" ============================================================================ " File: vim-lastplace.vim " Description: Reopen files where you left off. Configurable. " Author: Gregory L. Dietsche <vim@gregd.org> " Licence: MIT " Website: https://www.gregd.org/ " Version: 3.2.1 " ============================================================================ if exists("b:loaded_lastplace_plugin") || &cp finish endif let b:loaded_lastplace_plugin = 1 scriptencoding utf-8 if !exists('g:lastplace_ignore') let g:lastplace_ignore = "gitcommit,gitrebase,svn,hgcommit" endif if !exists('g:lastplace_open_folds') let g:lastplace_open_folds = 1 endif if !exists('g:lastplace_ignore_buftype') let g:lastplace_ignore_buftype = "quickfix,nofile,help" endif fu! s:lastplace() if index(split(g:lastplace_ignore_buftype, ","), &buftype) != -1 return endif if index(split(g:lastplace_ignore, ","), &filetype) != -1 return endif try "if the file does not exist on disk (a new, unsaved file) then do nothing if empty(glob(@%)) return endif catch return endtry if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") "if the last edit position is set and is less than the "number of lines in this buffer. if line("w$") == line("$") "if the last line in the current buffer is "also the last line visible in this window execute "normal! g`\"" elseif line("$") - line("'\"") > ((line("w$") - line("w0")) / 2) - 1 "if we're not at the bottom of the file, center the "cursor on the screen after we make the jump execute "normal! g`\"zz" else "otherwise, show as much context as we can by jumping "to the end of the file and then to the mark. If we "pressed zz here, there would be blank lines at the "bottom of the screen. We intentionally leave the "last line blank by pressing <c-e> so the user has a "clue that they are near the end of the file. execute "normal! \G'\"\<c-e>" endif endif if foldclosed(".") != -1 && g:lastplace_open_folds "if we're in a fold, make the current line visible and recenter screen execute "normal! zvzz" endif endf augroup lastplace_plugin autocmd! autocmd BufRead * call s:lastplace() augroup END