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2015-07-13 11:22:46 +01:00

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# cs.snippets
# ===========
# Standard C-Sharp snippets for snipmate.
# Largely ported over from Visual Studio 2010 snippets plus
# a few snippets from Resharper plus a few widely known snippets.
# Most snippets on elements (i.e. classes, properties)
# follow suffix conventions. The order of suffixes to a snippet
# is fixed.
# Snippet Suffix Order
# --------------------
# 1. Access Modifiers
# 2. Class Modifiers
# Access Modifier Suffix Table
# ----------------------------
# + = public
# & = internal
# | = protected
# - = private
# Example: `cls&` expands to `internal class $1`.
# Access modifiers might be doubled to indicate
# different modifiers for get/set on properties.
# Example: `pb+-` expands to `public bool $1 { get; private set; }`
# Class Modifier Table
# --------------------
# ^ = static
# % = abstract
# Example: `cls|%` expands to `protected abstract class $1`
# On method and property snippets, you can directly set
# one of the common types int, string and bool, if desired,
# just by appending the type modifier.
# Type Modifier Table
# -------------------
# i = integer
# s = string
# b = bool
# Example: `pi+&` expands to `public int $1 { get; internal set; }`
# I'll most propably add more stuff in here like
# * List/Array constructio
# * Mostly used generics
# * Linq
# * Funcs, Actions, Predicates
# * Lambda
# * Events
# Feedback is welcome!
# Main
snippet sim
${1:public }static int Main(string[] args) {
return 0;
snippet simc
public class Application {
${1:public }static int Main(string[] args) {
return 0;
snippet svm
${1:public }static void Main(string[] args) {
# if condition
snippet if
if (${1:true}) {
snippet el
else {
snippet ifs
if (${1})
# ternary conditional
snippet t
${1} ? ${2} : ${0}
snippet ?
${1} ? ${2} : ${0}
# do while loop
snippet do
do {
} while (${1:true});
# while loop
snippet wh
while (${1:true}) {
# for loop
snippet for
for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:count}; $1${3:++}) {
snippet forr
for (int ${1:i} = ${2:length}; $1 >= 0; $1--) {
# foreach
snippet fore
foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3}) {
snippet foreach
foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3}) {
snippet each
foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3}) {
# interfaces
snippet interface
public interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
snippet if+
public interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
# class bodies
snippet class
public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
snippet cls
${2:public} class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
snippet cls+
public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
snippet cls+^
public static class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
snippet cls&
internal class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
snippet cls&^
internal static class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
snippet cls|
protected class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
snippet cls|%
protected abstract class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
# constructor
snippet ctor
public ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}() {
# properties - auto properties by default.
# default type is int with layout get / set.
snippet prop
${1:public} ${2:int} ${3} { get; set; }
snippet p
${1:public} ${2:int} ${3} { get; set; }
snippet p+
public ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
snippet p+&
public ${1:int} ${2} { get; internal set; }
snippet p+|
public ${1:int} ${2} { get; protected set; }
snippet p+-
public ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
snippet p&
internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
snippet p&|
internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; protected set; }
snippet p&-
internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
snippet p|
protected ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
snippet p|-
protected ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
snippet p-
private ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
# property - bool
snippet pi
${1:public} int ${2} { get; set; }
snippet pi+
public int ${1} { get; set; }
snippet pi+&
public int ${1} { get; internal set; }
snippet pi+|
public int ${1} { get; protected set; }
snippet pi+-
public int ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet pi&
internal int ${1} { get; set; }
snippet pi&|
internal int ${1} { get; protected set; }
snippet pi&-
internal int ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet pi|
protected int ${1} { get; set; }
snippet pi|-
protected int ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet pi-
private int ${1} { get; set; }
# property - bool
snippet pb
${1:public} bool ${2} { get; set; }
snippet pb+
public bool ${1} { get; set; }
snippet pb+&
public bool ${1} { get; internal set; }
snippet pb+|
public bool ${1} { get; protected set; }
snippet pb+-
public bool ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet pb&
internal bool ${1} { get; set; }
snippet pb&|
internal bool ${1} { get; protected set; }
snippet pb&-
internal bool ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet pb|
protected bool ${1} { get; set; }
snippet pb|-
protected bool ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet pb-
private bool ${1} { get; set; }
# property - string
snippet ps
${1:public} string ${2} { get; set; }
snippet ps+
public string ${1} { get; set; }
snippet ps+&
public string ${1} { get; internal set; }
snippet ps+|
public string ${1} { get; protected set; }
snippet ps+-
public string ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet ps&
internal string ${1} { get; set; }
snippet ps&|
internal string ${1} { get; protected set; }
snippet ps&-
internal string ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet ps|
protected string ${1} { get; set; }
snippet ps|-
protected string ${1} { get; private set; }
snippet ps-
private string ${1} { get; set; }
# members - void
snippet m
${1:public} ${2:void} ${3}(${4}) {
snippet m+
public ${1:void} ${2}(${3}) {
snippet m&
internal ${1:void} ${2}(${3}) {
snippet m|
protected ${1:void} ${2}(${3}) {
snippet m-
private ${1:void} ${2}(${3}) {
# members - int
snippet mi
${1:public} int ${2}(${3}) {
${0:return 0;}
snippet mi+
public int ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return 0;}
snippet mi&
internal int ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return 0;}
snippet mi|
protected int ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return 0;}
snippet mi-
private int ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return 0;}
# members - bool
snippet mb
${1:public} bool ${2}(${3}) {
${0:return false;}
snippet mb+
public bool ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return false;}
snippet mb&
internal bool ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return false;}
snippet mb|
protected bool ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return false;}
snippet mb-
private bool ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return false;}
# members - string
snippet ms
${1:public} string ${2}(${3}) {
${0:return "";}
snippet ms+
public string ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return "";}
snippet ms&
internal string ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return "";}
snippet ms|
protected string ${1:}(${2:}) {
${0:return "";}
snippet ms-
private string ${1}(${2}) {
${0:return "";}
# structure
snippet struct
public struct ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
# enumeration
snippet enum
enum ${1} {
snippet enum+
public enum ${1} {
# preprocessor directives
snippet #if
# inline xml documentation
snippet ///
/// <summary>
/// ${0}
/// </summary>
snippet <p
<param name="${1}">${2:$1}</param>
snippet <ex
<exception cref="${1:System.Exception}">${2}</exception>
snippet <r
snippet <s
<see cref="${1}"/>
snippet <rem
snippet <c
snippet cw
# equals override
snippet eq
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType()) {
return false;
${0:throw new NotImplementedException();}
return base.Equals(obj);
# exception
snippet exc
public class ${1:MyException} : ${2:Exception} {
public $1() { }
public $1(string message) : base(message) { }
public $1(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
protected $1(
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)
: base(info, context) { }
# indexer
snippet index
public ${1:object} this[${2:int} index] {
get { ${0} }
set { ${0} }
# eventhandler
snippet inv
EventHandler temp = ${1:MyEvent};
if (${2:temp} != null) {
# lock
snippet lock
lock (${1:this}) {
# namespace
snippet namespace
namespace ${1:MyNamespace} {
# property
snippet prop
public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; set; }
snippet propf
private ${1:int} ${2:myVar};
public $1 ${3:MyProperty} {
get { return $2; }
set { $2 = value; }
snippet propg
public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; private set; }
# switch
snippet switch
switch (${1:switch_on}) {
# try
snippet try
try {
catch (${1:System.Exception}) {
snippet tryf
try {
finally {
# using
snippet usi
using(${1:resource}) {