ALE Java Integration                                         *ale-java-options*

checkstyle                                                *ale-java-checkstyle*

g:ale_java_checkstyle_options                   *g:ale_java_checkstyle_options*

  Type: String
  Default: '-c /google_checks.xml'

  This variable can be changed to modify flags given to checkstyle.

javac                                                          *ale-java-javac*

g:ale_java_javac_classpath                         *g:ale_java_javac_classpath*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This variable can be set to change the global classpath for Java.

g:ale_java_javac_executable                       *g:ale_java_javac_executable*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'javac'`

  This variable can be set to change the executable path used for javac.

g:ale_java_javac_options                             *g:ale_java_javac_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This variable can be set to pass additional options to javac.

google-java-format                                *ale-java-google-java-format*

  Type: |String|
  Default: `'google-java-format'`

  See |ale-integrations-local-executables|

g:ale_java_google_java_format_options   *g:ale_java_google_java_format_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This variable can be set to pass additional options

pmd                                                              *ale-java-pmd*

g:ale_java_pmd_options                                 *g:ale_java_pmd_options*

  Type: String
  Default: '-R category/java/bestpractices'

  This variable can be changed to modify flags given to PMD. Do not specify -f
  and -d. They are added automatically.
