"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " " Copyright (c) 2010 Michael Smith <msmith@msmith.id.au> " " http://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy " of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to " deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the " rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or " sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is " furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in " all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR " IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, " FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE " AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER " LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING " FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS " IN THE SOFTWARE. " "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Mappings excluding line below. onoremap <silent>ai :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 0, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR> onoremap <silent>ii :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 0, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR> vnoremap <silent>ai :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 0, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv vnoremap <silent>ii :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 0, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv " Mappings including line below. onoremap <silent>aI :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR> onoremap <silent>iI :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR> vnoremap <silent>aI :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv vnoremap <silent>iI :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv let s:l0 = -1 let s:l1 = -1 let s:c0 = -1 let s:c1 = -1 if !exists("g:indent_object_except_first_level") let g:indent_object_except_first_level = 1 endif function! <Sid>TextObject(inner, incbelow, vis, range, count) " Record the current state of the visual region. let vismode = "V" " Detect if this is a completely new visual selction session. let new_vis = 0 let new_vis = new_vis || s:l0 != a:range[0] let new_vis = new_vis || s:l1 != a:range[1] let new_vis = new_vis || s:c0 != a:range[2] let new_vis = new_vis || s:c1 != a:range[3] let s:l0 = a:range[0] let s:l1 = a:range[1] let s:c0 = a:range[2] let s:c1 = a:range[3] " Repeatedly increase the scope of the selection. let itr_cnt = 0 let cnt = a:count while cnt > 0 " Look for the minimum indentation in the current visual region. let l = s:l0 let idnt_invalid = 1000 let idnt = idnt_invalid while l <= s:l1 if !(getline(l) =~ "^\\s*$") let idnt = min([idnt, indent(l)]) endif let l += 1 endwhile " Keep track of where the range should be expanded to. let l_1 = s:l0 let l_1o = l_1 let l2 = s:l1 let l2o = l2 " If we are highlighting only blank lines, we may not have found a " valid indent. In this case we need to look for the next and previous " non blank lines and check which of those has the largest indent. if idnt == idnt_invalid let idnt = 0 let pnb = prevnonblank(s:l0) if pnb let idnt = max([idnt, indent(pnb)]) let l_1 = pnb endif let nnb = nextnonblank(s:l0) if nnb let idnt = max([idnt, indent(nnb)]) endif " If we are in whitespace at the beginning of a block, skip over " it when we are selecting the range. Similarly, if we are in " whitespace at the end, ignore it. if idnt > indent(pnb) let l_1 = nnb endif if idnt > indent(nnb) let l2 = pnb endif endif " Search backward for the first line with less indent than the target " indent (skipping blank lines). let blnk = getline(l_1) =~ "^\\s*$" while l_1 > 0 && (blnk || indent(l_1) >= idnt) if g:indent_object_except_first_level && idnt == 0 && blnk break endif if !blnk || !a:inner let l_1o = l_1 endif let l_1 -= 1 let blnk = getline(l_1) =~ "^\\s*$" endwhile " Search forward for the first line with more indent than the target " indent (skipping blank lines). let line_cnt = line("$") let blnk = getline(l2) =~ "^\\s*$" while l2 <= line_cnt && (blnk || indent(l2) >= idnt) if g:indent_object_except_first_level && idnt == 0 && blnk break endif if !blnk || !a:inner let l2o = l2 endif let l2 += 1 let blnk = getline(l2) =~ "^\\s*$" endwhile " Determine which of these extensions to include. Include neither if " we are selecting an 'inner' object. Exclude the bottom unless are " told to include it. let idnt2 = max([indent(l_1), indent(l2)]) if indent(l_1) < idnt2 || a:inner let l_1 = l_1o endif if indent(l2) < idnt2 || a:inner || !a:incbelow let l2 = l2o endif let l_1 = max([l_1, 1]) let l2 = min([l2, line("$")]) " Extend the columns to the start and end. " If inner is selected, set the final cursor pos to the start " of the text in the line. let c_1 = 1 if a:inner let c_1 = match(getline(l_1), "\\c\\S") + 1 endif let c2 = len(getline(l2)) if !a:inner let c2 += 1 endif " Make sure there's no change if we haven't really made a " significant change in linewise mode - this makes sure that " we can iteratively increase selection in linewise mode. if itr_cnt == 0 && vismode ==# 'V' && s:l0 == l_1 && s:l1 == l2 let c_1 = s:c0 let c2 = s:c1 endif " Check whether the visual region has changed. let chg = 0 let chg = chg || s:l0 != l_1 let chg = chg || s:l1 != l2 let chg = chg || s:c0 != c_1 let chg = chg || s:c1 != c2 if vismode ==# 'V' && new_vis let chg = 1 endif " Update the vars. let s:l0 = l_1 let s:l1 = l2 let s:c0 = c_1 let s:c1 = c2 " If there was no change, then don't decrement the count (it didn't " count because it didn't do anything). if chg let cnt = cnt - 1 else " Since this didn't work, push the selection back one char. This " will have the effect of getting the enclosing block. Do it at " the beginning rather than the end - the beginning is very likely " to be only one indentation level different. if s:l0 == 0 return endif let s:l0 -= 1 let s:c0 = len(getline(s:l0)) endif let itr_cnt += 1 endwhile " Apply the range we have found. Make sure to use the current visual mode. call cursor(s:l0, s:c0) exe "normal! " . vismode call cursor(s:l1, s:c1) normal! o " Update these static variables - we need to keep these up-to-date between " invocations because it's the only way we can detect whether it's a new " visual mode. We need to know if it's a new visual mode because otherwise " if there's a single line block in visual line mode and we select it with " "V", we can't tell whether it's already been selected using Vii. exe "normal! \<Esc>" let s:l0 = line("'<") let s:l1 = line("'>") let s:c0 = col("'<") let s:c1 = col("'>") normal gv0o0 endfunction function! <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(inner, incbelow, vis, range) call <Sid>TextObject(a:inner, a:incbelow, a:vis, a:range, v:count1) endfunction