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*cmake.txt* Vim/Neovim plugin for working with CMake projects
*cmake* *vim-cmake*
Maintainer: Carlo Delle Donne <https://github.com/cdelledonne>
Version: 0.7.1
CONTENTS *cmake-contents*
1. Intro .............................................. |cmake-intro|
2. Usage .............................................. |cmake-usage|
3. Commands ........................................... |cmake-commands|
3.1 Generating a project build system .............. |cmake-generate|
3.2 Building and installing a project .............. |cmake-build|
3.3 Switch between build configurations............. |cmake-switch|
3.4 Opening and closing the CMake console .......... |cmake-console|
3.5 Stopping the running command ................... |cmake-stop|
4. Mappings ........................................... |cmake-mappings|
4.1 Global <Plug> mappings ......................... |cmake-plug-mappings|
4.2 CMake console window key mappings .............. |cmake-key-mappings|
5. Events ............................................. |cmake-events|
6. Quickfix list ...................................... |cmake-quickfix|
7. Configuration ...................................... |cmake-configuration|
8. Contributing ....................................... |cmake-contributing|
9. License ............................................ |cmake-license|
INTRO *cmake-intro*
Vim-CMake is a plugin for building CMake projects inside of Vim/Neovim, with a
nice visual feedback.
- Visual experience, shows CMake output in a console-like window
- Slick management of build configurations
- Autocompletion for build targets and build configurations
- Quickfix list population after each build
- Airline/statusline status information, including current build configuration
- Plug-and-play, but configurable
- Written in Vimscript
- Vim with `+terminal`, or Neovim >= 0.5
- Under Windows, only Neovim is supported at the moment
USAGE *cmake-usage*
Run |:CMakeGenerate| from the top-level CMake source directory to generate a
build system for the project. Then, run |:CMakeBuild| to build the project.
The built files will end up in the binary directory (out-of-source build). To
switch between build configurations, run |:CMakeSwitch| {config}.
With Vim-CMake, you can easily manage build configurations (Debug, Release,
etc.), build specific targets and control build options, and fix errors using
Vim's |quickfix| feature. Read on for a detailed explanation of commands,
mappings and configuration options.
COMMANDS *cmake-commands*
Vim-CMake defines a small set of CMake-related commands.
Generating a project build system~
:CMakeGenerate[!] [config] [opts]
Generate project build system for a CMake project. If
[!] is supplied, the existing build system is removed
before generating a new one. [config] specifies the
build configuration to generate. [opts] are passed
directly to CMake.
By default, the build system is generated for the build configuration
specified by `g:cmake_default_config` (see |cmake-configuration|). For
instance, if the default build configuration is "Debug", `cmake` will be
passed `-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`, and the build system will be generated in
`Debug/`, relative to `g:cmake_build_dir_location` (see
|cmake-configuration|). That will result in the following `cmake` command:
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug [...] \
-S <project_root> -B <build_dir_location>/Debug
To generate a build system for another configuration, e.g., "Release", run
:CMakeGenerate Release [...]
which will result in the following `cmake` command:
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release [...] \
-S <project_root> -B <build_dir_location>/Release
To generate a build system for a configuration, while passing a different
`CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` to `cmake`, run
:CMakeGenerate SomeConfigName -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release [...]
which will result in the following `cmake` command:
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release [...] \
-S <project_root> -B <build_dir_location>/SomeConfigName
Use |:CMakeSwitch| to switch between build configurations.
:CMakeClean Remove project build system relative to the current
build configuration.
Building and installing a project~
:CMakeBuild[!] [opts] [target] [-- [nativeopts]]
Build a project using the generated build system
from the current build configuration, and populate a
quickfix list (see |cmake-quickfix|). If [!] is
supplied, the existing build files are cleaned (using
CMake's `--clean-first` option) before building the
project. [opts] are passed directly to CMake.
[target] is the target to build instead of the default
target. [nativeopts] are passed directly to the
native tool.
For instance, to build the target `mytarget` using a maximum of 4 processes
and passing the `VERBOSE=1` option to the native tool, run
:CMakeBuild --parallel 4 mytarget -- VERBOSE=1
Vim-CMake provides autocompletion for build targets. Just press <TAB> at any
point after `:CMakeBuild` in the command line to trigger autocompletion, e.g.
:CMakeBuild --parallel 4 <TAB>
:CMakeInstall Install a project from the current build
Switching between build configurations~
:CMakeSwitch {config} Switch to build configuration {config}. The build
configuration must exist, that is, there has to be a
project build system (for instance generated with
|:CMakeGenerate|) in the directory {config}.
For instance, to switch to an existing configuration called "Release", run
:CMakeSwitch Release
The default build configuration on start-up is specified by
`g:cmake_default_config` (see |cmake-configuration|). Use |:CMakeGenerate| to
generate a build configuration.
Vim-CMake provides autocompletion for existing build configurations. Press
<TAB> after `:CMakeSwitch` in the command line to trigger autocompletion.
Opening and closing the CMake console~
:CMakeOpen Open the CMake console window.
:CMakeClose Close the CMake console window.
Stopping the running command~
:CMakeStop Stop the command that is currently running in the
Vim-CMake console. Stopping a command does not
trigger the associated events (see |cmake-events|).
MAPPINGS *cmake-mappings*
In addition to commands, Vim-CMake defines some global <Plug> mappings and
some key mappings specific to the CMake console window.
Global <Plug> mappings~
<Plug>(CMakeGenerate) Equivalent to `:CMakeGenerate`.
<Plug>(CMakeClean) Equivalent to `:CMakeClean`.
<Plug>(CMakeBuild) Equivalent to `:CMakeBuild`.
Inserts `:CMakeBuild` in the command line, and leaves
the cursor there.
<Plug>(CMakeInstall) Equivalent to `:CMakeInstall`.
<Plug>(CMakeSwitch) Inserts `:CMakeSwitch` in the command line, and leaves
the cursor there.
<Plug>(CMakeOpen) Equivalent to `:CMakeOpen`.
<Plug>(CMakeClose) Equivalent to `:CMakeClose`.
<Plug>(CMakeStop) Equivalent to `:CMakeStop`.
Example usage of the <Plug> mappings:
nmap <leader>cg <Plug>(CMakeGenerate)
nmap <leader>cb <Plug>(CMakeBuild)
nmap <leader>ci <Plug>(CMakeInstall)
nmap <leader>cs <Plug>(CMakeSwitch)
nmap <leader>cq <Plug>(CMakeClose)
CMake console window key mappings~
cg Run `:CMakeGenerate`.
cb Run `:CMakeBuild`.
ci Run `:CMakeInstall`.
cq Close the CMake console window.
<C-C> Stop the running command.
EVENTS *cmake-events*
To customize the behaviour after a `:CMakeBuild` command has finished, Vim-CMake
defines some user events.
`CMakeBuildFailed` Triggered after a build has failed
`CMakeBuildSucceeded` Triggered after a build has succeeded
Example usage of `CMakeBuildFailed` to jump to the first error
let g:cmake_jump_on_error = 0 " We do not want to focus the console
augroup vim-cmake-group
autocmd User CMakeBuildFailed :cfirst
augroup END
Example usage of `CMakeBuildSucceeded` to close the Vim-CMake console
augroup vim-cmake-group
autocmd! User CMakeBuildSucceeded CMakeClose
augroup END
QUICKFIX LIST *cmake-quickfix*
After each build (e.g. run with |:CMakeBuild|), Vim-CMake populates a quickfix
list to speedup the edit-compile-run cycle, similarly to when running |:make|
in Vim/Neovim. Upon an unsuccessful build, just use the standard quickfix
commands to open the list of errors (e.g. |:copen|) and jump between errors
(e.g. |:cfirst|, |:cnext|).
Build errors are parsed using 'errorformat'.
CONFIGURATION *cmake-configuration*
Vim-CMake has sensible defaults, but aims to be configurable. A list of
configuration options, with default values, follows.
g:cmake_command (default: `'cmake'`)
Name (or full path) of the CMake executable.
g:cmake_default_config (default: `'Debug'`)
Default build configuration on start-up.
g:cmake_build_dir_location (default: `'.'`)
Location of the build directory, relative to the
project root. Each build configuration creates a
build directory at this location.
g:cmake_generate_options (default: `[]`)
List of options to pass to CMake by default when
running |:CMakeGenerate|.
g:cmake_build_options (default: `[]`)
List of options to pass to CMake by default when
running |:CMakeBuild|.
g:cmake_native_build_options (default: `[]`)
List of options to pass to the native tool by default
when running |:CMakeBuild|.
g:cmake_console_size (default: `15`)
Size of the CMake console window.
g:cmake_console_position (default: `'botright'`)
Command modifier to use when opening the CMake console
window (see |:botright|).
g:cmake_console_echo_cmd (default: `1`)
Echo running command in the Vim-CMake console, before
showing the output for the command itself.
g:cmake_jump (default: `0`)
Whether to jump to the CMake console window when
running a `:CMake` command.
g:cmake_jump_on_completion (default: `0`)
Whether to jump to the CMake console window when a
`:CMake` command completes.
g:cmake_jump_on_error (default: `1`)
Whether to jump to the CMake console window when a
`:CMake` command returns an error.
g:cmake_link_compile_commands (default: `0`)
Whether to create a symlink in the CMake source
directory to the `compile_commands.json` file. If
this is enabled, the CMake configuration options
(unless explicitly set to something else in the
command-line arguments to `:CMakeGenerate`). NOTE:
under MS-Windows, creating symlinks only work if the
"Developer mode" is enabled, or if running the console
as an administrator.
g:cmake_root_markers (default: `['.git', '.svn']`)
List of file/directory names used to locate the
project root. When Vim-CMake is loaded, it looks for
the project root starting from the CWD.
g:cmake_log_file (default: `''`)
Path to a file where to store the log of Vim-CMake.
An empty value disables logging.
CONTRIBUTING *cmake-contributing*
Feedback and feature requests are appreciated. Bug reports and pull requests
are very welcome. Check the Contributing Guidelines for how to write a
feature request, post an issue or submit a pull request:
LICENSE *cmake-license*
MIT license. Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Carlo Delle Donne.