '^\s*\n' silent norm! cc endif call setreg('"',original,otype) let s:lastdel = removed let &clipboard = cb_save if newchar == "" silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>Dsurround".char,scount) else silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>C".(a:0 > 2 && a:3 ? "S" : "s")."urround".char.newchar.s:input,scount) endif if !sol_save set nostartofline endif endfunction " }}}1 function! s:changesurround(...) " {{{1 let a = s:inputtarget() if a == "" return s:beep() endif let b = s:inputreplacement() if b == "" return s:beep() endif call s:dosurround(a,b,a:0 && a:1) endfunction " }}}1 function! s:opfunc(type, ...) abort " {{{1 if a:type ==# 'setup' let &opfunc = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\w\+$') return 'g@' endif let char = s:inputreplacement() if char == "" return s:beep() endif let reg = '"' let sel_save = &selection let &selection = "inclusive" let cb_save = &clipboard set clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus let reg_save = getreg(reg) let reg_type = getregtype(reg) let type = a:type if a:type == "char" silent exe 'norm! v`[o`]"'.reg.'y' let type = 'v' elseif a:type == "line" silent exe 'norm! `[V`]"'.reg.'y' let type = 'V' elseif a:type ==# "v" || a:type ==# "V" || a:type ==# "\<C-V>" let &selection = sel_save let ve = &virtualedit if !(a:0 && a:1) set virtualedit= endif silent exe 'norm! gv"'.reg.'y' let &virtualedit = ve elseif a:type =~ '^\d\+$' let type = 'v' silent exe 'norm! ^v'.a:type.'$h"'.reg.'y' if mode() ==# 'v' norm! v return s:beep() endif else let &selection = sel_save let &clipboard = cb_save return s:beep() endif let keeper = getreg(reg) if type ==# "v" && a:type !=# "v" let append = matchstr(keeper,'\_s\@<!\s*$') let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\_s\@<!\s*$','','') endif call setreg(reg,keeper,type) call s:wrapreg(reg,char,"",a:0 && a:1) if type ==# "v" && a:type !=# "v" && append != "" call setreg(reg,append,"ac") endif silent exe 'norm! gv'.(reg == '"' ? '' : '"' . reg).'p`[' if type ==# 'V' || (getreg(reg) =~ '\n' && type ==# 'v') call s:reindent() endif call setreg(reg,reg_save,reg_type) let &selection = sel_save let &clipboard = cb_save if a:type =~ '^\d\+$' silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>Y".(a:0 && a:1 ? "S" : "s")."surround".char.s:input,a:type) else silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>SurroundRepeat".char.s:input) endif endfunction function! s:opfunc2(...) abort if !a:0 || a:1 ==# 'setup' let &opfunc = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\w\+$') return 'g@' endif call s:opfunc(a:1, 1) endfunction " }}}1 function! s:closematch(str) " {{{1 " Close an open (, {, [, or < on the command line. let tail = matchstr(a:str,'.[^\[\](){}<>]*$') if tail =~ '^\[.\+' return "]" elseif tail =~ '^(.\+' return ")" elseif tail =~ '^{.\+' return "}" elseif tail =~ '^<.+' return ">" else return "" endif endfunction " }}}1 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>SurroundRepeat . nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Dsurround :<C-U>call <SID>dosurround(<SID>inputtarget())<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Csurround :<C-U>call <SID>changesurround()<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CSurround :<C-U>call <SID>changesurround(1)<CR> nnoremap <expr> <Plug>Yssurround '^'.v:count1.<SID>opfunc('setup').'g_' nnoremap <expr> <Plug>YSsurround <SID>opfunc2('setup').'_' nnoremap <expr> <Plug>Ysurround <SID>opfunc('setup') nnoremap <expr> <Plug>YSurround <SID>opfunc2('setup') vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0)<CR> vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VgSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 0 : 1)<CR> inoremap <silent> <Plug>Isurround <C-R>=<SID>insert()<CR> inoremap <silent> <Plug>ISurround <C-R>=<SID>insert(1)<CR> if !exists("g:surround_no_mappings") || ! g:surround_no_mappings nmap ds <Plug>Dsurround nmap cs <Plug>Csurround nmap cS <Plug>CSurround nmap ys <Plug>Ysurround nmap yS <Plug>YSurround nmap yss <Plug>Yssurround nmap ySs <Plug>YSsurround nmap ySS <Plug>YSsurround xmap S <Plug>VSurround xmap gS <Plug>VgSurround if !exists("g:surround_no_insert_mappings") || ! g:surround_no_insert_mappings if !hasmapto("<Plug>Isurround","i") && "" == mapcheck("<C-S>","i") imap <C-S> <Plug>Isurround endif imap <C-G>s <Plug>Isurround imap <C-G>S <Plug>ISurround endif endif " vim:set ft=vim sw=2 sts=2 et: