let g:jedi#completions_command = 'X' source plugin/jedi.vim describe 'completions' before new set filetype=python end after bd! end it 'import' " X is the completion command normal oimporX Expect getline('.') == 'import' normal a subproX Expect getline('.') == 'import subprocess' end it 'exception' normal oIndentationErrX Expect getline('.') == 'IndentationError' normal a().filenaX Expect getline('.') == 'IndentationError().filename' end it 'dot_open' normal oraisX ImpXErrX() Expect getline('.') == 'raise ImportError()' end it 'cycling through entries' " testing select_first doesn't seem to work in ex mode execute "normal oraise impX\\\" Expect getline('.') == 'raise ImportWarning' let g:jedi#popup_select_first = 0 execute "normal oraise impX\\\" Expect getline('.') == 'raise ImportWarning' let g:jedi#popup_select_first = 1 " -longest completes the first one set completeopt -=longest execute "normal oraise baseX" Expect getline('.') == 'raise BaseException' set completeopt +=longest end end " vim: et:ts=4:sw=4