Added update_plugins.py which can fetch new plugins from GitHub. New plugins added: zencoding, vim-indent-object, taglist, nginx.vim
7.5 KiB
This project adds CoffeeScript support to the vim editor. It handles syntax, indenting, compiling, and more. Also included is support for CoffeeScript in Haml and HTML.
Install from a Zipball
This is the quickest way to get things running.
Download the latest zipball from vim.org or github. The latest version on github is under Download Packages (don't use the Download buttons.)
Extract the archive into
:unzip -od ~/.vim vim-coffee-script-HASH.zip
These steps are also used to update the plugin.
Install with Pathogen
Since this plugin has rolling versions based on git commits, using pathogen and
git is the preferred way to install. The plugin ends up contained in its own
directory and updates are just a git pull
Install tpope's pathogen into
and add this line to yourvimrc
:call pathogen#infect()
To get the all the features of this plugin, make sure you also have a
filetype plugin indent on
line in there.
Create and change into
:$ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
Make a clone of the
repository:$ git clone https://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script.git
Change into
:$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script
Pull in the latest changes:
$ git pull
CoffeeMake: Compile the Current File
The CoffeeMake
command compiles the current file and parses any errors:
The full signature of the command is:
:[silent] CoffeeMake[!] [COFFEE-OPTIONS]...
By default, CoffeeMake
shows all compiler output and jumps to the first line
reported as an error by coffee
Compiler output can be hidden with silent
:silent CoffeeMake
Line-jumping can be turned off by adding a bang:
Options given to CoffeeMake
are passed along to coffee
:CoffeeMake --bare
can be manually loaded for a file with:
:compiler coffee
Recompile on write
To recompile a file when it's written, add an autocmd
like this to your
au BufWritePost *.coffee silent CoffeeMake!
All of the customizations above can be used, too. This one compiles silently
and with the -b
option, but shows any errors:
au BufWritePost *.coffee silent CoffeeMake! -b | cwindow | redraw!
The redraw!
command is needed to fix a redrawing quirk in terminal vim, but
can removed for gVim.
Default compiler options
The CoffeeMake
command passes any options in the coffee_make_options
variable along to the compiler. You can use this to set default options:
let coffee_make_options = '--bare'
Path to compiler
To change the compiler used by CoffeeMake
and CoffeeCompile
, set
to the full path of an executable or the filename of one
in your $PATH
let coffee_compiler = '/usr/bin/coffee'
This option is set to coffee
by default.
CoffeeCompile: Compile Snippets of CoffeeScript
The CoffeeCompile
command shows how the current file or a snippet of
CoffeeScript is compiled to JavaScript. The full signature of the command is:
:[RANGE] CoffeeCompile [watch|unwatch] [vert[ical]] [WINDOW-SIZE]
Calling CoffeeCompile
without a range compiles the whole file:
Calling CoffeeCompile
with a range, like in visual mode, compiles the selected
snippet of CoffeeScript:
This scratch buffer can be quickly closed by hitting the q
Using vert
splits the CoffeeCompile buffer vertically instead of horizontally:
:CoffeeCompile vert
Set the coffee_compile_vert
variable to split the buffer vertically by
let coffee_compile_vert = 1
The initial size of the CoffeeCompile buffer can be given as a number:
:CoffeeCompile 4
Watch (live preview) mode
Watch mode is like the Try CoffeeScript preview box on the CoffeeScript homepage:
Writing some code and then exiting insert mode automatically updates the compiled JavaScript buffer.
Use watch
to start watching a buffer (vert
is also recommended):
:CoffeeCompile watch vert
After making some changes in insert mode, hit escape and the CoffeeScript will
be recompiled. Changes made outside of insert mode don't trigger this recompile,
but calling CoffeeCompile
will compile these changes without any bad effects.
To get synchronized scrolling of a CoffeeScript and CoffeeCompile buffer, set
on each:
:setl scrollbind
Use unwatch
to stop watching a buffer:
:CoffeeCompile unwatch
CoffeeLint: Lint your CoffeeScript
The CoffeeLint
command runs coffeelint (version
0.4.0 or later required) on the current file and parses any errors:
Use it like CoffeeMake
Default coffeelint options
Options in coffee_lint_options
are passed along to coffeelint
let coffee_lint_options = '-f lint.json'
Path to coffeelint
Use the coffee_linter
option to set a different path to the coffeelint
let coffee_linter = '/usr/bin/coffeelint'
This option is set to coffeelint
by default.
CoffeeRun: Run some CoffeeScript
The CoffeeRun
command compiles the current file or selected snippet and runs
the resulting JavaScript. Output is shown at the bottom of the screen:
Configure Syntax Highlighting
Add these lines to your vimrc
to disable the relevant syntax group.
Disable trailing whitespace error
Trailing whitespace is highlighted as an error by default. This can be disabled with:
hi link coffeeSpaceError NONE
Disable trailing semicolon error
Trailing semicolons are also considered an error (for help transitioning from JavaScript.) This can be disabled with:
hi link coffeeSemicolonError NONE
Disable reserved words error
Reserved words like function
and var
are highlighted as an error where
they're not allowed in CoffeeScript. This can be disabled with:
hi link coffeeReservedError NONE
Tune Vim for CoffeeScript
Changing these core settings can make vim more CoffeeScript friendly.
Fold by indentation
Folding by indentation works well for CoffeeScript functions and classes:
To fold by indentation in CoffeeScript files, add this line to your vimrc
au BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.coffee setl foldmethod=indent nofoldenable
With this, folding is disabled by default but can be quickly toggled per-file
by hitting zi
. To enable folding by default, remove nofoldenable
au BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.coffee setl foldmethod=indent
Two-space indentation
To get standard two-space indentation in CoffeeScript files, add this line to
your vimrc
au BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.coffee setl shiftwidth=2 expandtab