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2022-06-05 18:14:25 +08:00

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(ns swank.util
(:import (java.io StringReader)
(clojure.lang LineNumberingPushbackReader)))
(defmacro one-of?
"Short circuiting value comparison."
([val & possible]
(let [v (gensym)]
`(let [~v ~val]
(or ~@(map (fn [p] `(= ~v ~p)) possible))))))
(defn find-first
"Returns the first entry in a coll matches a given predicate."
([coll] (find-first identity coll))
([pred coll]
(first (filter pred coll))))
(defn position
"Finds the first position of an item that matches a given predicate
within col. Returns nil if not found. Optionally provide a start
offset to search from."
([pred coll] (position pred coll 0))
([pred coll start]
(loop [coll (drop start coll), i start]
(when (seq coll)
(if (pred (first coll))
(recur (rest coll) (inc i))))))
{:tag Integer})
(when-not (ns-resolve 'clojure.core 'group-by)
;; TODO: not sure why eval is necessary here; breaks without it.
(eval '(defn group-by
"Categorizes elements within a coll into a map based on a function."
([f coll]
(fn [ret x]
(let [k (f x)]
(assoc ret k (conj (get ret k []) x))))
(when-not (ns-resolve 'clojure.core 'flatten)
(eval '(defn flatten [x]
(filter (complement sequential?)
(rest (tree-seq sequential? seq x))))))
(defmacro returning [[var ret] & body]
`(let [~var ~ret]
(defn deep-replace [smap coll]
(map #(if (or (seq? %) (vector? %))
(deep-replace smap %)
(replace smap coll)))
(defmacro keep-bindings [bindings f]
(let [bind-vars (take (count bindings) (repeatedly gensym))]
`(let [~@(interleave bind-vars bindings)]
(fn [& args#]
(binding [~@(interleave bindings bind-vars)]
(apply ~f args#))))))
(defmacro continuously [& body]
`(loop [] ~@body (recur)))
(defmacro failing-gracefully [& body]
(catch Throwable _# nil)))