(ns leiningen.swank
  "Launch swank server for Emacs to connect."
  (:use [leiningen.compile :only [eval-in-project]])
  (:import [java.io File]))

(defn swank-form [project port host opts]
  ;; bootclasspath workaround: http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-673
  (when (:eval-in-leiningen project)
    (require '[clojure walk template stacktrace]))
     (let [is# ~(:repl-init-script project)]
       (when (.exists (File. (str is#)))
         (load-file is#)))
     (require '~'swank.swank)
     (require '~'swank.commands.basic)
     (@(ns-resolve '~'swank.swank '~'start-repl)
      (Integer. ~port) ~@(concat (map read-string opts)
                                 [:host host]))
     ;; This exits immediately when using :eval-in-leiningen; must block
     (when ~(:eval-in-leiningen project)
       (doseq [t# ((ns-resolve '~'swank.commands.basic
         (.join t#)))))

(defn swank
  "Launch swank server for Emacs to connect. Optionally takes PORT and HOST."
  ([project port host & opts]
     (eval-in-project project (swank-form project port host opts)))
  ([project port] (swank project port "localhost"))
  ([project] (swank project 4005)))