" Vim plugin for Racer " (by Phil Dawes) " " 1. Edit the variables below (or override in .vimrc) " 2. copy this file into .vim/plugin/ " 3. - now in insert mode do 'C-x C-o' to autocomplete the thing at the cursor " - in normal mode do 'gd' to go to definition " - 'gD' goes to the definition in a new vertical split " " (This plugin is best used with the 'hidden' option enabled so that switching buffers doesn't force you to save) if exists('g:loaded_racer') finish endif let g:loaded_racer = 1 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim if !exists('g:racer_cmd') let path = escape(expand('<sfile>:p:h'), '\') . '/../target/release/' if isdirectory(path) let s:pathsep = has("win32") ? ';' : ':' let $PATH .= s:pathsep . path endif let g:racer_cmd = 'racer' if !(executable(g:racer_cmd)) echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "No racer executable found in $PATH (" . $PATH . ")" endif endif if !exists('$RUST_SRC_PATH') let s:rust_src_default = 1 if isdirectory("/usr/local/src/rust/src") let $RUST_SRC_PATH="/usr/local/src/rust/src" endif if isdirectory("/usr/src/rust/src") let $RUST_SRC_PATH="/usr/src/rust/src" endif if isdirectory("C:\\rust\\src") let $RUST_SRC_PATH="C:\\rust\\src" endif endif if !isdirectory($RUST_SRC_PATH) if exists('s:rust_src_default') echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "No RUST_SRC_PATH environment variable present, nor could default installation be found at: " . $RUST_SRC_PATH else echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "No directory was found at provided RUST_SRC_PATH: " . $RUST_SRC_PATH endif endif if !exists('g:racer_experimental_completer') let g:racer_experimental_completer = 0 endif if !exists('g:racer_insert_paren') let g:racer_insert_paren = 1 endif function! RacerGetPrefixCol(base) let col = col(".")-1 let b:racer_col = col let b:tmpfname = tempname() call writefile(RacerGetBufferContents(a:base), b:tmpfname) let cmd = g:racer_cmd." prefix ".line(".")." ".col." ".b:tmpfname let res = system(cmd) let prefixline = split(res, "\\n")[0] let startcol = split(prefixline[7:], ",")[0] return startcol endfunction function! RacerGetExpCompletions(base) let col = strlen(getline('.')) + strlen(a:base) " use the column from the previous RacerGetPrefixCol() call, since vim ammends it afterwards call writefile(RacerGetBufferContents(a:base), b:tmpfname) let fname = expand("%:p") let cmd = g:racer_cmd." complete ".line(".")." ".col." ".fname." ".b:tmpfname let res = system(cmd) let typeMap = { \ 'Struct' : 's', 'Module' : 'M', 'Function' : 'f', \ 'Crate' : 'C', 'Let' : 'v', 'StructField' : 'm', \ 'Impl' : 'i', 'Enum' : 'e', 'EnumVariant' : 'E', \ 'Type' : 't', 'FnArg' : 'v', 'Trait' : 'T' \ } let lines = split(res, "\\n") let out = [] for line in lines if line =~ "^MATCH" let completions = split(line[6:], ",") let kind = get(typeMap, completions[4]) let completion = {'kind' : kind, 'word' : completions[0], 'dup':1 } if kind ==# 'f' " function let completion['menu'] = substitute(substitute(substitute(join(completions[5:], ','), '\(pub\|fn\) ',"","g"), '{*$', "", ""), ' where\s\?.*$', "", "") if g:racer_insert_paren == 1 let completion['abbr'] = completions[0] let completion['word'] .= "(" endif let completion['info'] = join(completions[5:], ',') elseif kind ==# 's' " struct let completion['menu'] = substitute(substitute(join(completions[5:], ','), '\(pub\|struct\) ',"","g"), '{*$', "", "") endif let out = add(out, completion) endif endfor call delete(b:tmpfname) return out endfunction function! RacerGetCompletions(base) let col = strlen(getline('.')) + strlen(a:base) " use the column from the previous RacerGetPrefixCol() call, since vim ammends it afterwards call writefile(RacerGetBufferContents(a:base), b:tmpfname) let fname = expand("%:p") let cmd = g:racer_cmd." complete ".line(".")." ".col." ".fname." ".b:tmpfname let res = system(cmd) let lines = split(res, "\\n") let out = [] for line in lines if line =~ "^MATCH" let completion = split(line[6:], ",")[0] let out = add(out, completion) endif endfor call delete(b:tmpfname) return out endfunction function! RacerGoToDefinition() let col = col(".")-1 let b:racer_col = col let fname = expand("%:p") let tmpfname = tempname() call writefile(getline(1, '$'), tmpfname) let cmd = g:racer_cmd." find-definition ".line(".")." ".col." ".fname." ".tmpfname let res = system(cmd) let lines = split(res, "\\n") for line in lines if line =~ "^MATCH" let linenum = split(line[6:], ",")[1] let colnum = split(line[6:], ",")[2] let fname = split(line[6:], ",")[3] call RacerJumpToLocation(fname, linenum, colnum) break endif endfor call delete(tmpfname) endfunction function! RacerGetBufferContents(base) " Re-combine the completion base word from omnicomplete with the current " line contents. Since the base word gets remove from the buffer before " this function is invoked we have to put it back in to out tmpfile. let col = col(".")-1 let buf_lines = getline(1, '$') let line_contents = getline('.') let buf_lines[line('.') - 1] = strpart(line_contents, 0, col).a:base.strpart(line_contents, col, len(line_contents)) return buf_lines endfunction function! RacerJumpToLocation(filename, linenum, colnum) if(a:filename != '') " Record jump mark normal! m` if a:filename != bufname('%') exec 'keepjumps e ' . fnameescape(a:filename) endif call cursor(a:linenum, a:colnum+1) " Center definition on screen normal! zz endif endfunction function! RacerComplete(findstart, base) if a:findstart return RacerGetPrefixCol(a:base) else if g:racer_experimental_completer == 1 return RacerGetExpCompletions(a:base) else return RacerGetCompletions(a:base) endif endif endfunction autocmd FileType rust setlocal omnifunc=RacerComplete autocmd FileType rust nnoremap <buffer>gd :call RacerGoToDefinition()<cr> autocmd FileType rust nnoremap <buffer>gD :vsplit<cr>:call RacerGoToDefinition()<cr> let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo