scriptencoding utf-8 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Settings initialization " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ let s:deprecations = { \ 'get_definition_command': 'goto_definitions_command', \ 'pydoc': 'documentation_command', \ 'related_names_command': 'usages_command', \ 'autocompletion_command': 'completions_command', \ 'show_function_definition': 'show_call_signatures', \ } let s:default_settings = { \ 'use_tabs_not_buffers': 0, \ 'use_splits_not_buffers': 1, \ 'auto_initialization': 1, \ 'auto_vim_configuration': 1, \ 'goto_command': "'d'", \ 'goto_assignments_command': "'g'", \ 'goto_definitions_command': "''", \ 'completions_command': "''", \ 'call_signatures_command': "'n'", \ 'usages_command': "'n'", \ 'rename_command': "'r'", \ 'popup_on_dot': 1, \ 'documentation_command': "'K'", \ 'show_call_signatures': 1, \ 'call_signature_escape': "'=`='", \ 'auto_close_doc': 1, \ 'max_doc_height': 30, \ 'popup_select_first': 1, \ 'quickfix_window_height': 10, \ 'completions_enabled': 1, \ 'force_py_version': "'auto'" \ } for [key, val] in items(s:deprecations) if exists('g:jedi#'.key) echom "'g:jedi#".key."' is deprecated. Please use 'g:jedi#".val."' instead. Sorry for the inconvenience." exe 'let g:jedi#'.val.' = g:jedi#'.key endif endfor for [key, val] in items(s:default_settings) if !exists('g:jedi#'.key) exe 'let g:jedi#'.key.' = '.val endif endfor " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Python initialization " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ let s:script_path = fnameescape(expand(':p:h:h')) function! s:init_python() if g:jedi#force_py_version != 'auto' " Always use the user supplied version. try return jedi#force_py_version(g:jedi#force_py_version) catch throw "Could not setup g:jedi#force_py_version: ".v:exception endtry endif " Handle "auto" version. if has('nvim') || (has('python') && has('python3')) " Neovim usually has both python providers. Skipping the `has` check " avoids starting both of them. " Get default python version from interpreter in $PATH. let s:def_py = system('python -c '.shellescape('import sys; sys.stdout.write(str(sys.version_info[0]))')) if v:shell_error != 0 || !len(s:def_py) if !exists("g:jedi#squelch_py_warning") echohl WarningMsg echom "Warning: jedi-vim failed to get Python version from sys.version_info: " . s:def_py echom "Falling back to version 2." echohl None endif let s:def_py = 2 elseif &verbose echom "jedi-vim: auto-detected Python: ".s:def_py endif " Make sure that the auto-detected version is available in Vim. if !has('nvim') || has('python'.(s:def_py == 2 ? '' : s:def_py)) return jedi#force_py_version(s:def_py) endif endif if has('python') call jedi#setup_py_version(2) elseif has('python3') call jedi#setup_py_version(3) else throw "jedi-vim requires Vim with support for Python 2 or 3." endif return 1 endfunction function! jedi#init_python() if !exists('s:_init_python') try let s:_init_python = s:init_python() catch if !exists("g:jedi#squelch_py_warning") echohl WarningMsg echom "Error: jedi-vim failed to initialize Python: ".v:exception." (in ".v:throwpoint.")" echohl None endif let s:_init_python = 0 endtry endif return s:_init_python endfunction function! jedi#setup_py_version(py_version) if a:py_version == 2 let cmd_init = 'pyfile' let cmd_exec = 'python' elseif a:py_version == 3 let cmd_init = 'py3file' let cmd_exec = 'python3' else throw "jedi#setup_py_version: invalid py_version: ".a:py_version endif try execute cmd_init.' '.s:script_path.'/' execute 'command! -nargs=1 PythonJedi '.cmd_exec.' ' return 1 catch throw "jedi#setup_py_version: ".v:exception endtry endfunction function! jedi#force_py_version(py_version) let g:jedi#force_py_version = a:py_version return jedi#setup_py_version(a:py_version) endfunction function! jedi#force_py_version_switch() if g:jedi#force_py_version == 2 call jedi#force_py_version(3) elseif g:jedi#force_py_version == 3 call jedi#force_py_version(2) else throw "Don't know how to switch from ".g:jedi#force_py_version."!" endif endfunction " Helper function instead of `python vim.eval()`, and `.command()` because " these also return error definitions. function! jedi#_vim_exceptions(str, is_eval) let l:result = {} try if a:is_eval let l:result.result = eval(a:str) else execute a:str let l:result.result = '' endif catch let l:result.exception = v:exception let l:result.throwpoint = v:throwpoint endtry return l:result endfunction if !jedi#init_python() " Do not define any functions when Python initialization failed. finish endif " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " functions that call python code " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! jedi#goto() PythonJedi jedi_vim.goto(mode="goto") endfunction function! jedi#goto_assignments() PythonJedi jedi_vim.goto(mode="assignment") endfunction function! jedi#goto_definitions() PythonJedi jedi_vim.goto(mode="definition") endfunction function! jedi#usages() PythonJedi jedi_vim.goto(mode="related_name") endfunction function! jedi#rename(...) PythonJedi jedi_vim.rename() endfunction function! jedi#rename_visual(...) PythonJedi jedi_vim.rename_visual() endfunction function! jedi#completions(findstart, base) PythonJedi jedi_vim.completions() endfunction function! jedi#enable_speed_debugging() PythonJedi jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(jedi_vim.print_to_stdout, speed=True, warnings=False, notices=False) endfunction function! jedi#enable_debugging() PythonJedi jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(jedi_vim.print_to_stdout) endfunction function! jedi#disable_debugging() PythonJedi jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(None) endfunction function! jedi#py_import(args) PythonJedi jedi_vim.py_import() endfun function! jedi#py_import_completions(argl, cmdl, pos) PythonJedi jedi_vim.py_import_completions() endfun " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " show_documentation " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! jedi#show_documentation() PythonJedi if jedi_vim.show_documentation() is None: vim.command('return') let bn = bufnr("__doc__") if bn > 0 let wi=index(tabpagebuflist(tabpagenr()), bn) if wi >= 0 " If the __doc__ buffer is open in the current tab, jump to it silent execute (wi+1).'wincmd w' else silent execute "sbuffer ".bn endif else split '__doc__' endif setlocal modifiable setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nofile silent normal! ggdG silent $put=l:doc silent normal! 1Gdd setlocal nomodifiable setlocal nomodified setlocal filetype=rst if l:doc_lines > g:jedi#max_doc_height " max lines for plugin let l:doc_lines = g:jedi#max_doc_height endif execute "resize ".l:doc_lines " quit comands nnoremap q ZQ execute "nnoremap ".g:jedi#documentation_command." ZQ" " highlight python code within rst unlet! b:current_syntax syn include @rstPythonScript syntax/python.vim " 4 spaces syn region rstPythonRegion start=/^\v {4}/ end=/\v^( {4}|\n)@!/ contains=@rstPythonScript " >>> python code -> (doctests) syn region rstPythonRegion matchgroup=pythonDoctest start=/^>>>\s*/ end=/\n/ contains=@rstPythonScript let b:current_syntax = "rst" endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " helper functions " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! jedi#add_goto_window(len) set lazyredraw cclose let height = min([a:len, g:jedi#quickfix_window_height]) execute 'belowright copen '.height set nolazyredraw if g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers == 1 noremap :call jedi#goto_window_on_enter() endif au WinLeave q " automatically leave, if an option is chosen redraw! endfunction function! jedi#goto_window_on_enter() let l:list = getqflist() let l:data = l:list[line('.') - 1] if l:data.bufnr " close goto_window buffer normal ZQ PythonJedi jedi_vim.new_buffer(vim.eval('bufname(l:data.bufnr)')) call cursor(l:data.lnum, l:data.col) else echohl WarningMsg | echo "Builtin module cannot be opened." | echohl None endif endfunction function! s:syn_stack() if !exists("*synstack") return [] endif return map(synstack(line('.'), col('.') - 1), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') endfunc function! jedi#do_popup_on_dot_in_highlight() let highlight_groups = s:syn_stack() for a in highlight_groups if a == 'pythonDoctest' return 1 endif endfor for a in highlight_groups for b in ['pythonString', 'pythonComment', 'pythonNumber'] if a == b return 0 endif endfor endfor return 1 endfunc function! jedi#configure_call_signatures() if g:jedi#show_call_signatures == 2 " Command line call signatures autocmd InsertEnter let g:jedi#first_col = s:save_first_col() endif autocmd InsertLeave PythonJedi jedi_vim.clear_call_signatures() autocmd CursorMovedI PythonJedi jedi_vim.show_call_signatures() endfunction " Determine where the current window is on the screen for displaying call " signatures in the correct column. function! s:save_first_col() if bufname('%') ==# '[Command Line]' || winnr('$') == 1 return 0 endif let startwin = winnr() let winwidth = winwidth(0) if winwidth == &columns return 0 elseif winnr('$') == 2 return startwin == 1 ? 0 : (winwidth(1) + 1) elseif winnr('$') == 3 if startwin == 1 return 0 endif let ww1 = winwidth(1) let ww2 = winwidth(2) let ww3 = winwidth(3) if ww1 + ww2 + ww3 + 2 == &columns if startwin == 2 return ww1 + 1 else return ww1 + ww2 + 2 endif elseif startwin == 2 if ww2 + ww3 + 1 == &columns return 0 else return ww1 + 1 endif else " startwin == 3 if ww2 + ww3 + 1 == &columns return ww2 + 1 else return ww1 + 1 endif endif endif return 0 endfunction function! jedi#complete_string(is_popup_on_dot) if a:is_popup_on_dot && !(g:jedi#popup_on_dot && jedi#do_popup_on_dot_in_highlight()) return '' endif if pumvisible() && !a:is_popup_on_dot return "\" else return "\\\=jedi#complete_opened(".a:is_popup_on_dot.")\" endif endfunction function! jedi#complete_opened(is_popup_on_dot) if pumvisible() " Only go down if it is visible, user-enabled and the longest " option is set. if g:jedi#popup_select_first && stridx(&completeopt, 'longest') > -1 return "\" endif if a:is_popup_on_dot " Prevent completion of the first entry with dot completion. return "\" endif endif return "" endfunction "PythonJedi jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(jedi_vim.print_to_stdout, speed=True, warnings=False, notices=False) "PythonJedi jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(jedi_vim.print_to_stdout) " vim: set et ts=4: