ALE OpenApi Integration                                     *ale-openapi-options*

ibm_validator                                        *ale-openapi-ibm-validator*

Website: https://github.com/IBM/openapi-validator


Install ibm-openapi-validator either globally or locally: >

  npm install ibm-openapi-validator -g  # global
  npm install ibm-openapi-validator     # local

OpenAPI files can be written in YAML or JSON so in order for ALE plugins to
work with these files we must set the buffer |filetype| to either |openapi.yaml|
or |openapi.json| respectively. This causes ALE to lint the file with linters
configured for openapi and yaml files or openapi and json files respectively.

For example setting filetype to |openapi.yaml| on a buffer and the following
|g:ale_linters| configuration will enable linting of openapi files using both
|ibm_validator| and |yamlint|:

  let g:ale_linters = {
    \   'yaml': ['yamllint'],
    \   'openapi': ['ibm_validator']

The following plugin will detect openapi files automatically and set the
filetype to |openapi.yaml| or |openapi.json|:



g:ale_openapi_ibm_validator_executable   *g:ale_openapi_ibm_validator_executable*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'lint-openapi'`

  This variable can be set to change the path to lint-openapi.

g:ale_openapi_ibm_validator_options       *g:ale_openapi_ibm_validator_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This variable can be set to pass additional options to lint-openapi.

prettier                                                   *ale-openapi-prettier*

See |ale-javascript-prettier| for information about the available options.

yamllint                                                  *ale-openapi-yamllint*

See |ale-yaml-yamllint| for information about the available options.
