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*slimv.txt* Slimv Last Change: 22 Aug 2021
Slimv *slimv*
Version 0.9.14
The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim.
This plugin is aimed to help Lisp development by interfacing between Vim and
the Lisp REPL, similarly to Emacs/SLIME.
Slimv is actually a SWANK (TCP server for Emacs) client.
Slimv works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, however the newly introduced
Paredit mode is operating system independent. Please visit |paredit.txt| for
additional information on Paredit mode.
|slimv-installation| Installation
|slimv-configuration| Configuration
|slimv-swank| SWANK Features implemented in Slimv
|slimv-repl| Lisp REPL inside Vim
|slimv-clojure| Clojure support
|slimv-scheme| Scheme support
|slimv-package| Package and Namespace handling
|slimv-hyperspec| Hyperspec Lookup and Completion
|slimv-paredit| Paredit mode
|slimv-external| External utilities
|slimv-faq| Frequently Asked Questions
|slimv-changelog| Change Log
|slimv-issues| Known Issues
|slimv-todo| Todo
|slimv-credits| Credits
For Vim version 7.0 and above.
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
{Vi does not have any of this}
INSTALLATION *slimv-installation*
Required components:
- Vim 7.0 or newer installed with Python feature enabled.
This can be verified by the :ver command, look for the +python string.
It is recommended to have also the +balloon_eval feature for displaying
symbol descriptions in tooltip.
- Python 2.4 or later installed.
Must be the same Python version that was Vim compiled against.
This can also be verified by the :ver command, look for the
-DDYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL=\"pythonXX\" string, where XX is the required
Python version.
- Lisp or Clojure or MIT Scheme (Linux only) installed.
Any Lisp implementation is OK that has SLIME support.
Optional components:
- "Exuberant ctags" for tags file generation (if not bundled with Vim
already). See |slimv-ctags|.
- Slimv also contains SLIME (in fact the SWANK server part of SLIME) and
Swank Clojure. If you intend to use your own version of SLIME, then you
need to have your own SWANK server installed.
For example Clojure users might consider installing Leiningen and run the
SWANK server via 'lein swank', or use Cake via 'cake swank'.
To install the script:
- Install all required components described above.
- Download slimv.zip.
- Extract the zip archive into your vimfiles or runtime directory.
See Vim help file |usr_05.txt| for details on adding a plugin.
The archive contains the following files:
You might already have an ftdetect/clojure.vim file if you already use
another Clojure filetype plugin. In this case just keep the original file.
- Start Vim or goto an existing instance of Vim.
- Execute the following command:
:helptags <your runtime directory>/doc
(e.g :helptags $VIMRUNTIME/doc)
This will generate all the help tags for any file located in the doc
- Enter path definitions into your vimrc (if the default values are not
valid for your Vim/Lisp installation).
See |slimv-configuration| below on how to do this.
- Exit all Vim instances and exit from the SWANK server.
- Delete the files that were copied to the vimfiles directory during
installation (see list of files above).
CONFIGURATION *slimv-configuration*
|slimv-options| Options
|slimv-keyboard| Keyboard mappings
The list below contains an alphabetical collection of Slimv options.
Below that list follows the detailed explanation on each option.
For the Paredit options please visit |paredit-options|.
For the Swank options plese visit |swank-configuration|.
|g:scheme_builtin_swank| Enable MIT scheme's built-in swank server.
|g:slimv_balloon| Specifies if tooltips are on.
|g:slimv_browser_cmd| If nonempty, this shell command is used to
open the Common Lisp Hyperspec.
|g:slimv_browser_cmd_ex| If nonempty, this Ex command is used to
open the Common Lisp Hyperspec.
|g:slimv_browser_cmd_suffix| Optional suffix for |g:slimv_browser_cmd|
|g:slimv_clhs_root| Base URL for the Common Lisp Hyperspec.
|g:slimv_clhs_user_db| User defined extension for Slimv's built-in
Common Lisp Hyperspec symbol database.
|g:slimv_clhs_user_root| Base URL for the user defined CLHS extension.
|g:slimv_cljapi_root| Base URL for the Clojure API.
|g:slimv_cljapi_user_db| User defined extension for Slimv's built-in
Clojure API symbol database.
|g:slimv_cljapi_user_root| Base URL for the user defined Clojure API
|g:slimv_ctags| OS command to generate tags file.
|g:slimv_disable_clojure| Disable Slimv for Clojure files.
|g:slimv_disable_lisp| Disable Slimv for Lisp files.
|g:slimv_disable_scheme| Disable Slimv for Scheme files.
|g:slimv_echolines| Echo only this number of lines from the form
being evaluated.
|g:slimv_fasl_directory| Specify the directory for compiled FASL files to
be written to.
|g:slimv_impl| The Lisp implementation. Defaults to 'clisp'.
|g:slimv_indent_disable| Disable slimv indenting, fallback to vim's
default lispindent() method.
|g:slimv_indent_keylists| Enable special indentation for keyword lists.
|g:slimv_indent_maxlines| Maximum number of lines searched backwards for
indenting special forms.
|g:slimv_inspect_name| Name of the Inspect buffer.
|g:slimv_javadoc_root| Base URL for the JavaDoc.
|g:slimv_keybindings| Predefined Slimv keybindings. Possible values:
1 = set #1, 2 = set #2, other = no keybindings
|g:slimv_leader| Custom <Leader> setting for Slimv.
|g:slimv_lisp| Path for the Lisp interpreter.
|g:slimv_menu| If nonzero, Slimv menu is added to the Vim menu.
|g:slimv_package| If nonzero, Slimv package/namespace handling is
switched on.
|g:slimv_preferred| Name of the preferred lisp implementation.
|g:slimv_python_version| If defined, determines Python version to use,
when 3 use :python3 and friends, otherwise
:python or :python3 is used as available.
|g:slimv_repl_max_len| Maximum number of lines in the REPL buffer.
|g:slimv_repl_name| Name of the REPL buffer.
|g:slimv_repl_simple_eval| <CR> evaluates form in the REPL buffer.
|g:slimv_repl_split| Open the Lisp REPL buffer in a split window
or in a separate buffer.
|g:slimv_repl_split_size| Size of the newly created split window in case
|g:slimv_repl_split| is set.
|g:slimv_repl_syntax| Enable syntax coloring for the REPL buffer.
|g:slimv_repl_wrap| Set wrap mode for the REPL buffer.
|g:slimv_simple_compl| Use simple completion instead of fuzzy completion.
|g:slimv_sldb_name| Name of the SLDB buffer.
|g:slimv_sldb_wrap| Set wrap mode for the SLDB buffer.
|g:slimv_strip_ansi| Strip ANSI escape sequences from the REPL output.
|g:slimv_swank_clojure| Command used to start the Clojure SWANK server.
|g:slimv_swank_cmd| Command used to start the Lisp SWANK server.
|g:slimv_swank_scheme| Command used to start the Scheme SWANK server.
|g:slimv_tags_file| Name of tags file used by Slimv.
|g:slimv_threads_name| Name of the Threads buffer.
|g:slimv_timeout| Timeout defined for starting up or connecting
to the SWANK server.
|g:slimv_unmap_cr| Do not add special insert mode mapping for <CR>.
|g:slimv_unmap_tab| Do not add special insert mode mapping for <Tab>.
|g:slimv_unmap_space| Do not add special insert mode mapping for <Space>.
|g:slimv_updatetime| Alternative value for 'updatetime' during REPL
|g:swank_block_size| SWANK connection output buffer size.
|g:swank_host| Host name or IP address of the SWANK server.
|g:swank_port| Port number of the SWANK server.
Note: Most options require to restart the Vim session when modified.
Slimv tries to autodetect the Lisp installation directory, however the
algorithm is not very sophisticated.
If the installation directories are put in the path, then the autodetection
should find them (this is usually the case on Linux). Otherwise (on Windows)
some frequently used directories are searched under C:\ and C:\Program Files.
For a minimum, Slimv needs to know the path of the existing Lisp installation,
so if autodetection does not work for you, then set the following global
variables in your vimrc.
Note: On Windows use the / (slash) character instead of \ (backslash) as the
directory separator to avoid any incidental character escaping problems
while the paths are beeing passed between the Slimv processes.
On Linux this is not an issue.
This is the installation path of the Lisp interpreter.
let g:slimv_lisp = 'C:/MyLispDir/mylisp.exe'
This is the Lisp implementation used. Slimv tries to autodetect it at script
startup. If the autodetection fails, set this to the actual Lisp
let g:slimv_impl = 'sbcl'
Name of the preferred lisp implementation. The autodetection mechanism tries to
choose this one if possible, i.e. if installed and found in the path or in the
standard installation directories.
It's typical use is when there are multiple lisps present in the system and
the autodetection chooses an undesired implementation.
Valid choices are for lisp:
'sbcl', 'clisp', 'cmu', 'ecl', 'allegro', 'lispworks', 'clozure'
For Scheme:
let g:slimv_preferred = 'clisp'
This means that Slimv will use clisp even if both sbcl and clisp are installed
and the autodetection would choose sbcl.
If any of these options are set then the Slimv will not be loaded and enabled
for the corresponding filetype.
You want to use Slimv for Lisp but don't want to use it for Scheme:
let g:slimv_disable_scheme = 1
Slimv tries to autodetect your Lisp/SWANK installation.
If the location for the SWANK server is not identified by the script, or you
want to use a different command for starting the SWANK server, then you may
want to customize the g:slimv_swank_cmd (general) and g:slimv_swank_clojure
(Clojure specific) and g:slimv_swank_scheme (Scheme specific) options in your
.vimrc file.
Enter a Vim command here that spawns a detached process that runs the SWANK
server of your choice. It is important to use a Vim command here that returns
immediately and does not wait for the termination of the detached process,
so begin the command with !start on Windows...:
let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '!start "c:\Program Files\Lisp Cabinet\bin\ccl\wx86cl.exe" -l "c:\Program Files\Lisp Cabinet\site\lisp\slime\start-swank.lisp"'
let g:slimv_swank_clojure = '!start "c:\clojurebox\swank-clojure\src\start-swank.bat"'
...and end the command with an & on Linux:
let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! xterm -e sbcl --load /usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/start-swank.lisp &'
let g:slimv_swank_clojure = '! xterm -e lein swank &'
On OS X the following or similar command may be used (but sometimes the above
Linux xterm command also works):
let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '!osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"sbcl --load ~/.vim/slime/start-swank.lisp\""'
let g:slimv_swank_clojure = '!osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"cake swank\""'
These are examples only, the Lisp command and the path to the SWANK server
may need to be changed in the command depending on the actual configuration.
It is also possible to run the SWANK server manually prior running Vim.
Slimv detects if a SWANK server is running and connects to it at the first
evaluation request.
Note: It is recommended to pass
:dont-close t
for the swank:create-server function call in the SWANK startup procedure.
This makes a permanent SWANK server that listens continuously. Otherwise
each time the SWANK connection is lost, the SWANK server needs to be
restarted again.
Example startup script:
(load (merge-pathnames "swank-loader.lisp" *load-truename*))
(swank-loader:init :delete nil
:reload nil
:load-contribs nil)
(swank:create-server :port 4005
:coding-system "iso-latin-1-unix"
:dont-close t)
By default the SWANK server connection output buffer size is 4 or 8 kbytes.
All the data sent by the SWANK server is divided into this size blocks, so
if the SWANK server is sending large amount of data then this may result in
high number of data blocks sent, which may slow down Slimv. For greater
performance you may want to increase the block size, e.g. to 64 kbytes:
let g:swank_block_size = 65536
Host name or IP address of the SWANK server. Default value is 'localhost'.
The SWANK server may run on a remote machine, but currently only unencrypted
plain socket communication is supported, no SSH or whatsoever.
Please note that if the SWANK server is on a remote machine then Slimv is
unable to start it, so you need to run the SWANK server manually.
Actually there is a workaround for this on Linux: run Vim inside a GNU screen
session. Slimv will autodetect this and modify the Swank command so that the
Swank server is run inside a newly opened virtual terminal in screen.
Slimv also autodetects an existing tmux session, so you can use tmux instead
of GNU screen for the same purpose.
The SWANK server is connected to port 4005 by default. This can be changed
using the g:swank_port option.
Since version 9.1.1 MIT scheme has a built-in swank server that can replace
contrib/swank-mit-scheme.scm coming with Slime. This option enables the
built-in swank server.
Please be aware that this is still experimental, so it is not enabled by
default. Using it may result in strange errors, but in other areas it also
may be superior to swank-mit-scheme.scm and it is actively maintained.
There is a 20 second timeout defined for starting up or connecting to the
SWANK server. This timeout can be changed via the g:slimv_timeout option.
Please note that the very first startup of the SWANK server may take more time
than the subsequent startups, so it is not recommended to make this timeout
too low.
It is possible to generate tags file from within Vim. By default Slimv assumes
that ctags.exe is stored somewhere along with the standard Vim path designated
by $vim or $vimruntime. The command for generating tags file is then
automatically built at script startup.
If ctags.exe is stored somewhere else, or the default ctags options are
unsatisfactory, then override this option with the desired command.
The default ctags command is:
"ctags.exe -a --language-force=lisp *.lisp *.clj"
The Find-Definition function gets location information from the SWANK server.
Slimv uses a dedicated tags file for Find-Definitions. By default this is a
temporary file but the filename can be overridden via this option. If this
variable is set to the empty string ('') then the whole Find-Definitions
function is disabled.
Specify a directory path that will be passed to the function
swank:compile-file-for-emacs controlling where the compiled FASL file is
written to and loaded from when using the Compile File or the Compile and Load
File commands.
let g:slimv_fasl_directory = '/tmp/'
If this is set then .fasl files will be placed in /tmp/ instead of the default
location next to the Lisp source file.
Defines the keybinding set used by Slimv.
Value 0 means no keybinding at all.
Value 1 defines the short keybinding with one-key bindings (after <Leader>).
Example: Eval-Defun is mapped to ,d
Value 2 defines the easy keybinding with two-key bindings (after <Leader>).
Example: Eval-Defun is mapped to ,ed
Other values mean no predefined keybinding is wanted.
<Leader> is set to "," by default in Slimv.
If nonzero then Slimv does not add special insert mode mapping for the
<CR>/<Tab>/<Space> keys in the editor buffer. This might come in handy when
additional scripts are installed for Vim together with Slimv and there is a
collision in the mappings for these keys. Of course in this case the related
Slimv functions will not work when pressing those keys.
Note: in case Paredit is used then the |g:paredit_electric_return| option shall
also be set to 0 in order to completely disable mappings for <CR>.
This option allows a custom <Leader> setting for the Slimv keybindings.
By default it has the same value as |mapleader|, except when |mapleader| is
<Space> which <Leader> is currently not supported by Slimv.
If neither g:slimv_leader nor |mapleader| are defined or |mapleader| is <Space>
then the default <Leader> is "," in Slimv.
let g:slimv_leader = '\'
If this is set in the .vimrc then Eval-Defun will be mapped to \d instead of ,d.
There is a separate |g:paredit_leader| option for the Paredit keybindings.
If nonzero then the Slimv menu is added to the end of the global menu.
Also the Slimv menu can be shown by pressing <Leader>, (defaults to ,,).
Specifies the shell command to start the browser in order to display the Common
Lisp Hyperspec or the Clojure API. If the command contains spaces then enclose
the whole string in double quotes or escape the spaces with a backslash.
This option is empty by default, which means that the command associated with
the .html extension (on Windows) or xdg-open (on Linux) is used to start the
browser. If xdg-open is not installed then the Python webbrowser package is
used to identify the default browser on Linux.
Specifies the Ex command to start the browser in order to display the Common
Lisp Hyperspec or the Clojure API. If |g:slimv_browser_cmd| is empty then this
Ex command is used.
When using option |g:slimv_browser_cmd| the Hyperspec page URL is appended to
the browser command. However sometimes it might be needed to add a suffix
at the end of the browser command.
Slimv automatically adds the "&" suffix in order to fork the browser and
return control immediately to Vim. If you don't want to fork the browser
then set |g:slimv_browser_cmd_suffix| to "". Also use this option if you want
to have extra parameters or commands in the browser command after the URL,
but in this case remember to add the "&" when forking is needed.
Name of the REPL buffer. Default is 'REPL'. Space and some other special
characters need to be escaped (e.g. 'Slimv\ REPL', '\#REPL\#').
Not all special characters are allowed, e.g. '*' does not work in Windows.
Name of the SLDB buffer. Default is 'SLDB'. Space and some other special
characters need to be escaped (e.g. 'Slimv\ Debugger', '\#SLDB\#').
Not all special characters are allowed, e.g. '*' does not work in Windows.
Name of the Inspect buffer. Default is 'INSPECT'. Space and some other special
characters need to be escaped (e.g. 'Slimv\ Incpector', '\#INSPECT\#').
Not all special characters are allowed, e.g. '*' does not work in Windows.
Name of the Threads buffer. Default is 'THREADS'. Space and some other special
characters need to be escaped (e.g. 'Slimv\ Threads', '\#THREADS\#').
Not all special characters are allowed, e.g. '*' does not work in Windows.
Open the Lisp REPL buffer in a split window or in a separate buffer in Vim.
The default is to use split window. If you prefer having REPL being in a hidden
buffer then set this option to zero. This way the REPL buffer will be opened
at the first evaluation, but any subsequent evaluation will be performed
silently, with the REPL buffer kept hidden.
It is also possible to define the desired split direction. The following
values may be used for |g:slimv_repl_split|:
0: no split
1: horizontal split above (default)
2: horizontal split below
3: vertical split left
4: vertical split right
Size of the newly created split window in case |g:slimv_repl_split| is set.
The default value is an empty string ('') meaning split size is automatically
determined by vim. Define this either to 20 or '20' in order to set the split
window size to 20 lines or columns (depending on the split direction).
The REPL buffer is refreshed at every keystroke or when the user doesn't press
a key for the time specified with 'updatetime'. Slimv alters the value for
'updatetime' to a lower value when the REPL buffer is changed, so that the
update frequency gets higher while there is new REPL output. The original
value for 'updatetime' is restored when there is no REPL output.
The g:slimv_updatetime option defines the alternative (lower) value for
'updatetime' during REPL refresh. If you don't want that Slimv changes
'updatetime', then set g:slimv_updatetime to zero.
The default value is 200 (=0.2 sec).
If nonzero then Slimv package/namespace handling is switched on. Please find
details in the |slimv-package| section.
Maximum number of lines for the REPL buffer. Only the last this number of lines
are kept in the REPL buffer, all lines before that are erased, but some opening
parens and/or double quotes may remain in order to maintain their balanced
state. The default value for this option is 0, meaning that the number of lines
is unlimited, i.e. no line is ever erased.
This option controls the behaviour of insert mode <CR>, <Up>, <Down> in the
REPL buffer.
If nonzero then:
<CR> Evaluates the form entered in the command line
<Up> Brings up the previous command from the command line history
<Down> Brings up the next command from the command line history
<C-CR> Closes and evaluates the form entered in the command line
If the option is zero then:
<C-CR> Closes and evaluates the form entered in the command line
<C-Up> Brings up the previous command from the command line history
<C-Down> Brings up the next command from the command line history
<CR> Inserts a newline
<Up> Moves the cursor up
<Down> Moves the cursor down
Enables syntax highlighting for the REPL buffer. It is enabled by default but
one may want to switch it off for these reasons:
1. The REPL buffer contains s-expressions and their output mixed. The REPL
output is generally not related to s-expressions, therefore may confuse
syntax coloring.
2. REPL output may contain very long lines, which significantly slows down
syntax coloring in Vim. If you don't want to switch REPL syntax coloring
completely off then it is recommended to adjust the |synmaxcol| parameter
to a relatively low value to increase syntax coloring speed.
Set wrap mode for the REPL buffer, which means the lines longer than the
window width will not be hidden to the right. Instead they will be continued
in the next display line.
This is the default behaviour as it is how regular REPL windows work. This
mode also enables keybindings for cursor movements, so that an <Up> keypress
will move the cursor one line on the display and not one line in the document.
Set wrap mode for the SLDB buffer, which means the lines longer than the
window width will not be hidden to the right. Instead they will be continued
in the next display line. Disabled by default.
Strip ANSI escape sequences from the REPL output. Vim does not handle ANSI
escape sequences, therefore without this setting an ANSI colored output
string looks like this:
Here follows the same output with this setting enabled:
If a long form is evaluated then echo only this number of lines from the
beginning of the form. This option prevents filling the REPL buffer with
mostly unnecessary information. Closing parens are added to the end even if
the end of the form is not echoed, so paren balance is kept.
If this option is set to zero then no line is echoed at all, if set to -1
then all lines are always echoed.
Disable slimv indenting and use vim's built-in ispindent() method.
Please note that this option does not completely disable the indenting,
only changes the way s-expressions are indented.
If nonzero then Slimv indents keyword lists like that:
(:foo :bar
:baz :boo)
instead of the function-style indentation:
(:foo :bar
:baz :boo)
This option is switched on by default. There are however some special forms
(defpackage, defsystem) that are always indented in the function-style, e.g.:
(defpackage :my-package
(:use :cl
Maximum number of lines searched backwards for indenting special forms, like
flet, labels, macrolet. Setting it to a high value may slow down indenting.
Specifies if describe tooltips are on (see |swank-describe|).
If set to 1, swank:simple-completion is used. By default the fuzzy completion
is active, so that "mvb<TAB>" expands to "multiple-value-bind"
(see |swank-completions|).
Base URL for the Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API, and JavaDoc.
If the Hyperspec/API is downloaded to the hard disk, then set these variables
to the base path of the local copy, something like (where file:// specifies
the file protocol):
"file:///c:/doc/HyperSpec/" (Windows).
"file:///usr/local/doc/HyperSpec/" (Linux).
It is possible to extend the Hyperspec symbol database with user defined
symbols, see |g:slimv_clhs_user_db| and |g:slimv_cljapi_user_db|.
If you want to extend Slimv's built-in Hyperspec/API symbol database, define
the list of additional symbols in these variables. The format of this list is
the following: [["symbol1", "url1"], ["symbol2", "url2"], ...].
If the URL contains a ":" character then it is considered to be a fully
qualified URL, otherwise it is a relative address to the Hyperspec root
defined in |g:slimv_clhs_root| or |g:slimv_cljapi_root|.
It is also possible to define a separate base URL for the user extensions via
|g:slimv_clhs_user_root| or |g:slimv_cljapi_user_root|.
let g:slimv_clhs_user_root = "http://myhyperspec.com/"
let g:slimv_clhs_user_db = [
\["my-cool-function", "mycoolfunc.htm"],
\["my-super-function", "mysuperfunc.htm"],
\["my-awesome-function", "myawesomefunc.htm"]]
Remember to insert a backslash at the beginning of each additional line of a
multi-line Vim command.
Lisp form built when issuing the 'apropos' command.
let g:slimv_template_apropos = '(apropos "%1")'
Selects the python version to use.
When exists and set to 3, the :python3 and :py3file commands are used, when
exists and not set to 3, the :python and :pyfile commands are used, and when
it is not defined, has('python') has('python3') determine which are used.
The default keybindings (|g:slimv_keybindings|=1) and another easy to remember
built-in keybinding set (|g:slimv_keybindings|=2) for Slimv are the following.
Please note that the leading ',' key below refers to <Leader>, which is set
by Slimv to ',' by default (see |g:slimv_leader|).
In the graphical menu the currently active keyboard shortcuts are displayed
beside the menu item names, so one can refer to the GUI menu as a quick
reference for the keymappings.
Vim defines timeout values for mapped key sequences. If you find that Vim does
not allow you enough time between pressing ',' and the last key(s) of the
sequence, then you may want to fine tune these Vim options:
|timeout|, |ttimeout|, |timeoutlen|, |ttimeoutlen|.
Set#1 Set#2 Command
,, ,, Slimv Menu
Edit commands (Insert mode):
<C-X>0 Close Form
<Tab> Complete Symbol
<Space> Function Arglist
<C-]> Find Definitions (Tag Lookup)
Edit commands (Normal mode):
,) ,tc Close Form
,( ,(t Paredit Toggle
,j ,fd Find Definitions
Evaluation commands:
["x],d ["x],ed Eval Defun (current top level form) [put in register x]
["x],e ["x],ee Eval Current Expression (current subform) [put in reg. x]
["x],r ["x],er Eval Region (visual selection) [or text from register x]
,b ,eb Eval Buffer
,v ,ei Interactive Eval (evaluates in frame when in SLDB)
,u ,eu Undefine Function
Debug commands:
,1 ,m1 Macroexpand-1
,m ,ma Macroexpand All
,t ,dt Toggle Trace
,T ,du Untrace All
,B ,db Set Breakpoint
,l ,dd Disassemble
,i ,di Inspect (inspects in frame when in SLDB)
,a ,da Abort
,q ,dq Quit to Toplevel
,n ,dc Continue
,H ,dl List Threads
,K ,dk Kill Thread
,G ,dg Debug Thread
Compile commands:
,D ,cd Compile Defun
,L ,cl Compile and Load File
,F ,cf Compile File
["x],R ["x],cr Compile Region [or text from register x]
Cross Reference commands
,xc ,xc Who Calls
,xr ,xr Who References
,xs ,xs Who Sets
,xb ,xb Who Binds
,xm ,xm Who Macroexpands
,xp ,xp Who Specializes
,xl ,xl List Callers
,xe ,xe List Callees
Profile commands:
,p ,pp Toggle Profile
,B ,pb Profile by Substring
,U ,pa Unprofile All
,? ,ps Show Profiled
,o ,pr Profile Report
,x ,px Profile Reset
Documentation commands:
,s ,ds Describe Symbol
,A ,da Apropos
,h ,dh Hyperspec
,] ,dt Generate Tags
Repl commands:
,c ,rc Connect to Server
,y ,ri Interrupt Lisp Process
,- ,- Clear REPL
,Q ,rq Quit REPL
Set#1 Set#2 Command
,\ ,\ REPL Menu (separate menu, valid only for the REPL buffer)
REPL menu commands:
,. ,rs Send Input
,/ ,ro Close and Send Input
,g ,rp Set Package
<C-C> <C-C> Interrupt Lisp Process
,<Up> ,rp Previous Input
,<Down> ,rn Next Input
,- ,- Clear REPL
Some mappings accept an optional "x prefix (where x is a register name)
similarly to Vim's p (put) and y (yank) commands. These commands may
additionally use the given Vim register to store or retrieve text.
Commands "Eval Defun" and "Eval Current Expression" also store the form being
evaluated in the given register. When using uppercase register name, the
current form is appended to the contents of the register.
Commands "Eval Region" and "Compile Region" use the contents of the given
register (instead of the selected region) for evaluation or compilation.
This feature may be used for remembering and recalling a test form used for
testing parts of the code.
Sample workflow:
1. place the cursor on the test form
2. "a,d stores the test form in register 'a' and evaluates it
3. test fails, bug is in other parts of code, try to fix it
4. send fixed code to the swank server the usual way
5. "a,r recalls the test form from register 'a' and evaluates it
6. repeat steps 3.-5.
It is possible to create a custom mapping that appends a test form after the
selected s-expression so that they are evaluated together in one step.
This can be useful for quick testing. In order to evaluate the current form
together with a test form use function SlimvEvalTestExp(), to evaluate and test
the current toplevel form use function SlimvEvalTestDefun().
Create a custom mapping by passing your test form to any of these functions.
noremap ,f :<C-U>call SlimvEvalTestDefun("(my-test-form)")<CR>
With the above custom mapping pressing ,f makes the current toplevel form
evaluated followed by (my-test-form).
Instead of appending a test form, it is also possible to wrap the current form
in a test form. Use the special symbol %1 to define the location where the
test form shall contain the s-expression to be tested.
noremap ,wp :<C-U>call SlimvEvalTestExp("(ps:ps %1)")<CR>
The above definition creates a custom mapping to see parenscript output of
the selected form. Pressing ,wp wraps the current s-expression in a
(ps:ps ...) test form and sends it to the swank server for evaluation.
Also see |slimv-repl| for additional keybindings valid only in the REPL buffer.
Some menu items or Slimv commands may differ in case Slimv uses the SWANK
client, please find details in |swank.txt|.
SWANK FEATURES *slimv-swank*
The following major SLIME (SWANK) features are implemented in Slimv.
For a complete reference of SWANK functions implemented see |swank-functions|.
|swank-eval| Evaluation
|swank-interrupt| Interrupt Lisp process
|swank-restarts| SLDB: Invoke restarts
|swank-backtrace| SLDB: Display backtrace with locals
|swank-stepper| SLDB: Step through the code
|swank-arglist| Function argument list in status line
|swank-describe| Describe symbol in tooltip
|swank-completions| List of possible symbol completions
|swank-inspect| Inspector
|swank-threads| Threads
|swank-trace| Trace function
|swank-profile| Profiler
|swank-xref| Cross Reference
|swank-quickfix| Compiler errors in quickfix list
|swank-functions| SWANK functions implemented
EVALUATION *swank-eval*
There are various methods for evaluating an s-expression in the SWANK server.
It is possible to eval the current top level form, the current subform, the
visually selected area, or the whole buffer. Consult the "Evaluation commands"
section in |slimv-keyboard| for the possible functions with their respective
keyboard shortcuts.
If debugger is activated and the cursor is placed on a frame line in the
Backtrace section, then the Interactive-Eval command evaluates expressions
in the scope of the given frame ("eval-in-frame").
INTERRUPT LISP PROCESS *swank-interrupt*
It is possible to interrupt a running Lisp or Clojure process by selecting
the Interrupt-Lisp-Process menu item in the REPL or Slimv/Repl submenu,
or by pressing the keyboard shortcut <Leader>i.
It is also possible to map the Ctrl-C shortcut in normal mode to perform the
interrupt, but this may interfere with the "Copy to clipboard" function
especially on Windows. Here is how to do it:
noremap <silent> <C-C> :call SlimvInterrupt()<CR>
When a Lisp process is interrupted, we are dropped in SLDB (SLime DeBugger)
and the list of restarts (see |swank-restarts|) and calling frame stack
(see |swank-backtrace|) is displayed.
It is possible to inspect variables (see |swank-inspect|) and continue
or break program execution by selecting the appropriate restart.
It is also possible to change the value of variables or redefine functions
before resuming execution.
INVOKE RESTARTS *swank-restarts*
In case of an error or when the Lisp process is interrupted Slimv presents
the Swank debugger (SLDB) buffer. SLDB displays the condition and the list of
possible restarts, each line startin with the restart identifier, for example:
[Condition of type DIVISION-BY-ZERO]
0: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
1: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
2: [ABORT-BREAK] Reset this thread
3: [ABORT] Kill this thread
If you press Enter in normal mode on a restart line then the given restart
is invoked.
The most frequently used restarts have the following shortcuts defined:
,a Abort
,q Quit To Toplevel
,n Continue
DISPLAY BACKTRACE *swank-backtrace*
The Swank debugger (SLDB) is presented in a separate dedicated buffer.
Below the Restarts section SLDB displays the backtrace for the calling frames,
each line starting with the frame identifier, for example:
0: (CCL::%FIXNUM-TRUNCATE #<Unknown Arguments>)
1: (/ 1 0)
2: (NIL #<Unknown Arguments>)
4: (CCL::CHEAP-EVAL (/ 1 0))
5: (SWANK::EVAL-REGION "(/ 1 0)")
If you press Enter in normal mode on a frame line then frame information
with the local variable bindings and source location information for that frame
are displayed in a fold. Pressing Enter again toggles the fold close/open.
If you press Enter on a filename with source location information then Slimv
opens the given file in a buffer at the specified location.
Some commands have modified behaviour when used on a frame:
Interactive-Eval Evaluates expressions in the scope of the frame.
Inspect Inspects objects within the scope of the frame.
STEPPER *step-into* *step-next* *step-out* *step-continue*
You can enter the stepper by either wrapping step around your code (e.g.
(step (your-function arg)) or by putting (break) in your code. If you put
a (break) in your code, once you get into the debugger, enter step-into to
enter the stepper. The functions are:
step-into: steps into the function
step-next: steps over the function
step-out: steps out of the function
This has only been tested with sbcl
When entering an s-expression in insert mode, each time a space is pressed
after a non-whitespace character, then SWANK is requested for the function
argument list for the current function. If the function is known by SWANK
then the function prototype is displayed in the status line. The arglist is
condensed in order to fit the status line, so for functions with many
arguments the whole definition may not be visible. In this case use the
Describe function for displaying the full function definition.
Note: the function argument list is not displayed when Slimv is not
connected to the SWANK server.
DESCRIBE SYMBOL *swank-describe*
When you hover your mouse over a function's name then the function description
is requested from SWANK and displayed in a tooltip, called balloonexpr in
Vim terms. This functionality requires that Vim is compiled with the
+balloon_eval feature enabled.
If you don't have +balloon_eval or want to get the description for a general
symbol then it is possible to select the Describe-Symbol menu item from the
Slimv/Documentation submenu, or press the <Leader>s keyboard shortcut,
which then displays the symbol description in the Vim message area.
Note: the symbol description is not displayed when Slimv is not connected
to the SWANK server.
COMPLETIONS *swank-completions*
The Vim omni-completion function requests the possible completions for the
symbol currently being entered from the SWANK server. The completion list
is displayed in a popup menu.
The keyboard shortcut for completion is <Tab>. This brings up the completions
popup menu if there are multiple choices. In the popup menu subsequent <Tab>
keypresses select the next possible completion.
Option |g:slimv_simple_compl| determines whether simple or fuzzy completion
is used. Default is fuzzy completion.
Note: completions are not displayed when Slimv is not connected to the
SWANK server. In this case the Hyperspec database is used for symbol lookup.
INSPECTOR *swank-inspect*
The Swank Inspector is presented in a separate buffer. In the Inspect buffer
the Enter key is remapped in normal mode for traversing the inspector output.
When pressing Enter on the top line starting with 'Inspecting' then the
currently inspected value is reloaded.
When pressing Enter on a line starting with <nn> (where nn is the action
identifier) then nn-th action is called.
When pressing Enter on a line starting with [nn] (where nn is the part
identifier) then nn-th part is inspected.
When pressing Enter on the last line starting with [<<] or pressing <Backspace>
then the inspector is popped up one level, or if this was the topmost level
then Slimv exits the Inspector.
Pressing <Leader>q also exits the Inspector.
If the object is too big to be fully displayed, this is signaled by the
[--more--] and [--all---] texts. When pressing Enter on the line containing
[--more--] then the next part of the inspected object is queried from the
swank server and displayed in the Inspect buffer.
When pressing Enter on the [--all---] line then all parts of the inspected
object are fetched recursively up to the timeout defined by |g:slimv_timeout|.
Pressing <Esc> stops the recursive fetching process.
If debugger is activated and the cursor is placed on a frame line in the
Backtrace section, then the Inspect command inspects objects in the given
frame. It means that it is possible to examine the value of local variables
within the scope of the given frame ("inspect-in-frame").
THREADS *swank-threads*
The Swank Threads are presented in a separate buffer.
When the cursor is placed on a thread-line and <Backspace> or <Leader>k is
pressed or the Kill-Thread function is selected then the given thread is killed.
If multiple thread-lines are selected then all marked threads are killed.
When the cursor is placed on a thread-line and <Leader>d is pressed or the
Debug-Thread function is selected then the given thread is interrupted and the
debugger is invoked.
Pressing <Leader>r refreshes the thread list.
Pressing <Leader>q exits the Threads buffer.
TRACE *swank-trace*
It is possible to tell the SWANK server to trace or untrace functions.
There are some subtle differences in the trace handling with or
without SWANK.
For the trace handling without SWANK please check options
|g:slimv_template_trace| and |g:slimv_template_untrace|.
When using the SWANK server the Trace command toggles tracing for the
selected function. In this case there is no Untrace command, but there is
an Untrace-All command, which completely switches off tracing.
This complies with the SWANK tracing functionality.
PROFILER *swank-profile*
Slimv supports SLIME's profiler. It is possible to toggle profiling on a
function, on a set of functions whose name contains a given substring, or
unprofile all functions. You may query the profiler for the list of profiled
functions. After the profiling session it is possible to display the profiler
report. Upon selecting Reset all counters are cleared, so that a new
profiling session may be started.
CROSS REFERENCE *swank-xref*
SLIME's cross reference functionality can be used to list the functions
calling a specific function, the list of functions called from a specific
function, and other variable, macro, etc. references.
Please note that not all Lisp implementations support the xref functionality.
QUICKFIX *swank-quickfix*
The compiler error messages are fed into Vim's quickfix list, as well as
printed in the REPL buffer. Enter the :cw command to open the quickfix window.
Use :cn and :cp to jump to the next and previous error location, use :cr to
rewind to the first error.
Consult |quickfix| for details on using the quickfix functionality.
SWANK FUNCTIONS *swank-functions*
This section contains a reference for the Emacs/SLIME/SWANK functions
currently implemented in the Slimv SWANK client.
LISP REPL *slimv-repl*
The Lisp REPL is displayed as a separate terminal window and also inside a
Vim buffer. The Lisp REPL buffer is opened when the SWANK server is started.
The REPL buffer is a more or less regular Vim buffer, all Vim keybindings and
commands can be used here as well.
There are however some subtle differences. The main idea is that the last line
in the REPL buffer is a "command line", just like in any REPL. The command
line usually begins with a prompt, something like "[1] > ". The user types the
command after the prompt in Insert mode. When Enter (<CR>) is pressed, the
contents of the command line (which can actually be multiple lines, when
pasted) is sent to the Lisp REPL for evaluation. It is not allowed to
backspace before the end of the command line prompt.
Please remember that this evaluation style is working only in Insert mode,
in Normal mode the function of <CR> is left unchanged.
Other areas of the REPL buffer can be used to eval Lisp forms, just like
from the .lisp source code. So it is possible to move the cursor inside a form
that was previously eval-ed, make some changes, then eval it again.
Please note, that after evaluation the REPL buffer is refreshed, so the
changes made to the form are restored at that location, but the changed form
will be evaluated at the end of the REPL buffer.
Another difference is the command line history, which can be activated by
pressing <Up> or <Down> in the command line (only in Insert mode).
When pressing <Up> or <Down> at an empty command prompt then each forms
previously entered may be recalled from the history. If however some text
is typed in the command line before pressing <Up> or <Down> then only forms
beginning with the given searchtext are recalled from the history.
In other words: text between the prompt and the cursor position is searched
in command history. Leading whitespaces are ignored both in the searchtext
and in the matching forms.
Outside of the command line the <Up> and <Down> keys move the cursor,
as usual.
The keys with modified meanings in the Lisp REPL buffer are listed below:
Insert Mode:
<CR> Sends the command typed in the last line to the Lisp REPL
for evaluation.
<C-CR> Adds missing closing parentheses at the end of the command,
then sends the command to the Lisp REPL for evaluation.
<BS> In the last line it deletes characters to the left only
until the end of the Lisp prompt reached.
<Up> Brings up the previous command typed and sent to the Lisp
REPL when in the command line.
<Down> Brings up the next command typed and sent to the Lisp REPL
when in the command line.
Please note that the behaviour of <CR>, <Up>, <Down> is affected by the value
of option |g:slimv_repl_simple_eval|.
The Lisp REPL can be closed by the 'Quit REPL' command (mapped to <Leader>Q
by default). This also closes the lisp process running the SWANK server.
CLOJURE SUPPORT *slimv-clojure*
Vim has a built-in support for Lisp, however it has no Clojure support by
default. As Clojure is a Lisp dialect, Slimv simply reuses Vim's Lisp syntax
and indent plugins for Clojure. If this does not suit your needs, then it is
possible to download and install a separate Clojure plugin parallel to Slimv.
In order to launch the Clojure REPL the variable |g:slimv_lisp| must be
properly set up.
The simplest definition is something like this, which assumes that the
directory for clojure.jar is in the PATH. Please note that the whole expression
needs to be enclosed in double quotes, as it will be passed to the server in
one single command line argument:
let g:slimv_lisp = '"java -cp clojure.jar;clojure-contrib.jar clojure.main"'
Here follows an example, which starts c:\Clojure\clojure.jar on Windows.
Remember to escape the backslashes:
let g:slimv_lisp =
\ '"java -cp c:\\Clojure\\clojure.jar;c:\\Clojure\\clojure-contrib.jar clojure.main"'
SCHEME SUPPORT *slimv-scheme*
Slimv has a limited support for Scheme: currently only MIT Scheme is supported
via the SWANK client, using a modified version of swank-mit-scheme.scm in the
slime/contrib directory.
The Scheme SWANK server also requires the 'netcat' program to create sockets.
Please read information about the implementation details in the file header of
There is no Hyperspec information for Scheme at the moment.
Slimv has a basic support for handling Lisp packages and Clojure namespaces.
This means that at every form evaluation Slimv first searches the source file
for any preceding '(in-package ...)' form for Lisp and '(in-ns ...)' form for
Clojure. If found then each time the package/namespace definition is evaluated
first. This way it is possible to randomly re-evaluate forms in a source (or
multiple sources) that use multiple packages/namespaces, each time the correct
package/namespace will be used.
The package/namespace handling can be switched off via the |g:slimv_package|
Slimv contains Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API and JavaDoc symbol databases.
When you are looking for the definition of a symbol, just place the cursor on
the symbol and select the 'Hyperspec' function. If the symbol is found in the
symbol database then the corresponding web page is displayed in the default
browser. It is also possible to select this function having just the beginning
of the symbol name, then the first match is presented to the user, and he/she
is asked to confirm or edit the symbol name before the hyperspec lookup.
It is possible to use a local copy of the Hyperspec, for this you need to
define its base URL. See |g:slimv_clhs_root|, |g:slimv_cljapi_root| and
|g:slimv_javadoc_root| for details.
It is also possible to add user defined symbols to the Hyperspec database,
see |g:slimv_clhs_user_db| and |g:slimv_cljapi_user_db|.
The SWANK client requests simple or fuzzy completion from the SWANK server,
see |swank-completions| for details.
If the SWANK server is not connected, then Slimv uses the Hyperspec symbol
database for symbol name completion, via Vim's omni-completion feature
(if it is enabled and 'omnifunc' is not defined already to something else).
Start to enter the symbol in Insert mode, then at some point press the
<C-X><C-O> (omni-complete) key combination or select the 'Complete Symbol'
function. The first match in the symbol database is inserted at the cursor
position and a list of matching symbols is displayed in a submenu.
Use <C-N> to select the next match, <C-P> to select the previous match.
See Vim help file |insert.txt| for details on the usage of the various
completion functions built in Vim.
EXTERNAL UTILITIES *slimv-external*
This section is about utilities, settings, etc., not related strongly to Slimv,
but may be used to aim Lisp development. These are mostly built-in Vim features
or options, and sometimes external Vim plugins.
Slimv does not want to copy these functionalities, if they exist and work well.
1. Syntax highlighting
The syntax highlighting is done via the default lisp.vim syntax plugin.
For Clojure files one has the following options:
a. use the Lisp filetype also for Clojure files (that approach is used by Slimv
for the REPL buffer if no other filetype is set)
b. install a Clojure Vim syntax plugin, like VimClojure.
c. newest Vim versions contain a specific Clojure syntax script.
2. Indentation
The indentation is also done via the default lisp.vim indent plugin, or an
optionally installed Clojure indent plugin, just like for the syntax
When the SWANK client is connected to the server, then indentation information
is fetched from the SWANK server. This allows special indentation methods,
e.g. when the given macro has an &body argument then it is indented by 2 spaces
(instead of indenting the second argument below the first one).
There are some built-in Vim reindentation commands that may come very handy
when editing Lisp files. One can define a custom key mapping for any of them,
such mappings are not defined by Slimv.
= Reindent selection, after a text has been selected.
== Reindent current line.
vab= or [(v%= Select current list and reindent it.
99[(v%= Select top level form and reindent it.
gg=G Reindent whole file.
3. Parenthesis and newline handling
First of all there is paredit mode that is provided by the paredit.vim script
(also part of Slimv).
For a detailed introduction on paredit mode please consult the |paredit| help.
Paredit mode also changes the way newlines are handled, this feature is called
"electric return", see more on this topic in |g:paredit_electric_return|.
If you don't like paredit mode, Vim still obtains many tools to aid working
with parentheses. This is a very important topic for a Lisp programmer.
:inoremap ( ()<Esc>i Automatically insert closing parenthesis mark when
an opening one is inserted.
:inoremap [ []<Esc>i Same as above but for square brackets.
:set showmatch Briefly jump with the cursor to the matching
parenthesis or square bracket when a closing pair
is inserted.
% Go to the matching parenthesis or square bracket.
:source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim
Adds extended matching with "%" to Vim.
vab or [(v% Select current list.
vib Select current list without enclosing parentheses.
yab Yank current list.
dab Delete current list.
99[(v% Select top level form.
g:lisp_rainbow Colorize differing levels of parenthesization with
different highlighting.
4. Completion
CTRL-N The built-in Vim keyword completion is a very handy
CTRL-P feature. You start typing a word, and when CTRL-P
or CTRL-N is pressed, then Vim looks up the keyword
starting with the same letters as typed in up or
down direction in the current buffer.
This is not the same as the omni-completion
feature (see |slimv-hyperspec|). Omni-completion is
based on a symbol database and not on the contents
of the current buffer.
:set complete The |'complete'| option controls how keyword
completion works.
5. Tag lookup
Also see Slimv option |g:slimv_ctags|.
|ctags| "Exuberant ctags" is a powerful utility for
generating tag database for different kind of
programming languages, including Lisp. Tag lookup
is then done via the CTRL-] (or :tag) command,
return to the previous positon with CTRL-T.
ctags --language-force=lisp *.lisp *.clj
This or a similar command may be used to generate
tags file from .lisp and .clj files in a directory.
FAQ *slimv-faq*
- Q: Why is this plugin called 'Slimv'?
- A: Because it is trying to mimic the popular Emacs extension 'SLIME'.
In SLIME 'E' stands for 'Emacs', so here it is replaced with 'V' as Vim.
The plugin is actually a SWANK (TCP server for Emacs) client.
To tell the truth, first I gave the name 'Slimvim' to the plugin but
then I found an (already abandoned) project called 'Slim-Vim' and I did
not want to interfere with it.
- Q: Why another 'Superior Lisp Mode' if there is already one (for Emacs)?
- A: Because many programmers prefer Vim as a program text editor over Emacs,
including me. I don't want to start a holy war or whatsoever, I'm just
happy if someone else finds this plugin useful.
- Q: But there are other similar projects for Vim. Why having yet another
SLIMxxx for Vim?
- A: To my knowledge, none of the above mentioned Vim scripts/extensions
contain all the functionalities of SLIME (nor does Slimv, to tell the
truth). There is definitely room for improvement.
It would be nice to make Vim as usable as Emacs for Lisp programming.
In my opinion the main barrier is the lack of asynchronous buffer update
in Vim, but this may change in the future.
- Q: How does Slimv work?
- A: Slimv is a SWANK client that is able to communicate with a running
SWANK server, just as it is done by Emacs with SLIME.
The SWANK output is regularly polled via the socket connection and
interpreted in the REPL buffer opened in Vim.
The SWANK client is located in 'swank.py'.
- Q: But there was a non-swank functionality built in Slimv, where is it now
and how can I use it?
- A: It has been removed since version 0.9.0, because the development focuses
on providing a fully functional SWANK client, so the non-swank functionality
was not maintained. If you want the old behaviour then fetch plugin
version 0.8.6 and set g:slimv_swank to 0 in your vimrc file.
- Q: There is no SWANK server opened when I evaluate a form in Vim.
- A: There may be many reasons for that. Try to run the SWANK server manually,
Slimv detects if a SWANK server is running and is able to connect it.
- Check if the port number matches in Slimv and the SWANK server and
:dont-close is set to 't'.
- Verify the SWANK server command autodetected by Slimv:
:echo SlimvSwankCommand()
- Also check the following Slimv variables in Vim, maybe they are not
correctly autodetected and you need to override them in your .vimrc:
:echo g:slimv_lisp
:echo g:slimv_swank_cmd (or g:slimv_swank_clojure for Clojure)
- Q: The Slimv plugin is not loaded for a .lisp (or .clj, etc) file.
- A: Filetype plugins should be enabled, check it via the :filetype command.
If needed, put this in your .vimrc file:
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
You can check the scripts loaded with the :scriptnames command,
filetype.vim and ftplugin.vim should be listed in order to load other
filetype plugins.
The source buffer filetype should be lisp (or clojure, etc), check it via
:set ft?
The Slimv files should be in Vim's runtime path, check the path via
:set rtp?
slimv.vim should be in the ftplugin directory in the runtimepath,
there should be an ftplugin/lisp subdirectory containing slimv-lisp.vim.
Also make sure that no other ftplugin/lisp.vim is loaded that prevents
loading of the Slimv scripts.
- Q: I experience weird problems when using the plugin, e.g. incorrect key
mappings, strange error messages, indentation missing, etc.
- A: You may have an installation problem, try to completely remove then
reinstall the plugin.
It may also cause problems when you have the Slimv repository checked
out directly into vimfiles. Checkout the project to somewhere else and
copy only the relevant Slimv files to vimfiles.
Most problems may be spot by enabling Vim's verbose mode and examining
the resulting logfile. Either run Vim this way: 'vim -V20test.log' or
enable verbose mode runtime just before the problem happens:
:set verbosefile=test.log
:set verbose=20
It is also possible to save a log of the communication between Slimv and
the swank server by setting g:swank_log=1 in the .vimrc.
- Q: Why is SLIME functionality XYZ missing from Slimv?
- A: Not all SLIME functions are implemented in the SWANK client, however
the list of these functions keep growing. Maybe future releases will
contain it. All feature requests are welcome.
- Q: What is the version numbering concept?
- A: <major version>.<minor version>.<bugfix release>, where:
major version: Let's talk about it when it reaches 1...
minor version: New functionalities added, that are worth mentioning.
bugfix release: Only bugfixes or tiny additions.
- Q: Why is the plugin distributed in zip file?
- A: I want that Windows/Linux/Mac users all can easily extract the plugin
files. For this reason the vimball or zip format seems to be a good
choice. There is no native .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 decompressors on
Windows (however there exist free tools for the job, like 7zip).
I'm relatively new to vimball and it looks like a good candidate, but
I have some problems with it:
1. It is uncompressed, and if I want to compress it then I will end up
having it zipped.
2. The .vba extension is also used for Visual Basic scripts on Windows
and this frequently contains virus, so Windows users may dislike it.
And remembering the very first time I met a vba file I was thinking
that someone had created a Visual Basic installer for the script.
3. Many Vim users don't know vimball but most of them know zip files.
- Q: Are you a Lisp expert?
- A: No, not at all. I'm just learning Lisp. Also just learning Vim
scripting. And I'm not a Python expert either, however (at the moment)
I have more experience with Python than with Lisp.
- Q: What about Clojure?
- A: I have even less experience with Clojure than with Lisp.
But it looks like the Slimv functions can be easily ported for Clojure,
and as there are not many (yet) Vim scripts written for Clojure, I gave
it a try.
- Q: Why using Python for the client/server code? Why not Lisp?
- A: It is needed to use one of Vim's embedded languages for maintaining a
permanent socket connection from within Vim. There aren't too many choices,
and Lisp is not (yet?) embedded into Vim.
CHANGE LOG *slimv-changelog*
0.9.13 - Update REPL buffer in the background, no need to bring it into focus.
- The evaluation result is also displayed in the status line.
- REPL buffer number is remembered upon creation, no need to find it by name.
- In Vim 7.4 normal mode cursor movements and winrestview() cannot be
used in an 'indentexpr'.
- Concealing should not hide whitespaces in the Inspector buffer.
- Do not load contribs by default when starting the swank server.
- Place cursor at prompt position in the REPL buffer upon tab switch.
- Bugfix: Scheme builtin swank not launching.
- Fix for pressing Enter on a filename in SLDB when the filename is
not enclosed in double quotes.
- Save and restore marks ` and ' in the source buffer while updating REPL.
- Removed "b:" prefix from function names because latest vim version does not.
- Raising s-expressions now support [] and {}.
- Reindent current form after ,< and ,>.
- Paredit: always leave cursor to opening char's pos after wrapping selection.
- Paredit: fix possible cursor move problem caused by &indentexpr
when using the c operator.
- Added Clozure CL specific code to read environment variable SWANK_PORT.
- Changed nnoremap to noremap in normal mode movement mappings (, ), [[, ]].
- R language related fixes.
- Bugfix: 2 keymaps assumed g:paredit_leader is identical to ','.
- Fix for paredit 'x' and 'X' when clipboard=unnamed.
- Paredit: added support for hy.
- Paredit: use <Leader> instead of mapleader.
- Paredit: enhanced detection of forms balanced state.
- Paredit: unescaped square brackets in balance detection.
- Add support for alternate backspace keybinding.
- Bugfix: Null character should not be inserted from Python side.
- Delete contents into the black hole register when exiting the
Inspect/Threads/Sldb buffer.
- Added options g:slimv_unmap_cr, g:slimv_unmap_tab, g:slimv_unmap_space.
- Paredit bugfix: pressing <Tab> (for completion) followed by ')'.
- Fixed selection handling in EvalRegion and CompileRegion when
"set clipboard=unnamedplus".
- Paredit: Remove invalid uses of `call`.
- Do not destroy clipboard contents in EvalDefun when set clipboard=unnamed.
- Added missing quotes in the existence check for g:slimv_hs_root.
- Paredit: fixed problem with 'x' and 'X' commands when erasing
multi-byte unicode character.
- Insert mode Ctrl-W does not delete the prompt in the REPL buffer.
- Replace '\' characters with '/' in the compiled file name returned
by the swank server.
- Fix Paredit burfing (by moving parens left or right) when there are
stings as elements.
- Bugfix: arglist printing sometimes permanently disabled 'showmode'.
- Added command 'Quit REPL' mapped to <Leader>Q.
- Bugfix: wrong number of arguments when calling swank:eval-string-in-frame.
- Print REPL result string in a new line.
- Bugfix: MenuMap now correctly sets no keybindings when
g:slimv_keybindings is other than '1' or '2'.
- Bugfix: call winrestview() after SlimvCompileDefun.
- Indentation routine keeps original cursor position.
- Removed "com" extension from the scheme swank server when loading
compiled file.
- Store package in register when SlimvEvalTestDefun() is called
with an output register.
- Disable swank completion and arglist display while in :read_string mode.
- Added Find-Definitions function.
- Compatibility modifications for Python3.
- Updated logic for python version selection.
- Added paredit support for shen language.
- Use current package in Find-Definition.
- Fix unicode string length calculation for Python 3.x.
- Ignore Vim generated tags file.
- Paredit: Do not skip parens after \\ when searching for pairs.
- Use :tjump instead of :tag to jump to a definiton upon pressing Ctrl+].
- Modify Applescript for modern version iTerm.
- Fixed indentation of 'if' when the swank server does not provide it.
- Support both old and new style SWANK version strings (YYYY-MM-DD vs X.XX).
- Updated bundled swank server to slime version 2.19.
0.9.12 - Added support for the R language via swank-R (by Philipp Marek).
- Test form for SlimvEvalTestExp() may wrap the selected s-expression.
- Added Shift+Tab mapping for cycling backwards in the completion
popup menu.
- User defined REPL buffer name may contain some special characters.
- Pass port number to the swank server in SWANK_PORT environent variable
on Linux (by Glen Gibb and Federico Churca-Torrusio).
- Autodetect wx86cl64.exe (Clozure CL) on 64 bit Windows.
- Added applescript support for starting swank through iTerm
(by Seth Price).
- Add Racket support for delimiter '[]' and '{}' (by Jimmy Lu).
- Bugfix: if the user started a normal mode command prefixed with a count,
then the count was cleared by the REPL refresh timer.
- Bugfix: CursorHold trigger ignore mappings to prevent collisions with
other plugins.
- Bugfix: preselect function name before starting swank server in the
Disassemble command.
- Bugfix: do not append '>' at the prompt if it already ends with it.
- Bugfix: package name not found when 'noignorecase' was set.
- Bugfix: Paredit ,< and ,> when 'whichwrap' contains 'h' and 'l'.
- Bugfix: keep multi-line SLDB abort messages commented all throughout
(by Federico Churca-Torrusio).
- Bugfix: prevent call to frame-call on AllegroCL (by Robert Kerr).
- Bugfix: tag lookup (Ctrl+]) added garbage to symbol name.
- Bugfix: parsing arrays (and other prefixed forms) returned from the
swank server.
- Bugfix: prevent accidental multiple registration of slimv autocommands.
- Bugfix: disable autocommands for the REPL update, make sure 'updatetime'
is not too low.
0.9.11 - Entering some text in REPL command history, then pressing <Up>/<Down>
searches for matching lines only.
- Changed lisp syntax for #\( and #\) to "string".
- Handle three or more windows layout: assign an id to each slimv
window, reuse slimv windows.
- Support for built-in or third party clojure syntax file.
- Indent with tabs when 'noexpandtab' set after file is loaded.
- Added options g:paredit_disable_clojure, g:paredit_disable_lisp,
- Added repeat.vim support to many Paredit modification actions
(by Logan Campbell).
- Returning cursor to start position after Paredit " wrap
(by Logan Campbell).
- Paredit: do not insert newline if item is selected in completion
popup menu by pressing <CR>.
- Paredit: delete into the "*" register when option clipboard=unnamed.
- Paredit: handle #"" regexp syntax definition also when searching
for paren matches.
- Defined <Leader>- mapping (Clear-REPL) for all source buffers.
- Escape double quotes in text input into (read) in the REPL buffer.
- Bugfix: indentation after multi-line string.
- Bugfix: Paredit Wrap accomodates strings (thanks to Colin Jones).
- Bugfix: fixed error messages when compiling or describing before
connected to swank server.
- Bugfix: fixed some indentation issues with multi-line arguments
- Bugfix: fixing buffer confusion when filename contains 'repl'.
- Bugfix: don't move cursor for Paredit v) when selection mode is
inclusive (by John Szakmeister).
- Bugfix: syntax highlighting in clojure REPL for forms containing
">" in the function name.
0.9.10 - Replaced 'readonly' flag with 'nomodifiable' for SLDB, Inspect,
Threads buffers.
- Restore window and buffer if SLDB is activated during completion.
- Allow using Slimv and VimClojure (or other clojure filetype plugin)
- Added Restart-Frame command (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Added defn- to clojure keywords (thanks to David Soria Parra).
- Paredit initialization on filetype instead of filename extension.
- Do not permanently set 'iskeyword' in paredit.vim.
- Paredit: added '^' macro prefix.
- Paredit: treat #_(...) type of clojure comments as regular forms.
- Paredit: handle VimClojure's #"" regexp syntax definition.
- It is now possible to remove plugin/paredit.vim.
- Bugfix: fixed missing variable error message.
- Bugfix: REPL prompt position corruption problems.
- Bugfix: cursor positioning problems when displaying arglist.
- Bugfix: paredit 'cc', 'Vc' did not delete line.
- Bugfix: paredit 'd', 'c', 'vc', 'cW' cursor positioning problems.
- Bugfix: paredit 'C' extra whitespace and trailing ".
- Bugfix: reset indent after paredit 'cc'.
- Bugfix: paredit 'dd', ',>' EOL problem.
- Bugfix: paredit indentation when 'indentexpr' takes no argument
(thanks to Tim Pope).
- Bugfix: keep cursor inside "" when deleting over trailing " via
paredit 'cW', 'C', etc.
- Bugfix: use &ft instead of SlimvGetFiletype() in paredit.vim.
0.9.9 - Added Paredit functions to Slimv menu (thanks to Conrad Schuler).
- Inspector: use the same package when pressing [--more--].
- Inspector: speeding up multi-part object processing.
- Inspector: save/restore cursor position for previously visited pages.
- <Leader>rc was doubly mapped, use <Leader>- for REPL Clear.
- Autodetect ritz-swank.
- Added Break-on-Exception function for ritz-swank.
- Added minibuffer operations, this enables [set value] in Inspector.
- Added smartjumping for Clojure (thanks to dgrnbrg on bitbucket.org).
- Disable indenting on "set noautoindent".
- Pass python output to Vim script in variable instead of redirecting
stdout (hopefully solves 64-bit MacVim problems).
- Handle [] and {} delimiters in Scheme like in Clojure.
- Paredit: ignore (, [, or { when preceded by \.
- Bugfix: arglist on <Space> after pressing 'I' in visual block mode.
- Bugfix: indentation after multi-line subform.
- Bugfix: problems with finding function name for arglist.
- Bugfix: corruption when pasting large text into console Vim.
- Bugfix: cursor positioning in REPL buffer when virtualedit=all.
- Bugfix: multi-line entry name parsing in Inspector.
0.9.8 - Added autodetection for 'ccl'.
- Delete empty lines when re-gathering Electric Returns.
- Inspector: put multiple items in one line (like in Slime).
- Inspector: highlight selectable parts and actions, hide item id-s.
- Inspector: display "path" of inspected object.
- Don't extend s-expression with prefix when macroexpanding.
- Don't evaluate or compile the REPL buffer.
- Added device to the path when loading pretty printer patches for SBCL
(thanks to Andrew Lyon).
- Added option g:slimv_repl_simple_eval and Electric Return for REPL buffer.
- Print arglist when pressing Space after closing parens or double quotes,
also when pressing Enter.
- Added "Clear REPL" entry to the REPL menu (mapped to <Leader>-).
- Paredit: special handling of cw, cb, ciw, caw supporting repeat ('.').
- Do not describe empty symbol.
- Prefer selecting symbol to the left when cursor is on whitespace.
- Added "." character to iskeyword for Lisp.
- Removed "." when selecting symbol for completion for Clojure.
- Increased fuzzy completion limit.
- Bugfix: find package/namespace when current form is in a fold.
- Bugfix: PareditToggle ckecks if buffer was registered for Paredit.
- Bugfix: Electric Return re-gathering at end of line with no virtualedit.
- Bugfix: extra character at the end of selection using 'v('
- Bugfix: garbage upon pressing ')' or Enter in completion popup.
- Bugfix: Paredit 'x' at end of line when 'whichwrap' includes h,l.
- Bugfix: arglist sometimes not displayed.
- Bugfix: Paredit Wrap when line ends in a multibyte character
(thanks to Sung Pae).
0.9.7 - Keep cursor position on expanding [--more--] in the Inspector.
- Added [--all---] to Inspector for fetching all parts.
- Don't explicitly check for pythonXX.dll, rely on has('python').
- Require 'swank-repl' for slime version above 2011-12-04 in case
contribs are disabled.
- Identify VimClojure REPL prompt position for paredit (thanks to
David Greenberg).
- Paredit: added <leader><Up> for Splice-killing-backward,
<leader><Down> for Splice-killing-forward, <leader>I for Raise.
- Paredit: added 'Electric Return' feature and new option
- Increased the distance to search for the defun start to 200 lines.
- Bugfix: positioning the cursor at the end of REPL prompt in insert mode.
- Bugfix: handle restart/frame number above 999 (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: form selection when cursor is next to the opening paren.
- Bugfix: indentation of multi-line strings.
- Bugfix: indentation of lines with multi-byte characters.
- Bugfix: cursor movement while indenting.
0.9.6 - Perform indenting when <Tab> pressed on whitespace.
- Added support for newer swank message length counting in bytes.
- Updated Lisp swank server to version 2012-03-06.
- Updated Clojure API reference to version 1.3.
- Identify .cljs files as Clojure type.
- Enable g:slimv_repl_syntax by default.
- Restart parenthesis highlighting at each REPL prompt.
- Scheme: eval buffer and region in a (begin ...) block.
- Added option g:scheme_builtin_swank for enabling MIT scheme's built-in
swank server.
- Added syntax highlight for Scheme quoted symbol.
- Keep SLDB buffer if swank stays in debugger upon selecting a restart.
- When reconnecting the swank server wait for disconnection first.
- Fixed REPL buffer slowdown caused by re-assigning autocommands.
- Fixed detection of string and comment when no syntax loaded.
- Fixed Scheme syntax highlight problems in the REPL buffer.
- Call :frame-source-location and :frame-call only if swank supports them.
0.9.5 - Use correct SLDB level when invoking restart.
- Autodetect tmux session on Linux (thanks to Brett Kosinski).
- Enable syntax only once to avoid reload of syntax plugins.
- Added option g:slimv_browser_cmd_suffix.
- Skip syntax and indent file for disabled filetypes.
- Check the presence of X on Linux.
- Indentation fixes: keywords, gap after '(', defsystem, defmacro,
- Use winsaveview()/winrestview() for remembering current view when
moving around (e.g. searching for package).
- Find package for arglist and completion.
- Ignore mapleader when it's <Space>.
- Print SLDB error description also into the REPL buffer.
- Evaluate keyword if using Eval-Defun outside of s-expression.
- Disable unsupported swank features for Scheme.
- Bugfix: Paredit 'cw' at the end of line.
- Bugfix: omit REPL prompt from Eval-Defun and Eval-Expression.
- Bugfix: printing of '\n' and other escaped characters.
- Bugfix: Paredit delete and put corrupted the "0 register.
0.9.4 - Added highlighting of [] and {} for Clojure.
- Added options to disable Slimv for specific filetypes:
g:slimv_disable_clojure, g:slimv_disable_lisp, g:slimv_disable_scheme.
- Added option g:slimv_indent_keylists (thanks to Andrew Smirnoff).
- Added "set hidden" for safe switching of modified buffers.
- Added Help to Inspect and Threads buffers.
- Evaluate register contents if Eval-Region prefixed by ["x].
- Store form in register if Eval-Defun or Eval-Exp prefixed by ["x].
- Increased timeout for :create-repl.
- Stay in REPL buffer if Macroexpand performed in REPL.
- Search for either (in-ns) or (ns) for Clojure, remove quote character
from namespace name.
- Added SlimvEvalTestDefun() and SlimvEvalTestExp() for immediate testing
of the form(s) being evaluated.
- Bugfix: various indentation issues (function name is a subform,
let, let*, do, defpackage, defsystem, and [] for Clojure).
- Bugfix: Eval-Range problem in visual mode.
- Bugfix: SLDB parsing problem with newlines in description of restarts.
- Bugfix: REPL autoscroll incidentally stopping (thanks to Andrew Lyon).
- Bugfix: added some index out of range checks (thanks to Philipp Marek).
0.9.3 - Start Swank server in virtual terminal when running in GNU screen
on Linux (thanks to Oleg Terenchuk).
- Reuse a window for slimv also when there are three or more windows open.
- Don't go to end of REPL buffer if user moved the cursor away from EOF.
- Use xdg-open for default browser in Linux.
- Removed option g:slimv_python.
- Added option g:slimv_repl_max_len for limiting the number of lines in
the REPL buffer.
- Added option g:slimv_preferred to choose preferred lisp implementation.
- Query additional parts of big inspected object upon pressing Enter on
- Thread List is displayed and handled in a separate Threads buffer.
- Bugfix: window navigation problems between source/REPL/SLDB/etc.
- Bugfix: error messages when Swank server window is closed.
- Bugfix: return control to vim after starting browser defined by
- Bugfix: fixed indentation of arguments before &body argument.
- Bugfix: autocomplete for dotted package/namespace names.
- Bugfix: indentation of aif.
0.9.2 - Added option g:swank_log to enable swank debug log.
- Added options g:slimv_repl_name, g:slimv_sldb_name, g:slimv_inspect_name.
- Added option g:slimv_indent_maxlines.
- Changed Debug-Thread mapping to <leader>dT (g:slimv_keybindings=2)
due to conflict with Generate-Tags.
- Label thread ID in thread list (by Philipp Marek).
- Set balloonexpr for all buffers (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Connect swank server when needed instead of printing an error message
(by Philipp Marek).
- Set expandtab for lisp and clojure files.
- Kill-Thread kills all threads in the selected range (by Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: added missing parts of Set-Breakpoint introduced in 0.9.1.
- Bugfix: test source lookup (upon pressing Enter) before testing
fold toggle in SLDB (by Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: indentation of flet, labels, macrolet.
- Bugfix: Kill-Thread now really kills thread (by Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: inspect gensyms in frame (by Philipp Marek).
0.9.1 - Improved frame number identification in SLDB buffer.
- Moved frame source location above frame locals in SLDB.
- Fold frame source location if more than 2 lines.
- Inspect-In-Frame: preselect symbol under cursor only in variable lines.
- Inspect-In-Frame: open Inspector in the other window.
- Improved XRef file location parsing.
- Use current paragraph when no range set for Eval-Region and
- Added option g:slimv_sldb_wrap, do not set wrap for source buffers.
- Added Set-Breakpoint command mapped to <leader>B (thanks to
Philipp Marek), changed Profile-By-Substring mapping to <leader>P.
- Set Lisp keyword characters also in SLDB buffer.
- Bugfix: error messages at Connect-Server.
- Bugfix: error message for frame source location without filename.
- Bugfix: XRef output sometimes cut.
0.9.0 - Separate buffers for SLDB and Inspector.
- Toggle frame information in SLDB buffer by pressing Enter.
- Look up source when pressing Enter on filename with location in SLDB.
- Added option g:swank_block_size to override Swank output buffer size
(thanks to stassats on #lisp and Philipp Marek).
- Removed old non-swank functionality.
- Removed option g:slimv_repl_open.
- Paredit: new mappings [[ and ]] for previous and next defun.
- Bugfix: various refresh problems (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: disable debug mode when reconnecting Swank (by Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: display multi-line debug condition and frame source location,
quote characters in compile (by Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: use proper SLDB level when invoking restart (by Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: restore all lisp keyword characters in iskeyword.
- Bugfix: indentation of defgeneric.
- Bugfix: use proper filename and location when compiling defun or region.
- Bugfix: buffer corruption when re-triggering timer in insert mode.
- Bugfix: <End> moved cursor to the right edge of screen in REPL buffer
when virtualmode=all.
0.8.6 - Handle cl:in-package, common-lisp:in-package (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Added option g:swank_host to allow connecting to remote Swank server.
- Autodetection of Cake for Clojure (thanks to Chris Cahoon).
- Set Paredit mode also for .cl and .rkt files.
- Recognise domain reversed package names in form com.gigamonkeys.pathnames
(thanks to has2k1).
- Added curly braces rainbow parenthesis for Clojure.
- Added paredit handling of curly braces for Clojure.
- Use SlimvIndent also for Clojure.
- Handle line number returned in :compilation-result.
- Bugfix: removed double newline in :read-string (text input).
- Bugfix: when editing with cw in paredit mode, keep ending whitespaces
(thanks to Mats Rauhala).
- Bugfix: compilation error when Swank does not return file name.
- Bugfix: skip dot character when Swank returns a dotted pair (a . b).
0.8.5 - Switch on indent plugins.
- Do not complete empty string on <Tab>.
- Added Clojure keywords to syntax plugin.
- Use -i option to load swank-clojure.
- Implementation specific REPL initialization, for Clojure it imports
source, apropos, javadoc, etc. (thanks to <20>mer Sinan Agacan).
- Print Lisp version at REPL startup.
- Added List-Threads, Kill-Thread, Debug-Thread (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Write prompt after Toggle-Trace.
- Display list of untraced functions for Untrace-All.
- When in SLDB, Interactive-Eval evaluates expressions in the frame,
Inspect inspects objects in the frame.
- Changed g:slimv_echolines logic: set 0 for no lines, -1 for all lines.
- Bugfix: removed extra linebreak between chunks of long output.
- Bugfix: indentation problems for symbols with package specification
(thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: indentation of Clojure's defn.
- Bugfix: plist indentation (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: occasional few seconds delay in swank response.
- Bugfix: running Swank server on Mac OS X (on behalf of Tobias Pflug).
0.8.4 - Added handling for Unicode characters.
- Truncate arglist output to fit in the status line.
- Added debugger keybindings: ,a for abort ,q for quit ,n for continue.
- Changed keybinding for apropos to ,A
- Added compiler error messages to quickfix list.
- Map insert mode <Space> and <Tab> only for lisp (and dialects) buffers.
- Bugfix: wait for the response to :create-repl before calling
:swank-require (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: indentation problems with unbalanced parens in comment.
- Bugfix: arglist ate the <Space> when virtualedit was off.
0.8.3 - Added top/bottom/left/right directions to g:slimv_repl_split.
- Added :Lisp (and an equivalent :Eval) command with completion.
- Added g:slimv_leader and g:paredit_leader options.
- Added g:slimv_echolines to echo only the first few lines of the
form being evaluated.
- Added fuzzy completion and option g:slimv_simple_compl (by Philipp Marek).
- Indent macros with &body argument by two spaces when connected to swank
(thanks to Philipp Marek and Andreas Fredriksson).
- Special indentation for flet, labels, macrolet.
- Default for Set-Package is current package (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: REPL output ordering problems.
- Bugfix: problem with inserting Space into visual block.
- Bugfix: blinking when g:slimv_repl_syntax is on.
- Bugfix: entering incomplete form in REPL command line.
- Bugfix: close form when inside comment, string, or with mixed ([.
0.8.2 - Added Paredit and g:lisp_rainbow support for Scheme files.
- Added SWANK support for MIT Scheme on Linux.
- Added frame call information to SLDB (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Check for unbalanced form before evaluation.
- Reconnect SWANK server in Connect-Server if already connected
(thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Select current form instead of top level form in Macroexpand.
- Bugfix: Paredit handling of escaped matched characters, like \" or \(.
- Bugfix: cursor positioning problems when debugger activated.
- Bugfix: print prompt after Describe.
0.8.1 - Added action handling to Inspector, fixed Inspector output.
- Bugfix: read-string mode was stuck.
- Bugfix: buffer corruption with two source windows
(thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: eliminate multiple CursorHold autocommands
(thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: completion with special characters in symbol name
(thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: sometimes cursor went to the start of line in insert mode.
- Bugfix: syntax error in Untrace All (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: removed ' prefix from symbol selection (except for Inspect).
- Bugfix: keep cursor position in Describe and Compile-Region.
0.8.0 - Major update: added SWANK client (many thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Split documentation into three parts.
- Added keymapping hints to GUI menu items.
- Renamed Eval-Last-Expression to Eval-Current-Expression.
- REPL buffer is not syntax highlighted anymore.
- Switch on filetype plugins.
- Autodetection for Allegro CL, Lisp Cabinet and Leiningen.
- Ask for save before compiling file.
- Map <Tab> for symbol name completion.
- Bugfix: finding start of keyword in completion.
- Bugfix: deleting escaped " inside string.
- Bugfix: Up/Down/Enter handling in popup menu.
0.7.7 - Paredit: find next closing paren when using ,< or ,> and not standing
on a paren.
- Open REPL buffer upon connecting server.
- Bugfix: REPL buffer prompt identification was sometimes missing.
- Bugfix: switch off REPL refresh mode when REPL buffer is not visible
(thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: convert Python path on Windows to short 8.3 filename format
if it contains space (thanks to Razvan Rotaru).
0.7.6 - Cursor potision is kept during evaluation.
- Most Slimv commands made silent.
- Bugfix: find defun start when cursor is on a comment.
- Bugfix: keep newlines in Compile-Region.
- Bugfix: infinite loop when selecting form in empty buffer.
- Bugfix: error when opening REPL buffer with g:slimv_repl_split=0.
- Bugfix: REPL blinking in insert mode when visualbell is on.
- Bugfix: added the comma to the list of macro prefix characters
(thanks to John Obbele).
- Bugfix: long/short Windows filename problem for REPL buffer.
0.7.5 - Added Cygwin compatibility using the Windows Python
(thanks to Jerome Baum).
- Display client error message when eval was not successful.
- Form is passed to client via stdin instead of temp file.
- Bugfix: automatic reconnection when server closed and reopened.
- Bugfix: delete and yank also via named registers in paredit.vim.
- Bugfix: handle double quotes in Compile-Defun and Compile-Region.
0.7.4 - Added autodetection for simple 'clojure' command on Linux.
- Removed duplicates from history of commands entered in REPL buffer
(those recallable with <Up> and <Down>).
- Bugfix: infinite loop during eval when 'in-package' or 'in-ns'
was in comment.
- Bugfix: Lisp prompt identification problems in REPL buffer.
- Bugfix: input line duplication in SBCL on Linux
(assigned "*debug-io*" to stdin).
- Bugfix: Eval Defun missed last ")" if form contained "'('".
0.7.3 - Added compatibility with Python 3.x.
- Bugfix: input lines for REPL were doubled on Linux (thanks to
Andrew Hills), however not yet fixed for SBCL.
- Bugfix: enclose Slimv path in double quotes if it contains space.
- Bugfix: select form when standing on prefix character (e.g. ' or `).
0.7.2 - Added autodetection for /usr/local/bin/clojure on Linux.
- Added special characters to Lisp keyword selection (iskeyword).
- Run Vim's original ftplugin/lisp.vim for Clojure filetype.
- Bugfix: PareditWrap error when g:paredit_shortmaps=1 (thanks to
Jon Thacker).
- Bugfix: buffer selection problems in case of three of more buffers
(thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: conflicting keybindings for SlimvGenerateTags.
- Bugfix: unmap error messages when g:paredit_mode=0.
0.7.1 - Added option g:slimv_browser_cmd for opening hyperspec in a custom
webbrowser (on behalf of Andreas Salwasser).
- Added paredit handling for d<motion>, c<motion>, p and P commands:
keep paren balance when deleting and pasting text.
- Paredit Toggle function removes and re-adds paredit keybindings.
- Bugfix: D and C deleted till beginning of line if () or [] found.
- Bugfix: handle escaped \" characters inside string.
0.7.0 - Added package/namespace support.
- New way of refreshing the REPL buffer via autocommands, removed
'RUNNING' mode, cursor stays in the current buffer at evaluation.
- Added option g:slimv_updatetime.
- Removed options related to the old way of refreshing:
g:slimv_repl_return and g:slimv_repl_wait.
- Removed debug logging.
- Updated Clojure API to version 1.2.
- Extended keyword definition when selecting symbols.
- Bugfix: defmacro detection problem (again).
0.6.3 - Added option g:slimv_repl_return to return cursor to the editor window
from REPL buffer after evaluating an s-expression.
- Wrap: if standing on a paren then wrap the whole s-expression.
- Wrap selection: exit visual mode after command.
- Bugfix: inserting double quotes in paredit mode (like "\"").
- Bugfix: dd in paredit mode when unbalanced form is inside comment.
- Bugfix: reopen REPL buffer after closing it via :q.
- Bugfix: comment and string detection error with noignorecase setting
(thanks to Brian Kropf).
- Bugfix: wrong positioning when moving parenthesis to the right.
- Bugfix: defmacro detection problem (thanks to Philipp Marek).
- Bugfix: paredit wrap selection missed last character when 'selection'
was not "exclusive".
0.6.2 - Added support for Mac OS X via Terminal.app (on behalf of Vlad Hanciuta).
- Added string "clj" as a detector for Clojure (by Vlad Hanciuta).
- Bugfix: paredit wrap function missed last character when 'selection'
was not "exclusive" (thanks to Marcin Fatyga).
- Bugfix: input was stuck inside SBCL debugger
(on behalf of Philipp Marek and Dmitry Petukhov).
- Bugfix: occasional error messages during REPL buffer update.
- Bugfix: REPL menu was sometimes missing.
- Bugfix: occasional command line color problems.
0.6.1 - Added Split, Join, Wrap, Splice functions to Paredit Mode.
- Added g:paredit_shortmaps to select short/long paredit keymaps.
- Bugfix: delete commands put erased characters into yank buffer.
- Bugfix: D deletes only characters after the cursor position.
0.6.0 - Added paredit mode.
- Set wrap mode for REPL buffer with keybindings.
0.5.6 - Improved REPL buffer response time.
- Added debug log flushing frequency.
- Bugfix: early exit of REPL refresh mode on some machines.
0.5.5 - Updated Clojure API to 1.1.
- Expand tilde-prefix to home directory on Linux.
- Autodetect Clojure in the user home directory on Linux.
0.5.4 - Added autodetection for clojure-contrib.jar.
- Added autodetection for Clozure CL.
- Applied lisp_rainbow to Clojure's [].
- Renamed Clojure indent plugin to clojure.vim
so that Vim finds and loads it.
- Switched on lisp mode explicitly for Clojure filetype.
0.5.3 - Added Interrupt-Lisp-Process command.
- Added mapping for the REPL menu.
- Added special forms to Clojre API lookup.
- Bugfix: put cursor after the last character in insert mode when
continuously refreshing REPL buffer.
- Fixed some Ctrl-C handling problems.
0.5.2 - Updated Clojure API.
- Adapted Clojure autodetection to version 1.0 (clojure-1.0.0.jar).
- Complete-Symbol command moved to separate Edit submenu.
- Added Close-Form command to the Edit submenu.
0.5.1 - Added symbol name completion based on the Hyperspec database.
0.5.0 - Major project reorganization:
Slimv is now a Lisp and Clojure filetype plugin.
- Added Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API, and JavaDoc lookup.
- Separate menu for REPL buffer, menu items work in every Vim mode.
- Fixed mark 's usage bug - thanks to Lorenzo Campedelli.
0.4.1 - Added profiler support for SBCL.
- Added commands/menu items: Profiling: Show Profiled,
REPL: Send Input, Close and Send Input, Previous Input, Next Input
- Display Slimv error messages with ErrorMsg highlight.
0.4.0 - Added SLIME's profiling tool with support from Slimv.
- Added command to generate tags file.
- Fixed evaluation problems of large buffers on some systems.
- Fixed Compile And Load filename problems with '\' on Windows.
- Recycle old REPL temporary file at next server startup.
0.3.0 - Added syntax highlighting and automatic indentation for the REPL
buffer (needs lisp and/or clojure Vim plugins).
- It is possible to enter a multi-line command in the REPL buffer,
until the opening and closing parens match.
- Insert mode Up and Down keys move cursor when outside of the REPL
command line.
- Ctrl-C is working inside the REPL buffer (while waiting for output),
so Ctrl-X and Ctrl-X Ctrl-X keybindings are removed.
- REPL window performance enhancement on Linux.
0.2.2 - Fixed REPL input and output mix-up problems.
- Evaluation performance enhancement.
- Corrected some more macroexpand problems.
0.2.1 - Added basic Clojure support.
- Corrected some macroexpand problems.
- Fixed a REPL buffer refresh bug.
0.2.0 - Major update: Lisp REPL displayed in a Vim buffer.
0.1.4 - Corrected the delayed display of last line in REPL window on Linux.
- Ctrl-C is propagated to Lisp REPL, so it is possible to interrupt
a running program. Does not work however with some Lisp
implementations (like SBCL).
0.1.3 - Handle DOS and Unix style newlines produced by various
Lisp implementations on Windows.
- Do not write debug logfile when debug level is zero.
- Removed unused client command line argument: -c
0.1.2 - Windows users do not need pywin32 anymore.
- Display buffer is more thread safe.
0.1.1 - Corrected memory fillup problem after a long REPL session.
0.1 - Initial release.
- Vim register "s is used for all form selections, so its original content is
- Needs Vim version 7.0 or above, because of the intensive use of lists.
- Needs the same Python version that Vim is compiled against
- It is not possible to run separate Lisp and Clojure REPL in the same
Slimv session.
- Recent macvim (OS X) 64-bit versions seem to have a Python 2.7 binding problem
causing segmentation faults when Slimv tries to connect to the Swank server.
One possible solution is to use the 32-bit version of macvim.
Another solution is to rebuild macvim with Python binding changed to 2.6.
TODO *slimv-todo*
- Add missing SLIME functions to the SWANK client.
- Allow connecting remote SWANK server (outside of localhost) via SSH.
- Allow multiple REPL buffers in the same Vim session.
- Allow multiple inferior lisps (e.g. one REPL to CLISP, another one to SBCL).
CREDITS *slimv-credits*
Author: Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
Please send comments, bug reports, suggestions, etc. to the e-mail address
Slimv is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it any way you
like, except the embedded SLIME and Swank Clojure.
SLIME is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation. See the included slime/README file
or http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/ for details.
Swank Clojure is licensed under the Eclipse Public License. See the file
swank-clojure/COPYING or https://github.com/technomancy/swank-clojure for
Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar and all the Vim developers for making
the world's (one of the) best editor.
Thanks to Eric Marsden, Luke Gorrie, Helmut Eller, Luke Gorrie, Helmut Eller,
Tobias C. Rittweiler and all the Emacs/SLIME developers for making SLIME.
Also special thanks to Erik Naggum, Yuji Minejima and others for making the
Common Lisp Hyperspec lookup packages for SLIME, and thanks to
Taylor R. Campbell for the Emacs paredit.el script.
Thanks to Jeffrey Chu, Phil Hagelberg, Hugo Duncan for making Swank Clojure,
and to Helmut Eller for making Scheme Swank server.
Thanks to the Vim community for testing, commenting and patching the script,
especially to Philipp Marek for his great number of contributions, patches,
ideas, suggestions on the SWANK integration.
Also thanks to Vlad Hanciuta, Marcin Fatyga, Dmitry Petukhov,
Daniel Solano G<>mez, Brian Kropf, Len Weincier, Andreas Salwasser,
Jon Thacker, Andrew Hills, Jerome Baum, John Obbele, Andreas Fredriksson,
<EFBFBD>mer Sinan Agacan, Tobias Pflug, Chris Cahoon, Mats Rauhala, Oleg Terenchuk,
Andrew Lyon, Andrew Smirnoff, Brett Kosinski, David Greenberg, Sung Pae,
Conrad Schuler, Tim Pope, David Soria Parra, Colin Jones, Logan Campbell,
John Szakmeister, Glen Gibb, Federico Churca-Torrusio, Robert Kerr, Jimmy Lu,
Seth Price, Philip Xu, Junegunn Choi, and github users elmart, chiku-samugari,
dusenberrymw, bclube, vi1, FreeBlues, bnoordhuis, bvnierop, mattn, D4ryus,
jakykong, Prajjwal, Neetless, jurov for additional notes and contributions.
I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone donating to support
development. This is a one-element list at the moment: :)
thanks to Paul Michael Bauer.
Last but not least many thanks to my wife Andrea (for the Italians out there:
hey, this is a female name in Hungary :) for her support and patience.